Who is the husband of the mad God of Rynski? Bozena Rynska. Biography, photo, personal life. What is it famous for? Scandals involving Bozena Rynski

A little about perhaps the most scandalous and odious personality in modern world Russian journalism.
From the biography:
Bozena Rynska, birth name Evgeniya Lvovna Kuritsyna, genus. January 20, 1975, Leningrad - Russian journalist, secular observer, columnist for the Izvestia newspaper, the Gazeta.Ru portal, and GQ magazine. She is also known as a blogger and writer.
Evgenia was born on January 20, 1975. Her parents divorced when Evgenia was still a schoolgirl. Her childhood and youth were spent in Leningrad, where she graduated from a physics and mathematics school, and then worked for the Smena newspaper. Later she left for the USA, but returned to Russia quite soon. Graduated from the directing department of the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography (now St. Petersburg state academy theatrical art).
She began her full-time career as a journalist in 1998, moving to Moscow, where she began working under the pseudonym Bozena Rynska.

Life position, get married successfully, change his surname again and leave Russia, branding the authorities in London and American elite clubs. Her scandalousness makes her a constant subject of ridicule;
How did Bozhena Rynska, aka Zhenya Kuritsyna, from a St. Petersburg garbage dump and parents of drunks, make her way to the social heights? Metamorphoses accompanied Zhenya throughout her virtually worthless life.
Since my youth, I have been constantly in debt, while forgetting to pay it off. I wanted to live beautifully but didn’t have enough money, I ate for free while visiting various parties, at one of these events I got a start in life, this miracle in pink, crying in a drunken hysteria in the corner. Kuritsyna became yellow and was taken with them to the Gallery where they fed her and calmed her down a little.

There, the future star of cheap shocking Zhenka Kuritsyna began her path to scandalous fame, who told new acquaintances how she tried to impose herself on the famous businessman Misha Babel, whom she interviewed and was thrown into the water from the Viking ship, which is opposite Slavyanka, by his guards and how she was caught and dried, and how this poor thing hired men in the Gallery for a modest fee in order to get a nose job, and lived in a rented communal apartment in Leningrad, where another client crushed her nose.

It was then that Kuritsyna was introduced to Ksyusha Sobchak, who hired her as a housekeeper. The future Bozena wore Sobchak’s old clothes, and it was this fact that served as her start; Ksyusha’s cast-offs elevated Kuritsitsina to the level of a socialite, but she never became a lioness, which is why she rushes like a pug either at pensioners or journalists. Film me, film me!

In addition, Kuritsyna suffers from some kind of fierce hatred of her parents and the period when it began entrepreneurial activity related to the sale of underwear and used cosmetics for pennies.

Bozena Rynska about her parents (either her logic is lame, or she sincerely believes that children are found in cabbage):

“I don’t have and never will have children. But, alas, I have parents, although it would be better if I didn’t. And God forbid what happens to me, these parents, despite the will not in their favor, will be able to feed well for my bill. Although, I bought the apartment with my own money, not theirs. I didn’t receive a single scrap from the family real estate. I accepted the car as a gift.
But if something happens to me, they will still receive the obligatory share (if they have reached retirement age, and they have reached it). Well, with what joy will it be ensured through sweet life people who robbed me, betrayed me, humiliated me? People who didn’t invest a grain of soul in me, people who didn’t wish me a happy birthday and never helped me, no matter how seriously ill I was.
There is a way out, registering all your movable and immovable property as an LLC, and sort of living off the funds of the LLC, but this is such a mess... Does anyone know how to make a will for every fireman so that the parents don’t get anything? According to the law, between the two of them they are entitled to a mandatory half, and this, taking into account copyrights and rights to film adaptations and translations, is more than a lemon....Ke fer?”

In Bozhena’s initial hysteria, unfortunately, despite the violations of Article 282 that were obvious to the average person, professional linguists in a team with lawyers did not find any grounds for criminal prosecution. So we need to take a different path, which is not yet clear.

