How to protect chickens from weasels and ferrets - methods of catching the pest. How to get rid of small predators in a chicken coop? What is the difference between a weasel and a ferret?

Predators are different. Many believe that this order of mammals is limited to tigers, brown bears, wolves and other large creatures of the animal world. However, the world of carnivores also exists in a smaller version. Weasels, stoats, ferrets or martens are predatory animals in miniature.

With the onset of cold weather, many farmers are faced with the problem of attacks on chicken coops by petty robbers, and weasel attacks are especially common. How to get rid of weasels and protect your pets is a pressing problem and, fortunately, easily solvable.

These petty farmland thieves are excellent hunters and love flesh: the two distinctive molars in the jaw, designed for cutting meat, speak for themselves. Raiding a nearby chicken coop is a piece of cake for them. Moreover, the methods they choose are not the most humane: a ferret, for example, climbs into a poultry house under the cover of darkness and, despite its small size - only 50 cm in length, can easily strangle a chicken or even a goose. The raids of representatives of the mustelid family, to which these half-meter creatures belong, become more frequent with the onset of cold weather, but also in summer time year this problem is topical.

Before you protect your pets, you should compile a detailed dossier on a representative of this huge family. Musteluns are a family very rich in different kinds, at the center of which is the European pine marten. Mink, grison, ferret, skunk, badger, wolverine, otter, weasel, ermine - this is not a complete list of these nimble and agile inhabitants of forests, fields and swamps. Russian farmers most often encounter weasel attacks.

Weasel: habits and body features

This representative of mustelids is characterized by:

  • small in stature;
  • short paws with 5 toes;
  • elongated body;
  • fine and thick hair;
  • the ability to exist for a long period of time without personal housing;
  • rapid adaptation to the proximity of a person and, ultimately, loss of fear of him.

Before choosing ways to fight a ruthless hunter, you should study its characteristics and habits. This cute little animal proudly bears the title of the most... small mammal predator:

  • male body length: 16 - 26 cm;
  • female body length: 11 - 21 cm;
  • male weight: up to 250 g;
  • female weight: up to 100 g;
  • male tail length: up to 8 cm;
  • female tail length: up to 6 cm.

Despite the gracefulness inherent in their build, their neck is quite massive. The muzzle is small, narrowed, and the ears, on the contrary, are so round that they do not point upward. Some zoologists note a slight identity with a snake: rapid movements, great mobility and the ability to overcome most geographical obstacles. With the onset of cold weather, the animal's fur thickens and changes its color from brown to white, which allows the predator to remain invisible in the snow. In the warm season, the brown color returns and the fur thins out. Sometimes weasels are mistakenly mistaken for ermine: the differences between these species are poorly identified, but they still exist.

Differences between weasel and ermine

Apart from the black tassel on the ermine's tail, each species has its own characteristic features.

FurVirtually of no interest to huntersHighly prized in the fur industry
DimensionsSlightly smaller than ermineLarger individuals
TailThin, without a black tassel at the endThicker and longer
Diet featuresIN winter time experiencing a shortage of food resourcesNot picky about food, can even eat insects

The weasel, unlike the ermine, has a rather uneven distribution, which narrows its search area for prey. However, unlike the stoat, its small body size makes it more mobile and gives it superiority in tracking and catching forest trophies. On the other hand, fine texture determines a more intense energy exchange.

During a disadvantageous period in terms of food availability, the stoat demonstrates high adaptive abilities and is able to live comfortably with a small concentration of animals that it can catch. In taste preferences he is less whimsical compared to weasels. Bird, fish, insects - he can eat anything he can get his hands on, so you can’t call him a gourmet.

What is the danger of affection

In order to find the answer to the question of how to neutralize a weasel or a marten, for example, it is necessary to understand the degree of threat they pose.

This animal, like the ferret, belongs to the category of cruel and ferocious predators who love to feast on domestic animals. Why waste time and effort searching for food in the forest when you can sneak in and treat yourself to plenty of “free” food.

It is impossible to catch these cunning thieves on your own, without using improvised means. They are too fast, agile and maneuverable. Don't be fooled by their cute triangular faces: in a fit of hunger, they are capable of tearing their prey into small pieces. How can weasel be dangerous? : To satisfy her need for food, she is not limited to one bird. Her appetite is so great that after she finishes her meal, up to several dozen headless birds may remain in the house. However, similar bloody massacres she does not do it often, preferring to make do with mice and rats, which are much easier to get. It is decided to take such dubious actions only if there is no more suitable food in the area.

