How long does the royal python live? How to care for a ball python. Description of royal pythons

If previously there was a terrarium in an apartment or office a rare occurrence, then today the number of exotic lovers has increased significantly.

Description and general characteristics of the species

The natural habitat of this reptile species is the west coast African continent. Pythons spend most of their lives underground, escaping the sweltering heat of the savannah. When choosing a shelter, they prefer large snags near the water, dark holes between tree roots, and wet moss of fallen trees. Like all snakes, the royal python is lazy and not aggressive, but this laziness is deceptive - a hungry snake - dangerous enemy. The activity time of this type of reptile occurs in the evening; it is with the onset of darkness that the python crawls out to hunt. They eat small birds, lizards, mice, etc.

The royal python is not picky and is well bred in captivity; with proper care and proper nutrition, it is quite friendly, attacks only in cases of extreme threat, it usually curls up into a spherical ball and thus spends all its free time from absorbing food.

Royal pythons are long-lived - twenty to thirty years is the norm, of course, in natural environment this figure is halved, which is directly related to the difficulties of obtaining food and encountering natural enemies. They become sexually mature at the age of 3-5 years.

What is the superiority of this species over others for breeding at home?

  • compact dimensions;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • unpretentiousness of content;
  • friendly, relatively not dangerous.

But there are also disadvantages, namely:

  • pythons are nocturnal animals, therefore daytime they are extremely passive.


Royal pythons have a strong physique, the body diameter reaches twelve to fifteen centimeters, the head of the snake is decorated with a yellow triangle - a crown. The combination of black, bright yellow and beige in coloring contributes to the fact that this type reptiles has a memorable and original appearance. Oddly enough, the female sex differs from the male sex in quite impressive sizes, for example, females grow up to one and a half, and sometimes two meters, and males - up to a meter.

Conditions of detention

Royal pythons are terrestrial animals, so the area of ​​the terrarium is a hundred times more significant parameter than its height.

A container the size of a shoebox will suit a baby, but an adult needs a larger home. The minimum parameters of a terrarium are 0.8 by 0.5 meters, but if you can increase the size, then you should not miss this opportunity. However, it must be remembered that the larger the area, the more difficult it is to care for the pet, creating the microclimate necessary for this species.

Material for the terrarium:

  1. Glass.
  2. Tree.
  3. Plastic.

If previously glass was the optimal material in terms of parameters, today plastic terrariums with a sliding glass facade are gaining the greatest popularity. Inner side covered with a waterproofing layer, the edges and corners have a rounded shape - this greatly simplifies cleaning and disinfection. Plastic terrariums, unlike glass ones, are much lighter and less scratchable. Another advantage is that they can be purchased at a specialized store, but glass is a rather expensive material, fragile and impractical.

One of the prerequisites is a top cover to prevent the reptile from escaping. The lid should not only be present, but be tight and with a sufficient number of ventilation holes. The bottom is lined with cypress shavings, torn paper or artificial substrate; it is better not to use ordinary sawdust, especially cedar, as they are very toxic to snakes. Remember, whatever you use as bedding, always keep a fresh supply. Arrange several secluded corners in the snake’s home (depending on the space occupied), do not overdo it, so as not to unnecessarily clutter the space. A simple piece of driftwood or an empty tree trunk can help you with this; in the end, you can use an ordinary cardboard box or flower pot. Make sure that the objects in the terrarium are free of chips and sharp corners in order to avoid injury to your pet. Living greenery looks unusually exotic in a terrarium, but this is extremely impractical, because... complicates animal care.

Another most important condition for keeping a royal python is maintaining temperature regime and humidity in the terrarium. Daytime temperatures can fluctuate between 25-29°C, while night temperatures should be slightly lower – 20-24°C. Certainly, ideal option for heating there is a thermostat, but not everyone can afford it, so as a heater you can use a regular incandescent lamp or an electric rug placed under a glass bottom. Moreover, there is no need to heat the entire terrarium; it is enough to place the heating element in one of the corners to allow the animal to choose the optimal temperature for it. Remember, under no circumstances should you use heated cobblestones for heating! This may injure the snake.

Temperature is measured an ordinary thermometer near a heating source. Do not place the terrarium near radiators or other heating devices, as they can become additional sources of high temperature, which can lead to overheating of the reptile.

I don’t think it’s worth saying that the larger the terrarium, the more heat is needed and the more powerful the heater should be. It is worth noting that wooden structures retain heat better, unlike plastic and glass ones.

