Witchcraft tarot “Discover your destiny” from the medium Ellen Dugan (gallery). Ellen Dugan - contemporary medium and tarot practitioner, mother, wife and scholar


The name Ellen Dugan, a popular practicing witch, is now familiar to anyone interested in magic. She conveys her many years of work and experience through books, making them accessible to many pagans and Wiccans in different countries.

In this book...

  • 26 February 2019, 18:42

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Amulets, herbs, minerals. Tarot is, believe me, not all the attributes of magic. The amazing power of sorcery lies in such an ordinary concept as the day of the week. The special energies of each day can greatly increase the strength of the corresponding natural...

  • December 24, 2014, 16:47

Genre: ,


Amulets, herbs, minerals, Tarot - these, believe me, are not all the attributes of magic. The amazing power of sorcery lies in such an ordinary concept as the day of the week. The special energies of each day can greatly increase the power of the corresponding natural elements, spells and rituals.

Ellen Dugan repeatedly emphasizes that there is nothing complicated about magic. All that is required of you is desire and, of course, knowledge. In this book you will find the maximum useful information in order to use the energy of each day for the benefit of yourself and others.

For a wide range...

  • December 17, 2014, 02:14

Genre: ,


In this book, Dugan gives many recommendations for improving your home (apartment, house, yard, garden) from the point of view of creating a positive energy atmosphere. Good health of all family members, prosperity, a good relationship, marital love - every woman strives for this. And your wishes will come true if you master simple but effective ways, associated with the energy and magic of the natural world.

“Look around!” – the author calls. Leaves from a tree in your garden, a mineral that you brought as a souvenir, a bunch of fragrant forest herbs, a plant planted by the porch... All these gifts of nature can become amulets and harmonizers of the emotional climate in the house, you just have to follow the advice of Helen Dugan. Tune in to the magic, light a candle, place your favorite crystal nearby, say a spell - and the forces of good will appear according to your...

Tarot cards are a philosophical, mysterious tool that makes it possible to know yourself and find answers to exciting questions. There are different Tarot decks. The original and mysterious Witch Tarot deck by Ellen Dugan is worthy of special attention. It is shrouded in an aura of mystery, which makes it even more interesting.

What is witchcraft tarot

Witchcraft cards were created by clairvoyant Ellen Dugan. Her idea was brought into reality by the artist Mark Evans, and thanks to his efforts, the witchcraft Tarot Dugan turned out to be pleasant and beautiful. The deck is very easy to use, so even a beginner can easily handle it. Most often it is used to get rid of serious illnesses, establishing protection from evil spirits, attracting money and love. The Ellen Dugan Tarot comes with a book that describes the meaning of the cards and the layouts.

Experienced magicians can use a witchcraft deck for their work: make layouts, perform various rituals to attract financial success and love, getting rid of evil spirits and predicting fate.

Most often, the following layouts are made on Ellen cards: Four elements; Wheel of the Year; Triple layout of the goddess.

The Witchcraft deck is unlike any other. It has its own characteristics. For example, the Judgment card in this deck symbolizes Karma, and the Wheel of Fortune became the Wheel of the Year. The main characters of the deck: animals, birds, mermaids and fairies. As in the traditional one, the witchcraft deck also has seventy-eight cards and there are Elders and Minor Arcana. Acquaintance with occult mysteries and the magical world occurs with the help of the Arcana, which were used in ancient times to transmit information. In ancient times, writing was considered a gift from the gods, which was available only to the upper class. It can be considered that the Tarot is a scheme for transmitting the worldview of ancient initiates.

Witchcraft tarot has meanings that are somewhat different from the classical ones

Major Arcana

As in the classic Tarot, there are twenty-two major Arcana in the witchcraft deck:

  • The Jester - symbolizes dreams, determination and risky ideas. Inverted means dangerous adventures and frivolous actions.
  • High Priestess - speaks of power, balance and wisdom. Reversed means hostility and lack of money.
  • Emperor - means a caring father, freedom and strength. In an inverted position, it speaks of lack of composure and a thirst for power.
  • Empress - speaks of fertility, happy marriage and new life. In an inverted position it has completely the opposite meaning and indicates problems in the family and the absence of children.
  • Magician - personifies a person with great ambitions who is a recognized leader. Reversed means greed.
  • Lovers - personify romance, sexual relations and love. Inverted means problems in matters of the heart, aggression and quarrels.
  • Death means the beginning of a new life and liberation from chains. Inverted, it means that changes in life for the better happen very slowly.

