Which helicopter is better? The best combat helicopters in the world We offer you to get acquainted with the ten best helicopters

First seen over the battlefield during the Korean War, helicopters revolutionized military tactics. Today, rotorcraft confidently occupy their niche in the arsenal of modern armies and civil services, performing the tasks of transporting people and cargo, fire support, take part in search and rescue operations and reconnaissance missions.
To earn the right to be called the best, cars must show everything they are capable of. In the most severe climatic conditions, loaded "to the eyeballs", under enemy fire and at the limit of their capabilities.

We bring to your attention the top ten helicopters in the world according to the Military Channel. As always, the selection criteria will be the technical excellence of designs, production volumes, the legendary and chief and impartial judge - experience in military conflicts.

All 10 helicopters presented in the review have their own remarkable features, they all went through the school of survival in hot spots and received funny slang names.

Like any Military Channel show, this rating is not without bias. Another point of contention- how can you compare transport and attack helicopters? According to the creators of the rating, there are few highly specialized designs, most helicopters are multi-purpose. For example, a transport Mi-8 can successfully support fire ground troops, I'm not talking about his assault modification of the Mi-8AMTSh "Terminator".
All the necessary comments have been made, now I propose to get to know the technique better.

10th place - Cow

Mi-26 - heavy transport helicopter
First flight - 1977
310 built
Carrying capacity - 20 tons of cargo or 80 paratroopers

The rotary-wing heavyweight has become the largest helicopter in the world. Unique capabilities required special technical solutions. Eight-bladed main rotor, multi-threaded power transmission, three video cameras for monitoring the condition of the load on the external sling - these are just some of the features of this machine.
A serious test for the Mi-26 was the work to eliminate the consequences of the accident on Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Overloaded with lead radiation shielding, Mi-26s were engaged in complex assembly operations on the territory of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In order not to raise clouds of radioactive dust, it was necessary to work with an elongated external suspension, which required remarkable courage and skill from the crews. All Mi-26s that took part in this operation were buried in the Exclusion Zone.

9th place - Links (Lynx)

Westland Lynx - British multipurpose helicopter

First flight - 1971
400 built
Combat load - 750 kg, including 10 troops and outboard weapons: 4 anti-ship missiles in the marine version or 20 mm guns, 70 mm Hydra rockets and up to 8 TOW anti-tank missiles in the land version.

The appearance of the "Lynx" is not impressive: there is no aggressiveness of the American "Apache" or Mi-24 in it. But despite its typically civilian appearance, the combat "Lynx" is one of the most common ship-based helicopters in the world. Links took part in Falklands War- a cycle of naval battles, which has become the largest naval conflict since the Second World War. The combat debut was successful - the Lynxes of the Royal Navy sank an Argentine patrol ship with the help of Sea Scua anti-ship missiles. Over its forty-year history, the Lynxes made their mark in the war zone in the Balkans, where they ensured the blockade of the coast of Yugoslavia and in Iraq in the winter of 1991, destroying the T-43 minesweeper, 4 border boats, a landing ship and a missile boat.
But what makes the Westland Lynx truly unique? Incredibly, this unsightly machine holds the world speed record among serial helicopters - in 1986, the Lynx accelerated to 400 km / h.

8th place - Flying car

Boeing CH-47 "Chinook" - heavy military transport helicopter of the longitudinal scheme
First flight - 1961
1179 built
Carrying capacity: 12 tons of cargo or up to 55 people

An important property modern army is its mobility. If in global scale the transfer of troops provides transport aviation, then directly on the battlefield this is the task of helicopters.
This problem is especially acute for American army in Vietnam - mountainous terrain, drastic changes weather, the absence of maps and roads, the ubiquitous and numerous enemy - all this required a special aircraft. This is where the Chinook heavy transport helicopter came in handy, built according to an unusual longitudinal scheme with two rotors. During his long service, many funny stories have accumulated. For example, one of the loading options sounded like this: you can stuff 33 Americans or ... 55 Vietnamese into a Chinook. Once, during the evacuation of Vietnamese refugees, a record was registered: 147 people were taken on board.

