How the pendulum swings. Legendary pendulum movements. Tell me grandma has arrived. we don't need help

What practical shooting arrows demonstrate in movement is contrary to the point of view of application in a real combat situation. Thoughts out loud from a sambist and systems specialist.

“To make it difficult for him to aim, I constantly “swinged the pendulum”: I danced with my left shoulder forward, jerking my body from side to side and all the time moving myself - something similar, only simpler, is done by a boxer in the ring.” IN. Bogomolov. "In August '44."

And the sambo wrestler’s opinion will be like this. What practical shooting arrows demonstrate in motion goes against the grain from the point of view of use in a real combat situation.

I will explain this thesis from a systemic point of view, that is, consider everything possible relationship the subject of research with the extra-system environment, and all intra-system relations of system elements among themselves. The model of such relations will be what is called the combat training system. The internal system elements of combat training are its disciplines - physical, shooting, mental. Physical, in turn, consists of general physical and special, which includes striking and wrestling techniques. Shooting training also includes several techniques depending on the weapon used. External systems analysis determines the purpose and purpose of the system. It is obvious that combat training is aimed, on the one hand, at inflicting physical damage on the enemy with varying degrees of severity - from destruction to capture, with minimal injuries, with the absolute priority of preserving the life of the fighter and those around him. In this way, the first stage of system analysis is performed - the classification of objects, connections and relationships, their names and definitions. Then the actual relationship model is built. Beneficial relationships are involved in the development of the system. Harmful ones, called contradictions, slow down development or even destroy it. After this, the analysis itself is made, a conclusion about the subject of study.

Let's get started.

Combat training has existed since human individuals began to gather in organized, controlled groups for the purpose of obtaining food, robbing less organized or weak relatives, or, conversely, protecting themselves from stronger ones. With the development of scientific and technological progress and the emergence of new weapons, combat training began to be divided into disciplines, which is how wrestling and boxing, fencing, driving a horse or a tank appeared.

Over time, regular classes and practicing techniques became a separate system, which was called sport. Unlike combat, it has completely different goals - physical education, health, entertainment, the pursuit of excellence, business. Accordingly, other external and internal connections and relationships. Since sport came out of utilitarian practice and became an object popular culture, it has lost some of its applied qualities and acquired others that add entertainment and aesthetics.

For example, fights in martial arts are broken down and training and competitions are held according to the weight categories of the athletes. Needless to say, in life you don’t have to choose the weight category of the opponent who attacked you. A similar example can be given from any sport. For example, the Weaver stance from shooting training is needed like the Kiba-dachi karate stance in a street fight. Therefore, from sports training you can take only elements for applied purposes and supplement them with those specifics that do not exist in sports, but can be encountered in life.

Let's return to the main topic - moving while shooting. In the epigraph I gave literary description“Pendulum” from the work of V. Bogomolov. Pay attention to the clarification - “something similar, only simpler, is done by a boxer in the ring.” Remember Muhammad Ali's famous expression - “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Pendulum is the fighter’s ability to move in space during a fight, and not the ability to hit a target with a weapon. First of all, it is produced in outdoor sports, where it is necessary to maintain balance in unexpected situations - in boxing, wrestling and even in football. If you start developing “pendulum” skills immediately with a pistol in a firing position, then nothing will work. The best type of martial arts that brings a fighter’s body to a pendulum state, in my opinion, is sambo, supplemented by striking techniques from boxing and choking techniques from judo. I won’t explain why exactly these types and why I don’t talk about “combat sambo”, it’s long and not in line with the profile of the article.

In sambo, unlike martial arts, it is not customary to “rest” during training. Even during a break between a series of throws, listening to the coach’s instructions, you cannot sit down or even just stand still, the body must be in constant motion.

The athlete seems to be constantly dancing along; in fact, energetic group dancing is an emotional development of the elements of combat training.
If you start moving from a static stance, in response to an external threat, you will need to lose energy to accelerate, overcome the inertia of the body, and lose time. In the state of a pendulum, a reflex is developed - the body’s reaction to the external situation, which may not be a threat, but the signal to change the stance has already passed. An experienced goalkeeper can determine by the swing of the opponent’s stick which corner of the goal the puck will fly, and only an even more experienced goalkeeper will determine that it is about to swing and will begin to move in the right direction. Wrestling and boxing are a competition between two sets of reflexes. The brain does not have time to process the changing situation, but by a barely noticeable swing or even by the tension of a certain group of muscles of the opponent, the body of a trained athlete already begins its counterplay to evade a blow or reception, and for the highest masters to carry out a counter strike or reception. The development of such tactics is superbly staged in sambo, wrestling and boxing. The body of a trained fighter should work in exactly the same way during fire contact using cold or firearms. The hero of Bogomolov's novel, Tamantsev, is fluent in this art. Due to the pendulum, he dodges shots from a pistol, reflexively determining the moment and direction of the shot.

“The barrel of the Browning again followed my movements - from right to left and back, and I felt, I knew that in the next second a shot would be fired again.”

Besides perfect physical training The analytical component also plays an important role in the pendulum. An experienced fighter or athlete is constantly in creative search. Mentally he works out various techniques that may be encountered in a given situation. For example, while moving down the street, he evaluates the men and possibly women he meets for an unexpected attack on their part and the choice of countermeasures on his own. Here you need to correctly assess the weight, build, supporting leg, whether he is left-handed or right-handed, and even the mental portrait of a possible opponent.

Evading danger, a fatal blow, a throw, and a throw can also be fatal, a shot from a weapon, an injection or a cut with a knife - this is all the apotheosis of a fight, which can be preceded by a variety of situations.

It is necessary to clearly understand that the basis of combat training is the pendulum - reflex control of the body for various life situations, the final of which should be the physical neutralization of the enemy, including physical destruction with any weapon from a fist or a bullet to a porcelain plate (according to Pikul), and not just the ability to shoot in the Macedonian way.

Can the introduction of techniques and methods of practical shooting in combat training give something useful for the development of a fighter? The indisputable advantage of practical shooting is its technique of high-speed hitting of targets, high culture of handling weapons and an excellent system for ensuring safety during shooting. Obviously, all these useful qualities can be used, but the skills of moving, turning, and handling weapons, which can be firmly established in a fighter at the level of reflex performance, can lead to irreparable consequences.

As already mentioned, in practical shooting the targets do not shoot at the athlete. He is completely focused on hitting targets with speed. What comes first in fire contact, which is practiced in combat training? This is leaving the line of oncoming fire. It is necessary to determine the danger, its type and direction, and perform an evasive maneuver while simultaneously drawing your weapon and hitting the enemy. Performing an evasive or blocking maneuver is one of the main conditions in combat training, but this reduces the rate of fire, which is the main thing in sports shooting, that is, we have a systemic contradiction.

“Shots from the TT started firing on the left, and, glancing there, I saw that the “lieutenant” was turning around and shooting at the Kid, and he, as I taught him, dodged as he ran, not very deftly, but overall competently. »

Let's look at what causes cognitive dissonance in a sambist when he sees practicing athletes moving during shooting. First, a little wrestling physics - the body falls if the projection of the center of gravity goes beyond the body’s support area. The athlete’s task is to maintain an optimal combination of a larger support area with minimal energy expenditure and maximum mobility. "Don't cross your legs!" - this was the first advice I received. when he first came out on the mat and the last one who gave himself leaving the mat twenty years later, while dropping an opponent weighing 140 kg with his own 72. All movements in the pendulum are only with an additional step! At practical shooting competitions one can often observe such a picture.

On smooth sports fields, this can and does help to conduct targeted, high-speed fire at targets without worrying about what is under your feet. But life slips twigs and pebbles in there at the wrong moment, this is its specificity. Even a child can knock down an opponent with crossed legs. A sambist will not suffer in this case, since fall protection is the first thing he learns on the mat, but an inexperienced athlete can break his neck, since both hands are holding the gun and IPSC does not explain how to act in this case.

Let me give you another example. Move to the ground, or take a prone shooting position. Two approaches are recommended - dropping to your knees or resting on your free hand, followed by tossing the loin with straightening your legs.

Now let's compare it with the Soviet approach. The fighter takes a prone position, taking a step forward and slightly to the side. Such a movement is less energy-consuming than throwing the body into the air, and shifting the body to the side reduces the likelihood of being hit by the enemy, that is, an evasive maneuver is simultaneously performed.