Minor Arcana - Swords

The swords are the oldest in the deck. They symbolize strength, the removal of obstacles and the desire to win. In a reading, fallen swords foreshadow danger and obstacles. Sometimes they can talk about mortal danger. A large amount of this suit speaks of danger and anxiety. You also need to know that:

  • Ace of Swords - means power;
  • King of Swords - speaks of will, honesty and reason;
  • Queen of Swords - symbolizes self-confidence, strength and wisdom;
  • Knight of Swords - means rage and fire.

Swords are the eldest in the deck

Minor Arcana - Cups

In the deck, Cups are second in order. They represent the element of Water, and personify emotionality, sensitivity and love. Cups convey feelings, emotions and experiences of a person:

  • Ace of Cups - symbolizes marriage, unusual phenomena;
  • King of Cups - personifies wisdom;
  • Queen of Cups - symbolizes the gift of foresight, love and devotion;
  • Knight of Cups - means divine feminine;
  • Page of Cups - personifies the development of talent.

Minor Arcana - Pentacles

Pentacles are the third in seniority and represent the element of Earth. They symbolize logic, rationalism, and the financial sphere. The fortuneteller strives for financial well-being. Availability large quantity this suit in the layout indicates that surrounded by a person big influence money.

  • Ace of Pentacles - means fertility and stable growth;
  • King of Pentacles - symbolizes determination and hard work;
  • Queen of Pentacles - personifies love and wisdom;
  • Knight of Pentacles - symbolizes trials.

Pentacles symbolize the earth

Minor Arcana - Wands

Wands personify the element of Fire, and cards of this suit convey the qualities and state of just such energy. Characteristic energy for active and creative people:

  • Queen of Wands - personifies passion, activity and the possession of high energy potential.
  • Knight of Wands - means excessive impulsiveness and loss of control. The card can carry positive value only for people with low energy.
  • Princess of Wands - symbolizes the struggle and successful overcoming of fear.
  • Prince of Wands - personifies determination and movement towards one’s own goal.
  • Ace of Wands - symbolizes hard work and courage, creativity.

The witchcraft Tarot created by Helen Dugan will allow a person to discover the secrets of other worlds, read a person’s fate like an open book and become a real magician.


Tarot of the Witches by Ellen Dugan is a unique, bright, stunningly beautiful deck from a real practicing medium and psychic. Ellen's creation opens the door to mysterious world of magic. The creator of this amazing deck of cards managed to convey the traditional images of the Tarot in a completely new way, organically adding special magical elements, images of animals, birds, and plants. We can say that this is a revival of familiar images, which made them even more memorable and deep.

History of the deck

Despite its “young age” (the deck was released in 2012), Ellen Dugan’s creation managed to win thousands of fans around the world. The creator, calling on the help of artist Mark Evans, showed us what the Universe of Uyeta could be like if we added magic and magic to it. Ellen herself is a practicing medium, psychic, and witch with many years of experience. In addition to magic and working with the other world, Ellen is interested in landscape design and holds a master's degree in horticulture from the University of Missouri. It is not surprising that the Witch Tarot (this is the second name of the magic deck) turned out to be so impressive. I’ll add on my own that I really love decks that are created not just by artists, but by people who devote themselves to the magical art.

Key features of the deck

Ellen Dugan herself admits that the Witchcraft Tarot is not new system, is just my own interpretation of the Rider-Waite deck, but I can say that this is far from being another clone, but a real masterpiece. The main difference from the already mentioned Waite is the pronounced pagan orientation of the cards. Ellen Dugan's Tarot of the Witches can safely be called a Wiccan magic deck based on the classics. The suits, of course, are standard, the numbering of the Major Arcana and Court Cards is similar to the good old Waite, but despite this, the deck simply emanates magic. She is bright, multifaceted, lively.

Deck symbolism

When you take a look at Ellen Dugan's Witch Tarot Gallery, you'll immediately notice the stunning natural landscapes, detailed backgrounds, and Wiccan symbolism. The creator added even to the simplest images magical plants, flowers, animals, birds, magical creatures - and each new image carries its own meaning. You can read about all this in the author's book. Despite the fact that the deck does not have astrological and Kabbalistic references, the cards can be called multifaceted: there is not only a traditional meaning, but also many author’s details that expand the interpretation of the Arcana.

Major Arcana

The Major Arcana of the Witchcraft Tarot, despite the classical images, also have some differences in their names. So the Hierophant became the High Priest, the Wheel of Fortune - the Wheel of the Year, the Devil - the Shadow Side, and the Judgment - Karma. In today’s review, I would like to deviate a little from the usual format and consider not so much the images themselves created by Dugan, but the details that the witch added to the illustrations. There’s no need to even talk about the artistic performance - it’s simply top notch. So let's try to find these interesting nuances and see what they could mean.

