How Svetlana Khodchenkova became related to her Ukrainian colleague Olga Sumskaya. Svetlana Khodchenkova left her husband Divorce of Khodchenkova and Yaglych

The whole country knows handsome Yaglych. Of course: a spectacular blond, passionate about sports, and also a workaholic and talented. It is not surprising that not only the audience, but also the actresses love Vladimir.

Svetlana Hodchenkova

The handsome guy's love affair began while he was still studying at Shchuka. Then he fell for classmate Lena Sizova, quickly switched from her to the spectacular Anna Kazyuchits, and, they say, was in love with Khodchenkova. However, she student years I didn’t take the ladies’ man into account; besides, I was terribly passionate about my studies and work. Everything changed five years later.

Five years later, Yaglych and Khodchenkova met on the same set and remembered their youth. The girl caught herself thinking that she liked Volodya before, and he never missed long-legged blondes.

The romance was stormy, the love was hot. Soon the lovers got married.

They themselves spoke warmly about the marriage: they praised each other in interviews, talked about the idyll and complete harmony. However, in the acting community they whispered that the temperamental lovers were having a scandal. They get into heated arguments and don’t see each other for a long time, getting offended and going to different apartments.

To confirm the gossip, after five years of marriage, the lovers officially divorced. Various reasons were given: some of the couple’s fans believe that Svetlana has a wealthy admirer, others say that Yaglych fell in love on the set.

Anna Starshenbaum

On the set of the series “Love is not what it seems,” Yaglych became interested in a young star with charming dimples, Anya Starshenbaum. After his divorce from Khodchenkova, surrounded by gossip, the actor himself did not admit it. But frank interview Anna gave. She did not confirm that she stole the husband of the popular actress, but she admitted to her affair with Vladimir.

The girl did not hide the fact that their relationship was “like an action game”, nor the fact that she did not consider the flighty and too freedom-loving Yaglych for a serious and long-term relationship. They didn't date for long. Of course, there was no wedding, and the bright, unforgettable romance quickly ended.

Oksana Domnina

The actor’s life brought him together with a married figure skater in the show “ glacial period" The passionate and light blonde won the man’s heart, and he did not leave her indifferent. They often began to be seen together, and then the world of show business was shocked by the news that Domnina was divorcing Kostomarov. The culprit is the all-consuming love for Yaglych.

Love lasted for six months. Six months later, the passions subsided, the stars were tired of each other, and Oksana began to yearn for true love, with a cozy home and familiar way of life. Roman Kostomarov reacted philosophically to the betrayal and forgave his returning wife.

Antonina Papernaya

This time she is a brunette, but still as long-legged. The daughter of Ukrainian actors Olga Sumskaya and Evgeniy Paperny, Antonina met the Russian actor and real heartthrob in 2015. They started talking about their relationship after the premiere of the film “Ghost” with Fyodor Bondarchuk in the title role. There the couple appeared together and behaved unequivocally.

The novel began softly, developed rapidly, and at some point even seemed to end. At least the media wrote about the discord between lovers, drawing this conclusion from the changed content of the stars’ social networks. Overnight with personal pages Both Tony and Vladimir lost their photos together and mutual comments.

After several months of calm, the couple’s fans had a reason to rejoice: one of the media agencies reported that Yaglych and Paperna had a daughter, who was named Eva. However, the stars themselves ignored the news. A happy event occurred in July 2017.

Alexandra Petrukhina

  • Most recently, the news was that the most popular blonde in Russian cinema, 32-year-old Svetlana Khodchenkova (“Bless the Woman,” “Love in big city", "Wolverine: Immortal") is getting married to 28-year-old businessman Georgy Petrishin, spread all over the media. But before her relationship with Yegor (as Svetlana’s chosen one is called by her friends), the blond beauty was married to actor Vladimir Yaglych for five years. The new novel has a short biography. Let's talk about old things.
  • Svetlana Khodchenkova: the whole truth about divorce

    You can now see the former spouses – Svetlana Khodchenkova and Vladimir Yaglych – together only on the screen: in the new film “Five Brides,” which will premiere on September 29. Each of them has a new romance in their lives.

    The action of Karen Oganesyan's film takes place in May 1945. Five pilot friends who reached Berlin dream of returning home. But they are in no hurry to let them go. Only one is lucky - he is sent on a business trip to his homeland. At the request of his friends, the guy must find girls for them.

    Svetlana Khodchenkova played the main bride in the film, her fiance was the hero of Arthur Smolyaninov, and according to the script, the character of Vladimir Yaglych got another friend.

    “The film was shot a year ago, the guys’ divorce was not known, no one felt anything on the set,” said director Karen Oganesyan. – In general, Sveta and Vladimir overlapped little at work - they filmed together for one day at most. We played calmly, as befits professionals.

