How to find out data by cell number. How to find out the owner of a phone by phone number: methods

Good afternoon

You can find out who the number is registered to only if you have physical access to the SIM card. Some films, of course, are misleading when they show how any number is “punched through the database” in 5 minutes. In real life, only the authorities, the police and the FSB can do this, and not in 5 minutes, but in 1-2 days. Even if you have a friend who works for a mobile operator company, he will not be able to find out who the number is registered to, since for this he will most likely lose his job and may go to prison.

Please also note that if you use the method below to find out who the number is registered to and do not use this number yourself, this is a violation of the laws of the Russian Federation and may result in criminal prosecution.

In this article, I will look at a way to find out who the number is registered to, which I strongly recommend using only for legal purposes. Namely - you have a SIM card that you use for a long time, but you don’t know who it’s registered to. To restore (or perform any actions with the number) such a SIM card, you need to know who it is issued to.

Who the number is registered to (way to find out):

  • Forwarding to another number - instructions for all operators
  • You need to gain access to the Internet account of this number; it will contain the last name, first name and patronymic of the real owner. Next, if you know this person, you will need to contact him. If you don’t know, transfer the number to yourself without the owner (I’ll tell you how to do this at the end of the article).

    Let's find out who the MTS number is registered to:

    To find out the password, dial *105*00# and press the call button on your phone. Who the number is issued to will be written at the top, closer to the right edge.

    Let's find out who the Beeline number is registered to:

    To find out the password, dial *110*9# on your phone and press the call button, then log in Personal Area using the phone number and the password received via SMS.

    Let's find out who the Tele2 number is registered to:

    Go to and click on the “Remember or get password” link:

    The password will be sent to you via SMS. After that, go to your personal account and look at the owner’s full name.

    And at the end of the article, as promised, I will talk about what to do if you find out the owner’s full name, but you don’t know this person and cannot contact him.

    It doesn’t matter which telecom operator it is, the procedure is similar for everyone. You need to contact the operator's service center that services the SIM card. Describe the problem to the manager, say that you have been using the number for a long time, but do not know who the SIM card is issued to. You will be asked to write an application and after some time (from 1 month to 6 months) the number will be transferred to you and you can do whatever you want with it. To contact the operator's office, you must have your passport with you.

    Every person faces such a problem as the need to find out a person’s phone number by his first and last name for free. There are various ways to solve this issue. But not all methods may be available to ordinary mobile device users. All options for the development of events will be considered.

    Reasons for searching for a contact

    The main reason for contacting different services is the purpose of searching for a number. Looking for a phone number often occurs for important reasons. Often a phone number is searched for in order to lose the previous number, but there are also more important points when a person has disappeared and cannot be found. Depending on the degree of importance, you need to choose the most convenient way for yourself to search for a phone number by last name and first name.

    Previously, paper telephone directories were created for such purposes, in which registered subscribers were listed in alphabetical order. The search was public and very convenient. But over time, many new technologies appeared and the number of subscribers increased sharply. This made it necessary to contain all subscriber data in electronic form. This type of information has become closed to a large number of users. Electronic services have become more convenient and this method will not require you to spend a lot of time searching.

    The most common reason is loss of contact due to some personal circumstances. The easiest way to return the loss is to ask your friends to dictate the subscriber’s phone number. This method is the simplest, most effective and efficient.

    The second reason is the disappearance of the person himself. In the century high technology Most gadgets are equipped with systems that can help you find a subscriber.

    Sometimes a phone number is sought for a harmless prank. The reason is not common, but is used among people who are looking for missing relatives. To search for this type, they use open services that can be used in the public domain.

    Not all search methods are legal. But not everyone turns to such a search, because there are more reasonable methods. Many search engines are paid, but there is a chance to find free ones, it all depends on their demand and popularity. Internet search and in social networks is also quite effective. Despite the diversity, there are also negative aspects. Due to the large number of mobile operators and telephone numbers, a subscriber can easily change his number at any moment. mobile device. And in any of the sources where there is data about him, they will not be changed immediately. The reliability of the information offered is compromised.

    Ways to find a phone number

    There is an opportunity to take advantage different ways to find a phone number. These include:

    It is important to pay Special attention to each method in order to be sure whether it will help or not in a particular situation.

