Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna - illness, latest news. Svetlana Kryukova reported on the possible causes of cancer Plans for the future

Svetlana, who once became famous for her role as Nelly Ledneva in the film “Big Change,” underwent treatment abroad. Domestic specialists were unable to provide her with the necessary assistance.


“In the summer I celebrated my 65th birthday, and the doctors discovered that I had a serious illness. I went abroad for treatment because in Russia they missed my diagnosis. Our people refuse cancer patients if they are not in the first stages, but they fight to the end! “The flow has been delivered,” Svetlana told reporters last year. “The treatment is very expensive. Both theater colleagues and fans who were aware of my condition helped.”

In the new episode of the “Live Broadcast” program, Kryuchkova reported on how things are with her health now. The two-time Nika Prize winner suggested that the cause of her terrible illness was mercury poisoning in the past. She and her husband lived on the second floor of the house, and on the first floor there was a warehouse with a huge amount of toxic substance for several years.

According to information from open sources, mercury is a toxic substance and can cause serious poisoning human body. The toxic vapors of this metal cause serious damage to the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems of the body, and also affect the organs of vision. The body's immunity is suppressed toxic effect of this substance. As you know, if the immune system fails, then cancer appears.

"We complained many times about feeling unwell, fainting, loss of consciousness. Our neighbor discovered it. His parents died, he came to the apartment with three children and decided to make repairs. One wall was wet, they called plumbers. The wall bordered the housing office room where the things of the dead and those imprisoned. The door was blocked, the window was blocked with a metal sheet. When they pulled out the nails and began to approach the pipes, they saw 400 grams of mercury lying on the floor, uncovered by nothing, 256 times the excess of the norm. And everything was going to our apartment. In “In one room the excess was 35 times, in the second it was 36,” complained Kryuchkova. “I think that my illness is connected with this mercury.”

The star and her husband lived in this apartment for about seven years. During that period, Svetlana began serious problems with skin. She also noticed a general deterioration in her health. But the doctors, when she came to them with complaints, just shrugged. The actress said with regret that inattentive domestic doctors perceived her words as whims.

The truth about Svetlana Kryuchkova’s illness was revealed after the death of Soviet and Russian film director Eldar Ryazanov. The artist refused to comment on the passing of the great master, citing health problems.

Health of Svetlana Kryuchkova

About two years ago, terrible news appeared concerning the well-being of the beloved Soviet actress, beloved by millions. The leading actress in cult films, who was remembered by television viewers for her second film role in the film “Big Change,” announced her departure abroad. Kryuchkova was diagnosed with cancer.

As it turned out, after celebrating her 65th birthday, the actress felt a sharp deterioration in her health. After which she decided to go for examination to the clinic, where Russian doctors informed Svetlana Kryuchkova about the disease. The discovered cancer was at a late stage, so the actress had no choice but to go abroad in order to undergo a re-examination and, if necessary, go to a clinic for treatment.

Biography of Svetlana Nikolaevna Kryuchkova

The actress's parents were from Belarus. The artist remembers her father as a strict military man, and her mother as creative personality, who loved to play the guitar and sing songs.

Na Nikolaevna appeared on June 22, 1950. Since childhood, being just a child, she dreamed of acting career. After finishing school, the girl immediately went to conquer the capital. I tried to enter the Moscow Art Theater School, but the attempt, alas, was unsuccessful. The next year, Svetlana Nikolaevna tried to enroll a second time. Now her choice fell on the school named after. B. Shchukina. But this time too famous actress did not pass the competition. After the failure, Kryuchkova returned home, where she worked for about a year at the Agricultural Institute as a senior preparator.

On the third attempt, luck smiled on Svetlana Nikolaevna; she became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. At 23, the girl graduated and became an actress. Art Theater, in which she played for two years. In 1975, she got married and moved to St. Petersburg, where she began working at the Bolshoi Drama Theater.

A cherished dream came true

On the silver screen famous actress appeared while still studying at the university, however, then it was a cameo role in the film “Reserve Officer”. However, a year later, television viewers saw Kryuchkova in the role of Nelly Ledneva in the serial television film “Big Change,” after the release of which the girl woke up famous.

