What is the radius of destruction of the poplar m. RVSN: pgrk "Topol", "Topol-m" and "Yars" went on combat patrol routes. After the Cold War

The relative security of humanity in recent decades has been ensured by nuclear parity between countries that own the majority of nuclear weapons on the planet and the means of delivering it to the target. Currently these are two states - the United States of America and Russian Federation. The fragile balance is based on two main “pillars”. The American heavy carrier Trident-2 is opposed by the latest Russian rocket"Topol M". Behind this simplified diagram lies a much more complex picture.

The average person is rarely interested in military equipment. It is difficult to judge by its appearance how reliably the state’s borders are protected. Many people remember the magnificent Stalinist military parades, during which citizens were shown the inviolability of Soviet defense. Huge five-turret tanks, giant TB bombers and other impressive models turned out to be not very useful on the fronts of the war that soon began. Maybe the Topol-M complex, the photo of which makes such a strong impression, is also outdated?

Judging by the reaction of military experts from countries that consider Russia a potential adversary, this is not so. But in practice it would be better not to be convinced of this. There is little objective data about the newest rocket. All that remains is to consider what is available. Seems like a lot of information. It is known what the Topol-M mobile launcher looks like, a photo of which was published at one time by all the world’s leading media. The main technical characteristics also do not constitute state secrets; on the contrary, they can serve as a warning to those who may be plotting an attack on our country.

A little history. The beginning of the atomic race

Americans atomic bomb built before anyone else in the world and did not hesitate to use it immediately, in August 1945, twice. At that time, the US Air Force not only had an aircraft capable of carrying it. It was a flying “superfortress” - the B-29 strategic bomber, the mass of which reached nine tons of combat load. At an altitude of 12 thousand meters, inaccessible to air defense systems of any country, at a speed of 600 km/h, this air giant could deliver its terrible cargo to a target almost three and a half thousand kilometers away. On the way, the B-29 crew did not have to worry about their safety. The plane was perfectly protected and equipped with all the latest achievements of science and technology: radar, powerful rapid-fire barrage cannons with telemetric control (in case someone did get close) and even some kind of on-board computer that made the necessary calculations. This way, in peace and comfort, it was possible to punish any disobedient country. But it ended quickly.

Quantity and quality

In the fifties, the leadership of the USSR placed its main bet not on long-range bombers, but on strategic intercontinental missiles, and, as time has shown, this decision was correct. The remoteness of the American continent has ceased to be a guarantee of security. During the time the US was superior Soviet Union in terms of the number of nuclear warheads, but President Kennedy could not guarantee the lives of his citizens in the event of a war with the USSR. According to experts, it turned out that in the event of a global conflict, America would formally win, but the number of victims could exceed half the population. Based on these data, President J.F. Kennedy curbed his warlike ardor, left Cuba alone and made other concessions. Everything that happened in the subsequent decades in the field of strategic confrontation came down to a competition not just for the ability to deliver an all-crushing blow, but also to avoid retaliation or minimize it. The question was raised not only about the number of bombs and missiles, but also about the ability to intercept them.

After the Cold War

The RT-2PM Topol missile was developed in the USSR back in the eighties. Its general concept was the ability to overcome the impact of potential enemy missile defense systems mainly due to the surprise factor. It could be launched from various points along which this mobile system carried out combat patrols. Unlike stationary launchers, the location of which was often no secret to the Americans, Topol was constantly in motion, and it was not possible to quickly calculate its possible trajectory, even taking into account the high performance of Pentagon computers. Stationary mine installations, by the way, also posed a threat to a potential aggressor, because not all of them were known, and besides, they were well protected and a lot of them were built.

The collapse of the Union, however, led to the destruction of the long-built security system based on the inevitability of a retaliatory strike. The response to new challenges was the Topol-M missile adopted by the Russian Army in 1997, the characteristics of which were significantly improved.

How to complicate the missile defense task

The main change, which became revolutionary in the entire world ballistic missile industry, concerned the uncertainty and ambiguity of the missile trajectory on its combat course. The operation of all missile defense systems, already created and only promising ones (at the stage of design development and fine-tuning), is based on the principle of anticipation calculation. This means that when an ICBM launch is detected by several indirect parameters, in particular by an electromagnetic pulse, thermal trace or other objective data, a complex interception mechanism is launched. With a classical trajectory, it is not difficult to calculate the position of the projectile, determining its speed and launch location, and measures can be taken in advance to destroy it at any part of the flight. It is possible to detect the launch of a Topol-M; there is not much difference between it and any other missile. But then things get more complicated.

Variable trajectory

The idea was to make it impossible, even if detected, to miscalculate the coordinates of the warhead taking into account the lead. To do this, it was necessary to change and complicate the trajectory along which the flight takes place. “Topol-M” is equipped with gas-jet rudders and additional shunting engines (their number is still unknown to the general public, but we are talking about dozens), allowing you to change direction in the active part of the trajectory, that is, during direct guidance. At the same time, information about the final goal is constantly retained in memory control system, and ultimately the charge will get exactly where it is needed. In other words, anti-missiles fired to shoot down a ballistic projectile will miss. It is not possible to defeat the Topol-M by existing and created missile defense systems of a potential enemy.

New engines and body materials

Not only the unpredictability of the trajectory in the active area makes the strike of the new weapon irresistible, but also very high speed. "Topol-M" at different stages of the flight is driven by three main engines and very quickly gains altitude. Solid fuel is a mixture based on ordinary aluminum. Of course, the composition of the oxidizer and other details are not disclosed for obvious reasons. The step bodies are made as light as possible; they are made of composite materials (organoplastic) using the technology of continuous winding of hardening fibers of a heavy-duty polymer (“cocoon”). This decision has a double practical meaning. Firstly, the weight of the Topol-M rocket is reduced, and its acceleration characteristics are significantly improved. Secondly, the plastic shell is more difficult to detect by radar; high-frequency radiation is reflected from it worse than from a metal surface.

To reduce the likelihood of destruction of charges at the final stage of the combat course, numerous false targets are used, which are very difficult to distinguish from real ones.

Control system

Any missile defense system fights enemy missiles using a whole range of influences. The most common method of disorientation is the installation of powerful electromagnetic barriers, also called interference. Electronic circuits cannot withstand strong fields and fail completely or cease to function properly for some time. The Topol-M missile has a noise-resistant guidance system, but this is not the main thing. In the expected conditions of a global conflict, a potential enemy is ready to use the most effective means to destroy threatening strategic forces, including even barrage nuclear explosions in the stratosphere. Having discovered an insurmountable barrier in its path, the Topol, thanks to its ability to maneuver, will with a high degree of probability be able to bypass it and continue its deadly trajectory.


The Topol-M missile system, regardless of whether it is mobile or stationary, is launched using a mortar method. This means that the launch is carried out vertically from a special container that serves to protect this complex technical system from accidental or combat damage. There are two deployment options: stationary and mobile. The task of placing new complexes in mines is simplified as much as possible due to the possibility of modifying existing underground structures intended for heavy ICBMs that were withdrawn from service under the terms of the SALT-2 treaty. All that remains is to fill the too-deep bottom of the shaft with an additional layer of concrete and install a restrictive ring that reduces the working diameter. It is also important that the Topol-M missile system is maximally unified with the already proven infrastructure of the strategic deterrence forces, including communications and control.

Mobile complex and its chariot

The novelty of the mobile installation, designed for firing from any point on the combat patrol route (position area), lies in the so-called incomplete hanging of the container. This technical feature assumes the ability to deploy on any soil, including soft soil. Camouflage has also been significantly improved, which makes it difficult to detect the complex by all existing reconnaissance means, including space-optical and radio-electronic.

We should dwell in detail on the vehicle designed to transport and launch the Topol-M rocket. The characteristics of this powerful machine are admired by experts. It is huge - it weighs 120 tons, but at the same time it is very maneuverable, has high maneuverability, reliability and speed. There are eight axles, respectively, sixteen wheels 1 cm high, all of them are driving. The eighteen-meter turning radius is ensured by the fact that all six (three front and three rear) axles can turn. The width of the pneumatic tires is 60 cm. The high clearance between the bottom and the road (it is almost half a meter) ensures unhindered passage not only over rough terrain, but also ford (with a bottom depth of more than a meter). The specific ground pressure is half that of any truck.