Let's think about reflexes. Let's say a fighter faces a threat from the left side. By moving to the ground with a step with his right foot, he still has the opportunity to turn towards the threat. The task in combat training is to develop the reflexive skill of lowering to the ground with a step with the foot opposite to the direction of the threat while simultaneously turning the body in its direction.

Of course, the matter is not limited to crossing legs or moving to the ground. From the point of view of the pendulum, practicing shooters make mistakes during straight movements, turns, turns, and changing magazines. The placement of the holster and the manipulation of the weapon when drawing it from it, and even simply holding the weapon, are not always optimal for a combat maneuver duel. There are questions about weapons and targets. For example, a swinging target is easy to read at the phase of maximum deflection, when its speed is minimal, but I didn’t see any suddenly appearing targets.

The systematic nature of combat training lies in the fact that the disciplines studied must complement each other. Contradictions here are unacceptable, because their result will be the loss of the most valuable thing a person has.

V.O. Bogomolov, “In August 1944.”
V. Zhukovsky, S. Kovalev, I. Petrov, Pistol in close combat. Anatomy of shooting. Psychology of shooting.
V.S. Pikul, “I have the honor.”
V.P.Volkov, “Course of self-defense without weapons SAMBO.” Only for NKVD employees.
A.A. Kharlampiev, SAMBO wrestling.
A.A. Kharlampiev, Sambo wrestling tactics.
E. Chumakov, “Tactics of a sambo wrestler.”
Practical shooting pendulum. Article in the magazine "KALASHNIKOV"

It is very difficult to surprise a modern person with anything. However, there are always individuals who are ready to run anywhere and spend any money to obtain “secret knowledge.” Secret techniques of hand-to-hand combat of Tibetan monks, secret techniques of going to the toilet of the New Zealand counterintelligence - it’s impossible to list everything. And most importantly, this, as a rule, has a very distant relation to reality. But the magic words “secret technique” do their job - immediately there are apologists for the new teaching, who, foaming at the mouth, begin to prove its truth, uniqueness and universality. Was no exception "Pendulum" technique, which is positioned as a unique development of SMERSH and is designed for dodging bullets and super accurate shooting. Let's look at this in a little more detail.

First, the bare facts. The “Pendulum” technique was first mentioned in the fiction novel “In August 1944” by Vladimir Bogomolov. in 1973. The author himself stated that most of The narrative is based on real events, since at that time he himself served in military intelligence. But in-depth studies of the biography of citizen Bogomolov, as well as checks of archives and memoirs of contemporaries, cast doubt on these words. So there is an alternative version that Bogomolov has nothing to do with SMERSH and everything he wrote is pure fiction. What is true and what is not is not for us to decide.

In the future about the secret t equipment "Pendulum", developed by SMERSH agents, was written by various authors, among whom are especially famous G. Potapov and S. Ivanov-Kamensky. In almost all cases, the technique was presented as a unique martial art, specially developed for training SMERSH employees during the Great Patriotic War . They say the “Pendulum” allows you to almost evade a point-blank shot, maneuver under crossfire and at the same time effectively hit the enemy. And that later these techniques were classified only thanks to the efforts of the authors, who somehow obtained secret archives and communicated with SMERSH agents who agreed to teach them this unique art. Impressive, isn't it?

Let's talk about the facts again. “Pendulum” technique It is not in service with official special forces of any country in the world. The “Pendulum” technique is not used in the ideological successors of SMERSH - . Currently, all adherents of this unique fighting style are followers of Potapov and other authors. And how many of them are real military officers is a big question.

Now thoughts. A trained soldier is capable of producing service weapon up to 5 shots in a couple of seconds. The human reaction speed is within 200 ms in the most favorable case. The flight speed of a bullet from a Makarov pistol is 315 m/s. This means that in the 200 ms that a person needs to react to a shot, the bullet will travel about 60 meters. Is it possible to physically dodge this? No.

Go ahead. The basic principle "Pendulum" technique consists of rocking the body, constantly changing the direction of movement and the position of the limbs with the body, and shifting the center of mass. Is it possible to shoot accurately with such acrobatics? As practice has shown, yes, it is possible. Is it possible to shoot accurately if you are hit by enemy bullets? No.

Then what is the calculation? And the fact that the enemy will be disoriented by your behavior, which will give you precious fractions of seconds to hit him first. It seems logical, but you won’t confuse professional military personnel with such dances. Yes, the movement is difficult to predict, but they are not required to kill you with one shot - a bullet lodged in any part of the body seriously discourages the ability and desire to tumble further. With crossfire, everything is exactly the same, especially considering that your enemy’s reaction speed is no worse than yours and he is really ready to shoot at you to kill.

Go ahead. In addition to the movement itself, "Pendulum" technique there is a description of quickly snatching a weapon and shooting. And this is already much more like the truth. For example, holsters have been developed that reduce the time it takes to prepare a service weapon for firing to a fraction of a second by automatically cocking the safety and reducing the number of hand movements. Methods of shooting from awkward positions, as well as in motion, have also been developed. And it's actually used modern special forces. Was this a brilliant development by SMERSH? Maybe. Does it help you dodge a bullet? No, but it helps shoot earlier and more accurately.

Could they SMERSH agents in principle, have a special technique that allows them to dodge bullets and shoot with unprecedented accuracy? So, SMERSH was created in 1943, when military operations Hitler's Germany had already ceased to be a crushing offensive, so the enemy was forced to pay more attention sabotage and terrorist activities. Did SMERSH agents have time to develop, master and adapt any secret techniques?

There is a war in the country, the front line is constantly fluctuating, every day and every person counts. German saboteurs are well trained, so personnel turnover is very high. There is simply not enough time for special training for each agent. They are given basic knowledge and sent to act, because that is what is required of them in a war. Yes, unique shooting skills were present, but was this due to the training or personal characteristics of the agents? More likely the second. After all, no one shouts about the “unique training of Red Army snipers” based only on experience Vasily Zaitsev. The fact that during the years of severe pressure, SMERSH agents were able to effectively eliminate the enemy is the merit not of any special training, but of the extraordinary personal qualities of people who were ready to do anything for the good of their homeland.

So what is the phenomenon? "Pendulum" technique? And the fact is that people WANT TO BELIEVE that they have knowledge that will allow them to control a dangerous situation and emerge victorious from it. Yes, there is some logic in the recommended techniques and methods, but this does not make them a panacea. It is much easier to prevent the enemy from approaching a minimum distance than to effectively swing “pendulums” in front of him. It is much more convenient to force him to act rashly and give away his location than to try to take awkward poses in the crossfire. it is much more effective to “stir up” the situation, knock your opponent off balance than to rock a body that in a second will be stuffed with lead.

Perhaps the real “Pendulum” is precisely the ability to control the situation, to force the enemy to act exactly as the fighter needs? Who knows. Unfortunately, in war there is no single correct tactic that guarantees one hundred percent survival in combat conditions, no matter what the bearers of the “top-secret combat techniques of the world’s top-secret intelligence services” say.

“Pendulum” is a system for conducting combat operations of an offensive-defensive nature, which allows you to put the enemy in unfavorable shooting conditions for him and to be in such a place and in such a way that he will not be hit by someone else’s bullet. The “Pendulum” was developed even before the revolution by Russian officers. I believe that Gordikov means V.S. Oshchepkova.

The term “pendulum,” to put it mildly, is inaccurate, as it comes from the words “mayata,” “loom.” The Slavs had these words negative meaning. But modern people This term means uniform free vibrations, which is why I called this complex “Pendulums”. “Balagayar” is a word from the language of the soul, that is, a true heartfelt way of communication that reveals the essence of phenomena and things. Ba is the divine spirit; La – individual soul; Ga – path, movement; Yar is the combined Force that provides life and is the opposite of Khmari, which is responsible for dying. From these components, try to create for yourself an understanding of the meaning of the Balagayar complex.

“Pendulum” is a set of correct individual and group tactical actions, multiplied by the employee’s ability to conduct accurate, effective shooting when moving in different levels and directions. “Pendulum” is a technique for avoiding someone else’s shot; it is the basis of mobile pistol operational combat at distances that are realistic for pistol fire, when maximum instantaneous observation, reactions from direct and lateral vision, animal sense, as well as the absolute mobilization of physical and psychophysical reserves are used to win. .

What is a pendulum? "It's a continuous movement from edge to edge."

What are its properties?

