Klokov is the husband of Maria Mironova. Maria Mironova's husband took his son from the young model. The son of Maria Mironova married to Udalov

Scandals, jealousy and drunken antics, which were an integral part of her life and became the reason that the third husband of Maria Mironova actor Alexey Makarov did not live up to her hopes and gave her not happiness, but continuous torment. They were legally married for only a short time, only a year, despite their intense romance, which at one time caused a lot of rumors. They hid their relationship for a long time and first appeared in public in the fall of 2011, and immediately everyone around them began to gossip about their imminent wedding.

In the photo Maria Mironova and Alexey Makarov

The celebration took place two months later, and was quite quiet, without unnecessary ceremony. Difficulties in their family began during the filming of “The Three Musketeers” by Sergei Zhigunov, in which Maria Mironova’s husband was supposed to play the role of Porthos, and she was supposed to play the queen. And if at the beginning of the filming process the caring husband did not leave his wife, who was ill with pneumonia, looked after her and did not give reasons for concern, then by the time work on the film was completed, everything changed in the worst side. The reason for the separation, they say, was the uncontrollable jealousy of Makarov, who could not calmly watch his wife play in rather frank love scenes, which he took too close to his heart.

In the photo Maria with her first husband Igor Udalov

By the end of the filming process, they moved from the common room to different rooms. After the separation, Maria Mironova’s husband, without thinking twice, returned to his previous family, from which Masha took him away. Marriage to Alexei Makarov is not the first for the actress. Maria Mironova's first husband was an entrepreneur Igor Udalov, who was ten years older than the actress. He surrounded his young wife with care, bought an apartment and tried to indulge all her desires. They had a son, but after seven years family life their marriage broke up. The reason for the separation was Maria Mironova’s new hobby - Dmitry Klokov, Advisor to the Minister of Energy. Although new chosen one was ten years younger than Masha, they got married and lived happily for five years.

In the photo Maria Mironova and Dmitry Klokov

Then there was talk that Maria Mironova’s husband was cheating on her, which the actress could not forgive. After her divorce from Klokov, Maria decided to return to her first husband, who was not against this return. By that time, he, too, had already gone through a second divorce, and was completely free. Now they decided to live in a guest marriage, which perhaps could have returned them to a normal, happy family life if Masha had not met Makarov. With her first husband, the actress managed to stay in good relations, she even claims that she has love and tender feelings for him.
Interesting too.

Andrey Igorevich Udalov. Born on June 4, 1992 in Moscow. Russian actor theater and cinema. Grandson of Andrei Mironov.

Father - Igor Aleksandrovich Udalov, businessman, president of the World Fashion Channel Russia television company.

Mother - , Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, Honored Artist of Russia.

Grandfather - Soviet theater and film actor, National artist RSFSR.

Grandmother - , Soviet actress theater and cinema.

Andrei’s parents lived together for more than seven years, but then Maria Mironova began an affair with actor and PR man Dmitry Klokov, who is ten years younger than her. She divorced Andrei's father and married Dmitry.

After the divorce, Igor Udalov continued to help raise his son.

WITH early years Andrey plunged into the creative atmosphere, and not only of theater and cinema. He is well versed in painting, which his mother introduced him to: Maria often took her son to museums. Andrei Udalov said in one of his interviews that he loves the artists Bruegel, Rembrandt, Goya, Renoir and Bosch.

After school, he entered the Moscow City University of Management of the Moscow Government (MSUU) at the department of socio-cultural activities. But I only studied at the university for a year, after which I quit and decided to continue family dynasty- become an actor.

In 2014 he graduated from TI named after. Shchukin, workshop of Vladimir Ivanov. Diploma performances: Cat - “Puss in Boots”, C. Perrault (dir. Vladimir Ivanov); Ivan Maksimovich Molchanov, spendthrift - “Spendthrift”, N. S. Leskov (dir. Rodion Ovchinnikov); Lysander - “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, W. Shakespeare (dir. Pavel Safonov); Alfredo - “Kitchen”, A. Wesker (dir. Kirill Pirogov); “Musaica”, class-concert (dir. Vladimir Ivanov).