Take a look at the Jester. The white terrier immediately catches your eye. It turns out that these dogs are ideal companions for travelers, as they are very intelligent, loyal and energetic. On the Arcana of the Magician Tarot there are four fairies different colors- they symbolize the four elements, and seem to complement the traditional attributes of the classical Wizard. A mystical black cat sits next to the Priestess, and as you know, cats, especially black ones, are able to see much more than a person. Under the feet of the Priestess is the moon and the starry sky. Note also the pomegranate blossoms on either side of her throne. Another new symbol is a blooming sage in the hand - a symbol of wisdom.

Now let's look at the added symbols in the darker Arcana. The Skull of Death on the 13th Arcana of the Witchcraft Tarot burns with a blazing fire - this is a flame of energy and the power of the mind, the rider’s armor has turned black and worn out over time, on the flag in his hands is the number 13 - exactly the number of full moons in calendar year, and the flower, a layered rose with five petals, signifies natural cycles. Pay attention to the child who is not at all afraid of the creepy horseman, but on the contrary, boldly hands him a bouquet of white daisies tied with ribbons of three colors. The three colors of the ribbon are a symbol of the Triune Wiccan Goddess, the daisies are innocence and purity, the child is hope and the absence of fear of change.

What's new in the image of the Tower? This is the Crown falling off the collapsing building. The crown symbolizes our ego, ambitions, the rubies on it are an indication of the activation of the intellect (this is how these stones are used in magical practice). The Fifteenth Arcana, called the Shadow Side in Ellen Dugan's Witch Tarot, is a guy and a girl hiding in the forest from a frightening dark figure. The card says that it is impossible to run away from your own fears and your shadow - you need to muster up the courage to look into the face of the “monster” that is pursuing you - this is the only way to defeat it.

As you can see, all the Major Arcana of the Witchcraft Tarot were reworked, but this rework turned out to be very competent, meaningful, and absolutely not superfluous. Now let's move on to the Youngers.

Minor Arcana

The Minor Arcana, created by Ellen Dugan, also turned out amazing. If the length of the article allowed, I would probably talk about each of them. But, alas, I cannot do this, so according to tradition, we will consider one card of each suit. So, from the Wands I chose Two. Please note that in the Witchcraft Tarot, absolutely all Wands are in bloom - they are alive, dynamic, and not static. In the Two of Wands, a red-haired man looks out over the water and ships passing by during sunset. There is a whole world in his right palm, but, apparently, this is not enough for him - his soul is eager to meet new ideas. This is incomplete satisfaction with one’s own success, when a person wants even more: he has to set new goals for himself and move towards them. The new character of the card is a red cat, a faithful friend of our red-haired hero. He supports him, gives him wise advice and helps in every possible way.

The Five of Cups reminds everyone of the well-known fairy tale about the Little Mermaid. She has a lot of wealth - sea treasures are scattered around her, but she does not need any gold coins or strings of pearls. She yearns for what, alas, she will never be able to receive.

Ellen Dugan's Ten of Swords Tarot of the Witches, despite its similarity to the classics, also turns out to be not so simple. Into the body young man swords are stuck, but there is no blood - which means the act of murder was symbolic, not literal. A mystical bird, an owl, a symbol of wisdom, is watching what is happening. In the foreground, a poisonous aconite flower blooms - as a warning sign to be careful.

Look at the peaceful Ten of Pentacles! A man and a woman stand hugging against the backdrop of a rich house and watch with tenderness as a grandfather plays with his grandson. A faithful friend, a dog, sits next to grandfather. Grandfather is also not so simple: look, a bright light appeared from his hands, which he shows to the baby. The garden in which the family scene takes place is beautiful and well-kept - it is a symbol harmonious relations between family members.

I would like to add that absolutely all the Minor Arcana of this wonderful deck are filled with real magic, deep symbolism, bright details that complement and expand the meaning of the cards.

Court cards

I will not consider the Court cards of the Witch Tarot in great detail. Let me just say that they are drawn simply superbly. The characters' characters become recognizable at the first glance at the Arcana. Please pay Special attention on animals and objects added by the author - all these little things carry a special meaning. I’ll say right away that what I liked most was the Court of Pentacles - an amazing closeness to nature, warmth, friendliness and a sincere willingness to work can be felt in the inhabitants of this Court. Residents of the Kingdom of Swords are avid intellectuals, everything as befits representatives of this suit. Heroes of Cups are sensual, romantic, they draw inspiration from the water element. The inhabitants of the Court of Wands are active, ideological and impetuous, like real Fire.

