How to obtain permission to purchase a hunting rifle. How to obtain a permit to carry a firearm? License to purchase and store weapons in Russia. Renewal of permit for hunting weapons

Conditions for issuing a permit for the purchase of smooth-bore weapons

Russians can buy smoothbore weapon for self-defense, shooting sports, hunting and collecting. Applicants must pay a state fee of 2,000 rubles (and if we are talking about extending the permit, then 500 rubles). To re-issue a license allowing you to buy, carry, store any weapon, you must pay 250 rubles.

Smoothbore weapons are sold only to adult Russians who do not use drugs or alcohol and have received a certificate of no contraindications for health. The police will not approve the issuance of permits to convicted Russians who have committed a serious crime and used a firearm for this purpose, weapon. It is impossible to obtain a license if administrative offenses related to the use, sale, or cultivation of drugs are committed twice in a year. The permit is not issued to citizens who do not have a place of permanent residence.

How to get a license for a shotgun

Russians have the right to buy smooth-bore weapons for hunting, sport or self-defense. If it is purchased for hunting, then you first need to obtain a ticket, for which a package of documents is prepared:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • Photos;
  • Statement.

You can submit an application on the website and arrive to pick up your ticket 5 days later, excluding weekends and holidays. The issued ticket will be valid indefinitely.

To obtain permission for training and competitions in shooting sports, you must confirm the fact of belonging to the sports section by providing a package including:

  • Sports passport - it can be replaced by an order approved by the head of the sports society or educational institution where the sports section is open;
  • Petition from the OSF, which received accreditation under the laws of the Russian Federation.

Russians wishing to buy smooth-bore weapons for self-defense do not need to present additional evidence. However, unlike athletes and hunters, they receive the right only to store long-barreled and short-barreled models. They are strictly prohibited from carrying guns, carbines, and pistols. They are allowed to store smooth-bore weapons at home and use them exclusively to protect their home.

Attention! Russians who have received a weapon permit for self-defense will not be able to subsequently buy rifled guns.

Procedure for obtaining permission

You must first obtain a certificate 002-О/у, which will confirm that the applicant has no medical contraindications regarding visual acuity and mental disorders. Additionally, they receive a conclusion 003-О/у, confirming the fact that the applicant does not use psychoactive substances.

Then they undergo training to master a course on safe loading of cartridges and handling smooth-bore weapons. The exception is cases when the applicant is related to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the Ministry of Justice. The list of organizations entitled to provide training was approved by government decree No. 731 of 2001:

  • Educational institutions that teach FC and S programs, in which there are disciplines directly related to the rules for the use of weapons;
  • Sports and physical education organizations, which include sports clubs, Federations, educational institutions, teaching according to relevant programs.

After receiving the certificates, they are taken to the OLRR and await a decision from the permitting department. Lawyers of the MIP group will help in obtaining a license and resolving conflicts and controversial situations that arise during registration.

It's no secret that in our dangerous time It can be scary to go outside. Therefore, for example, in the USA, a person receives the right to bear arms at the age of 21.

In Russia, the armament process is long and labor-intensive. But if done correctly, you can legally store and carry protective equipment.

This article discusses in detail the process of obtaining a permit to carry and firearms.

To avoid problems with the law, you need to adhere to certain rules that are relevant for 2019:

  • A permit to possess a weapon is required. We will talk about this below.
  • The owner of a firearm is prohibited from bringing it into public places.
  • It is prohibited to install additional parts such as muffler, converter, etc.
  • Carrying weapons is prohibited for persons under the influence of alcohol.
  • Citizens can keep weapons with them if they have the safety on.
  • A short-barreled firearm must be carried in a holster.

Who has the right to carry a traumatic weapon?

Storage, use, and availability of traumatic weapons is possible for military personnel and officials performing their duties, as well as citizens for the purpose of self-defense or for training purposes. Prohibited use traumatic weapon without the need.

What kind of document is being issued?

Permission to interact with weapons is a small card that indicates:

  • Owner's full name;
  • weapon data;
  • the validity period of the license, as well as by whom, when and where it was issued.

In order for your application to be considered, you must bring documents to the licensing and permitting service department of the local police department. Materials will be reviewed for up to two weeks, including the day of application. In accordance with Federal Law No. 150, permits, once received, are valid for 5 years.

How to get a license?