Since 2015 - actor of the Theater. Vakhtangov. Andrei himself said: “I dreamed of working at the Vakhtangov Theater. By the way, grandfather Andrei also wanted to work there, but he was not accepted.” Among his works in this theater: Floridor / Celestin - “Mademoiselle Nitouche”, based on the operetta by F. Herve (dir. Vladimir Ivanov); “The Imaginary Invalid”, Molière (dir. Silviu Purcarete).

He made his film debut in 2009 in the film “The Man from Capucino Boulevard.” Then he played small roles in the films “Betrayal” and “Nightingale the Robber.”

In 2018, a historical series with his participation, “The Golden Horde,” was released, in which he played Trishka.

The first serious work in cinema was the main role in war drama directed by Alexey Kozlov "Save Leningrad". His mother Maria Mironova even announced the start of Andrei’s filming in a significant project on social networks, expressing confidence that her son will succeed: “First day of filming! the main role! Huge project! Russian "Titanic". God bless you, son! We will finally send Leonardo DiCaprio to his well-deserved retirement.”

According to the plot of the film “Save Leningrad” (by the way, the plot of the film is based on real events), wanting to protect his only son from participating in violent defensive battles, Colonel Gorelov puts Kostya on Barge 752, next for evacuation. His beloved girl Nastya is sailing with Kostya (she is played by his daughter famous actress). They are happy to be together. And only for this reason, cadet Kostya Gorelov agrees with his father’s arguments. By the time the decision is made, none of them yet know that, in fact, the young people are going to hell, because in a few hours the ship, crowded with people, will be caught in a severe storm and under fire from enemy aircraft.

Andrey Udalov in the film "Save Leningrad"

In 2019, he played the role of Johann of Denmark in the historical project “Godunov”.

Andrey Udalov's height: 183 centimeters.

Maria Andreevna Mironova is a Russian theater and film actress, known primarily for productions of the Lenkom Theater and Pavel Lungin’s films “Wedding” and “Oligarch”. She is the daughter of the famous actor Andrei Mironov.

Childhood and family

Maria Mironova was born on May 28, 1973 in the family of the outstanding Soviet actor Andrei Mironov and his first wife, actress Ekaterina Gradova, who became famous for her role as radio operator Kat from the mini-series “17 Moments of Spring.” It was in this film, by the way, that Maria herself made her debut - the radio operator held the tiny baby in her arms (although in the story the child was male).

Andrei and Ekaterina met at the Satire Theater. The marriage proposal followed quickly, after a couple of dates. Evil tongues said that by doing so the artist wanted to annoy his ex-lover Tatiana Egorova. One way or another, the wedding took place in 1971, and two years later Masha was born. The girl was named after her paternal grandmother.

In 1976, the couple filed for divorce. Andrei Mironov left the family for his longtime lover, actress Larisa Golubkina, adopting her 3-year-old daughter, also Maria. Subsequently, Ekaterina almost abandoned her profession, and in the early 90s she completely moved to a village in the Vladimir region, where she lived with her new husband, physicist Igor Timofeev. Soon after the wedding, they took into their care a boy from the orphanage, Sasha Sukhoverkov (born 1992).

As a child, Masha rarely saw her father, but all close families claimed that she inherited his refined manners, excellent taste, memorable appearance and, of course, his inner core. She grew up as a calm, silent child; she loved to look at her mother’s stage outfits and give her advice on their design.

Interview with Maria Mironova in the program “Temporarily Available”

From the age of three, Maria dreamed of becoming a dancer. The girl begged her mother to send her to ballet school, and at home she loved to dress up, turn on music and imagine herself in the place of Maya Plisetskaya or Isadora Duncan. However, she had to be content with an ordinary dance class, which gave her an even posture and a smooth gait.