    To find a number, you can contact the subscriber’s place of work or study. This method will be the most effective and will take much less time than sitting at the computer. Given the important circumstances, few people will refuse help finding a number cell phone.

    At a time when mobile phones were beyond the realm of possibility, people actively used telephone directories. From such a source of information it was possible to find out not only the telephone number, but also the residential address. Few people pursued selfish goals, and therefore such information was publicly available. The advantage of those times was that there was one landline telephone for the whole family, by which you could contact any family member living in an apartment or house.

    Telephone directories usually contain information from subscribers located in the area of ​​the city in which it is published.

    If necessary person lives in another city, you will need another directory. You can find it on the Internet in a familiar way, using alphabetical order find the required number. In order not to resort to such a huge number of manipulations, you can do it much simpler. Find the telephone number of a specific city on the Internet and call there. There, upon presentation of the person’s last name, first name and patronymic, the operator will provide a telephone number. In some cases, the subscriber's residential address may be requested.

    To search for a mobile phone number, it is better to immediately discard the option of searching in telephone directories. Because such resources only contain landline phone numbers.

    This search is still used because many apartments still have home landlines installed. Only the reference book itself has changed. The information resource was converted into electronic form, which simplified the use and content of information. Disadvantage of searching in a directory– this is only the availability of landline phone numbers. Information about mobile numbers is not contained there. Because the mobile number is a personal number, each subscriber independently decides whether to give his number to someone or not.

    Find out the number mobile phone free of charge using the electronic telephone directory. The advantage of such a system is that the data is updated quite often. Even a recently registered user will quickly be included in the lists of names in such a directory.

    Mobile operator and manager in a mobile phone store

    More modern way V given time All that remains is to contact the mobile operator using a call or a mobile phone salon. This method will help in cases where the reasons for the search are very significant. A more effective method would be to go to a salon, because face to face it is much easier to explain the need and ask the employee to come to his senses. An understanding employee will not refuse help and will do everything possible. After all, sometimes people come with such requests not just to call, but to find a person. First, you need to determine which cellular operator the subscriber uses. If the number is unknown, you can check the information on the Internet. Having recognized the operator, you can go to the nearest salon for the required information.

    To quickly respond when a person goes missing, come to the salon cellular communication It’s better to talk to a law enforcement officer straight away. In this case, the necessary information will be provided accurately and quickly.

    This method does not apply to all mobile phone stores. For example, the mobile operator Megafon provides specific data exclusively to police officers. Only with rare exceptions will the data be provided to the average user. Therefore, if you need to know the number for personal purposes, you need to come up with a convincing reason for the manager to consider it necessary to provide it. But in frequent cases, contacting mobile phone store managers does not guarantee success.

    On the Internet you can often find resources that offer to find a subscriber’s number using your last name and first name. They are based on databases developed by cellular operators themselves. Such databases should not be publicly available, since the distribution of personal data by a cellular company is illegal. If such information easily falls into the hands, then it contains old data that is unlikely to help.

    Additionally, for permanent use of the database, in the future you will need to purchase certain conditions for using the service. This use will be convenient for those who need to constantly find numbers. If you need to find a phone number just once, then it would be wiser to find a free version of the program.

    Finding a phone number in this way is considered quite effective, but the downside is the cost of databases provided on the Internet. Considering how fresh this base is. It is important to give special meaning choosing a base and seller so that money is not wasted. It is better to immediately spend more time searching for the required site.

    Internet services

    Internet services are provided only paid services. The cost is not prohibitive, but still You will have to pay about 100 rubles for the room. To use this service, you need to find an Internet source, enter information about the owner in a special field and personal number the person doing the searching. After sending the request, a notification will be sent to your mobile phone. The information from the message will then need to be entered into the computer and the request submitted. IN a short time the request will be processed and the result will be returned. This method is very convenient and easy to use.

    It is important to use reliable resources because there are a huge number of scam sites.

    The method is effective, but quite risky. Sometimes money is debited from the account, but the promised service is not provided. But if you choose the right source of information, there is every chance of getting the information you need.

    Also, special programs are created to search for contacts. After downloading the application, you need to register, fill out certain fields, and contact the right person will appear on the monitor screen.