If the animal is completely distraught from lack of food, it may even enter the house and attack a small cat or dog. The weasel's teeth are very sharp, which allows it to easily kill individuals larger than itself.

Signs of an uninvited guest

A weasel seen near a poultry house is a harbinger of the imminent death of pets. As she opens the hunting season, she displays skillful tracking tactics and excellent knowledge of camouflage. Considering the fact that, like a ferret, it is impossible to take it by surprise, you should prepare for defense.

When the first snow falls, it is quite easy to detect signs of uninvited guests. Animals leave specific two-point tracks: they move by jumping, after which characteristic marks appear on the snow surface. By the distance between the paw prints, you can calculate which particular species of mustelid was visiting:

  • weasel - 20-30 cm;
  • marten - 30-40 cm;
  • ferret - 50-60 cm.

As practice shows, it is the ferret that causes greatest damage farmers, because compared to other family members, he is the most bloodthirsty and ruthless.

Methods for entering a chicken coop

It is not difficult to guess which path the little bandits choose for their bloody intervention. They use any available gap to enter the house. Cracks in the foundation, holes invisible to the eye - all this becomes a potential entrance to the chicken abode.

Due to its physiology and small size, even small openings become for them a door to gastronomic paradise. If the walls of the room do not contain holes, but have rotted under the influence of time and humidity, animals can easily gnaw through damp boards.

Since petty robbers have learned to use mouse holes as tunnels leading to a chicken coop, the solution to the problem of how to get rid of weasels in the yard , becomes as paramount as ensuring the safety of the poultry house itself. Even if there are no cracks or holes in the surrounding area, the weasel can penetrate through the ventilation system or, in extreme cases, make a dig on its own: the animal’s sharp fangs and claws allow this manipulation to be carried out in the shortest possible time.

For safety reasons, each square meter poultry house and, if necessary, patch all holes and cover the ventilation system with mesh. When designing a house for birds, you should take into account the fact that the foundation must be made thick in order to prevent animals from entering through holes.

How to catch a weasel: ways to catch small predators from a chicken coop

It is not so difficult to catch poultry house robbers: knowing their habits and preferences, you can weaken their onslaught. For centuries, farmers have been using traps and other traps to catch small predators.

Homemade devices

How to get rid of weasels - quite simple! To do this, you only need a few items that are always at hand.

Setting up a homemade weasel trap

1 It is necessary to cut off the bottom and top part bottle
2 At one of its ends you should install bait in the form of one of the mustelids’ favorite foods: a piece fresh meat lamb or pork will be an excellent bait, since they will not be able to help but react to the strong smell of blood coming from it.
3 A chair should be placed in the place where animal tracks were found.
4 Place the bottle on the edge of the chair.
5 You need to place a bucket under the chair, into which the animal tempted by the bait should fall. In this case, the lid should be secured so that it slams shut at the slightest vibration.

It is important not to miss the moment when the animal falls into the trap in order to have time to fix the bucket lid in a timely manner. Otherwise, the animal can get out of it and all efforts are aimed at solving the problem: how can you catch and get rid of a weasel in a chicken coop? , will be in vain.

It does not matter how exactly the predator was captured, after capture it should be released away from its area.

Large mousetraps

The list of items that help in solving the question continues: what to do to prevent a weasel from getting into your chicken coop, a large mousetrap.

It is difficult to find an animal that would not find itself in a trap containing a delicious piece of meat. The Zürner rat trap is very popular among farmers.

Prices for repellers and traps for birds and rodents

Repellers and traps for birds and rodents

You can buy it in a store: the average market price is 1,200 rubles, or you can make it yourself. The manufacturing process is quite simple and does not require large financial costs. It is a small but capacious box made of boards. The peculiarity of this trap is the bridges connecting 2 windows located parallel to each other. They form a solid corridor hanging in the air. Metal hooks with bait are installed above the cover of the device, located above the junction of the two bridges. The animal climbs onto the bridge in order to swallow the bait and falls inside the box.


As a preventative measure, you can try to scare away the unwanted predator. An electronic repeller works well for this purpose and should be placed in the poultry house or in the area adjacent to it.

Prices for various types of electronic rodent repellers

Electronic repeller

The device emits low-purity signals that provoke panic attacks in animals and a desire to get out of the area as quickly as possible.

As an alternative, you can install a light with a built-in motion sensor, which will respond to the approach of intruders with noise and sound warnings.

