How to disperse clouds? What disperses rain clouds. Dispersal of clouds - the establishment of good weather. The principle of dispersing clouds, consequences. Is it possible to disperse clouds over a city?

Clouds over Moscow, if necessary, accelerate up to 12 aircraft Air Force(Air Force) of the Russian Federation, equipped with special equipment for influencing clouds. To carry out these works, together with the Atmospheric Technologies Agency of Roshydromet, the best crews were selected on An-12, An-26, An-28, An-32, Il-18 and Su-30 aircraft with experience in performing work on influencing clouds.
Their compartments contain systems that include “Dewar flasks” for transporting and spraying liquid nitrogen. On the outside, in the tail section, some aircraft are equipped with special devices designed to shoot cartridges containing a silver compound.
The work is carried out from the Chkalovsky airfield and about 280 tons of environmentally friendly reagents are dropped in the vicinity of the capital.
The task of the impact operators is to get to the very center of the cloud so that the reagents absorb the maximum amount of moisture and thus provoke rain in the planned area. Clouds are processed not over Moscow, but around it, within a radius of 300 kilometers. It turns out that a kind of “umbrella” is emerging over the capital. The efficiency of cloud dispersal is high, but no one can give a 100% guarantee.
Roshydromet specialists and the military say that they use environmentally friendly substances: carbon dioxide and silver iodide. Cloudless weather in Moscow may last two to three days after the “impact”.

Dmitriy Pichugin - Russian AviaPhoto Team - Antonov An-26

Dmitriy Pichugin - Russian AviaPhoto Team - Antonov An-28

Teemu Tuuri - FAP - Antonov An-32A

Many people are interested in clearing clouds. And indeed, a very interesting topic. How are they dispersed? How much money does it cost? In general, it is worth noting that you really have to spend a lot. This pleasure is now very expensive. Thus, one of the last holidays cost the Russian government 430 thousand rubles. This is very large sum. Many people consider this a waste of money. But it's still interesting. How to disperse clouds?

On what holidays do the clouds disperse?

Let's figure it out: What holidays do they do this for? And what disperses rain clouds? In general, the main dates are: May 9, July 12 and the first Saturday of September. This is a plane taking off at four o'clock in the morning. His goal is very simple - to reconnoiter the current situation. If there is a threat of rain, planes with reagents take off. There are also special generators of fine particles. Cylinders with reagents are connected to them. After that, under high pressure they dissipate. As a result, precipitation occurs.

When did the clouds begin to disperse?

The first attempts began a short time after the Second World War. In this area, all the advanced developments went to the Americans. They proposed using two substances - and for these purposes. In the Soviet Union they started doing this somewhere in the early 60s. That is quite late.

There is nothing complicated in the process. But this process is called a little differently. Still, this is not the dispersal of clouds. In fact, the clouds rain and simply disappear. To disperse the clouds in the classical sense of the term, you need to be able to create very strong wind. Unfortunately, we have not yet learned how to do this. By the way, that would be nice. After all, you can save a lot of money in this case. But so far, completely different methods for accelerating clouds are being used.

They can also do this using special self-expanding containers. The technology is cheaper, but there is a risk that they will not open on their own and fall to the ground. And they are far from easy. Consequently, this can even lead to injuries. Although these arguments are not so critical due to the fact that clouds often have to be dispersed over uninhabited areas of the country. But if you have to do this over some village, then you need to be more careful.

When did the ability to disperse clouds come in handy in practice?

The ability to disperse clouds in practice was needed after the Chernobyl disaster. The rains were very dangerous at that time. Therefore, it was necessary to be able to create precipitation directly in the exclusion zone and under no circumstances allow it in other parts of the planet. It was a very responsible task. That's when there was a really practical use for cloud dispersal. But now there’s not much point, to be honest. Although some people may think differently. Still, good weather is the key to a great mood.

What reagents are used?

Now let’s look in more detail at how to disperse clouds. What reagents are used to bring this task to life?

  1. A liquid nitrogen.
  2. Dry ice.
  3. Granular carbon dioxide.
  4. Special cement. This material also raises doubts regarding environmental friendliness.
  5. Silver iodide. It is used in completely hopeless cases.

As we can see, enough a large number of reagents. It all depends on what cloud layer needs to be cleared. The type of cloud also affects what material is used. Not every cloud can be dispelled, as it turns out. So science still has room to grow. However, the technology for using a substance such as silver iodide is quite new.

Arguments for clearing clouds

Naturally, there are defenders and opponents of clearing clouds. And there is nothing strange here. This procedure really ambiguous. For objectivity, it is necessary to consider the arguments of both sides. And you can decide for yourself. So, the clouds need to be cleared away because:

  • Good weather improves your mood. And these are not unfounded statements. Indeed, under the influence of light, and even more so sun rays, the level of serotonin in a person’s blood increases. It is called the "hormone of happiness." Consequently, the feeling of celebration intensifies.
  • No event in which money was invested will fail. This is especially relevant as an argument against supporters of the opinion that the cost of overclocking is very high. In general, holidays cost a lot of money. Is there any point in carrying them out then?
  • The technological level of the country is shown. This is more about foreign policy. Although this argument is quite dubious. But since some people use it, it makes sense to include it here.