When purchasing weapons, you will be required to have a purchase license. In the thirteenth article of the Federal Law dated December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ it is indicated that to receive it a citizen Russian Federation is obliged to submit to the federal executive body:

  • An application drawn up in the prescribed form.
  • A document certifying citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Documents confirming the completion of appropriate training and periodic testing of knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons and the availability of skills in safe handling of weapons.
  • A medical certificate confirming the absence of medical contraindications to owning a weapon, as well as a medical certificate confirming the absence of narcotic drugs and the like in the human body.
  • Weapons are stored in a metal safe; family members should not know about its location. The code for it should only be known to the owner.
  • According to the Order, the wall thickness must be at least 2 mm.
  • Weapons in the safe must be securely secured, and all ammunition must be stored in its place.

Receipt costs

Based on the above steps, you can calculate how much the process costs to give those who want to legally own a gun.

  • Training courses– from 4000 rub. (The difference is due to the fact that each city has several training centers providing their services. There can be no difference in the program, since the program is approved by the Ministry of Education).
  • Passing a medical examination: narcologist and urine analysis for the content of narcotic substances – 1000 rubles. + mark from a psychiatrist – from 100 to 400 rubles.
  • State duty– from 500 to 2000 rubles.
  • License form– 50 rub.
  • Photos for documents– 200 rub.
  • Safe– on average 3000 rubles.

As a result, the price for a license is approximately 10,000 rubles, but different regions RF it will change.

Required papers

  • Photo 3x4 (it is better to specify the quantity).
  • Statement.
  • Honey. certificate 046-1.
  • Document confirming completion of weapons handling training.
  • Receipt for payment of state duty.

Step-by-step algorithm

Now let’s figure out what’s what in order to answer all the questions of a potential gun buyer.

  1. The first thing you need to do is pass a medical examination.
  2. Then - purchasing a safe. Its absence may cause the district police to refuse to issue a certificate, so you should think about purchasing it in advance.
  3. The next stage, as mentioned earlier, is courses. No one will trust you with a weapon if you don't know how to use it.
  4. Now that all the certificates have been collected, we take them and take them to the local police department in the OLRR, having previously checked the work schedule with the duty officer. We submit all documents to the LRR inspector.
  5. The license is issued within a month.
  6. After receiving it, you can finally purchase the desired weapon.
  7. Having made the purchase, we return to the authority where we received the license and hand over the license to the LRR. Based on it, a permit card for owning a defense device is prepared. Its processing takes about 10 days.

Purchasing process

Let us focus on the moment of purchasing a weapon, when you still have a license in your hands:

  1. At the store you provide your passport, money and three licenses. One original and two duplicates.
  2. Next is the choice of weapon, at your discretion (in accordance with the document).
  3. After payment, the seller must put a stamp on the license. The store keeps the original and the duplicate (the original is sent to the Department of Human Resources), and you are given a second duplicate.
  4. All that remains is to register a new item.

Purchase "from hand"

It would seem that everything looks simple: the buyer and the seller meet, the product is assessed, the buyer gives the money, the seller is satisfied. The difficulty is that this action needs to be legalized.

All documents are on hand, so everything is simplified:

  1. Both persons must contact the LRO where the weapon was registered. There the seller writes an application for re-registration in connection with the sale.
  2. A purchase and sale agreement will be concluded.
  3. The buyer is obliged to come to his LRO branch within two weeks with the purchased goods and a license and obtain a permit to carry a weapon.

Responsibility for carrying and storing without identification

Now you are armed and dangerous. Remember that for illegal storage (hiding objects on the premises) and illegal carrying (carrying in suitable objects) you will be held accountable. Namely:

  • In accordance with Part 6 of Article 20.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation on illegal acquisition, a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles is imposed on a citizen. with confiscation of weapons; arrest for up to half a month.
  • Illegal use of a means of defense may result in punishment under Part 1 of Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Penalties for illegal possession of traumatic weapons administrative responsibility under Article 20.8.

Now you have all the necessary information regarding obtaining and storing weapons. To avoid problems with the law, purchase it according to these instructions. Remember that your safety is in your hands.

Useful video

We invite you to watch a video on how to obtain permission to carry a traumatic weapon:

Research the question

Some types of weapons do not require a permit.