    The couple kept their divorce a secret until the spring of this year. It was rumored that Khodchenkova and Yaglych, who got married in December 2005, had endless quarrels and passions, but they were an acting family, and everything was understandable. They were seen less and less together, and on March 17 at the premiere of the film “Office Romance. Our time” Svetlana appeared arm in arm with a stranger. She introduced him as an old friend of Yegor Petrishin and added: “He is not an actor.”

    They began to appear more and more often. A lot of interesting things have appeared in the press about 25-year-old Yegor: they say that he is an advertiser, belongs to the golden youth, loves to play “Mafia” in the Moscow club Empire of Mafia, but even more he likes to have affairs with famous girls. His track record allegedly includes Vika Daineko, and another “manufacturer” Dakota, and even best friend Svetlana Nastya Zadorozhnaya.

    “Egor is a ladies’ man in the press, but not in life”

    “All this is not true,” said Anastasia Zadorozhnaya. – And that I brought Sveta and Yegor together is also a fantasy. Yes, I knew him before this happened. True, it’s a no-brainer – I’ve only seen him a couple of times.

    Victoria Daineko stated that she met Yegor after he started dating Svetlana, and Rita Dakota refused to comment at all.

    Svetlana Khodchenkova was so tired of the rumors that she decided to tell the truth. Svetlana and Egor met in November 2009: after the Golden Gramophone award ceremony, she and her friends went to a bar, and Egor also came there.

    – Sveta, in the crowd Petrishin is known as a Don Juan who is flattered to meet the stars. Didn't that scare you away?
    - Yegor is considered a ladies' man in the tabloid press, and not in the party. Why – we don’t understand it at all. I have nothing to fear. If a person has a large social circle, including in an artistic environment, this does not mean that he is a ladies' man.

    – How does Yegor look after you?
    – If I start telling, I’ll have to abandon the rest of the columns in this issue of the magazine – there won’t be enough space. I will note one thing: I feel very comfortable with this person.

    – You were also connected by profession with Vladimir Yaglych, but what do you have in common with Yegor?
    – We love gambling. In general, there is something more between us than just a passion for the game. Something ephemeral, you can’t put it into words.

    Svetlana Khodchenkova: “I want to stay happy!”

    – How important is the financial component of a relationship for you? Should a man earn more?
    - Don't know. I never had a goal to find a rich groom. Yegor has no financial problems.

    – How does he feel about the fact that you work a lot?
    – His schedule is no more free than mine, and it was no surprise to him that I’m a busy girl, so we deal with it. Moreover, for now all my filming takes place in Moscow, so we always have time to be together. Egor flew with me to the festival in Venice, where I presented the film “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy!” (Tomas Alfredson’s film was nominated for the Golden Lion, but Alexander Sokurov’s film Faust won. – StarHIT note.) He supported me very much, after all, it was a responsible event. We were there for only a short time - three days, we even spent one evening together - walking around the city.

    – Could you give up a new project, for example, for the sake of a month with your loved one at sea?
    - Certainly! And is this really a sacrifice? This is happiness!

    – Egor goes with you to the premieres of the films in which you starred. Does he offer opinions on your roles?
    – Who should I go to important events with if not my beloved? Although Yegor doesn’t really like it. He, of course, shares his opinion, which is very valuable to me.

    – Are you ready to get married again?
    – I want to remain happy as I am now. If they tell me what I need to wear for this White dress and throw a wedding party - I don't mind.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Svetlana Khodchenkova: the reason for the divorce

    The love story of Vladimir Yaglych and Svetlana Khodchenkova has many contradictions that are not fully understood to this day. Although the couple has been divorced for 5 years, this topic still haunts many fans. Let's analyze the entire chronology of their relationship and try to determine the real reason a beautiful, but at the same time, never-fulfilled married couple.

    Vladimir and Svetlana are the same age. They met while studying at the Theater School. Boris Shchukin. Yaglych was still in a relationship with classmate Anna Kazyuchits. But the girl could not compete with such a spectacular blonde Khodchenkova when she suddenly burst into their lives. As it turned out later, Svetlana had long had her eye on the promising actor. And he, in turn, fell head over heels in love with her.

    And in 2004, Yaglych and Khodchenkova began to live together. Their romance was filled with passion and feelings. It would seem that this is love for life. A year later the couple got married. They celebrated modestly, inviting the closest and dearest people to their beloved ones. At most 40 people attended the celebration. Of course, the couple’s financial capabilities at that time could not allow them to organize a wedding on a grand scale. And the actors didn’t want to make a fuss about the event either. But nothing can be hidden from the press. A week later, a photo appeared on the Internet showing happy young Vladimir and Svetlana in wedding attire. This photo became practically the only one available for public viewing.