Why is Bozena so famous?
Let's start with the most scandalous statement Kuritsyna made in her blog livejournal. Blind people and wheelchair users interfere with the lives of the rich and famous.

“I feel very sorry for disabled people in Russia, here they are deprived of the right to human life, and the rights that you have healthy people, taken away from them. But the way people with disabilities are treated in the West also sometimes irritates me terribly. In my opinion, a disabled person has all the rights equal to healthy people, but there is no right of advantage. For example, there is no right to poison healthy life. And because a person was so unlucky either from birth or throughout his life, we, who are relatively healthy, do not owe him anything."
It’s clear that her manifesto could not go unnoticed and caused a flood of reviews. This is how writers and fellow journalists reacted on Facebook.

Denis Naam: “What Bozena doesn’t understand (for she really turned out to be an idiot, unimaginative) is that one day she will become (may become) the same... with beautiful legs that don’t feel shit and a puffy mouth in which the nurse pours semolina. The future of Bozhena... the point is not that they will now attack her and shut her up, but that she does not understand that all materialized (in the text) thoughts can return to the author... therefore, if in a year there will be news about Bozhena in wheelchair, let her not be the first to be surprised... When a woman is just a fool, no one is ever mad at her or even angry. But when a bitch, and even a brainless one – in such a rare combination – she’s annoying.”

Valery Zelenogorsky: “Kuritsyna in her LJ arrogantly and meanly attacked disabled people who prevent her, healthy and the strongest in the struggle for life, from celebrating her perfection, she doesn’t like it when disabled people ride next to her in transport, they have the most best places Kuritsyna wrote in the parking lot and other mean things. A person is given intelligence to hide his mental disability, but in our case, the lady did not demonstrate either intelligence or heart. I knew that she was rubbish, but I learned today that she is also a carrier of fascist ideology.”

Sergei Ponomarev: “Can I also be a little fascist? In the sense that this Chicken would look very divine on the grill - like thighs, you know, her market.”

Anton Nosik: “Since Naryshkin has already taught Europe parliamentarism, and Churov explained to the Americans the basics of the democratic electoral process, the time has come to teach the decaying West morals and ethics. No one can cope with this task better than Bozhena. It is not clear why she calls herself a Monegasque taxpayer. But against the background of the rest of the sketch, this detail is somehow even insignificant.”

No less scandalous was her attack on the film crew of the federal channel in September 2013 on Lesnaya Street.

“At about 3 p.m., service “02” received a message that on Lesnaya Street Bozhena Rynska and Igor Malashenko attacked a journalist of the federal channel while he was carrying out professional activity", RIA Novosti was told by the press service of the capital's main headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
According to preliminary data, Rynski’s attack of aggression raised the question of what she meant when she recently called pensioners a “generation of survivors” that prevents the development of young and active people.

Bozena Rynska periodically finds itself at the center of scandals. So, two years ago a criminal case was opened against her under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Insulting a representative of the authorities.” According to investigators, she insulted the capital's police officers during an unauthorized opposition rally on December 6, 2011 on Triumfalnaya Square. The suspect was chosen as a preventive measure in the form of a written undertaking not to leave the place and proper behavior.

And here she is again in the spotlight. The barrier at the supermarket broke the nose of Bozhena Rynske, June 23, 2014.
An unpleasant incident occurred with the famous brawler and social commentator of Moscow Bozhena Rynskaya. In the parking lot of the Vesna supermarket in the center of Moscow, a blogger was crushed by a barrier.
Providence or the voice of God warning the odious lady?
But the most amazing thing, the first thing that worried the journalist after the fall, was her scratched glasses. In addition, she was puzzled by the question of how she could maintain a presentable appearance. appearance, since social events await her in the near future. She blames her driver for the incident, who did not want to get out of the car.
Bozhena states that she intends to file a claim with Mosparking. According to the blogger, “the barrier must be safe, a metal pipe is a violation.” The journalist also promised to punish the disobedient driver. “The spouse will deal with the driver, or change, or build this one. It’s completely new, less than a month old, and doesn’t hurt,” the journalist wrote.