The Topol-M mobile unit is driven by an 800-horsepower diesel turbo unit YaMZ-847. The speed on the march is up to 45 km/h, the range is at least half a thousand kilometers.

Other tricks and promising opportunities

According to the terms of the SALT-2 treaty, the number of separable individually targeted warheads is subject to a limitation. This means that creating new missiles equipped with several nuclear charges, it is forbidden. The situation with this international treaty is generally strange - back in 1979 in connection with the introduction Soviet troops to Afghanistan, it was withdrawn from the US Senate and has not yet been ratified. However, there was no refusal from the American government to comply with its conditions. In general, it is observed by both sides, although it has not received official status even today.

Some violations, however, took place, and mutual ones. The US insisted on reducing total number carriers up to 2400, which corresponded to their geopolitical interests, since they had more multi-charge missiles. In addition, it is also important that American nuclear forces are closer to Russian borders, and their flight time is much shorter. All this prompted the country's leadership to look for ways to improve its safety indicators without violating the conditions of SALT 2. The Topol-M missile, the characteristics of which formally and without taking into account its features correspond to the parameters of the RT-2P, was called a modification of the latter. The Americans, taking advantage of the gaps in the treaty, placed cruise missiles on strategic bombers and practically do not comply with quantitative restrictions on carriers with multiple independently targetable warheads.

These circumstances were taken into account when creating the Topol-M rocket. The radius of destruction is ten thousand kilometers, that is, a quarter of the equator. This is quite enough to consider it intercontinental. Currently it is equipped with a monobloc charge, but the weight fighting compartment one ton makes it possible to change the warhead to a multiple warhead in a fairly short time.

Are there any disadvantages?

The Topol-M strategic missile system, like any other military equipment, is not an ideal weapon. The reason for the recognition of some shortcomings was, paradoxically, the discussion that unfolded during the discussion of the future prospects of the SALT-2 treaty. In some conditions, you can vaguely hint at your own omnipotence, but in other circumstances, it is more advantageous, on the contrary, to point out that we are not as terrible as we seem. This happened with the Topol-M complex. The speed of the rocket (up to 7 km/sec), it turns out, is not high enough to be completely confident in its invulnerability. Security in the conditions of a barrage stratospheric nuclear explosion also leaves much to be desired, especially from such a terrible damaging factor as However, very little can withstand it.

"Topol-M", the destruction radius of which allows you to destroy targets on other continents, is currently the only Russian strategic missile, mass-produced. That is why it is the mainstay of the forces of containment.

Apparently, this lack of alternative is a temporary phenomenon; other models will appear that will absorb the advantages of “Topol” and leave its shortcomings in the past. Although it’s unlikely to work out completely without any shortcomings. In the meantime, this type of ballistic missile carries the main burden in defense. Be that as it may, recent history shows that those who cannot defend themselves pay dearly for their own weakness.

It's actually not all that bad. Readiness to repel aggression can only be judged based on relative values. Nothing is absolute in matters of defense; each type of weapon can be improved endlessly. The main thing is that his fighting qualities allow him to effectively resist enemy forces.

MRK SN (strategic intercontinental missile system) "Topol-M" (SS-X-27, "Sickle" according to NATO classification) with the RS-12M2 missile (RT-2PM2, 15Zh65) is the result of further modernization of the Topol missile system ( SS-25). This complex was entirely created by Russian enterprises.

Work on the creation of a new missile system began in the mid-1980s. The resolution of the Military-Industrial Commission dated September 09, 1989 ordered the creation of two missile systems (mobile and stationary), as well as a universal three-stage solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile. This development work was given the name “Universal”, and the complex under development was given the designation RT-2PM2. The complex was jointly developed by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering and Yuzhnoye Design Bureau (Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk).

The missile was supposed to be unified for both complexes, however, in the original design, a difference was assumed in the warhead breeding system. For a silo-based missile, the combat stage had to be equipped with a liquid jet engine using the promising PRONIT monopropellant. For the mobile complex, MIT developed a solid propellant propulsion system. There were also differences in the transport and launch container (TPC). In the mobile version, the TPK was supposed to be made of fiberglass, in the stationary version - from metal, with a number of ground equipment systems mounted on it. Therefore, the rocket for the mobile complex was assigned the index 15Zh55, for the stationary complex - 15Zh65.

In March 1992, it was decided to develop the Topol-M complex on the basis of Universal (Yuzhnoye Design Bureau stopped participating in work on this complex in April). On February 27, 1993, the President of the Russian Federation signed a corresponding decree (this date is considered the beginning of work on Topol-M). This decree appointed MIT as the lead enterprise for the development of Topol-M, and guaranteed funding for the work.

In fact, it was necessary to develop a universal missile based on the types of deployment. At the same time, both in silo and mobile versions, the rocket had to have high combat capabilities, high fire accuracy and be capable of long-term combat duty at different levels of readiness. In addition, it had to be highly resistant to damaging factors during flight and overcome the missile defense of a potential enemy.

APU of the RT-2PM2 / RS-12M2 "Topol-M" complex with the Yars ICBM TPK during a parade rehearsal in Moscow, 04/26/2011. Previously it was believed that this was the Yars APU (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http:/ /vitalykuzmin.net/)

The missile for the Topol-M MRK was created as a modernization of the RS-12M intercontinental ballistic missile. The conditions for modernization were determined by the START I Treaty. According to this document, a rocket can be considered new if it differs from its analogue in one of the following characteristics:
- number of steps;
- type of fuel for any stage;
- the starting mass differs by more than 10 percent;
- the length of the assembled rocket without the warhead (warhead), or the length of the first stage of the rocket differs by more than 10 percent;
- the diameter of the first stage differs by more than 5 percent;
- throw weight of more than 21 percent combined with a change in first stage length of 5 percent or more.

Due to these limitations, the tactical and technical characteristics of the Topol-M MRK missile could not undergo significant changes, and the main differences from its analogue (RT-2PM) lie in the flight characteristics and stability when penetrating enemy missile defenses. From the very beginning, the head part was developed taking into account the possibility of rapid modernization in the event of the appearance of existing systems missile defense from a potential enemy. It is possible to install a warhead with multiple warheads with individual guidance.

The Topol-M missile system is unique in many ways and is approximately 1.5 times superior to the previous generation missile system in terms of combat readiness, survivability and maneuverability (in the mobile version), and effectiveness in hitting various targets, even in the face of enemy opposition. The energy capabilities of the rocket ensure an increase in throw weight, a significant decrease in the altitude of the active part of the flight path, as well as effective penetration of a promising missile defense system.

When developing the Topol-M MRK, the latest achievements of domestic rocketry and science were used. For the first time, a new experimental testing system was used during tests with high standard operating conditions of units and systems of the missile complex. This has dramatically reduced traditional testing volume and reduced costs without sacrificing reliability.

The complex is a monoblock three-stage solid-fuel rocket housed in a transport and launch container. The missile's lifespan in it is at least 15 years, with a total service life of at least 20 years. Among the features of the complex:
- the ability to use existing silo launchers without significant costs (only the system of attaching the container to the missile changes). Silo launchers are used, which are exempt from missiles being removed from service, and launchers in accordance with the START-2 treaty;
- increased, compared to Topol, firing accuracy, vulnerability of missiles during flight from the effects of air defense systems (including nuclear) and readiness for launch;
- the ability of missiles to maneuver during flight;
- immunity to electromagnetic pulses;
- compatibility with existing control, communication and support systems.

The 15Zh65 (RT-2PM2) rocket has 3 sustainer stages with powerful solid propellant power plants. The rocket's sustainer stages have a one-piece "cocoon" body made of composite material. The 15Zh65, unlike the Topol, does not have lattice stabilizers and rudders. Flight control is carried out by a central partially recessed rotary nozzle of the propulsion engines of the three stages of the rocket. The nozzles of the propulsion engines are made of carbon-carbon material. A three-dimensionally reinforced oriented carbon-carbon matrix is ​​used for the nozzle liners.

