Tuleev's legacy. What awaits the Kemerovo region in the near future. Latest news Kemerovo Tuleev resignation. Detailed information

Now, perhaps, we can say that Tuleev has not gone anywhere, has not died, as some have said, but simply fell ill with the prospect of being cured and returning to his chair of the governor of the Kemerovo region.

Not so long ago as part of a high-profile case former leader Directorate of the ICR for the Kemerovo region, General Sergei Kalinkin, accused of extorting a controlling stake in the Inskoy coal mine, the investigators intended to interrogate the head of Kuzbass Aman Tuleev.

When the interrogation of the head of Kuzbass may take place is unclear. In early July, when the maximum possible 45-day vacation came to an end, Aman Tuleev did not go to work. According to some reports, he was in Moscow for treatment after spinal surgery. But the very fact that Tuleev was appointed as a witness may indicate that the affairs and health of the current governor are quite fixable.

And, as it turned out a few days later, there were grounds for optimism. Aman Tuleev is already in Kemerovo, he will be treated on an outpatient basis, and “the governor is in good health, he is in control of the situation in the region, he is in working contact with his deputies” - the press service of the regional administration made someone happy, someone not. And although, as they say, he was carried out of the plane, that is, the disease has not completely subsided yet - nevertheless, various sources say that the governor returned to the region because he really wants to attend the celebration of Miner's Day. And this is a serious step towards returning to the post - the miners' brotherhood is one of the main political forces "below" and the living, albeit not quite healthy, head of the region, who appeared before their eyes, can calm everyone - both on the ground and in the offices.

Of course, the disease, and the disappearance of the governor associated with it from all "horizons" at once, made a lot of noise. They talked about the deterioration of health, and about the improvement, but, first of all, about the upcoming resignation. Moreover, some of the information about Tuleev's health could be true.

Rumor has it that the illness of Aman Tuleev, who first became the governor of Kuzbass in June 1997, came as a shock to the Kremlin, and now they are experiencing serious difficulties in finding a successor.

Serious health problems have become the only reason, according to which the federal center thought about the resignation of Aman Tuleev, says Igor Bunin, president of the Center for Political Technologies. But he is confident that the Kremlin is more interested in managing the region than in maintaining a specific figure. “As long as Aman Tuleev was not sick, he held the region with a firm hand, and therefore the federal government did not clean it up. But when he fell ill, the question arose: can he manage the region?

Rumors about the illness of the governor of the Kemerovo region have been circulating for a long time, these rumors have been repeatedly refuted by people from his entourage. But one thing is clear - he can only leave the post himself, said political scientist, head of the "Political Expert Group" Konstantin Kalachev.

“It is extremely difficult to imagine that Tuleev will make a statement - “I'm tired, I'm leaving.” The nature of his relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin and his services to the country are such that to offer him a well-deserved rest, no one turns his tongue, ”he said.

Yes, there were scandals related to the detention of two vice-governors in the Kemerovo region - but in comparison with the experience of the governor, all this is trifles.

“I don’t even consider it possible to consider the issue of the candidacy of a successor ...”, “If we talk about a successor who would ensure succession and would be personally obliged to Tuleev, that there is a successor who grew up inside the “Tuleev” system, then there is no such thing yet ...”, “All the management system in Kuzbass is built for Tuleev ... "," Tuleev will leave, if he leaves at all, when he wants to, and he clearly does not want this. It seems to me that Tuleev has the only desire to be governor until last days life and die in the workplace…” – this is what experts say about the prospects for managing Kuzbass by someone other than Tuleev.

Isn't everything calm in the "Khanate"?

What, besides longevity, can Aman Tuleyev be credited with, and why was the center so reverent about his illness and the prospect of looking for a replacement for him?

Using examples, we talked about the fact that behind the external gloss of the region and the invariably high rating of the governor, there are a number of problems, many of which are many, many years old.

Crime, in which Kuzbass is one of the leaders in the Siberian Federal District, an unfavorable social sphere, an increase in HIV infections, an increase in natural population decline, housing problems, a weak investment attractiveness of the region's cities, a failure in the development of science and new technologies, a decline in production, an almost frozen modernization of mines, and as a result, constant accidents.

In fact, there is industrial stagnation in the region, but, nevertheless, everywhere Tuleyev's face is in sight. It is perceived as an integral part of our political landscape, as a way of life,” they say in the region.

The acting head of the region has no serious opponents - if his current illness is not considered as such.

And even high level unemployment in the region of 7-8% - for Tuleev is not an obstacle to re-elections. There is practically no opposition to the current governor in the Kemerovo region, but the discontent of the population is growing, says a member of the regional headquarters of the ONF and the head of the project " open city» Maxim Uchvatov. "Who was strong politician with any prospect, everyone left Kuzbass, one might say, they survived. If we talk about big business, it has also re-registered in other regions. The financial and political elites remaining in the region are accustomed to the vertical of power built over 20 years, and it would be convenient for them if Tuleev remained the governor,” Maxim Uchvatov said.

“Tuleev was the head of Kuzbass for so long that a whole generation grew up under him, and several layers of officials were replaced. Now, most likely, a stupor at the center turned out between the fact that Tuleev had to reach presidential elections, at least, and give 98% for Putin, and the fact that his health let us down. Now everyone who has anything to do with this is in disarray, how to make it to March 2018! Arthur Stash said.

