When is the best time to measure basal temperature? How to measure basal temperature to determine ovulation or pregnancy with a regular thermometer. Positive features of the method

Adhering to the rules for measuring basal temperature is important if you want to get a reliable picture and determine ovulation or the reasons for its absence. Before you start drawing up a schedule, you need to find out where it is better to measure basal temperature, how long to hold the thermometer, and under what conditions to carry out the procedure.

Measuring resting temperature or basal temperature is the simplest and affordable way determine the optimal days to conceive a child. According to BT readings during menstrual cycle It is possible to identify problems due to which pregnancy does not occur. If the long-awaited moment of the birth of a new life comes, then early stages The basal temperature will also notify you about this.

You can find out how to check your basal temperature in antenatal clinic. If your BT chart shows deviations from the norm, you should show it to a doctor.

Where is the best place to measure basal temperature?

There are several ways to measure basal temperature; on the question of where it is best to do this, doctors are unanimous - in the rectum. The readings obtained using rectal measurement are the most accurate, which plays a role in determining ovulation key role. How should you measure basal temperature in the rectum? There's nothing complicated about it. The thermometer is inserted into the anus, kept there for several minutes, and then the thermometer is removed and the data is read. To display an accurate picture, you need to use a mercury thermometer; it minimally distorts the real temperature. Application mercury thermometer rectally should be as careful as possible, you must first learn how to measure basal temperature in this way: how to insert the thermometer and how to remove it.

Is it possible to measure basal temperature in other ways: in the vagina, in the mouth? It is certainly possible, but these methods are not as common as the rectal method. This is explained by the fact that BT readings obtained orally or vaginally have small errors. The vaginal measurement method involves inserting the thermometer halfway into the vagina. Incorrect data can be obtained if you enter the thermometer incorrectly or overexpose it.

Having found out whether it is possible to measure accurate basal temperature in the mouth, many women choose this method as the most comfortable of all existing ones. How to measure basal temperature orally, that is, in the mouth? To do this, you need to place the thermometer on your tongue and then close your lips. Measuring in the mouth, as in the vagina, may give a slight error in basal temperature.

When thinking about where it is best to measure their basal temperature, women often try all methods in one cycle, and then choose the most comfortable one. This approach is incorrect: measurements must always be carried out in the same way, otherwise it will not be possible to construct a reliable graph.

How long does it take to measure basal temperature?

How many minutes does it take to measure your basal temperature to get accurate data? If BT is measured with a mercury thermometer, then it should be held for five to seven minutes. When taking out a thermometer, it is important not to shake it, as this can distort the data.

Electronic thermometers are also used to measure BT, although their use has an error of one degree. This is a very large indicator for BT. This nuance should be taken into account when abandoning a mercury thermometer in favor of an electronic one. With an electronic thermometer, you need to measure basal temperature as long as the specific thermometer model suggests, that is, until the sound signal.

How and when to measure basal temperature

How to check your basal temperature at home? It's very easy to do. You need to purchase a thermometer and print out a graph in which the marks will be recorded. To avoid mistakes, you need to learn how to measure basal temperature correctly and how to measure incorrectly. Resting temperature should always be measured at the same time (plus/minus half an hour). You need to record your BT in the morning, before any activity, so you should put the thermometer on the nightstand next to your bed in advance. BT is affected various factors: taking alcohol or medications the day before, colds, stress, insomnia. Received in non-standard situations the data is considered incorrect. The graph must indicate factors that could affect the BT. To find out how to measure your basal temperature to obtain reliable data, you need to decide on the recording method, and then look for information on specific type measurements.

Very simple, but at the same time sufficient reliable way independent determination of various conditions in gynecology - measurement of basal temperature (BT). The method can be informative for determining the day of ovulation, early recognition of pregnancy, and preliminary diagnosis of hormonal regulation disorders. How to measure basal temperature? The answer is in our article.

What is basal temperature

The term “basal temperature” refers to temperature readings taken in the oral cavity, vagina or rectally - in the rectum. This temperature is usually measured in the morning. During menstruation, hormones affect the condition of the body and its temperature.