Features of card interpretation

The interpretation of the Witch Tarot by Ellen Dugan is given in detail in the author's brochure accompanying the deck. More precisely, this is not even a brochure, but a full-fledged book. The author's literary work significantly expands the usual interpretations, although many images can be “read” intuitively. Ellen also considers inverted cards.

What questions is the deck suitable for addressing?

The Dugan deck is an ideal advisor on issues in any area of ​​life. With extensive Wiccan symbolism and detailed imagery, these cards can also be used for magical rituals.

Who is the card data suitable for?

  • For those looking for a stunningly beautiful replacement for the Rider-Waite deck
  • To all followers of the Wiccan tradition
  • For readers of Ellen Dugan's books
  • For collectors who collect bright, unusual decks

The meanings of the Witch Tarot cards by Ellen Dugan are described in great detail in the author's book. No additional literature other than this is required. Ellen describes in as much detail as possible every plot, every symbol, every detail of the illustration, gives interpretations of straight and inverted cards, and also offers several special layouts for this deck and explains how the cards can be used for magical purposes. My verdict - the deck is simply gorgeous!

The Witchcraft Tarot Discover Your Destiny was created by Ellen Dugan: a medium and clairvoyant, an experienced magician. It is based on the classic Waite Tarot deck. You can use cards to attract love, increase wealth, protect, strengthen relationships and heal.

In the article:

Features of the “Discover Your Destiny” Deck

Witchcraft Tarot by Ellen Dugan is an excellent deck that is suitable not only for an experienced magician, but also for a beginner. The deck artist is Mark Evans. This pleasant, beautiful deck is made in the Waite tradition; it can be classified as paganism.

As in, the deck is accompanied by a book in which not only the most suitable interpretations of all cards are indicated, but also various layouts that it is advisable to perform using these magical attributes.

Ellen attaches great importance not only to the interpretation of the upright or inverted position of the cards, but also to the presence various characters shown in the figures.

In addition to the fact that tarot can be used for familiar layouts, experienced magicians will be able to use the deck to perform various rituals aimed at protecting against evil spirits, attracting money or love. The deck is different from those that we are used to seeing, for example, , and so on.

Cards have their own characteristics. Here the Wheel of Fortune turned into the Wheel of the Year, Judgment into Karma, the Devil into the Shadow Side, and the Hierophant into the High Priest. The main characters of the deck were mermaids, fairies, magical animals and birds. Of the most popular layouts in which it is customary to use the Witch Tarot Discover your destiny, they usually highlight the triple layout of the goddess, four elements, and the wheel of the year.

Major Arcana

Jester- determination, dreams, risky idea. Inverted (hereinafter P.) - frivolity, dangerous adventures.

Mage- a leader, a person engaged in self-realization. P. - greed.

High Priestess- calmness and wisdom, power. P. - lack of balance, lack of recognition.

Empress- birth, creativity, marriage, fertility. P. - absence of children, discord in the house.

Emperor- strength, independence, father of the family. P. - excessive thirst for power, laxity.

High Priest- tribute to traditions, magic, wisdom. P. - useless advice, wrong decision.

Lovers- love, sexual relationships, romance. P. - problems in relationships, aggression, quarrels.

Chariot- desire, will, travel, magical abilities. P. - lack of will, fear.

Force - inner peace, power, endurance. P. - helplessness, absent-mindedness, fear.

Hermit- intuition, enlightenment, escape from worldly problems. P. - search for something new, loneliness.

Wheel of the Year- energy, magic, extrasensory abilities. P. - bad luck, loss of connection with ancestors and nature.

Justice- balance, honesty, hope for justice. P. - delay, trouble, bias.

Hanged- sacrifice, change in life, rune magic, open road. P. - inaction, inability to do anything.

Death- change, liberation from binding chains, a new beginning. P. - changes are happening too slowly and hard.

Moderation- balance, rebirth, transformation. P. - envy, wrong actions.

Shadow side- power over you and your emotions, fears. P. - fraud, lies, illusions.

Tower- mystery, strong shock, changes in life. P. - disappointment, pain.

Star- wisdom, creativity, hope for the best. P. - melancholy, depression.

Moon- intuition, wisdom, protection. P. - deception, fear, lies.

Sun- completion of what was started, victory, natural magic. P. - problems, underestimating opponents.

Karma- search for meaning. P. - completion.

World- travel, success. P. - failures.