There are quite a lot of materials and publications about the personality of Zhenka Kuritsyna, but I wanted to summarize the most scandalous examples. I ask you not to judge strictly, but I don’t like this madam.
PS Recent events have only strengthened my dislike for this.......

With her favorite habit of spitting bile on social networks, Bozena Rynska never thought that she would attract such attention to her person. But the way she commented on yesterday's plane crash and the death of those on board brought down a barrage of criticism on her. Perhaps only the lazy did not call this scoundrel a scoundrel. And even the fact that she hastened to delete her post in order to somehow avoid further attacks did not help her at all.

While the Investigative Committee is conducting an investigation into Rynsk’s offensive post, a petition asking for her deprivation Russian citizenship with subsequent expulsion from the country, he collects signatures at lightning speed. Rynska herself, realizing the seriousness of what was happening, barricaded herself in her apartment and did not show her nose.

Not only did she completely destroy her entire career with one post, she is now in such an unenviable position that no one will just let it go. And deprivation of citizenship, perhaps, is better development events that she can wish for, because in this case she will at least remain free, otherwise - the sky is checkered, friends are striped. And she will be expelled, although she can go, for example, to Ukraine, where the current leadership will accept her with all honors. But only there, because after everything that happened, no one will hang out with her anymore.

You have always wondered what makes such people live in a country that you hate. After all, most of them, like Rynska, are self-sufficient and can easily afford to live almost anywhere. And yet they continue to live where they don’t like, whining that they don’t like everything, pouring sewage on everything and everyone. Masochists, or what?

So it is, or there is some other reason for their actions, but, living in this or that state, you need to comply with the laws and foundations of this state. Even if you really don’t like something. Otherwise, be prepared to take responsibility for your actions.

There are more dead in the world than living. And not all of them turn to decay and dust. Adherents of the pagan Chernobog fall into the state of zombies, waiting in the wings in the vicinity of the city of Svetly, located on the site of the former village of Likhodeevka. It was from these zombies that Professor Strooms from the secret defense institute decided to make perfect soldiers, came into contact with them and... disappeared without a trace. Years later, treasure hunter Georgy Leskov disturbed the underground crypts, and such evil spirits came to light that

The scandalous secular journalist and blogger Bozhena Rynska began her path to dubious fame in 1975 in St. Petersburg, then Leningrad. The biography of Bozena Rynski has many “blank spots” and inaccuracies. Many people question the year of birth - there is evidence that Bozhena Lvovna was born in 1974 or even 1972. But official date Bozena Rynski's birth is considered to be January 20, 1975. The real name at birth is Evgenia Lvovna Rynskaya, there is evidence that now the name has now been officially changed according to all documents to Bozhena. The name Bozena is often found in Poland and the Czech Republic and means “blessed”, “gifted by God”. You can often find information that the real name of Bozhena is Rynski Kuritsyna, but this is not true.

Bozhena’s mother, Alla Rynskaya, is a mathematics teacher, her father, Lev Rynsky, is an energy engineer by profession. The social commentator's parents divorced when Bozena was a teenager. The father subsequently left for the USA. Bozena has a very tense relationship with her mother. Bozhena’s maternal grandmother died several years ago in St. Petersburg; she was a military translator by profession and worked in the state security agencies. There is a sister, Nadezhda, a brother or a cousin, it is unclear. There are also relatives, but it seems that Bozena Lvovna does not maintain relations with them at all. Some consider Bozhena Lvovna to be a Jew, but, strictly speaking, she cannot be considered a Jew, since her mother is Russian and her father is Jewish.

Bozena Rynski studied at a physics and mathematics school, after some time she went to her father in the USA (Ohio), but about a year later she returned to Russia. She entered the directing department of the theater institute, but did not complete her studies. It turns out that it's finished higher education Bozena Rynski is missing.