Features of charting basal temperature

It will be useful to keep a diary where you note not only the basal body temperature, but also other factors of the menstrual cycle: the nature of the discharge, whether there are any mucus impurities or an uncharacteristic color. Temperature should be measured from the first day of the cycle. Using such records, you can display a graph that will make it much easier to determine when ovulation occurs.

To draw a graph, you should prepare:

  • take a sheet of paper - it’s better to check it, it will be more convenient to draw;
  • draw two axes: horizontal and vertical lines, perpendicular to each other;
  • Mark the days of the cycle on the horizontal axis;
  • on the vertical axis - degrees of basal temperature.

It takes no more than 5 minutes to measure your basal temperature. This time is enough to see the exact figure and draw a conclusion about what is happening in the body during this period.

Such measurements should be carried out for at least 3 menstrual cycles in order to accurately trace patterns of temperature changes. Every day, opposite the current day, you should put a dot showing the temperature mark for today. Then connect the points with lines - and you get a visual diagram.

How to measure basal temperature

  1. For the indicator to be accurate, after sleep, do not get out of bed, and preferably move minimally. Always choose the same time for measurement. If it is normal for you to wake up at 7 am, then you should measure your basal temperature immediately after waking up. If the daily routine is disrupted and awakenings occur at different time, you need to make notes in the chart about what time the measurement was taken.
  2. Before measuring your basal temperature, you need to sleep for at least 4-6 hours. Three or less - and the data will no longer be accurate. If you woke up in the morning with a slight need at 6 am, but plan to sleep for another hour or two, then it is advisable to measure your basal temperature and write down the resulting number, and then go to the toilet. If you fall asleep, then waking up a second time will not provide accurate information.
  3. There are 3 ways to measure basal temperature. For your observations, choose only one, and do not change it throughout all cycles. Otherwise the indicators will not be relevant. When menstruation begins, you should not stop taking your temperature.
  4. Common factors are usually associated with an increase or decrease in temperature: stress, alcohol, illness, bad dream, acclimatization processes, consumption medical supplies, as well as sex a few hours before waking up. If you are taking hormonal contraceptives or other products that contain hormones, there is no point in measuring your basal temperature.

More precise instructions by measuring basal temperature:

  • oral - the thermometer is on the tongue, the lips are closed;
  • vaginal - the thermometer is inserted into the vagina to 50% of its length;
  • rectal - the thermometer is inserted into the anus.

The menstrual cycle ends on the first day of the next menstruation. On this day you can do a full schedule. It's better that you have data from multiple cycles rather than just one.

How does basal temperature change throughout the cycle?

In the first phase of the cycle, the egg matures inside the follicle and is released a lot female hormone estrogen. On average, the basal temperature during this period fluctuates between 36 and 36.5 o C. The first phase can last 10-20 days - the period of egg maturation depends on the individual characteristics of each woman’s body.

The day before ovulation, the basal temperature drops to 35.7-36.3 o C. Then ovulation occurs, and a lot of progesterone enters the body along with the egg. In this regard, the basal temperature increases by 0.5 o C and during the second phase remains in the range of 37.0-37.2 o C.

During ovulation, the predominant hormone in a woman’s body changes from estrogen to progesterone. Sperm live for several days, so it is best to try to conceive a child 3-4 days before ovulation begins, as well as within 24 hours after the egg leaves the follicle. If she is not fertilized at this time, then in the future it will be possible to conceive only during the next ovulation.

The second phase of the cycle is called the luteal phase. The follicle, releasing the egg, bursts and disappears. Instead, the corpus luteum is born, which begins to secrete the hormone progesterone. The luteal phase lasts from 12 to 16 days. The basal temperature all this time remains at 37 o C or slightly higher, and if a woman does not become pregnant, then a few days before the start of a new menstruation it decreases by several tenths of a degree. During menstruation, not only an unfertilized egg is released from the body, but also the endometrium - the inner lining of the uterus, which in the event of pregnancy would become a child's place.

Doctors say that the difference in basal temperature between the first and second half of the menstrual cycle should be at least 0.4 o C.

Basal temperature charts during pregnancy

Measuring basal temperature will help monitor pregnancy and general health body. The first signal that pregnancy has occurred is when the BT shows elevated values ​​for more than 18 days. These are considered to be 37.1-37.3 o C. This basal temperature will accompany the woman throughout pregnancy.