The launch weight of the rocket is more than 47 tons. The total length of the rocket is 22.7 meters, and without the head part the length is 17.5 meters. Max diameter rocket body (first stage) - 1.86 meters. The mass of the head part is 1.2 tons. The length of the first stage is 8.04 meters, the weight of the fully loaded stage is 28.6 tons, the operating time is 60 seconds. The thrust of the first stage solid rocket motor at sea level is 890 kN. The diameter of the second and third stages is 1.61 and 1.58 meters, respectively. The operating time of the stages is 64 and 56 seconds, respectively. Three solid propellant propulsion engines ensure rapid acceleration, reducing the vulnerability of the rocket in the acceleration section, and modern control systems and dozens of auxiliary engines provide maneuver in flight, making the trajectory difficult to predict for the enemy.

A monoblock thermonuclear detachable warhead with a thermonuclear 550-kiloton warhead, unlike strategic intercontinental ballistic missiles of another type, can be quickly replaced by a warhead with multiple independently targetable warheads with a capacity of 150 kilotons. In addition, the Topol-M missile can be equipped with a maneuvering warhead. The new nuclear warhead, according to media reports, can overcome the US missile defense system, which is confirmed by the results of tests of the complex (November 21, 2005) with a new warhead. The probability of overcoming American missile defense is currently 60-65 percent, in the future - more than 80.

It should be noted that when creating the ICBM warhead, the technologies and developments obtained during the creation of the warhead for the Topol were used to the maximum, which made it possible to reduce the cost and shorten the development time. The new warhead, despite such unification, is much more resistant to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and the effects of weapons that are based on new physical principles, compared to its predecessor, has a lower specific gravity, and also has more advanced safety mechanisms during transportation, storage and being on combat duty. The warhead has an increased efficiency of fissile materials. This warhead was created without testing components and parts during full-scale explosions (a first for the domestic military industry).

The 15Zh65 missile is equipped with a complex of missile defense breakthrough systems (KSP ABM), which includes passive and active decoys, as well as means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead. False targets are indistinguishable from warheads in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation (laser, optical, radar, infrared). They make it possible to imitate the characteristics of BBs according to almost all selecting characteristics in all sections of the descending branch of their flight trajectory, are resistant to PFYA, etc. These decoys are the first that can withstand super-resolution radar stations. Means for distorting the characteristics of the warhead consist of a radio-absorbing coating, aerosol sources infrared radiation, active radio interference generators and so on.

The 15Zh65 missile can be operated as part of a stationary (15P065) or mobile (15P165) ballistic missile system. In this case, for the stationary version, silo missile launchers are used, which are removed from service or destroyed in accordance with START-2. A stationary group is created by converting silo launchers 15P735 and 15P718.

The 15P065 combat stationary silo missile system includes 10 15Zh65 missiles in 15P765-35 launchers, as well as one unified 15V222 high-security type CP (placed in the silo on a suspension using special shock absorption). Work on the conversion of silo 15P735 to accommodate Topol-M missiles was carried out under the leadership of Dmitry Dragun at the Vympel Design Bureau.

During combat duty, the 15Zh65 missile is housed in a metal TPK. The transport and launch container is unified for various types of silos and combines the functions of a transport and reloading machine and an installer. The transport and installation unit was developed at the Motor design bureau.

Mobile-based intercontinental ballistic missiles "Topol-M" are deployed as part of the 15P165 complex. The mobile-based missile is housed in a high-strength fiberglass transport and launch container on the chassis high cross-country ability MZKT-79221 (MAZ-7922) with eight axles from the Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant. Structurally, the TPK is practically no different from the mine version. The launcher and its adaptation to the tractor were carried out by the Titan Design Bureau. Serial production of launchers is carried out at the Volgograd production association "Barricades". The mass of the launcher is 120 tons, width - 3.4 meters, length - 22 meters. Six of the eight pairs of wheels are swivel (the first and last three axles), which provides exceptional maneuverability for such dimensions (the turning radius, for example, is only 18 meters) and maneuverability. The ground pressure is half that of regular truck. The launcher engine is a 12-cylinder V-shaped 800-horsepower YaMZ-847 diesel engine with turbocharging. The depth of the ford is 1.1 meters. When creating 15P165 units and systems, several fundamentally new technologies were used. decisions. For example, the partial suspension system makes it possible to deploy the Topol-M launcher on soft soils. The maneuverability and maneuverability of the installation have been improved, increasing its survivability. "Topol-M" can launch missiles from any point in the positional area and has improved camouflage means against optical and other reconnaissance means.

The characteristics of the Topol-M missile system make it possible to significantly increase the readiness of the strategic missile forces to carry out combat missions in different conditions, ensure secrecy, maneuverability of actions and survivability of individual launchers, units and units, as well as autonomous operation and reliability of control for a long time (without replenishment of materiel). Aiming accuracy has been almost doubled, the accuracy of determining geodetic data has been increased by one and a half times, and the launch preparation time has been halved.

The re-equipment of units of the strategic missile forces is carried out using the existing infrastructure. Stationary and mobile options are fully compatible with existing systems communications and combat control.

Performance characteristics rockets 15Zh65:
Maximum firing range – 11000 km;
Number of steps – 3;
Launch weight – 47.1 t (47.2 t);
Throwing weight – 1.2 t;
The length of the rocket without the warhead is 17.5 m (17.9 m);
Rocket length - 22.7 m;
Maximum case diameter – 1.86 m;
Warhead type – nuclear, monoblock;
Warhead equivalent – ​​0.55 Mt;
Circular probable deviation – 200 m;
The diameter of the TPK (without protruding parts) is 1.95 m (for 15P165 – 2.05 m).

Performance characteristics of MZKT-79221 (MAZ-7922):
Wheel formula – 16x16;
Turning radius – 18 m;
Ground clearance – 475 mm;
Loaded weight – 40 tons (without combat equipment);
Load capacity – 80 t;
Maximum speed – 45 km/h;
Power reserve – 500 km.

Prepared based on materials:

Complex RT-2PM2 "Topol-M"(code RS-12M2, according to NATO classification - SS-27 Sickle "Sickle") - a Russian strategic missile system with an intercontinental ballistic missile, developed in the late 1980s - early 1990s on the basis of the RT-2PM "Topol" complex .

The first intercontinental ballistic missile developed in Russia after the collapse of the USSR. Adopted into service in 1997. The lead developer of the missile system is the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MIT).

Rocket of the Topol-M complex is solid fuel, three-stage. Maximum range - 11,000 km. Carries one thermonuclear warhead with a power of 550 kt. The missile is based both in silo launchers (silos) and on mobile launchers. The silo-based version was put into service in 2000.

Stationary complex "Topol-M" includes 10 intercontinental ballistic missiles mounted in silo launchers, as well as a command post.

Main characteristics:

Number of steps - 3
Length (with warhead) - 22.55 m
Length (without warhead) - 17.5 m
Diameter - 1.81 m
Launch weight - 46.5 t
Throwing weight 1.2 t
Type of fuel - solid mixed
Maximum range - 11000 km
Head type - monoblock, nuclear, detachable
Number of combat units - 1 + about 20 dummies
Charge power - 550 Kt
Control system - autonomous, inertial based on BTsVK
Method of basing - mine and mobile

Mobile complex"Topol M" is a single missile placed in a high-strength fiberglass transport and launch container (TPK), mounted on an eight-axle MZKT-79221 cross-country chassis and is structurally practically no different from the silo version. The weight of the launcher is 120 tons. Six pairs of eight wheels are swivel, providing a turning radius of 18 meters.

The ground pressure of the installation is half that of a conventional truck. Engine V-shaped 12-cylinder turbocharged diesel engine YaMZ-847 with a power of 800 hp. The depth of the ford is up to 1.1 meters.

When creating systems and units of the mobile Topol-M, a number of fundamentally new technical solutions were used in comparison with the Topol complex. Thus, the partial suspension system makes it possible to deploy the Topol-M launcher even on soft soils. The maneuverability and maneuverability of the installation have been improved, which increases its survivability.

"Topol-M" is capable of launching from any point in the positional area, and also has improved means of camouflage, both against optical and other reconnaissance means (including by reducing the infrared component of the complex's unmasking field, as well as the use of special coatings that reduce radar signature).

Intercontinental missile consists of three stages with solid propellant propulsion engines. Aluminum is used as fuel, ammonium perchlorate acts as an oxidizing agent. The step bodies are made of composites. All three stages are equipped with a rotating nozzle to deflect the thrust vector (there are no lattice aerodynamic rudders).

