Which scorpions are not poisonous? Scorpios. Symptoms after a scorpion sting

A scorpion sting poses a great danger to humans. A scorpion is an insect that belongs to the group of arachnids.

If a person is bitten by a non-venomous species of a given insect, then you don't need any specific treatment, since the symptoms will disappear on their own after some time. If you are bitten by a poisonous scorpion, you must immediately provide first aid to the person.

What are the symptoms of a scorpion sting? How to help an injured person? How to avoid complications? We will deal with all these questions further.

A scorpion is an arachnid insect that has 2 claws, four pairs of legs, and a tail that bends upward.

On this tail there is a small bag containing poison, as well as a sharp sting, thanks to which the scorpion punctures its victim. In my own way appearance The scorpion resembles a large crayfish, which is common in rivers.

There are more than 1,500 species of this insect in the world, but not all scorpions have poison. Only 50 insects have poison that is dangerous to human life.

Why is poison dangerous?

The toxic liquid contains the following components:

  • Antigens are components that are present in the poison, they provoke the development of a strong allergic reaction;
  • Neurotoxins are toxic components, under the influence of which the tissue of the human brain, as well as cells of the nervous system, are destroyed.
  • Other components that negatively affect the functioning of the heart and provoke the release of the stress hormone (cortisol).

When bitten, a person feels severe pain, so such a bite will definitely not go unnoticed. The bite can be compared to the sting of a wasp, bee or hornet.

After being bitten by this insect, the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • The person feels severe pain in the place where the bite occurred. The more poisonous a scorpion is considered to be, the more pain will occur.
  • The skin in the affected area becomes red and there is severe swelling. If the individual is not poisonous, then swelling will be present only in the affected area. If the bite comes from a poisonous scorpion, then even the entire body may swell.
  • There is numbness in the affected limb. The more toxic substances got into the wound, the more the feeling of “numbness” manifests itself.
  • The stomach begins to hurt severely, nausea and vomiting develop;
  • A person develops a convulsive syndrome, and can contract as separate muscle groups, and the whole body;
  • The amount of salivary fluid secreted increases, and the throat may hurt. Powerful poisoning of the entire body occurs;
  • The heart muscle beats faster, and in some cases a person may faint.

Sometimes there may be a deterioration in reaction, retardation of consciousness, and enlarged lymph nodes.

If you are bitten by an individual that is classified as non-venomous, then medical attention is not needed. Redness and pain at the bite site goes away on its own after 2-3 hours.

If you are bitten by a poisonous scorpion or an unknown species, you need to provide first aid to the injured person as quickly as possible.

During the first 5-10 minutes after an arthropod attack, you can make an incision in the affected area and try to remove the poison from there. The toxic component is squeezed out or sucked out. If the second option is chosen, then the poison must be spat out periodically.

When sucking out poison, it is important that there are no wounds or lesions in the mouth, because toxins can enter the body and cause poisoning.

If you have any hot object at hand, you can use it to cauterize the affected area. This action is performed in order to destroy the influence of the poison. After this manipulation, a cool compress should be applied to the wound to reduce pain.

The lesion site is being treated antiseptic. If this is not available, then the wound is washed with soapy water at room temperature. A tight bandage should be applied to the affected area (slightly above the bitten area) to reduce the spread of poison through the bloodstream.

The affected skin should be treated with an adrenaline solution (administered by injection). This is necessary in order to significantly reduce the absorption of poisons into the bloodstream. This manipulation also helps to get more time to get the patient to the hospital.

First aid must be provided as quickly as possible! After a scorpion sting, the patient should be taken to the nearest hospital where treatment will be carried out

The first step when bitten by this insect is to ensure complete rest for the patient. At high blood pressure and convulsive syndrome the doctor prescribes medicines, eliminating these symptoms. The patient does not need to eat absolutely anything for 12 hours.

If the bite was caused by a very poisonous arthropod, the patient is injected with a special serum that destroys the poisonous components. In case of severe poisoning of the body, the patient is provided with assistance in restoring respiratory and circulatory function.

Anti-shock agents and drugs that prevent dehydration are also used. After the injured person’s condition returns to normal, he is still not discharged from the hospital. Doctors must monitor the person’s condition for another 24 hours, because in some cases there may be a recurrence of signs of this insect’s bites.


Arthropods do not have the ability to bite people for no reason; they do this because there is a need for self-defense. Therefore, when in areas where scorpions are common, it is imperative to follow safety rules.