If at the end of the first trimester, at 12-14 weeks, BT drops sharply, you should immediately consult a doctor: this symptom may be a harbinger of a miscarriage. After the 5th month of pregnancy, a decrease in basal temperature also does not bode well - low readings may be a manifestation of fetal fading.

BT levels that rise above 37.8 o C indicate inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. To prevent the disease from affecting the baby, it is important to consult a doctor in time.

Types of temperature curves

Type I— in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, the temperature rises by no less than 0.4 o C. Before ovulation and a couple of days before the new menstruation, BT drops. The increased levels last for 12-14 days. This is a normal curve, indicating a correctly occurring two-phase cycle;

Type II- in the second phase, the temperature rises, but slightly - by 0.2-0.3 o C. This is a signal that there is estrogen-progesterone deficiency in the body;

III type- for a short period of time before menstruation, the temperature rises, but does not fall. The luteal phase lasts 10 days or less. A type III curve indicates that there is a deficiency in the second phase of the cycle;

IV type- “curve” in the form of a straight line. There are no changes in basal temperature. This means that the cycle was without ovulation;

V type- atypical (chaotic) temperature curve. The temperature is either too high or too low. There is a possibility of random factors influencing this behavior of the curve. Most often the cause is a lack of estrogen.

Increased basal temperature

The average basal temperature is 37.2-37.2 o C. However, an increase to 38 degrees can also be normal. An immediate visit to a doctor requires a temperature above 38 o C. The most common reason is the presence of inflammatory processes in the body. It is not possible to determine the reason why the basal temperature has increased on your own. Not to mention treatment, even diagnosis should be carried out by a qualified specialist. At home, without special medical education, a woman is unlikely to be able to accurately determine why her basal temperature has increased. Cause increased indicators may lie both in health problems and in banal incorrect measurement of indicators.

Reasons for decreased basal temperature

We can talk about low rates basal temperature if its value drops below 37 degrees. Such indicators most often indicate that pregnancy is proceeding with complications. You need to visit a pregnancy doctor to rule out negative scenarios. To eliminate the possibility of error, measure your basal temperature again before visiting the doctor. If the reading remains low, wait a few hours and then take another measurement. Sometimes underestimated BT levels are due to the fact that the body’s condition changes throughout the day: in the morning it can be low, and then return to normal. But if the indicator still remains below 37, a consultation with a gynecologist is necessary.

Sometimes, upon examination, a woman is found to have low levels of progesterone. In this case, hospitalization and all treatment procedures in a hospital setting are required. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, there is a high probability that the pregnancy will be saved. In the case of a frozen pregnancy, which is also indicated by a low basal temperature, the corpus luteum does not produce progesterone and its level in the body drops. But sometimes, even when progesterone is not produced, BT remains normal, so when diagnosing and examining your own body, it is necessary to use complex methods.

A woman's basal temperature changes throughout the menstrual cycle. The method of measuring it will help determine the day of ovulation, identify problems that prevent you from conceiving a child, and determine the onset of pregnancy.

What is basal temperature

Basal body temperature is measured in the mouth, rectum or vagina at complete rest. It changes on different days of the menstrual cycle. Typically, a woman’s readings are below 37°C before ovulation, that is, until the middle of the cycle. After the release of the egg, it may increase slightly and remain at this level throughout the second half of the cycle.

The first phase (days before ovulation) may have different duration, which depends on the length of the menstrual cycle, but the second phase (after the release of the egg), as a rule, lasts 14 days for a healthy woman. An increase in temperature can be seen on the graph; if daily measurements are taken, the difference in values ​​between the second and first phases of the cycle is more than 0.4°C.

1–2 days before the onset of menstruation, the basal temperature drops to initial values. The temperature does not drop only when pregnancy occurs. Thus, if its decrease is not observed, and menstruation does not begin, we can conclude that the egg is possibly fertilized.

Charting your basal temperature helps determine optimal time for conception, influence the gender of the unborn child, avoid unwanted pregnancy, evaluate the functioning of the endocrine system, calculate the date of the next menstruation, diagnose pregnancy.

