How to make delicious kvass at home. How to make bread kvass at home

In hot weather, real kvass perfectly quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and quickly restores strength. This one is also delicious natural drink easy to prepare at home, following centuries-old technology. I bring to your attention two recipes for kvass from bread: one with yeast, the other without.

General tips:

  • You can make kvass from any type of bread, but the most best drinks are obtained from black rye loaves without the addition of caraway seeds, dill, etc.;
  • use only glass, plastic or enamel containers;
  • prepare breadcrumbs for kvass without oil and spices;
  • During fermentation in tightly closed containers, do not forget to monitor the level of carbon dioxide to high pressure the bottles didn't break.

Kvass from bread with yeast

A simple classic option.


  • Rye bread– 0.5 kg;
  • water – 5 liters;
  • sugar – 250 grams;
  • pressed yeast - 20 grams (or 5 grams of dry).

Lovers of sweet drinks can increase the amount of sugar added at the eighth stage by 2-3 times.

1. Cut the bread into small pieces and fry in the oven until golden brown. The more dried the bread is, the more bitterness is felt in the kvass and the darker the color, but you should not overdry it.

2. Boil water, then cool to room temperature and pour into a fermentation container.

3. Add crackers, cover the neck of the container with gauze and leave for 48 hours in a dark place at room temperature. If you need to make kvass quickly, you can boil the mixture for 20-30 minutes, then cool to 25-30°C.

4. Dilute the yeast according to the instructions on the packet.

5. Filter the kvass wort through cheesecloth, squeezing the crackers well.

6. Pour the filtered wort into a fermentation container, add 200 grams of sugar and diluted yeast, mix well.

7. Loosely cover the container with a lid to carbon dioxide went outside unhindered, then put it in a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C for 14-16 hours.

8. Pour the kvass into a storage container, for example plastic bottles or jars, add the remaining 50 grams of sugar, mix. If you use several bottles, distribute the sugar evenly, it is needed to create carbon dioxide in the drink.

9. Seal the containers hermetically and place them in a dark place at room temperature for 4-5 hours.

10. Cool homemade bread kvass to a temperature of 8-11°C, transferring the bottles to the refrigerator or basement. This is necessary to stop the fermentation process. After 3-4 hours you can start tasting. Shelf life – up to 3 days.

Kvass with dry yeast

Bread kvass without yeast

A natural drink without the smell or taste of yeast. Raisins are used as a starter.


  • black bread – 0.5 kg;
  • sugar – 300 grams;
  • water – 5 liters;
  • unwashed raisins – 50 grams.

1. Cut the bread into pieces and dry it in the oven, the main thing is that the crackers do not burn, otherwise the kvass will turn out bitter.

2. Boil water, add crackers and 250 grams of sugar, stir.

3. Cool the resulting wort to 22-25°C, then pour into a fermentation container, filling a maximum of 90% of the volume.

4. Add raisins, then mix again, cover the neck with gauze and transfer the jar to a dark place with a temperature of 18-25°C.

5. If the raisins are of high quality, fermentation will begin in 1-2 days, the crackers in the jar will move, then foam, hissing and a slight sour smell will appear on the surface.

6. Two days after the start of fermentation, filter homemade kvass through cheesecloth, add 50 grams of sugar, mix, pour into bottles for storage, add 2-3 raisins to each and close tightly with lids.

7. Keep the drink for 8-12 hours in a dark, warm place to gain gas, then transfer it to the refrigerator or basement. After cooling the bread kvass to 8-11°C, you can proceed to tasting. Shelf life up to 4 days.

Kvass with raisins instead of yeast

Kvass is a traditional drink with rich history, going back centuries. IN Ancient Rus' it was cooked everywhere. Every housewife knew how to make kvass from bread at home.

Traditionally, kvass was obtained as a result of fermentation from malt and flour with the addition of honey, aromatic and healthy herbs, vegetables, and berries. There are many modern options for preparing kvass - from time-saving to leisurely, from classic recipes to innovative and exotic, for example, oat kvass.

In the article I will talk about popular methods of preparing the popular Slavic drink and provide delicious step-by-step recipes.

History of kvass

The first mention of the miraculous and tasty drink dates back to the year 996 in ancient chronicles. Grand Duke Kyiv and Novgorod lands, Vladimir, under whom Christianity was established as the state religion, ordered that “food, honey and kvass” be distributed to people in honor of the national holiday.

More than a millennium has passed, but good old kvass has not lost its popularity. It has a healing and invigorating effect and a colossal number of beneficial properties, including:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • restoration of water-salt balance;
  • positive influence on the heart and blood vessels.

Kvass is a great helper digestive process because it contains carbon dioxide. It is rich in vitamins B and C. The yeast included in the composition strengthens hair and prevents the formation of acne.