These include :

  • Flare pistols
  • Air pistols, rifles, revolvers with muzzle energy less than 3 kJ
  • Revolvers with caliber up to 6 mm
For others, it is necessary to obtain a license to purchase, and then a permit to store and carry weapons. These include hunting rifles, sports pistols, etc.

Have the right to purchase weapons:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 21 years of age
Firearms of limited destruction.
  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years of age
Gas weapons, smooth-bore long-barreled self-defense weapons, hunting weapon, sporting weapons, signal weapons.

By decision of the legislature, the age at which one can purchase a long-barreled smoothbore hunting firearm can be reduced by two years.

Important: you do not have the right to keep weapons if you do not own them.

The validity period of the permit is 5 years. If necessary, you can extend it.

The city of Moscow does not present special requirements to obtain a permit and is guided by federal legislation.

Get a physical examination

To obtain a permit to store weapons, you must obtain.

To do this, make an appointment with the following doctors:

  • Psychiatrist
  • Expert in narcology
  • Therapist
  • Ophthalmologist
Important: according to the new rules, you can only make an appointment with a district narcologist (at place of registration).

To renew the permit, you must undergo a medical examination again.

Pass the exam

“Certificates of completion of a training program for individuals to learn the rules of safe handling of weapons and acquire skills in safe handling of weapons” is issued after completing the appropriate course.

Study the Law on Weapons in advance (included in the list of preparation materials).

After completing the training, you must pass an exam on the material covered.

The price of the course (on average) is 5 - 7 thousand rubles.

Important: you must have all medical certificates and photographs (3x4 cm) with you.

Training is conducted in licensed centers; you can contact your district police department for recommendations.

Collect documents

  • Passport
  • Copy of the passport
  • Application for a license to purchase firearms and ammunition
  • Certificates of completion of a training program for individuals to learn the rules of safe handling of weapons and acquire skills in safe handling of weapons
  • 6 photos 3x4 cm
If you purchase a hunting or smooth-bore weapon:
  • Hunting ticket

Submit your documents

Before submitting your documents, you must purchase a lockable, certified gun safe. These can also be metal cabinets, drawers made of high-strength materials or wooden boxes, upholstered in iron.

To obtain a license, you must personally submit a package of documents to the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or to the government services website.

Grounds for refusal may include:

  • Failure to provide required information or providing incorrect information
  • Inability to ensure accounting and safety of weapons or failure to ensure these conditions (no safe for storing weapons)
Important: the decision to refuse can be appealed in court.

Pay for the license

Depending on the type of weapon chosen, pay for the license (amount as of 01/01/2016):

  • Obtaining a license to purchase limited-kill firearms and ammunition for them - 100 rubles
  • Obtaining a license to purchase hunting smooth-bore long-barreled weapons and ammunition for them - 100 rubles
  • Obtaining a license to purchase hunting or sporting firearms with rifled barrel and cartridges for it - 200 rubles
  • Issuing a license to a citizen of the Russian Federation to purchase gas pistols, revolvers, signal weapons, cold steel bladed weapons designed to be worn with national costumes peoples of the Russian Federation or Cossack uniform upon initial application - 30 rubles
The issuance period is 30 days from the date of registration of the application.

Important: payment for the license is made together with the submission of a package of documents to the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or on the government services website.

Buy a weapon

The weapon must be purchased within 6 months from the date of obtaining the license. If the period has expired and the purchase has not been made, the license must be surrendered.

Important: one person can purchase no more than 5 weapons.

The license consists of two parts, one of which remains with the seller, and the other is returned to the buyer for subsequent obtaining permission to store and carry weapons.

Get permission

Purchased weapons must be registered with the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation within two weeks.

To obtain permission you must collect the following documents:

  • Application for a permit to store and carry weapons
  • Part of the license remaining in your hands after purchasing a weapon
  • Passport
  • 2 photos 3x4 cm
The permit must be issued within 14 days from the date of registration. If refused, you can appeal it in court.

Important: to obtain a license, the local police officer must check the conditions for storing weapons.

Pay for the permit

The permit is paid together with the submission of documents to the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or on the government services website (amount as of 01/01/2016).