    Internet search engine

    Nowadays, searching for a person on the Internet is a common thing. This is due to the fact that a large number of people are starting to use social networks. To register with them, you must fill out a form with personal data. Such data is immediately displayed when searching for a person by entering the desired query. This use is especially popular among young people.

    If a person left his personal data on any social networks, the search engine will definitely find the information on the Internet.

    Even if the person you need is not registered on social networks, they have groups in which you can post information about your search. There will certainly be people who know him and will help you contact the right subscriber. To find a subscriber you need to open any browser, enter the subscriber’s first, last and patronymic name, city, and some factors that distinguish it from the majority in the search bar. Then comes the search. Will be offered different people, but most likely the right person will be identified on the first links.

    Like any other method, it is not 100% effective, but you should not miss any chance. Especially often such a search helps when used in small populated areas, because many know each other by sight. In big cities, the chances of finding the right subscriber are sharply reduced. Proven special sites will be of great benefit.

    So, today we will talk to you about how to find the owner’s last name by phone number. In fact, there are quite a few interesting and simple approaches that can help you. True, not all methods will work 100%. Some of them may fail. After all, they require the manifestation of imagination and sociability. Thus, let's try to find the owner by phone number using different methods.


    The first scenario is the one when you just need to show your imagination. If you want to find out who owns a particular number, then just try to find out from the caller himself. Right during a telephone conversation.

    Quite often, friends, relatives and acquaintances like to joke like this - they call from a new mobile phone. During the dialogue, try to find out who you are dealing with. It is conversation that, as a rule, helps to cope with the task over time. True, things are not always so simple. In most cases, it is much more difficult to find the owner by phone number. And here you can’t get away with a simple dialogue. You have to look for many workarounds, as well as use various secrets that will help you cope with the issue. What should be done? Now we will try to understand this. How to find the owner's last name by phone number? Let's think further.

    Search engine

    There is another rather interesting and simple approach. Any average computer user can use it. Of course, you will have to have an Internet connection for it. If you are thinking about how to find a person’s last name by phone number, you can try using an Internet search engine.

    This option does not give you any guarantee of success. Probably, in most cases, we can say that dialogue during a call will give a great chance of resolving the issue. True, there are exceptions. Just go to any search engine (whichever you like) and then type the desired number into the search bar. Start your search.

    Once you receive your results, review them carefully. Very often, the owner’s last name is determined by phone number thanks to various social networks. There you can see not only this data, but some more. So to speak, superfluous. That's all the problems are solved. Only the situation does not always work out so well and simply. It is often quite difficult to determine the owner’s name by phone number, as well as his other data, using a search engine. For this reason, users are looking for other options. Which ones exactly? Now we will get to know them.

    To the operator

    A fairly common, but not always correct move is a visit to the telephone operator. And both to yours and to the one whose number you are interested in. After all, this is where you can determine the owner by phone number. Although not always.

    If you contact your operator, then inform him that you need to receive information about the caller. Come up with a reason (or tell it like it is) that could convince the employee to provide you with such data. In principle, when the SIM card is registered in your name, there shouldn’t be any special problems.

    In the case when you decide to get information about the number that called you through the operator’s salon of your interlocutor, everything will be several times more difficult. After all, such confidential information is not provided “right and left.” You will have to try hard to convince employees to give you information about the caller. To be honest, this move usually ends in failure. And then you have to think about how to find a last name by phone number. It’s good that there are still many, many possible alternatives.


    If the owner of a cell phone number has disappeared, and now you just need to find him, then you can always contact the police. There, as a rule, a statement about a missing person is drawn up, after which you have every right to provide the owner’s phone number. Ask at the same time to tell you the initials of the person who is lost. Introduce yourself, for example, as a distant relative who has forgotten the person’s last name. Or good friend. Childhood, for example. Then they can still provide you with all the necessary information.

    Unfortunately, this option doesn't really work. After all, the police now trust few people. Why would close friends or relatives look for the owner of a phone number without knowing his initials? In principle, if you are simply “sick” of calls from an unfamiliar number, you can report it to law enforcement agencies. Maybe then they will also provide you with information about the caller. But you shouldn’t get your hopes up too much about this method. After all, quite often you have to look for other alternatives to solve the problem posed. And in modern world it's quite easy and simple to do.