Rules for measuring basal temperature

The human body temperature fluctuates throughout the day due to the influence of various external factors: overheating and cooling, physical activity, stress, eating. Therefore, the true temperature can only be measured immediately after waking up in a state of rest. This indicator is called basal temperature.

In order for the results to be informative, you need to adhere to certain rules when determining your basal temperature:

  • measure temperature only in the mouth, vagina, rectum, and not in the armpit (preferably in the rectum);
  • you need to start measuring on the first day of the cycle and conduct observations to draw up a schedule over several months;
  • sleep for at least 5–6 hours continuously before measurement;
  • do not get out of bed, do not talk, do not make sudden movements before measuring your temperature;
  • carry out measurements constantly at the same time;
  • use the same thermometer.
When working on a basal temperature chart to determine pregnancy, deviations in measurement time of no more than 30 minutes are permissible

When drawing up a basal temperature chart, you should include information about factors that could affect the result: stress, illness, overwork. When planning a pregnancy, you can add to this data the dates of unprotected sexual intercourse and the nature of vaginal discharge.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

When pregnancy occurs, basal temperature changes. You can notice this on the graph.

There is a high probability of fertilization if:

  • a potentially pregnant woman's temperature remains higher than in the first phase of the cycle for more than three days;
  • with a two-phase schedule, there is a sharp drop in temperature (implantation retraction) 5–10 days after ovulation, followed by a subsequent rise.

The increase in temperature during ovulation is explained by the influence of hormones that prepare the walls of the uterus for fertilization and attachment ovum. If the sperm fails to reach its target, the egg dies, the cycle starts over, and the temperature drops.

During fertilization, hormones continue to act, so the pregnant woman’s temperature rises to 37°C and above, remains at this level throughout the entire first trimester of pregnancy, after which it gradually decreases to normal values.

A sharp drop in basal temperature during pregnancy may indicate a lack of hormones, that is, a threat of miscarriage. If the measured indicators decrease in the first three months of pregnancy, you should definitely consult with an obstetrician-gynecologist. A significant increase in temperature may indicate various types of inflammatory processes in the body, which also requires the intervention of medical professionals.

Not many women know how to correctly measure and chart basal temperature, but all representatives of the fairer sex should have this skill. After all, measuring basal temperature is necessary not only for any pathology, but will help you understand your body and shed light on many questions.

What does the term “basal temperature” mean?

The basal temperature is called the most low temperature body, which was recorded after long-term condition rest, that is, sleep. Basal temperature is measured in the rectum, vagina or mouth. Unlike true temperature, basal temperature is always slightly higher (just a couple of tenths of degrees). Gynecologists believe that the most indicative is the basal temperature measured in the rectum, which is why its other name is rectal temperature.

The need to measure basal temperature

Measuring basal temperature and charting it is one of the functional diagnostic tests. And although this method has been used for a long time, it is still today has not lost its relevance, since measuring basal temperature not only helps in diagnosing gynecological diseases, but the method itself is simple and cheap.

In what cases is basal temperature measurement indicated:

  • desire to get pregnant, and this requires setting the day of ovulation;
  • protection against unwanted pregnancy, that is, the definition of so-called safe days;
  • How additional method diagnostics for inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • disruptions in hormonal regulation (, recurrent miscarriage, ovarian dysfunction);
  • infertility (it doesn’t matter which partner is “guilty”);
  • establishing the duration of the phases of the menstrual cycle and ovulation;
  • delay of menstruation and establishing its cause (possibly pregnancy);
  • threatened or incipient miscarriage (assessment of the effectiveness of treatment and positive/negative dynamics);
  • calculate the time of the next menstruation;
  • desire to become pregnant with a child of a certain gender.

In order for the compiled basal temperature chart to be as informative as possible, its measurement must be carried out over (at least) three menstrual cycles and without a break (the temperature was recorded one month, but not the next - incorrectly). Firstly, this need is due to the fact that during the course of a year, even a healthy woman can experience one or two anovulatory cycles, and, secondly, it is possible to identify the influence of certain circumstances in one cycle, which, accordingly, makes the graph non-indicative ( and for comparison there are several other menstrual cycles).