Bozhena Rynska began her work in the field of journalism in the newspaper Smena, after moving to Moscow she began writing a column in Kommersant, then became a secular columnist for the newspaper Izvestia. For some time she lived in England with Nikolai Bychkov, a former shareholder of Yukos. After the relationship ended on Bychkov’s initiative, she returned to Russia. Bozena Rynska wrote for SNC magazine. Since December 1, 2016, he has not worked for SNC magazine, this was announced by the publication’s chief editor Natalia Arkhangelskaya on her Facebook account. Bozena is the author of the book “Thank God, I’m a VIP!”, which describes the experience social life. She actively uses social networks, keeps a diary on LiveJournal, and now Bozena Rynska publishes news more often on Facebook and Instagram. He is distinguished by a characteristic manner of presentation, widely and even masterfully uses profanity.

A distinctive feature of Bozhena Lvovna’s worldview is her positioning of herself as a kind of representative of the elite strata of society, high society, "VIP person". For this, she was nicknamed “I’ll drink” on the Internet. But objectively Bozhena is not one: she is not a major owner, is not related or married to a major official or businessman, is not a highly paid professional, etc. You can read about Bozena Rynski’s personal life, relationships with Bychkov, Igor Malashenko in.

The journalist is known for her numerous scandals and even fights: the famous “buckwheat fight” with Tatyana Tolstaya, a scandal with an NTV film crew, a protracted scandal with her housemates at an opposition forum in Lithuania, and many others. Bozhena Rynska has a criminal record: in 2014 she received a year of correctional labor with the withholding of part of her earnings after an episode of beating an NTV journalist and damaging a video camera. After the crash of the TU-154 plane over the Black Sea in December 2016, she caused a flurry of negative comments in the media and social networks due to a post on Facebook, where she rejoiced at the death of NTV journalists. The offensive post was deleted but saved.

She considers herself involved in the liberal opposition, took part in opposition rallies, and often speaks negatively about the current Russian government. Bozhena Rynski's conflicting behavior brought her many haters (ill-wishers), some of whom are even more odious individuals and have taken active action, read more.