  • Obtaining permission to store and carry hunting pneumatic firearms or weapons of limited destruction and ammunition for them - 10 rubles
  • Obtaining permission to store and carry long-barreled sports firearms, long-barreled hunting firearms used for sports, sports air guns with muzzle energy over 7.5 J and cartridges for it - 10 rubles
  • Issuance of a permit to store and carry award-winning weapons and ammunition for them - 50 rubles

Renewal of permit

You must apply for an extension no later than one month before the permit expires. (it is best to do this 3 months in advance).

You can personally contact the Department for the Organization of Licensing and Permitting Work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or fill out an application and submit the necessary documents on the government services website.

To renew, you need to collect almost the same package of documents that you provided to obtain a license.:

  • Passport
  • Permission to store and carry weapons
  • Application for permit renewal
  • Certificate from a drug treatment clinic
  • Certificate from a psychoneurological clinic
  • Medical certificate confirming the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body
  • 2 photographs measuring 3x4 cm
If you purchased a hunting or smooth-bore weapon:You will also need to provide the weapon for inspection (number, model, caliber, brand, and year of manufacture are verified).

Your permit must be renewed within a month.

Service weapon

According to its logic, the procedure for obtaining permission to service weapon no different from the above.

The organization providing security services provides additional documents for obtaining permits.

You have decided to become a hunter and purchase hunting weapons. In order to purchase a hunting weapon you need to obtain a hunting weapon permit. Without it, the store will not sell you a weapon, and you will not be able to buy a hunting weapon without this permission.

The ability to purchase weapons is provided by a license, but storage and transportation requires a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Without this permission, they will not sell you a single cartridge.

To obtain a license you need to collect and provide:

  • application in the established form (you receive the form from the licensing and permitting service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in any way convenient for you, in person on the spot, from the website, etc.);
  • your passport, of course, and a photocopy of it;
  • two 3x4 photos;
  • medical certificate form 002-O/U, together with a certificate from the drug dispensary, form 003-O/U (about the absence of drugs in you) and the conclusion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • certificate of passing the weapons safety exam issued by a licensed training center;
  • hunting ticket.

To obtain a storage and carrying permit (ROH), you need to submit:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • your passport;
  • again two 3x4 photographs;
  • hunting license;
  • a copy of the permitting license with the store’s mark of sale or confirmation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of receipt from the previous owner;
  • a copy of the technical passport for the gun.

Where and how is a permit issued?

Licenses for the acquisition and storage of weapons are issued special units Ministry of Internal Affairs - departments of licensing and permitting work (LRR). To submit the necessary documents, a citizen can visit the LRR department in person or use the capabilities of the State Services website. However, for now, you can only obtain a weapons permit from the LRR in person by providing an official with the original documents (if applications and scans were transmitted through the website).

  • an OLRR employee accepts the application and package of attached documents;
  • the accuracy of the information provided by the applicant is verified;
  • an interdepartmental request is generated and sent (checking the validity of the passport, payment of the fee, etc.);
  • a decision is made to issue a permit;
  • the applicant is issued either a license or written notice with justification for the refusal - officials are given 30 days from the date of registration of the application.

After receiving a license, a citizen must purchase a weapon within six months.

Package of documents

To purchase a license to store and carry hunting weapons, you must provide the following list of documents to the OLRR:

In case of renewal or receipt of a license, the list of documents is almost the same. In addition to the above documents, in this situation you need to present:

  1. medical certificates from a psychologist and neurologist;
  2. statement;
  3. two photographs (black and white). Their size is 3x4 cm;
  4. previously issued weapons license;
  5. your weapon;
  6. a report issued by a police officer at the place of residence. It contains information about the availability of proper storage conditions for purchased weapons.

All these documents should be brought both in original and photocopies.

Obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon: what needs to be done before submitting documents?

Weapon Selection

If the individual fully meets the requirements for obtaining permits, the following conditions must be met before submitting documents to go through all stages of the permit process:

  1. Choose guns in a specialized store.
  2. Complete training courses followed by passing an exam on knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons and skills in handling them, as well as providing first aid for wounds, burns, and fractures. Passing the exam and issuing a federal certificate of successful completion is carried out at the licensing and permitting center at the Department of Internal Affairs. The training lasts from one to several days, the cost varies depending on the region.
  3. Prepare a place to store the gun, i.e. buy a safe that meets the requirements regarding its qualities.