Traditional methods

Measures to protect yourself from a little robber can be quite simple. For example, tar is considered an effective remedy. Rural farmers believe that walls coated with this resinous product will emit a weasel-repellent odor. However, this method is rather dubious: the weasel can get into the chicken coop through the roof or dig a hole, thus not coming into contact with the walls.

Types of traps for fishing

To understand how to get rid of weasels, you should familiarize yourself with a centuries-old method: setting a trap.

Traps of this kind are very effective means in pest control. They are in an affordable price category: depending on the modification, the cost ranges from 400 to 1000 rubles. The following types of trace traps are used, which are the most common group:

  • plate;
  • frame.

Basically, they are fixed on the path trodden by the predator. There are 3 types of plate type:

  • with internal spring;
  • with cross;
  • without cross.

The most universal among them is a trap with a cross.

Frame traps are also found in several varieties: The base of such traps can be:

  • oval;
  • round;
  • rectangular.

They are used in conditions where catching an animal is quite problematic.

At the moment when the animal falls into the trap, the springs firmly fix its neck and paws, preventing it from moving. To catch weasels, frame options are mainly used, since compared to plate options designed for larger animals, they are smaller and more effective.

Strengthening the chicken coop from predators

Prices for chicken coops for birds

Chicken coops

If you don’t have the time or desire to purchase products that will tell you how to get rid of weasels in the chicken coop , you should turn the poultry house into an impregnable fortress and cover up any cracks and holes. It is also necessary to acquire good security: a competent, trained dog will be an excellent guard, protecting against any attacks from predators. It is recommended to surround the poultry house and the walking area with flat slabs to prevent undermining. Make sure that the surrounding area is free of empty boxes and other objects that could provide cover for predators.

A dog is a good bird protector

If you take timely measures to protect and protect your pets, you can avoid significant losses of livestock and not face the need for contact with predatory representatives of the mustelid family.

Video - Trap for ferrets, martens, weasels, rats

The question “what is the difference between a weasel and an ermine” is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The differences concern not only appearance, but also nutrition, sexual behavior and commercial value these animals.


The weasel is the smallest in the mustelidae family. Thus, the lesser weasel grows to the size of a palm (11 cm), and the length common weasel equal to 21–26 cm.

This is interesting! The ermine is somewhat larger than a weasel. True, sometimes there are individuals equal to it in length, but in general the ermine is still larger/heavier and is capable of growing up to 36 cm.

Both predators are colored the same: in summer – brownish-brown, in winter – snow-white. But the ermine is distinguished by a specific detail - the black tip of the tail, especially noticeable among the snow and ice. Both animals have similar anatomical structure- elongated body, narrow head, short legs and neat rounded ears.

If you happen to spot one of these mustelids, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the tail. A well-defined tail 6–10 cm long, almost a third black, will tell you that this is an ermine. If the flashing creature wiggles its short appendage (3-4 cm), it means you have met a weasel.


As soon as the first snow falls, the naturalist has an additional opportunity to distinguish between a weasel and an ermine - by their tracks and patterns of running. Experienced hunters they know that the weasel often places its paws in pairs (“doubles”), and the jumping stoat leaves prints of three paws (“triples”).

This is interesting! They also say that the weasel walks with a double leg: the hind paw hits the impression of the front paw, covering it. The ermine, on the contrary, more often switches to a three-beam and even a four-bead, especially when gaining greater speed.

The most obvious tracks (with details) are visible in wet, shallow snow. In both animals, the print of the front paw is slightly smaller and rounder than the print of the hind paw. The sizes of the tracks left by these predators also vary. In a weasel, the print of the hind paw is approximately 3 * 1.5 cm, the front one is 1.5 * 1 cm, so the depression from a pair of paws occupies 3 * 2 cm. The ermine's limbs are usually larger, which also affects the size of the footprint: the print of the front paw is closer to 3.3*2 cm, and the rear one - to 4.4*2.3 cm. It is easy to distinguish the tracks of the average representatives of the ermine and weasel - the former will always have larger ones.

Difficulties arise when comparing prints of a large weasel and a small ermine: the difference between them is so insignificant that even fishermen get confused. Identification of footprints is complicated not only by the similar size of the animals, but also by the surface where the prints are found. Their contours blur (giving extra volume to the tracks) both on dry sand in summer and on loose snow in winter. You can also distinguish between a weasel and an ermine by the length of its jump: in the former, when moving slowly, it is 25 cm and doubles when accelerating.