With the help of her debut role in the film, the actress became in demand among many Soviet film directors. She began to be invited to play diverse roles in popular films. For example, in the early 80s, the actress played the main role in Nikita Mikhalkov’s film “Kinfolk.” In this film, Svetlana Nikolaevna was able to create the image of an irrepressible woman who stops at nothing. 13 years later, Nikita Mikhalkov invited the actress to the filming of the film “Burnt by the Sun,” where Kryuchkova played a cameo role, for which she was awarded an award at the “Constellation” festival.

In the early 80s, the actress was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR, and already in the 90s, Svetlana Nikolaevna Kryuchkova received the honorary title of People's Artist of the RSFSR. For 4 years, from 2005 to 2009, the famous artist was the host of the intellectual television game “To the Board,” which was broadcast on VGTRK “Petersburg - Channel 5.”

Svetlana Kryuchkova is invariably beautiful and magnificent, just like on TV leading role, and on the theater stage in the episode. The People's Artist can grace any film and any performance in which she plays.

Miraculous treatment of the actress

On this moment Svetlana Kryuchkova’s health improved thanks to the help of German doctors who literally pulled the artist out of the other world. How great was the actress’s surprise when, before her discharge, it became known that the favorite of many Russians did not owe a penny for her treatment. As it turned out, Svetlana’s colleagues, Evgeny Mironov and Nikita Mikhalkov, contributed an impressive amount from their charitable foundations.

Possible causes of the illness

Not long ago, while in the studio of the TV program “Live,” the famous actress spoke about possible reasons which could contribute to the development of cancer. Svetlana Kryuchkova remembered that she once had severe mercury poisoning.

Beloved by millions of television viewers, the artist lived with her husband and child on the second floor of the house, where in the apartment below them there was a room that served as a warehouse for the repressed family’s belongings. For a long time, Svetlana Nikolaevna and her son were often sick. As it turned out, the reason for this was the presence of a huge amount of toxic substance in the closed apartment - about 400 grams of mercury were spilled openly.

Future plans

Now Svetlana Kryuchkova tries not to remember about the illness, wanting to forget about everything, like nightmare. Russian actress Theater and cinema feels good and plans to celebrate 2018 with his family.

Having overcome the disease, Svetlana Kryuchkova began to approach life differently. Now she began to separate the truly important things from the unimportant, and learned not to pay attention to vanity and various little things.

In the near future on the stage of the Bolshoi Drama Theater. G. Tovstonogov, where the People’s Artist serves, will host the premiere of the play called “The Whole Life Ahead,” staged together with the actress.

Star of Soviet and Russian cinema, actress Svetlana Kryuchkova I have been fighting cancer for over a year now. The celebrity, who played in such films as “The Big Break”, “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” and others, was diagnosed by doctors with a tumor at a late stage of development. This news came as a shock to the actress and all her relatives and friends. Recently Svetlana became the heroine of the program "Live" with Boris Korchevnikov, in whose studio she openly spoke about the possible causes of her illness.

Kryuchkova noted that many years ago she was poisoned by mercury, which was discovered under the apartment of the artist and her husband. According to her, she went to doctors many times with complaints about deteriorating health, but the doctors perceived everything she said as the whims of the stars. The couple lived in this apartment for seven years before they discovered that they had mercury stored next door.

“We complained many times about feeling unwell, fainting, loss of consciousness. Our neighbor discovered it. His parents died, he came to the apartment with three children and decided to renovate it. One wall was wet, they called plumbers. The wall bordered the housing office room, where the belongings of the dead and those imprisoned were kept. The door was blocked, the window was blocked with a metal sheet. When they pulled out the nails and began to approach the pipes, they saw 400 grams of mercury lying on the floor uncovered, 256 times more than the norm. And everything went to our apartment. In one room the excess was 35 times, in the second it was 36,” said the actress.

IN Lately There are a lot of rumors going around about everyone’s favorite actress Svetlana Kryuchkova. Facilities mass media two years ago, they frightened all her fans with the news of a terrible disease, against which Russian doctors were powerless. The latest news about Svetlana Nikolaevna’s health is more comforting. We can only hope for the best. How the actress feels today will be discussed in this article.