Most often, cases are recorded when scorpions bite children, the elderly and people with low immunity. If a scorpion bites this category of people, the consequences can be very dangerous. If you are poisoned in an area where these insects are common, you need to know:

  • Be very serious about choosing a place to spend the night in open areas. Do not choose places where there are a lot of dry trees and stones;
  • Arthropods often burrow into sand, so be sure to wear shoes if you are going to be in sandy areas;
  • Be sure to check the tent in which you will spend the night for the presence of scorpions, close the entrance well and tightly;
  • Check your clothes and shoes, as these insects can get into them;
  • Children need to be told that they should never play with scorpions, that they are very dangerous.

Water scorpion

In reality, this insect is just a bug. It is called that because in appearance it is similar to its dangerous brother living on land. The bug is common in stagnant bodies of water; upon contact with a person, it can sting him severely.

In this case, the victim feels severe pain. But no poisons enter the body. When a bug bites, the affected area turns red, the affected area hurts, and an allergy may occur.


After an attack by an unknown or poisonous scorpion, the person must be given first aid as quickly as possible, and then taken to the hospital.
You need to know that some types of these arthropods pose a danger to human life.
When going to areas where scorpions are common, you need to follow safety precautions.

Scorpions don't bite (scorpions don't have teeth), but they do sting. In Russia - in different parts countries, several species of scorpions live (most of all in the Caucasus and Crimea), so each of us has a chance to find out how a scorpion stings (people still more often say a scorpion sting, although, with scientific point this is illiterate). If you remain calm, treatment after being stung by a scorpion machine will not be difficult. Even if you were stung by the most dangerous and venomous of our scorpions, it probably would not be fatal or even have long-term consequences. In addition, all medical institutions in Russia are familiar with its treatment.

However, in any case, it would be wise to err on the side of caution if you think you have been bitten by a scorpion. Of course, it’s good if you know what a scorpion looks like to be sure that it was he who stung you and not another creature. These arachnids are quite ugly in appearance (of course they are ugly, they are scorpions) on average about 7 - 10 cm in length and have very narrow tails. Of the 1,500 species of scorpions, 50 species are potentially dangerous to human health.

How a scorpion stings - symptoms of a scorpion "bite"

  • It is important to know the symptoms of a scorpion sting: immediate pain or burning, slight swelling, sensitivity to touch, contrasting numbness/tingling. Often people will tell the doctor that they didn't even know they were stung by a scorpion when it happened. Some people are particularly sensitive to the "sting" of a scorpion; you've probably heard these horror stories, which are most likely somewhat exaggerated).
  • If a scorpion stings the lower parts of the body, it can cause bloating, swelling in the armpits or groin, and belching.
  • In a child, a scorpion sting can cause disturbances in the functioning of the respiratory center, causing attacks of suffocation and convulsions.
  • The sting of a black scorpion causes severe, burning pain in the sting area within a few minutes. The pain spreads along the nearby nerve trunk, temporarily subsides a little, but then becomes very strong again. About half an hour after the bite, pain may appear in the area of ​​the tongue and gums, cramps of the fingers and individual muscle groups, and trembling of the hands may begin. Breathing becomes difficult, blood pressure drops, and suffocation is possible.

If you are stung by any scorpion, here are some immediate first aid actions you should take:

How to prevent a scorpion sting

  • Be careful when hiking or during other activities on fresh air; Before going to bed, make sure that Scorpio has not made himself a cozy home out of your clothes, shoes or sleeping bag.
  • Scorpions glow brightly under ultraviolet light

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  • Scorpio is difficult to kill. If you suspect your home has been infested by scorpions, call a professional scorpion exterminator. Eliminating their food source (other insects) will often get rid of scorpions.
  • Several people a year still die from scorpion stings. The sting of a scorpion is most dangerous to the very young and very old people. Pets are also at risk.

First aid for a scorpion sting - quick response

To avoid becoming a victim of a scorpion sting, protect yourself with universal precautions and wear personal protective equipment if available. Don't touch scorpions with your bare hands!

  • Determine how seriously a scorpion stung
  • If the effects of a scorpion sting show signs of anaphylactic shock, such as hives, wheezing, dizziness, chest pain or shortness of breath, emergency medical attention is required.
  • Scorpion venom can cause muscle spasms, jerking movements, restlessness, anxiety, agitation and sweating, especially in children. Severe pain is often felt at the site of the scorpion sting, but swelling is rare.
  • 112 or 03. Call if you suspect an anaphylactic reaction to a scorpion sting. If communication is not available, take the victim to the emergency room as quickly as possible.