The ermine, in a calm search, jumps 0.3–0.4 m, making record jumps of 0.8–1 m when switching to a fast gait. Both predators like to change direction when they are in active search food.

The trail is observed along the surface: it either crosses a ditch, then turns towards the bushes, goes out onto an icy swamp, or, making an arc, returns to an already examined place. The weasel more often and more readily than the ermine disappears under the ground/snow, not appearing on the surface for a long time. Due to its compactness, the animal quickly runs through snowy passages and burrows, chasing small rodents.


Ermine and weasel are real predators with excellent hunting reflexes, preying on any sized living creature (usually warm-blooded) and, in its absence, switching to other vertebrates and mollusks/insects. Zoologists consider the weasel, which has less strength, to be more competitive, since it is more compact and fits into narrow burrows that are inaccessible to the stoat. On the other hand, the small size of the weasel’s body is responsible for more intense energy exchange, and here the ermine is in an advantageous position.

Important! In cold weather, energy consumption increases and hunting becomes more difficult, but the ermine tolerates the winter depletion of food supply much more easily than the weasel.

In addition, the ermine is saved by its broader (compared to the weasel) food specialization - it is not squeamish and quickly switches to other food (amphibians, birds, insects and even carrion).

This is where the differences end - if there is a lot of prey, both predators do not know how to stop, exterminating the same voles “in reserve.” Occasionally, the weasel and ermine actually set up storehouses, dragging their victims there, but often they remain uneaten. Both mustelids are also known for killing animals with a strong odor, such as moles and shrews.

Sexual behavior

Geneticists have repeatedly asked the question “is it possible to cross a weasel with an ermine” and have come to the conclusion that, most likely, it is not. This is explained not only by discrepant periods of reproduction, but, above all, by differences at the genetic level (with undeniable external similarities).

True, the details of weasel reproduction have been studied less scrupulously than those of the ermine.. It has only been established that mating season in weasels it occurs in March, gestation lasts 5 weeks and ends with the appearance of 3–8 (usually 5–6) cubs. The ermine rut starts as soon as the snow melts and lasts until September.

This is interesting! Female ermine are characterized by “delayed pregnancy”: the seed is preserved inside the body in order to fertilize the egg after a while (with an abundance of food and good weather).

Fetal development can begin with a delay of 196–365 days, and gestation itself takes 224–393 days - these periods are surprising not only for the mustelid family, but also for mammals in general.

Another phenomenon has been noted in the reproduction of ermine - males who come across a nest with a female cover not only her, but also her newborn daughters. “Grooms” are not embarrassed by the infancy of “brides”, who do not have time to see and gain hearing before the first sexual intercourse. Thus, many females, by the time of their fertility (2 months), retain “preserved” sperm inside the body and do not need a partner.

They just need to start the process of fertilization, which smoothly flows into gestation. Small stoats also have their own peculiarity - this is the “cohesion effect”, when the cubs are connected into a dense ball that is difficult to separate from the outside. This is how newborns retain the warmth they need at this tender age.

When they see a photo of a weasel animal, people immediately think that it is a very gentle creature, just like its name. However, appearances can be deceiving, and in fact it is an aggressive and very bloodthirsty representative of the wild. The animal has been spotted more than once during robberies of household plots. On the other hand, the weasel was revered by many peoples of the world, even the Slavs believed that this creature was the guardian of the hearth, and the French generally believed that it brought good luck. The Serbs never shot a weasel, since it was believed that then the bullet would hit the hunter and not the animal.

Brief description and life expectancy

This is very small creature from the weasel family. The animal has an oblong and thin body. The short paws have very sharp claws. The weight does not exceed 200 grams, and there is a forked nose on the muzzle. The neck is strong and long, the eyes are large and always dark, the ears are round in shape.

Compose a separate description of the animal, female weasel and male quite difficult, since outwardly they are practically indistinguishable, only the females are a little smaller, about 30%.

Each individual has glands near the tail that secrete mucus that has an unpleasant odor. In this way, the animals mark their territory and scare away uninvited guests.

There is still a lot of controversy regarding the maximum age of weasels; some scientists claim that they live 20 years, others - 30, and some sources even indicate 60 years. At the same time, animals of this size rarely live more than 8 years in nature.