2. It has neither beginning nor end.

3. Has edges, depth, softness, hardness, etc.

4. Helps with fast movement - it is lightning fast.

5. Has power.

6. Puts you in an unusual state.

7. Creates a unique, aesthetically correct movement.

8. He is VERY emotional."

From point 2 to point 8 - refers to the inside and outside of the style. Those. edge, depth, etc. - exist not only outside, manifesting itself in movement, but also inside... in the state of consciousness and psyche of a fighter...
How is the unity of internal and external achieved in a pendulum? Just. Correct movement (correct pendulum) creates the appropriate internal state. And vice versa - the corresponding internal state makes the pendulum correct.

From here follows a subtlety, without comprehending which it is difficult to count on success... tradition proceeds from the fact that those who come to study are sick. Often physically, and always spiritually. How is healing achieved? By swinging the pendulum, a person removes pathological mental and physical “clamps” - those distortions of himself that he has developed over the years. The work occurs in two directions - from the body and from consciousness.

Everything from the body mental problems“crawl out” on the body... manifesting itself in restriction of freedom, range of motion and expressed in excessive tension certain groups muscles. There is a technique for relieving these tensions, which has a beneficial effect on the psyche... there are certain intersections with body-oriented therapy...

From the psyche - the body is balanced, the psyche is balanced... in principle, the pumper allows his soul to react - i.e. to express oneself in movement... to “express” the hidden and track it... and having tracked it, remove it... or transform it...

"Pendulum" resembles chaotic movement, like the flight of a butterfly! But it is only at first glance that it is perceived this way - in fact, figure-eight movements of a person’s shoulders and legs work there... First of all, you must be psychologically prepared, move unpredictably, and therefore think a little differently. This cannot be achieved by physical training alone. And if your opponent has something automatic and rapid-fire in his hands, then the situation is clearly not in favor of the pendulum. There is a complex, care and a shot to kill. The work is delicate, requiring the supervision of a teacher... The human biokinematic system also includes a frame, frame points and cross tensions between them. If you use the ideomotor picture of the frame and internal tensions when performing the exercises of the complex, the effect will appear instantly .

The Pendulums complex includes:“Large pendulums”, two versions of the pendulum “Clock”, “Knapsack”, “Spring” and the most important “Inner Pendulum”, which we have already studied in the exercise “Breath of Perun”. Exercises can be performed individually or in pairs.

At the beginning of the study, it is preferable to work in pairs. The most important thing is to learn to distinguish when you use volitional force to move, and when the process is carried out due to internal flexibility, that is, the interaction of internal tensions (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4.“Human biomechanical frame”: a – frame, b – large shoulder, c – upper and lower shoulder

When working correctly, the pendulum makes itself felt with very pleasant, comfortable sensations in the body. And one more reminder - think about the names of the exercises, model the image of these objects, they contain the key to movement, the desired result.


Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, arms down, “Suspended” state. Let's mentally imagine that the Earth is at the level of the hip joints. The fulcrum of the pendulum is the Origin. Short breath, let's move away top part bodies to the right, very slightly. We try to feel the internal tension that has arisen on the opposite side. Using this tension, we release the body to swing to the left. We perform subsequent oscillations in the same way without pauses. (rice. 5). The only stimulator for free pendulum movements should be breathing. Inhale to the right, exhale to the left, or vice versa, as desired. This operating principle is valid for all types of pendulum exercises. I will not repeat it further, but will describe only the external side of the exercises. There is also combat, or “dog” breathing, but not everyone will need it.

Rice. 5. Pendulum exercise “Metronome”: a – mental image, b – right-left, c – back and forth

The paired version of this exercise is called “Vanka-Vstanka”. The partner gives a gentle push to the shoulder in the direction of the given movement (right-left or back-and-forth). When the pendulum decays, we also push, supporting the partner’s oscillations.


The direction of movement of the pendulum changes: oscillations occur around the central axis (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Exercise-pendulum “Scarecrow”: A- mental image, b- front view, V- view from above

The paired version of the exercise is called the “Sharpening Wheel”. The partner pushes the shoulder in the anteroposterior direction, launching the pendulum of the handhold. This is the easiest of the “pendulum” exercises to master.

Exercise “Big Pendulum”

It is recommended to perform it before “Pobuda” to enter desired condition. Just like the Clock, this exercise is performed left and right and back and forth. Stand straight, legs almost together, arms hanging freely, “Hang.” The fulcrum of the pendulum coincides with the natural support of the body - the earth - and is located in the middle, between the feet. The swaying is carried out entirely, with the whole body. Use the image " big shoulder» frame construction. Oscillations are also stimulated by breathing (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Exercise “Big Pendulum”


The combined version of the “Big Pendulum” is “Mortar”. This exercise combines the previous two. The body will draw a volumetric cone in space, where the top of the cone is the point between the feet, and the base - an ellipse - is formed by the trajectory of the head and shoulders (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Exercise "Mortar"

Movements are carried out clockwise and counterclockwise. I would like you to be able to ideomotorically create a feeling of rotation of the cosmic rope (Swilya), of which you are a small fragment, that is, the feeling that it is not you who are spinning the Svilya, but it is rotating you. This is very important for further fruitful work. A small addition. Please pay Special attention on the feet. If they work correctly, they should “come to life”.

Exercise "Knapsack"

The exercise is performed alone and in pairs (the latter is preferable), in three variants: right-left, forward-backward and in the “Spindle” variant, combining the first two.

This exercise is truly therapeutic, as it eliminates congestion in the lumbar region. This most unpleasant phenomenon is observed in many people, since the current sedentary lifestyle does not provide the opportunity to move correctly and to the required extent. Stagnation of energy in the lumbar region leads to poor circulation and pathological changes in this part of the spine. All this gives rise to a whole range of diseases: from sexual impotence and renal failure to inflammation of the sciatic nerve and hemorrhoids.

So, the mental image of this exercise, as always, is in the name. Let's imagine a wall, a nail is driven into it, and a knapsack hangs on it. Swing it, and you have a pendulum. This very nail is “driven” into the space between the eyebrows, and that same knapsack is your pelvis (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Exercise-pendulum “Kotomka”: A- mental image, b– direction right-left, V– forward-backward direction

The paired option is much preferable. Unfortunately, as experience in group classes shows, few people are able to master this exercise on their own. The reason for this phenomenon is a huge number of problems in the lumbar region of literally everyone who comes to the “Slavic gymnastics” classes. With a partner, the exercise becomes much easier and faster to master. To do this, it is necessary that the partner gives impulses with his hand to the hip joint in a given direction. And everything will work out.

Exercise "Spindle"

Next comes the “Spindle” option. This basic exercise has a mystical character. Despite its apparent simplicity, it has several levels of complexity. We will return to “Spindle” more than once. It underlies the study of the legendary “Svili” and the Slavic “Spas”.

Starting option. Stand straight, feet slightly less than shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, perform the “Suspension”. Repeat “Knapsack” several times, left and right and back and forth, feel the state of the pendulum (that is, alertness).

Only after this, easily, without straining, begin to rotate the “spindle” around the central axis (Fig. 10). Try to achieve the feeling of initiating rotation from the outside. This will help avoid “jumping” into trivial, unhelpful, and often harmful rotation of the pelvis. Unlike pendulum exercises, during which actions are performed due to internal energy tension, that is, they are of an energy-informational nature, simple rotation of the pelvis only increases the friction of the articular surfaces, bringing their physiological wear closer. Please do not be deceived by the apparent simplicity of “pendulums”. “Pendulums” are the most powerful key to the transition to the energy-informational level.

OPTION 1 Working with your arms down. Try to organize your breathing as follows: half a turn of the “spindle” - inhale, half a turn - exhale. On inhale slow down a little, increasing the “Suspension” by exhale speed up - go down. It turns out to be a kind of gravitational slide - a swing, where the spurt - downward acceleration - gives a charge for a new revolution. A kind of prototype of a “perpetual motion machine”. This approach will make it possible to quickly achieve the sensation of initiating rotation from the outside. Once you “catch” the Spindle Pendulum, trust me, you can’t go wrong. A voice will sound inside you: “This is it!!!”

Rice. 10. Exercise “Spindle”: A- mental image, b– diagram of the exercise, V– breathing phases

And a few more instructions for performing the “Spindle”.

OPTION 2 It is performed in exactly the same way, the changes concern only the position of the hands. Take two school notebooks or thin books of the same format, hold them under your arms, bend your elbows so that your forearm is at an angle of 90° to your shoulder, and begin to perform the “Spindle”, holding the notebooks tightly. Pay attention to the elongated hands; the fingertips should describe the same trajectory as the pelvis.