In addition to heating, you also need to take care of additional daylighting (especially in the autumn-winter period), for this purpose full fluorescent spectrum lamps are used. Optimal length daylight hours for the royal python - 12 daytime and 12 night hours. In summer, daylight hours are increased to 14 hours, and in winter they are reduced to 10.

To maintain an optimal level of humidity inside the terrarium, you can and should arrange an artificial pond. Optimal temperature water for a snake is 22.5-26°C. Snakes are happy to take water treatments every day, and the water is changed daily

Nutrition of the royal python

Royal pythons are predators that feed on mice, rats, hamsters, chickens or quails (depending on the size of the reptile). As a rule, they use dead and frozen carcasses, defrosting them first.

How often do you feed your snake? The frequency of feeding is determined by the age of the latter, its activity, conditions of detention, and the size of prey. Young individuals feed once or twice a week, adults - once every 7-14 days. Feeding occurs in dark time days. In winter, snakes eat less often, and sometimes go completely hungry for several weeks. Refusal to feed occurs during molting and during pregnancy until the hour when the female forms a clutch. And, despite their rather ascetic lifestyle, royal pythons are prone to obesity.

In any case, if your pet refuses to eat for a period of one to four months, you need to monitor its weight. If the snake loses too much weight, it is necessary to offer live prey (usually a small mouse is chosen to avoid injury). If she continues to refuse the food offered, then it is worth checking whether she is suffering from stomatitis.

Breeding the Royal Python

The royal python reproduces without problems in captivity. Moreover, this process can be controlled and even stimulated by lowering night temperatures to 21°C in autumn time. A decrease in temperature promotes the onset of mating season.

The mating process lasts for two to three weeks. With a successful combination of circumstances, pregnancy occurs and, after 4 months, the female lays eggs. Clutch size varies from three to twelve eggs. Baby snakes can be hatched naturally (by a female) or artificially (using an incubator). While maintaining constant temperature At 32°C, the eggs hatch into baby snakes after 55 days.

In conclusion, I want to say that if you decide to get a royal python, then it is better to opt for a young individual, preferably bred in captivity, because this does not cause damage to the natural population, and snakes born in captivity do not have problems with acclimatization, were not injured during capture and fed well. When choosing a baby snake, pay attention to its weight and muscle tone. He should not suffer from dehydration, and also have remnants of previous shedding on his body. Ask to feed the snake; it should feed itself.

Snakes in many cultures are symbols of wisdom, grace and determination. They received this characteristic for their slow, flexible, sliding movements, a bewitching gaze and a rare but sharp throw during an attack on the victim, which is always crowned with success. Their skin is pleasant to the touch and attracts with its smoothness and original pattern.

The most common types of snakes to keep at home are king and tiger pythons. They are unpretentious in care, but very interesting to observe and charge with energy of calm and concentration of strength.

The active life of these creatures takes place at night, which must be taken into account when choosing a pet.

Special recognition in Lately received albino pythons. They are distinguished by their non-trivial coloring. They cannot exist in nature, but at home they live quite easily. Due to increased demand, breeders have found ways to artificially breed such pythons.

Arranging the space

In nature, pythons live in hot climatic conditions With high humidity, spending most time in the trees or in the water. They need to arrange their home space accordingly.

The terrarium should be doubled longer pet so that it can move comfortably. Females are usually larger than males, so when purchasing a small python, you must immediately take into account its species, age and gender when purchasing accessories.

The presence of branches, a heat source and a reservoir are of decisive importance for the arrangement of the place.

In nature, pythons hide in inconspicuous places, or rather, do not attract outside attention, which is confirmed by their color and body structure. After eating, they spend a lot of time alone, positioned so as not to differ from their shelter. For this at home, branches located horizontally along the length of the terrarium are suitable.

IN last years Royal pythons have become very popular. More and more keepers prefer these calm and beautiful snakes African origin. They are not fussy in their maintenance and can even tolerate small mistakes made by amateurs.

Royal pythons are also called ball pythons or ball pythons. These snakes are not poisonous.

Description of royal pythons

This type of python is one of the smallest. Body length royal pythons ranges from 1.2 to 2 meters. The body of these snakes is powerful, thick, and the tail is short.

A pattern of alternating stripes runs across the body irregular shape dark brown or light brown in color and dark brown or black spots. The belly is creamy or white color, sometimes small dark spots may be scattered across it.