When the cold comes

The animals have a warm, fluffy, brown “fur coat” with long pile. The belly and neck are painted white. However, as soon as cold weather sets in, the animal changes its coat color from brown to white, becoming covered with even longer hair. This is not only a way to protect against the cold, but also good camouflage, because a white creature on white snow is much harder to notice.

Habits and lifestyle

Looking through the photo and description of the weasel animal, it is impossible not to admire its habits. This is a fearless creature that is not even afraid of humans. Many hunters and fishermen know that you can be left without part of your catch if a weasel is nearby.

This animal is very active. It can hunt at any time of the day, but still prefers darkness. Its uniquely built body allows it to penetrate almost any hole or crevice. Sharp claws help quickly deal with prey. In a day, a weasel can run up to 1 kilometer.

If the animal is well-fed, then it still hunts, and saves its prey for hungry times. Places carcasses in secluded places.

In the winter season, it mainly moves in voids under thick snow and for a long time may not appear on the surface.


A natural question arises: “Where does the weasel live?” You can meet the animal throughout Europe, in North America and Asia. Prefers fields, lowlands in the mountains, can settle near human settlements, in sheds and barns. Can live in hollows, burrows and under stones.

It does not really tolerate proximity to its own kind, especially if there is little food. But sometimes animals form entire colonies.


What does the weasel eat? The animal feeds on protein foods and destroys small rodents. Killing mice nearby settlements, the animal has great benefits for humans. In addition to mice, she eats:

  • chickens;
  • lizards;
  • moles;
  • baby rabbits;
  • pigeons;
  • snakes and vipers;
  • frogs;
  • large insects.


The offspring directly depends on the number of voles in the area of ​​residence. If there is enough food, then the female can bring children 3 times a year, sometimes 4. Moreover, the more satisfying life is, the more children in the brood, sometimes their number reaches 10. If there is a “hungry” year, then everything changes with precision on the contrary, the number of offspring is reduced, as is the number of pregnancies.

Male weasel animals do not take any part in raising the younger generation. After mating with one female, the male moves on in search of a new girlfriend.

Before giving birth, the female drives a small animal out of her burrow, since she does not know how to dig herself, and arranges a nest. Pregnancy lasts no more than 35 days. The babies weigh no more than 1.5 grams and are born blind. After 3 or 4 months, the children become completely independent and leave their mother.

Natural enemies

Having a small size, the weasel animal itself is a “tasty morsel” for more large predators. IN wildlife the animal is afraid birds of prey, kites and vultures. The animals are hunted by martens, badgers, wolves and foxes, although the weasel is not an easy prey, it is able to fend for itself. It can even rip out the throat of a larger predator.

The man is not natural enemy for an animal, there is little meat from such a creature, and the skin is not very valued, since it is small in size.

Animal at home

Since ancient times, the weasel animal has been kept at home. The tradition appeared in Ancient Rome, then the animal was tamed to catch mice. But after some time, rats appeared in the houses, which the weasel could not cope with, and cats took its place.

IN modern world There are people who prefer exotic animals instead of traditional cats and dogs. Weasels also fall into this category. But an animal can become a pet only under one condition - if it is raised from infancy. Such an animal quickly becomes attached to its owner, sleeps with him in the same bed and long separation even bored.

Raising an adult animal is almost impossible. The animal has an aggressive character, it bites often and strongly, and will constantly try to escape.

You cannot treat an affectionate animal like a cat; the animal requires special treatment. The baby needs to be cherished and loved. The animal needs a home, but its freedom cannot be limited; it must be allowed to move around the apartment or house calmly.

His house should have driftwood and all kinds of heights and shelves so that the animal can climb. It is recommended to cover the bottom of a cage or other housing device with straw.

With good upbringing, the animal will go to the toilet in a special tray.

The animal must constantly have pure water. The diet will be more difficult; it should be as close to natural as possible. It must be meat and fish, other seafood is allowed. Eggs are definitely included in the menu. But the animal eats very little, about 30-40 grams per day.

Weasels are quite independent in the process of caring for themselves. With a varied menu, the owner will not have to care for the animal’s fur, but regular visits to the veterinarian are still recommended.

The weasel animal can bathe on its own, but it is necessary to create suitable conditions for it. Even a bath of water is suitable for this.

During the molting process, the creature should not be combed. Just remove excess hair with wet hands.

When taking home a weasel, you should never forget that it is a predator, capricious and aggressive, although very small in size.

When most people hear the word “predator,” they associate it with large mammals- wolves, tigers, bears, panthers.