Let's move on to the “main dish” of the article – recipes for real bread kvass. Note to housewives and men who love to cook.

Classic kvass made from black rye bread


  • Water – 8 l,
  • Rye bread – 800 g,
  • Yeast – 50 g,
  • Sugar – 1.5 cups.


  1. I cut the bread into thin slices and place it on a baking sheet. I turn on the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. If necessary, I reduce the temperature. I make sure that the slices are dry and not burnt.
  2. I put water on the stove and pour in sugar. After the water boils, I add the prepared bread crumbs. I remove the pan from the stove and leave it alone for several hours. The kvass base should cool to a temperature slightly warmer than room temperature.
  3. Add yeast to the cooled mixture. Mix thoroughly until completely dissolved.
  4. I cover the wort with a towel and leave it for a day. Every other day I get kvass with a slight sweet and sour taste. For a richer and more pronounced taste, I let the wort brew for another day. I strain through multi-layer cheesecloth, pour into jars and leave to cool. Ready!

Video recipe

Recipe for kvass from bread without yeast

A simple recipe for your favorite kvass without any fuss with yeast or claims to originality.


  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon,
  • Water – 3 l,
  • Rye bread – 400 g.


  1. I take the bread and crumble it into a 3-liter jar to fill the bottom. I don’t dry it first.
  2. I fill it with water at room temperature and add sugar.
  3. I cover with a glass lid to allow the drink to breathe. I leave it to wander. The warmer the house, the faster the kvass will arrive. 2-3 days are enough.

The resulting kvass can be used for okroshka and marinating meat. The grounds are applied several times. Before next cooking, don't forget to add bread and a little sugar.

A quick way to make kvass

Do you want to learn how to make a homemade drink with pleasant sourness and a sweetish-caramel taste in half an hour? Follow the recipe.


  • Water – 2.5 l,
  • Dry yeast - 2 teaspoons,
  • Citric acid – 1 small spoon,
  • Sugar – 200 g.


  1. I take warm boiled water and pour it into a jar. I add citric acid and yeast. Mix slowly and thoroughly.
  2. I'm making burnt sugar. I throw granulated sugar into a separate pan. I turn on medium heat. I wait until the sugar turns golden Brown color. It is very important not to overheat it. Otherwise, the drink will turn out bitter. Add 150 g to the brown mass cold water, I mix thoroughly.
  3. I combine the sugar and the resulting mixture in a jar. I mix again.
  4. I'm closing top part jars with a thick cloth (kitchen towel) and place in a warm place for half an hour. I pour it into containers and put it in the refrigerator to cool. That's all the wisdom!

How to make kvass from white bread and yeast

main feature recipe - using a loaf white bread. It will give the kvass an unusual golden hue.


  • Water – 3 l,
  • Bread – 150-200 g,
  • Dry yeast for baking - half a teaspoon,
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons,
  • Raisins – 30 g.


  1. I'm cutting bread. I dry the slices in a preheated oven and pour them into a 3-liter jar.
  2. Pour in water and leave for 30 minutes, letting the crackers soften. After half an hour I add sugar, yeast and raisins. I stir thoroughly.
  3. Cover with a lid (loosely) and leave for 1-2 days. The richness of the taste of kvass and its sourness directly depend on the amount of time. Next, I filter and bottle it. I put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Cooking video

Kvass from bread for okroshka with mint


  • Water – 2 l,
  • Borodino bread – 350 g,
  • Raisins – 50 g,
  • Mint - a small bunch.


  1. I am preparing an infusion based on mint. I pour boiling water over the herb and let it brew.
  2. I cut the loaf into small cubes and throw it into a jar. I thoroughly wash the raisins, dry them and add them to the bread. I pour the herbal infusion and add boiled water to the jar. I close the lid.
  3. I leave it for a day warm place. Next, I pour it into a bottle, carefully separating the grounds using gauze. I screw the lid on and put it in the refrigerator.

Helpful advice. The taste of okroshka kvass will become richer if you add fresh currant leaves to the mint.

Simple okroshka kvass


  • Baker's yeast – 50 g,
  • Water – 7 l,
  • Rye bread – 2 kg,
  • Sugar – 2 heaped tablespoons.


  1. I grind the bread and dry it in the oven. I transfer the browned pieces into a saucepan and pour boiling water over them. I leave it for 4 hours, letting the bread sit.
  2. I drain the liquid, add yeast, pour in sugar. I stir thoroughly and put the drink in a warm place. I let the kvass brew for 5-6 hours. I strain and cool.

Wonderful homemade kvass a quick fix"Ready for okroshka!

Recipe for kvass without starter on oatmeal


  • Oatmeal – 1 kg,
  • Sugar – 5 tablespoons,
  • Water – 2 liters,
  • Raisins – 20 g.