In general, rumors about Tuleev's resignation appear regularly, and sources close to the Kremlin report the alleged departure of the old-timer to the media. In 2015, there was almost no faith in the extension of the powers of the Kemerovo governor, however, Tuleev received a sanction for the elections and scored 96.7% of them. Even then it became clear that the Kremlin considers the head of Kemerovo more than the rest. In 2016, high-ranking officials of the administration of Mr. Tuleev were arrested. He did not go into his pocket for a word, rushing to defend the officials and ... he had nothing for it.

Tuleyev has long earned the right to be called one of the few "inviolable" in the eyes of the center. And even persistent rumors that on the eve of resignation in 2015, he was allegedly blackmailing the country's leadership with potential destabilization in the region if he left, did not move him off the pedestal.

The secret of his longevity is that, until recently, he was in good health, and at the same time, in the late nineties and early 2000s, he rendered serious political services to the state by taming the Kuzbass. He behaved constructively and during the presidential campaign of 2000, he established constructive relations with the oligarchs in the region. He showed managerial talent, becoming his own both for the people and for big business.

In 2016, in the Kemerovo region, in the elections to the State Duma, the regional election commission announced that the turnout was 86.8% and United Russia won with a score of 77.33%, while the rest of the parties did not even get 10% of the vote. The regional group of the United Russia, which included the region, was headed by Tuleev.

Tuleev's political and economic style is described by all experts as prohibitively authoritarian. For example, he was the author of the fact that enterprises in the region paid taxes in advance - and because of this, the government always has money for current tasks (Although many call such a policy "pyramid", which inevitably leads to a crisis). But it is also his merit that almost all the money from the districts goes to Kemerovo, forcing the region to then beg for money earned by its own labor for regional needs.

Nevertheless, Tuleev does not fall below the 5-6th place in the rating of governors - another thing is how close to reality are these ratings? Especially considering that the press in the region is well-trained, and the Kremlin needs Tuleev - and no one will say bad things about him.

Although political strategist Dmitry Gusev is more frank: “Tuleyev’s management scheme is built like this: he blackmails the oligarchs with the fact that the people are behind him, he is really popular, so he requires them to invest in the region and in social programs. In public, he behaves like a populist, but in fact he stands guard over the interests of the oligarchs. Maintaining this balance gives him the opportunity to stay in power all these years.”

The faces of tomorrow?

In general, experts believe that after possible care Tuleev, hard times will come for the region. The governor always seemed to be eternal, and talk about a possible successor who would continue to rule in his spirit, which suits the Kremlin so much, was somehow postponed until later.

But many experts also say that it is too early to write off Tuleev. Krasnoyarsk political scientist Pavel Klachkov believes that discussions of Tuleyev's possible resignation are currently nothing more than rumors. In any case, Tuleev will have to decide who will be in power in the region. He has carte blanche in this matter, which is explained by the special nature of relations with the head of state."

Political scientist Oleg Matveychev stated the following: “According to my information, Tuleyev did have health problems, but now he is in the rehabilitation stage and is going to continue acting as governor. In addition, Tuleev is an elected governor, whose term of office expires in 2020.”

Well, and the face United Russia in my region, of course. The absolute majority in the local regional council of deputies - 44 out of 46 deputy mandates belong to the ruling party. And this is the personal merit of Tuleev. And in the upcoming regional council elections in September, the situation (if the governor leaves the hospital) looks so the same that some parties, for example, the Communist Party, are not even going to participate in the elections.

As for the Kremlin, for him, as political strategist Yevgeny Minchenko says, “ the best option it would be to hold out until the presidential elections in the spring of 2018, because Tuleyev will provide the result - and then you can retire.” Political scientist Alexander Kynev notes that Kuzbass under Tuleev provided a "significant contribution" for power in the federal elections. For example, in the 2012 presidential election, Vladimir Putin won 77.2% in the Kemerovo region, while the Russian average was only 63.6%.

That is, after the presidential elections, the early resignation of Tuleyev will no longer look like a problem for the Kremlin - by that time the "Moor" will have done his last job.

However, after all, Tuleev’s illness served him as “black PR” and ready-made candidates are already being asked to take his place. Of the main ones - the mayor of Nizhny
Tagil Sergei Nosov, State Duma deputy Dmitry Islamov. And, although, as they say, by nominating candidates, different political groups share the “skin of an unkilled bear,” the debate around them is heated.

Kuzbasrazrezugol-UMMC is said to be ready to support Governor Tuleev, who proposed his own list of candidates. Among them are Kemerovo Mayor Ilya Seredyuk and First Deputy Governor, former Mayor of Anzhero-Sudzhensk Vladimir Chernov. But, as they say, Staraya Ploshchad is not ready to seriously consider these candidates. In fact, Seredyuk and Chernov will only extend
"Tuleyev period" and are unlikely to be able to solve the crisis problems of the region, which are already there and which will become even more pronounced after the change of power.

The Evraz group is rumored to be ready to support the mayor of Novokuznetsk, Sergey Kuznetsov. By the way, he, according to local media, has good relationship with Sergei Neverov, Presidential Aide Anton Kobyakov and Vyacheslav Volodin. But the Administration can use its veto on Kuznetsov's candidacy domestic policy and UMMC.

Evraz can also support the candidate from Rostekhnologii - the mayor
Nizhny Tagil Sergey Nosov, who at one time worked both in EVRAZ and in the structures of Russian Technologies. There was even a rumor about him in July that Nosov had already begun to get acquainted with officials from the regional administration. And in connection with the proposed appointment of a new head of the region, the last session of the regional council was even postponed.

True, the press service of the regional administration said that they did not have information about the upcoming personnel changes in the leadership of the region. The Kemerovo parliament also reported that the session was postponed due to the preparation of the agenda, and not in connection with the possible arrival of Nosov.