But the main thing that every woman should know is that measuring basal temperature while taking hormonal contraceptive pills is an absolutely waste of time, since the artificial hormones contained in the pills suppress both ovulation and the production of their own hormones.

How to measure basal temperature correctly

In order for the compiled graph to display the correct results, and therefore be able to help in diagnosing pathology, you need to know how to measure basal temperature correctly. The main condition for measuring temperature is responsibility and discipline. The list includes a few simple rules:

  • temperature measurement is carried out immediately after waking up (preliminary “trips” to the toilet, drinking water, etc. are excluded);
  • The duration of sleep should be at least 3 hours, and preferably 6;
  • once the thermometer is installed, you should not move or reduce movements to a minimum for the duration of the measurement (physical activity increases the temperature);
  • temperature measurement must be carried out at a certain time (plus or minus an hour);
  • A mercury thermometer is preferable for measuring basal temperature;
  • the thermometer should be “at hand” (on the bedside table or table);
  • when measuring temperature in the mouth or vagina, the measurement time is at least 5 minutes, and when measuring in the rectum, at least 3 minutes;
  • Temperature measurements are also carried out on menstruation days;
  • Shake the mercury thermometer in the evening;
  • record temperature data immediately after measurement;
  • carry out the measurement using one method (if it was carried out in the rectum, continue to measure the temperature rectally;
  • There must be only one thermometer; replacing it is not allowed.

What thermometer is used to measure basal temperature?

There are 2 types of thermometers. The first – “old” version – is mercury, and the second – modern – electronic. Many believe that it is better to measure basal temperature with modern electronic thermometer and they will be wrong. An electronic thermometer shows temperature with errors and is good only for a one-time temperature determination, but basal temperature must be measured for at least three months and errors can blur the existing picture. Therefore, to measure basal temperature, you must use a regular mercury thermometer.

When determining the temperature in the rectum with an electronic thermometer, you should follow the rules for using the device. When the temperature measurement process is completed, the thermometer beeps, indicating the need to remove it. The final value should not be recorded immediately after extraction, but after 0.5 - 1 minute, because the temperature on the scale will continue to rise for some time.

How to chart your basal temperature

For convenience, both drawing up and reading a graph of basal temperature, it should be placed on a double notebook sheet in a cage. The days of the menstrual cycle and the date are marked horizontally, and the basal temperature readings vertically. A red line should be drawn from the point 37 degrees horizontally, parallel to the line days of the cycle. This is a control line that will make it easier to read the graph and highlight the phases of the menstrual cycle and ovulation.

“Selections” should be entered in a separate column (below, under the horizontal line). The quality and quantity of vaginal discharge is associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle. For example, on the eve and day of ovulation they are liquid, abundant and look like egg white, and in the second phase the discharge is thicker and has a milky color.

Even lower, the “miscellaneous” column is highlighted. This column includes any force majeure circumstances: air travel, alcohol consumption, business trip, sex at night or in the morning, nap, colds and so on.

The points that are plotted on the graph daily and indicating temperature values ​​are connected to each other. This creates a broken line.

In a healthy woman, the menstrual cycle is divided into 2 phases: follicular and luteal, which is clearly visible on the graph, since the curve will be broken, at first the temperature stays below 37 degrees, then it jumps sharply and becomes above 37. In the follicular phase, estrogens are active, under by which the main follicle matures, so the graph will display a curve below 37 degrees. The follicular phase lasts about 12 – 14 days. On the eve of ovulation, the temperature drops by 0.2 - 0.4 degrees (preovulatory relapse), and with its onset the temperature soars and becomes 0.2 - 0.4 degrees above the 37-degree line. Then the luteal phase begins, which lasts for 14 days, and the graphic line will be above 37 degrees. This increase in temperature in the second phase is explained by the action of progesterone, which affects the thermoregulation center. Before menstruation, progesterone levels drop, which means the schedule will decrease. If the temperature remains the same (above 37), and menstruation does not begin, this indicates a possible pregnancy.