However, small predators are no less dangerous, especially in the fall and with the onset of frost, when they exterminate chickens. Today we will talk about how to get rid of weasels or ferrets.

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Features of behavior

Ferrets and weasels are mammals of the genus Mustelidae. Their closest “relatives” include the ermine, skunk, badger, otter, wolverine, and European mink. Moreover, this list is far from complete.

If we talk about ferrets, there are two common types of ferrets in Eurasia: the dark or common ferret (known to farmers as the forest ferret) and light ferret, better known as steppe.

The weasel is the most common species of the weasel family. Without exaggeration, we can say that our entire planet is inhabited by weasels, with the exception of polar deserts and mountainous regions with abundant snow. In addition, it is also the smallest predator that inflicts greatest damage in poultry and livestock farming.

Weasels and ferrets, as representatives of the same genus, are similar to each other, but have anatomical differences and also differ in their behavior in natural environment. To protect yourself from these small predators, you need to study the characteristics of their behavior.

About ferrets

The ferret is a small mammal, the body length in males is up to 50 cm, in females up to 40 cm, the tail size is up to 18 cm. As adults, they lead a solitary existence.

The main objects of hunting are voles and other small rodents.

The body of the black ferret is elongated and squat, with short legs equipped with long and very sharp claws. The color is black-brown on the back. The color on the belly, paws and throat is deep black, but can sometimes be light or red. The head and muzzle have a contrasting color, reminiscent of a mask in design. Under the tail there are glands from which a secretion with a specific odor is released.

The wood polecat is valued for its fur, but there is no special fishing for this species of the mustelid genus. The predator is beneficial by exterminating voles and other mouse-like rodents, and some gardeners specifically keep a ferret to clean their plots. But poultry farmers do not like the animal because of the damage it causes to chicken coops.

In addition to mouse-like rodents, they consume:

  • Water snakes,
  • Vipers,
  • Small wild birds
  • Locusts.

The ferret often enters hare burrows and eats the young. Dangerous for farms where rabbits are bred.

The steppe ferret differs from the common ferret in a more pronounced contrast between the color of the back and belly, and a lighter shade of fur in general. Otherwise, the structure of these two species is similar.

Ferrets are sedentary and attached to their habitat, although they do not build their own burrows. Settle in forest areas and often occupy abandoned holes of foxes and badgers. Firewood sheds, rotten stumps, haystacks or straw can also become homes. In villages they live in cellars, the underground of sheds, and under the roofs of bathhouses.

About caresses

The weasel is a unique animal, because there is no predator smaller than it in nature. The weight of a male can be 60 g and never exceeds 0.25 kg.

The body length of adult males varies between 15 cm - 25 cm, and in females 10 cm - 25 cm. In appearance, the weasel is more similar to an ermine than a ferret. The forest ferret looks more like a mink.

Inexperienced farmers, having caught a black ferret, often think that they managed to catch a mink in the chicken coop.

The weasel's outer paws and tail, as well as the top of its head and back, are uniform in color. Brown with a brownish tint. The fur of the belly, throat, chest, inside of the paws is ideal. white. Distinctive feature weasels - two brown spots at the corners of the mouth. In winter, it changes its brown fur to a white winter coat. Small dimensions allow the weasel to settle in hollows, between stones, and in empty holes. These animals often live in colonies, which makes them different from ferrets.

The weasel feeds on mouse-like rodents, moles, small amphibians, birds and their oviposition. Predators of the mustelid family are sensitive to odors of animal origin.

However, the weasel loves the smell of horses and often attacks stables. This small animal tickles the horse throughout the night, driving the poor animal to complete exhaustion. To rid the stable of this scourge, experienced farmers keep a goat next to their horses, the smell of which the weasel cannot digest.

Ferrets and weasels are very nimble animals; thanks to their tenacious paws and sharp claws, they quickly climb up the rungs and can crawl through cracks in walls and floors.

They often get into the chicken coop through holes in the roof. Animals are aggressive by nature, are distinguished by a kind of fearlessness and can attack prey that exceeds their size.

They hunt only at night, attacking animals during the day only in case of severe hunger. They usually guard prey near their habitats or hunt on the run.

In one raid into the poultry house, the animal destroys as many chickens as it has the strength to kill. The prey is mainly chickens and small hens, but if there is a lack of food, predators can attack geese. When attacked, a weasel or ferret strangles the chickens and immediately eats them. At a time they eat one, maximum two birds, the rest are often beheaded or left untouched. Attacks on a large number of birds are explained by the desire to stock up.