    What is noticeable is that even at the beginning of their acquaintance, Yaglych and Khodchenkova played a married couple in the film “A Quiet Moscow Courtyard.” However family life things didn’t work out for the young people from the first day. At first, minor domestic quarrels pulled the couple apart. But then the lovers reconciled again and, it seemed, everything was falling into place, because it was an everyday matter. Of course, Volodya and Sveta were madly in love with each other. It is on this strong feeling and their shaky relationship endured.

    Despite the special manifestation male attention to Khodchenkova, who, after filming was completed, hurried to her beloved home. Every year Svetlana received more and more offers, which could not help but touch the pride of Vladimir, who received only episodic roles. This provoked attacks of jealousy in Yaglych, which became the cause of constant quarrels. There were times when Khodchenkova dropped everything and moved away from her husband to spend time in peace and quiet.

    Such moments in Once again confirmed the fact of Vladimir’s temperamental character. It got to the point that the actor began to raise his hand against his wife, as evidenced by numerous statements to the police. One such incident was related to the fact that Svetlana posed for a men's magazine without consulting her husband. This infuriated Yaglych and the man once again used physical force.

    In 2010, the couple officially announced their divorce. At that time, Vladimir had a fleeting affair with the young beauty Anna Starshenbaum. And in 2011, Khodchenkova met Russian businessman Georgy Petrishin, whom she recently agreed to marry.

    Fans associate the main reason for the divorce of Vladimir and Svetlana with the fact that the rapid success of the actress caused her husband to become incompetent in himself. Soon this began to manifest itself in their relationship. Even the very fact of the actor’s financial profitability influenced these circumstances. The fact is that at one time Yaglych was already trying to return the spectacular blonde, but even the very nuance of the difference in their fees had already forced Svetlana to thoroughly put an end to their relationship.

    In October 2014, Yaglych and Khodchenkova appeared in front of camera lenses together, but only on the set. They play the main roles in the film “Warrior”, which was filmed in Kaliningrad. According to the director of the film, he looked at many actresses, but none of them suited the role of the protagonist’s wife, unlike Svetlana Khodchenkova.

    Vladimir Yaglych, biography, news, photos!

    Name: Vladimir Yaglych

    Place of Birth: Moscow

    Eastern horoscope: Boar

    Photo: Vladimir Yaglych

    Do you like Vladimir Yaglych?

    Biography of Vladimir Yaglych

    Actor career

    Vladimir Yaglych began acting in films in his last year of college. In 2003, he made his film debut with a cameo role in the second “Antikiller” by Yegor Konchalovsky (a policeman with a camera).

    After graduating from “Pike”, the actor entered the service of the Moscow Academic Theater. Mayakovsky, where he was involved in the plays “Fasicky Horses”, “A Plague on Both Your Houses”, “The Adventures of Little Red Riding Hood”, but worked there for only a year. Now he is an actor in the Independent Theater Project.

    Many aspiring actors wait for years for the opportunity to make a name for themselves. Vladimir did not have to wait long - already in 2004, the military mini-series “On nameless height", where he played the role of intelligence officer Malyutin, bravely resisting German saboteurs. Alexey Chadov, Anna Kazyuchits and Victoria Tolstoganova worked on the film together with the actor. Subsequently, the Moscow actor often impersonated military personnel - in this role he is widely known at the present time.

    The film was received warmly by both viewers and critics, but the sequel that followed in 2010 was a failure. Perhaps the replacement of Kozlovsky with Igor Petrenko had an effect.

    Since then, Vladimir Yaglych has acted a lot in action-packed films and war dramas. The most successful films with his participation include the film “The Sky is on Fire” and the action film “Undercover.”

    Vladimir Yaglych - biography, photo, personal life now

    The personal life of Vladimir Yaglych is now on everyone’s lips, because he is one of the most famous and beloved actors in Russia.

    Vladimir Yaglych is one of the most successful today Russian actors. A talented, handsome guy with a strong physique is offered many roles in a variety of genres.

    Vladimir Yaglych: photo

    In this article you will learn about the personal life of Vladimir Vladimirovich Yaglych, now and in the past. We will also talk about how the career of the famous actor began and was built.

    The actor was born on January 14, 1983 in the Russian capital. As a child, he dreamed of becoming a pilot and was a sporty boy. Over time, he became interested in cinema. Therefore, after completing his studies at school, the talented guy decided to enter the Shchukin Theater School. This is how his career began.