Rifled hunting weapon

The above list of documents is provided for the purchase of a long-barreled smoothbore hunting firearm or a hunting pneumatic weapon. Rifled hunting weapons can be purchased at legally only:

  • citizens professionally engaged in hunting (having a separate license for this, hunting grounds owned or leased, etc.);
  • citizens who have owned a hunting shotgun for at least five years.

If you need to obtain permission to purchase a rifled hunting rifle, then you must additionally provide documents confirming compliance with the specified categories of citizens. The fee for obtaining a license to purchase such weapons will be 200 rubles.

Renewal of permit

Approximately 3 months before the expiration of the weapons permit, it is necessary to submit an application for its extension; this procedure is mandatory for any type of permit.

In order not to miss the expiration of the permit to store, carry and use hunting and other types of weapons, its owner must contact the same licensing department, where it was previously registered. You can also obtain a re-registered permit there.

You can submit an application for extension through the State Services portal if there is a confirmed Account. The application procedure is simple and straightforward: you should upload scanned documents to the portal, select a convenient department from the list and make an appointment. On the appointed day, come to the branch, present the original documents and apply for an extension. Here on the website you can pay the state fee in any convenient way and print the finished receipt.

How to obtain a rifle permit

It should be noted right away that the right to purchase hunting equipment rifled weapons not available to everyone.

The hunter has the opportunity to claim it in two cases:

  • if he is professionally engaged in hunting (for example, a fisherman);
  • if you have experience in owning smooth-bore weapons for five years or more.

In situations where a person does not fall into one of these categories, it becomes impossible for him to obtain a rifle license.

If the necessary requirements are met, then you can safely begin collecting documents and submit an application to the licensing department of the police.

Submission of documents to LRO

To obtain a license, you must submit an application to the internal affairs authorities at your place of residence.

The application is drawn up in the prescribed form, accompanied by a package of documents consisting of:

  • passport and its copy;
  • two 3x4 photo cards;
  • certificates of passing a medical examination;
  • certificates from psychiatric and drug treatment clinics confirming that the person is not registered;
  • hunting ticket and copies thereof;
  • permits for smooth-bore weapons and their copies;
  • a document confirming completion of special courses on the correct handling of weapons.

To speed up the process of collecting documents and ensure their correct execution, you can turn to the services of a law firm. This option will save time and increase the chances of success, but will result in additional costs.

Passing a medical examination

A license to purchase a weapon requires passing a medical examination and issuing a certificate in form 046-1.

This commission includes examination by the following specialists:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • expert in narcology;
  • therapist.

An ophthalmologist checks visual acuity, which should be at least 50% in one eye and 20% in the other. Situations are also allowed when one eye is completely blind. In this case, the visual acuity of the healthy eye should be at least 70%!

An examination by a psychiatrist is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of mental disorders.

A specialist narcologist gives a conclusion that the patient does not have alcohol or drug addiction. Tests are also carried out to prove that there are no traces of prohibited substances in the body.

Among other things, an obstacle to obtaining the necessary certificate is the lack of a thumb or index finger, as well as other impairments in the motor function of the hands.

The received certificate will be valid for six months. During this time, you should have time to submit an application to the LRO, otherwise it will lose its validity and you will have to go through the medical examination again.

The necessary examinations can be completed at a public medical institution or at a private clinic licensed to provide such services. In this case, all expenses will have to be paid from your own funds.

Check by local police officer

The owner of a weapon is obliged to store it in conditions that exclude access by unauthorized persons. To ensure security, a safe is used, which should be purchased and installed in advance.

After submitting the application, you must invite a local police officer to your place so that he can verify the presence of a safe. Based on the results of the inspection, the police officer draws up a report attached to other documents.

In addition to a safe, there are other requirements that may apply to the home of a person wishing to obtain a rifle license. They are not listed in the Weapons Law, and their legality is questionable. You can obey them, or try to appeal, but it will take a lot of time.

Examples of such requirements:

  • connecting the apartment to the alarm system;
  • installing bars on windows;
  • fixing the safe by screwing it to the floor or wall.

Also, the district police officer may point out that, in his opinion, the reliability of the safe is insufficient and demand that it be replaced, although the law does not indicate anywhere what the level of protection should be.

If the LRO approves the issuance of a license, then such visits by the district police officer will be repeated once a year, throughout the entire period of ownership of the weapon.