The appearance of a predator is determined by the changed behavior of chickens. The fact is that weasels or ferrets do not immediately attack chickens, but first scout out the situation. Chickens immediately notice the threat and the next morning they become restless and do not leave their roosts or nests. Predators move by jumping, so they leave two-point tracks.

If you notice such suspicious two-points, find the second pair of tracks and determine the distance. The length of a weasel's jump is 20.0 cm - 30.0 cm, and that of a ferret is 50.0 cm - 60.0 cm.

The narrow, squat body allows one to enter the room with chickens through the smallest openings - cracks in the walls, mouse holes, ventilation. Sharp claws and teeth allow these small predators to successfully dig and chew wood.

Note! If the ferret or weasel is not immediately destroyed, the chicken coop will completely die in a few days, and each new family of chickens will also be destroyed.

Methods for controlling ferrets and weasels

The following methods will help save chickens:

  1. Traps;
  2. Electronic repellers;
  3. Traditional methods;
  4. A trap made from improvised means.


For such cautious animals as ferrets and weasels, one trap will not be enough. You will need several traps, because these animals know how to deftly bypass them. Feathers or a chicken carcass will help reduce the vigilance of predators.

Bait is placed in one of the traps, and several more traps are placed along the way to it. Smart animals will bypass all the traps, grab the prey in a trap with bait and begin to back away. At this moment the trap will work. The method, of course, is not the most humane, but the most effective of all existing ones.

Traps must be installed in compliance with certain rules:

  • Use gloves and do not touch the trap with bare hands, as animals will immediately smell a person and will not approach the traps;
  • Place traps in different places each time, as predators constantly change their hunting routes.


Unlike traps, this method is more humane. You won't be able to kill a ferret using a repeller, but you can stop the predators' interest in the house. The operation of electronic devices is based on impulses low frequencies. In animals they arouse feelings of anxiety and panic. Naturally, the predator will leave the dangerous place.

A successful alternative to an electronic repeller would be a flashlight equipped with a motion sensor. Install a light fixture with a sensor in the coop. When a weasel or ferret appears, it will give sound and light signals that will scare the animals away.

Folk remedies

Farming practice is rich effective methods scaring away small predators from poultry houses. One of these methods is the use of tar; it is used to treat walls in poultry houses. To enhance the effect of tar, undressed sheep or goat skins are hung in the chicken coop. The persistent animal smell can scare away predators of the mustelid genus.

For the same purpose, a dog house is installed near the chicken coop. Small animals are not afraid of dogs, but the smell of a dog and loud barking can discourage you from visiting the chicken coop.

If you are just planning to build a poultry house, build it close to the habitat of other domestic animals. The unpleasant smells of manure and animal skins will scare away the animals. Geese and turkeys will make excellent watchdogs. These birds are light sleepers and will immediately raise the alarm when uninvited guests appear.

Please note that predators of the mustelid family do not tolerate strong odors and loud sounds, and also react to flashes of light at night. Use these features to protect your poultry.

A trap made from improvised means

You can try to catch small pests with your bare hands, although this is quite difficult. Equip yourself with patience, a thick blanket and thick gloves, and then settle into the coop for the night.

When a predator appears, throw a blanket over it to pin it down and then transplant it into.

You will need protection for your hands, because the animal is resourceful, has sharp claws and equally sharp teeth. If a ferret or weasel nevertheless managed to bite the hand, pinch the animal’s nasal passages, and when it opens its jaw a little, insert a piece of wood and free the hand. Be prepared that during the operation the animal will emit unpleasant odors from glands located in the anal zone.

You can build a trap yourself from an ordinary bucket or a strong box. The bucket or box is placed on its edge and supported with a stick for support. Bait is placed under a bucket or box - feathers or a chicken carcass. Interest in the bait will make uninvited guest approach, the stop will fall, and the animal will be locked.

How to avoid a ferret or weasel?

Repairing the chicken coop or building a new structure will help protect chickens and prevent predators. The construction of a new chicken coop will be required if ferrets or weasels have become regular guests of your farm. During the repair process, the following work must be carried out:

Mounting the chicken coop on stilts will also prevent ferrets or weasels from appearing. A concrete floor and high-quality roofing would be a good way to keep small predators away.

The weasel and ferret are some of the most confusing animals if they don't look closely. It appears to be a cousin of the other one, which has long tubular bodies, although in different dimensions. They belong to the scientific parent name Mustelidae. However, there are significant differences between these types, as this article elaborates as follows.