Distribution and lifestyle of royal pythons

These snakes live in Central and West Africa: in Mali, Senegal, Guinea, Niger, Ghana Sudan, Chad and the like. Royal pythons live in savannas and equatorial forests.

These snakes are nocturnal; during the day they sleep in shelters (hollows, burrows, leaf litter), and at night they begin to hunt. They can swim well and enjoy going into the water. In addition, they can climb trees.

If a python is in danger, it curls up into a strong ball, inside which it hides its head, which is where the name “ball python” comes from.

The royal python is one of the smallest snakes of this genus.

Royal python diet

IN wildlife These snakes hunt mainly small mammals: rats, shrews, striped mice, and sometimes also eat birds.

Keeping royal pythons in a terrarium

These pythons are kept in horizontal terrariums. The optimal size is 100x60x60 centimeters.

During the day, the temperature in the terrarium is maintained in a warm corner to 28 degrees, and in a cool corner - up to 25 degrees. At night, the temperature is lowered in the cool corner to 18 degrees, and in the warm corner to 20 degrees.

Royal pythons are nocturnal animals, so they do not require the use of ultraviolet lamps. Light and heat the terrarium with incandescent lamps or a heating cable.

Since the habitats of royal pythons are African savannas, then it is not recommended to add excessive humidity in the terrarium; it should be maintained at 50-60%, but during the molting period it is increased to 70-80% to make it easier for the snake to shed its old skin.

It is imperative to arrange a shelter for the snake that will be suitable in size. There should also be a bowl of water in which the python will fit completely. Pythons will not drink standing water, so it should always be fresh.

Features of feeding royal pythons

Royal pythons are fed rats and mice. They can also be given Mongolian gerbils which are bred in captivity. It is not recommended to feed the python with hamsters, as it may then not accept other food.

Be sure to select food according to size, as the snake can sometimes get scared big catch. Until the age of six months, royal pythons are fed once a week, growing individuals are given food once every 10 days, and adult individuals - no more than once every 2-3 weeks. Excess food can cause obesity in snakes, which causes a decrease in the snake's reproductive abilities and a deterioration in its condition.

After feeding, the pythons are not disturbed for 2-3 days. At this time, do not allow the temperature in the terrarium to change, as this may cause regurgitation. Adult pythons experience seasonal food refusals, this is associated with the breeding season.

Royal pythons molt

Before molting, royal pythons, like many other snakes, have cloudy eyes and a kind of film forms on them. At this time, increase the humidity in the terrarium. You can add vitamins to your food. Vitamins are added once a month. But it is worth considering that not all vitamins are useful for pythons; they cannot be used vitamins A, D, E, K, for example, vitamin D removes calcium from the python’s body.

Reproduction of royal pythons

These snakes reach sexual maturity at a certain weight: the minimum weight for females is 1.5 kilograms, and for males - 750 grams.

On early stages During pregnancy, females actively take food, but in later stages they completely refuse it. They try to stay in the warmer parts of the terrarium. The gestation period is 128 days.

Before laying eggs, the female begins to look for a suitable place. At this time, the female is carefully monitored so that she does not choose the wrong place and lay eggs, for example, next to a heating device. To do this, the terrarium must contain a container with damp moss, in which a large female can completely fit.

The temperature of the moss should not be more than 31 degrees. When the temperature drops briefly to 25 degrees, the embryos are able to survive, but when the temperature rises to 32 degrees, they are guaranteed to die.

During the period of hatching eggs, females do not curl up into a ball; if something threatens them, they actively attack and protect the offspring. There should be a drinking bowl next to the female so that she can reach it without getting out of the container with the eggs.

It is recommended that all keepers keep diaries in which they indicate the type of snake, its gender, time of acquisition and approximate age. In the same journal, health status, molting, laying, and changes in behavior are noted.

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The royal python is non-venomous snake, belonging to the genus of true pythons. Widely distributed in Africa. The reptile is often kept at home due to its unpretentiousness. She is not at all aggressive, has a peaceful character and calmly treats people. A snake can attack only in exceptional cases when it is in serious danger, but this happens extremely rarely. The royal python can be successfully bred in captivity.


The royal python can be found in nature in tropical forests with high humidity. Its activity is most often observed at night. During the day, the snake hides in shelters (hollows, holes, fallen leaves), and at dusk it goes out to hunt. Loves water and swims well. Capable of climbing trees. When threatened, it curls up into a tight ball, hiding its head inside.