Control system– inertial, based on the on-board central heating system and a gyro-stabilized platform. The complex of high-speed command gyroscopic devices has improved accuracy characteristics. The new BTsVK has increased productivity and resistance to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. Aiming is ensured through the implementation of autonomous determination of the azimuth of the control element installed on a gyro-stabilized platform using ground complex command instruments located on the TPK. Increased combat readiness, accuracy and continuous operation life of on-board equipment are ensured.

Launch method - mortar for both options. The rocket's sustaining solid-propellant engine allows it to gain speed much faster than previous types of rockets of a similar class created in Russia and the Soviet Union. This makes it much more difficult for missile defense systems to intercept it during the active phase of the flight.

The missile is equipped with a detachable warhead with one thermonuclear warhead with a capacity of 550 kt of TNT equivalent. The warhead is also equipped with a set of means to overcome missile defense. The complex of means for overcoming missile defense consists of passive and active decoys, as well as means of distorting the characteristics of the warhead. Several dozen auxiliary correction engines, instruments and control mechanisms allow the warhead to maneuver along the trajectory, making it difficult to intercept it at the final part of the trajectory.

False targets indistinguishable from warheads in all ranges of electromagnetic radiation (optical, laser, infrared, radar). False targets make it possible to simulate the characteristics of warheads according to almost all selection criteria in the extra-atmospheric, transitional and significant part of the atmospheric section of the descending branch of the flight trajectory of missile warheads, and are resistant to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion and the radiation of a super-powerful nuclear-pumped laser. For the first time, decoys have been designed that can withstand super-resolution radars.

In connection with the termination of the START-2 treaty, which prohibited the creation of multi-charge intercontinental ballistic missiles, the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering is working on equipping Topol-M with multiple independently targetable warheads. Perhaps the result of this work is. A mobile version of this complex, placed on the chassis of an eight-axle MZKT-79221 tractor, is currently being tested.

/Based on materials rbase.new-factoria.ru And en.wikipedia.org /

DATA FOR 2019 (standard update)
Complex RS-12M / 15P158.1 / 15P158 "Topol", missile RT-2PM / 15Zh58 - SS-25 SICKLE / PL-5

Intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) / mobile ground-based missile system (MGRS). Preliminary development of the complex project has been carried out since 1975 by the Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MIT) under the leadership of Alexander Davidovich Nadiradze on the basis of ICBMs and MRSDs. Chief designer since 1987 - Boris Lagutin (until 1993). The full development of the Topol ICBM for use as part of the PGRK began according to the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated July 19, 1976 ( ). The next Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers on the development of the Topol complex with solid fuel ICBMs was issued on July 19, 1977.

In 1979, testing began on the production of charges for the engines of the second and third stages of the rocket at the Pavlograd Chemical Plant ().

The first launch of an ICBM from a specially equipped silo launcher was carried out at the Kapustin Yar test site on October 27, 1982. Probably, one of the launch tasks was to check the operation of the launch systems and the missile’s exit from the TPK, followed by the launch of the main engine of the first stage. The launch was unsuccessful. Flight design tests (FDT) of the 15Zh58 ICBM began with a launch from a converted silo launcher at the Plesetsk training ground on February 8, 1983. The launch was completely successful. In total in 1983-1984. 12 launches took place under the LCI program. All launches were carried out at the Plesetsk test site. The test launch of the LCI program took place on November 20, 1984.

Serial production of the Topol missile system began according to the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers dated December 28, 1984 ( ist. - Strategic missiles). The missile has been mass-produced by the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant since 1985. Self-propelled launchers of the complex were produced by the Barrikady plant (Volgograd). In 1984, the construction of permanent base structures and the equipment of combat patrol routes for the PGRK began. The objects were located in those divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces where the RT-2P, MR-UR-100 and UR-100N ICBMs were removed from combat duty. At the same time, the PGRK complex was deployed in the positional areas of the Pioneer MRBM ( ist. - Strategic missiles).

The first division of the PGRK 15P158.1 "Topol" entered combat duty on July 23, 1985 as part of the Strategic Missile Forces regiment in Yoshkar-Ola, Mari Autonomous Okrug of the USSR (). Until the end of 1985, another PGRK floor took up combat duty ( ist. - Strategic missiles). The first regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces with RS-12M missiles, equipped with the mobile regimental command post "Barrier" (), was put on combat duty on April 28, 1987 in the area of ​​Nizhny Tagil and on May 27, 1988 the first missile regiment was put on combat duty with a modernized mobile regimental command post "Granit" (), based in Irkutsk (). The Topol ICBM complex was adopted by the USSR Strategic Missile Forces on December 1, 1988 ().

Since 1997, there has been a gradual replacement of the RS-12M ICBMs with ICBMs and .