What is a weasel?

With a long tubular body and long tail, the weasel is a wild and often solitary animal compared to the ferret. It has a slender body that often comes to life when hunting its prey in small holes. Typically, the weasel's body size ranges from 6.8 to 8.5 inches. It has a long tail, which also gives it balance when hunting its target prey. Females are smaller than males.

In appearance, the weasel has a red-brown coat with a white underbelly coat. The picture below shows the difference between these animals.

The weasel rarely becomes a pet due to its aggressiveness, even to people. It is known to prey on birds, so many homeowners rarely consider it a pet. Weasels hunt snakes, birds, mice, rats and rabbits. He can even kill for a trophy, as most of his kills go empty. Unlike the ferret, the weasel is not a nocturnal animal. He sleeps at night and hunts during the day. In addition, weasels are rarely in groups, as they often fight.

There are 17 species in the Mustelidae family and weasels belong to 10 of the 17 species. Ferrets, on the other hand, are a subspecies of the ferret division Mustelidae. Both of these animals have thick fur and a thin body. Hunting habits, characteristics and appearance vary.

What is Ferret?

As noted above, the ferret falls under the ferret division Mustelidae. The ferret has a longer body with a shorter tail compared to the weasel. Because of their communication, ferrets have been domesticated for over 2,000 years. They can keep rats, mice and snakes under control in household, so they are liked as pets. Additionally, ferrets can be found in groups, unlike weasels.

Ferrets are crepuscular and nocturnal animals and can hunt their prey to drink blood. Typically, the ferret has black brown coat with some white additives. Ferrets are generally larger than weasels but have a shorter tail of about 5 inches, while the tail tail is about 13 inches long. Ferrets can grow up to 24 inches, while weasels can grow from 5 to 18 inches.

Key Differences Between Weasels and Ferrets

Origin of Weasels Vs. Ferrets

Both ferrets and weasels fall under scientific name Mustelidae. Flippers are part of 10 species of 17 species in the Mustelidae. Ferrets, on the other hand, are a subspecies within the choreodal division Mustelidae.

Appearance of Weasels Vs. Ferrets

Ferrets have a dark brown appearance with a large tubular but thin body. It has longer legs than weasels. Black and brown ferrets have a mixture of white or cream colors. Weasels have a red-brown appearance with a white underbelly.

Body and Tail Length for Weasels Vs. Ferrets

Ferrets can grow up to 24 inches from nose to tail with a tail measuring 5 inches. Weasels can grow up to 18 inches with a tail measuring 13 inches. Both animals have a thin and tubular body. Although ferrets are relatively longer and larger, they have a shorter tail.

Behavior and Weasel Hunting Vs. Ferrets

Ducks are solid creatures because they fight if they are in groups. In addition, they hunt during the day and sleep at night. Ferrets, on the other hand, are nocturnal creatures. The creatures eat meat, that is, mice, rats, snakes, rabbits and many others. Ducks can kill and leave them killed untouched. Ferrets can kill and drink blood to kill them.

Commonwealth Weasels Vs. Ferrets

Ferrets have been domesticated for over 2,000 years in many countries because of their communication skills. They can be good deterrents for snakes and rats in households without posing a danger to the owner. On the other hand, weasels are not user-friendly creatures. They can be aggressive and wild to people, so they are rarely tamed. Ferrets can be taught tricks. However, weasels can be domesticated in very early age before maturity.

Comparison Chart of Weasels Vs. Ferrets

Summary Weasels Vs. Ferrets

  • Ferrets have more long bodies up to 24 inches with tail growing to 5 inches
  • Weasels, on the other hand, have more long tails and long bodies, but smaller than the bodies of ferrets
  • A ferret can hunt at night, but a weasel can hunt during the day.
  • Ferrets have been used as pets for over 2,000 years
  • Lights are rarely, if ever, kept as pets due to their aggressive behavior
  • These creatures feed on small animals such as rats, mice, rabbits, snakes, birds, etc.
  • Ferrets have a black and brown coat with a mixture of white
  • Weasels have a red-brown coat with a white underbelly.
  • Both animals fall under the family Mustelidae
  • They have thick fur on a thin tubular body
  • Very fast animals even enter narrow openings when hunting for their prey
  • Their hunting habits are different. Ferrets can drink the blood of their kills, and weasels can kill and leave the kill untouched.

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