Scorpions are arachnids that sting for hunting and protection. They are not stupid - they don't attack people just like that. Scorpions can get caught in bedding or shoes, and your contact with them leaves them no choice but to sting. A scorpion sting is truly dangerous, unlike most insect bites. It is important to treat a scorpion sting quickly and with care.

When a scorpion stings without a serious reaction, the condition can be treated with ice on the area where the sting hits and regular painkillers.

Denial of responsibility : The information presented in this article about scorpion stings is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for consultation with a medical professional.

The scorpion family has about 2 thousand species. But only fifty of them are dangerous to humans. Some species are considered to be among the most poisonous creatures on the planet. These arachnids look like crayfish: have four pairs of legs, two claws and a tail behind the back, on which the sting is located. Body length ranges from 2 to 18 centimeters.

Scorpios can be found in Southern Europe, Central Asia, Crimea, America and the Caucasus. The most dangerous scorpion is Leiurus quinquestriatus, which lives in North Africa and in the Middle East. Since these creatures live mainly in hot countries, when going to soak up the sun, you need to be extremely careful. Scorpions are active at night. During the day, these arthropods hide under stones and in the soil. People are not usually attacked. They may bite in defense or due to fear. A timely recognized bite of this scorpion can save a life, because the venom of some species is especially dangerous. Neem poisoning is called scorpionism.

Bite symptoms

Scorpion venom is a specific neurotoxic polypeptide that has the property of destroying nerve cells and brain tissue, causing allergic reactions and stimulating the release of stress hormones. There are two varieties of this substance according to human perception. One of them is equivalent to . This is how red-brown or yellow scorpions sting. The other is much more dangerous, as it can cause paralysis of vital organs and systems. This poison is characteristic of black individuals.

A scorpion sting is difficult to miss. It's like a painful prick. Accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • burning pain in the bite area. Its strength is directly proportional to the degree of venomousness of the scorpion;
  • swelling and redness of the skin. If the poison is weak - in the affected area, strong - the swelling spreads further. Sometimes there is the appearance of bubbles with clear liquid at the site of the lesion;
  • a feeling of numbness gradually spreading from the injection site. The scale depends on the strength of the poison;
  • spasms of individual muscles or covering the whole body;
  • nausea, vomiting, abdominal and abdominal pain;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • pain in the throat, active salivation, which indicates intoxication of the body;
  • tachycardia, loss of consciousness in especially severe cases.

When stung by a scorpion, a general restless state may occur. This is due to overexcitation nervous system, which is caused by the action of poison. Sometimes the opposite reaction occurs - inhibition.

First aid

It is very important to react to a scorpion sting in a timely manner, since it is unknown how poisonous it will be. If it is clear that the culprit is a non-dangerous species, immediate assistance is not needed. After some time everything will go away on its own. In other cases, passivity can cost lives. If immediate medical attention is not forthcoming, you can prevent or slow down the effects of the poison by:

  1. Try to squeeze out the poison or make a small incision in the bite area and suck it out. It is important that there are no wounds in the oral cavity (the substance can enter the bloodstream, which is equivalent to a bite). The method is effective in the first 10 minutes after the lesion.
  2. Cauterizing the wound with a hot match. This will help break down the poison.
  3. The stung area must be treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Cold applied to the bite site slows down the effect of the poison. A tight bandage has the same effect. Injections of novocaine or adrenaline into the affected area also temporarily block the absorption of the toxic substance.
  5. The use of antiallergic drugs.
  6. An injection of atropine eliminates the effect on nerve cells.

After providing first aid, the patient must be taken to a medical facility, as further treatment may be necessary. It is necessary to see a doctor who will determine the severity of exposure to the poison.

Water scorpion bite. Symptoms and first aid

One of the namesakes of Scorpio is the water scorpion. This is a bug that lives in bodies of water with little moving water. This insect got its name because of its resemblance to a scorpion. Precisely because external signs the water resident is perceived as his poisonous brother. But, unlike him, a scorpion living in water is not scary. It hurts to bite, but the injected liquid is absolutely harmless to humans.

However, pain at the site of the bite persists for some time.

Special treatment is usually not required.

But you can relieve discomfort and itching by applying cold to the bite site. Also, the affected area is treated with any antiseptic. If itching persists, antihistamines are used.

Wild bees make their nests in tree hollows. You can read about the lifestyle of these amazing insects at this link.