There are two analysis plans here. Let's start with the most general thing, “a group is a single person.” Her entire story is structured as a description of the conflict between her and a certain unknown young man, a “boor,” and Bozhena draws all her conclusions strictly based on this premise. However, this is obviously not so; lover of female pops - this episode. In reality, Bozhena described her conflict with the PARTY. I wonder if she is aware of this... In principle, everything that happened is a classic conflict between an individual and an established group. There is a LOT of evidence scattered throughout the text (let's give Bozhena credit as a reporter) evidence of how the GROUP is trying to point out to Bozhena the norms of behavior accepted among her, as well as her, Bozhena's, place in the group hierarchy. In fact, throughout the entire story, all Bozhena does is try - not only with words, but also with force (involving the police) - to force the group to abandon the norms it has accepted and accept the norms proposed by Bozhena. But from social psychology it is known who alone has the right to change previously established group norms. Who? That's right - a new leader. In fact, Bozena tried to make a major leap: from invited guest to leader. The attempt turned out to be with unsuitable means: we see that Bozhena did not even have a single ALLY. Actually, we can now break down the whole episode in terms of the social psychology of groups. So: Bozena gets into new group (“party”) as an ordinary participant, and honestly tries to behave in accordance with group guidelines - in particular, he sits on a chair in a way that is “accepted” (“glamorous”) in the group. One of the group members takes actions towards her that Bozena herself perceives as inappropriate and offensive. What follows is a series of dialogues in which Bozhena tries to point out to other members of the group that they are not treating her “by the rules.” Everyone (!) in one form or another makes it clear to Bozhena that there is nothing to worry about, since everything that happened to her is “normal”... Here is the key fork in the road. At this point, Bozhena could already quite understand: her conflict is not with any of the individual participants, but with the NORMS of the group, that is, simply with the group itself, and therefore she has only two options: accept these norms as a given or leave group. However, Bozena chooses the third path, and from that moment on, events seem to bifurcate: they have a superficial, that is, apparent plan and a hidden essential, that is, socio-psychological. Bozena decides to “take revenge” on the group member who offended her, but in fact prove to the whole group that its norms are conditional and are not correct from Bozena’s point of view. As Eric Berne said about such cases, “People notice that everything that happens around them is a game only when someone breaks its rules.” However, this is not the whole analysis. Let's return to the first phrase of the analysis: “Bozhena finds herself in a new group (“party”) as an ordinary participant.” More precisely, it looks like this only from a formal point of view. In reality, this is not the case: Bozhena herself obviously considers herself almost a VIP, but for the “party” she is, on the contrary, a “second-class participant.” Moreover, Bozhena herself explains why: “I have neither a brother, nor a husband, nor a father,” once, and she is a woman - that’s two. In other words, there is no POWER behind her, from the group's point of view. To put it even simpler: for the group, Bozhena is a hanger-on, a person invited “out of mercy” (people who know Russian reality well will grin here; yes, yes, a very characteristic attitude towards a single woman: on the one hand - for the Caucasus, on the other - for the Russian village). And this, again, is an aspect that Bozena tries her best not to notice. Although it is clear from the text: Bozhena’s offender did not wander around the hall at all and did not grab the private parts of all the ladies in a row, as is supposedly “accepted” for “heavily drunk” in this get-together; No. The whole story finally appears before us in its true light - BATTLES FOR STATUS. In fact, Bozhena was not pointing out some “generally accepted” rules in this get-together; no, she was pointed out the rules established FOR SOMEONE LIKE HER. What is Bozena doing? She understands these rules and she PLAYS BY THEM: Do you think there is no power behind me? So I will prove that I have strength! And he presents arguments: on the one hand, a stun gun, on the other, the police. Of course, this is despair; It’s a no-brainer that in the group Bozena so longs to belong to, both are ridiculous. There are also, however, some “bandits” who are supposedly ready, on Bozhena’s order, to find and break the legs of anyone. In any case, she constantly threatens them in her LiveJournal. Poor stupid girl!.. In fact, we should all be grateful to Bozhena Rynska: in fact, in front of everyone, she is conducting a so-called “involved experiment” to expose the “world of glamor”, every hour risking, as we see, her own butt and even her will - involuntarily substituting her. But the results are visible to everyone: the glamor and glitter slide away, revealing a steel frame: this is a world of power, recognizing only power, hierarchically built in such a way that the Hindus with their kshatriyas and sudras would envy.

Bozena Rynska is a controversial character in Russian journalism and journalism. Known for her scandalous antics, eccentric articles and opposition political views.

Bozhena Rynska's childhood and youth

Evgenia Lvovna Rynskaya was born in Leningrad. Father Lev Isaakovich Rynsky is an energy engineer, mother Alla Konstantinovna Rynskaya is a mathematics teacher. The Rynsky family was not particularly prosperous. The father left his wife and daughter when the latter was in high school. And young Evgenia’s relationship with her mother was very difficult.

WITH early years the girl was fond of exact sciences, studied at the physics and mathematics school. As Rynska herself says, this played a role in the development of her analytical mind.

Almost from school, Evgenia went to work for the then popular newspaper Smena. True, her first experience as a journalist quickly disappointed her. Soon Rynska sets off to conquer the USA. However, America did not impress the girl, and she returned to Leningrad.

Here she entered the directing department of the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. After studying at the university, Evgenia played a cameo role in the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns.” At this point, Rynskaya’s connections with cinema were severed and she set off to conquer Moscow.