Measuring basal temperature during pregnancy

A basal temperature chart may be the first sign of pregnancy before your period is missed. As mentioned above, basal temperature data fluctuates and depends on the phase of the menstrual cycle, which is determined by sex hormones. If in the follicular (first) phase the temperature should normally be below 37 degrees, then in the luteal or second phase the temperature will rise above 37 and remain at this level for about 14 days (plus or minus 2 days). On the eve of ovulation, its retraction occurs, and immediately after the release of the egg from the ovary, it increases by 0.4 - 0.5 degrees and begins to decrease only before the start of the next menstruation. If the temperature does not decrease on the eve of the expected menstruation and still remains above 37 degrees, then pregnancy can be assumed. The absence of menstruation on time plus an increased basal temperature requires a pregnancy test, which in 99% of cases will be positive.

Method for determining probable pregnancy by basal temperature works only with ovulatory cycles that have been previously confirmed either by a basal temperature chart, or by ovulation tests, or by ultrasound. But if there is no ovulation, then no matter how long the temperature is raised, this does not indicate that conception has occurred, even if there is no regular menstruation. For example, with hyperprolactinemia, when the pituitary gland produces increased amount prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, both signs may be present: a basal temperature above 37 degrees and the absence of menstruation.

From the above it becomes clear that basal temperature during early pregnancy remains high until the expected menstruation and does not decrease the rest of the time (against the background of delayed menstruation and subject to confirmed ovulation in previous cycles).

Implantation retraction

Speaking about the graph of basal temperature during pregnancy, one cannot remain silent about such a phenomenon as implantation retraction. Implantation is the process of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine lining. That is, until this moment, even with the fusion of the egg and sperm, it is premature to talk about pregnancy. Only when the fertilized egg attaches itself to the uterine wall and establishes a connection with the mother’s body can we assume that conception has occurred and the pregnancy continues to develop.

Against the background of implantation retraction, a small (0.1 - 0.3 degrees) drop in temperature occurs in the second phase of the cycle (the woman does not yet know about the pregnancy and is expecting her period). If the moment of ovulation is clearly visible on the temperature graph, since the difference between ovulation and the beginning of the luteal phase of the cycle is 0.5 degrees, then implantation retraction is characterized by slight fluctuations, so it is quite difficult to notice it. This phenomenon is observed approximately 7–9 days after the release of the egg from the ovary. This sign does not serve as a 100% guarantee of pregnancy. Additional criteria this phenomenon implantation bleeding appears (1 - 2 drops of pink or reddish color on underwear), which is also not observed in all women.

Ectopic pregnancy

Many women believe that basal temperature during ectopic pregnancy doesn't rise. In reality this statement is false. It doesn’t matter where the fertilized egg is implanted, in the uterus, in the tube or somewhere else, progesterone and hCG will be produced in any case.

Therefore, the basal temperature during an ectopic pregnancy will be above 37 degrees. From which it follows that it is impossible to determine the location of the embryo from the basal temperature graph.

Normal basal temperature readings

It is not recommended for all women to measure basal temperature, and even more so, it is not measured throughout the entire period of pregnancy, but only up to 12 weeks. As a rule, the doctor recommends temperature graph women from the group high risk for miscarriage (difficult working conditions, complications of past pregnancies, such as miscarriages, premature births, etc.).

Basal temperature during pregnancy is normally in the range of 37.1 - 37.3 degrees, but higher values ​​(up to 38) are not considered pathological. Any deviation from the norm requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

Decrease in basal temperature

An unfavorable sign is a decrease in basal temperature in the first trimester of pregnancy. This indicates a threat of termination or a frozen pregnancy. Moreover, a drop in basal temperature is possible even before the appearance of clinical manifestations ( bloody issues, aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen and/or lower back). A drop in basal temperature is said to occur when it reaches 37 degrees or below. The same sign - low temperature is also observed during ectopic pregnancy, on the eve of or at the time of rupture fallopian tube or tubal abortion.

Increase in basal temperature

If the basal temperature is above 38 degrees for several days, this also indicates trouble in the body. Not excluded inflammatory processes genital organs, colds and other diseases.

But elevated temperature can also be caused by other factors:

  • violation of measurement rules;
  • taking medications;
  • motor activity before and at the time of measurement, and others.