According to the description, the royal python is a small snake, the length of which is 1.5 meters. Her body is thick and powerful, and her tail is short. The muscles of the body are so well developed that when a snake squeezes and squeezes its victim, it is impossible for it to escape. The head is large, wide, with a pronounced demarcation from the cervical region. The snake's body is covered with golden and black scales that shimmer beautifully. There is also a piebald color, which was obtained as a result of breeding work. On the head is a golden-yellow triangle called the crown. The branched tongue acts as a tactile organ. Puberty occurs at the age of 3–5 years. The royal python lives for about 45 years.

The snake's character is balanced. She rarely bites, and her bites are not poisonous. Can exist peacefully with members of its own species. A python living at home is calm and obedient.


As a result of long-term selection work, numerous morphological changes have occurred in the color of the python. The most popular morphs of the royal python include the following:

Morphs Description
Lesser Platinum
This snake has a unique coloration, combining platinum and brown.
In this morph, instead of platinum, an ash-sand shade predominates, which combines beautifully with the smoky color. Sometimes there are copper or bronze options
The snake's body is covered with brownish and black scales
Super Lesser
The albino morph is a solid white color without any spots. His eyes are bright blue
Orange Ghost
It differs from the others in its bright orange body color with white streaks. Eyes golden or black
The morph is of an unusual color, reminiscent of a leopard or tiger skin. The main color is sand or brown. The entire body is covered with asymmetrical stripes of darker spots. Head and eyes are black

Conditions of detention

Although royal pythons are unpretentious animals, they need to be provided comfortable conditions content.

The terrarium should be chosen in a large size. For young individuals, purchase a tank of 40–80 liters. When the pet reaches a length of one meter, the terrarium is replaced with a new, larger one. Snakes often crawl out into the wild. To prevent this from happening, the lid must be made of glass or strong wire.

The bottom of the terrarium is covered with fillers. It can be:

  • special artificial substrate;
  • paper or torn newspapers;
  • cypress shavings.

In the terrarium, they must arrange secluded places for the reptile, where it will hide if necessary. You can use a shoebox or flower pot. In addition, you can purchase a rocky mound, an empty tree trunk, driftwood and other items at a pet store. In this case, the pet needs to have room to move.

The terrarium is illuminated with wide-spectrum fluorescent lamps. They allow light to spread as much as possible throughout the entire area of ​​the home. For heating, use a regular incandescent lamp or a special mat placed under the tank. The temperature during the day is +25...+27 degrees, and at night it should drop to +20...+22 degrees. This is necessary for feeling normal pet.

Snakes love to swim. The humidity in the terrarium is maintained at the required level using an artificial pond, which is installed inside the tank. The water temperature in it should be +25 degrees, it needs to be replaced every day.


In nature, the python's food is small mammals and birds. A reptile that lives at home should be fed small rabbits, chickens, mice and rats. The young are mostly fed mice. It is recommended to take non-live food for snakes. It is advisable to first freeze it and defrost it before giving it to the python. The snake's eating time is twilight or night.

Because of physiological characteristics Pythons tend to be overweight, so their diet should be balanced.

Young reptiles are offered food once every 5 days, adults - once every 10 days. This is due to long digestion of food. Special vitamins and minerals designed for snakes can be added to the diet.


Royal pythons can breed in captivity in June - November. This process can be further stimulated by reducing the temperature in the terrarium to +21 degrees. This lowering of the regime has a beneficial effect on the reptiles, and they begin mating games.

If everything goes well, the female lays 4–6 eggs in 120–140 days. After this, the incubation period begins, which lasts up to 90 days. The female can warm the offspring with her body, otherwise the eggs should be placed in an incubator with a temperature of +35 degrees. Hatched pythons weigh 46 g and their body length reaches 43 cm.


Due to improper care, the snake can be susceptible to various diseases. The first signs that your pet is sick are refusal to eat and weight loss. If the body weight has decreased quite significantly, the reptile must be force-fed. If the python still refuses to eat, it most likely has stomatitis, a fairly common disease.

To cure the disease, dead tissue, pus and blood clots are removed from the oral cavity with a gauze swab, which is moistened with hydrogen peroxide. First, the mucous membrane is treated with an antiseptic (an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin), and then with an antibacterial drug. An effective result was shown by a 0.5% solution of Dioxidin together with Septefril.

Other python diseases include:

  • dystocia;
  • chronic or acute respiratory syndrome;
  • exhaustion;
  • disekdis.

The royal python, unlike the boa constrictor, does not pose a danger to humans. It has a peaceful character, which is why this reptile is most often kept at home.

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