A stately red-haired woman with regular facial features and strong character was very popular in Soviet time in cinema. She was the personification of a real Soviet woman. At the same time, she was also well suited for the roles of secular women from classical works. Everyone remembers and equally loves Mrs. Barrymore from The Hound of the Baskervilles and Nelly Ledneva from The Big Break.

Svetlana Nikolaevna talentedly played completely different roles: Anna Akhmatova, Empress Catherine, the inadequate grandmother from the acclaimed film “Bury Me Behind the Skirting Board”, the guard in the concentration camp (“From Hell to Hell”), the nervous and unhappy Nina from “Rodney”, the pompous and the strict but unhappy Mademoiselle Kuku from “The Nameless Star.” Moreover, the actress played the role of the great Russian poetess in two completely different films (“The Moon at its Zenith” and “A Room and a Half”).

The actress excelled in both leading and supporting roles. Moreover, she could attract the attention of the audience, even being in the background. Sometimes it was even too much, the leading actors were slightly offended.

Still from the film “It Can’t Be!”

Svetlana Kryuchkova won the attention and love of viewers literally as soon as she appeared on the screens. Her second film role (the first was almost episodic) - Nelly in the film "Big Change" immediately announced the birth of a new movie star. The naive girl, in love with her school teacher, was portrayed so truthfully that many did not believe that she was a student. She played her role so talentedly. The latest cinema news in 1972 reported that a young aspiring talented actress had appeared in the cinema.

Still from the film “Big Break”

But few knew how difficult her path to her favorite business was. This is worth talking about. Svetlana was born in the capital of Moldova in 1950. Her dad was a real intelligence officer, a SMERSH major. Therefore, it is not difficult to guess that the girl was raised in strictness. As a child, Sveta did not dream of being an actress, but wanted to become a geologist.

But later she had such a desire when she began to speak publicly with poetry. Sveta had a loud, expressive voice. Also, the red-haired beast was highly emotional. She never thought about her health, because she rarely got sick.

Still from the film “The Hound of the Baskervilles”

Therefore, after graduating from school, the girl went to Moscow to enter the Theater University. But, despite the talented reading of poetry at the entrance exams, failure awaited her. Apparently there was big competition at that time, the future talented actress was not hired. But, fortunately, Svetlana did not despair. “If not today, they’ll take it tomorrow!” she thought and she was right!

After unsuccessfully entering the Shchukin School, Svetlana remained in Moscow and got a job at a factory. She worked in industries far from art, secretly dreaming of seeing herself on a movie screen. The girl even worked as a teacher at the Agricultural Institute. The next year there was another attempt to enter the theater school. And again it ended in failure.

Another year flew by working at different enterprises (after all, you have to live on something). The stubborn girl did not give up. And only at the age of 19 Sveta managed to enter the Moscow Art Theater School. It was a real victory!

Actress on the set of the film “Old Nags”

Work in the theater

After studying at the studio school, Svetlana Kryuchkova entered the Moscow Art Academic Theater. There she played the role of mother in “The Blue Bird” and Goncharova in “ Last days» Bulgakov.

Two years later, the talented actress moved to Leningrad, where she began working at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Love contributed to this. The latest news of that time said that Svetlana fell in love and moved to her lover in his city. By that time, she had divorced her first husband, actor Mikhail Starodub. She lived with her second husband Yuri Veksler (a cinematographer) much longer and gave birth to a son from him.

In 1983, Svetlana received the title of Honored Artist. In '91 she became People's Artist. Her roles as Aksinya (“Quiet Don”), Ranevskaya (“The Cherry Orchard”), and Vassa Zheleznova are memorable. Setlana Nikolaevna was also the director of her own studio. In it she played the main roles.

The actress still plays in the BDT, despite the worries of fans and loved ones about her state of health. A new performance with the participation of Kryuchkova is planned for today. It was specially tailored for this great actress. The play is called “Your Whole Life Ahead.” The audience and colleagues on stage are glad that Svetlana is back on stage. As always, the actress showed her resilient, persistent, unbroken character.

“I’m sick, but I’ll play and live!” - this is the motto that Svetlana Kryuchkova seems to have now. Despite terrible disease, which kept her one step away from death, she survived and is ready to give joy to people again.

So what happened to the famous actress?