"Flying wagons" tried to stay away from the battlefield, specializing in the transfer of cargo from ships to supply bases. Although more exotic applications are known: as bombers, smoke curtains, tear gas sprayers, artillery "tractors". They looked especially impressive in raids on evacuation of damaged aircraft: in the first year of hostilities, the Chinooks took out 100 planes and helicopters that made emergency landings.In total, during the Vietnam War, they evacuated a thousand devices with a total value of 3 billion dollars!
The helicopter is still in service, taking part in operations around the world.

7th place - Cobra

Bell AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter
First flight - 1965
1116 Cobras and 1271 Super Cobras built
Built-in weapons: a remote-controlled installation with two six-barreled Miniguns + 4 suspension points, on which containers with machine guns, air-to-air missiles, 70 mm NURSs, TOW anti-tank guided missiles can be placed.

Scary helicopter. As if Death itself descended from heaven in the guise of a narrow, sinister silhouette of the Cobra. The nose machine gun turret continued to fire even if the helicopter was flying in the other direction. Bloody Vietnam, the Middle East, where the Cobras unexpectedly turned into tank hunters, the meat grinder in Waziristan, Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq - this is an incomplete track record of the Cobra ...

The AH-1 was the world's first purpose-built attack helicopter. The pilots' cockpits and side projections are protected by NORAC composite armor. "Cobra" received a powerful sighting system that allows you to work on targets in any weather conditions.
To date, the upgraded "Cobra" is in service with the US Marine Corps. The light compact helicopter has excellent characteristics for being deployed on amphibious assault ships and aircraft carriers.

6th place - Crocodile

Mi-24 - transport and combat helicopter
NATO code name - Hind ("Doe")
First flight - 1969
Over 2000 units built
Built-in armament: four-barreled machine gun of 12.7 mm caliber on a mobile mount; suspended weapons: free-fall bombs, NURSs with a caliber from 57 to 240 mm, the Falanga anti-tank missile system, suspended cannon containers, as well as up to 8 people in the troop compartment.

American experts issued a stunning verdict: the Mi-24 is not a helicopter! Like this. No more and no less.
The Mi-24 looks like a helicopter, it is used as a helicopter, but from a technical point of view, it is a hybrid of an airplane and a helicopter. Indeed, the Mi-24 cannot hover in one place or take off from a "patch" - it needs a runway (under normal load, the takeoff run is 100 ... 150 meters). What's the secret? Visually, the Mi-24 has disproportionately large pylons (in fact, these are decent-sized wings). US Air Force specialists, testing the Crocodile that fell into their hands, determined that at least a quarter of the lift it creates with the help of wings, moreover, on high speeds, the value can reach 40%.
The Mi-24 piloting technique is also unusual - when the lift force decreases, the pilot slightly lowers the nose - the car accelerates and lift occurs on the wings. Like on a plane.

And you thought such wings for beauty?

What are the benefits of this outlandish hybrid? Firstly, the Mi-24 was created according to the concept of a "flying infantry fighting vehicle", which required non-standard technical solutions from the designers - heavy armor, troop compartment and a powerful weapon system did not fit in a standard helicopter design. Secondly, due to its "aircraft" qualities, the heavy "Crocodile" is one of the fastest combat helicopters in the world (maximum speed - 320 km / h).
"Crocodile" fought in the gorges of the Caucasus and the Pamir Mountains, in the sultry Asian deserts and tropical forests Equatorial Africa. But military glory came to him in Afghanistan. The unique rotary-wing attack aircraft became a symbol of that war.

According to the Iraqi government newspaper The Baghdad Observer, in 1982, during the Iran-Iraq War, an Mi-24 shot down an Iranian F-4 Phantom supersonic fighter. Unfortunately, the exact details of that battle remain unclear. But it is known for certain that Hussein's pilots on the Mi-24 shot down two dozen Iranian helicopters. On this occasion - black humor from the creators of the rating: "Never smile at the crocodile!" (Never mess with a crocodile).
But the best thing about the "Crocodile" was said by an Afghan Mujahideen in an interview with an American news channel: We are not afraid of the Russians, but we are afraid of their helicopters.