First role

Maria Mironova's full-fledged film debut took place in 1981. A 10-year-old girl played Becky Thatcher in Stanislav Govorukhin’s children’s film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” Maria recalled that she herself had no particular desire to act in film, but, as often happens, her parents decided everything for her. By the way, the film became the acting debut for Vladislav Galkin.

But she really enjoyed the filming process itself, despite the numerous inconveniences. Filming took place in Sukhumi in forty-degree heat. Masha, sweltering from the heat, was supposed to perform a scene with the bull, but he did not listen. Then they put a goat in the schoolgirl’s arms, which smelled quite bad. Then the filming moved to a terribly cold cave - it was necessary to walk through stalactites.

Maria also recalled that she was terribly afraid of the main villain of the film, Injun Joe, so she constantly asked the team “Where is he?” Panic fear did not pass in front of the Indian even after the actress was introduced to the actor who played his role, Talgat Nigmatulin, who treated him to young actress sweets.

Father's death

At the age of 14, Maria experienced a terrible loss - the death of her father. He lost consciousness during the last scene of The Marriage of Figaro, without finishing it. At that fateful moment, Maria was sitting in the auditorium. During the intermission, the girl came into Mironov’s dressing room - he told her that he wanted to go to Holland in the fall. It seemed to her that her father’s face was red, but he just waved it off: “Overheated in the sun - playing tennis.” When Andrei fell to the floor in the final scene, Maria seemed to feel that this was the end.

His death made me re-evaluate a lot of things. I myself for a long time I couldn’t comprehend what happened...

After being hospitalized with a diagnosis of “brain aneurysm,” doctors fought for the actor’s life for two days. Maria spent the night of August 14-15 at her hospital bed. On August 16, 1987, Andrei Mironov passed away without regaining consciousness.

Education. Birth of a son

Maria did not intend to become an actress, but after graduation home school No. 113 in Degtyarny Lane I thought - why not? In 1990, she became a student at the Theater School. Shchukin, where her father once studied. The girl studied on the course of Yuri Lyubimov.

She failed to graduate from Shchuka - the reason for this was an affair with businessman Igor Udalov, 8 years older than her. She met him in Yalta, on the set of the film “The Tale of Wanderings” (her father took her with him), while still a 9-year-old girl. After finishing her first year, Maria took maternity leave. On June 4, 1992, their son was born, named Andrei in honor of his famous grandfather.

In 1993, having completely devoted a year and a half of her life to her son, Maria transferred to Mikhail Gluzsky’s course at VGIK. Maria received the long-awaited diploma in 1997. Her graduation performances were a vaudeville based on the stories of Arkady Averchenko and the play “The Last” based on Gorky.

Even before graduating from VGIK, Maria Mironova became part of the troupe of the Lenkom Theater, for which she had tender feelings from an early age, rejecting the invitation of the “School of Modern Play”. The first performance with her participation was “The Marriage of Figaro”, where she got the role of Fanchetta. Subsequently, she took part in the productions of “Two Women”, “The Executioner’s Executioner”, “Barbarian and Heretic”, “City of Millionaires”, “The Taming of the Shrew” and many others.

Film career

Maria came to big cinema relatively late - in 2000, having received the main female role in Pavel Lungin’s film “The Wedding”. As Maria recalled, the newspapers then were full of headlines “Maria Mironova returned to cinema 20 years later” - the authors counted the time since the release of “Tom Sawyer”, which misled readers.

Maria got into the picture with virtually no auditions - Lungin was impressed by her performance in the play “Two Women” and tried her in his previous film “Life Line”. Moreover, Maria was entrusted with the choice of an on-screen partner, who eventually became Marat Basharov. According to the actress, an unprecedented atmosphere of harmony and mutual understanding reigned on the set.