There are quite a few reasons. Indeed, they are quite significant for some people. Especially if there are any open-air events.

Arguments against cloud dispersal

There are also arguments from people who don’t care how to disperse clouds if it’s so expensive. For them, simply knowing the amount they will have to spend on it is enough. At the same time, there are more loyal people who are still against it. But at the same time it is not so categorical. What arguments do they have?

  1. The cost doesn't justify the results. Everything here is extremely simple. The money spent on such work can be used in a more constructive direction. For example, you can implement the construction of new parking lots or transport interchanges. These are more structural elements. Or, for example, you can improve the sewerage and rainwater drainage system. Global warming is currently underway. Therefore, precipitation became more widespread. Soon the city sewer system will not be able to withstand such stress. But people want clear skies. In general, a controversial decision. Still, the question “how much does it cost to disperse clouds” comes first.
  2. Environmental problems. Some people believe that the reagents are not environmentally friendly. Of course, this is a controversial issue. Many researchers say that there is nothing wrong with this. But sometimes farms suffer because of the dispersal of clouds. Many village residents complain that when they carry out these works, they just need rain. But the clouds never reach the fields, pouring over the city. Everything should take its course in nature. It is currently unknown exactly what could result from such heavy precipitation locally. The same applies to the effects of these reagents on people. After all, mercury and radiation were previously considered safe. But then these theses were refuted.

In general, the arguments are no less powerful than those of the supporters. We figured out how to disperse clouds. It turns out that there is nothing very complicated about this. If you have money, you can do the same. After all, now you also know how clouds disperse. Over Moscow you have to do this quite often, especially in cloudy, rainy autumn.

Today we’ll talk about how and what is the best way to disperse clouds without using airplanes with chemicals.

How Moscow clears the clouds

Since 2000, Moscow has annually used technology to ensure good sunny weather using 4 types of reagents:

  • Powder reagents (for example cement). For premature precipitation that did not have time to reach the city.
  • Firecrackers containing silver iodide. The action is similar to cement.
  • Granular carbon dioxide or dry ice. Changes the dew point.
  • Freezing reagents (liquid nitrogen). The principle of operation is similar to dry ice.

The whole thing is loaded and filled into the special. equipment for aircraft such as: An-12 or An-26, etc. in the amount of several hundred kilograms, after which planes spray reagents in the sky.

All this is spent annually cash taxpayers, that is, our money. Not just once, but annually!

In fact, installations have long been created that clear the sky of clouds without any reagents or chemicals. Installed it once and it works. But in the Russian Federation they are not looking for easy ways...

Cloud Tamer - CloudBuster

Dr. Wilhelm Reich in 1930-1940, using a Geiger counter, discovered orgone energy (this energy carries a lot of different definitions: ether, qi, life energy, etc.)

To learn more about orgone energy, follow the link:

Operating principle The cloud tamer was based on the fact that clouds consist of orgone energy and if you take it away, the clouds will quickly disintegrate.

Briefly what CloudBuster can do:

  1. Clear the clouds so that the weather is clear and sunny.
  2. Cause rain in dry weather. (To make it rain, just water the installation like watering a flower in a pot)

Who needs CloudBuster

  1. Primarily agricultural enterprises.
  2. Agronomists and agro-industrial complexes. (Because photoactive radiation is very important for the formation of plants and fruits.)
  3. Dry areas.
  4. And just for those who want all year round sunny weather.

How much does CloudBuster cost?

What you will need:

1) 6 segments 152.4 cm copper tubesØ 25 mm

2) 6 pieces of 30.4 cm copper tubes Ø 25 mm

3) 6 copper caps for tubes Ø 25 mm

4) 6 copper couplings Ø 25 mm

5) 6 double-ended quartz crystals (50 x 19 mm)

6) 1 plastic 9-liter bucket for the base

7) 45 cm3 metal shavings

8) 7 liters of resin 9) 3 pipe patterns

That's about it will cost 15-20 thousand rubles as of January 2018 (rate $ ~ 60r).

One such installation dispels/disperses clouds within a radius of 50 kilometers.

If you don't want to assemble it yourself, you can buy it on eBay.

Such installations can be placed throughout the city on the principle of cell towers at a distance of 40 km from each other. And if you really get confused, you can automate them:

On command, they will rise through an electric lift from a horizontal to a vertical position, thereby being activated.

If rain is needed, then on command a small amount of water will be supplied to it.

Warning! Do not touch the operating unit itself; severe headaches may occur for several days.

They were undertaken by meteorological specialists back in Soviet times. Back in the 1970s, special Tu-16 Cyclone jet aircraft, created on the basis of the Tu-16 strategic bomber, were used for this purpose. The Russian cloud acceleration service is considered one of the best in the world.