Bozhena Rynska's first professional successes

Evgenia arrived in the capital in 1998. Here she took the creative pseudonym “Bozhena Rynska” and got a job as a freelance correspondent for the Kommersant newspaper. This work became a good springboard for achieving Bozena's goals. She made useful connections and in 2004 invited the editor-in-chief of the Izvestia newspaper Raf Shakirov to independently create and run the page gossip columns in the publication.

Bozena Rynska at the School of Scandal with Tatyana Tolstaya and Dunya Smirnova

Over the five years that she devoted to the Izvestia newspaper, Bozhena turned into the most scandalous secular journalist in Moscow.

Blog Bozhena Rynska

In 2008, Bozena released her debut book, Thank God, I'm VIP. In the work, Rynska talked about her experience of communicating with the cream of society and her impressions of communicating with the heroes of her gossip columns. The book was published in a circulation of 10 thousand copies and was republished in 2010.

The book “Thank God, I’m VIP” was based mainly on Bozhena’s posts on the LJ (Live Journal) blog. Rynska writes there under the pseudonym becky_sharpe. The journalist took this name in honor of the main character of the novel Vanity Fair, Becky Sharp, a shy young lady who sought to conquer the secular society of Great Britain in the 18th century.

By the way, Bozhena Rynska’s blog consistently holds the highest ranks of popularity among users. So, Bozhena has more than 15 thousand accounts on her list of “friends”. In total, about 5 thousand entries have been written on the blog. On the Internet, the journalist is even more frank and sharp-tongued than in print publications. Her candid thoughts are often quoted. Rynskaya’s motto: “I don’t care what you think about me. I do not think about you at all".

Bozena Rynska and Nikita Dzhigurda

According to the rating, which was carried out in 2012, Bozena Rynska took 89th position in the list of “100 most influential Russian women”. IN given time The journalist collaborates with the Internet portal gazeta.ru. He also writes a column for GQ magazine.

Scandals in the life of Bozhena Rynska

The journalist is quite eccentric and emotional, so she often finds herself at the center of various scandals involving famous people. Among them are journalist Tatyana Tolstaya and showman Nikita Dzhigurda, with whom Bozhena noisily and publicly sorted things out.

Bozhena Rynska and the barrier: a blow to the head on the Arbat

In addition, Rynska is known for political statements and actions. So, in 2008, she supported and defended the former vice-president of YUKOS Vasily Aleksanyan, who was arrested at that time.

Throughout 2011-2012, the journalist took the side of the political opposition and participated in numerous rallies and protests, the goal of which was to make elections in Moscow fair and transparent. For her activities, Bozhena was repeatedly detained by law enforcement agencies.

Also scandalous " socialite"is known for stormy showdowns in public with the heroes of her articles.

Bozhen does not observe professional tolerance towards his colleagues either. In 2013, she and her husband were sued for battery and obstruction of journalistic activities. In the courtyard of their house, a married couple attacked a journalist and cameraman who were trying to interview them.

And in 2012, Moskovsky Komsomolets published another sensation from Bozhena’s life. According to unconfirmed information, the real name of the journalist is Kuritsyn. This caused a violent reaction from the heroine of the material and threats of legal action. True, the scandal faded over time.

Personal life of Bozhena Rynska

The media often circulated rumors about Bozena Rynska's next love affairs. However, in February 2012, Bozhena married fellow journalist and political scientist Igor Malashenko.

For the sake of marriage with Rynskaya, Igor left his family in the USA - his wife and three children. He served as general director of Channel One, headed NTV and heads the international television channel RTVi.

The biography of Bozena Rynska, the notorious Russian journalist, is full of mysteries and contradictory facts. Their origin is also unclear - either the information is being “thrown” into the media by the girl’s ill-wishers, or she herself, wanting to always be “on the lips.” Be that as it may, it is very interesting to understand the secrets of Bozhena.

Childhood and youth

Bozena was born on January 20, 1975 in Leningrad. Her mother, Alla Konstantinovna, taught mathematics, and her father, Lev Isaakovich, was a power engineer. Her parents divorced when the girl was still in school, and since then her father has not been present in Bozhena’s life. Her relationship with her mother also did not work out; her parents seemed to be erased from her biography.