Witchcraft tarot - wands

Ace- courage, fire, work. P. - wasted energy.

Deuce- partial success, important deal. P. - indecision.

Troika- height, high position in society. P. - disagreements at work.

Four- Beltane coven, fertility card. P. - surprise.

Five- competition, thirst for energy and strength. P. - conflict of interests in the work sphere.

Six- compliments, recognition. P. - hard work.

Seven- adrenaline, resistance, power. P. - uncertainty, fear.

Eight- the implementation of plans comes to completion, an invisible connection with other people across a distance. P. - trip cancellation, protracted troubles.

Nine- courage, protection, the need to show strength. P. - panic fear, searching for the culprit.

Ten- you have taken on too much, severe fatigue, exhaustion. P. - oppression of conscience.

Page- news from a fair-haired man, possible promotion. P. - rumors, gossip, negative news.

Knight- movement, change of place of work or residence, next to you is a blond, passionate and energetic man. P. - failure.

Queen- charm, love, generosity. P. - manipulation, rage.

King- nature, mentor, creative energy, unity with nature. P. - selfishness, greed.

What will the cups tell you?

Ace- wedding, supernatural phenomena, magic of water elements. P. - selfishness.

Deuce- wedding, sincere love. P. - divorce.

Troika- manifestation of your magical abilities, creative energy. P. - selfishness, quarrels.

Four- sadness, the beginning of adventure. P. - depression.

Five- gloominess, the magic of water will help get rid of depression. P. - melancholy.

Six- meeting old acquaintances, believing in miracles. P. - unpleasant memories.

Seven- the power of magic stones, learning lessons. P. - fanaticism, illusoryness.

Eight- movement, emotional shock, news. P. - risk, defeat.

Nine- fulfillment of desires, generosity. P. - pride, lack of friends.

Ten- successful fortune telling, love, enjoyment of life. P. - lack of miracles, misfortune.

Page- the appearance or development of magical talent, the appearance of a mentor. P. - ignoring one’s gift, refusing magic.

Knight- divine feminine principle, passion. P. - lover, deceiver.

Queen- devotion, love, empathy, the gift of foreseeing the future. P. - energy vampirism, egoism.

King- wisdom. P. - lies, authority.

Witchcraft Tarot Ellen Dugan - swords

Ace of Swords- the embodiment of all the power that can exist, the male element of air, lunch. P. - cruelty, deception.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters, 2014

about the author

Ellen Dugan, also known as the Garden Witch, is a clairvoyant and psychic. She lives with her husband and three children in Missouri. Ellen has been practicing magic for over twenty-four years and also has many years of experience in nurseries and garden centers, including landscaping and garden design. She earned Master Gardener status from the University of Missouri and also trained in her home country. Other articles by Ellen Dugan can be found in Llewellyn's annual almanacs, The Magical Almanac, The Wiccan Almanac, and The Herbalist's Almanac. Visit her website: www.ellendugan.com


I want to give special thanks to my husband, Ken, and our three children, Craig, Kyle and Erin. When the deadline for this book approached, you all supported me in your own way, minimizing the caustic comments about my absent-mindedness and eccentricity, which especially manifest themselves when deadlines are tight.

I am grateful to John Absey, the editor of the reprint, who enthusiastically embraced my idea of ​​expanding the original manuscript. Without his enthusiasm this project would not have come to fruition. I am grateful to Elisia Gallo, who pushes me to work harder and better and doesn't let me slack off before a deadline. I also want to say thank you to Becky Zins, who I love working with, for being the best editor you could ask for.

Special thanks goes to Heather. When I once complained to her that I couldn’t think of a title that would suit this particular book, Heather thought for a moment and instantly came up with a great title.

I am grateful to my friends and coven mates for their love and constant support - especially Mickey for the arts and crafts information; Sandy for her coverage of Norse gods and goddesses; Amber, a witch and fellow writer, who promptly provided information on minerals and precious stones. And special thanks to Mary Butler for more information on Tiger's Eye, talking about puppy training, and for being my friend. Jenn M. for being my witch sister. “I love you, I really do!”

And finally, Jen: thank you, honey, for letting me bombard you with ideas, for taking that unplanned trip to Salem in 2008, and for listening to me when I need to vent. Thank you for helping me see full moon magic from different perspectives and for being my first belly dancing witch friend.

Introduction. Book of Shadows

Love of knowledge, secluded corners and the sweet tranquility of books.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Why Book of Shadows? - you ask.