If you are bitten by a non-venomous scorpion, no special treatment is needed. It is enough to relieve pain with cold or painkillers, and also treat the wound. In other cases, nonspecific treatment is required:

  1. First of all, the victim is provided with peace.
  2. In the presence of muscle spasms and high blood pressure Prescribe medications that will relieve these symptoms. Other means are also used to suppress symptoms.
  3. For the first 12 hours after the bite, the patient is prohibited from eating any food.
  4. Antitoxin serum is injected, which destroys the poison. Concerns bites only in particular dangerous scorpions when the body does not respond to previous treatment. The antidote is used exclusively in medical institutions, in particular in the intensive care unit.
  5. In severe cases of scorpionism, it is necessary to ensure blood circulation and airway patency.
  6. In parallel, agents aimed at eliminating shock and dehydration are used as supportive treatment. Phenobarbital, diazepam, and adrenergic receptor blockers are prescribed, which combat the symptoms arising from the action of the poison.

Consequences of Scorpionism

The bite of a non-poisonous scorpion does not leave any serious consequences. They are limited to small swellings in the affected area, which disappear after a couple of days. In the same area, a slight increase in regional lymph nodes may be observed.

In some cases, the entry of poison (for example,) into the blood causes a severe form of allergy. This could be fatal. Also, improvement in general condition does not always mean recovery. A relapse with severe symptoms may occur. Therefore, on the first day it is better to be under the supervision of specialists.

If a poisonous individual stings, and appropriate treatment is not applied, everything can end in the death of the patient.

Sometimes long-term symptoms persist for some time in the form of paresthesia, numbness of the bitten parts of the body, and necrosis in the affected area.

Scorpion venom is most dangerous for children, the elderly and those with weakened immune systems. The height of the bite also influences the development of poisoning. The lower the affected area, the less likely there are serious reactions.

The short answer to the question: is a scorpion sting fatal or not, then YES. A scorpion sting is fatal! But if you analyze the statistics in more detail, it turns out that the bite causes a wide range of symptoms and is only sometimes fatal. Usually bites are just a nuisance, and the entire poisonous effect in most cases is expressed by severe pain and local skin reactions, which respond well to treatment. In fact, of the 1,750 or so species of scorpions around the world, only about 25 are considered medically significant. These are those that can cause serious reactions, including neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory complications. The poison of only some species is fatal to children, the elderly and weakened people.

Of the naturally occurring species in the northern hemisphere, scorpions of the species Centruroides sculpturatus are dangerous. Their venom affects the selection of sodium channels in nerve cells; this leads to repeated, random depolarization of the membranes nerve cells with excessive excitability, neuromuscular activity and autonomic dysfunction. Anti-scorpion serum relieves symptoms within minutes, but may have side effects when used in children. Deaths were not registered in Russian Federation for more than 20 years, but scorpion venom is a serious problem in tropical countries ah, as a result, there are many more deaths from a scorpion sting than even from an attack poisonous snakes. On the territory of the former CIS poisonous species found in Crimea, the Caucasus, and Asian countries. There is a pale yellow scorpion with spots in desert areas, about 5 cm long; in the Caucasus there is a black scorpion measuring more than 10 cm. Closer to Sukhumi there is an “Italian” and many other varieties. Scorpions - butoids (variegated, Transcaucasian) are more poisonous than hactoids - from Crimea or Italy. Butoids have a larger telson (especially the thick-tailed one). In mid-latitudes, death from a scorpion sting is unlikely, but the black fat-tail is more dangerous

Scorpions are armed venomous animals, unlike unarmed ones, they attack prey, and they have a sting to hit the victim with poison. Their “sting” is located in the caudal part of the body, in the last segment of the tail in the telson, along with venom glands. The scorpion grabs the victim with its “tentacles” and with a swift movement of its tail plunges the needle into its body and injects its poison.

The scorpion is not the first to attack a person; he must be disturbed; disturb a nest under stones or touch a guest who has climbed into a shoe for the night.

The composition of scorpion venoms varies; in poisonous individuals, the bite is not only poisonous, but also causes a chemical burn. Scorpion venom is a colorless, slightly pearlescent liquid that contains neuropeptides, histamine, serotonin, hyaluronidase, acetylcholine and other active substances.

The main effect of scorpion venom is neurotoxic, so at the site of the bite there may not be any significant changes except for a purple dot with a bubble in the middle, slight swelling, but with severe pounding pain.