Svetlana Kryuchkova felt bad while living with her second husband. Now, as you know, she is married for the third time to the artist and decorator Alexander Molodtsov. And although the chosen one is 12 years younger than her, this did not interfere with their happiness. In 1990, the couple had a son.

There was always a heavy smell in the apartment where Svetlana lived with Yuri Veksler. Many residents of the house were sick. And no one could understand the reason. And only when the son of some deceased residents decided to make repairs, everything became clear. The man broke the wall that bordered the room belonging to the housing office. It contained things of people who were serving time or had long since left this world. For unknown reasons, a huge amount of mercury was stored there.

The amount of this substance, as it turned out, exceeded the norm by 30 times! And no one knows where this harmful metal came from in such dangerous quantities! The latest news suggests that the deterioration of the actress’s health began during that period. She didn’t attach any importance to it then.

It happened that one of the residents suddenly lost consciousness or suddenly died. They didn’t pay attention to this either. But today everything became clear: where the poor health came from, and why the lives of some residents were interrupted so early.
Most likely, the criminal case was closed, as often happens.

But the consequences still remain for many in the form of terrible diseases. This happened with Svetlana Kryuchkova. The latest news that the actress was diagnosed with lung cancer, which threatens life and health, shocked many of her fans. “Will we never see our favorite actress again?! Is she really in danger of dying today?!”

But apparently, the time at which she must leave this world has not yet come. God extended her life thanks to numerous sighs and prayers of people who loved her. It turned out that not only the audience loves Svetlana Kryuchkova. The actor and famous director and actor Nikita Mikhalkov sent her to Germany for treatment. They paid for her treatment in full. And this is a considerable amount! The actress is very grateful to her colleagues.

Viewers do not need to introduce Svetlana Kryuchkova, who has long won their love with her talented works. In her biography there were many difficult situations when it was time to give up, but this Strong woman overcame difficulties and found the strength to live on.

The actress always loved her profession and was ready to play characters of different roles. She was not afraid to be funny, ugly or old, for which directors loved her and invited her to their films. Kryuchkova was on the brink of death three times, but now she lives for today and rejoices in what she has. Fans are still tracking last news about the actress, they are interested in how she lives and what she is doing now.

Aspirations to become an actress

Svetlana Nikolaevna was born in Chisinau, Moldavian SSR, five years after the end of the war with the Germans. Her parents met during hostilities, when they fought at the front. Her father, originally from Belarus, received several higher education and worked as an NKVD investigator, but after the anti-Stalinist reforms he resigned from the authorities. Mom worked for many years as the head of a department at the Central Administration of the Moldavian SSR. She sang well and played the guitar. At one time she was invited to the Pyatnitsky choir, but her father did not allow it.

Actress in childhood

Their family lived poorly, in an apartment without amenities, like many soviet people in those years. In addition to Svetlana, the parents raised two more children: her older sister Maya and brother Vladimir. My sister received a medical education and became a professional specialist, a doctor from God. But her brother was less fortunate. In his youth, he played in a theater group and could have built a good career in the future, but he started a family and first went to work in a mine, and then became a sandblaster. Once, while restoring a church, he fell from a height, after which he remained disabled, losing his leg.

happy youth...

In her childhood, Sveta loved to read, planning to study philology after school. After finishing school, her parents sent her to Moscow to see the city. Unexpectedly for herself, the girl went to the Shchepkinsky School, where she managed to pass several rounds, however, she did not get into the university then. Returning home, Kryuchkova applied to the university for the Faculty of Philology, but failure awaited her there too. A year later, she again tried to enter the theater institute, but the second time she did not succeed. When her father found out about her intention to become an actress, he was terribly angry, but the girl did not give up on her dream. In 1969, Svetlana was lucky: she became a student at the V. Nemirovich-Danchenko Studio School at the Moscow Art Theater.

Numerous roles in theater and film

After studying, the aspiring actress received an offer to play on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater, but two years later she moved to Leningrad, where she got a job at the Bolshoi Drama Theater. Among her bright works One can note the role of the old maid in the play “House on the Sand”, the role of Aksinya in the production of “Quiet Don”, the role of Vasilisa in the play “At the Lower Depths” and others.