Change the direction of movement through hovering in the “suspension”. In this way, you can very quickly achieve the most important property of bodily movements - integrity. (Fig. 10).

Exercise "Spring"

This exercise also solves the most important problems of energy kinematics. It makes it possible to feel the internal spring within yourself, acting along the axis of the spine, as well as in each inertial node of the body, that is, the joint. “Spring” teaches the skills of discharging negative energy, compacting one’s own Vedogon and, most importantly, includes the process of “detonation” - revitalizing our energy. This the most important moment, necessary when mastering energy defenses and the ability to “flicker”, but I’ll talk about this later.

It is necessary, first of all, to remember the picture of the human biomechanical chain in profile and remember the zones of consistent elasticity of the body and its etheric double, corresponding to the crests of the body wave. Let me remind you that the mechanics of the physical body are almost identical to the mechanics of the etheric body, although the latter has more possibilities of movement in space (Fig. 11).

The exercise can be performed either in pairs or independently. Assume Coachman pose, ask your partner to push your chest toward the ground. Try to feel the internal spring around the spine and joints, and due to this elasticity, create oscillations of the “Spring” pendulum. Next, work on your own. changing the frequency and amplitude of the pendulum's oscillations (Fig. 12).

Rice. eleven. Biomechanical basis of the “Spring” pendulum: A– human biomechanical chain in profile, b– zones of body wave elasticity

Rice. 12. Exercise-pendulum “Spring”: A– single exercise, b– direction of the impulse when performing the exercise in pairs

As already mentioned, the “Pendulums” complex has an ancient name “Balagayar”, where Ba is the Divine Power, the Spirit of God; La – immortal soul; Ga – the path of movement of the soul; Yar is the spiritual power of a person. So, Balagayar means the Divine Spirit and the soul's violent movements. Our ancestors believed that when the soul is placed in the body, giving it movement, warmth to the blood, and shine to the eyes, it is suspended on threads (ropes, ropes and slings) in a certain living space (Sobi). Some of these tension threads pull the soul to Heaven, and some to Earth. As long as these tensions are harmoniously balanced, the soul remains in the body, despite its constant desire for the Heavenly World. As soon as our thinking becomes stupid, that is, too materialistic, down-to-earth, the soul leaves the body. We are “suffocating” ourselves.

How does a pendulum work? Now you understand what tensions operate in our energy-informational space. Due to the fact that the soul always strives upward, it, by redistributing efforts in tension, will return the body to the central Axis, that is, to the Vertical Spiral, emerging through the crown as

Edge of the Spirit. The pendulum will always have an inertial potential as long as the pull of Mother Earth acts on us. The great significance of “Balagayari” lies in the fact that by performing pendulum movements, we provide living space for the movements of the soul (Laga) inside Sobi, that is, we do not allow the body to swear and degenerate ahead of time.

In the future, diligently studying and practicing Slavic gymnastics or OBS “Bear”, you will feel the movement of the soul, that is, Laga. First - in the centers of consciousness, and then - throughout the whole body and Vedogon. In the future, we will come close to studying the “Spas” state, where bodies enter the Balukhtani state. On modern language In quantum mechanics, this process can be called the recoherence of our personality or a return to the quantum state that unites us with God and the entire Universe. I highly recommend studying the works of M. Zarechny, and most importantly, the Vedas - both Slavic and Indo-Aryan.

Exercise “Plastun pendulum”

Let's consider the exercise using the example of the “Big Pendulum” in the vertical plane (that is, we swing from right to left and from left to right with the whole body).

Stand straight, feet parallel, shoulder-width apart. Hands are lowered along the body. Enter the Suspension state. Give your body a motor boost. Swing in the “Big Pendulum”, gradually increasing the amplitude. Support the swing with your breath. Inhale– to the right, exhalation– to the left or vice versa. There should be a comfortable sensation in the Yar area. Your physical body is relaxed. Vedogon is in a tense state, between Earth and Heaven. Do this for a while.

We begin the “Plastun Pendulum”. To do this, use your willpower to launch Vedogon in antiphase with the body. Try to strain your imagination and see the transparent sparkling body of Vedogon, swaying in antiphase and having a common base with you - the feet. To make it easier to work, accompany Vedogon’s movement with your gaze. Pay special attention to the moment Vedogon and your body pass the midline. Over time, you will feel characteristic sensations at this moment and hear a sound - as if several matches are being struck simultaneously on a long box.

Work at Plastunsky Pendulum as much as your heart desires. In a similar way, it is necessary to work with all types of pendulum exercises described above. I, perhaps, will refrain from describing the importance of this work and the benefits of it. Better practice - and you will understand everything yourself.

Actually, I was trying to describe the medical aspect of the style... How does this relate to combat? Directly. A “normal” person is free to perceive - i.e. adequately assesses the situation, and is free to act according to the situation - both physically and spiritually, it does not come from pathologies born in the mind, but from a healthy spiritual principle... How does this work in battle?

In addition to the very specificity of the pendulum as a movement, which allows you to always be in a plane parallel to the plane of the enemy’s attack, there is such a thing as emotionality and imagery. Emotionality gives energy to the pendulum, imagery channels this energy in a certain direction...

Approach to movement... it is believed that there is one (sometimes several) optimal motor solutions to the situation. And that the subconscious (intuition, instinct - who likes what) always chooses him. Hence the task is not to interfere. Remove the controller. We don’t develop techniques - we learn to recognize and react... of course, there are technical subtleties - but there are no “rules for reacting”.

How is this achieved? Including the Game. Play with your partner, play with your opponent... seriousness is a stop to life... a stop life is possible death...Joy is what a swinger should experience...if you are not joyful, you are not in a pendulum...Where to start and how to work with pendulum forms?

You need to start with school. forms (form 1) and hammer it until you catch the essence of non-stop movement and begin to clearly come to the edges. I only worked on this form for a month and a half until it started to work out normally. In distant times, now almost epic... students were kept in uniform for six months - because... In addition to physical skills, this form provides the necessary compaction of the internal rhythm and aligns the psyche.

After that, f.4 and 5 begin to be studied, after some time or in parallel - f.2 and f.3. F. 4 and 5 work both independently and with a partner - he hits, you pump. After clearly mastering forms 4 and 5, you can continue studying other forms, but usually by this point a person is tempted to improvise (combine) pendulum forms. Next is the creative process. To work with the forms, various tricks were used - they swung on a cart wheel placed on the ground (its hub protrudes strongly), they swung by running along two logs placed parallel at a height above the ground, etc. All this must be combined with breathing (1-2 months after the start, although I think this is individual) and static exercises. And here is a reason to experience joy... student (initial) pendulum form:

Feet together, hands on hips (towards groin). The body is tense - straight back, legs, neck. Shoulders turned. The body is slightly leaned forward; in general, this resembles an army combat stance.

The body turns COMPLETELY to the left - then without stopping to the right... and immediately back... and again... The point of rotation is the ankle. Those. Only the feet remain in place, everything else moves together. Eyes open.

IMPORTANT - catch at the extreme point the moment when the movement begins at reverse side SELF. This moment and this position of the body is called "edge".

Don't chase speed. First, you should feel the edge, get rid of excess tension and feel the very principle of continuous movement...

Here. I will continue according to the student form. Additional exercise - I.p. too, but feet shoulder-width apart. Start downloading as described above. After some time, the hands are placed on the belt, then on the lower ribs (control of inhalation) - then placed on the back of the neck - straightened up with palms together - then the hands go down - neck, ribs, belt, groin. The swing, as you understand, is not interrupted.

Fan blocks. From I.p. when starting to move to the left edge, the relaxed left hand is extended along a trajectory to the left and up at the edge, reaching its maximum. The movement goes to the other edge - the left hand goes down, the right hand from the edge begins to move upward, reaching a maximum in the right edge (the left, respectively, a minimum). And so... you can take a very long time. The main task is to get carried away by what you are doing. By the way, catch the images that this movement gives rise to - one of them (or several) will be yours. And they will include this movement...

Whip. From I.p. When the swing begins, the arms are released into free flight. It looks something like this - when swinging to the left edge, the whipping arm sweeps to the right side, the right one to the left. Your arms should be completely relaxed and fly freely. Keep track of the shoulder and elbow clamps - they need to be removed. The height of the overlap and the place where the brush is applied can be changed arbitrarily - from the feet to the head. In addition to mastering a specific whipping movement, this exercise can be used to stuff the body, as well as self-massage...