  1. I wash the oats thoroughly. I pour it into a jar, add sugar and raisins.
  2. I pour boiled water.
  3. Cover with a cloth and place in a warm place. I'm waiting 2 days.
  4. For the first time, the drink will acquire a sweetish, but weakly expressed taste, so I drain it.
  5. I add sugar and pour fresh water. I leave it for another two days. After the allotted time, I strain the aromatic drink with a slight sourness and pour it into a bottle.
  6. I close the lid and leave for 12 hours for carbonation (natural saturation with carbon dioxide).

How to make kvass from bread and raisins


  • Borodino bread – 4 slices,
  • Raisins - 3 tablespoons of the dark variety, 1 small spoon of the light variety,
  • Dry yeast – 4 g,
  • Sugar – 4 tablespoons,
  • Water – 3 l.


  1. I dry Borodino bread correctly. The natural way, no oven. I cut it into slices and leave it on a baking sheet in an open place for 1 day.
  2. I take a frying pan and brown the bread. Ready crackers should cool. I throw it into a pan or jar.
  3. I add sugar, yeast, dried berries.
  4. I fill it with warm water. I mix it carefully. I seal the jar tightly with gauze and leave it to cook throughout the day.
  5. I separate the starter from the drink. I use a sieve, then cheesecloth.
  6. I bottle it and add more white raisins. To get a richer taste, put it in the refrigerator for 2 days.

It takes a long time to prepare kvass according to the recipe, but the result will live up to expectations. Kvass made from bread and raisins will be very aromatic and spicy.

Let's do kvass from bread and millet


  • Brown bread crusts - 3 pieces,
  • Millet – 2 cups,
  • Sugar – 3 tablespoons,
  • Water – 3 l.


  1. I dry the sliced ​​bread in the oven. I put cereal, prepared crackers, and sugar in a 3-liter jar. I mix thoroughly.
  2. I pour boiled water and close the jar. I let it brew for two days.
  3. You will know that the kvass is ready by the formation of bubbles. I carefully drain the drink and fill the pre-prepared bottles with it. I store it in the refrigerator.

Video recipe

  • Don’t throw away the wheat sourdough; you can use it to make a stronger and more flavorful drink.
  • To give original taste Add two components to wheat kvass - coriander and cumin.

How to prepare Russian kvass in a barrel

Classic old recipe for cooking delicious drink in a barrel.


  • Crushed rye malt – 1 kg,
  • Crushed barley malt – 600 g,
  • Rye flour – 600 g,
  • Rye bread (preferably stale or weathered) – 80 g,
  • Rye crackers – 130 g,
  • Mint leaves – 30 g,
  • Molasses – 1 kg.


  1. I make a dough based on flour, malt and 3 liters of water. I mix thoroughly in a large container. I cover the top with a thick cloth. Let it brew for 1 hour.
  2. I transfer the dough into a cast iron bowl (you can use another one, the main thing is with fireproof properties), put it in a preheated oven. After evaporation, I thoroughly mix the dough and leave for 1 day.
  3. I'm slicing bread. I put the dough in a large container and fill it with 16 liters of boiling water. I add crackers and crushed bread. I mix thoroughly and leave it alone for 8 hours.
  4. After the wort starts fermenting, I pour the liquid into the keg. The barrel must be steamed and thoroughly washed. These are mandatory hygienic actions that have a beneficial effect on the future aroma and contribute to the disinfection of the tank.
  5. I refill the remaining starter with boiling water. I've been waiting for 3 hours. I pour the kvass base into a barrel, add mint infusion and leave it to ferment.
  6. I send the barrel to the ice cellar. After the fermentation process has subsided, I add molasses (the calculation is as follows: 1 kg of sweetener per 30-liter barrel). I seal it with a sleeve. I'm waiting 4 days.
  7. The drink can be stored for several months without loss of taste. The main thing is not to expose it to heat, install it in a cold place with a constant temperature.

How to prepare vigorous kvass


  • Dry yeast – 30 g,
  • Black bread – 800 g,
  • Boiled water – 4 l,
  • Honey – 100 g,
  • Horseradish – 100 g,
  • Sugar – 80 g,
  • Raisins - to taste.