The film was shot near Tula. The actress recalled that the film crew lived there almost continuously for two months, only sometimes the actors were allowed to go to Moscow. With such a schedule, everyone was on the rise and easily withstood the next night shooting - it was at this time that work on the set was simply in full swing. I had enough strength for everything, even with a minimum amount of time to sleep.

Maria Mironova and Pavel Lungin. Interview

Pavel Lungin managed to gather a unique acting ensemble in one place: Maria Mironova, Maria Golubkina, Marat Basharov, Andrey Panin, Alexander Semchev, Natalya Kolyakanova... The young actors brought energy and a share of recklessness to the filming process - the film received many warm reviews, as well as the Cannes Film Festival prize for “Best Casting”.

In the same 2000, Maria Mironova worked on the drama “Russian Revolt” by Alexander Proshkin, and two years later she again worked with Lungin. This time she got the main female role in the drama “Oligarch”, which told about the fate of businessman Platon Makovsky, modern Ostap Bender, whose role was masterfully played by Vladimir Mashkov.

Initially, Pavel Lungin did not see Maria as the only woman in Makovsky’s life (her heroine’s name was also Maria), who could not be bought for any money. The director believed that the fragile and tender Mironova did not have enough life experience to embody the role of an unhappy woman-muse. Lungin gave Maria the script to read with the words: “There is no role for you, but you can become a model or a journalist. I don't think it's yours."

Mironova went through the script and realized that this beautifully written, complex role in the excellent script of the film of her favorite director simply had to go to her. And she managed to convince Lungin by presenting an argument in the form of her 9-year-old son.

During filming, she had to play an explicit scene with Vladimir Mashkov. After the premiere of the film, journalists repeatedly asked whether it was difficult to play love scenes, to which the actress replied that this was her profession. And she added that she would never participate in such scenes if they were “far-fetched.” But in “Oligarch” the scene looked harmonious - there was no place for rudeness and vulgarity.

One of bright works Maria Mironova became Madame Julie in “State Councilor” by Philip Yankovsky. Although the much-hyped film did not live up to the advances, critics spoke with enthusiasm about Maria’s work, which did not fade even against the backdrop of the powerful charisma of Nikita Mikhalkov, and her tandem with Konstantin Khabensky.

Over the course of several years, Maria’s filmography has been replenished with many high-profile projects. Among them: “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov and its continuation (the role of Yegor’s mother), the historical series “The Death of an Empire” (the role of Elena Saburova), the tragicomedy “Dispatching from Mars” (the role of Natasha Strelnikova), the new “The Three Musketeers” from Sergei Zhigunova (the role of Queen Anne).

Separately, we can note the detective series “The Cry of an Owl”, in which Maria got the role of postal worker Nina Kaverina, the object of desire of two policemen who disliked each other (Sergei Puskepalis and Andrei Merzlikin).

As Maria noted, her current roles are different from those at the beginning of her film career. “I choose only interesting scripts with a clearly defined character. If I open a script and see something like “tall, attractive blonde,” I immediately close it.”

Personal life of Maria Mironova

As Maria’s comrades at the Shchukin School recalled, in her first year the girl had an affair with the actor’s son

Mironova Maria Andreevna is famous star theater and cinema, not only Russian, but also Soviet. She comes from famous dynasty, where each name means an entire era; by the way, her father Andrei Mironov is known and loved by millions.

A woman can often be seen on big screen in films that become real masterpieces, and she is also the star of productions by Lenkom and the Theater of Nations, for which tickets are sold. At the same time, Maria was married three times, and now her heart belongs to only one man - her son Andrei, who continues the glorious theatrical dynasty.

Height, weight, age. How old is Maria Mironova

At the same time, many never cease to clarify what the famous actress’s height, weight, and age are. How old is Maria Mironova - the second most popular request on the Internet, because Maria Mironova: photos in her youth and now - the woman looks like a young girl with slightly sad eyes.