Symptoms consist of autonomic reactions, both sympathetic-adrenal and parasympathetic.

Shortly after the bite, shortness of breath, vomiting, and respiratory paralysis may occur. The temperature may also rise and symptoms of general intoxication may appear: weakness, abdominal cramps, pain in the heart, wheezing in the lungs, profuse sweating. Blood clotting may become worse

The scorpion neurotoxin is superior to many animal poisons; it causes convulsive muscle twitching, generalized convulsions, changes in vascular tone, and there may be an increase blood pressure, palpitations, rhythm disturbance. Children may have an epileptic attack with loss of consciousness and pulmonary edema.

Delayed reaction

The bite is extremely painful and the neurotoxic venom can cause immediate paralysis or partial muscle weakness some time after the bite. The bitten patient should be observed for at least two hours after seeking first aid, as the reaction may take time to develop;

  • the further south and hotter the climate, the more poisonous the scorpions;
  • large individuals are more poisonous than small ones;
  • in the jungle, scorpion stings are often fatal

First aid for a scorpion sting

Treatment consists of first aid and treatment-observation in a first-aid post.

First aid:

  • The first is to give an antihistamine tablet - diphenhydramine, suprastin, Zyrtec, etc.;
  • The second is to relieve pain. Anesthesia - preferably local lidocaine 5-10%, alternatively in the form of an ointment, patch, gel or spray;
  • If there is choking, you can inhale anti-asthma medicine from a pocket inhaler.
  • The patient must be taken to a medical center under the supervision of a doctor.

At the first aid station, symptomatic treatment and observation, atropine (no need to administer adrenaline!), antihistamines, a mask with oxygen and bronchodilators (if necessary). The patient should have a cardiogram taken and left under observation for 2 hours, even if the condition is satisfactory.

Anti-scorpion serum is administered only to children under 5-6 years of age, the elderly, and in cases of severe general condition. The serum itself can cause shock, so all manipulations should be done under the guise of cortisone. If there is no anti-scorpion serum, sometimes anti-karakurt or anti-snake serum is administered.

Working as a doctor on an island in Greece, every summer I see several people with local scorpion stings. Fortunately, there was not a single severe case in my practice.

A meeting with a Scorpio can turn out to be unpleasant consequences. Arthropods living in southern regions, usually attack in self-defense. A scorpion sting causes discomfort and is difficult to tolerate by persons with increased sensitivity to the neurotoxin, the main component of the venom. When the nervous system is damaged, it develops coma. In severe cases, death occurs.

Don't be afraid of all arthropods. Only about 50 species out of 1,750 are dangerous to humans. The venom of such an arachnid provokes convulsions and muscle paralysis. The result is dysfunction of important organs human body, and breathing stops.

These creatures belong to the class of arachnid invertebrates. They live mainly in Africa and South America, but you can find poisonous and harmless scorpions in the Caucasus and Crimea. Locals and tourists encounter scorpions in Sochi, although the species found in southern Russia pose no threat to humans.

Arthropods sting with an anal blade - the telson. There is a needle at the end of the organ. Scorpion venom comes from it. The question arises: Why is poisonous secretion dangerous?? It contains neurotoxic polypeptides. The intensity of the poison is determined by species. Highlight different types Scorpios:

  • imperial scorpion– has an enviable size and often appears in home terrariums. It rarely stings and reproduces well in captivity. For humans, such a scorpion is dangerous only during the period of breeding, although its poison is low-toxic;
  • Caucasian scorpio- belongs to the butids, has small sizes - about 8 cm. Inhabits mainly deserts and semi-deserts. The bites of an arachnid of this species are characterized by severe pain, but are not too dangerous for humans;
  • Crimean scorpion- found mainly on south coast Crimea. It has a light yellow color and brown claws. Refers to relict individuals;
  • Abkhazian variety– also known as Mingrelian, found in Abkhazia, Georgia, Turkey. Is the bite of such a scorpion dangerous? If there is no intolerance to the poison, then there will be no threat to life;
  • fat-tailed scorpion– belongs to the butids, has black or yellow, the fat-tailed scorpion has a massive “tail”. Its bite can lead to death. The risk group includes children, the elderly, people with heart disease;
  • italian scorpio– stings painfully, but does no harm. It has modest dimensions up to 5 cm. It lives mainly in Western Europe, but can be found in the Caucasus;
  • Palestinian yellow scorpion– or genuris, bites painfully, is highly toxic;
  • Ranatra- a water scorpion that has nothing in common with arachnids, although it belongs to arthropods. The bite of water bugs burns, but no more.