  1. I cut the bread and place it on a baking sheet. I put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees. Fry until golden, slightly brown.
  2. I pour boiling water over the crackers. I insist 4 hours. I take cheesecloth and strain the wort. I add yeast, throw in sugar and put it in a warm place to ferment.
  3. After 6-7 hours, I bottle the almost finished drink. I put 2-3 raisins in each for flavor.
  4. I don’t close it until I notice bubbles forming near the neck of the bottle. Only then do I cork the bottles and put them in the refrigerator for two hours.
  5. I rub it

Bread kvass is a traditional Russian drink. They drank kvass in Rus' all year round and in peasant huts, and in monasteries, and in noble estates, and in royal chambers. People noted that bread kvass easily quenches thirst, relieves fatigue and quickly restores strength, so fasting for ordinary people kvass became the main source of vitamins, along with onions and black bread. Doctors also noted the beneficial properties of kvass; in infirmaries and hospitals, bread kvass was equated to medicine. Already two centuries ago, doctors knew that kvass improves digestion and expels microbes. Modern scientists confirm: bread kvass regulates the activity gastrointestinal tract, prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, raises the overall tone of the body, strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Useful properties of bread kvass

Not everyone knows the benefits of kvass. Therefore, let's talk about beneficial properties bread kvass in more detail. Homemade bread kvass helps digestion, inhibits pathogenic microflora and promotes better exchange substances. Thus, homemade bread kvass is a preventative dietary drink and increases performance. Since ancient times, the beneficial properties of bread kvass have been used by people to prevent vitamin deficiency, because it contains many vitamins (E, group B) and microelements (lactic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium), as well as amino acids.

Bread kvass is useful:

  • for treatment nervous system, hypertension, heart and vascular cleansing, as well as to improve mood - due to the presence of lactic acid, amino acids, magnesium, calcium, trace elements and B vitamins in rye kvass;
  • bread kvass increases potency, treats the eyes, liver, strengthens teeth, and when drunk on an empty stomach it helps the secretion of gastric juice, and is used in diets for weight loss;
  • for gastritis with low acidity, it is useful to drink kvass before meals;
  • beet kvass restores liver cells and has a choleretic effect; it is also used for arrhythmias.

So, beneficial properties of bread kvass obvious, but you should not abuse sour kvass for chronic ulcers and gastritis, hyperacidity, colitis, gout and liver diseases. Practical advice: to reduce the acidity of kvass, you should add honey to taste. Bread kvass acquires beneficial properties thanks to a combination of cereals, yeast and natural ingredients (herbs or berries). There are many types of bread kvass: sour or sweet kvass, bread kvass with mint, rye kvass with horseradish, okroshka kvass, kvass with fruits and berries, kvass without yeast.

Pre-revolutionary Russia had its own hierarchy of kvass:

  • honey kvass was considered the most high-born, and the best honey from all over the country went to St. Petersburg for the throne's kvass;
  • monastic kvass- the same famous kvass, it was infused with kalach instead of yeast and made in monasteries where they raised their own bees;
  • Zhitny kvass from barley and rye malt prepared in landowners' and peasants' houses.
  • berry kvass, infused with all kinds of strawberries, lingonberries, cranberries and bird cherries, was considered cheap.

Homemade bread kvass, photo by I. Bykov

How to make homemade kvass

It is quite difficult to prepare real bread kvass, as it was made in Rus'. To prepare bread kvass, grain (rye or barley) is first soaked, germinated, steamed, dried, ground, and wort is prepared from it. It is filled with water, fermented for several days, and infused. This whole procedure takes a lot of time... However, you and I can prepare homemade bread kvass from the extract of this drink or kvass wort.

Rules for preparing homemade bread kvass

  1. The yeast must be the freshest, and the bread for the wort must be rye.
  2. Kvass is prepared in cooled boiled water.
  3. It is recommended to store kvass in a cool place.
  4. Ready kvass should be consumed within 2-3 days. With more long-term storage it loses its taste and becomes sour.
  5. The container in which the wort is infused must be glass or enamel; kvass cannot be prepared in aluminum containers, as it oxidizes.
  6. To prepare berry kvass, only ripe, selected, undamaged berries are used.

For those who want to get a healing and tasty drink, we advise you to prepare homemade bread kvass using the following recipes. We will be the first to publish a recipe for kvass without yeast.

Kvass without yeast

Sourdough for kvass without yeast

2 cups boiled water cooled to room temperature.
0.5 slices of rye bread.
1 tsp granulated sugar.
For the starter, take a glass of lukewarm boiled water, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, and half a slice of rye bread. Place all ingredients in a 0.5 liter jar. At the same time, crush the bread. Cover the jar with the starter with a cloth and leave it to ferment in a warm place. Without yeast, sourdough fermentation takes a little longer: a day or two.