    Buying a base

    For example, each person can purchase a special telephone subscriber base. Such services are provided by radiocommunication markets. Here you, although for a large fee, can get what you need. After this, you won’t have to think long about how to find a last name by phone number.

    All that remains for you after purchasing a telephone subscriber database is to search for the required number yourself, and then look at all the data that relates to it. Sometimes you can find here not only a first/last name, but also an address and email. Of course, the integrity of the picture depends on what specific base you bought.

    It is worth noting right away that this method is not entirely honest and legal. Thus, it is better to avoid it. Yes, they won’t “cover you up,” but your conscience may torment you later. If this does not scare you, and spending is not a hindrance, you can try this method. However, there are other approaches. Simpler, “cheaper” and more convenient.


    For example, you can turn to the World Wide Web for help again. Only now we will work not in search engines, but with a variety of hosting services that offer us to very quickly and accurately find subscriber data by phone number. As a rule, these services are paid. The price is not particularly high (about 50 rubles), but nevertheless, sometimes even it can repel.

    There are also free hosting sites that offer similar services. True, it is better to avoid such places. We'll talk about the risks of using this method a little later. In the meantime, let's try to find the owner by phone number using specialized sites.

    Visit the hosting home page and select the required function there. Next, you will have to dial the subscriber’s number in the appropriate field, and then enter a special security code. It will be sent to you on your mobile phone. Then you wait for a while - and after a short pause, all the necessary data appears on the screen. A great move, although not the safest.

    With checks

    Well, here’s another little trick that will help answer the question of how to find the owner’s last name by phone number. To do this you will have to use a payment terminal mobile communications. Top up the subscriber's number with a small amount, and then contact the mobile phone store to find out which name you have deposited the funds under.

    For plausibility, you can come up with some kind of story, because of which you will now find out exactly to whom the funds were transferred. If this works, you will get all the data you need. Otherwise, we can leave our task today and not worry about solving the problem.


    Honestly, if you decide to identify the owner by phone number, you will have to immediately warn that this idea is unsafe. The first thing to be wary of is deception. While using the Internet and websites, you can simply become a victim. You will be charged for a service that is not provided. It would be good if the amount was small.

    In addition, many users note that after trying to find out the owner by mobile number, various viruses appeared on their phones. They are precisely the second threat that can lie in wait for you. If you are not afraid, then choose the approach that suits you best and get down to business.

    Sometimes situations are frightening when a person answers frequent calls, but there is silence on the phone. It’s even worse when they threaten or force some information over the phone. They will help you understand all unclear situations information Technology. There are several options for dialing a subscriber on an incoming call.

    How to find a person by phone number

    There are plenty of criminals and suspicious people in our modern world, so sometimes it is necessary to determine the owner by phone number. A simple method to find out about an unfamiliar call is to call the subscriber back. It is better to do this from a landline phone or another SIM card. To prevent the person from recognizing you, introduce yourself as a social service employee or come up with another legend to get as much information as possible about his personality. Another option is to search for a person by phone number using databases.

    Mobile phone database

    The Internet can help you find your interlocutor. There are many paid sites that offer to provide all the information about the caller for a certain amount. It is unknown whether the database exists telephone numbers from someone other than mobile phone providers, so before you pay money for a service, assess the risks. Remember that the Internet is full of scammers. At best, you will get outdated data for your money, or even completely useless information.

    Home Phone Database

    If you received a call from a landline, it will be much easier to call the person by phone number. A database of home radiotelephones with lists of surnames is available in every city. It can also be found on the Internet. On the desired website, you need to select the name of the city and enter the numbers of interest. There is one significant disadvantage in this option - the database of telephone numbers is outdated, but the chances of finding the registration address of the right person and even passport details for free are very high.

    Find a person by phone number on the map

    Some services offer to track the owner of a cell phone online via satellite. You should know that this is not possible because celestial objects cannot track every cell phone. However, if you cannot find a person by phone number via satellite, then using a GSM signal you can. A mobile tower located near the subscriber of interest can calculate its approximate coordinates.