Maria was born in 1973, which means she is already forty-four years old, although the actress looks much younger. Zodiac circle gave her the sign of the fickle, artistic, cheerful, charming Gemini.

The eastern horoscope endowed the beauty with character traits characteristic of the Ox, including hard work, curiosity, self-confidence, ambition, and rationality.

The girl’s height does not exceed one meter and seventy-six centimeters, and she weighs fifty-eight kilograms, but this figure may vary slightly depending on the requirements of a particular role.

Biography of Maria Mironova

The biography of Maria Mironova began from the moment she was born in the capital of our Motherland, however, few people know that there is a legend that the baby began acting from birth.

Father - Andrei Mironov - was worldwide famous actor theater and cinema, as well as an artist who performed on stage.

Mother, Ekaterina Gradova, was also a theater and film actress, who became famous for her role as radio operator Kat in the cult film “Seventeen Moments of Spring.” It was rumored that the baby boy in her arms was played by two-month-old Mashenka, however, this is a common legend, because at the time when the picture was mounted, Catherine was early pregnant.

At the same time, the girl had a sister - Maria Golubkina - the same age as Maria, who was adopted by Andrei Mironov, so the girls were very friendly and chose the same profession. Masha became famous actress, broadcast on radio and television, but she was often confused with Mironova.

Alexey (Sasha) Sukhoverkov is Mironova’s half-brother, about whom nothing is known except that he is adopted.

Mashenka was born two years after her parents got married and was named after her maternal grandmother. famous father. The girl was incredibly similar to her dad in both manners and appearance, although she often did not receive enough of his attention. She was incredibly diligent, quiet, silent, was fond of designing dresses and even gave her mother advice.

The three-year-old baby was delirious about dancing; she asked her mother to take her to the ballet studio, but she ended up in a dance club. At the age of ten, Mashenka began acting in the film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” but the filming did not bring her any joy, because she was afraid of Nigmatulin, although he treated her to delicious candies.

After she lost her beloved father at fourteen, Masha continued his work and entered the prestigious Pike. She had already graduated from VGIK, since the birth of her little son took her out of school for a long time. educational process. After this, for many years the woman played in Lenkom and the Theater of Nations, and acted in films.

Filmography: films starring Maria Mironova

The girl’s filmography includes such works as “ glacial period"", "Night Watch", "Death of an Empire", "Swing", "Robinson", "Day Watch", "The Three Musketeers", "The Cry of an Owl", "Salyut-7", "Son".

Mironova is engaged in social and charitable activities, and also appears in commercials.

Personal life of Maria Mironova

The personal life of Maria Mironova was a secret, since she was not going to wash her dirty linen in public. Her first husband was older than the actress, but the marriage with him gave her only son and lasted eight years. The whole point was that Maria did not want to admit that she was preparing life for her child in a single-parent family.

Maria Mironova is the daughter of Andrei Mironov - she always believed that she should not disgrace the memory of her beloved father, so she was very scrupulous about the choice of her partner. At the same time, Masha loved only her first husband, since each new husband was compared to him and did not bring family happiness to the house.

By the way, last marriage Mironova openly does not recognize her, although ex-spouse says that it existed and fell apart. The girl says that she never had an affair with Vladimir Mashkov, since playing in explicit scenes does not mean starting relationships with partners.

She does not consider Anton Yakovlev, whom she met in her first year at Shchuka, to be her love partner, although he is credited with being the father of Mironova’s son.

Family of Maria Mironova

Maria Mironova's family was creative and theatrical, so Masha, almost from birth, wandered around film sets and played behind the scenes. At the same time, the little girl had a very hard time with the death of her father from a brain aneurysm; she was constantly on duty at her dad’s bedside and for a long time could not forgive the fact that she could not help.