How to make bread kvass without yeast at home from sourdough starter

1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar
1 - 2 slices rye bread
0.5 liters of prepared sourdough
1.5 liters of chilled boiled water

And so a day or two passed, you tasted the sourdough and made sure it was ready. The liquid should be cloudy and taste sharp. First, take a 2 liter jar, pour the starter into it, add 2 pieces of rye bread (crushed), 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated sugar and add cold boiled water to the edges of the jar. Close the lid and let it sit for a day. You can also put crackers, dried in the oven until golden brown, in a jar. In this case, the kvass will steep for much longer, but will acquire a golden color almost immediately. A day or two later, after tasting the first kvass, pour 2/3 of the liquid into a separate container. Add the remaining starter in the jar with boiled water cooled to room temperature, add 1 - 2 chopped pieces of fresh rye bread, close the lid and leave again.

Bread recipes homemade kvass

Since store-bought kvass can hardly be called useful, many people want to know how to make kvass at home. After all, homemade bread kvass is much tastier and healthier. In addition, preparing kvass at home is not difficult for experienced housewives.

Recipe for kvass from crackers

How to make homemade kvass from crackers:
Rye crackers (1 kg) are fried in the oven until golden crust. Place in a saucepan, add warm water and leave in a warm place for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally. The infusion is drained. The remaining crackers are poured again with water, left for 1-2 hours and poured into the infusion that was obtained earlier. The resulting wort is cooled to 20 degrees. Add sugar (per 3 liters of water - 1.5 cups of sugar) and yeast (40 g), diluted with the same wort. Leave in a warm place for 12 hours. The finished kvass is poured into jars or bottles and stored in a cool place.

Boyarsky kvass recipe

How to prepare Boyarsky kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 kg of stale rye bread, 5 liters of water, 1.3 sugar, 60 g of yeast, 1 tbsp. wheat flour, mint to taste.
Prepare the starter. To do this, dilute the yeast with a glass of warm water and put it in warm place. Pour boiling water over dried mint and leave to infuse. Cut the bread into slices, pour boiling water over it and cool to 30-40 degrees. Add the starter, mint infusion and leave for a day, then strain, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour the kvass into bottles, seal them well and store in the cold.

Borodinsky kvass recipe

Making Borodinsky kvass at home
Ingredients: 3 liters of water, 2 pieces of Borodino bread, 15 g of yeast, 1 teaspoon of flour, a handful of raisins
How to prepare Borodino kvass. Cut the bread into slices and lightly dry in the oven. Pour boiling water over and let the wort steep for 3 hours. Dissolve yeast with flour and add to wort. Leave for a day. Strain. Pour into bottles, add a twist to each. Keep warm for 3 hours, then put the bottles in the refrigerator. After 3-4 days you can drink kvass. Borodino kvass is ready.

Vigorous kvass with horseradish

Making kvass with horseradish, raisins and honey at home
Ingredients: 4 l of water, 800 g of rye crackers, 20 g of yeast, 100 g of honey, 100 g of grated horseradish, 50 g of raisins
How to prepare vigorous kvass with horseradish. Pour boiling water over the crackers and let stand for 3-4 hours. Strain. Add yeast and leave to ferment for 5-6 hours. Add grated horseradish and honey. Mix, pour into bottles, adding zest to each. Let it brew for 2 hours. Vigorous kvass with horseradish is ready.

Beet kvass recipe

How to make beet kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 kg of beets, 2 liters of water, 20 g of sugar, 1 piece of black bread, a clove of garlic, salt to taste
How to prepare beet kvass. Peel the beets and grate them on a coarse grater. Place in a 3-liter jar and fill with water. Add a piece of black bread, sugar, a little salt. Cover the jar with gauze and place in a warm place for 3-4 days. You can add a clove of garlic to almost finished kvass. Beet kvass is ready.

Recipe Kvass razhnaya

How to make rye kvass at home
Ingredients: 1 loaf of rye bread, 2 cups of sugar, 1 packet of dry yeast, several sprigs of mint, a handful of blackcurrant leaves
How to prepare rye kvass: Cut the bread into slices and leave to dry for a day. Then brown the crackers in the oven. Pour boiling water over the crackers and leave for 12 hours. Brew mint and currants: pour boiling water and let steep for 15 minutes. Strain the crackers through cheesecloth or a sieve, add a decoction of mint and currants, sugar and yeast to the resulting infusion. Stir and leave to ferment for 5 hours. When the kvass starts to foam, remove the foam, strain and bottle.

Before summer has even given us its warmth, we are already reaching for different drinks. For me, there is nothing better than kvass, it is tasty and perfectly quenches thirst, especially if it is real homemade kvass. And if you are interested in the question - how to make kvass at home, then you are at the right time, in the right place.

I decided to offer you a selection of interesting recipes for this delicious drink, choose the one that you like.

This is not always a quick process, but in any case, making homemade kvass is not difficult - there are a minimum of ingredients and low labor costs. And then the kvass is made on its own, without our intervention, we just have to wait for the tasty result.