And the influential group Makhmudov-Kozitsyn-Bokarev (UMMC-Kuzbassrazrezugol) is actively opposing Nosov. Moreover, in the corporation itself
Rostekhnologii opinions “for” and “against” Nosov were divided almost in half.

Yes, and Prime Minister Medvedev and Deputy Prime Minister Volodin also showed no activity about Nosov - and their opinions on the political front are worth a lot. Moreover, the opinion of experts about Nosov is more about politics than about an economist - and Kuzbass will need a “two in one” governor in order to calm the political “storms” and at least not bring down the region.

Perhaps, the former vice-governor of the Kemerovo region for economics, now a deputy, has such experience. State Duma Dmitry Islamov. Here is the trust on the part of Tuleev and Co., he has no friction either with EVRAZ or with Kuzbassrazrezugol. He is well known to all local oligarchs - as deputy chairman of the Duma Committee on Energy, he is in contact with all large businesses. And even crossed paths with Rostekhnologiya, cooperating as a vice-premier with the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, which is closely associated with an influential corporation.

However, if the Kremlin is not satisfied with any of the candidates, experts suggest that they can simply send a "Varangian" from the center, who in general has nothing to do with either Kuzbass or Siberia in general. The name of State Duma Vice Speaker Sergei Neverov is mentioned here - a neutral person and, perhaps, who would suit everyone. But this option, apparently, is more out of desperation than constructiveness.

According to experts, out of all the randomness of the proposed candidates, Nosov's name comes first. Mikhail Korobelnikov, a political scientist from Yekaterinburg, notes that “there have been rumors that Nosov would be offered the post of some kind of governor for a long time.” He was already "married" and in Sverdlovsk region not to replace Kuyvashev, and to Chelyabinsk to replace Dubrovsky - but since the center, apparently, decided to leave them for now, it was Nosov's turn to "try on" Kuzbass.

Yes, and Nosov himself is one of the few mayors of regional centers who is personally acquainted with Putin. The fact that, having flown to the Sverdlovsk region at the opening of the Yeltsin Center, Putin first looked into Nosov Nizhny Tagil (or “Putingrad” in another way), and only then went to the regional capital, says a lot.

In general, while people in Kuzbass itself are waiting for the return of the “great”, the Kremlin is feverishly deciding on a “fallback option” of a “painless and controlled transit” of power into no less strong hands than Tuleyev’s.

And, apparently, they are very afraid of making a mistake. In fact, the current Kremlin “shaking” is a consequence of leaving the regions at the mercy of influential and loyal governors, who, over the decades of their rule, actually turn the region into a state within a state. And with the change of local authorities, which sometime comes anyway, the Kremlin needs to “take Kazan” almost every time.

"Kazan" will eventually be taken - despite possible political and economic upheavals. It's another matter that these "shocks" (unemployment, higher prices for everything, etc.) will, by and large, be experienced by the local population, and not by those who decide the fate of the region. Only the latter do not care about this from the high Kremlin "bell tower" - the "pans" are fighting - at the "serfs" the forelocks are cracking. They say the Ukrainian proverb - Yes, it goes with everything ... " Soviet Union"... True, now everything is moving towards the fact that the "fight" is being postponed - it seems that the era of Aman Tuleev continues ...

2nd of March. site - The appointment of the head of the coal mining company, Sergei Tsivilev, as vice-governor of the Kemerovo region means preparing a replacement for the current head of the region, Aman Tuleev, political strategist Gleb Pavlovsky believes.

“The replacement of Aman Tuleev seems inevitable to everyone, not only because of political reasons how many by age. In such a situation, the entire regional establishment, political groups, as well as the administration and business elite, begin to prepare for the "post-Thuleian era." And Tuleev himself understands this," G. Pavlovsky told Interfax on Friday.

The upcoming resignation of A. Tuleev will entail a kind of "transitional period", in which S. Tsivilev appears to be the best candidate to lead the region, the expert believes.

“Most likely, we are talking about a successor, the leader of the region during the transition period. Tuleev formed such a “personal” system in the region that it is simply impossible to replace it immediately. There will be an era of “transit”, in which Tsivilev has greatest chance lead the region," the source said.

“I believe that the appointment of Tsivilev is subject to precisely this logic because it would be strange if the political and administrative process in such an important region was left to chance. Even in smaller regions, the depressed center has a certain circle of candidates for replacement. Sometimes they occupy the posts of vice "Governors, sometimes not, but in Kemerovo this issue, I believe, is completely overdue. And I think that Tuleyev himself will soon stop resisting the idea of ​​his departure," G. Pavlovsky said.

S. Tsivilev, general director of the Yakut coal mining company Kolmar, has been appointed to the position of deputy governor of the Kemerovo region for industry, transport and entrepreneurship, which has remained vacant since March last year, sources in the regional administration and business circles told Interfax-Siberia.

"S. Tsivilev has been appointed to the position of A. Tuleev's deputy for industry, transport and entrepreneurship. He will be officially presented next week," one of the agency's interlocutors said.

At the same time, sources suggest that shortly after the presidential election "he will be appointed acting governor."

According to the budget of the Kemerovo region adopted this year for the next three years, funds for the election of the governor are provided for 2018, and not for 2020, when the powers of A. Tuleev expire.

The Kolmar company declined to comment on the possible appointment.

The press service of the administration of the Kemerovo region told the agency that "information about the appointments, if they take place, will be on Monday."

Earlier media reported that at the end of February, S. Tsivilev met with President Vladimir Putin, who told about the work of the company. At the same time, V. Putin called the development of social programs of the coal mining company effective.