By the way, Mironova suffered for a long time when Andrei Alexandrovich left the family when she turned three, but became friends with little Masha, adopted by her dad. She saw that the divorce broke her mother, because Ekaterina stopped acting, married physicist Timofeev and went with him to a village near Vladimir, where she adopted a boy from an orphanage.

By the way, my paternal grandfather and grandmother bore the sonorous surname Menaker; they were an actor and actress who created an interesting stage duet. On my mother's side, my grandparents were an artist and a famous architect.

Masha's uncle and cousin had the same name Kirill Laskari. The uncle was a choreographer and ballet dancer, and the cousin became famous as a screenwriter, novelist and poet.

Children of Maria Mironova

Children of Maria Mironova exist in small numbers, since the baby was born only in marriage with Igor Udalov. Rumor has it that it was only because the girl incredibly loved her first legal husband. The fact is that she lived with him for many years, and called other marriages a mistake and a passing hobby.

At the same time, she completely does not acknowledge her relationship with Alexei Makarsky and said that she would never give birth to children from this man, because she considers him a drunkard and a rowdy.

Masha often says that she is not against nursing babies, but only if they are born by her future daughter-in-law.

Son of Maria Mironova - Andrey Udalov

The son of Maria Mironova, Andrei Udalov, was born in 1992, and his father was the businessman and the woman’s first husband, Igor Udalov. Wherein long years it was believed that the boy's father was Anton Yakovlev, who was the girl's first man and first love.

One way or another, Masha does not acknowledge these rumors, and the guy is incredibly similar to his famous grandfather, after whom he was named. He survived his parents' divorce quite easily, since he was not deprived of the attention of his mother and father.

The boy was distinguished by his activity, cheerful disposition, and ability to make friends in any situation, so Andrei studied at school easily. Then he graduated from Shchuka and became the leading actor of the Vakhtangov Theater.

At the same time, Andrei achieves everything on his own, only sometimes asking his mother for advice. The guy is acting in a movie and is going to get married.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Igor Udalov

Maria Mironova’s ex-husband, Igor Udalov, is a well-known businessman in the nineties who met Masha’s path when she was at the Yalta film studio with her father. At that time, the girl was only nine, and Andrei Mironov was starring in the film “The Tale of Wanderings.”

The girl married Igor as a student when she was barely nineteen years old, and her chosen one was already the president of a television channel World Fashion Channel Russia.

The man was ten years older than Maria, he provided for her, supported her, and also replaced her as a father and senior mentor. Eight years after marriage, the young people parted as friends, but the problem was related to the actress’s betrayal. It was her husband who could not forgive her, although they loved each other incredibly and wanted to get together several times.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Dmitry Klokov

Maria Mironova's ex-husband, Dmitry Klokov, appeared in her life in 1998; he served as an adviser to the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and from the public. Moreover, this husband was still ten years younger than the then-famous theater and film actress.

The guy managed not only to love his wife, but also to replace the father of her little son, who adored Dima and considered him his friend. However, the unexpected happened, since Maria was constantly touring, the young guy began to cheat on her left and right.

Mironova could not forgive her husband for this love of love and that is why she kicked him out of her house. She herself tried to return to Udalov, but he could not forgive her betrayal.

Former husband of Maria Mironova - Alexey Makarov

Maria Mironova’s ex-husband, Alexei Makarov, was the son of the famous actress Lyubov Polishchuk, but the actress herself denies marriage to the theater and film actor. The fact is that the guys met secretly for several years after they met on the set of the film in 2011.

Later, Masha and Lesha allegedly secretly got married and began to live together, and even starred in the film “The Three Musketeers.” However, they were only able to live in marriage for a year, since Alexey turned out to be pathologically jealous, hot-tempered and unrestrained. He constantly abused alcohol and drunkenness often raised his hand to his wife.

Maria left Makarov, while she claims that she never married the actor, and journalists simply spread rumors after seeing them together during a friendly trip to the cinema.