Over the years, this was the type of book I needed most often. When I started teaching group classes on witchcraft, practical magic and crafting, I based each lesson on the first version of this book - “Seven Days of Magic”. However, I have always wanted to try to expand and deepen this initial little work. But regardless of the length of the manuscript, the first version of the book was filled with weekday correspondences, spells, and lessons to help weave witchcraft into daily life. In essence, it was the “Book of Shadows”, containing a set of spells, magical formulas and correspondences - in general, all those effective magical things created, written down and successfully used by me, which I later began to teach to others.

So, the result is in front of you. What you have in your hands is not an old book with a new cover. This book is larger in volume, it covers the topic better and deeper. The volume of information contained in it has more than doubled. This book has the highlights you've come to expect from me, but this time there's more magic for you to try. For example, you will find here new charming meditation texts for every day, recipes for love potions and potions, witch tricks, full moon magic and more powerful and complex rituals, as well as the classic magic of stones, flowers, herbs, Tarot cards and gods.

The purpose of this “Book of Shadows” is to encourage you to create your own creativity. It will give you lots of fresh ideas for creating your own style of witchcraft and magic. I promise you that with the help of this book you will be happy to practice magic seven days a week. I never tire of repeating that magic lives where you notice it, and the key to it is creativity.

Witchcraft for a week

Write it down in your heart that every day is the best day of the year.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Magic always surrounds us. Enchantment can be seen in every moment of every day of life. In our crazy and crazy world, it is more important than ever to stop and take a few minutes for yourself and your magic. Set aside time every day just for yourself. Use it to connect with the miracle, divinity and magical energies of that particular day. If you only have ten minutes to do magic, use your intuition and knowledge of the craft to use every moment of that time wisely.

Magic doesn't have to be complicated at all. If you prefer to stick to the basics and the principle of integrity, this does not diminish your importance as a witch. Who says you have to spend an hour preparing for a spell and only then perform it? Certainly not me! You will experience more pleasure if everything is simple and practical - then you will be able to practice magic more often. Witchcraft is not limited to just the Wheel of the Year holidays 1
Wheel of the Year- an annual cycle of holidays that exists among followers of Wicca and modern European pagans. These holidays (sometimes under other names) have a long history among the peoples of Europe. The Wheel of the Year consists of eight holidays that occur at more or less equal intervals (Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lughnasadh, Mabon). This cycle is based on changes in the path of the Sun across the celestial sphere observed from Earth throughout the year. – Note ed.

And the full moon rituals carried out from time to time. Magic happens twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

Every day, from Sunday to Saturday 2
In the English-speaking world, the week traditionally begins on Sunday and ends on Saturday. – Note ed.

Charming. Each has special correspondences with planets, gods, magical energies and possibilities for using its energy. A clue to how these magical traditions began lies in understanding the origin of their names in the first place. In ancient times, only seven planets were known (or celestial bodies) – Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. Back then, people believed that these seven planets revolved around the Earth, which was the center of the Universe. They also believed that the movement of the planets expressed the will of the gods and their direct power over human lives.

IN English language it is obvious that Monday is named after the closest star to us - the Sun 3
Sunday(English) - “Sunday” (from sun - “sun”). – Note lane

Monday got its name after the Moon 4
Monday(English) - “Monday” (from moon - “moon”). – Note lane

All other days of the week in English received their names from ancient Roman and Scandinavian gods and mythological creatures. Each day of the week has its own energies and characteristics, so it can have different effects on people. For example, does Monday make you feel frustrated or irritated? Why? But this day is not always the beginning working week. For those of us who work on weekends, Monday is just another day. However, this day is special, dedicated to the Moon. What magical rituals can be performed on Monday?

On this sacred moon day, you can work on strengthening psychic abilities or come into contact with the moon god or goddess. And if there is a full moon on Monday, this breathes additional strength into any lunar spell. Sounds like a double whammy. How can this information help you in your own style witchcraft and magic?

Techniques for Newly Initiated Witches

Over the years, I have often encountered neophyte witches who are often confused and overwhelmed by magical correspondences to the days of the week. Rubbing their foreheads and looking at me with eyes full of suffering, they ask: “What is Tuesday for?” May the Goddess see, I have answered this question many times to my students, fellow magicians and fellow coven members. Some practitioners of magic break out in a sweat after looking at huge tables of correspondences and planetary hours. I sympathize with them with all my heart!

Although just looking at the impressive astrological tables and accompanying information makes my eyes pop out of their sockets (I think these tables remind me too much of mathematics), it is still possible and necessary to study more deeply the magical connections characteristic of the days of the week. Information about the planets and magical connections for each day will help you outline the range of issues relating to magical actions and methods of performing them. Once you learn to put these correspondences into practice, you will turn up the power and turn up the volume of your craft. Essentially, this will give you unique magical tools, which in turn will give you more room for creativity.