Launches of the RS-12M Topol ICBM:
№pp date Launch location Result Description
29.09.1981 Plesetsk There was probably no such launch, but it is mentioned in a number of foreign sources (). The date is referred to as the start date of LCI in some sources (). The launch is mentioned in the book on the history of the Plesetsk cosmodrome, 2002 edition. Most likely this is a dart test of an early prototype/test rocket of the 15Zh58 missile
30.10.1981 Plesetsk Throw launch (?)
25.08.1982 Plesetsk Throw launch (?)
00 27.10.1982 Kapustin Yar unsuccessful launch Launch from a specially converted silo.
01 08.02.1983
(02/18/1983 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch The launch was carried out by the combat crew of the 6th Research University. Launch of an RT-2P missile from a specially converted silo launcher (). First launch of the 15Zh58 rocket.
02 03.05.1983
(05/05/1983 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
Launch of an RT-2P missile from a specially converted silo launcher (). 2nd start LKI ()
03 30.06.1983
(05/31/1983 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
Launch of an RT-2P missile from a specially converted silo launcher (). 3rd launch of LCI ()
04 10.08.1983 Plesetsk emergency start
First launch from SPU PGRK. 4th launch of LCI. In the book "Navigators of the Planets" (under the general editorship of E.L. Mezhiritsky, 2008), the launch is called an emergency - not through the fault of the control system ().
05 25.10.1983
Plesetsk successful launch 5th launch of LCI ()
06 20.02.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 6th launch of LCI ()
07 27.03.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 7th launch of LCI ()
08 23.041984 Plesetsk successful launch 8th launch of LCI ()
09 23.05.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 9th launch of LCI ()
10 26.07.1984 Plesetsk successful launch
10th launch of LCI ()
11 10.09.1984 Plesetsk successful launch
11th launch of LKI ()
12 02.10.1984 Plesetsk emergency start
12th launch of LCI (). In the book "Navigators of the Planets" (under the general editorship of E.L. Mezhiritsky, 2008), the launch is called an emergency - not through the fault of the control system ().
13 20.11.1984 Plesetsk successful launch Test launch LKI ()
14 06.12.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 13th launch of LKI
15 06.12.1984 Plesetsk successful launch 14th launch of LKI
16 29.01.1985 Plesetsk emergency start
15th launch of the LKI () program. In the book "Navigators of the Planets" (under the general editorship of E.L. Mezhiritsky, 2008), the launch is called an emergency - not through the fault of the control system ().
17 21.02.1985 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch
18 22.04.1985 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch ()
19 14.06.1985 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
06.08.1985 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
21 25.08.1985
(08/28/1985 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
22 04.10.1985 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
23 24.10.1985
(10/25/1985 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
24 06.12.1985 Plesetsk successful launch
25 18.04.1986 Plesetsk successful launch
26 20.09.1986 Plesetsk successful launch
27 29.11.1986 Plesetsk successful launch
28 25.12.1986 Plesetsk successful launch
29 11.02.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
30 04/26/1987 (05/26/1987 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
31 30.06.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
32 14.07.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
33 31.07.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
34 23.12.1987 Plesetsk successful launch
23.12.1987 Plesetsk successful launch Last launch of the joint testing program PGRK "Topol" (). 16th launch of LCI ().
29.04.1988 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch of the Topol ICBM ()
37 07/05/1988 (08/05/1988 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch ()
38 14.09.1988 Plesetsk successful launch
39 08.10.1988
(10/20/1988 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch ()
40 09.12.1988 Plesetsk successful launch ()
41 07.02.1989 Plesetsk successful launch
42 21.03.1989 Plesetsk successful launch
43 15.06.1989 Plesetsk successful launch
44 20.09.1989 Plesetsk successful launch
45 10/26/1989 (10/27/1989 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
29.03.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
47 21.05.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
48 24.05.1990 Plesetsk successful launch
49 31.07.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
50 08.08.1990
Plesetsk, site No. 169 successful launch 1st launch of the test program for the 15YU75 command missile based on the 15ZH58 missile of the Perimeter-RC system ( , )
51 16.08.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
52 17.10.1990 Plesetsk, site No. 169 successful launch 2nd launch of the 15YU75 command rocket based on the 15ZH58 rocket of the Perimeter-RC system ( , )
53 01.11.1990 Plesetsk, site No. 169 successful launch 3rd launch of the 15YU75 command rocket based on the 15ZH58 rocket of the Perimeter-RC system ( , )
54 25.12.1990 Plesetsk, site No. 169 successful launch 4th launch of the 15YU75 command rocket based on the 15ZH58 rocket of the Perimeter-RC system ( , )
55 25.12.1990 Plesetsk successful launch ()
07.02.1991 Plesetsk successful launch () Combat training launch from the 2nd launcher of the 306th missile regiment ()
05.04.1991 Plesetsk successful launch
25.06.1991 Plesetsk successful launch
59 19.08.1991
(08/20/1991 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
02.10.1991 Plesetsk successful launch
25.02.1993 Plesetsk successful launch
62 25.03.1993 Plesetsk partially successful launch LV EK-25 "Start-1" ( , )
63 23.07.1993 Plesetsk successful launch
64 22.06.1994 Plesetsk successful launch
65 23.09.1994 Plesetsk successful launch
10.11.1994 Plesetsk successful launch
28.03.1995 Plesetsk emergency start
LV "Start" (5 stages), load - overall weight mock-up EKA-2 and the Gurwin Techsat 1A and UNAMSat A satellites were not launched into orbit ().
14.04.1995 Plesetsk successful launch
69 10.10.1995 Plesetsk successful launch
70 10.11.1995 Plesetsk successful launch
71 17.04.1996 Plesetsk successful launch
72 03.10.1996 Plesetsk successful launch
73 09.11.1996 (05.11.1996 according to other data)
Plesetsk successful launch
74 04.03.1997 Free successful launch The first successful launch of the Start-1.2 launch vehicle (), the Zeya satellite ().
03.10.1997 Plesetsk successful launch ()
24.12.1997 Free successful launch LV "Start-1" (), satellite Early Bird ().
16.09.1998 Plesetsk successful launch
78 01.10.1999 Plesetsk successful launch
79 11.10.2000 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
80 05.12.2000 Free successful launch
LV "Start-1" (), satellite EROS A ().
81 16.02.2001 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
82 20.02.2001 Free successful launch
LV "Start-1" (), satellite "Odin" ().
83 03.10.2001 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
84 01.11.2001
19-20 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). Presumably testing combat equipment ().
12.10.2002 Plesetsk successful launch
Combat training launch ()
12-27 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The missile remained on combat duty for 18 years. According to media reports, this is the 79th launch of the Topol from the Plesetsk training ground and the 43rd combat training launch ().
13-30 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). According to Western data, it is possible that the launch was carried out for the purpose of testing promising combat equipment (,).
02.11.2004 Plesetsk successful launch
01.11.2005 Kapustin Yar successful launch
According to Western data (target IP-10 is mentioned), the launch target of the test advanced combat equipment, 15Zh58E missile. The launch took place at the Sary-Shagan test site ()
10-44 Moscow time
successful launch Combat training launch of the Topol ICBM at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The purpose of the launch is to test the reliability of the rocket with a long shelf life. For the first time in the Strategic Missile Forces, the shelf life of a missile was 20 years ().
25.04.2006 Free successful launch LV "Start-1" (), satellite EROS B ().
successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka).
09-10 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The service life has been extended to 21 years.
17-43 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch
28.08.2008 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). Probably the 15Zh58E rocket. " Experimental warhead rockets with high accuracy hit a conditional target at a training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula, thereby demonstrating the ability to reliably hit targeted highly protected objects" ().
11-24 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka).
12-09 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The launch was carried out by the crew of the Irkutsk Strategic Missile Forces unit. The launched missile was manufactured in 1987 and until August 2007 was on combat duty at the Teikovsky missile formation (,).
10.12.2009 Kapustin Yar successful launch advanced combat equipment. The launch was carried out at the Sary-Shagan test site ().
Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The launched missile was manufactured in 1987 and until August 2007 was on combat duty at the Teikovsky missile formation (Ivanovo region), and then stored at one of the arsenals of the Strategic Missile Forces ().
05.12.2010 Kapustin Yar successful launch Launch of the 15Zh58E "Topol-E" rocket for testing purposes advanced combat equipment. The launch was carried out at the Sary-Shagan test site ().
03.09.2011 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The missile was produced by industry in 1988 and until March 2011 was on duty at the Novosibirsk missile formation. According to media reports, the missile was launched with a new experimental warhead ().
10-45 Moscow time
Plesetsk successful launch Launch as part of work to extend the service life of Topol missiles, launch at the Kura test site (Kamchatka). The launch used a rocket produced by industry in 1987 and as of July 2007 the rocket was on combat duty in the Tagil formation of the Strategic Missile Forces. The launch was carried out by the space forces and personnel of the Strategic Missile Forces unit from Yoshkar-Ola. Based on the launch results, the service life of the RS-12M missiles was extended to 25 years.
21-39 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Launch of the Topol-E missile to test advanced combat equipment. The launch took place at the Sary-Shagan test site. “The goals of this launch were to confirm the stability of the main flight characteristics of missiles of this class during extended service life, to test measuring instruments of various types of measuring systems in the interests of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and to conduct another test combat equipment for intercontinental ballistic missiles" ().
19.10.2012 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). “The goals of this launch were to confirm the stability of the main flight characteristics of missiles of this class during the period of operation extended to 24 years and to assess the possibility of extending the service life by 25 years” ().
17-39 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Launch of the Topol-E rocket for testing purposes advanced combat equipment. The launch took place at the Sary-Shagan test site. According to Western data TEST 1 ()
30.10.2013 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The launch was carried out by a rocket and a crew from the 14th division of the Strategic Missile Forces (Yoshkar-Ola). The launch was carried out as part of an exercise with a surprise check of the readiness of the aerospace defense and strategic missile forces.
21-30 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Launch of the Topol-E rocket for testing purposes advanced combat equipment. The launch took place at the Sary-Shagan test site. According to Western data TEST 2 ()
22-10 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Topol-E rocket. “The purpose of the launch was to test advanced combat equipment for intercontinental ballistic missiles. The training warhead of the missile hit a conditional target at the Sary-Shagan training ground with specified accuracy. According to Western data TEST 3 ()
March 2014 Kapustin Yar launch plan 2
In addition to the launch on 03/04/2014, according to the Ministry of Defense of Kazakhstan, in March it was planned to conduct two more launches of ICBMs at the Sary-Shagan test site ().
08.05.2014 Plesetsk successful launch Combat training launch at the Kura training ground (Kamchatka). The launch was carried out as part of an exercise with a sudden check of the readiness of the aerospace defense and strategic missile forces ().
21-08 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch Topol-E rocket. “The purpose of the launch was to test advanced combat equipment for intercontinental ballistic missiles. The training warhead of the missile hit a conditional target at the Sary-Shagan test site () with specified accuracy. According to Western data TEST 4 ()
11.11.2014 Kapustin Yar emergency start
According to Western data, the Topol-E missile. The shooting took place at the Sary-Shagan training ground. Presumably one of the launches with promising combat equipment. According to Western data TEST 5 ()
112 22.08.2015
18-13 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch The rocket is probably Topol-E. “The purpose of the launch was to test the advanced combat equipment of intercontinental ballistic missiles. The training warhead of the missile hit a conditional target at the Sary-Shagan test site with specified accuracy.
113 30.10.2015 Plesetsk successful launch Successful launch as part of the training of the strategic forces control system.
114 17.11.2015
15-12 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch
115 24.12.2015
20-55 Moscow time
Kapustin Yar successful launch The rocket is probably Topol-E. “The purpose of the launch was to test advanced combat equipment for ICBMs.” The training warhead of the missile hit a simulated target at the Sary-Shagan training ground with specified accuracy.
116 09.09.2016 Plesetsk successful launch The purpose of the launch was to confirm the basic flight performance characteristics of the Topol intercontinental ballistic missile, as well as test promising combat equipment and means of overcoming missile defense. The set launch goals were achieved in full. An experimental missile warhead hit a hypothetical target at a training ground on the Kamchatka Peninsula with high accuracy ()
117 10/12/2016 Plesetsk successful launch Successful launch at the Kura test site in Kamchatka as part of the program to confirm the extended service life of ICBMs (). This launch was probably carried out by a command rocket 15Yu75 ().
- 2016-2017 According to the Russian Ministry of Defense for 2016-2017. planned to conduct 7 launches of the Topol ICBM. The insured amount for one launch is 180 million rubles.
118 September 26, 2017 Kapustin Yar successful launch The rocket is probably Topol-E. “The purpose of the launch was to test advanced combat equipment for ICBMs.” The training warhead of the missile hit a simulated target at the Sary-Shagan training ground with specified accuracy. “During the test, experimental data were obtained on the parameters of the target environment formed by the combat equipment of promising ballistic missiles in the process of overcoming missile defense. Subsequently, this information will be used in the interests of developing effective means of overcoming missile defense to equip a promising group of Russian ballistic missiles with them.”
119 October 26, 2017 Plesetsk successful launch Successful launch at the Kura test site (Kamchatka) during the exercise of strategic nuclear forces.
120 December 26, 2017 Kapustin Yar successful launch The rocket is probably Topol-E. The purpose of the launch was to test promising combat equipment for intercontinental ballistic missiles. During the test, experimental data was obtained that will be used in the interests of developing effective means of overcoming missile defense and equipping a promising group of Russian ballistic missiles with them ().
121 12/11/2018 Kapustin Yar accident The launch of the Topol-E rocket at the 107th site at the Sary-Shagan test site ended with the explosion of the first stage of the rocket in the first seconds of flight. Official version- explosion of an anti-aircraft missile of the S-350 complex ().