S. Tsivilev owns 70% of the Kolmar group (he recently increased his stake from 40% by buying 30% from Andrey Bokarev), 30% from Gennady Timchenko's Volga Group.

The Kolmar group of companies is a Russian holding uniting coal mining enterprises, trading and logistics companies that form a single cycle for the extraction, enrichment and shipment of high-quality coking and thermal coal mined at the deposits of the Neryungri region of Yakutia. Kolmar is building two GOKs (Denisovsky and Inaglinsky), as well as a sea coal terminal in the port of Vanino. Investments in the Inaglinsky GOK are estimated at 62.5 billion rubles, in the terminal - 33 billion rubles.

It is not yet possible to unequivocally predict what the federal center will do in the near future. In elections of all levels, the Kemerovo region consistently provides a high percentage of votes for candidates in single-seat circles or United Russia party lists. On a national scale, Tuleyev's political authority is very high, which probably has personal agreements with the presidential administration. Therefore, the scenario is not ruled out that Moscow will wait until the last moment with possible successors, so as not to violate the current tacit agreement with Tuleyev. This development of events is also supported by the lack of reaction of the federal center to the arrests of high-ranking regional officials directly or indirectly connected with the Kemerovo region.

Aman Tuleyev exacted 400,000 rubles from an opposition newspaper as compensation for non-pecuniary damage. The judge, who highly appreciated the moral suffering of the governor, received the medal "For Faith and Goodness" the next day. The existence of the only opposition newspaper in Kuzbass was threatened.
Christmas holidays ended sadly for Evgeny Bogdanov, editor of the Kemerovo newspaper Krai

Tuleev already that he can officially resign on July 1, resignation - on July 1, Tuleev was taken to the hill and resigned) - the main news on Wednesday, 28 Aman Tuleev announced this move. Tuleyev's resignation in a year latest news kemerovo news tuleev resigns in windows store July 29 ktk news Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman tuleev submitted his resignation. Such a 73-year-old Aman Tuleev, Tuleev is the latest news today. July 24,. UFO video for 2017 latest video news According to a source close to the Kremlin, in the near future in many Russian regions.

“The system has ceased to look like a really democratic one so much that with administrative support, any person will be elected to the post of governor. The people are used to walking around and voting as they say,” summed up the sociologist Belchik.

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleev, called the accusations against his deputies Alexander Danilchenko and Alexei Ivanov, as well as the head of the department of administrative bodies of the regional administration, Elena Troitskaya, absurd. Tuleev is convinced that his subordinates were set up, and that he was the target of the attack. Tuleev said that they all remain in their positions. He considers it absurd to suggest that law enforcement officers are trying to squeeze the Inskaya open pit in favor of businessman Alexander Shchukin. Detainees Danilchenko and Ivanova Kemerovo the governor called

“I asked questions, got answers. The governor's condition is medically satisfactory," the mayor said, emphasizing that he was trying not to disturb Tuleev once again. In the city, according to Seredyuk, the situation is also calm, the residents do not worry and do not believe the rumors, as they are used to trusting official information.”

That change will come in Kemerovo region along with a possible new governor, none of the interviewed experts have any doubts. Irkutsk political scientist Alexei Petrov believes that under the new leader, Kuzbass "has a chance to become a more democratic region and engage in party building." “Judging by information openness, the development of the media and civil initiatives, then Tuleev was stuck somewhere else in the last century,” Petrov believes.

Moreover, on June 13, information appeared in the media that Tuleev had died, but the press service of the Kemerovo region administration denied this information.

01/29/2018 Why does Kuzbass need the administration of the Kemerovo region?
On the website of the administration of the Kemerovo region, a new order of the governor "On approval of the action plan for the protection environment of the Kemerovo region for 2018. "The order is 1 page, and the application directly is a whole book. But the funny thing is that the action plan spells out the obligations of coal companies and industrial enterprises, it spells out what they were supposed to do by law anyway at the expense of their from this Talmud, the administration itself assigned to: identifying unauthorized dumps, holding several mass actions, an ecoquest, issuing a newspaper (which is already being published) and several contests.

The governor of the Kemeovo region Aman Tuleev is a reasonable person. He perfectly understands when you can afford to be a frontier, and when you need to show loyalty. True, Tuleyev sometimes drifts, this happens, as a rule, at those dramatic moments when the interests of financial and industrial structures friendly to the governor come into resonance with the wishes of the Kremlin.
While the matter does not concern energy tariffs, cargo transportation

Latest news in Kemerovo today. News to this hour.

01/28/2018 "Repair plastic windows and build underfloor heating
There is a good Russian proverb that says: Spring will show who, where ... and further in the text. And in Kuzbass, this proverb can be changed this year with confidence - winter will show who, where and what they did last summer. In connection with the onset of frost, there are a lot of signals about the cold in apartments, accidents occur here and there. In Belogorsk, a boiler house collapsed, the Kedrovsky water conduit in Kemerovo froze. So, a complaint came from the village of Malinovka, near Kaltan. In a 5-storey building on 60 Let Oktyabrya Street, the temperature in the apartments dropped to 16-14 degrees, and in some houses even to 11, residents say. The commissions came, measured the temperature, they say everything is normal, And this morning it was even more fun, it froze hot water and the light turned off. Number of comments per item: 4

Unlike the Kemerovo region, Tuleev's departure from the stage on the scale of the Siberian federal district won't be that significant. For example, for Krasnoyarsk, Tuleyev's resignation will do nothing for local political alignments. “Our regions have no special intersections,” said Alexander Chernyavsky, a political expert from Krasnoyarsk. - A few years ago, Aman Tuleev was a significant figure in the speeches of the Krasnoyarsk opposition, which cited the Kuzbass governor as an example to local leaders. They liked the social protection of workers, and the policy of a "firm hand", and the protection of the interests of Kuzbass in federal level. AT recent times such adoration has faded."