    Vladimir Yaglych in childhood and now

    Vladimir Yaglych plays the role of Lieutenant Malyutin in the film “At a Nameless Height”

    Marriage to Khodchenkova

    The personal life of Vladimir Vladimirovich Yaglych is quite stormy. While still a student, the actor met his future wife, an equally popular actress, Svetlana Khodchenkova. She studied a year younger than Yaglych. The girl immediately liked the charming young actor, but a romantic relationship in this couple did not begin immediately.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Svetlana Khodchenkova

    In 2003, Khodchenkova received an offer to play in the serial film “Quiet Moscow Courtyard”. And Yaglych was approved for the role of her husband. It is interesting that even then the young people were in love with each other. Later in an interview, the actors admitted that it was difficult for them to play passion - they were overwhelmed by mutual real emotions.

    But it didn’t come to a real romance between the actors right away. For about a year they simply looked closely at each other. We worked together on a new film - “Carousel”. Yaglych, by that time, had already completed his studies and received a place in the troupe of the Theater. Vladimir Mayakovsky. He did not forget about Khodchenkova - he invited the girl on dates, explained his feelings.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Svetlana Khodchenkova at the film premiere

    During his year of work at the theater, Vladimir Yaglych took part in many productions. Svetlana sometimes came to performances to support the guy.

    In December 2005, young actors, Yaglych and Khodchenkova, decided to get married. They deliberately did not invite journalists to the celebration - the young people wanted it to be just their holiday.

    Vladimir Yaglych on the set of the series “Soldiers”

    In 2006, the young actor began filming the TV series “Soldiers,” which made him truly popular. In "Soldiers" his hero is a strong and strong guy, with a pronounced sense of justice. Then there were roles in the series “Smersh” and in the film “The Right to Happiness”. These works of his were also appreciated by the audience.

    Igor Petrenko and Vladimir Yaglych in the film “We are from the Future”

    One of the brightest steps in creative path Yaglych began working in the film “We are from the Future” in 2008. Vladimir played here the role of a skinhead, nicknamed Skull. The events of the film forced the hero to rethink his values ​​and view of many things in life.

    Yaglych and Khodchenkova were husband and wife for several years. Both started very successfully acting career, bought a joint living space. But precisely because they were both talented, impulsive, and ambitious, Svetlana and Vladimir could not get along together. In addition, Khodchenkova admitted in an interview that it is normal for actors to fall in love often. After all, they spend their time surrounded by bright, successful people. Unfortunately, the family was a “weak place” for young people. They failed to save it.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Svetlana Khodchenkova broke up in 2010

    After living together for six years, Yaglych and Khodchenkova broke up. The press could not ignore the breakup of this bright couple. Journalists wrote about the most for various reasons separation: both that Khodchenkova overshadowed her husband’s success in his career, and that Yaglych was jealous of his wife, while he himself cheated on her.

    Despite his jealous character, Vladimir Vladimirovich Yaglych himself gladly agreed to play in explicit episodes. Especially, as Vladimir recalls, he remembered his role in an American film, where his partner was Mischa Barton. Yaglych really enjoyed working with the foreign team.

    Vladimir Yaglych met with actress Anna Starshenbaum

    After the divorce, Vladimir was credited with an affair with Anna Starshenbaum. Together they worked on the serial romantic comedy “Love Is Not What It Seems” and often appeared in public in each other’s company. Starshenbaum confirmed the fact of the affair; in an interview she said that Yaglych left his wife for her. And the girl responded to accusations that she ruined the marriage. That there was nothing left to destroy. She didn't feel it. That her lover is busy with someone. But later this relationship broke up.

    Actor Vladimir Yaglych

    In 2015, Vladimir and Anna met again on the set. This time, they played together in the series " Family business" Then they were also credited with an affair, but these rumors were not confirmed.

    Romance with a figure skater

    In 2013, Vladimir became a participant in the Ice Age show on television. This is how he began his relationship with the figure skater and his partner in the project, Oksana Domnina. Five years before this moment the girl lived in civil marriage with Roman Kostomarov. The skaters have a common daughter.

    But without waiting for a marriage proposal from her beloved man, Domnina left him for her partner in the show. Vladimir and Oksana were brought together by joint training. They could often be seen at public events as a couple.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Oksana Domnina

    Vladimir called his relationship with the figure skater serious. The girl was also ready for a lot - for the sake of her beloved, she often abandoned all her affairs in the capital in order to fly to Yaglych for filming in St. Petersburg. Domnina made excuses - to successfully participate in the project, they often have to rehearse. But main reason, of course, there was a stormy romance between the ice show partners. In an interview, Oksana admitted that at first she tried to kill her feelings for Yaglych, but it didn’t work out. The man quickly became indifferent to her.

    The lovers tried to spend every free minute together. They dreamed of getting married and having children together.
    In December 2013, Oksana Domnina and Vladimir Yaglych became the winners of “Ice Age,” but after this project ended, their relationship began to cool down.

    Vladimir Yaglych in the Ice Age program

    The figure skater was reunited with the father of her child, Roman Kostomarov, on tour. And Vladimir Yaglych, abandoned by her, had a hard time surviving the separation. There was even a tattoo on his hand telling about the actor’s feelings: “Love is a crucifixion.”