5th place - Stallion

Sikorsky CH-53E “Super Stallion” - heavy transport helicopter
First flight - 1974
Built - 115 units
Carrying capacity - 13 tons of payload in the cargo compartment or up to 14.5 tons on an external sling; or 55 paratroopers

The giant flying boat CH-53E is a deep modernization of the famous helicopter CH-53 "Sea Stalyen", created in 1964 specifically for the needs of the Navy, Marine Corps and US Coast Guard. Specialists of the Sikorsky company mounted a third engine and a seven-blade main rotor on the original design, for which the sailors called the modernized helicopter "Hurricane Maker" (literally - "hurricane maker"), such a powerful whirlwind of water spray and elastic air jets is created by the power plant CH- 53E.

Night operation, Iraq

What else is famous for "Stallion" (namely, this is how Stallion is translated)? On this huge machine, the "dead loop" was demonstrated!
The naval career of the CH-53 and CH-53E was not limited to standard transport missions. Rotary-wing flying boats were used as minesweepers(modification MH-53) and took part in search and rescue operations (modification HH-53). The in-flight refueling system installed on the helicopter allows you to stay in the air day and night.
"Stallion" took root on land - the military liked the powerful transport helicopter. In Iraq and Afghanistan, the CH-53 and CH-53E were used as Gunships, supporting ground forces with fire. In total, the CH-53 family includes 522 helicopters built.

4th place - Huey (Iroquois)

Bell UH-1 - multi-purpose military helicopter
First flight - 1956
Built - more than 16,000 units
Carrying capacity: 1.5 tons or 12-14 soldiers.

This private "air cavalry", along with napalm, became a symbol of the Vietnam War. Veterans remember that the Hueys became their home - helicopters delivered them to the position, brought them equipment, supplied them with provisions and ammunition, covered them from the air, and evacuated them from the battlefield in case of injury. Despite huge losses (3000 vehicles did not return to base), combat use Huey is recognized as a success. According to dry statistics, over the 11 years of the war, helicopters made 36 million sorties, i.e. one irretrievable loss accounted for 18,000 sorties - a completely unique result! And this despite the fact that the Huey did not have a reservation at all.

Before the advent of specialized "Cobras", "Huey" had to perform shock operations - a pair of 12.7 mm machine guns and 48 unguided missiles on the suspension turned the UH-1 into a hellish machine. The fire of the tactical battle group "Eagle Flight" (Flight of the Eagles - American tactics the use of helicopters) from 10 ... 12 vehicles was equal to the fire of two infantry battalions.

The Huey is Hollywood's favorite helicopter. No action movie is complete without a UH-1 flight scene. As expected, the heroes are sitting in a cockpit open on both sides, carelessly dangling their legs overboard.
Huey holds another record - so many of them were produced that by the end of the 60s, the American troops in Indochina had more helicopters than all the other armies in the world combined. Military and civilian versions of the Huey were delivered to 70 countries around the world (almost like a Kalashnikov assault rifle).

3rd place - Mi-8

Multipurpose helicopter
First flight - 1961
Built - more than 17,000 units
Load capacity: 3 tons or 24 people
Combat load of shock modifications: 2-3 machine guns and up to 1.5 tons of weapons on 6 hardpoints, including 57 mm unguided rockets, free-fall bombs and anti-tank complex"Phalanx".

Created 50 years ago, the helicopter turned out to be so successful that it still receives orders from all over the world. It has three dozen civil and military modifications. It is used as a transport and attack helicopter, used for reconnaissance, as command post, minelayer, tanker and ambulance helicopter. Civilian versions serve passenger airlines, are used in agriculture and during the liquidation of the consequences of natural and man-made disasters.

Military modification of the Mi-8TV ("heavy weapons")

The helicopter is simple, reliable, operated in any conditions - from the hot Sahara to the Far North. Passed all military conflicts, including Afghanistan, Chechnya and the Middle East. And he won't be able to find a replacement anytime soon.

2nd place - Apache

Boeing AH-64 "Apache" - attack helicopter
First flight - 1975
Built - 1174 units
Built-in weapons - 30 mm automatic cannon. Suspended weapons - 16 Hellfire anti-tank missiles, 76 NURS 70 mm caliber or Stinger missile systems for air combat.