Removal from service: The RS-12M Topol ICBM is planned to be withdrawn from service in 2022 (December 2016, ).

Launch and ground equipment:
silo- an experimental experimental mine launcher was used at the first stage of ICBM testing. In the mid-1980s, some Western sources speculated that the SS-25 ICBM would be deployed in silos, among other things.

PGRK - autonomous launcher APU 15U128.1- missile system 15P158.1 "Topol" with a point" - MAZ-7912 chassis - this type of SPU was part of the Topol PGRK on initial stage deployment of complex facilities. The SPU was developed by the Titan Central Design Bureau of the Barrikady plant (Volgograd). In part, the source notes that the 15U128.1 installation was precisely an SPU, and not an APU.

The length of the APU with TPK is 22.3 m (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Chassis length - 17.3 m
APU width - 3.85 m
Minimum turning radius - 27 m
Power reserve - 400 km

SPU 15U128.1 on MAZ-7912 chassis with TPK - Topol complex ( official photo from SALT treaty documents, http://www.fas.org).

SPU 15U128.1 on a MAZ-7912 chassis without TPK - Topol complex (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

Serial APU 15U128.1 on the MAZ-7912 chassis, complex 15P158.1 (http://military.tomsk.ru/forum).

PGRK - SPU 15U168- missile system 15P158 "Topol" - MAZ-7917 chassis. According to information from a number of historians, the SPU can launch from any point on the patrol route without prior geodetic reference and marking of the starting position (probably not true). The SPU was developed by the Titan Central Design Bureau of the Barrikady plant (Volgograd) under the leadership of V.M. Sobolev and V.A. Shurygin. The MAZ-7917 chassis was developed in Minsk automobile factory under the leadership of V.P. Chvyalev ( ist. - Strategic missiles). The SPU is equipped with an autonomous power supply, a navigation system, radio and official communications equipment, a set of spare parts, a set of fastening and covering the unit on a railway platform.

Calculation - 3 people
Engine - diesel with a power of 710 hp.
Length of SPU with TPK - 22303 mm (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
SPU length without TPK - 19520 mm ()
Chassis length - 18.4 m
TPK length - 22.3 m ()
TPK diameter - 2 m ()
The width of the APU in the stowed position is 3.85 m (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Height with TPK - 4350 mm (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Height without TPK - 3000 mm ()
Ground clearance with full load - 475 mm ()
Full mass APU - 105.1 t (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Minimum turning radius - 26 m (Poster from the exhibition "Army-2015", )
Power reserve - 400 km
Maximum speed ():
- 40 km/h (roads of 1-2 categories)
- 25 km/h (roads 3-4 categories)

APU 15U168 on a MAZ-7917 chassis with a TPK - the Topol complex (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

APU 15U168 on a MAZ-7917 chassis without TPK - Topol complex (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

TPK missiles 15Zh58 / RS-12M (official photo from documents on the SALT treaties, http://www.fas.org).

APU 15U168 on the MAZ-7917 chassis of the Topol complex after a missile launch at the Plesetsk test site, 2000s (http://militaryphotos.net).

APU 15U168 of the 15P158 “Topol” complex of the Novosibirsk division of the Strategic Missile Forces, 12/09/2011 (photo - Alexander Kryazhev, http://visualrian.ru/).

APU 15U168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex at the exercises of graduates of the Serpukhov Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces, publication 12.12.2013 (photo - Konstantin Semenov, http://tvzvezda.ru/).

SPU 15U168 of complex 15P158 "Topol", Military-historical artillery museum, St. Petersburg, 05/09/2012 (photo - A.V. Karpenko, http://bastion-karpenko.narod.ru/).


SPU 15U168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex in the pre-launch position (http://www.nationaldefense.ru).

SPU 15U168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex. On the starboard side of the SPU there are some missing required elements designs. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http://vitalykuzmin.net/).

The aft part of the SPU 15P168 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex (Strategic missile systems ground-based. M., "Military Parade", 2007).


For the first time, control system cables were cut off using pyroelectric devices ( ist. - Strategic missiles). TPK is covered with a special fire-resistant intumescent coating SGK-1.

Unit 15U135 "Krona" - a hangar with a sliding roof for carrying out combat duty PGRK in a stationary equipped position. The rocket could be launched directly from the structure, which was equipped with a sliding roof.

Rocket RT-2PM / 15Zh58:
Design- a three-stage solid-fuel rocket with a sequential arrangement of stages. For the first time in the USSR, the stage bodies are made of organoplastic using the method of continuous winding of the “cocoon” type. All stages are equipped with transition compartments.

The first stage of the rocket is equipped with 4 lattice aerodynamic stabilizers and 4 lattice aerodynamic rudders combined with gas-jet rudders.

Launch of the 15Zh58 / RS-12M Topol ICBM from the Plesetsk test site, presumably 2007-2010. (http://pressa-rvsn.livejournal.com/).

The spent first stage of the Topol ICBM after launch from the Plesetsk test site in northern Russia, photo no later than 2013 (http://www.edu.severodvinsk.ru/).

One of the launches of the 15Zh58 / RS-12M "Topol" ICBM from the Plesetsk test site, presumably 2007-2012, published 01/15/2013 (http://pressa-rvsn.livejournal.com/).

Rocket composition:
- starting pad

1st stage - solid propellant rocket engine with a fixed nozzle with gas-jet rudders (synchronized with aerodynamic lattice rudders).

2nd stage - solid propellant rocket engine with a fixed nozzle with a fixed nozzle.

Stage 3 - solid propellant rocket engine with one fixed nozzle with a fixed nozzle. In the front part of the solid propellant rocket engine there are engine thrust cut-off windows, which were opened using extended detonating charges (EDC).

Warhead launch stage


Rocket 15Zh58 of the 15P158 "Topol" complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

Control system: autonomous inertial rocket control system using an on-board computer. The system was developed by NPO Automation and Instrumentation ( chief designer Vladimir Lapygin). Firing accuracy has been increased through the use of new, more sensitive accelerometers and an on-board computer that implements direct guidance methods, which calculates the flight path of the warhead to the point of impact at the current moment in time. ( ist. - Strategic missiles). The aiming system was developed by the design bureau of the Arsenal plant (Kiev), the chief designer is Seraphim Parnyakov. All pre-launch preparation and launch operations, as well as preparatory and routine work, are fully automated.