    "Family business"

    One of our hero’s most striking projects on television is participation in the multi-part comedy “Family Business.” Yaglych's character is Ilya, a man who suffered financial ruin. In order to earn money, he decides to take five orphans under his wing. Gradually the hero gets to know his charges and literally “falls in love” with them. Together they experience many adventures. In this story, the main character is essentially raised by children.

    Vladimir Yaglych on the set of the film “Family Business”

    In an interview, Vladimir said that at first he was confused when he found himself in the frame with children. He couldn't imagine how he could demand anything from them. It turned out that his little partners on the set are talented and responsible people. It was a pleasure for him to work in such a team.

    New love

    In 2015, the personal life of Vladimir Vladimirovich Yaglych sparkled with new colors. The press started talking about Vladimir Yaglych's affair with new girl, actress Antonina Paperna. In March 2015, this couple appeared together in public for the first time, at the premiere of the comedy “Ghost.” The chosen one is seven years younger than the actor.

    Soon information began to appear on the Internet that Yaglych and Papernaya were going to get married. But official representative the artist denied this information.

    Vladimir Yaglych with new lover Antonina Papernaya

    Now the personal life of Vladimir Vladimirovich Yaglych is still associated with Antonina. The couple looks inseparable. They often attend social events together. Yaglych's chosen one was born into a family famous actors, and she herself graduated from drama school. The girl played the role of Tatyana Samoilova in the acclaimed TV series “The Thaw”.

    In 2015, the actor played main role to the painting "Warrior". The main characters of the film are brothers-athletes, MMA fighters. Long years they do not communicate because of mutual grievances. Vladimir played one of the brothers in this film. And his partner on the set was ex-wife- Svetlana Hodchenkova. In this film she managed to embody the image of the wife of the hero Yaglych.

    Vladimir Yaglych on the set of the film “Warrior”

    Photos and notes periodically appear on the Internet about what Khodchenokva still occupies important role in the personal life of Vladimir Vladimirovich Yaglych. But that's not true. Past feelings have long cooled down.

    In an interview, Vladimir admitted that it was easy for him to work with Khodchenkova. After all, she is a true professional. And at the premiere of the film, he introduced her to his new girlfriend, Antonina Paperna.

    In addition to work, Vladimir Vladimirovich Yaglych, whose biography and personal life interests fans, is interested in motorcycles. The actor himself admits that this is his day real life. The motorcycles are really on fire. young man In the soul. And driving fast became a real life philosophy for him. On the road, the actor can completely relax. This is a real meditation for him - order comes in his thoughts, the roar of the engine is similar to Buddhist mantras, he can look at the beauty along the way.

    The actor is also fond of off-road driving - enduro. This is a real test of endurance for him. He also practices jumping on a motorcycle from springboards. According to the actor, this is a great way to cheer up.

    Vladimir Yaglych enjoys riding motorcycles

    Vladimir Yaglych already has a whole fleet of motorcycles at his personal disposal. He collects legendary motorcycle brands. This was his childhood dream. The first actor bought it back in 2005. One of the most famous models His collection includes a Samurai chopper motorcycle. Brad Pitt has the same motorcycle in the motorcycle park of “Iron Man” himself in the famous film.

    New projects

    In 2016, several films were released with the participation of the actor. Firstly, he got the main role in the film “The Debt”. In this film, Vladimir created the image of an unprincipled collector who is trying to extort money from a hopeless client - the artist Lopatkin.

    Vladimir Yaglych on the set of the film “The Debt”

    Another striking role in Yaglych’s career is Grigory Potemkin in the TV series Ekaterina. Takeoff". This project was also released in 2016. Here his hero enters into a battle for the heart of the empress, whose role was brilliantly played by Marina Alexandrova.

    Vladimir Yaglych now

    In 2017, several films with Yaglych’s participation are expected. This is the comedy “About Love - 2”, the thriller “Explorer”. And in 2018, the film “Prophetic Oleg” is expected to be released, where the actor played the main role. Vladimir Yaglych is still popular in the world of cinema and TV series.

    Khodchenkova and Yaglych: an unequal marriage

    Just recently, the news that the most popular blonde of Russian cinema, 32-year-old Svetlana Khodchenkova (“Bless the Woman,” “Love in the City,” “Wolverine: The Immortal”) is getting married to 28-year-old businessman Georgy Petrishin, has spread around all media. But before her relationship with Yegor (as Svetlana’s chosen one is called by her friends), the blond beauty was married to actor Vladimir Yaglych for five years. The new novel has a short biography. Let's talk about old things.