Kvass was made back in old times and they still do. And it gained such popularity not only as a drink that quenches thirst, but also as a drink that is beneficial for our body. In Rus', everyone drank kvass, both poor people and rich people, they believed that it added strength and energy, and was good for digestion.

But for it to be truly useful, you need to know the intricacies of making kvass at home.

Secrets of making homemade kvass

  • If you make bread kvass, it is important to know that the bread must be natural (flour, yeast, water). Newfangled additives that are added so that, for example, it can be stored longer, can ruin the fermentation process.
  • As a rule, crackers are made from bread, and kvass is made from them. The color of the resulting drink will depend on the degree of browning of the crackers. But in an effort to get a dark, rich color, remember that burnt crackers will give not only color, but also bitterness.
  • If you make kvass with yeast, check it for freshness.
  • To ferment kvass, use glass or metal containers (enameled without chips, stainless steel). Ready kvass can be poured into plastic bottles.
  • Raisins are also an important ingredient in preparing an invigorating drink; they enhance fermentation and make it vigorous. The main thing is that you do not need to wash the raisins before storing them, as you will wash off the so-called wild yeast that is present on the surface of the berries.
  • Sugar in kvass releases carbon dioxide and makes the drink carbonated. But here, too, there is no need to overdo it. After all, one of the advantages of kvass is its low calorie content, sugar, accordingly, increases this calorie content. Therefore, everything should be in moderation if we want to benefit from the drink, and it’s unlikely to quench our thirst with very sweet kvass.
  • If we want to get kvass and not mash, then the fermentation process must be stopped in time. Therefore, the fermentation period should not be more than 4 days, the starter must be removed, and the strained kvass must be placed in the refrigerator.
  • It is recommended to store finished kvass in the refrigerator for no more than 7 days.
  • Although why store it, that’s not why we made it. Drink this wonderful homemade drink, it will not only quench your thirst, but will also benefit your body. But first you still need to do it.

Kvass without yeast at home

Kvass without yeast, also called double-fermentation kvass, is one of the most correct recipes, the one that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers prepared. In it, fermented milk fermentation predominates over alcoholic fermentation, and accordingly, a balance is maintained useful substances and vitamins, which makes it beneficial for our body.


  • rye bread crackers
  • sugar

How to make yeast-free kvass:

It is important to know that if you don’t really like the taste of the first kvass, this does not mean that the recipe is bad, this is normal. The real taste appears during subsequent fermentations and the older the kvass, the tastier it is.

Watch the video for another recipe for kvass without yeast; it is made without leaven and therefore the process is a little faster.

Bread kvass with yeast

This recipe is very popular in home cooking - the yeast accelerates the ripening of the drink and the kvass turns out very tasty. If anyone is bothered by the smell of yeast, then it will only be felt in young kvass. Yes, and we will use yeast only once, then we will add sourdough and the smell of yeast will go away.


  • crackers from various breads - 300 gr
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.
  • yeast - 10 g fresh or 1 tsp. dry
  • raisins - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make homemade kvass with yeast:

We leave half of the swollen crackers as a starter and make the next kvass using it; there is no need to make yeast starter, but otherwise we prepare it the same way.

Homemade kvass from wort

Kvass from store-bought kvass wort is a simpler option for preparing a delicious summer drink. To make kvass that tastes good, you need to buy a good concentrate, for example, prepared according to GOST 28538-90. If there is no such marking, pay attention to the composition of the wort so that it is natural without unnecessary additives. It’s good when the wort contains different types malt, such as barley and rye, then the kvass has a richer taste.


  • water - 4 liters
  • kvass wort - 160 gr.
  • sugar - 235 gr.
  • dry yeast - 10 gr.
  • raisins - 10 gr.

How to make kvass yourself from store-bought wort:

Flour kvass - a real Russian recipe

Flour kvass is a real Russian drink, it is also called rustic. This recipe is also popular for its ease of preparation and also because this drink perfectly quenches thirst, is excellent as small kvass, and is superior in health to all types of kvass.


  • rye flour (preferably coarsely ground);
  • Wheat flour;
  • water;
  • sugar;
  • dry yeast or raisins
  • mint (optional)

Method for preparing flour kvass:

  1. Here you also need leaven, it is called grounds - take 150 ml. warm water, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved and add rye flour until sour cream is thick, add 5 - 6 raisins. The grounds should stand for a day at room temperature. The presence of bubbles on the surface and a sour smell indicates the readiness of the starter. The raisins must be removed from the finished starter.
  2. Let's start preparing kvass. It can only be made from rye flour, but wheat flour makes the drink more delicate and pleasant to the taste. For 5 liters of water we need 0.5 kg of flour. Mix rye with wheat in a 2:1 ratio, where two parts are rye and one part is wheat.
  3. Pour the flour into a container and gradually pour in water (40 - 50 0), you should get a homogeneous mass without lumps, similar in consistency to sour cream. Bring the remaining water to a boil and pour it over the flour mixture, mix everything thoroughly, add sugar to taste and, if desired, a small bunch of mint.
  4. As soon as the base for flour kvass has cooled to 40 0, add the starter and mix thoroughly. Cover the container, you can wrap it in a blanket and leave it for 4 days. The appearance of foam, bubbles and the smell of freshly baked bread indicates that the kvass is ready. It must be strained through 4 layers of gauze, bottled and refrigerated. Adjust the taste with sugar.