"Apache" is a cult machine that has become the prototype of a whole class of modern combat helicopters. He gained fame during Desert Storm, where, according to NATO representatives, he successfully fought tanks. Regularly used by the Israel Defense Forces Air Force.
Only one helicopter - the Russian Mi-28N "Night Hunter" - was able to openly challenge Apache during the Indian tender for the supply of combat helicopters in the fall of 2011. But the old warrior turned out to be smarter and more agile than the young recruit - the electronics “finished” during numerous conflicts allowed the modern modification of the AH-64D “Apache Longbow” to operate more effectively in dark time days. However, Indian experts noted that the Apache design had exhausted its reserves for modernization, and its flight performance characteristics (static and dynamic ceiling) were inferior Russian helicopter, just starting his battle path.

More recently, in 2002, the Mi-35 (an export version of the Mi-24 with modern avionics) of the DPRK Air Force was "banged" from an ambush by a South Korean Apache. South Korea acknowledged the loss and demanded that the United States conduct a free (!) Modernization of the entire fleet of its Apaches to the Longbow version. They are still judging.

1st place - Black Hawk

Sikorsky UH-60 "Black Hawk" - multi-purpose helicopter
First flight - 1974
Built - 3000 units
Carrying capacity: 1500 kg of cargo and various equipment inside the cargo compartment or up to 4 tons on an external sling. The landing version takes on board 14 fighters.
Combat load of shock vehicles: 2 machine guns, 4 suspension points. The standard weapon system is NURSs, anti-tank Hellfires, containers with 30 mm guns. Naval versions are armed with 324 mm torpedoes and AGM-119 “Penguin” anti-ship missiles.

Without any exaggeration, the Black Hawk is a helicopter of the 21st century, despite the fact that it was created 40 years ago. Multipurpose army helicopter was intended to replace the Iroquois, while its naval version, the Sea Hawk, was being developed in parallel. The result is universal platform for all types of troops, and in terms of the totality of characteristics - best helicopter in the world.
In addition to the basic UH-60 land version, there are 2 anti-submarine versions SH-60B “Sea Hawk” and SH-60F “Ocean Hawk” (equipped with a magnetometer and a descending sonar station), a helicopter HH-60 “Rescue Hawk” for combat search and rescue And special operations, as well as a line of MH-60 "Knighthawk" models, including carrier-based helicopters, fire support helicopters, special operations vehicles, ambulance versions, jammers, etc. Sometimes used as staff helicopters for officials high rank and generals. Actively exported.

good appliances

The Black Hawk is saturated to the limit with high-tech equipment, which places high demands on the maintenance personnel and does not allow it to be stored outside the hangar for a long time.
The military plans to make the MH-60 a single type of helicopter for all branches of the military and fleet, which should radically reduce costs and simplify maintenance. With his appearance, he replaced the army "Iroquois" and the sea "Seasprite". Now the Black Hawk is successfully duplicating the tasks of transport helicopters and fire support helicopters, replacing the MH-53 sea minesweepers and SH-3 “Sea King” heavy helicopters.


There are exactly 10 places in the top ten. But why didn’t the iconic Ka-50 Black Shark helicopter make it into the rating? Do American experts not even suspect the existence of this machine. Despite the excellent flight characteristics and unsurpassed maneuverability, only 15 Sharks were produced, the Ka-50 never went beyond the experimental machine. The American AH-56 Cheyenne, an infernal rotorcraft, did not make it into the rating, compared to which all existing Cobras and Apaches are ugly ducklings. On tests, the car showed a speed of more than 400 km / h! Alas, only 10 Cheyennes were produced and the helicopter never hit the troops.
It remains only to summarize - the advanced design and excellent flight performance characteristics do not make the car the best yet. Much more important is its mass appearance in the troops (which allows you to quickly test the car in all modes and cure "childhood diseases" that any design suffers from) and the correct tactics of use.

First project aircraft, similar to a modern helicopter, was created by Leonardo da Vinci back in 1475. But for the first time, a man managed to get off the ground in a rotorcraft only on September 29, 1907 - the brothers Louis and Jacques Breguet made the first ever vertical flight in a helicopter built according to their own drawings.

But the helicopters of the Breguet brothers, like all previous projects, were designed only for vertical lifting. On May 18, 1911, Russian engineer Boris Yuryev published in the journal Automobile and Aeronautics a diagram of a single-rotor helicopter with a tail rotor and an automatic swashplate. Until now, this mechanism is used on most helicopters and allows machines to fly on a horizontal axis.