But, most importantly, from the first days of his governorship, Aman Tuleev began to build a model in Kuzbass called"Kemerovo socialism". The economy of the region today is somewhat reminiscent of the late USSR.

2012-2013 New Kuzbass - information site of the Kemerovo region. Read on our website: news of Kuzbass, news of Kemerovo and Novokuznetsk. Every day we describe what is happening in the region and cities. The editors do not fully share the opinion of the authors in the Opinions and Blogs sections.
Copyrights are protected by law. When reprinting materials, a link to the source of the news is required.

The methane explosion on the Taizhin happened at 6.50, towards the end of the night shift. April 10, Saturday, the Resurrection of Christ. At a depth of five hundred meters, the miners carried out repair work. There were 53 people underground.

The 73-year-old governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, is likely to be fired after the 2018 presidential election. According to the proposed scenario, he will retire with honors. In the near future, the resignation of a heavyweight can only occur in the event of a sharp deterioration in health.

The governor of the Kemerovo region has not been seen in public since April. On May 22, he officially went on a ten-day vacation, which was extended until June 16, then extended again - for an indefinite period, and on June 20, the FlashSiberia agency, citing a source close to the head of the region, reported that Tuleev turned to Putin with a request for an early termination of authority.

On Sunday, March 25, a fire broke out in the shopping center "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo. According to the latest updated data, the tragedy claimed the lives of 64 people.

In Kemerovo, go through a spontaneous rally at the moment, people want to know the truth!

People demand the city administration to resign.

According to the Investigative Committee investigating the causes of the tragedy, updated data indicate that 56 people died in the fire in the shopping center. 44 people were admitted to the city hospitals with burns and carbon monoxide poisoning - 10 people are in the hospital in a state of moderate severity. More than twenty people are still missing.

Local media, citing firefighters, report that on the morning of March 26, open flames were again noticed in the shopping center - the fire extinguished the day before flares up again. The operational services claim that they are monitoring the situation - as soon as all the fires are extinguished, an operation to remove the rubble will begin. The operation will last, according to the authorities, “for as long as it takes”

The fire in the shopping center broke out around noon Moscow time - they are still extinguishing it, as it has already become known. The fire covered an area of ​​more than a hectare. Due to the destruction in the area of ​​600 square meters the roof of the building collapsed.

According to eyewitnesses, the fire alarm did not work in the building - many noticed that there was smoke in the room, too late. People ran out into the street and even jumped out of windows in the hope of escaping. Already after the announcement of the tragedy, those who managed to get out tried to somehow help those who remained in the building.

Before shopping center there was chaos and chaos. Because of the collapsed ceilings, firefighters cannot get into several halls - in particular, into one of the cinema halls, in which the children were allegedly kept.

Shocking for society were the messages of teenagers in social networks- blocked in the building, they said goodbye to family and friends. Messages like “This is the end”, “Maybe goodbye”, later published in the media, simply defy understanding. Some called their loved ones to say goodbye…

The most likely cause of the tragedy was a malfunction of the electrical wiring - a special commission has been created in the UK to investigate the case and look for the perpetrators of the incident.

Versions of intentional arson or careless handling of fire are also being considered - the results of the investigation are promised to be held in as soon as possible, but first you need to put out the fire in the building.

Most of the children who died in the fire - it was the cinema hall and the children's room - were next to the fire, and then in a place that was hard to reach for firefighters.

The Russians mourn and are waiting for new details of the incident.

Fire in Kemerovo - video of the tragedy hit the Network

A terrible tragedy in the shopping center of the city of Kemerovo

Rescuers found most of the bodies of the dead on the last, fourth floor of the building. People tried to get out of the burning building, but it was too late: according to eyewitnesses, the fire alarm did not sound, and when people rushed to the elevators, they were no longer working.

In a panic, visitors to the center ran to the roof to call for help - many were later saved.

A terrible video of a fire in the shopping center "Winter Cherry" in Kemerovo appeared in social networks. Some people, hoping to escape from the blazing building, jumped from the roof and from the windows. On the ground, passers-by tried to catch them with the help of stretched bedspreads.

“I know very clearly: everyone who is not too lazy to write all sorts of crap,” Nosov himself commented on this information to the BBC Russian Service.

It is logical that in connection with the possible resignation of Aman Tuleev, the question of a successor becomes important. Recently, there have been many possible successors to Aman Tuleyev as governor. “Kuzbass would be quite suitable for a person from law enforcement agencies,” Andrey Tikhonov believes. “And in order to maintain at least some stability, it will be necessary, according to the “latest fashion,” to attract the Varangians.”

12/28/2017 Redistribution in housing and communal services continues
Let's talk about utilities. As many people know, housing and communal services tariffs are growing from year to year. The government has taken measures to contain tariffs by limiting them to a percentage of annual indexation. For example, in 2018 in the Kemerovo region, tariff growth is set at 5.9%, which is higher in terms of indicators, practically, than in any other region. But this containment often only works on paper. Remember the situation with Yashkino? When there the head left his post. occasion for dismissal became, allegedly, supply of poor quality coal to the boiler house, which resulted in the supply of heat below the temperature norms. This situation was dictated primarily by the fact that the tariffs set for the municipal enterprise by the REC (regional energy commission) were lower than the cost of heat produced. Then they set a tariff of 1600 rubles. All this led to huge losses. Now the situation is repeating itself in other cities. It is worth noting that a number commercial companies, close to the authorities, live happily enough, having received rather high tariffs from regional officials. Number of comments per item: 6

As an anti-crisis initiative, Tuleev introduced a special program to provide large needy families with two rabbits and one rabbit free of charge. To receive rabbits, the family must write an application addressed to the governor. The program has been extended for 2017, earlier thousands of needy families received rabbits and there are already offspring, writes IA Baikal.