Passing an exam on knowledge of the conditions of storage, use and carrying of weapons

Citizens wishing to purchase a weapon for the first time must go through special course training. At the end of the course, an exam on knowledge of weapons legislation is taken.

For those who have previously obtained a permit to purchase a hunting weapon with smooth trunk(and this also requires taking a similar course), it is not necessary to undergo repeated training. It is enough to retake the exam. In the future, you will have to repeat this procedure every five years.

Current law enforcement officers are exempt from this requirement. Exemption is also given to former employees who have retired with the right to a pension. This category of citizens, in addition to other documents, must attach to the application documents confirming that they were or are in the relevant service.

What certificates are needed for a weapons permit?

One of a man's favorite hobbies is hunting. Therefore, many people keep hunting weapons at home. Every year the number of hunters in the country is growing. This is especially noticeable during the hunting season.

To become a real hunter, it’s not enough to just want it, you still need to go a long way to acquire a license. This article will tell you about the procedure and what documents you will need. Content

  • 1 Procedure for obtaining permission
  • 2 Package of documents
  • 3 How to renew your license
  • 4 Permit for rifled weapons
  • 5 Video “Obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon”

The procedure for obtaining permission Not everyone can become the owner of a hunting weapon, since there are certain requirements for its owner. Nowadays, it is not so easy to obtain permission (license) to purchase and store weapons.


First of all, it should be said that without the appropriate license it is impossible to obtain permission to carry and store weapons, but in addition to this, the future hunter must meet the approved criteria. How to become a hunter, what is required for this, namely:

  • no criminal record;
  • no medical contraindications;
  • age from 21 years (for smooth-bore) and 25 years (for rifled) weapons.

What you need to buy a hunting rifle

Collect a package of documents:

  • certificates from psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries,
  • medical certificate in form 046-1,
  • state-issued hunting ticket,
  • certificate of completion of training in handling weapons,
  • receipt of state duty paid at Sberbank,
  • 2 photographs 3*4 (four photographs if you are going to apply for 2 licenses, for a hunting weapon and for a traumatic weapon),
  • copy of passport, hunting license, certificate of completion of training

Refusal to issue a license for a hunting rifle

If they refuse to issue you a license for a hunting weapon, then be sure to request written notification of the refusal to issue a license to purchase a hunting rifle. This refusal must indicate the reason for the refusal with reference to the specific legal provisions on the basis of which you were denied a license for a hunting weapon.

If you have submitted a complete set of documents, then the main reasons why you may be denied a weapons license are as follows:

  • There is an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime
  • There is a valid court decision on deprivation of the right to own a weapon
  • Two offenses per year of an administrative nature, or one, but related to narcotic or psychotropic substances

If you are denied a permit for a hunting weapon, then you can appeal such a refusal in court or file a complaint with the prosecutor's office, making sure to attach to your application a written notice of refusal to issue a permit for a hunting rifle.

Basic requirements for potential owners

So, you have decided to become a hunter and buy a gun. What is needed for this?

You must meet a number of requirements and parameters:

  • live to the full age of 18;
  • be a capable citizen and have a passport;
  • have permanent registration in your passport;
  • to be a hunter officially - to have a hunting license;
  • prove your knowledge of the use and storage of weapons - pass an exam and receive a commission’s conclusion;
  • provide a medical commission’s conclusion about your health and moral stability (certificate from drug and neuropsychiatric dispensaries and a military ID);
  • do not have a current criminal record for intentional crimes or a prohibiting court decision;
  • not have more than one administrative violation per year and none due to drugs or psychotropics;
  • provide conditions for storing weapons (place of residence and safe).

If you fit into the Procrustean bed of these requirements, you can start collecting documents.

Special condition for issuing a license for rifled weapons

The rules for issuing licenses for rifled and smooth-bore weapons are different. These types differ in the accuracy and power of hitting the target. The rifling inside the barrel allows you to shoot your prey or hit a target from a further distance.

Before obtaining a rifle permit, you must have owned a shotgun for at least 5 years. Given the increased danger of threaded devices, beginners are not allowed to purchase them.

To obtain a license for a rifled weapon, OLRR employees will ask the applicant to present a passport with the characteristics of a smooth-bore device.

The license fee for obtaining an official permit for smooth-bore weapons is 100 rubles, for rifled weapons - 200 rubles.