Speed ​​is important technical specification helicopter. To improve the speed characteristics, developers use various carrier systems with different amount propellers and blades, and some models are equipped with special push propellers. Over the century-old history of helicopters, aircraft designers have managed to "disperse" them to almost 500 km / h. This week, the editors of the Swedish Internet portal expressen.se ranked modern helicopters, naming the Top 10 fastest rotorcraft.

1st place
Helicopter Eurocopter X3. Maximum speed - 472 km / h

Experimental hybrid helicopter (rotorcraft), created by Eurocopter. The first flight took place in 2010 in France

2nd place
AH-64D Apache. Maximum speed - 365 km / h

Since the mid-1980s, the Apache has been the main attack helicopter of the US Army. First saw combat during the American invasion of Panama in 1989.

3rd place
Ka-52 "Alligator". Maximum speed - 350 km / h

The multipurpose attack helicopter is an upgraded version of the Ka-50 Black Shark. It made its first flight in 1997 and has been mass-produced since 2008. The only combat helicopter in the world in which the pilots sit side by side, and not one behind the other

4th place
NH90. Maximum speed - 324 km / h

NH90 is a multipurpose helicopter developed by Eurocopter. Made first flight in 1995

5th place
Boeing CH-47 Chinook. Maximum speed - 315 km / h

American heavy military transport helicopter of the longitudinal scheme. Operated since the early 60s

6th place
Mi-35M. Maximum speed - 310 km / h

It is an improved modification of the Mi-24 helicopter. Serially produced since 2005

7th place
AgustaWestland AW101 Merlin (before 2007 it was called EH101). Maximum speed - 309 km / h

Medium-lift helicopter used for military and civil purposes. First flew in 1987

8th place
Agusta Westland AW139. Maximum speed - 306 km / h

Anglo-Italian twin-engine multipurpose helicopter. Army modification can accommodate up to 10 soldiers in full gear. The first flight took place in 2001

9th place
Mi-28N " Night Hunter". Maximum speed - 300 km / h

A selection of the best this moment attack helicopters which are in service with the leading countries of the world.

Yes, it's time for the Chinese military equipment began to hit the tops. CAIC WZ-10 is the first Chinese attack helicopter with a tandem cockpit, was put into service in 2011. It was developed in cooperation with the Kamov Design Bureau, a trifle but nice. 1285 hp each. Top speed 300 km/h.

The progenitor of all Russian attack helicopters, the legend of all times and peoples, meet the Mi 24 !!! Year of creation 1971. Capable of transporting up to 8 people. Maximum speed 335 km/h. .

Incredibly, attack helicopters are also produced in .... South Africa. As many as 12 vehicles are in service with this country. It was created on the basis of Aerospatiale puma. The maximum speed is 309 km / h. The main armament consists of 20 mm cannons with an ammunition load of 700 shells, and the same from guided and non-guided missiles.

Bell Ah 1 Super Cobra is the brainchild of the American military machine. I think those who played Battlefield Vietnam immediately recognized this rotorcraft, it was his donor, Bell Ah 1 Cobra provided air support to US troops in the bloody war with Vietnam. Bell Ah 1 Super cobra to this day forms the basis of US attack helicopter aviation, although it was developed in the 80s. The maximum speed is 282 km / h. The armament is standard for this type of helicopter: 20 mm cannon with 750 rounds of ammunition and missiles of various classes.

A129 Developed by Italian designers from Agusta. So the Italians can make not only sports cars but also cool helicopters. By the way, this is the first helicopter that was completely independently developed in Western Europe.Maximum speed 250 km/h. Powered by Rolls Royce Gem 2-1004D turbo engines (881 hp)

AH 1Z Viper is essentially a more sophisticated modification of the Bell Ah 1 Super Сobra. It has an upgraded guidance, aiming and firing system. It was adopted relatively recently in 2011. The maximum speed is 287 km / h. It has two very powerful engines with a capacity of 1723 hp. with each.

Eurocopter Tiger is another European, created in the alliance of Germany with France. Start of production in 2002. It is in service with the following countries: Germany, France, Australia, Spain. It is armed with a 30 mm cannon.

MI 28N Known as the Night Hunter, a deeply modified version of the MI 28. Adopted in 2013. It has no analogues in the world in many technical parameters. It has the most modern equipment. It is capable of operating in the most severe weather conditions. duplicated. It develops 300 km / h, thanks to two engines with a total power of 4400 hp !!! Armed with a 30 mm cannon as well as rockets.