Form 2. From I.p.- swing to the left - to the right, the point of flexion is the lower back, the legs move slightly to the side opposite to the tilt. The angle of inclination is 5-10 degrees, the task is to pump without stopping, springing from side to side. Swinging without hanging at the end point, the head swings equally with the body. In principle, this form is used to evade a direct blow to the head without shifting the support (or working from the support), but its main task is to make a person feel the “tension” arising in the body - specific tensions, the result of which is the feeling of the body as a taut string.

For those who want to work this form with a direct blow - at low speed (increases at will) - the partner hits - dodge, return without delay to IP. with the arm extended from the hip as in a fan block (when tilting to the right with the left and vice versa). The opponent's striking hand is knocked down or captured. A blow with the other hand follows - and a deflection in the other direction. The slope angle in this drill is by feel!!! Don't calculate degrees...

Form 3. From I.p.- swinging forward - backward, the point of flexion is the lower back, legs and body in relation to the point of flexion form one angle - 5-10 degrees, the task is to swing without stopping, springing from forward / backward. Swinging is also without hanging at the end point, the head swings equally with the body. Always remember - the edge is where additional effort is required to continue further movement in this direction! Notice the feeling of tension in your body.

This form - when working from the base - when the body is backward - working against a blow to the head (side or short straight), the body forward - a blow to the stomach is processed. You can try - the enemy hits you in the head - dodge, immediately after him - return with a counterattack with your hands - in any way. When attacking with a direct blow, you can grab the striking hand with a simultaneous extension towards yourself and a direct counterattack kick... The angle of inclination in this training is also by feeling!!! However, the manner of execution and the type of counterattack - whatever is more convenient for you, so be it...

Form 4. From I.p.. - with a push of the feet, the body is carried to the left edge, turning perpendicular to the front. In this case, the body weight - on the left leg, neck, body and leg (straight) - form a straight line, the position is extreme in front of the point of fall. The face and body with the pelvis are turned to the right. The right leg is straight, the toe clings to the ground - the control of the point of fall is as follows - if you let go of the toe right leg- you will begin to fall on your back or side. The arms are straight, extended to the sides, special attention is paid to the straightness of the palms and fingers. At the beginning of the study, the form is fixed at the extreme point; it is important to feel the tensions arising in the body and remove unnecessary ones. Rolling back to the other edge is accomplished by a general release of tension. It is important to note that a slight tension - tone - still remains in the body when moving from edge to edge. It looks something like this: edge - maximum voltage - reset and transition - minimum voltage - edge - maximum.

I would be grateful if there are any ambiguities on this form, write to me in a guest message or email. This uniform is training/combat.

Some subtleties. To prevent the movement from edge to edge from fading, always maintain the minimum tension in your body that allows you to maintain the given rhythm and tempo. Those. a pendulum simply does not swing when it is constantly relaxed - no way, it is contrary to its nature. At the edges the tension reaches its maximum, between the edges it reaches its minimum, but never disappears completely!

Form 5. From I.p. (same as in student uniform)- with a push of the feet, the body is carried to the left edge, turning perpendicular to the front. In this case, the body weight - on the left leg, neck, body and left leg (straight) - form a straight line, the position is extreme in front of the point of fall. The face and body with the pelvis are turned to the left. The right leg is straight, the toe clings to the ground - the control of the point of fall is like this - if you let go of the toe of the right foot, you will begin to fall forward or sideways.

The arms are straight, extended to the sides, special attention is paid to the straightness of the palms and fingers; in due time, this tension will give you a feeling of what “alive” is. At the beginning of the study, the form is also fixed at the extreme point. Rolling back to the other edge is accomplished by a general release of tension, with the hands falling to the hips like whips and, having touched them approximately halfway to the other edge, they go up again. Particular attention is paid to the supporting leg. You need to stand on it rigidly, the foot does not turn in the direction of movement, watch the “lock” in the hips. This uniform is training/combat.

You can use it, for example, to escape from a side hand (hook) - right hook - go to the right edge, while the left hand picks up the opponent’s striking hand and... then whatever you want! In the same form, a direct blow is developed. And much more...

Some subtleties. A very important detail that I clearly did not indicate is that in pendulum forms 4.5 and their derivatives, the central vertical axis of the body necessarily deviates (conventionally divides the human body in half) towards the edge, and the head and legs harmoniously deviate along with the body.

To practice forms, the following method is used: a friend stands opposite you with a stake in his hands and strikes from top to bottom exactly along your central axis. You perform one of the forms (4 or 5). A comrade regularly hits this place (where your center was in the IP), at this time you move from edge to edge. In f.4 the stick should hit the knee of the free leg at most, in f.5 it should hit the buttocks. This is the minimum axis deviation that can be allowed.

Form 6. So, the form of pendulum “compression”. It is done like this - from I.P. move to the left leg, the knee bends, the body leans towards the leg, as if driving the leg into the floor. The body twists; in the final position, the face looks at the heel of the free leg, and the body twists accordingly. The arms are wrapped around the body. This is the edge. Hands fly out to the other edge, usually this happens above the level of the head (trajectory of the hands)... i.e. as if gathered into a ball, it flew out of the ball and as it flew out, it reached the sky with its hands, you can knock down the leaves, the branch should be at arm's length... and again - into the edge, into the ball. This is a form of avoiding lateral and circular impacts.

A little about the “combat” pendulum. What is the difference between the “combat” version and the training version? At the feet. In a combat situation, a person is “pinched” instinctively - he tries to minimize himself as a target, to be closer to the ground, accordingly, his knees bend and his groin “retracts”. Those. V combat version A more pronounced property of a pendulum is “expansion-compression”. Expansion (straightening legs, lifting vertically, opening arms) - during active actions - attacks, counterattacks, compression - escapes, slopes, movements, defense options.

Why do student uniforms have straight legs? Firstly, to master your own center of gravity, the principle of pendulum movement and such specific things as tension and tension.

How is a “combat” pendulum developed? As an option, I offer work in f.5. Two chairs are placed approximately so that the edges of the buttocks touch their seats. And the usual rocking begins - from seat to seat. It is possible - with a blow with an opposite hand, obliquely towards the front towards the edge. Then the chairs are removed, and the following option works: a few swings in a squat, going up at the edge with a punch or kick, down again, then up again. Avoid “swinging” in place, when a person actually only rotates around his central axis without deviating it from the vertical - this is a big mistake. The whole body should deviate in proportion - both the legs and the body.

More about the “combat” pendulum. There is such an internal thing called a “pump”. It is known as the difference between tension at the edge and relaxation in the middle of the trajectory. A peculiar feeling of internal “pumping” arises, a kind of energy rise... with the help of the pump you can influence the enemy... if you keep your attention on him...

Working with the center of gravity in motion. It is done something like this - the edge is in any shape, the movement to the other edge continues with a push from the stomach - more precisely, from the lower abdomen under the navel. This push sets the direction of movement. At the edge, the movement begins to unwind towards the other edge - a push with the stomach allows you to break the trajectory. It turns out something similar to the movements of a drunk person. The hands are free (at a certain stage of integrity, the hands can lead, maybe the head...). The feet are driven into the ground clearly and rhythmically - the stomping must be of high quality. When performed correctly, a zone of local tension is felt in the lower abdomen...

Some subtleties. When swinging f.4, 5 and others, a common mistake is that the head in the extreme position is pulled forward or lowered towards the chest. This cannot be done, because... this is a manifestation of the controller. Keep your head straight! To remove the mistake, swing by passing a gymnastic stick behind your back (at the top) under your hands.

Combination of forms. It is done simply - for example, at the edge of f.5 we turn on the supporting leg into the edge of f.4, from there we move to the reverse edge of f.4 and in it we turn to the edge of f.5, from there - to the opposite edge of f. . 5 and repeat the cycle. Similar combinations can be produced in many ways, the main thing is to understand the principle of their construction. Here is an example of using such a combination (it’s better to try it slowly at first): a partner hits a straight line - going to the edge of f.4, the second straight - to the edge of f.5, the third straight - to the edge of f.4, etc. and so on.

Direct impact development. To begin with, how to form a fist: place the right little finger on the left palm and clench the fist, not clasping the little finger too tightly. We pull out the finger - we get a strong but hollow structure. The thumb with the side of the first phalanx is tightly pressed against the side of the second phalanx of the index finger. The shock absorption of this design allows you to absorb the oncoming impulse when colliding with a surface without loss impact force, the release of which occurs in the first instant of contact, and the resulting deformation of the fist poses virtually no traumatic danger.