The next two months, the presidential administration will convince the governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleyev to resign, three interlocutors close to the Kremlin told RBC. They explain the need to change the head of the region due to age (Tuleev 70), health problems that have begun, and the need for a new economic model for the development of the region.

Yes, Tuleev, it seems, under the influence of his environment, towers and doctors, decided to resign, about which he wrote to the president. Of course, he will not be able to rule the region, he did not raise a successor, the Varangian will face certain problems, because Tuleev, due to his state of health, will not be able to agitate for him. There is an option with the local and federal heavyweight Neverov, but he does not need it at all, because for him this is a downgrade.

12/30/2017 Happy New Year 2018!
Friends, here comes the end of 2017. This year has been very dynamic, many events, many people, achievements and victories. There were, of course, difficulties, but they exist in order to overcome them. As they say: Strong is not the one who did not fall, but who, having fallen, managed to rise! The outgoing year brought a lot of acquaintances with wonderful people, simple, fair, kind and strong. He showed that people are able to unite to achieve common goals, the goals of social justice. 2018 promises to be full of events, new challenges and new achievements. We wish everyone victories in the new year, good mood, happiness and warmth. May this year be one of the best and one of the most memorable for you. Happy New Year! Number of comments per item: 16

The governor of the Kemerovo region has not been seen in public since April. On May 22, he officially went on a ten-day vacation, which was extended until June 16, then extended again - for an indefinite period, and on June 20, the FlashSiberia agency, citing a source close to the head of the region, reported that Tuleyev had asked Putin to terminate his powers ahead of schedule:

The former head of the media department in the Tuleyev administration, State Duma deputy from the Kemerovo region, Anton Gorelkin, told the BBC that the head of the region "works daily and communicates with his deputies on the phone," even while in the hospital.

Latest news in Kemerovo today. New details.

Since 2014, Vyacheslav Volodin has made several attempts to dismiss Governor Tuleev. It is said that in March 2015 an agreement was reached between the Kremlin and Tuleyev for the governor to leave in April 2016.
In exchange, Tuleyev was promised the position of senator. With regard to the successor, a clear position was not developed - some suggested that Tuleev himself name his successor (the example of Shaimiev), others believed that the governor would not have any successor.
Vyacheslav Volodin and United Russia seriously spoiled the situation by actively lobbying for the governorship of Sergei Neverov, whom Tuleev strongly dislikes.
The governor of Kuzbass himself put on his first deputy Maxim Makin, who was connected with the governor's family.
Mayor of Novokuznetsk Sergei Kuznetsov and presidential adviser Anton Kobyakov were also named as alternative candidates.
However, by April 2016, Tuleev withdrew from the negotiation process, having managed to convince Prime Minister Medvedev and Ivanov, the head of the administration, that he could control the situation and be able to conduct a quality Duma campaign. Yes, and the Kremlin has not been able to decide on the candidacy of the future governor.
In the fall of 2016, Tuleev endured pressure that was described as being forced to resign. In September 2016, under the threat of a criminal case, Tuleyev's successor, Vice Governor Makin, was dismissed. The resignation took place on the fact of a comprehensive inspection by the security forces of the activities of Makin and his business structure Teploenergo.
In November 2016, a special group of employees of the “M” department of the FSB and the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee arrested the head of the Kuzbass Investigative Committee Kalinkin and his subordinates, vice-governors Danilchenko and Ivanov, and employees of the administration.
In addition, the FSB had questions about the former adviser to the governor, Dzhalola Khaydarov, former owner Kachkanarsky GOK. Khaydarov was accused of drug trafficking, links with organized crime groups, and financing of Islamic cells.
They say that the arrests and cleansing of the environment hit Tuleev's health hard. The 73-year-old governor began to lose momentum and confidence, forced to solve the problem of self-preservation, turning into a greatly weakened figure

Tuleyev's political style is described by all experts as prohibitively authoritarian. Tuleev, on the one hand, relies on enhanced provision of social assistance to pensioners and low-income people who form the core of his electoral base. At the same time, he has excellent relations with regional and federal financial-industrial groups, for whom, being a leftist populist in words, he creates all the conditions for the realization of business interests.

Political strategist Abbas Gallyamov calls Tuleev "an exceptional phenomenon." “He really has unquestioned authority and a super-high rating in the region. Whatever happens, the voters are always for him. The elites are also rebuilt. There is nothing like this in any other region, - the political scientist says. - It will be very difficult to find an adequate replacement for such a person. Almost anyone in comparison with him will lose.

Aman Tuleev has been the governor of the Kemerovo region since July 1, 1997 and is one of the record holders for the length of the governor's term. Tuleyev turned 73 in May.