    Even as a child, Khodchenkova decided to become an actress. As they say, it was planned, decided, done - Svetlana entered the Shchukin Theater School. And it was there that I met my first love - senior student Vladimir Yaglych.

    Before Serious relationships, however, things didn’t come to fruition then. While still a first-year student, Sveta received an offer to play in Stanislav Govorukhin’s film “Bless the Woman.” And this film became a landmark for the actress’s career. Offers to appear in films came one after another - the girl was invited to appear in several TV series. Including “Carousel”, “My Prechistenka”. On the set of these series they crossed paths with Vladimir. And not only professionally. As it soon became clear, the actor was secretly in love with the blonde beauty. In 2005 they got married.

    And almost immediately after the wedding, they began to give out interviews about how Sveta and Vova “live in complete harmony.” In fact, everything was exactly the opposite. There have long been rumors in the film community that spouses constantly quarrel, slam the door and go their separate ways, do not see each other for months, immersing themselves in the filming process in different parts light, and are not particularly worried about separation.

    I had to actively go as a “couple” to various social events - just to drown out the talk about a possible divorce. In fact, Khodchenkova and Yaglych separated back in 2010, but officially divorced only on April 14, 2011. They say that Vladimir was very annoyed by the popularity of his wife, whose career took off sharply. Svetlana was invited to act not only in domestic films, but also in foreign films, at a time when Yaglych was approved only for supporting roles. In addition, there were rumors that the jealous Vladimir even raised his hand against his wife, and she filed a police report against him.

    “Ice Age”: how the 15th stage was filmed “Two actors in one family is a disaster! Someone has to keep the balance, but we are both emotional, we connect to everything - it’s really a powder keg. Actors can fall in love five times a day and, in principle, find an excuse for themselves. We work in a world of beautiful, bright, interesting people, and keeping a family together in such conditions is very difficult. Family is yours one way or another weakness. It’s better for work when there is no family,” Yaglych admitted then.

    The topic of inevitable divorce was especially actively discussed when Yaglych, having started an affair with his young partner Anna Starshenbaum on the set of the series “Love is not what it seems,” left the family. Vladimir did not deny that he had a relationship with figure skater Oksana Domnina, with whom he took part in the Ice Age program.

    From now on, according to Vladimir, he is free and does not meet with anyone, and rumors about him secret romance with Lesya Yaroslavskaya (the actor recently took part in the filming of the singer’s video) is just a fiction. But who will believe him now?

    How to play love if in real life is there no trace left of her? How to work together with a colleague with whom the relationship went beyond work? Master classes give stars Russian cinema. In our review - acting couples who, after breaking up in life, met on the same set.

    Despite the fact that the actors studied together at VTU. Shchukin, their love story began on the set of the series “ Quiet Moscow courtyard"in 2004. They played husband and wife, and soon became them in life. The office romance grew into marriage. In December 2005, Vladimir and Svetlana got married. They divorced in April 2011 with scandal.

    For a very long time, against the backdrop of the incredible career successes of his ex-wife, Vladimir Yaglych remained known only for the fact that he was the ex-husband of Svetlana Khodchenkova. In fact, there were rumors that they divorced precisely because the wife was more successful than the husband.

    Svetlana Khodchenkova in the film “Warrior”

    The most paradoxical thing is that Vladimir Yaglych became an independent creative unit, without the prefix “ex-husband of Svetlana Khodchenkova,” after participating in the Channel One show “ Ice Age - 2013", or rather, after office romance with figure skater Oksana Domnina, who trained the actor on the project. What added spice to the situation was that at that time she was the common-law wife of figure skater Roman Kostomarov. Oksana left him for Vladimir. But their relationship lasted only six months. Domnina returned to Kostomarov, and in April 2014 the skaters got married.

    In October 2014, Svetlana Khodchenkova was spotted in Kaliningrad in the company of her ex-husband Vladimir Yaglych. They walked along the beach of the Baltic Sea, holding hands. The ex-spouses began filming the film “Warrior”, in which they were to play lovers.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Svetlana Khodchenkova on the set of the film “Warrior”

    Vladimir Yaglych’s novels were unheard of until March of this year, when he appeared at the premiere of the film “Ghost” together with his new girlfriend Antonina Papernaya - daughter Evgeniy Paperny And Olga Sumskaya. In May it became known that right on the stage of the Film Actor Theater, where the actress performed the play “ Love story", Svetlana Khodchenkova received a marriage proposal from her beloved businessman Georgy Petrishin.

    Former spouses Svetlana Khodchenkova and Vladimir Yaglych met at the premiere of the film “Warrior”. But the most interesting thing is that that evening the actor came to see the film with his beloved Antonina Paperny, the daughter of Evgeny Paperny and Olga Sumskaya. Naturally, all the attention of the press was focused on this trio.