Actually on practicing the strike. They begin to develop it from form 5, observing all the requirements for this form in terms of correct execution. From i.p. (hands are previously raised to the level of the face on the sides, near the cheeks) the hand flies out simultaneously with the body turning, and it is important that the hand is free enough, i.e. her movement was activated naturally from the launch of the body, and not by a volitional impulse, especially be careful not to enslave the shoulder.

There is no fixation at the end point - i.e. the blow came - bale - point - and immediately to the other edge. The free hand waits at face level, the elbows are pressed (just don’t squeeze them) to the body. The elbow at the end point looks down. The arm is straight or slightly bent, as it turns out. There is another option for working out - f.5 also works, only the blow is made not in the direction of movement, but at an angle. at 45 to him. In the same version, you can sit low while working, as I described in the “combat” pendulum.

How to hold your back. Stand up straight. Bring your shoulders forward as much as possible (do not lift them up). The back will arch in this way. Move the tailbone slightly forward and upward (towards the chin). The back is tense - the arms are relaxed. This is a combat version of the back position. This is an expansion-compression pendulum. When performing technical actions, such a pendulum works together with a swing pendulum.

How not to "fall asleep".“Falling asleep” is a common mistake among all those who begin to work a pendulum. It is expressed in “turning over” all attention inside the body and, as a result, flying away from reality. Those. a person finds himself not in the present moment, but in a kind of pseudo-reality provoked by movement. This is fraught with all sorts of complications. How to avoid falling asleep? Firstly, this is done by swinging on one leg (in other words, the second leg is bent and pressed against the supporting leg at the bend of the knee) or any unstable surface (two bricks placed on their ends, etc.). The state that arises should be remembered and guided by this feeling as a standard. Secondly, attention should be distributed evenly, partly in the body, partly outside. Thirdly, we must remember ourselves. Those. do not fly away in your thoughts in one direction or another, but clearly understand who you are, where you are and what you are doing. To do this, you need to feel the body completely.

There are special exercises. While sitting or standing, we focus all our attention on the feeling of the right foot and the sensations in it. The foot must be perceived as a whole. Next, attention is transferred to the lower leg, and the sphere of attention expands, which now covers the leg to the knee. Next, the move is as follows: thigh-right half of the body, right half of the head, right arm starting with the hand or shoulder (or arm-then head, if that’s more convenient). Next, keeping attention on the right side of the body, we expand attention to the left, starting from the top and beyond. At the same time, a kind of “unification” of attention and sensation of the body into something whole occurs. When the unification is completed, we turn our attention to the sounds around us. We must strive to perceive all sounds at the same time; this is only possible with expanded attention without reference to the sound source.

Similarly, with smells, feel all the smells reaching your nose. The last thing is the look. Fixing on an object, we try to perceive with peripheral vision the situation around it. Transfer of the fixation point - transfer of the field of view. IN achieved state We begin to download the forms, and an emotional component will be added, more on that later. Yes, you shouldn’t “push” trying to maintain attention; there should be tone, but not tension. It is useful to transfer this method of attention into everyday life.


So, Vedogon– this is an individual energy-informational space of the Soul and Spirit, conditionally limited by the energy of Sobi, that is, the ego. In order to understand the subject of study, you need the basics, that is, some basic ideas from which you can build. Here they are. Vedogon looks like a drop surrounding the physical body and having the Edge of the Spirit at the top ( photo 1).

Photo 1. Vedogon

Approximate dimensions known external border of Vedogon. For the average person, the radius of Vedogon is approximately 3 meters. With smaller sizes, a person’s energy is reduced, and this is dangerous for his health. If Vedogon is wider, then the personality has different paranormal abilities. The expansion of the boundaries of Vedogon, meaning the expansion of consciousness, has no limits.

Edge of the Spirit– a subtle substance corresponding to the traditional concept of the thread of fate (life). It goes from the top of the head to the heavenly world. The Great Mother, the goddess Makosha (Makoshka, Makushka), is responsible for maintaining or suppressing the Thread of Fate.

Internal border of Vedogon- this is the etheric body, a double that completely repeats the physical body in shape. It has significantly big amount degrees of freedom than the physical body, for which this value is 256. The normal distance from the internal border of Vedogon to the physical body is 40 centimeters.

Vedogon is called the “body of dreams”. We travel through different dimensions in it when our body sleeps. In it we ascend to a “rendezvous” with God every night, during the deep phase of sleep. According to the Righteous of the Northern tradition, one of the names of the Almighty is HE. Accordingly, the word "s-he" defines true meaning this process.

Along with the Suspension (the Edge of the Spirit), a person needs to have Roots. Roots are energy channels that connect us with the Force of the Earth, giving us Grounding. Close contact with Mother Raw Earth is vital for our body. This allows you to “drain” the negative from the body into the earth or water and replenish the composition of the Living Force, the creative body.

The exercise “Suspension” (its ancient name is “Swinging”, that is, pulling into the clouds) is described in the book “Slavic gymnastics. Code of Health of Perun”. Complexes that allow one to achieve “rooting” are described by me in another publication - “Slavic gymnastics. Code of Health Veles”.

Further. Since everything is a thought, and a thought is a wave, a spiral carrying an information field, our nature lives according to the laws of the wave (quantum) world. There are zones, or nodes, where energy flows intersect. In the old days they were called hundreds, that is, intersections. There are a huge number of them in our nature. Each node is associated with a specific planet or other cosmic body. Stogni influence each other in accordance with the principle of macro-and microcosm, expressed at one time by the Thrice Greatest Thoth Hermes: “What is below is also above; what is on the right is also on the left; what is inside is also outside.”

For successful development of OBS " Polar bear“We will need knowledge about the most powerful and important aspects of a person. Let’s list them from bottom to top:

Source– located one palm length below the perineum. Accepts and adapts the Ascending Stream of Power, which moves counterclockwise, against the sun, that is, the Kolovrat.

Zarod– located at the level of the symphysis pubis. Provides interaction at the level of reality.

Stomach– located 1-2 fingers above the navel. It is the center of human will.

Yarlo– the heart center, located at the level of the solar plexus, is responsible for a person’s feelings and the ability to analyze information.

Lel– located at the level of the right shoulder joint. Provides interaction with the outside world.

Lada– located at the level of the left shoulder joint and is responsible for interaction with inner world person.

Throat– located at the level of the jugular fossa. Responsible for generating images and ideas.

◊ Chelo – resides in the space between a person’s eyebrows. Determines the Power of the mind, its superpowers.

Spring– located a palm length above the crown of the head. Responsible for receiving and adapting the Downward Flow of Power, which moves in the direction of the sun, that is, clockwise.

B. Brennan in his book “The Light Outgoing,” in addition to a detailed consideration subtle bodies person (aura), mentions other dimensions. In her opinion, a person exists in four dimensions: the first dimension is physical world, the second dimension is the auric level, the third dimension is the level of the hara, the fourth is the level of the spiritual core. The hara exists in a dimension deeper than the aura, but B. Brennan does not claim that it is a fifth-dimensional materiality. The haric level consists of three main points connected to each other by the so-called. charic line.

The Hara line contains the incarnational purpose of our life, - a goal that is often lost under the influence of emotions such as fear, anger, rage, guilt, depression and self-deprecation, as well as an inability to take action. Clearing and releasing these negative emotions and then transforming them into positive feelings is an essential factor in recovery and achieving life goals. The thymus, or thymus chakra, on the Hara Line connects the latter with the Kundalini channel; it is here that the perception of universal Unity is achieved. Negative emotions exacerbate feelings of disconnection, which are detrimental to both spirituality and health. Hara chakraon the line of the same name is responsible for the will to live and the will to achieve the goal that a person sets for himself before incarnation.

CHARACTERISTIC PRACTICES HARA is a source of internal energy, a person’s life force, given to him at birth. It is this source that feeds our Spirit with energy, and the more this source is open, the stronger our Spirit.

The power of this source is referred to as the Serpentine Power (the power of Kundalini), which is symbolized by a cobra coiled into 3.5 rings. Another image associated with this force is an energy tornado, a vortex rising along the spine - HaRaMna (Ha - path, Ra - light, radiance, Mna - in me). Psychologically, the Hara is an inexhaustible source of energy or a gateway to the world of the superconscious. Activation of the Hara is the beginning of spiritual insight, the main step towards self-realization and awareness of Reality.

So, what is this Power that, like an electric current running through wires, spreads throughout the human body through the nervous system, filling it with vitality? The human nervous system consists of 2 subsystems: Central and Autonomic nervous system. The central nervous system consists of those parts of our nervous system that are included in the brain and spinal cord with branches coming from them.

