How to register a MegaFon personal account: instructions. How to add an additional number to a megaphone cabinet

Personal Area is an excellent service for subscribers of the Megafon operator, which replaces the old ways of managing a SIM card: SIM menu, commands, SMS, calls to specialist consultants. If you don’t yet know how to register in your Megafon personal account, we will describe the whole process in detail to make your life more comfortable.

How to register a Megafon personal account?

Previously, the personal account was called a service guide. This is a web window, by logging in, you can change the tariff plan, order Internet packages, minus, SMS, spend bonuses, view the balance and balances of packages, connect and disconnect subscriptions, services, options, control costs and order details of your account, set up automatic payments to replenish your balance and top up your account, contact specialists in online chat.

To register in your personal account, you will need a stable Internet connection and a mobile phone with a Megafon SIM card.

  • Go to the service page
  • Enter your phone number in the “Login” field, and then send an SMS from your mobile phone to 000110 to receive a password. Another way to get a one-time password to log into the system is to create the command * 105 * 00 #. When you receive a response notification containing your password, copy it into the service window.
  • Click the "Login" button.
  • There are additional options for registering a personal account:

    • through social network VKontakte, where you will find the application "Personal Area", after installation, an icon with the Megafon logo will appear on your desktop on your PC; by clicking on it, the service will be available to you;
    • call the short number 0505, following the instructions in the voice menu, if you do not find specific tips there, press the button to contact the operator-consultant and wait for his response;
    • from international roaming call the single toll free number+74955025555 and voice your request to register in your personal account.

    Registering a Personal Account for a tablet

    There are tablets that support SIM cards; with them, registering a personal account will be carried out like on a smartphone. But if the tablet PC does not have a GSM module, then you need to perform the following steps:

    • Go to page
    • Remove the SIM card by inserting it into your mobile device.
    • Send a request from it * 105 * 00 #, having received the password, copy it into the window of the service running on the tablet.
    • Specify phone number SIM cards.
    • Click Login.

    Alternatives to your personal account

    If you are uncomfortable using your personal account various reasons, or you do not have constant access to the Internet, we offer other options for managing a SIM card, some of them are not at all inferior to the functionality of your personal account.

    Self-service menu

    Old-style phones use a SIM menu to manage services, tariffs, and accounts. It is always located in the menu of your device. You will recognize this menu by the name Megafon. By clicking on it, a list of sections that the user may need will appear. To control, select the desired item using the button.

    Megafon application

    The Megafon operator ordered a smartphone application from the developers, which has the same functionality as a personal account and is distinguished by the fact that it is always at hand and allows you to quickly resolve any issue. Read its description and get download links for different operating systems available on the operator's website

    For Android this is Google Play, Windows Phone– Windows Store, iPhone – AppStore. The app can be installed for free in these stores and is easy to manage.

    On the screen you will see the main menu with the following items: account, tariff/options/services, and on the bottom panel there will be buttons: settings, salons, support, home. At the very top of the screen your balance, number of bonus points, phone number, and tariff plan will be displayed.

    USSD commands for receiving services

    For change tariff plans, connection, disconnection of services, subscriptions, options, ordering traffic packages, minutes, SMS and other purposes, you can use ready-made ussd commands. There are thousands of them for different purposes.

    They can be found on the Megafon website in the section corresponding to your request. So, for example, to switch to a tariff plan "Turn on, watch" you need to dial * 789 * 6 # on your mobile phone, and to order the Internet M package for 1 month - * 236 * 3 * 1 # .

    Registering a personal account using a short number

    Voice prompts are called by dialing 0505. By typing this combination, you will hear a list of popular sections, including services, tariff, balance, as well as other important items. Having chosen the one you need, you need to follow the recommendations by pressing the buttons on the phone.

    This method is suitable for those who do not have access to the Internet. To use it, you don't need to install additional applications or enter passwords.

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Now we've reached our third mobile operator. And now let's figure out how create a personal account Megafon. Maybe someone will object: “Why do we need to do all this through a computer, when everything can be done on a mobile phone?”

And to some extent they will be right. But I remind you that I am trying, first of all, of course, for pensioners - pensermen. And this is a category of people who are accustomed to breadth and space. Especially the residents rural areas. And it’s somehow not convenient for them to poke tiny buttons with their mighty fingers. But the computer monitor didn’t go anywhere. Got distracted!

Registering a Megafon personal account

To be honest, they somehow turned out to be short and crumpled in this section. I would even say it’s somehow not reputable, the company is still well-known. But let's continue.