Inspiration for Experienced Witches

To witches who are wondering what the point of yet another study of the material that they consider the basis, I will say this: try to look at the correspondence to the days of the week in a new way. In fact, it doesn't matter at all how old you are. Many experienced witches, regardless of age, encounter problems in working with magical correspondences to the days of the week, boredom sets in, and over time they burn out and lose interest. Whatever development of events you face, in any case the result is depressing.

The themes explored in my Book of Shadows—day correspondences, meditations, themed spells, connections to Tarot cards, witchcraft, potion recipes, and other natural tools—are the building blocks building material. You can successfully supplement the witchcraft that you already master with this magical information. In this way, you will quietly increase your knowledge of magic, expand your understanding of magical correspondences, try yourself in creating your own spells and rise to a new level.

Expansion of magical tools

After all, all the rules of a speaker come down to one thing: to give names to your instruments.

Samuel Butler

Mastering magical correspondences to the days of the week will expand your magical toolkit. Remember that funny little “tool box” you carry around with you in your own head? Think of all the ways you can personalize and develop your witch arsenal! Instead of wasting time wondering which ingredient, color, herb, or other magical remedy best fits a particular topic, you'll know it and be free to concentrate on the task at hand. By freeing your mind to focus on magic, rather than worrying about the right ingredients, you leave much more space for spells and witchcraft, without cluttering it with expectations and doubts. Remember that the most advanced magic comes from the lessons buried deep in your memory that you started with. There are levels in magic, and within worlds there are other worlds. Do you want to take the time to research them thoroughly?

During the open classes I always ask students how many of them know the days of the week by heart. Their reactions vary widely, from horror to embarrassment. My previous field class had over thirty-five students, and not one of them remembered the basic magical correspondences to the days of the week. In the audience were several third-degree magicians from another reputable practice. I admit, it took me a while to stop being surprised. How can anyone call himself a magician of the third degree and not know the corresponding days of the week? And, more importantly, why weren't they taught this critical fundamental knowledge? I say fundamental because this magical information is used as the foundation upon which you build your own magic and witchcraft on a daily basis.

I can attribute this widespread gap in knowledge to the fact that not enough attention is paid to the topic of correspondence to the days of the week, although, of course, it should be very different. The surprising truth is that many practitioners of magic do not know these correspondences by heart - for example, which planet, stone, color or plant corresponds to a certain day (or even which god a particular day of the week is named after). This always leaves me in shock.

One of the listeners became so hostile during the discussion of this topic that she lost her temper in the audience. “How is it that she studied for so many years,” she hissed, “do I understand how many books on the craft she had?” However, behind the exclamations of “How dare you!” she missed the whole point of the question. Her outpouring was eventually stopped by my question: how often does she perform magic? She was unable to answer. I gently asked her if she spends a lot of time searching for information when she suddenly gets the idea to do her own magic, or if she uses knowledge of basic correspondences and harmonious combinations ingredients. Here she blushed deeply.

The irritable listener's jaw literally dropped to the floor. I also noticed that some of those present’s eyes lit up when they comprehended this information. That's the point, my friends: if you want the freedom to create your own special style of witchcraft, you'll need a solid foundation to build it on. Studying the correspondences to the days of the week and the magical theme of the day will allow you to discover amazing possibilities of magic for every day. Everything depends on you. How strong is your desire to learn, how far do you want to develop your witchcraft?

How to use the Book of Shadows

Books are the calmest and most faithful friends. They are the most accessible and wise advisors and the most patient teachers.

Charles Eliot

This book has a chapter dedicated to each day of the week. There is also a chapter that focuses on the magic of the full moon. This way you can apply what you have learned to both the days of the week and the magic of the full moon. For example, if the full moon falls on a Friday, what energies of the day come into play? How can you use them in your magic? In these chapters you will find a list of special magical correspondences for each day. The chapter sections are:

Matches. A short list of key correspondences - a list of witchcraft devices and natural ingredients, corresponding specific day weeks.

Magical application of the day. Special characteristic properties the magical day being described. Information about the history and traditional knowledge of this day and how it got its name.

Gods. Information about the great variety of gods of different cultures who patronize this day.

Meditations. A guided meditation for the day, focusing on its magical theme - a lesson to be learned and a journey to be taken. Where will these meditations take you?

Magic herbs and flowers. Flowers and herbs that have the same astrological meaning as the day being described. Dosages of garden magic and herbal spells for every day, as well as flower charms and natural magic.