Doctors consider the question of whether a true scorpion bite is fatal to be incorrect. Much is determined by the individual reaction of the body. With increased sensitivity, the victim’s condition sharply worsens, and even a small amount of poison can cause anaphylactic shock.

Meeting arachnids in nature is problematic. These creatures lead mainly night image life and rarely attack first.

ICD 10 code

Scorpion stings are included in the group of diseases according to the international classification of ICD 10 - W57. Contacts with arachnids also receive code X22. It's about about being stung by poisonous specimens.

Bite symptoms

A strong burning sensation is felt in the area of ​​the bite. It can be very painful when stung by exotic individuals. For example, the Crimean scorpion rarely bites and does not cause acute pain. The symptoms of a bite after an attack by the Brazilian variety look different. Its venom can cause shortness of breath, heart rhythm disturbances, and paralysis.

The neurotoxins that make up the secretion act rapidly. Signs of poisoning are detected a few minutes after the bite. In the affected area, the skin turns red and swells, local pain occurs, and signs of general intoxication appear: dizziness, vomiting, weakness. Other symptoms of a scorpion sting include:

  • tremor of the limbs;
  • temperature rise to febrile levels;
  • bronchospasm and suffocation;
  • profuse sweating.

A person after contact with an arthropod looks the same as after food poisoning. Manifestations of intoxication include increased blood pressure immediately after the bite and arterial hypertension 2-3 hours later. The feeling of pain spreads throughout the body. In the sting area there are characteristic marks: blisters with serous contents or red spots. Signs of intoxication persist for a day. The victim shows anxiety, twitches his legs, feels dizzy and chills. If the sting occurs a second time, the symptoms are more pronounced and last longer.

What to do if bitten by a scorpion

Only antidote serums can neutralize the effect of dangerous neurotoxins. They must be administered within the first hour after the bite, otherwise death will occur. Urgent Care required for a scorpion sting from tropical countries. Thus, the yellow scorpion from Brazil is capable of causing irreversible changes with one sting. But even non-poisonous individuals can cause irreparable harm to children, women during pregnancy, and the elderly.

It is not always possible to provide adequate first aid. But still, what to do immediately after a bite?? If you are stung by a non-poisonous arthropod, you can make do with improvised means. First aid for a scorpion sting includes:

  • suction of venom - this method helps within 10 minutes after the bite;
  • rest and plenty of drink;
  • injection of adrenaline or novocaine into the bite site;
  • cold and a tight bandage above the injury site.

It’s interesting what they use in some African countries to reduce symptoms and reduce swelling from scorpion bites, because it is on this continent that arachnids become victims big number of people. It turns out that ammonia is suitable as first aid at home for a scorpion sting. In Africa, this is a frequently used remedy that is used to spot treat wounds.


The doctor can assess the patient's condition by appearance. Medical care after contact with a poisonous scorpion consists of administering antivenom serum. The need to use an antidote is determined by common features departures. Under the influence of poison, a person begins to become cyanotic and has breathing problems. Without emergency administration of a specific serum, death occurs.

There is no need to treat the bite of a Crimean or imperial scorpion with special medications. These individuals sting weakly and do not cause dangerous symptoms. To treat a bite, local medications are used: NSAIDs, fatty ointments, painkillers. Anticonvulsant and anti-anxiety medications may be helpful in treating a scorpion sting.

Complications and consequences

The victim will be unlucky if he is intolerant to the poison. The bite can lead to pulmonary edema and cardiac arrest. Death from stings by European specimens does not occur. Death after a scorpion sting is possible if there is an encounter with a tropical species.

To less dangerous consequences Scorpion stings include:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • necrosis of affected tissues;
  • prolonged paresthesia.

Reduce Negative consequences A scorpion bite can be treated with adequate therapy and preventive measures.


To minimize the possibility of being stung by poisonous arthropods, you should know the habitat of dangerous species. During tourism and business travel, you should not go to unfamiliar places in dark time days. This primarily concerns Africa, Australia, and South Asia, where species of arthropods that have particularly dangerous poisons are found.

Prevention of arthropod bites, including scorpions, involves avoiding perfumes and cosmetics in nature. You should also not wear bright clothes and walk barefoot. A properly packed first aid kit for travel will help prevent complications after a sting. If a person has had allergic reactions to scorpion stings, they should have adrenergic blockers and atropine with them. Precautionary measures require not to cook food on outdoors in tropical regions.

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