One of the main components of the missile aiming system is the automatic gyrocompass (AGC) SPU 15U168 of the 15P158 Topol complex. On the starboard side of the SPU there are some required structural elements missing. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http://vitalykuzmin.net/).

The heading and pitch control was carried out at the 1st stage by gas-jet rudders synchronized with aerodynamic rudders, at the second and third stages - by gas injection into the supercritical region of the nozzle. Range control was carried out by cutting off the thrust of the third stage engine.

Engines: development of production and production of charges for solid propellant rocket engines of the 2nd and 3rd stages of the rocket began at the Pavlograd chemical plant in 1979 ().

Starting pad

Stage 1 - solid propellant rocket engine with a new mixed fuel with increased density and specific impulse developed by LNPO Soyuz (Lyubertsy). The engine is equipped with one fixed nozzle with gas-jet rudders (synchronized with aerodynamic lattice rudders).

The rocket engines were passing fire tests in NIO-1 (Sofrinsky artillery range of the Research Institute "Geodesy") ().

The first stage of the 15Zh58 / RS-12M rocket. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (official photo from documents on the SALT treaties, http://www.fas.org).

Probably, the preparation of the engine of the 1st stage of the 15Zh58 Topol ICBM for experimental testing for the purpose of experimental combustion under the joint program of MIT, FCDT Soyuz, Moscow State University and the Lockheed Martin company (USA) at NIO-1 (Sofrinsky artillery range of the Research Institute "Geodesy") ().

Nozzle block of the first stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 “Topol” complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

- 2nd stage - solid propellant rocket engine with a new mixed fuel with increased density and specific impulse developed by LNPO "Soyuz" (Lyubertsy). The engine is equipped with one fixed nozzle with a fixed nozzle. The thrust vector was controlled by gas injection into the supercritical region of the nozzle. Injection is provided by a special gas generator ( ist. - Strategic missiles).

The second stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 Topol complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

- 3rd stage - solid propellant rocket engine with a new mixed fuel with increased density and specific impulse developed by LNPO "Soyuz" (Lyubertsy). The engine is equipped with one fixed nozzle with a fixed nozzle. In the front part of the solid propellant rocket engine there are 8 engine thrust cut-off windows, which were opened using extended detonating charges (EDC). The thrust vector was controlled by gas injection into the supercritical region of the nozzle. For the first time, part of the engine charge is made of metal-free fuel - the combustion products of this part of the charge are discharged through filters to special injection valves through devices in the nozzle flange ( ist. - Strategic missiles).

The third stage of the 15Zh58 rocket of the 15P158 Topol complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

- warhead launch stage - 4 x solid propellant rocket motor

The launch stage of the 15Zh58 missile warhead of the 15P158 Topol complex. The photo was probably taken at the MIK at the Ledyanoe site of the Plesetsk training ground (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

Performance characteristics of the missile:
- full - 21.5 m
- without warhead - 18.5 m
- first stage - 8.1 m
- second stage - 4.6 m
- third stage - 3.9 m
- head part - 2.1 m
- first stage housing - 1.8 m
- second stage housing - 1.55 m
- third stage housing - 1.34 m
- TPK (transport and launch container) - 2.0 m

The area of ​​the combat patrol area is 125,000 sq. km

Warhead types:

The basic option is a thermonuclear warhead with a power of 550 kt (,). The charge was developed by VNIIEF under the leadership of Samvel Kocharyants. The warhead is equipped with a set of means to overcome missile defense.
Warhead mass - 1000 km

Launch vehicle "Start-1" in the workshop of the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant (http://www.iz-article.ru/).

Launch vehicle "Start-1" in the workshop of the Votkinsk Machine-Building Plant (Yu. Solomonov. Nuclear vertical. M., Intervestnik, 2009).

Launch of the Start launch vehicle.

Infrastructure and auxiliary facilities of the complex:
As of 1999, 4-5 missile regiments were based simultaneously in one positional area of ​​the PGRK. The regiment includes three missile divisions - i.e. 9 SPU, a mobile command post and a stationary command post at the place of permanent deployment of the regiment. ( ist. - Strategic missiles).

The complex includes:
- self-propelled ICBM launchers;
- combat control vehicle (MCV);
- communication machine;
- combat duty support vehicles;

The combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15В148 / 15В231 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis was intended for recreation of personnel on combat duty.

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15В148 / 15В231 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15В148 / 15В231 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis (http://rvsn.ruzhany.info/).

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15В148 / 15В231 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis at the exercises of graduates of the Serpukhov Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces, publication 12/12/2013 (photo - Konstantin Semenov, http://tvzvezda.ru/).

Combat duty support vehicle (MOBD) 15B148 of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http://vitalykuzmin.net/).

- vehicle for training drivers on the MAZ-7917 chassis.

A vehicle for driver training on the MAZ-7917 chassis (official photo from documents on SALT agreements, http://www.fas.org).

Tropospheric radio communication station 15B78 from the support equipment of the Topol complex on the MAZ-543M chassis. Exhibition "Patriot", Kubinka, 2015 (photo - Vitaly Kuzmin, http://vitalykuzmin.net/).

The set of arsenal equipment of the complex includes a transport trolley for the TPK, probably developed by the Titan Central Design Bureau (Volgograd) and produced at the Barrikady plant.

A transport trolley with a TPK of the 15Zh58 missile of the Topol complex; in the second photo, in the foreground, a mock-up of the ICBM warhead is visible. Photos were taken at the open day at the 42nd Tagil Missile Division of the Strategic Missile Forces, Nizhny Tagil, 03/04/2015 ().

Status: USSR / Russia

ICBM RS-12M "Topol" - SS-25. Illustration from the yearbook Soviet Military Power 1986 (http://www.defenseimagery.mil).

ICBM RS-12M "Topol" - SS-25 in position in Eastern Siberia. Illustration from the yearbook Soviet Military Power 1988 (http://www.defenseimagery.mil).

- 2013 December 19 - information appeared in the media that a center for recycling large-sized solid propellant rocket motors for missiles of the Tochka-U, Iskander and Poplar". 2 solid propellant rocket motors of the Topol rocket will be dismantled at the facility per day ().

Engines of the 2nd stage of the Topol ICBM before disposal at "object 103", 2013 (photo - Anatoly Sokolov,).

Test site for the Topol PGRK at the Plesetsk training ground, launch on 20/30/2015 (video footage from the Russian Ministry of Defense).

Launch of the Topol ICBM at the Plesetsk training ground, 20/30/2015 (video frames from the Russian Ministry of Defense, processed, the first frame is a different date).

- 2015 November 3 - the media reported that by December 2016 the Strategic Missile Forces plans to dispose of 17 APUs of the Topol PGRK in accordance with the START-III agreement signed in 2010. Elimination and disposal will take place in military unit 25850 (the village of Belezino, Republic of Udmurtia , .

2021 - according to a statement in the media by the consultant to the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Viktor Esin dated July 21, 2015, by 2021 it is planned to remove the Topol PGRK from combat duty and completely replace the Yars and Yars- ICBMs M".

18-36 ? Barnaul (35th Division) 2019 Barnaul (35th division) ?
2020 2021 planned (2015) date for removing ICBMs from service 2022 planned (2016) date for removing ICBMs from service * - hypothetical data are in italics

Cosmodrome "Plesetsk". Dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the founding of the Plesetsk cosmodrome. M., 2002
Lenta.ru. 2011
Missile system RS-12M, “Topol” (SS-25, Sickle), 2013 ()
RT-2PM, 2013 ().
Northern Cosmodrome of Russia. Mirny, Plesetsk cosmodrome, 2007
Ground-based strategic missile systems. M., "Military Parade", 2007

The safety of all life on earth is ensured by balance nuclear weapons eternal enemies of the USA and Russia. On the scales of these scales lie the Topol-M intercontinental ballistic missile on one side and the Trident II missile on the other.

Can someone tell me why such a weapon is needed? We must destroy it and fight with conventional means. But war is very bad. This is the loss of territory, resources, and most importantly, the loss of people, most of them civilians. And the presence of such weapons has a deterrent character. The enemy will think a hundred times whether he should attack our country when “Polars” begin to grow on his territory in response. It gives a chance, a huge chance, to prevent war without starting hostilities.