Sending SMS from Megafon personal account

This is where we must give Megafon his due. It is safe to say that in this they have surpassed their competitors. Here you will find groups/mailing lists and numbers. And what I really liked is that you can specify several numbers for recipients at once. Beauty, with one click you can create at least a dozen people. Take a look here:

And you can postpone sending. Save this newsletter if necessary and then pull it out and resend it wherever needed at any time. Well, this thing is very good in my opinion. Just for this I would certainly created a personal account Megafon or whatever it's called Service Guide. And use it. I recommend.

Self-service services are an ideal solution dictated by the times. Any subscriber with Internet access can independently manage their SIM cards using their Personal Account. This not only significantly saves time and money, but also expands our capabilities. For example, using online service from Megafon you can promptly learn about the operator’s profitable offers and immediately activate them.
The functionality of the self-service system allows you to control and manage funds in your personal account, carry out various financial transactions, connect and disable a number of additional services and options, and much more. You don't have to constantly contact the support center or send USSD requests and SMS messages. Almost any issue regarding your subscriber number can be resolved independently.

The convenience and functionality of the Personal Account is appreciated by millions of users. If you are not one of them yet, quickly join us at by example make sure. Moreover, registering is not so difficult, and you will master all the functionality over time. This article is an instruction for those who still have doubts or, on the contrary, have already made up their minds, but are afraid that they will not be able to enter their Personal Account.

You will spend a few minutes registering and will open up a world of great opportunities. Dozens of actions will be available to you: transfers and replenishments of balances, withdrawal of funds to terminals and bank cards, connecting and disconnecting all kinds of services and options, changing tariff plans, profitable traffic packages and much, much more.

Having become acquainted with our detailed instructions, you can easily log in to the system and begin to master the functionality.

How to log into your Megafon personal account - step-by-step guide

All companies providing telecommunications services to the population have their own official resources. Nowadays this will not surprise anyone. On the Megafon website you can not only receive first-hand information about new tariff plans, additional services, Internet options, but also use your Personal Account. This service, like online banking, allows you to control your own account in real time. You can access the site both from personal computers and from mobile gadgets.

Registration in your Personal Account is available to you only if you have a registered Megafon SIM card. If you also use numbers from other operators, you will have to register on their official resources. However, registration in the Personal Account of any service provider cellular communication not much different. Once you log in to one self-service system, you will register in the same way on another site.

To enter your Megafon Personal Account, follow a few simple steps:

If you have entered into a corporate agreement with Megafon, log into your Personal Account by following these steps:

To obtain a password for initial authorization in the self-service system, corporate subscribers can call 88005500555 or visit the nearest company office. Individuals can obtain a password not only using the above USSD request. To receive an authorization password, dial 0505 call. Following the prompts of the automatic subscriber notification service, you will choose your own password. You can also type an SMS message, where the text consists of two zeros 00, and send a call to number 000110. Wait for a response and enter your password in the form.

Megafon application personal account

If you do not have a personal computer, use your Personal Account from your mobile gadget. Especially for such subscribers, a convenient Megafon application was developed, in which all the functionality of the self-service service is available. Using an application tailored specifically for mobile devices, you can easily manage your SIM card, connect new tariffs, services, options, and conduct various financial transactions.

In a word, the Megafon application is the same Personal Account, but designed for comfortable use on smartphones. To log in to the self-service service, first download and install the application. It is available for download from official source, the operator’s website, and from the store Google applications. After launching the application, go to the website and log in to the system by entering your login password. If you haven't registered yet, follow the same steps as in the guide above.

How to recover the password from your Megafon personal account

If the password for logging into the self-service system is forgotten or lost, it can be easily and quickly recovered. What needs to be done for this? Log in to your Personal Account using your login password. You are already registered, so simply log in by providing the required details. But since you have safely forgotten your password, use the hint and send the USSD command *105*00# call. The new password will be sent in a reply SMS message. After authorization, you can come up with a new, more secure password and change it.

Features of Megafon personal account

After authorization, you have access to a number of convenient and useful functions. You will have the opportunity to manage services, options, subscriptions and mailings, perform various types of financial transactions, and that’s not all. We will list only the main functions of the Personal Account. So, in the self-service service you have the following options:
  1. Full control of your personal account: replenishment, transfers, cashing out.
  2. Connect and disconnect a wide variety of services and Internet options.
  3. Change tariff plans in a few clicks.
  4. Current news and profitable offer from the operator.
  5. Connection of special services for zero and negative balances, including the “Trust (promised) payment” option.
  6. Transfer funds to any numbers of Megafon or other operators.
  7. Detailed information about all expenses in a convenient format and in manual or automatic mode.
  8. Blocking and unbanning the use of a SIM card.
  9. Participation in programs, receiving bonuses and discounts.
  10. Contact a consultant.
As you can see, your Personal Account is equipped with all the necessary functions that allow you to independently manage your phone number. After simple registration and authorization, you can use all the features of the service from Megafon.