If you replace sugar with honey, then such kvass will be healthier and tastier.

The grounds that have settled to the bottom will serve as leaven. But she needs to be revived. After decanting the kvass, add a little flour, sugar, warm water and leave for a couple of days. In the refrigerator, kvass grounds made from rye flour retain their qualities for quite a long time.

These were recipes for bread kvass, but there are many other interesting recipes, for example. I have already talked about its beneficial properties, as well as the method of preparation; we really like this kvass.

If you have the opportunity to collect birch sap, you can prepare kvass based on it.

How to make birch kvass - video recipe

This is where I will probably finish the conversation about how to make kvass at home, choose the recipe you like and enjoy the tasty and healthy drink.

As it turned out, there are a lot of recipes for kvass; they make such a drink from berries, chicory, ginger, rice kvass, cleansing beet kvass, healthy kvass from celandine. So the topic is inexhaustible and maybe we will return to it with new experiments.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

With the onset of summer, kvass consumption increases. Today there are many varieties. You can buy it in a store or in barrels on the street. But the most delicious is the one prepared with your own hands at home.

This drink has been prepared since ancient times. It restores strength and copes well with thirst. This is explained by the content. Kvass contains: essential microelements and almost all vitamins. In addition, it prevents the development of various diseases.

Exists a large number of recipes The drink can be prepared using berries, honey and herbs. But most often they use bread. This article provides an overview of several options for preparing a bread drink.

Making kvass from black bread without yeast

Dry yeast gives the drink a specific smell, so not everyone likes this kvass. But you can do without them if you use another recipe. It is important to note that success largely depends on bread. If it contains a large number of chemical components, then the fermentation process may not occur.


  • 400 grams of black bread.
  • 3 liters of water.
  • 120 grams of granulated sugar.
  • 30 grams of raisins.

Step-by-step preparation

Just like in the first recipe, the pieces of rye bread need to be dried. The main thing is that they do not burn, otherwise the kvass will taste bitter.

The glass jar needs to be washed well, or better yet, doused with boiling water. If it was stored dairy products, then it is not recommended to use it, since many microbes remain in the container. Add 0.5 cups of granulated sugar to a clean jar and pour boiling water (80 degrees). Then stir thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved in the water.

Then pour out the dried pieces of bread and add a little more water. To leave room for fermentation, the jar should be filled to the shoulders.

When the liquid becomes warm, about 40 degrees, you need to add washed raisins. In this case, the fermentation process will depend on the quality of the dried grapes.

Cover the container with a thick towel and place in a warm place for 72 hours. After this time, the drink must be strained through clean gauze.

After this, the invigorating drink can be poured into bottles or decanters. It is recommended to add 2-3 more raisins. Close the container and put it in the refrigerator. Now summer heat you are not afraid.

After you strain the kvass, what remains is the leaven. You can use it to prepare another portion of the drink. To do this, you need to dry the bread, put it in a jar along with sugar, raisins and sourdough. In this case, kvass will be ready in about 48 hours.

How to make kvass at home

If for some reason you don’t like a store-bought invigorating drink, you can make it yourself. The recipe is quite simple, but you need to know some nuances. It doesn’t take much time to prepare, so you can do this process at any time.


  • 200 grams of rye or Borodino bread.
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water.
  • 1 tsp dry yeast.
  • 1 handful of raisins.
  • 5 tbsp granulated sugar.

Step-by-step cooking process

The bread can be broken into small pieces or cut into neat cubes, no more than 4 cm thick. Place the pieces on a dry baking sheet and place in a preheated oven. When it browns and a crust forms (about 15 minutes), you can remove it.

Prepare a 3-liter glass jar without chips or defects, otherwise it may crack. Send the prepared crackers into it. It will be enough for them to fill the bottom of the container.

Add the specified amount of granulated sugar to a glass jar.

Place a pot of water on the stove. When it boils, pour in the crackers. It is important to leave some room as the liquid will rise over time as it ferments. The jar may burst, so it is recommended to place an iron spoon or knife in it while pouring. Set the container aside to allow the water to cool slightly.