To obtain the right to purchase and store weapons, you need to convince law enforcement agencies that his possession will be safe for society. Despite the difficult procedure for obtaining a license, crime reports are replete with reports of the use of hunting or other weapons against people. It is possible that the procedure for issuing permits will become more complicated, and citizens will need additional certificates for the weapons they wish to own.

Permit for rifled weapons

To store and purchase rifled weapons, you must obtain the appropriate permit and license. You need to know that a person who wants to own a rifled weapon must first be the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for five years. Therefore, to purchase a rifled weapon, you must first renew your license for a smooth-bore weapon. Then you can start applying for a permit to purchase rifled weapons.

A license for rifled weapons is issued at the local OLRR. To receive it, you need to provide the following documentation to the OLRR:

  • citizen’s passport or any other identity document;
  • application completed according to a certain form. In it you must indicate your passport details, as well as information about the weapons you already have;
  • medical certificate issued according to form 046-1;
  • a certificate confirming that the person has been the owner of a smooth-bore weapon for quite some time. This period is five years. This certificate can be obtained from the OLRR at your place of residence;
  • hunting license (copy);
  • passport for owning a smooth-bore weapon (copy);
  • two photos. Their size is 3x4 cm;
  • medical certificate.

You should know that licenses are issued only to Russian citizens who are registered at their place of residence. In cases of temporary registration, absence permanent place residence, the person will be denied a permit for rifled and other weapons.

Documents for obtaining a weapons permit

Before purchasing a gun, you need to obtain a hunting license, which is issued once in a lifetime with an unlimited validity period. In order to receive it, you must provide the following documents:

  • Statement
  • Photocopy of passport and its original
  • Black and white photographs size 2.5x3.5 (2 pcs.)

Today it is possible to submit an electronic application for a hunting license through the Unified Portal of State Services.

Five days after submitting the documents, regulatory authorities make a decision on issuing or refusing to issue a hunting license. A refusal may occur if the applicant’s identity does not meet the requirements listed earlier.

To obtain a license to purchase smooth-bore hunting weapons, you must provide the following documents to the regulatory authorities:

  • Application of the established form with mandatory indication of the place of storage of weapons.
  • Medical certificate in form 046-1 with notes from a therapist, narcologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist. At the same time, a certificate must be attached with the results of tests for the presence of narcotic and psychotropic substances in the body.
  • Photocopy of passport and its original
  • Receipt for payment of state duty
  • Black and white photographs 3x4 (2 pcs.)
  • Military ID
  • Certificate of completion of courses and passing an exam on knowledge of handling firearms.
  • Hunting license and its photocopy.

Once documents are submitted, verification will take 30 days. After successfully passing the test and fully meeting the applicant's requirements, a license to purchase a gun is issued, which is valid for 6 months. Within 10 days after receiving it, you need to buy a gun and bring a license to the same center in exchange for a permit. When purchasing a gun, one license stub remains in the hands of the seller, the other with the buyer. This counterfoil must be handed over to the LRO employee upon receipt of the permit. All that remains is to agree with the local police officer about a visit to inspect the place and conditions of storage of weapons at home with further entry into the protocol.

To obtain permission, no additional documents will be required except a passport and two 3x4 cm photographs.

Gun safety training

You should only undergo training for a hunting weapon permit in special institutions that have the right to issue upon completion of training official document. Find out which ones educational institutions You can learn how to handle a hunting rifle at the police department at your place of residence or on the Internet. You can additionally prepare for the test by studying the federal law RF "On Weapons".

The cost of training does not exceed 10,000 rubles, the duration of the courses is limited to several days. From the previously prepared documents you will need:

  • passport, its photocopy;
  • medical documents;
  • 2 photos.

Based on the results of theoretical and practical courses you will be required to pass an exam and receive documented proof of completion of your studies.

Self-defense weapons that do not require a permit

Adult citizens of Russia are allowed to purchase certain types of self-defense equipment without obtaining licenses and other documents:

  • a mechanical canister filled with tear gas;
  • electric shock device of permissible power;
  • pneumatic equipment with muzzle energy up to 7.5 joules and caliber less than 4.5 mm;
  • a signal pistol with a caliber of no more than 6 mm and cartridges other than those for gas and firearms;
  • gas weapon with low muzzle energy and small caliber.