    How to identify a person by phone number using a GSM signal? A service provided by many Russian operators will help determine the subscriber’s location. For example, MTS offers the “Locator” service. To connect it, you need to send an SMS with the required number by dialing 6677 and pay for the service. Beeline subscribers also have the opportunity to track a person’s location by calling 06849924 and paying for the order. Megafon users need to call 0888 to find out the necessary information. This service is also not free.

    Find on social networks by phone number

    The Google search engine will help you find a subscriber by phone number if he is registered on social networks. Odnoklassniki and VKontakte always require confirmation of account registration via cell phone. This information is confidential, but sometimes the user indicates it on his page. Try entering the number you are interested in in the search bar of each social network.

    If searching for people on social networks by phone is unsuccessful, you can try searching for a person online in search engines. Different search engines index pages differently, so you should contact each one individually: Mail. ru, Rambler, Google and Yandex. Enter your cell phone numbers without spaces in ten-digit format into the search bar. If a person created advertisements, communicated on forums or advertised his services, then you will find him.

    Program for searching a person by phone number

    Internet offers online applications(direction finders) with convenient functionality for tracking a mobile number. However, there is no way to find out the location of a cell phone without the owner’s consent. Any similar program for finding a person by phone number needs to be installed on the device, after which all information about his location will be sent to the specified smartphone or computer.

    How to find out who a mobile phone number is registered to

    The first and last name of the owner of the smartphone is confidential information, so it is not so easy to find out. The police can check who the phone number is registered to only if a statement is written that you or your family are being threatened. All other options for determining the full name of an unwanted subscriber are illegal. When you really need to punch the number, you can check the region of purchase and determine mobile operator and try to find out the last name in other ways.

    Check phone number by region

    Each mobile company introduces its own digital codes. Using them you can easily find out which region a phone number belongs to. Each combination within the Russian Federation is unique. To get free information you need to go to the leading websites mobile operators Russia and check the first three digits of the number you are interested in. They will show in which region of the country the SIM card was issued. There is a website on the Internet: single directory“Operator codes in regions”, which also contains this information. This service is no longer free (3).

    Which operator does the phone number belong to?

    There are not many mobile operators in Russia. Each of them has individual digital combinations. It is very easy to establish the subscriber's provider if he called from a Russian SIM card (first digit +7). Belonging to a particular company is determined by three numbers following the first. They are fixed and always stable. To find an operator by phone number, you should know that Russia has only four large providers, which are characterized by the following codes.

    In some situations, a person needs to obtain information about the owner of a mobile phone number. You can use several different methods to solve the problem. Let's consider step by step methods obtaining information about the full name of the owner of an unfamiliar subscriber.

    How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 1

    This method is considered classic and official, but the process of obtaining necessary information may take quite a while.

    • Contact the mobile operator company office.
    • Write a statement. It must indicate the question on the basis of which the user makes such a request to the office. The reason for wanting to know information about the owner of a particular number must also be stated.
    • Consultants must review the written application and decide whether or not to provide the requested personal information.

    How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 2

    The method described below is also the official one.

    • Contact one of the law enforcement agencies.
    • Write a statement. It must indicate the reasons for the appeal and complaints against the owner of the number.
    • After reviewing the application, the issue of initiating a criminal case will be decided. In most situations, such cases are still initiated.
    • In this case, the operator company consultant must provide all available data about the owner of a particular number.
    • A special investigation will begin, within the framework of which the party who asked for help from law enforcement agencies will receive information about the person who owns the corresponding phone number.

    How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 3

    It is possible to access databases, but this method will not be legal.

    • Visit the subscriber's mobile operator company and ask to top up the balance by calling the mobile number whose owner you want to know.
    • When making such payments, the operator on the monitor can view all the data about the owner of the number.
    • Ask the operator to name the name of the person whose balance will be topped up. This is usually done to prevent errors when making such payments.
    • If the operator in the branch refused to provide such data, then you can try to do the same in another office.

    How to find out the owner of a phone by number - method 4

    This method is also unofficial, but it is also the most unsafe.

    • It is possible to use telephone number databases. In most cases, you will have to pay to use this service.
    • However, today such directories may contain incorrect information or malicious software. For this reason, it is not recommended to use this method without trying the others.
    • In some cases, criminal proceedings may be opened for the illegal use of such information.
    • Using this method, you will probably be able to find out where the number is registered. Other information can be obtained using special paid forms.

    What else to read