Photo by Maria Mironova in Maxim magazine

Maria Mironova's photo in Maxim magazine appeared only when the girl was nominated for the Miss Maxim award this year. Moreover, she was not completely naked in them, but in a stylish red dress.

By the way, candid photos could only be seen in some films or TV series, including “Oligarch”, however, sex scenes and explicit videos are nothing more than staged, and the actors involved in them never experienced any attraction to each other , but ordinary human respect.

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Mironova

Instagram and Wikipedia Maria Mironova official sources, which contains only relevant and reliable information. At the same time, from the Wikipedia article you can learn about childhood, parents, half-sister and brother, education, family and spouses, son and his life, social and creative activities.

At least 72,500 people have subscribed to her Instagram profile and can rate and comment on her photos and videos. At the same time, Masha constantly posts photos and videos not only from the set, but also from personal and family archive. Moreover, many of them are dedicated to their beloved father, as well as social activities.

Few people do not know the Soviet actor Andrei Mironov. He named his daughter from Ekaterina Gradova in honor of her mother - Masha.

Now Maria Mironova is a popular actress who plays in the theater and appears in films. This is not all of her achievements.

Childhood and first filming

Little Masha was born on May 28. It was 1973, and then her parents lived in Moscow. Almost immediately after the birth of their daughter, they separated. Mironov left Gradova and soon married someone else. His new darling became an actress.

Little Maria with Andrei Mironov

When Maria was only two years old, her parents noticed her dancing talent. And they even dreamed that she would become a ballerina. But this never happened. In front of the choreographers, the girl began to feel tense and nervous.

In 1983, she starred in a film for the first time. It was the film “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,” where Maria played the role of Tom Sawyer’s classmate and friend, Rebecca. Masha had no great desire to act in this film, but her parents insisted.

Despite the fact that Maria Mironova’s first role is officially considered to be the character of Rebecca Thatcher in the film about Tom Sawyer, the future actress has already appeared on screen before.

It was in the film “17 Moments of Spring,” where her mother Ekaterina Gradova played the role of radio operator Kat. It was Masha who was the baby in the hands of the young heroine, although according to the plot of the film, Kat had a son.

There are other events in the actress’s biography that became an invisible pointer to her future life.

So Maria met her first husband at the age of 9 in Yalta, where her father took her with him. Andrei Mironov filmed the film “The Tale of Wanderings” in this city. It was during filming that the first meeting of the future spouses took place.

Another coincidence of fate is the fact that Mironov’s last performance became the premiere for Maria Mironova. It was in The Marriage of Figaro that the graduate of the Shchukin School played her first role on stage. A few years earlier, her father lost consciousness precisely during the playing of the last scene of this play.

Two days later he died in the hospital, and Maria saw him too last game, and was with him in the last moments of his life. The girl was only 14 years old at the time, but the death of her father made her look at life differently.

Student years

After graduating from school, Maria became a student at the Shchukin Theater Institute. She had to stop studying because in 1992 she gave birth to a son. But the desire to study acting skills she was not left, and a little later Mironova entered the All-Union State Cinematographic Institute.

Maria understood that she was not mistaken in choosing a profession. She enjoyed attending classes in the workshop of M. Gluzsky, where her first work entitled “Lullaby for a Daughter” was presented. It was a sketch that lasted 17 minutes, where Masha took part not only as an actress, but also as a director. In 1996, she received the long-awaited diploma from VGIK and began working at Lenkom.

Film roles

The year two thousand became triumphant for Mironova. She played in the films “The Wedding” and “Russian Riot”. The tragicomedy “The Wedding” brought the acting ensemble a prize at a film festival in France. Critics and ordinary viewers highly appreciated acting Maria.

In 2002, the drama “Oligarch” was released, where Maria starred along with such actors as Marat Basharov, Andrei Krasko, Vladimir Mashkov. Mironova became a truly famous and sought-after actress.