History of creation

After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union and the United States of America carried out large-scale developments in the field of nuclear weapons and means of delivering warheads to their targets. Developments were carried out with varying degrees of success. Americans were the first to create atomic weapons and were even able to test it against Japan. The USSR soon caught up with its opponents and conducted its own tests of this type of weapon.

In the middle of the 20th century, it flared up Caribbean crisis, and again thermonuclear weapons were at the forefront. Although the Soviet Union was inferior to the United States in terms of the number of warheads, the Americans still did not dare to start a third world war, sparing their territories. The USSR had delivery systems that made it possible to strike American territory, and this cooled down the hotheads. The remoteness of the continent no longer plays into the hands of the United States.

In 1985, a new deterrent appears. The first missile regiment, equipped with Topol launchers, went on combat duty. At the end of the same decade, work began on a new ICBM for the silo and mobile complexes. The following were involved in the development:

  1. Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (the design team already had experience in creating a moving soil complex);
  2. design department"Yuzhnoye" in Dnepropetrovsk (the main developer of silo-based missiles).

This tandem was supposed to produce a unified complex

But this was not destined to come true, as the country collapsed. As a result, many enterprises involved in the creation of the new complex ended up on the territory of different states. For example, the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau began to belong to Ukraine.

By decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1993, all developments on this installation were preserved and formed the basis for a deep modernization of the existing RT-2PM complex. The task was set to create the Topol-M complex. Having carried out profound improvements in characteristics and almost completely redesigned the rocket, the designers did not go beyond the framework of existing international treaties. They left a large foundation for future modernization, thereby maintaining the Strategic Missile Forces in an effective and combat-ready form.

During modernization, great attention was paid to breaking through the promising missile defense of a potential enemy.

"Topol-M" was supposed to be able to deliver a retaliatory or retaliatory missile strike on enemy territory.

This meant the ability to launch missiles when nuclear attack has already taken place in our country and is raging all around damaging factors From him. Or enemy missiles are in the air. Then another problem arises that the complex must solve successfully. This is overcoming a nuclear shield over targets. Also, such installations should have greater autonomy.

Democracy was raging in the country. Scientific institutes, technical laboratories collapsed, factories of the military-industrial complex went “for free” into private hands. Big-headed people fled to the west to have a decent salary and the opportunity to provide for their families. But, despite all the difficulties, the patriots of their Motherland worked on its defensive power.

A year later, a test launch of a silo-based missile was carried out. By the end of 1998, the first modernized mine complexes began testing duty near Tatishchvo. At the beginning of the 21st century, the mine-based complex was put into service. After this, work on the mobile complex accelerated. Six years after the mine complex was accepted, the first Topol-M mobile division entered combat duty.

This missile became the first mass-produced, universal, land-based intercontinental missile. Even unification was carried out with the sea-based Bulava missile system.

Description of the complex

The Topol-M rocket incorporates all the innovations in rocket science and all the best in the scientific and technical sector of our country’s development. According to many experts, everything that relates to this project, can be distinguished by one term “For the first time”.

Almost all the differences from the first model are inherent in the process of delivering the warhead to the target.

They hide in a system of stable flight and penetration through the countermeasures of a potential enemy. The active phase of the rocket's flight has been reduced due to improvements in the propulsion engines. And the control devices make its trajectory difficult to determine for enemy detection means. The guidance system has also been improved; it has become insensitive to powerful electromagnetic pulses.

The rocket has three stages. All of them are solid fuel, created from composite materials according to the Cocoon project. Control is carried out by tilting the nozzles of the main engine. The body is coated with a special coating with a high content of rare elements. The control circuit cables are covered with a special protective casing and shielded from all types of radiation.

The control system of the Topol-M complex is created on the basis of a high-power digital on-board computer and a gyro-stabilized platform with command gyroscopic devices. An element base has been installed that increases survivability in conditions of a nuclear explosion.

The warhead is detachable, designed as a monoblock type, and contains a thermonuclear charge with a power of 550 kt in TNT equivalent.

Can be equipped with a block-type split warhead. The number of blocks varies from 3 to 7. Each block has a personal guidance system.

The missile defense system installed on this instance consists of:

  1. active and passive decoys. Moreover, they are practically indistinguishable from the original in all tracking ranges along the entire flight path. In the atmospheric portion of the trajectory, they can confidently overcome high-resolution radars. It consists of 15 to 20 targets of the “Waveship” class;
  2. means of distorting characteristics. They consist of a combination of various coatings and active noise generators, dipole reflectors and aerosols. Affect enemy detection means;
  3. trajectory correction engines. They create a chaotic movement of the warhead towards the target, making it difficult to target countermeasures systems.

A rocket launch is similar to a mortar shot - vertically upward. This provides additional security for a complex technical control system.

After the rocket exits the TPU, the first stage engine starts. The warhead itself is moving along the descending branch of the trajectory.


  1. The installation received the designation RT-2MP2.
  2. The missile was given the designation 15Zh65.
  3. Mobile complex assigned the name 15P165. The complex includes 9 ICBMs on the launcher.
  4. The stationary complex was given the name 15P065. The complex includes 10 ICBMs in silos.
  5. According to international agreements, the complex is designated as RS-12M2.
  6. The NATO designation for the SS-27 is “Sikle-B”, which means “Sickle”.

Possibility of accommodation

The complex can be either stationary or mobile based. Partial unification with the Bulava was carried out.

Mine launchers are used for placement. A silo is a vertical well with supporting structures with fastenings placed in it, as well as devices for servicing and launching a rocket.

On top it is covered with an armor plate, which can slide to the side or rise on a hinge, depending on the design features. Ensures compliance with specified climatic and temperature conditions. Supports the rocket constant readiness to launch. Currently, converted silo launchers from Stiletto and Voevoda are used for stationary complexes. In the silos, the missiles are placed in a metal transport and launch container.

One complex includes 10 missiles and a command module with a high degree of protection. The process of loading a rocket into the silo takes more than 8 hours. The combat duty period of one missile is up to 15 years.

To accommodate the Topol-M complex, the MZKT-79221 self-propelled chassis was used. This is a special multi-axle heavy-duty chassis, developed by Minsk designers in 1997.

Serial production started in 2000.

The wheelbase provides good maneuverability, overcoming various obstacles and driving on various types of soil. The rocket is housed in a fiberglass TPU, which performs all functions to ensure launch readiness. The dimensions of the mobile installation allow launching from almost any place:

  • length – 22 meters;
  • width – 3.4 meters;
  • weight 120 tons.

The complex includes 9 mobile units, escort and security vehicles, and a control vehicle. Since 2013, the complex began to receive engineering camouflage vehicles. They hide traces of the complexes that entered the database. They also create clearly visible traces leading to false positions.

The area of ​​responsibility along the patrol route of one complex is 25 thousand square kilometers.

Performance characteristics

The mobility of the complex is ensured by installing a powerful turbodiesel engine on the chassis. The tractor uses pneumatic tires measuring 1600*600-685, allowing it to move off-road. Additionally, a pressure regulation system is installed.

Damage radius, km12000
Launch weight, t46,5
Flight speed, km/sUp to 7
Length of the missile with warhead, m22,6
Length of the rocket without warhead, m17,5
Case diameter max, m1,81
Rocket weight in TPU, t76
Warhead weight, t1,2
Diameter of probable deviation, m150-200
FuelSolid mixture
WarheadFusion charge
Warhead power, t (TNT equivalent)550
Engine power, hpEngine power, hp
Load capacity, t80
Weight, t44
Length, m22,7
Width, m22,7
Width, m3,4
Height, m3,3
Ground clearance, mm475
Turning radius, m18
Fordability, m1,1
Cruising range, km500
Speed ​​max, km/h45
Tank volume, l875

The missile guidance system ensures that targets are hit with a small error. And given the power of the warhead, this deviation can be ignored.

Bottom line

The characteristics of the Topol-M missile allow us to say with confidence that the enemy will be defeated in any conditions of warfare.

Our country's Strategic Missile Forces will always maintain parity, armed with such a strategic complex. And overseas “friends” will look back a hundred times before taking a rash aggressive step towards starting an armed conflict.

In addition to the Topol, the one finishing its tests will soon come into service the newest complex ICBMs with multiple warheads.

The characteristics of this weapon are secret; the appearance of some data is possible only after the complex is on combat duty.


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