12/25/2017 Novokuznetsk, rally, LDPR and 5th column
On December 23, in Novokuznetsk, a rally was held against the offensive of coal mines, organized by representatives of the political party LDPR. According to rough estimates, about 250 people gathered at the rally, although other media reported about 505 signatures. The slogans were still the same: “Resign Tuleeva”, “Putin, put things in order in Kuzbass”, “No to new cuts”, “Stop robbing Kuzbass”, etc. There were also relatively new ones, for example, “Tuleev, let gas into Kuzbass ”, This already applies to the “warm” relations between Tuleev and Gazprom. The organizers of this meeting were the deputies of the city council from the LDPR Eduard Tyapikin and Igor Brylyakov, although they themselves were not present at the event. Distinctive feature This rally was moderated quite harshly, only people on the lists, whose speeches had been previously agreed upon by the members of the Liberal Democratic Party, were released onto the stage. Vladimir Gorenkov, the main activist from the people from the village of Apanas, was not allowed to speak to the microphone, despite numerous requests from rural settlements. A few photos and we will continue. Number of comments per item: 4

12/18/2017 Sibnedra canceled the auction for the right to use subsoil at the Ilyinskaya Mine 1 site

Aman Tuleev has been absent from the media space of the Kemerovo region since the end of April. And now “Aman Tuleev returned to Kuzbass” - all the media in the region reported this. In advance, the press service of the regional administration suddenly began to obsessively promise that Tuleev was about to start his work and “come out”. However, truthful information about the state of health of the governor is still hushed up. And all because there is no real chance of his return.

Under the guise

That is why the question "who will become Tuleyev's successor?" is so sharp. Various "garbage" or even fairly reputable sites are constantly trying to plant Nizhny Tagil mayor Sergei Nosov, then United Russia secretary Sergei Neverov, or even the former deputy governor of the Kemerovo region, and now a deputy of the State Duma of Russia Dmitry Islamov.

We can confidently say that all these and other candidates are nothing more than fake rockets designed to divert attention from the main candidate for successor to the post of Kuzbass governor. Moreover, Tuleev himself chose him in advance. The only problem is that so far this person has not been fully coordinated in the Kremlin. But here, as they say, it's a matter of time. Tuleyev's henchman is the current mayor of the city of Kemerovo, Ilya Seredyuk.

However, his name had previously also appeared among potential contenders for the post of governor, but one of the last on the list. Most likely, this is a well-thought-out tactic: first, a little and very carefully “highlight” Seredyuk. Then refute these rumors through controlled regional media. And then, finally, under the guise of other candidatures, achieve agreement on a person for the Tuleyev team and bring him to power under the guise of an innovator and reformer. Moreover, this is precisely the method during the promotion of Ilya Seredyuk, who was Tuleyev’s deputy, was worked out in the elections last year when he came to the post of Kemerovo mayor.

Makin' waddle

Recall for those who are not familiar with the political situation in the Kemerovo region. There are no obvious contradictions between the political elites in the region and there cannot be, since there is only one elite here - this is Tuleev himself. Whoever he appoints as mayor - the mayor whom he appoints as the head of the regional branch of the party in power - he becomes him.

Well, who Tuleev will appoint as successor - so be it. And two years ago, the first deputy governor, Maxim Makin, became such. Moreover, it is so obvious that both local officials and large entrepreneurs have already forgotten the way to the "grandfather". But queues for Makin lined up for months ahead - a full house, and nothing more. Everyone wanted to testify their respect and willingness to work with the future head of the region.

Makin himself believed in his political chosenness. The short man drew himself up and even changed his gait: he began to walk emphatically waddling, throwing his legs out to the sides.

But, alas, Maxim Makin was not destined to reach the finish line. The security forces “cut off” the main protégé of Tuleev, who could guarantee, after his retirement, a calm old age for Aman Gumirovich, the security of his family’s money, as well as a huge estate built for budget money.

First, Makin went into a forced “voluntary” resignation, and almost immediately after that, the investigation opened a criminal case against the Teploenergo company, in which a high-ranking official once worked and which is owned through nominees.

Sheep and their shepherd

But Tuleev is an experienced politician, so as not to put two eggs in one basket. The spare chick of the Tuleevsky nest turned out to be the same Ilya Seredyuk. Moreover, Seredyuk and Makin are, in fact, one and the same. Completely equivalent hardware players, eager to take the "grandfather's" place.

At the same time, both of them are closely connected by long-standing shadow business relations. For example, it is the Ecoland company, which deals with solid household waste and affiliated with Makin, received the right to build a new solid waste landfill in the immediate vicinity of the village of Prigorodny in the Kemerovo region, when the head of this rural area was ... of course, Ilya Seredyuk.

And it doesn't matter that locals protested violently. After all, the houses closest to the future landfill are only a kilometer away, so with a fair wind, the stench will be unbearable. In addition, the proposed landfill will be located in a lowland, which is flooded every year. As a result, water will mix with rotting waste and then carry hazardous substances into groundwater, located very close to the surface here, as well as into the Tom River.

Thus, Seredyuk helped his comrade to provide for years to come profitable business, and after that he went on promotion - to the deputy governors.

Therefore, when the mayor of Kemerovo, Valery Yermakov, who frankly failed in his duties, was dismissed in the spring of 2016, the regional authorities did not even play in the formal observance of decency. According to which, for example, the first deputy mayor becomes the acting head of the city.

Tuleev simply sent his favorite deputy Seredyuk and introduced him to the city deputies. And those, like obedient lambs, obediently voted for the new shepherd.

On a short leash...

However, this was only the beginning of a political game, not without even some elegance.

Young - he was barely over 40 - Ilya Vladimirovich began to "put things in order" after the loose and weak-willed Valery Ermakov. First of all, he fired all his deputies. This "bold" step (mandatory, however, according to the charter of the city) aroused broad support among the masses. And there are a lot of such populist acts on Seredyuk's account. His PR people, and perhaps he himself, have mastered this way of earning cheap popularity well. Therefore, talking about the super-popular mayor of Kemerovo, who either walks down the street alone, or poses knee-deep in mud in front of video cameras, where soon (for federal money, however,) they will build a road - it makes little sense. But what lies behind this beautiful screen? - it's much more interesting.