This is the minimum temperature inside the female body. It should be measured after a long rest. The processes occurring in the body are reflected in the temperature measurement. Basal temperature must be measured many times, and a fluctuation graph is drawn up based on these readings. Thus, it is possible record the day of ovulation in a girl. Such data is necessary for planning or preventing pregnancy.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

The measurements must be taken correctly; the accuracy of the diagnosis of ovulation depends on this. Using basal temperature, it is possible to determine the time when pregnancy will occur. Basal temperature should be measured immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. An important condition for correct measurement is not making any movements. You cannot lift your torso, and it is not recommended to stand on your feet.

This is explained by the fact that movements activate blood flow, thus increasing the degrees inside the body. BT cannot be measured in the evening, because it is higher at this time. Correct measurement is based on defining minimum temperature, which is formed due to work internal organs, without muscles. That is why Temperature measurement is carried out immediately after waking up. The following conditions must be met to ensure that the temperature is measured correctly:

In order for the schedule to be drawn up correctly, BT must be measured at the same time in the morning. Her need to measure from 7 to 9 minutes. The thermometer in the anus should be located at a depth of 4 cm. The following factors influence measurements:

All of the above situations may affect the accuracy of the BT measurement. Measurements must be taken while lying down. If the measurement takes place in a vertical position, this causes blood flow to the pelvic organs, due to which the internal temperature in the body increases. And then the thermometer readings are unreliable.

How to measure basal temperature

In order for BT to be measured correctly, the thermometer must be inserted into the anus, vagina or mouth. In 1953, a special technique for measuring basal temperature was developed. Professor of Medicine Marshall suggests measuring BT in the rectum through the anus.

This is the method used to measure the temperature of a baby. Measuring the temperature in a woman's anus or vagina allows you to find out the results of fluctuations in tenths of a degree. It is the tenths that show the jump in the indicator during ovulation.

How to use the obtained indicators

Measuring BT is necessary to diagnose egg ovulation. - this is the release of the egg from the follicle, which occurs after maturation. The egg enters the tube and moves further towards the uterus. Such changes are marked by an increase of a tenth of a degree. Before ovulation, the internal temperature decreases slightly and then rises sharply.

When the egg is released, conception becomes possible during this period. If measurements are taken daily, then the date of ovulation can be determined. This can allow a woman to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy. Or these indicators can be used to determine the period of conception.

How to chart basal temperature correctly

The data is entered into a table and a graph is constructed based on this. When recording results, additional factors must be taken into account. The accuracy of diagnosis is affected by:

  1. Cold.
  2. Headache.
  3. Infection.

The graph is a broken line. At the very beginning of the cycle, the temperature measurement indicator is in the region of 36.7 - 37 degrees. If BT fluctuates within 0.1 - 0.2 degrees, then this is acceptable. After a woman’s period arrives, BT drops to its lowest level, which is 36.7 – 36.9 degrees.

This BT is needed for egg maturation. The ripening period is 14 days, so the graph readings will range from 36.8 C - this indicator may fluctuate by 0.1 or 0.2 degrees. In the middle of the cycle before ovulation, within 24 hours the degree drops by 0.2 or 0.3 C, after which a sharp rise is noticed by 0.4 - 0.8 C. As a result, the basal temperature will be 37.1 C or higher.

Temperature measurement during ovulation

At the moment of ovulation, there is a slight decrease in BT before a jump to 37.1 degrees. During this period, the possibility of conception is 35%. If a woman does not plan to become pregnant, then it is necessary to limit sexual contact. Other indicators of the schedule will depend on whether the woman has become pregnant or her body is preparing for menstruation.

  1. If a woman is pregnant, then BT shows the highest level. Progesterone is formed in the body, it supports highest value basal temperature.
  2. If pregnancy does not take place, then hormonal background returns to its normal value, and then the temperature drops. This jump occurs a week before menstruation. At this time, BT decreases by 0.5 - 0.7 degrees.
  3. These are the most likely parameters for measuring temperature during ovulation for a healthy woman.

If a malfunction occurs in the female body, then the graph is a little off, the temperature jump is not so noticeable. Then BT measurements are not effective. It must be borne in mind that pregnancy can occur even if there is no temperature jump.

How to diagnose pathologies by basal temperature

It is necessary to carry out a full cycle of measurements of BT surges within 30 days; using these data, it is possible to diagnose infertility or other disorders of the functioning of the genital organs. Often infertility occurs due to lack of ovulation. Measuring BT helps a woman find out whether she has an egg release or not, and on which days of the cycle it is better to get pregnant.