In 2003, she played in the series “Main Roles” together with Marina Alexandrova, and in 2004 in the film “State Councilor”, where her colleagues in the frame were Oleg Menshikov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Konstantin Khabensky and many other celebrities.

In the same year, the film “Night Watch” by Timur Bekmambetov was released. Maria played the mother of Oleg, a teenager hunted by vampires. In 2005, she starred in the films “Death of an Empire” and “Day Watch”.

Mironova was remembered by the viewer in the films “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, “Leader of the Redskins”, “Sniper. Weapon of retaliation."

In 2010, Artem Mikhalkov and Ivan Okhlobystin filmed the comedy “Moscow, I love you!” Maria Mironova starred in it along with Evgenia Dobrovolskaya, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Evgeny Stychkin. In 2015, the Russian TV series “Motherland” was released, where Vladimir Mashkov and Victoria Iskovaya became Maria’s colleagues on the set.

In December 2016, the disaster film “Earthquake” directed by Sarik Andreasyan, which also starred Maria Mironova, was released. The film is about the story of two different lives who are constantly pitted against each other by fate.

The film tells about the events of 1988, when an earthquake occurred in Armenia, destroying almost half of the republic, killing 25 thousand people, leaving half a million residents homeless.

Maria starred in more than 30 films. She has a large number of awards and titles. In 2006, she received the honorary title of Honored Artist of our country.

Maria Mironova is known as a hardworking and talented actress who is not afraid of difficulties and devotes herself one hundred percent to her work. The actress believes that it is better to star in one, but worthy film, than in ten mediocre ones.

Theater career

Maria played her first theatrical roles in the works “The Marriage of Figaro”, “Two Women”, “City of Millionaires”. Her fame began to gain momentum after the productions of “Phaedra”, “Carmen”, “The Seagull”.

Still in the same “Lenkom” Mironova played in the films “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Tartuffe”, “The Lady’s Visit”, “The Jester Balakirev”. Maria worked on the stage of the Theater of Nations in Moscow, where she played in the plays “Caligula”, “Carmen. Exodus".

The star has been awarded many prizes in the field of theatrical art. In 1998, she won the E. Leonov Prize. In 2007, she was awarded the Golden Mask Award for her role in the play Phaedra.

The Golden Ear" and the acting award "Idol" were awarded to her as best actress of the year. In 2008, Maria became the best among actresses according to Teatral magazine, and in 2011 she received the Figaro Award named after her father for achievements in the field of acting.

In addition to filming and theatrical performances, the actress also participates in cultural and social events and charity projects. In 2008, she became one of the founders and president non-profit organization“Artist”, where they provide assistance to elderly and lonely stage veterans.

The actress works as the art director of the TERRITORIA art festival. Since 2013, she has been a member of the Public Moscow Chamber and a confidant of S. Sobyanin.

Personal life of Maria Mironova

At nineteen, Maria became the wife of businessman Igor Udalov. They lived together for almost eight years. Mironova gave birth to a son, Andrei, in marriage. There were rumors that Andrei’s dad was Anton, Masha’s classmate, with whom she had an affair.

With Igor Udalov

Maria divorced Udalov and became the wife of Dmitry Klokov, who was 10 years younger than her and worked as an adviser to the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation. Despite the separation, Igor did not stop taking care of his son and speaking well of Masha. The actress lived with Klokov for 5 years and broke off relations with him because of his infidelities. Soon she got back together with ex-husband, but the second attempt to build happy family was never successful.

With Dmitry Klokov

Mironova’s third husband was Alexey Makarov, the son of Lyubov Polishchuk. Maria secretly visited him on the set, and soon the couple appeared together at the premiere of the film “Elena.” The actors got married without much fanfare or lavish celebration in 2011.

Soon they both began to play in the film “The Three Musketeers,” where Alexei had the role of Porthos, and Maria played the role of the queen. My husband took it to heart explicit scenes with Mironova, he was constantly jealous of her film partners.

With third husband Alexei Makarov

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