    Antonina Papernaya and Vladimir Yaglych at the premiere of the film “Warrior”

    Vladimir Yaglych definitely has a big heart. On the set of the series " Love is not what it seems“He began an office romance with a colleague on the project, actress Anna Starshenbaum. It was even rumored that it was she who became the reason for the divorce of Khodchenkova and Yaglych.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Anna Starshenbaum in the series “Love is not what it seems”

    “Yaglych, to put it mildly, is an unreliable person, but he’s fun to be with. Plus Volodya is a biker. I once asked Okhlobystin, also a motorcycle lover: “Are there any faithful husbands among bikers?” He replied that in his generation there were, but now there are almost none. Ivan himself is a faithful husband, but he is a religious man,” shared Anna Starshenbaum. Her affair with Vladimir Yaglych was short-lived. Actually, immediately after this story, Anna Starshenbaum married her longtime friend, actor Alexei Bardukov. In 2011, the couple had a son. The boy was named Ivan.

    Five years after the office romance ex-lovers Anna Starshenbaum and Vladimir Yaglych met again on the set. They played lovers in the STS channel series " Family business" During the same period, rumors appeared about the actress’s divorce from her husband Alexei Bardukov. It was rumored that old feelings for Anna Starshenbaum and Vladimir Yaglych flared up again. In 2015, the actress returned to her husband.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Anna Starshenbaum in the series “Family Business”

    “For the first time, Alexey Bardukov, my husband, and I starred together in the same film. True, we never crossed paths on the set. Takes part in the film a large number of artists, all had their own small roles, which will then be brought together. This is a New Year's comedy " SOS, Santa Claus, or Everything will come true!» director Arman Gevorgyan, so it will be released under New Year"- said Anna Starshenbaum in an interview with Vokrug TV.

    Maria Poroshina and Gosha Kutsenko in the film “Doctor”

    This spring, Gosha Kutsenko began filming the film “The Doctor” based on his own script as a director. In addition, he played one of the roles in the film. It is noteworthy that the actor invited his ex to the project common-law wife Maria Poroshina. They have a daughter together Pauline.

    Gosha Kutsenko gave Maria Poroshina an interesting role. The actress will play a tough and desperate resuscitator. Kutsenko himself will appear in the role of a neurosurgeon-oncologist and head of a department at a provincial hospital. By the way, the current wife of Gosha Kutsenko will also star in the film “Doctor” Irina Skrinichenko. She got a cameo role.

    Gosha Kutsenko on the set of the film “The Doctor”

    Vladimir has the charisma of a real Russian hero. His every movement and word reveals unprecedented prowess, which attracts crowds of fans to his personality. Everyone is interested creative activity actor, but the personal life of a man with an amazing surname - Yaglych - is of even greater interest.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Antonina Papernaya: secret romance

    The favorite of Russian and foreign viewers has a lot of love affairs. And, as a rule, he was interested in “busy” ladies who were in a relationship or officially married at that moment. With the advent of Antonina Papernaya, the daughter of the famous Olga Sumskaya and Evgeniy Paperny, the tendency to fall in love with married people stopped. The charming Ukrainian woman boldly entered Yaglych’s life, and, apparently, stayed for a long time.

    They met in 2015 at a club, and photos of them together immediately began to appear on networks. In 2016, rumors spread about a breakup, but as it turned out, Yaglych and Papernaya did not think about breaking up.

    The continuation of the novel was secret. Talk about the couple's wedding did not subside - but the young people delayed it, intriguing the public. Proof of the strength of the relationship was an important event in the life of Vladimir and Antonina.

    In the summer of 2017, Vladimir Yaglych became the father of a beautiful daughter.

    This is his first child, the new father is simply beside himself with happiness and devotes a lot of time to his daughter. This is evidenced by photos of Antonina and Vladimir with their daughter. Despite the stormy romances, Vladimir had no children before. He overestimated a lot in his life, took up yoga, decided to look inside himself and decide on his priorities.

    Svetlana Khodchenkova - Vladimir’s first wife

    Yaglych’s ex-wife, Svetlana Khodchenkova, belongs to the caste of the most popular and highly paid actresses. She managed to become a star not only in domestic, but also in foreign and Hollywood films.

    Photo: Instagram @cvetlana_official

    While still studying at the Shchukin School, she met Volodya, and he fell in love. Svetlana had no time for novels, she had already been invited to the main role in “Bless the Woman” by the great Govorukhin, then offers began pouring in from other, no less eminent figures. And only in 2005, Vladimir Yaglych managed to admit his feelings, to which a positive response followed.

    The wedding of Yaglych and Khodchenkova took place in 2005; wedding photos were full of magazine covers and delighted the couple’s fans.

    However, the marriage could not withstand the vicissitudes of the acting profession: scenes of jealousy and constant disagreements caused a cooling of the relationship and divorce. After the separation of Yaglych and Khodchenkova for a long time directed barbs and reproaches at each other.