Colors, candles, metals and minerals. What color clothes or accessories will help you tune in to the energies of the day? In this section you will find spells involving lighting candles and magic candles with aromatherapy effect. Harmonizing metals and minerals are described, which are recommended to be worn on yourself or in your pocket or installed next to candles. Additionally, one or two spells with a color or mineral are given. (Please note: If you're wondering where to find all the different scented and colored candles mentioned throughout this book, try the little votive candles. They come in an impressive array of colors and scents. They're also inexpensive and have a The composition has a very high oil content, which means that their wonderful magical aromas appear immediately after lighting.If you have ever lit a votive candle, you have noticed that it immediately turns into liquid wax, so such candles should always be placed in special cup-shaped candle holders, otherwise your work area will turn into a huge wax puddle. Check them out, these are wonderful, affordable candles for using in your own unique magic.)

Potions, potions and oils. Recipes for your own unique love potions and potions to match each day's magical theme. Each Recipe of the Day contains instructions, a list of ingredients, and a matching spell to infuse magic into your home remedy. In addition, you will find here a handy list of classic essential oils, harmoniously combined with every magical day.

Connections with Tarot cards. Do you have a deck of Tarot cards and would like to use it for more than just readings from time to time? Try using certain coordinating cards to help you focus while performing your daily spells and enchantments. You'll be surprised how effectively they work!

Magic craft of the day. Let's add a little creativity to your magic. Each chapter dedicated to a particular day contains a description of needlework - a little thing that you can create with your own hands, as well as a spell that will give this item magical powers and will charge you with energy.

Unique magic of the day. A potpourri of magical information, a bit of food and enchanting spices - tips and tricks on how to apply all the information presented and give yourself the inspiration to start creating your own rituals and unique magic. You'll learn how to connect all the information together, and on top of that, you'll get even more themed spells and enchantments associated with a specific day.

Ritual of the day. A more intense and lengthy magical action, in other words, a ritual. Each of the above rituals coincides with a special magical theme of the day.

Magic for every day.

A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.

Thomas Carlyle

These daily rituals and charms should symbolize something special for you. If you want to achieve best results, put your soul into them! To achieve positive changes, you should concentrate on desire and intention. The ultimate goal of every witch is to create positive change or change through the power of love.

Yes, spells, enchantments and rituals are used for many purposes: to establish a connection with God, to inspire love, to enhance prosperity. You can also perform magic to protect and heal, or even boost your own creativity. Such magic sometimes requires only a few moments, but it can take longer. Everything depends on you. So, if you're wondering how all these spells, enchantments, magical projects of the day and the like actually work, I have a few thoughts on the matter. To begin with, performing a spell can help you focus on sacred secrets, which can actually be calming.

When we begin to perform a magical act, our consciousness moves to a calm place where it is easy to concentrate. Throughout the charm preparation process, we always focus on the task at hand, which helps us achieve a calmer and more collected state. This quiet concentration is enhanced when you add a little of your own energy and connect with God. In this case, the magical action helps to concentrate on the present, while at the same time giving the opportunity to deal with past problems. And finally, it inspires us to be creative and visualize our own future in a more positive, life-affirming way. Most practitioners of magic would agree that there are several components to effectively performing a ritual or significant spell. Refer to the list below and everything will become clear to you.

Elements of Spells and Ritual

Some things are forever. One of them is magic.

Laurie Cabot

Target. This refers to the purpose of the ritual. Are you concentrated? Have you taken the time to ground yourself and focus, blocking out any negativity? Are your intentions pure? Are you sincere?

Subsequence. Each ritual has a clear beginning and ending. Sketch out a plan. You may find a hint on how to do this by referring to. 267, where an outline of the spell of the day is provided for your convenience. This example will help you understand everything, prepare everything you need and get ready for work.

Sacred place. Spells and rituals cause a change in consciousness because they go beyond ordinary life. Cover the table with a beautiful scarf or fabric, or sit bohemianly on the floor. You might want to commit magic ritual in a special place, such as at an altar or near a family burial vault. Maybe you decide to sit in the garden or gazebo. But wherever you decide to do magic, make it a sacred place - that is, clean, filled with happiness and pleasant.

Necessary items. Most rituals require candles of a certain color, oils, herbs, minerals, etc. In this Book of Shadows you will find a lot of useful information on this subject: for example, daily meditations, craft projects, recipes for special potions and corresponding tarot cards - all of which are covered in each chapter dedicated to a specific day. All these correspondences and the magical components described will interact harmoniously with each other, since they have similar energy (or vibrations).

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