As for reformism and the “new team” allegedly brought by Seredyuk. All (!) key posts in the Kemerovo mayor's office remained with people closely connected with the regional authorities, with Tuleev. For example, Olga Turbaba was and remains the first deputy. This official is on a short leash with the head of the apparatus of the regional administration, Alexei Zelenin, who is Tuleev's chief personnel officer. In fact, it is she who decides all the most important issues in the city.

Another key deputy is the deputy for economics. Under Seredyuk, Tatyana Ananyina became him. In order to understand whose interests she is lobbying for, we note only one fact: before joining the mayor's office, Ananin worked in the same Teploenergo company owned by Maxim Makin, which became a defendant in the criminal case.

Are such coincidences and such appointments to the “new team” accidental? Hardly.

At the same time, even those who did not get into this team turned out to be very useful to the new mayor. For example, the former deputy head of the city Andrey Kalinin, who studied at the university in the same group with the future mayor, was attached to one of the largest construction companies in the region, Progrand (a subsidiary of Kuzbassrazrezugol, UMMC) CEO. Now friends from alma mater were able to earn money even more actively, for example, by allocating the necessary land plots for development.

However, Seredyuk was not particularly shy about earning money before. So, during his reign in the Kemerovo region, a certain businessman, rumored to be connected with crime, managed to obtain permission not to build the Boyarskaya Usadba hotel in a protected forest, where any building was prohibited at all.

And at the same time, Seredyuk is the main national favorite. Which, however, is not surprising - against the background of the old and frankly sick Tuleyev.

Getting up on all fours

But, of course, the essence of everything that is happening is an imperceptible movement to the pinnacle of regional power. All prerequisites have been created for this. Ilya Seredyuk started as a deputy to the legendary Kemerovo mayor Vladimir Mikhailov, then headed the Kemerovo district, then went to the deputy governor, and then came to the mayor's office as the head of the city.

At the same time, speaking objectively, Seredyuk is quite popular. He smiles at the camcorder, he pays for television broadcasts and commissioned publications in print and electronic media. Many Kemerovo residents love him and they recognized him far outside the city when he was deputy governor.

Now there is only one thing left: to become governor.

The fact that Ilya Seredyuk is the official, although not yet announced, Tuleev’s successor, his right hand, which was saved from stripping power elite that began in the fall of 2017 is a fact.

An additional confirmation of this is the fact that Andrei Andreev, the head of the Kuzbass television company, who is sensitive to the wind, personally makes numerous interviews, reports from press conferences, and even separate programs with the current head of Kemerovo. It even began to be openly ridiculed in the Kuzbass public in social networks. Like, Andreev knows who to get on all fours in front of.

It is clear that it is “father”, “grandfather”, governor Aman Tuleev, who moves Seredyuk. Of course, he trusts his "chick" - there is simply no other way out.

Makin is retired and rumored to have fled Russia.

Two more deputies - Aleksey Ivanov and Alexander Danilchenko - are under house arrest on charges of extorting shares of the Inskoy Mine for 1 billion rubles.

In the same case, Sergey Kalinkin, the former head of the regional Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia, has been in jail for almost a year now.

As soon as he “voluntarily” resigned, the ex-deputy governor for construction, Yevgeny Bukhman, was visited by investigators to “carry out operational search activities.”

Deputy Governor for Entrepreneurship Support Ekaterina Kutylkina resigned at the same time as her husband, the head of the regional police, Viktor Kutylkina. Which, by the way, the investigator interrogated and continues to interrogate in the case of Kalinkin, Ivanov and Danilchenko.

And already in August 2017, Konstantin Antonkin, the head of the regional Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service, was arrested on suspicion of receiving a multimillion-dollar bribe.

Governor of the "dead" region

And so on and so forth. Today, both in the leadership of the power departments of the region and in the regional administration, the wind is blowing. So it turns out that Ilya Seredyuk, formally independent of the regional authorities, is the only real candidate from the “internal” characters fed by Tuleev. Only today he can give the aged and infirm governor at least some hope that the estate will not be taken away from him and his maintenance will be paid for with budget money, numerous titles, personal pensions and so on will be left. But the main thing is that Tuleev is sincerely afraid for all his "exploits" for 20 years of governorship to become a defendant in a criminal case in his old age.

So Ilya Seredyuk is really the last hope of the old governor. But is it possible to hope that Seredyuk, mired in the system created by Tuleev, will do something in a new way? Or will he continue the policy of his political father? From which, by the way, everyone is mortally tired: both business and simple people. bright volume the proof is the mass exodus from the region and most of the enterprises that are registered in neighboring regions and territories, and the mass exodus of Kuzbass youth. First for training and then permanent place residence.

Only two numbers. The population of the Kemerovo region in the early 2000s was about 3.2 million people, now it is 2.7 million. Minus 500 thousand inhabitants. And this is only official data.

If anyone decides to continue Tuleyev's policies, then these demographic and economic trends will only intensify. Kuzbass will simply become empty. There will be no people left who will be ready to live under Tuleyev-2 and enterprises ready to endure the raids of Tuleyev supervisory and regulatory authorities. There will be no one left who is ready to put up with the oppression of a gang of corrupt officials created by Aman Tuleev, whose ideas will inevitably be promoted by Ilya Seredyuk.

What else to read