The photo shows Svetlana Kryuchkova and Mikhail Kononov in their youth. Still from the film “Big Break”

The first appearance on the screen took place back in student years, when Kryuchkova starred in an episode of the film “Reserve Officer”. But two years later the whole country knew about this red-haired beauty. The role of Nelly Ledneva from the serial film “Big Change” not only pleased the audience, but also became her business card for many years. After the resounding success, Svetlana was involved in such films as “Two for the Way”, “It Can’t Be!”, “The Eldest Son”, “Marriage”, “Nameless Star”, “Declaration of Love” and many others.

The favorite of millions of viewers also coped with such a role as Catherine II, starring in the historical project “The Tsar’s Hunt,” despite the fact that she had to work hard: master horse riding and learn to speak with a German accent. Now her filmography includes more than 120 diverse works, but in addition, Kryuchkova created her own theater studio, where she acted as a stage director three performances(“Home!..”, “Blessed Island”, “Lysistrata”).

Ups and downs in personal life

Being busy and passionate about what she loved, the actress’s personal life always suffered. Her first marriage took place while she was still studying at theater university. Third-year student Mikhail was tall, handsome guy, besides, he sang well and played the guitar, it is not surprising that the girl immediately fell in love with him. After the lovers decided to get married, Svetlana came to Chisinau and informed her parents about it.

The father, although he was dissatisfied with this idea, allowed her to get married, but on one condition - that the daughter keep her last name. Having played magnificent wedding, the young couple began to live as one family. Kryuchkova hardly saw her husband, since he spent all his time at the Theater Soviet army. Soon Mikhail began to convince the girl that she had no talent, advising her to quit studying and take care of housework. But Svetlana proved the opposite to her husband, becoming after some time a sought-after actress. Their marriage lasted four years, and then she packed her things and left. Despite the fact that the girl was registered in that apartment, she was left homeless.

The actress went to Leningrad, where she began filming in the film “The Eldest Son.” Along with the new role came to her new love represented by cameraman Yuri Veksler. Despite the fact that the man was short, red-haired, thin and freckled, and also 10 years older than her, the actress fell madly in love with him. Svetlana was not even stopped by the fact that at that time he had a relationship with another woman.

The girl did not back down, and soon Yuri broke up with his lover and married her. The couple dreamed of children, but due to health problems, the actress could not get pregnant. When it became known that she would become a mother, her husband had a heart attack. Kryuchkova then had to not only nurse him, but also think about the future child, since there was a threat of miscarriage. She had to take hormone injections throughout her pregnancy, which is why she developed excess weight and health deteriorated.

In the photo Svetlana Kryuchkova with her husband Yuri Veksler and son Dima

Stress and heavy workload affected the birth, but the son was still born in the summer of 1981. When the boy was two years old, the actress suffered a traumatic brain injury during filming. At that time, she dropped out of the profession for a long time, since at first she was in the hospital, and then for two whole years she could not walk normally. Relations with her husband gradually deteriorated and, after living together for 14 years, the couple separated. But the husband could not come to terms with this, although he tried to live with another woman. He died a year and a half after their separation.

In the photo Svetlana Kryuchkova with her third husband Alexander and youngest son

During this time, Kryuchkova managed to meet her new lover and give birth to his son. The acquaintance with my future husband, decorative artist Alexander, took place in the restaurant where he worked at that time. The lovers almost immediately began to live together, and in 1990 their son Alexander was born. When the baby was not yet a year old, a tragedy happened: the actress and her husband were in a car accident. She again had to recover for a long time and spend three years in hospitals. All this time, the child was looked after by the mother-in-law, who did not feel much love for her grandson.

Fighting the disease

In 2015, it became known that Svetlana Nikolaevna was fighting cancer, which had already progressed. When she felt unwell and deteriorating, she turned to doctors for help, however, they did not give of great importance her complaints, perceiving them as whims. The actress no longer trusted domestic doctors, so she went to a German clinic for treatment. Her numerous colleagues, friends, fans, as well as charities Nikita Mikhalkov, Maria Mironova and Evgeny Mironov.

Due to illness, Kryuchkova had to cancel her recital, but fans did not return their tickets and were looking forward to positive news about the health of their favorite. Due to the fact that the course of treatment brought effective results, the actress after some time entered the theater stage. Her appearance and the cheerful mood delighted the audience, who had been worried about her all this time.

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