    Women in the personal life of Vladimir Yaglych

    Vladimir had a hard time separating from his wife, but through short period time, he began to be noticed in the company of the first beauties of Russia. There were rumors that Yaglych had become a real womanizer and was content with his free position.

    Yaglych and Nastasya Samburskaya

    These two representatives of the acting profession are connected by a love of sports. Whether there was a romantic relationship between them is unknown. But the guys did a great job advertising the world-famous company “Reebok” by wearing a new collection of clothes on their beautiful and toned bodies.

    In the second part of the performance, they appeared naked in front of the cameras. Not a single critic saw an ounce of vulgarity in the show. Everyone noticed only one thing - there is no limit to the perfection of the beauty of the human body.

    Natalya Rudova and Vladimir

    The ladies' favorite Vladimir Yaglych was invited to the filming of the famous TV series "Molodezhka". He was accompanied by the recognized beauty Natalya Rudova. It is in the film that a romance will rage between them and a wedding will take place. In life, the guys maintain excellent friendships, but nothing more.

    Vladimir and Oksana Domnina

    Volodya, like other popular actors, became a participant in the ice show in 2013. The partner was multiple European and world champion, figure skater Oksana Domnina. At this time, she was in a civil marriage with figure skater Roman Kostomarov, moreover, they were raising a common child.

    But nothing stopped the partners from the love affair, and Oksana left Roman.

    This whole story lasted until the season ended. As soon as filming stopped, the couple broke up and Domnina returned to Kostomarov, while Yaglych continued to enjoy freedom.

    Vladimir Yaglych and Anna Starshenbaum

    During the period of difficult relationships with Khodchenkova, Yaglych tried to find solace from other beauties. The relationship with Anna Starshenbaum was longer. Anna really was in love with Volodya and remembers this stage of her life as a period of happiness and pain. Realizing that the handsome man was simply driving her crazy and continued to hold on to his free position, she came to her senses and left him.

    Photo - RIA Novosti

    The star of the film “Bless the Woman” Svetlana Khodchenkova packed her things and moved out of the apartment she rented with her husband Vladimir Yaglych. There are rumors that the actress has already found a replacement for her husband in the person of a wealthy admirer.

    The family is one of the most beautiful actresses Russian cinema Svetlana Khodchenkova is on the verge of divorce. The reason for the discord star couple They call Vladimir Yaglych’s low fees.

    It’s no secret that in the acting community the concept of a “stable marriage” is a rare phenomenon. But the family of Khodchenkova and Yaglych was considered indicative: the spouses appeared everywhere arm in arm and looked indecently happy.

    The only cloud in the horizon of family happiness was, according to people close to the couple, the jealousy of Vladimir, who could not calmly see his naked wife on the screen.

    Svetlana appeared alone at the 31st MIFF. And before that, the actress appeared at several events without her husband, explaining that he was very busy. Cautiously asking why Vladimir, also a well-known actor, was not present at the festival, the journalists received the answer: “It works.”

    However, a little later, Sveta relaxed and when asked where she would go on vacation, she unexpectedly said: “I’m going to Warsaw with a friend. Recently the Polish film “Little Moscow” was released, where I starred with Leslav Zurek and Elena Leszczynska. We became very good friends, and I will go to them. My friend and I also want to take a car and go to France and Germany.” The star did not want to disclose details about her companion.

    It turned out that Khodchenkova had indeed separated from her husband. “Sveta and Volodya have not lived together for the second month,” said one of the actresses, who asked to remain incognito. “It’s a shame that such a beautiful couple can finally break up.” I do not believe in this. Sveta's ambitions ran wild. They say she reproached their husband financial situation. In principle, one can understand the beautiful and successful woman who is forced to live in rented apartment. As I heard, it was on this basis that they had a scandal, after which Svetlana packed her things and left.”

    According to rumors, her new boyfriend is a very wealthy man. Allegedly, he promises her not only well-being, but also acquaintance with world stars. During the trip, they plan to stop in Saint-Tropez, where they hope to meet Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt.

    She is a GRAY MOUSE! Forgive me, Yaglych! He is cool! In the film "Undercover" is good (I would say more, but I won’t, so that ambitions don’t play out in it!) WELL DONE!!! KEEP IT UP! Time will put everything in its place!!! Let the light go to the boot...No offense ex-husband! Let go of the situation... And there is also a BOOMERANG in life, isn’t there? Stella

    I will never believe that Khodchenkova left Yaglych voluntarily; most likely he left her. And in general, what’s wrong here, they don’t say something, but they had an apartment, it’s not about the apartment, and even though it wasn’t, what kind of star couldn’t she live in a rented apartment, others do, think princess.

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