This subsystem controls such manifestations of the animal life of the organism as sensitivity, desires, sensations, etc. It turns on with all sensations of sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, sets the body’s organs in motion, works when a person thinks, when his consciousness works. Life force, which controls our central nervous system and which manifests itself in bodily activity, is called Jiva (living force, the force of internal movements).

The autonomic subsystem comprises a network of nerves located mainly in the thoracic, abdominal and pelvic cavities, and thereby regulates the activity of the internal organs of the body. This subsystem controls non-volitional processes such as body growth, nutrition, blood circulation, etc.

In the case of combining these two subsystems, the sensitivity of our body increases incredibly, the brain begins to perceive incoming signals and combines them into a single signal, a single mental energy, the frequency of which coincides with the general cosmic energy, called AkAssa (Akasha). As a result, the effect of cause and effect manifests itself, in other words, awareness of Reality, the mind connects with the body. This effect is achieved by awakening the Serpent Power.

As a result of this, personality transformation occurs. One person can become a poet, another can see God, etc. and so on. The quality of perception changes, the quality of Consciousness changes, priorities and attachments may change. The results of incorrect programming in childhood are neutralized, the process of cleansing the body occurs, and the process of rejuvenation begins. The awakened Serpentine Power often makes it possible for a person to manifest unusual or paranormal capabilities.

There is also a center called the Light, through which direct interaction with God is carried out (in the northern tradition it is called Tiu). The light is located approximately where the Cossacks grew Aselets, and the Vaishpavs grew shika. This center has a sacred connection with the pineal gland. It is also necessary to remember the location of the joints located in the energy-kinematic spheres of large joints. These joints include two shoulder joints, two elbow joints, two wrist joints, two hip joints, two knee joints, two ankle joints. (photo 2).

Let us move on to consider the main channels through which the Power flows, and the centers of Consciousness (realms) where this Power is created. There are three main centers or kingdoms of Consciousness.

Golden Kingdom. Accumulates smart Power-Chama, which generates images for action and forms an event-based volumetric mosaic.

Once upon a time, about 35 years ago, the writer V. Bogomolov, in his novel “The Moment of Truth,” mentioned a method of dodging someone else’s shot called the “pendulum.” Since then, this same “pendulum” has haunted athletes, military personnel and special forces personnel. No one has seen detailed instructions on the pendulum and shooting with the Macedonian grip. There is nothing left in the archives. The old-timers are politely silent on this matter with a stony smile.

Gradually, the opinion developed that the “pendulum” was a myth or a secret complex of some kind of combat movements based on bioenergetic techniques.
The author is forced to disappoint skeptics - the writer Bogomolov did not lie and the pendulum really exists. Moreover, the officer’s pendulum is as simple as a soldier’s footcloth. So simple that Bogomolov, who clearly knew how to do all this, did not consider it necessary to describe its technology in detail. And the novel was created as literary work, and not as a combat instruction.
Like any writer, Bogomolov mentioned the main provisions of the pendulum in passing, creating the necessary intrigue, but what he mentioned was true. The interpretation of the “pendulum” technology presented in this material was carried out at the request of numerous and persistent requests from employees law enforcement and anti-terrorist special forces.
In order to understand how this is done, it is necessary to return to the article “High-speed pistol shooting” (BIP No. 4, 2008), as well as to the article “Aggressive stripping” (BIP No. 1, 2002). These materials present a technique for tactical pistol shooting using the so-called “conditional method”. At the same time, it is revealed that positive quality this method - when shooting from a pistol placed on its side, the trigger pull is practically unimportant. The spread from the trigger pull will be up and down, along the vertical of the height silhouette. Accordingly, with a quick release of the trigger and a fast, even jerky movement of the trigger finger on the trigger, the bullets will “diverge” vertically. In any case, the enemy will be hit, if not at the aiming point, then above or below it, if not in the chest, then in the shoulder or thigh. He will be hit - in this case, the one who shoots first will be right.
Firing a pistol in a “conventional way” is a purely tactical method of combat work. The “conditional method” allows you to shoot comfortably and quickly in a confined space, sitting at a table or sitting in a car.

photo 1
From a pistol placed on its side, they shoot “behind the right corner” so as not to expose themselves to an oncoming bullet (photo 1).
This point has already been described several times in the literature.

photo 2
Actually, once upon a time it all started with the fact that someone discovered how easily, conveniently and quickly the trigger of a revolver placed on its side could be cocked with the thumb of the left hand (photo 2).

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

Now do an experiment. Hold the pistol as shown in Photos 3 - 5, with your left shoulder raised, your left elbow close to your ribs, and your left side (left shoulder) facing the target. Those who have previously practiced boxing will habitually accept this stance, since it almost replicates the boxing stance. But it's not that. Take aim at the target, aiming with either your right or your left eye, whichever is convenient for you.

photo 6
In this position, take a step forward with whichever foot is more convenient, that is, to the side in front of the target (photo 6). You will discover an interesting balance phenomenon: - the target will remain at gunpoint. Take a step back along the front of the target - the target will again remain at gunpoint. It is this balance phenomenon that forms the basis of the pistol shooting pendulum.
After a few minutes of such training, begin to take wider steps, then practice making small jumps forward and backward, then increase the amplitude of these jumps. The target will remain at gunpoint. Naturally, when jumping, the front sight will move up and down, but, as mentioned earlier, when working on a vertical oblong target, this does not matter. Of course, in order for the fly to jump up and down less, you need to make sure that your “stern”, that is, the pelvic area, “walks” at the same level.

photo 7
All of the above is the basic “key” for an active mint. When working with a Macedonian grip with two weapons, the arms are slightly extended, the right shoulder is raised as much as possible, and the shoulder girdle is tightened (photo 7). Otherwise the production remains the same. Bogomolov did not lie: “...with revolvers in his hands raised to shoulder level......danced with his left shoulder forward, jerkily moving his body from side to side, and all the time moving himself - something similar, only simpler, is done by a boxer in the ring.” .
Here another interesting point opens up - if you hold a revolver (pistol) in the generally accepted triangle, then while moving it will be almost impossible to catch the target with the front sight.

photo 8
And two revolvers, held by a Macedonian grip in the same triangle (photo 8), behave very calmly and controlled when moving.
The author is once again forced to disappoint fans of military exoticism - the above described method of shooting while moving was not invented in the SMERSH system or even in Russia. It appeared in Austria-Hungary, was developed by some junior officer of Magyar origin, and at the end of the 19th century spread quite quickly throughout Europe. At that time, it turned out to be simple, requiring almost no training, incredibly destructive and providing increased combat survivability to those who used it. Among the Western European nobility, who professed nobility in a duel, this shooting technique was immediately declared vulgar. Moreover, in the pendulum, increased shooting accuracy was achieved through peasant sweatshop training.
What the aristocrats rejected took root in the intelligence services. In 1898, in the same Austria-Hungary, a very good, easy-to-use, eight-shot double-action revolver of the Gasser kal system appeared, which became very popular. 8 mm. This weapon had a handle angle close to 90°, for ease of holding in a “conventional way.” The same can be said about the handle of the well-known Nagan revolver.

Designed in 1926 6.35mm. Korovin’s pistol (see below “Forgotten Weapons of the GPU”) has a very specific handle shape. It somehow “sits” very poorly in the hand when the pistol is positioned vertically and fits like a glove in the palm of the hand when shooting in a conventional way. With the pendulum-like movement described above, this pistol is somehow very well attached to the target with the front sight. As old-timers said, this sample and Korovin’s subsequent developments were mechanically balanced to work in a pendulum.
It cannot be said that in those days the “pendulum” was swung by all and sundry. The German Parabellum, the Austrian Steer and many other commercial models with handles with a large slope were not suitable for working in a pendulum. But the gunsmith designers of those times tried to produce pistols suitable for both traditional precision shooting and pendulum shooting. Thus, the Soviet TT performed very well in the pendulum, even despite the very strong ammunition. The German Mauser Nikl, Mauser HSc, Česká Zbroevka, Spanish Star, etc. worked well in the pendulum.
However, let's return to the technique of performing the pendulum. From Bogomolov: “….a boxer in the ring does the same thing, only simpler.” What a boxer does in the ring is to “dive” left and right. It's the same in the pendulum, only with shooting. When diving to the right, the boxer makes a straight left punch.

photo 9
When working with the Macedonian grip, the shooter, when ducking to the right, pushes his left hand forward and shoots in a conventional way, capturing the target with his left eye (photo 9).