Technology for creating favorable weather conditions was developed in 1990 by specialists of the State Committee for Hydrometeorology and Control natural environment(Goskomgidromet), and since 1995, after the first large-scale use during the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, it began to be used quite widely.

Head of Hygiene Laboratory atmospheric air Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene environment RAMS Migmar Pinigin stated that liquid nitrogen is concentrated at low temperatures gas of the same name, the content of which in the atmosphere is about 78%. According to him, “the question of the harmfulness of this reagent disappears by itself.” As for granular carbon dioxide, its formula - CO2 - coincides with the formula carbon dioxide, also present in the atmosphere. Head of the climate program of the World Fund wildlife Alexey Kokorin assured that even the spraying of cement powder does not threaten people: “When dispersing clouds, we are talking about minimal doses.”

The reagent exists in the atmosphere for less than a day. After entering the cloud, it is washed out of it along with precipitation, meteorologists are sure.

According to Assistant Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Alexander Drobyshevsky, “the use of reagents, in terms of pollution, does not affect the state of the earth’s surface in any way. The number of reagent particles falling per unit area of ​​the earth is negligible, it is hundreds of times less than the natural level of dust deposits.”

At the same time, this technique also has opponents. So, ecologists from public organization Ecodefense argues that there is a definite relationship between the acceleration of clouds and the heavy rainfall that falls in the following days. According to the head of the organization, Vladimir Slivyak, " modern science I am not yet able to talk about the consequences of such an intervention, but they can be very different." In this regard, the position of ecologists is clear: "Such actions must be stopped." The response of meteorologists is no less clear. According to the statement of the head of the department for monitoring geophysical processes and active impacts and state supervision of Roshydromet Valery Stasenko, “the conclusions of ecologists regarding the fact that rainy weather is a consequence of our activities, this is nothing more than speculation. To draw such conclusions, it is necessary to measure the level of aerosol in the atmosphere, its concentration, and establish the type of aerosol. Without this data, such statements are unfounded."

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Nice, sunny weather in last years certainly accompanies all major capital holidays. Now you can “order” the weather. Clouds easily disperse and unfavorable weather conditions do not spoil the holiday. Today, May 8, aviation began shaping the weather over Moscow: At the Ramenskoye and Chkalovsky airfields near Moscow, specialists from the Russian Air Force and the Roshydromet Atmospheric Technologies Agency began loading aircraft with reagents.

First attempts to make good weather were undertaken back in the Soviet Union, and today Russian service It is considered the best in the world for cloud acceleration. Other countries are just taking our experience into account.

The technique of creating favorable weather conditions began to be widely used in 1995. Early morning aerial reconnaissance clarifies the situation, then planes take off from one of the airfields near Moscow. Dry ice is sprayed against the stratus forms of the lower cloud layer from a height of several thousand meters, and liquid nitrogen is sprayed against the nimbostratus clouds. The most powerful rain clouds are bombarded with silver iodide, which is filled with weather cartridges. Once in the clouds, the reagent particles concentrate moisture around themselves, “pulling” water from the clouds. As a result, over the area where dry ice or silver iodide is sprayed, heavy rain. On the way to Moscow the clouds clear.

The cost of such flights can reach several million rubles. According to rough estimates, one event to create good weather costs the city treasury a total of 2.5 million dollars.

Nevertheless, Muscovites will apparently celebrate Victory Day under umbrellas: although weather forecasters promise warm weather, they do not rule out rain and, in some places, thunderstorms. “Short-term, local rains are expected in the capital on May 9 in the afternoon; the dispersion of clouds will not significantly affect the air temperature,” said Dmitry Kiktev, deputy director for science of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia.

Head of public environmental organization“Ecodefense” Vladimir Slivyak is sure that “the artificial removal of natural precipitation over Moscow often leads to the fact that it can rain like buckets for a very long time.” This happens when the air humidity changes sharply, and the direction of movement also changes. air fronts. This picture was observed after the clouds cleared over Moscow in honor of Russian Independence Day - June 12, 2005.

According to meteorologists themselves, all the talk about the negative aftereffects of reagents has no basis. Valery Stasenko, head of the active influence department of Roshydromet, says: “The conclusions of ecologists regarding the fact that rainy weather is a consequence of our activities are nothing more than speculation. We know the periods of existence of clouds, we know the patterns of precipitation and formation.”

The reagent exists in the atmosphere for less than a day. After entering the cloud, it is washed out of it along with precipitation, meteorologists are sure.

Aleksey Kokorin, climate program coordinator for the Russian branch of the World Wildlife Fund, also said that dispersing clouds using reagents does not threaten the environment. “Dispersing clouds with the help of reagents can affect the weather, but this is a local effect - the rain that will fall on Moscow after using reagents will occur somewhere in the region. But for the climate as a whole, flora and fauna there is nothing terrible,” he said Kokorin.

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