BT measurements help determine the presence of inflammation in other organs. This method of determining other diseases is completely suitable for use at home and is available to all women. By measuring temperature, hidden pathologies can be detected.

On what days can conception occur?

If measurements are taken over several months, this will help predict ovulation with great accuracy. Using the compiled parameters, you can determine when you can conceive a child. You can also determine the period when it is impossible to get pregnant. Such information is used by a woman to prevent pregnancy or to conceive a child.

In a woman measuring BT is called biological contraception. This is the safest method of birth control. Conception is most likely within 2 days after the egg leaves the follicle. And also three or four days before ovulation. During this period, the egg cannot be fertilized. Spermatozoa remain active for two days. When sperm first end up in the vagina and then enter the uterus, they remain in it for several more days.

The egg is fertilized immediately after leaving the follicle. Therefore, 3 or 4 days before ovulation are added to the days of possible conception. The period of ovulation and the days before it are considered the most effective. If a woman is not planning a pregnancy, then it is necessary to abstain from sex or protect herself with contraceptives. If a child is planned, then you need to have sex the day before ovulation or on the day the egg is released.

  1. It is necessary to correctly determine the release of the egg; for this it is necessary to take correct measurements of the temperature in the vagina.
  2. The day of ovulation is a slight decrease in degrees, and in the next day the BT indicator increases.
  3. It is these two days that are considered the most dangerous for those who oppose pregnancy or favorable for those expecting a child.
  4. The lifespan of an egg after the ovary is 24 hours. If the egg is not fertilized, it is destroyed within 24 hours.
  5. Then the possibility of pregnancy two days after ovulation is impossible.

Experts have done many studies, during which it turned out that greatest activity have Y-spermatozoa. They are the ones responsible for conceiving a boy. Such sperm move much faster and are the first to fertilize the egg. But X-sperm, which are responsible for conceiving a girl, are more resilient.

Thus, if sexual intercourse occurred several days before ovulation, then the sperm that are responsible for conceiving a girl will survive to meet the egg. Using such data, it is possible to plan the gender of the baby with a high degree of probability. All of the above methods for the period of impossible and possible conception are not suitable for all women. This security system works only in case that, if a woman has stable periods. For all other women, this method is invalid.

Indicators of basal temperature during pregnancy

Changes in BT characteristics are a consequence of hormonal changes. The most vital currents in a girl’s body occur due to hormonal transformations. That is why the onset of pregnancy is determined by changes in BT. If a woman is pregnant, then its BT is on high level, above 37.3 degrees.

The presence of high BT is formed by the hormone progesterone. A woman’s body intensively produces it in the first 3.5 months of gestation. That is why the temperature indicator is too high at this time. After this, the hormone level decreases, so BT decreases. After 20 weeks of pregnancy, it makes no sense to measure the temperature difference.

By changing the temperature jump, you can judge the onset of pregnancy before your period is missed. But this sign is ambiguous. A high temperature reading may be due to physical activity, inflammatory diseases or taking medications. Therefore, to accurately determine the onset of pregnancy, you need to use a test. A high BT rate is used as an indirect method for determining pregnancy.

How to correctly measure basal temperature to establish pregnancy

To do this, two main requirements must be met:

  1. BT should be measured by a woman when she is in a horizontal position.
  2. You should not get out of bed before the measurement.
  3. Before going to bed, the thermometer should be placed next to the bed.
  4. It must be placed at a distance so that you can easily reach it with your hand.
  5. In this case, the body cannot be turned over.

The temperature reading level should be measured at the same time in the morning. The difference in measurements should not be more than 15 minutes. Temperature cannot be measured during the day, because daily measurements will not show the necessary changes inside the body. If the temperature is measured every day in the morning, it will show a reflection of the reality of the state of hormones.

If a woman knows what her basal temperature is before her period, then she will be able to diagnose early pregnancy. If you have sex without contraceptives, you can find out about the presence of pregnancy before your period is missed. This is precisely why BT measurements are carried out. If the basal temperature level does not decrease, it means the woman is pregnant.

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