AH64D Apache Longbow Undoubtedly one of the best helicopters in the history of aircraft construction. It is equipped with the most modern electronic systems. This helicopter is armed with attention .... 70 mm cannon (!!!) It can also carry up to 16 missiles of various classes. Maximum speed 265 km / h. The power of the engines is 1890 hp each. I note that this helicopter showed itself especially brightly in the war in the Persian Gulf.

The AH64D Apache Longbow is certainly good, but still the best is probably the domestic KA 52 Alligator. It has absolutely unique maneuverability and tremendous firepower. combat missions in absolutely any weather conditions and even in a hurricane! The total power of the engines is 5000 hp. It is armed with the Whirlwind anti-tank missile system that penetrates 900 mm armor. It also has a 30 mm cannon that has no analogues in the world, which is capable of penetrating 15 mm armor from a distance of up to 1.5 km. Thanks to the Kamov Design Bureau for the safety of our borders.

A helicopter is a very effective means for delivering goods (especially to hard-to-reach places), for rescuing people, and also for military use, including as strike weapon. From their first appearance during the Second World War to the present day, helicopters have been an indispensable tool in military conflicts.

We have prepared for you a list of the ten best attack helicopters in the world. Helicopters were evaluated on several characteristics, including avionics, maneuverability, speed and firepower.



Attack helicopter CAIC WZ-10 (China)

CAIC WZ-10- the first Chinese attack helicopter with a tandem cockpit. Was adopted Chinese army in 2011. This helicopter was developed with the help of the Russian KB Kamov.

The helicopter has a standard configuration, with a narrow fuselage tandem cockpit. Weapons in CAIC WZ-10 may consist of a 23 mm cannon, guided and unguided air-to-ground and air-to-air missiles.

CAIC WZ-10 equipped with two 1285 hp turboshaft engines. every. The maximum speed of the helicopter is over 300 km/h. The body is made using stealth technology.



This is the first Soviet strike (attack helicopter), which was released in 1971 and was actively used in various military conflicts. For all the time, more than 3,500 units of this machine were produced in various modifications.

Mi-24 was the Soviet counterpart AN-64 Apache, but unlike the Apache and other Western helicopters, the Mi-24 is also capable of carrying up to eight passengers.

Max speed Mi-24 in horizontal flight is 335 km / h. The helicopter is equipped with various small arms and cannon weapons, depending on the modification. It can also be equipped with various air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles and unguided rockets or various bomb weapons.


Denel AH-2 Rooivalk

This helicopter is manufactured in South Africa by Denel Aerospace Systems. In South Africa Air Force only 12 attack helicopters are active Denel AH-2 Rooivalk. And, although they look like completely new machines, nevertheless, their production was established on the basis of helicopters. Aerospatiale Puma. In particular, the Denel AH-2 Rooivalk uses the same engines and main rotor.

Denel AH-2 Rooivalk equipped with two Turbomeca Makila 1K2 turboshaft power plants with a capacity of 1376 kW each.
The maximum speed of the Denel AH-2 Rooivalk is 309 km/h.

The helicopter is equipped with a 20 mm cannon with 700 rounds, as well as guided and unguided rockets.


Bell AH-1 Super Cobra

Bell AH-1 Super Cobra is a US Army twin-engine helicopter based on a single-engine helicopter AH-1 Cobra. Created back in the early 1980s, this helicopter is the main attack helicopter of the Marine Corps in the United States.

The power plant of the helicopter consists of two turboshaft engines General Electric T700-GE-401 with a capacity of 1285 kW each.
The maximum speed of the helicopter is 282 km/h.

The helicopter is equipped with a 20mm cannon with 750 rounds of ammunition, guided air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles, as well as unguided rockets and bombs.

Twenty-seven models of military combat helicopters are used in the world, and many people were probably wondering which one is the best. The following list of the ten most advanced combat helicopters in the world is based on a combination of performance, speed, protection, maneuverability and firepower.

1. Boeing AH-64D "Longbow Apache"

Boeing AH-64 "Apache Longbow" became the most powerful anti-tank weapon in the Gulf War. latest version AH-64D is AH-64E Apache Guardian. The AH-64 Apache is armed with a 30mm M230 cannon, 16 AGM-114L Hellfire 2 anti-tank missiles, 4 Stinger or 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, 2 AGM-122 Sidearm anti-radar missiles, and 4 suspensions of 19 volleys 70mm Hydra 70 unguided rockets.