Renewal of permit

If the citizen has not changed his place of residence, then the renewal of the license for a hunting weapon is carried out in the same department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs where the license was initially issued. The application must be submitted three months before the expiration date of the permit, otherwise the extension may be denied. Its validity period, as mentioned above, is five years.

In this case, you must provide the same documents that were submitted to the LRO when you first received a license. In this case, you will have to re-pass the medical examination, as well as re-pass the exam on the ability to properly handle weapons.

In addition to the documents, you will need to provide the gun itself. The expert will check its serviceability and also make sure that unacceptable changes have not been made to the design of the weapon.

Possible reasons for refusal to renew a permit

Five years is quite a long time, and a lot can happen during this time. For example, the physical or mental health owner. In such a situation, when there are medical contraindications for owning a weapon, the permit will not be extended.

Also very often they refuse to renew due to administrative violations admitted during the period of possession of weapons. They are especially critical of violations of weapons and hunting laws.

Another one common reason refusal - late submitted documents for rifled weapons (we remind you that they must be submitted at least three months before the expiration date of the permit). The package of documents must be submitted on time and in accordance with all existing requirements.

Also, in case of a change of residence, it is necessary to register with the local LRO within two weeks. Violation of this rule may subsequently result in refusal.

Be careful and carefully monitor compliance with all standards for storage, possession and use, so as not to lose your hard-won permit for rifled weapons.

Permission to obtain a hunting weapon - license and documents


A license to purchase a weapon consists of three stubs, two of which the store takes for itself upon purchase, and one remains with the buyer. You should go with him to the police department within 14 days, where you will receive permission to store weapons.

To obtain permission to carry and store firearms, you must also have a hunting license. To receive it, you need to join hunting club, where you should provide two photographs and a photocopy of your passport.

To purchase a rifle, you must have at least 5 years of experience in owning smooth-bore weapons and a hunting license with five years of experience.

Possible reasons for refusal

I want to become a hunter. This desire is completely justified, because many men prefer this type of recreation, which brings a lot of pleasure. But quite often it is not possible to afford to hunt due to a number of circumstances. One of them may be refusal to issue the relevant document. The following reasons may be grounds for refusal to issue a permit and license for a hunting weapon:

  • minor age;
  • medical contraindications;
  • lack of any documents;
  • providing false information;
  • public order disturbance;
  • criminal record;
  • improper storage of purchased weapons;
  • failure to appear to receive a permit after fourteen days when the notice was received by mail.

How is registration of a hunting rifle carried out?

  1. The gun itself.
  2. Papers from the district police officer. It describes how to store the device.
  3. Statements of desire to renew the license.
  4. Receipts to confirm that the state fee has been paid.
  5. Permits that were previously issued.
  6. A couple of 2 x 4 photographs. Black and white options with a matte finish are required.
  7. One medical certificate from an ophthalmologist, and two from dispensaries for narcology and psychiatry.
  8. Photocopies of a hunting license that is currently valid. The main thing is to display sheets that prove that the document is valid.
  9. Photocopies of passport pages, with registration, as well as the first two pages.

Permit for smooth-bore weapons- this is a document without which it is prohibited to store and use for self-defense and hunting such types of smooth-bore weapons as double-barreled and single-barreled shotguns, pump-action shotguns, pistols, revolvers, sports weapons, etc. In accordance with Federal Law No. 150 “On Weapons”, Any type of smooth-bore weapon is subject to mandatory licensing and registration.

How to get a license for a shotgun?

A license for a smooth-bore weapon is a document without which the acquisition of a weapon is impossible and is considered illegal. To obtain a license for such a weapon, you first need to decide what kind of weapon to buy (brand, etc.).

The process of obtaining a license for a smooth-bore weapon is as follows:

1. You need to decide in advance on the brand of weapon and write an application, which is then submitted to the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO) at the location of your police department. The application has a column to fill out called “weapon brand” - it is not necessary to fill it out; usually it is enough to indicate that you plan to purchase civilian smooth-bore weapons.

If you have changed your place of registration, you must renew your license or permit within 2 weeks.

In general, it may take about 1-1.5 months to obtain a license, then purchase a weapon and obtain a permit.

  • The one-time fee for each weapon is 100 rubles, and can be paid at any bank branch. In addition, in most branches of the licensing and permitting service, special terminals are installed for this purpose.

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