The Megafon company offers clients the use of a personal account. Thanks to the created account, subscribers will be able to control their expenses and manage services. To obtain account, you need to go through a simple registration. This procedure is performed in several ways.

Registration is free and does not take much time. Clients can access the service in any region of the country, as well as abroad. If you have questions, it is recommended to contact the operator - “0500”.

People who want to use an account must register on the website “”. Registration in your Megafon personal account can be done in 3 ways:

  • Via SMS message;
  • Via answering machine;
  • USSD command.

Regardless of the option chosen, the registration process takes 1-3 minutes. To create an account you will need one of the following devices:

  • Smartphone;
  • iPhone;
  • iPad;
  • Tablet.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to register in your Megafon personal account via a computer or laptop. Therefore, you don’t need to use a modem or router. This is due to the fact that you can only get the password through your phone.

Sending SMS

To create an account on the website, you need to use simple option. The person should send a blank text message to the number “000110”. The operator will send a response SMS within 1 minute. The message indicates the password for authorization. A phone number is used as a login.

It is noteworthy that this method is available even to those clients who do not have Internet configured on their phone. After receiving registration data, you can use your computer to log into your account.


People who prefer to follow instructions are advised to use the answering machine. To start it, you need to dial “0505” on your phone. The robot will inform the calling person about further actions. If you follow the instructions there will be no difficulties.

The advantage of this method is that the client is able to immediately set his own password. If you wish, you can not specify a secret combination, then the robot will automatically generate it. After registration, all you have to do is go to the authorization page to log in to the service.

USSD -team

For clients who are not comfortable with sending a message and an autoresponder, you can use another method. To make yourself an account on the website, it is recommended to dial mobile phone combination “*105*00#”. Within 1-2 minutes the operator will send an SMS with a password.

Thanks to the USSD command, subscribers can not only register in the system, but also receive New Password. You can change the secret combination an unlimited number of times.

If a person enters an incorrect combination 5 times, access to their personal account is blocked. To recover the password, the USSD command is also entered.

Despite the fact that customers can register in the system in 3 ways, some have difficulties. In this case, it is recommended to contact the company office. Consultants will help you connect your personal account. It is important to remember that all manipulations can only be performed by the owner of the number. Therefore, you need to present your passport. There is no charge for providing the service.

By default, every Megafon subscriber has a personal account. There is no need to order or connect it, since this service is immediately linked to a phone number. Once you use it, you will appreciate all its advantages, the convenience of controlling costs, easy access to ordering or disabling services.

How to visit your personal account on Megafon?

To log in to your account, follow the link to a specially designed company page. Logging in from it is intuitive: enter your login - your own phone number and password, the receipt of which will be discussed below. So:

  • if you received a SIM card relatively recently or do not remember exactly your phone number, find it out using the ussd request *205#+Call;
  • if you are entering your account for the first time or have not previously set your password, we receive a one-time pass code by sending a request from your phone * 105 * 00 # and “Call”;
  • a temporary password, which should be entered using the link above, will come in the body of an SMS from the operator;
  • if the message does not arrive, try using duplicate means - for example, sending an SMS with the text 00 to number 000110;
  • You can also call 0505 for free and use voice prompts to have the system generate a login password for you;
  • Please remember that after 5 incorrect attempts to guess the password, the login will be blocked;
  • to unlock it, dial * 105 * 00 # from your phone and press the call button.

How to log into your Megafon personal account for corporate clients

The entry principle in such cases is similar to the previous paragraph. The difference is that before authorization you need to select the region of the SIM card, and then, instead of login, enter the main phone number of the corporate group. The password will be sent to it after sending an SMS to the number 000511. You can also fill out a special application and deliver it to the Megafon office, in person or by fax.

How to log into your Megafon personal account in the application from a mobile phone

To visit your personal account from Megafon, you don’t have to be in front of a computer. Download convenient applications for Android, iOS or Windows Phone to always be aware of your expenses. Authorization occurs in the same way as through a browser, but you can set your password and allow the application to remember it, so as not to send SMS every time you try to log in. In addition, every day the user will receive a personal offer aimed at improving service and expanding the subscriber’s capabilities. New versions of the application are regularly released, making it even more convenient and stable.

If you have difficulty logging into your personal account or using any other Megafon services, contact our specialists. toll free phone 0500.

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