photo 10
When diving to the left, do the same thing, but only with your right hand, aim with your right eye, capturing the target either on the front sight or on the right side bar of the bolt (photo 10).
Of course, the jerk to the side during such dives is made much further and sharper than in a boxing match, because a hot bullet is not a fist in a glove. The reverse jerk is also done sharply. This will be made possible by the elastic deformation of the muscles and ligaments serving the hip, knee and ankle joints, as well as the fact that at the moment the action begins, the extensor muscles work noticeably faster and stronger.

photo 11

photo 12

Practice making such forward and reverse jerks with the body tilted in the final phase of diving, “towards the landing” and with a sharp extension when pushing off for a jerk in the opposite direction (photos 11 – 12). Push to the side, not up. Use the acquired inertia for maximum jumping movement in the opposite direction. Actually, this type of work from side to side with body tilts is called “pendulum”.
To make all of the above more effective, learn to do it at the lowest possible level on springy, bent legs - the lower, the better. Of course, do not forget to visually control the targeted acquisition of the target. When your legs hurt from unusual loads, a moment of firm confidence will come - you will feel that you are able to control events.
But that is not all. The starting push for a sharp move to the side occurs first with support on the heel, with the immediate subsequent “switching on” of the toe of the pushing leg. To do this, the calf muscle and foot muscles are activated. With a sharp jumping move to the side, using the foot, you can gain another 30-40 centimeters of jumping distance. This is called a “staggering pendulum.”

photo 13
Naturally, with such a repulsion, the person “lands” on the other leg with the heel turned outward (photo 13). This will allow a trained fighter to gain an additional 20 centimeters when pushing back and engaging the foot. This is why when working in the pendulum it is necessary to have strong, pumped up legs.

photo 14
One way or another, when working “staggered,” a repeating pattern is formed with the heels placed outward (photo 14). Its value lies in the fact that it significantly facilitates and speeds up the transfer of fire from target to target. And this transfer can be done at a large angle.

photo 15

photo 16

If an employee is doing all this with one pistol, it is necessary to practice quickly transferring the weapon from hand to hand to shoot at the appropriate angle, as shown in photos 15–16. After a couple of days of training, the weapon will habitually “fly” from palm to palm.
There is a way to work in the pendulum without diving, but only by turning your left shoulder towards the opponent.

photo 17
When stepping to the side, sharply move the pelvic area forward, lowering the level (photo 17). Having fixed it in space (do not push it back under any circumstances),

photo 18
When stepping with the next leg, sharply bend the body at the waist (photo 18), use the forward leg as a push leg to jump back. This also needs to be done at the lower level. The above technique is used when the enemy is going to shoot from the hip at the middle level in order to remove the stomach and “stern” from the line of someone else’s shot, and when it is necessary to protect the head from a hot bullet. Trained shooters make such bends and sharp straightenings “one after the other” very quickly, with a large amplitude and in alternating movements back and forth, that is, to the right and left along the front of the enemy. Moreover, they represent a “flickering” target that can only be hit by chance. Even more trained shooters do all this at a very low level, with wide strides and soft placement of the feet, first on the heel and rolling to the toe, and vice versa, from the toe to the heel when moving in the opposite direction.
This cannot be done without proper preparation. It is for training the above that the so-called suples is developed. We read from Bogomolov: “Suples - flexibility of the body. It is produced by special training exercises that help increase the mobility of the spine and the elasticity of the intervertebral cartilaginous discs, the entire articular-ligamentous apparatus and the muscular system.” Explanation: in the word “suples,” freestyle wrestlers recognize the name of a wrestling technique, namely, to press the opponent to oneself, sharply bend back and throw him over oneself (over the back).

photo 19
To practice this technique, wrestlers stand “on the bridge” (photo 19).

photo 20
Circus performers and those who train the shooting pendulum practice exiting the bridge into a standing position in one movement, without intermediate supports (photo 20)

photo 21
followed by bending over and taking a wide step forward (photo 21). By the way, a well-trained suplex can hardly be overestimated when working with a pistol as a striking weapon (see the article by Vladimir Nechvoglod “When the cartridges ran out,” “BIP”, 2008, No. 4) and in general in hand-to-hand combat.
The term “counter pendulum” is sometimes found in the literature. In order to understand its essence, practice with a partner in a single sparring duel - when your partner makes, say, a move to your left, move to the right - your target will remain at gunpoint.
Of course, all movements to the right and left of the enemy must be done with different amplitudes, so that a more or less experienced shooter will catch you at the extreme point of movement.

photo 22

photo 23

Bogomolov mentions: “….constant deceptive movements - a feint game.” This is again the same thing a boxer does in the ring. In our case, after leaving, tilt to the right (photo 22 - 23)

photo 24

photo 25

the body does not unbend, but is moved along the bottom with a jerk in the opposite side(photo 24 - 25)

photo 26

photo 27

with a subsequent rise (photo 26–27) or with a roll over the back or shoulder at the lower level - there are different options. In the pendulum version, this is done with an increased amplitude up and down to the right and left. With pumped up legs, this jerk can be done by jumping in the opposite direction without straightening the body. These are ordinary boxing tricks.

photo 28

photo 29

The pendulum is not static - the “conditional” position (photo 28) can be instantly transformed into a position for high-speed shooting. To do this, just stretch out your arms and take this position.
The mysterious term “pendulum against pendulum” or “counter pendulum” is also simply deciphered. If, for example, the enemy moves to your left, move to your right - with your pistol placed on its side, the target will remain in sight.
If you just stand straight, at the moment of unexpected danger, simply bend your legs with both knees in one direction, while simultaneously turning on your heels,

photo 30

photo 31

And sharply bend the body in the same direction (photo 30-31). After this starting movement, everything will go by itself. From the previously described pendulum techniques, the necessary combinations will begin to form along the way - just like in the ring. Especially if you play paintball with pistol-type markers, or if you are in a protective suit, mask and helmet, they are “treated” with rubber bullets from traumatic weapons. After you get a dozen hits in the side with paintballs - and this is very painful - you will begin to succeed very quickly and effectively. In any case, try to move to your left if the enemy is shooting from right hand- it will be inconvenient for him to turn to his right. From Bogomolov: “….quickly moved to the left...”.
As you can see, all this is not difficult, but it can only be achieved after a certain amount of practice. We read from Bogomolov: “Tamantsev, now or after dinner, will train for at least half an hour..... in swinging the pendulum, in various jumps, feints and dashes, he will work out suples until the third sweat.” Nowadays, of course, for this you need to stop drinking, smoke and have to quit excess weight. The question is: how much should you train? Answer: until it starts to work out and you stop getting hit in the side with paintballs.
The shooting pendulum technique was once widely practiced in many countries (including Germany) and therefore was never classified. The question arises - where did all this go? Answer: - all this and much more in the USSR began to quickly disappear from practice after 1937. Combat technologies are transferred by living people and are forgotten very quickly. Combat instructions, having served the circular period, are destroyed according to the act. As a rule, there is no one to draw up new instructions. This is the answer to the age-old question: “Where did the bloody experience go?”
The same thing happened with the “pendulum” - they began to forget it at the end of the 30s. By that time, many carriers of operational combat techniques had been shot, the rest “kept their heads down.” In the USSR intelligence services, by the beginning of the war, the emphasis was on knocking out information, and not on specific “physical training.” The place of Korovin's pistol was taken German Walter PPK.
Naturally, when the pressure comes, they try to restore combat technologies as best they can. From Bogomolov: “ the spring (1944) Tamantsev went to Moscow and showed there his art in Macedonian shooting to a large group of officers and generals.” The generals realized it a little too late. By the way, according to rumors, the fate of the real employee, the prototype of Tamantsev, after the war was terrible.
In the fifties, work in the pendulum, offhand shooting and much more at the Leningrad Military Institute of Physical Education named after. Lesgaft trained members of OSODMIL (formation of voluntary assistance to the police). In peripheral bodies, in particular in the criminal investigation department, the pendulum was trained back in the sixties. Then he was forgotten everywhere.
Of course, during real combat contact, it becomes necessary to do a combat somersault or roll from the extreme point of the pendulum to get to your feet. There are other spatial movements in a pendulum. But more about this, perhaps, in the next issues of the magazine. The author is very pleased with the emergence of sports pendulum clubs in Russia and considers this activity healthy and useful for law enforcement officers.

Alexey Potapov
Magazine "Martial Arts of the Planet"

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