In a glass, dilute dry yeast with 100 ml of warm water. Then add a small amount of sugar and wait for the fermentation process. On the package with dry yeast you can see detailed instructions. When the liquid in the jar has cooled to room temperature, add the yeast mixture to it.

After this, the jar can be closed with a lid and placed in a warm and sunny place for 24 hours. However, some people cover the container with gauze to allow the kvass to breathe, and infuse it for 36 hours. This will be enough for the drink to turn brown and for the crackers to rise to the top. After this time, the invigorating drink must be filtered through cheesecloth.

Prepare a clean jar, send into it the specified amount of raisins, which must first be washed. If you like a sweet drink, you can add a little more granulated sugar. Close the jar and place in the refrigerator. After 30-60 minutes you can conduct a tasting.

If necessary, the starter can be used one more time. To do this, you need to fry the rye bread again, fill the bottom of 3 liter jar, add 1 cup of the remaining starter and pour boiling water.

Malt kvass recipe

Malt is used not only for making beer and homemade bread, but also kvass. This drink will resemble the store-bought version. The drink turns out aromatic and invigorating.


  • 110 g rye malt.
  • 3 tsp dry yeast.
  • 5 liters of filtered water.
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar.

Cooking process

Fill an enamel pan with water, bring it to a boil, then immediately add malt. The liquid must be thoroughly stirred to eliminate any formed lumps.

At the next stage, gently pour part of the prepared solution into a glass. Wait a bit for it to cool to room temperature. After this you need to add dry yeast. The glass glass should be covered and placed in a warm and sunny place for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, the solution in the pan should cool completely. Now you need to add granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly so that it is completely dissolved in the liquid.

After 15 minutes, the fermentation process in the glass should begin, so the liquid must be added to the pan. Leave the solution for 12 hours.

When the time comes, the summer drink must be strained and poured into jars, then put in the refrigerator for another 48 hours. After this, the kvass will be ready for use.

How to make kvass from kvass wort starter

Using concentrate for making kvass greatly simplifies the entire process. Even a child can make this drink. But there is one nuance here - you need to decide on the temperature. If it is too hot, the quality of the drink leaves much to be desired, and if it is cool, the kvass will ferment for a long time.


  • 10 tbsp concentrated wort.
  • 5 liters of water.
  • 1.5 cups granulated sugar.
  • 1 tbsp dry yeast.
  • Raisins according to preference.

Cooking process

First you need to bring the water to a boil, but only once, otherwise it will be too heavy. The liquid should cool slightly. Add kvass concentrate and stir.

Gradually add granulated sugar, while constantly stirring the liquid.

At the next stage, pour dry yeast into an enamel bowl. The solution must be mixed thoroughly so that the yeast and granulated sugar are completely dissolved. There should be no sediment left at the bottom.

Cover the dish with a lid and place it in a warm place for 24 hours. It is advisable that they fall onto the pan Sun rays, so the fermentation process will be more active.

After this time, you need to prepare glass jars, add a few raisins to each. Pour the kvass into containers, seal tightly with plastic lids and place in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

This recipe produces a strong drink, so it is not recommended for people with chronic pancreatitis and gastritis.

Recipe for homemade kvass made from rye flour

A summer drink can be prepared using village recipe. In this case, you will have to spend more time, but the kvass will be very useful. It will provide the body big amount vitamins and some essential amino acids. Plus, a drink prepared according to this recipe can act as a base for okroshka.


  • 7 tbsp rye flour.
  • 2.5 liters of filtered water.
  • 4 tbsp granulated sugar.
  • Raisins according to preference.

Cooking process

  1. First of all, you need to make a starter. To do this, you need to prepare a clean jar, fill it with warm water and add rye flour. Mix everything thoroughly until a creamy mass is formed. Try not to form lumps. After this, close the container tightly with a plastic lid and place it in a warm place for 72 hours. If the rye flour is of high quality, then the sourdough can ferment in 48 hours.
  2. When the starter is ready, you need to add a little more rye flour and granulated sugar to it. If necessary, add warm boiled water. Mix everything thoroughly. Cover the neck with gauze and place in a warm place. This time, you need to wait at least 5 days.
  3. After this time, the drink should be strained well through cheesecloth and placed in the refrigerator.
  4. The starter will remain at the bottom of the jar. It can be reused. You just need to add sugar and rye flour, as well as warm water. In this case, the kvass will stand for no more than 48 hours.

Despite the fact that the preparation process takes a long time, the recipe is quite simple. You can quench your thirst or make excellent okroshka at any time.

The article provides an overview of the most common recipes for preparing an invigorating drink at home. However, there are still many options. Therefore, you can try several methods and choose the most optimal recipe for yourself.

How do you make sourdough? Write your unique recipe in the comments under this article...

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