2. Mi-24 Lan

The Mi-24 is one of the most famous landing and attack helicopters in the world, which is operated by the air forces of 50 countries. Although the production of the Mi-24 was discontinued in 1991, it is considered one of the best and most modern combat helicopters in history. The Mi-24 is armed with a 23-mm double-barreled gun, as well as 2K8 Falanga and Shturm anti-tank guided missiles.

3. Agusta A129 "Mangusta"

First attack helicopter special purpose that was released in Western Europe is the Agusta A129 Mangusta. This is a two-seat, twin-engine light combat helicopter designed specifically for anti-missile attacks. It has a 20mm cannon and can carry 12mm machine guns. The Mangusta is equipped with 8 TOW-2A anti-tank missiles and 52 70mm (or 81mm) Medusa rockets.

4. Denel AH-2 "Rooivalk"

South Africa
Rooivalk is a new next generation helicopter from Denel Aviation from South Africa. The AH-2 Rooivalk can carry a variety of weapons depending on the mission profile. The basic modification is equipped with a 20 mm F2 cannon, 4 launchers for TOW or Denel ZT-6 Mokopa anti-tank missiles and launchers for 70 mm unguided rockets.


CAIC Z-10 is a new and first specialized Chinese combat helicopter developed on the basis of the "Project 941" of the Russian bureau of Kamov. It is believed to be in the same class as the A-129 Mangusta and AH-2 Rooivalk. It has a standard attack helicopter configuration with a narrow fuselage and stepped tandem cockpits. The Z-10 is equipped with a 30mm cannon, HJ-9 or HJ-10 anti-tank missiles, TY-90 air-to-air missiles and 4 rocket launchers.

6. Eurocopter "Tiger"

One of the most advanced combat helicopters, the Eurocopter Tiger, is currently operated by German and French air force. It is a four-bladed, twin-engine, medium-lift helicopter that first entered service in 2003. Tiger has a 30mm cannon, 8 HOT 2, HOT 3 or Trigat 2 anti-tank missiles, four short-range air-to-air Stinger 2 or Mistral missiles, 68 68mm unguided rockets and 12.7mm machine guns on hangers.

7. Mi-28 Night Hunter

The Russian Mi-28 all-weather two-seat anti-tank helicopter is one of the most advanced combat armored helicopters in the world. The Russian army received it into service in 2006. Mi-28, which can develop top speed 320 km/h, armed with 30 mm cannon, 9 anti-tank guided missiles M114 Shturm-S, 9 missiles M120/M121F Whirlwind or A-2200.

8. Ka-52 "Alligator"

The newer, improved two-seat version of the Ka-50 is one of the fastest and most advanced combat helicopters in the world. The Ka-52 "Alligator" is a multi-purpose, incredibly powerful attack helicopter, which is one of the most maneuverable helicopters in the world, and is also capable of flying both day and night. The Ka-52 uses a 30 mm cannon (460 rounds), 12 Whirlwind (AT-9) anti-tank missiles or 4 Igla-B air-to-air missiles, and can also carry Igla unguided rockets. .

9. Bell AH-1Z "Viper"

The most technically advanced combat helicopter in the world is the Bell AH-1Z, which is the modern version of the AH-1 Cobra. It is the only combat helicopter with a fully integrated air-to-air missile system. The AH-1Z Viper is equipped with a 20mm triple-barreled cannon (750 rounds), AGM-114A/B/C anti-tank missiles, AGM-114F anti-ship missiles, AIM-9 air-to-air missiles, pods with 70mm unguided rockets and bombs .

10. AH-64E "Apache Guardian"

In the US, the Boeing AH-64E Apache Guardian is the most advanced combat helicopter ever built. The Apache Guardian has a top speed of 300 km/h and is equipped with a 30mm cannon, 16 AGM-114L Hellfire missiles, 2 anti-tank missiles, 4 AIM-92 Stinger or 2 AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles, 2 anti-missile missiles AGM-122 Sidearm, as well as the suspension of Hydra 70 unguided missiles with 19 rounds.

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