Bozhena Rynska is Russian by nationality, although there are people who doubt this. As it turns out, in vain.

Bozhena spent her entire childhood in hometown. She graduated from a physics and mathematics school, but always dreamed of becoming a journalist.

To try herself in this profession, the girl immediately after graduating from school got a job at the Smena newspaper. Bozhena’s expectations were not met; the journalist’s everyday life turned out to be not only gray and boring, but also very difficult.

Without thinking twice, the girl quit and flew to America. Rynska couldn’t find herself there either and returned back to her homeland with a clear desire to try herself in another profession.

Bozhena submitted documents to the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, for the directing department. After graduating from college, the actress with great ambitions was only able to get a miniature role in the TV series “Streets of Broken Lanterns.” Not seeing prospects for development in her hometown, Bozena set off to conquer Moscow.

Long-awaited glory

The move to the capital became a turning point in the biography of Bozhena Rynska. Her career began to develop rapidly:

  • she began working as a freelance correspondent for the Kommersant newspaper in 2003;
  • a year later she went to work for the Izvestia newspaper, where she ran the gossip section for 5 years;
  • In 2008, she published the book “Thank God, I’m VIP!”, which tells about the author’s impressions of the characters in her reviews;
  • Since 2009, the journalist has been writing her column in the online publication Gazeta.ru.

But Bozhena’s greatest fame came from her LiveJournal blog, which she maintains under the pseudonym “becky-sharpe”, in which she does not hesitate to express her opinion. Nick Bozhena was not chosen by chance. Taking the name of the heroine of the novel “Vanity Fair,” she seems to draw parallels between the biography of Becky, who tried to “make given name" V secular society Great Britain in the 18th century and the biography of journalist Bozena Rynski, who yearns for fame in modern Russian society.


Bozena Rynska is a very scandalous person, which is what she became famous for.

  • In 2010, the journalist, in front of all her subscribers, sorted out her relationship with Tatyana Tolstaya. The host of the “School of Scandal” compared Bozhena to the old woman from “Golden Fish”. Tolstoy said that she allegedly volunteered to help Bozhena after she underwent surgery on her leg. Tatyana Nikitichna claimed that Rynski’s desires grew exponentially: first buy medicine, then cook buckwheat, and then serve Maasdam cheese. In response to the insult, Bozhena provided correspondence with Tolstaya, from which it became clear that she reimbursed all expenses for Tatyana, and there was not even any talk about any cheese.
  • Another public scandal occurred between Bozhena and Nikita Dzhigurda on the air of Vladimir Molchanov’s “Midnighter” program. A peaceful conversation about social life almost turned into a fight. Dzhigurda, who accused Rynska of not behaving at all like a socialite, insulting and throwing mud at everyone, was almost doused with hot tea right in the studio. Only the presenter managed to prevent the fight.
  • A similar situation occurred on the air of the “Forecasts” program. Bozena, who interrupted the star of “House-2” Olga Buzova, did not want to give her the floor, throwing phrases like “There will be someone else interrupting me here!” The girls were never able to figure out who the presenter actually gave the floor to. But Bozhena suppressed Buzova with her assertiveness and turned everyone’s attention to herself.
  • At one of the social events, the journalist hit a certain Sergei Stishov with a stun gun, believing that he was “giving up.” The tipsy man did not allow himself to be offended and gave the journalist a good slap in the face.

Conflict with NTV

In the fall of 2013, another unpleasant incident occurred involving Bozhena. Law enforcement Moscow reported that Rynska and her husband Malashenko attacked a correspondent for the NTV television company, beat him and took away the microphone.

The couple put forward their version of what happened, according to which annoying journalists literally pursued them, giving them no rest and “keeping watch” near the entrance every day.

After 8 months of trial, a decision was made to find Bozhena guilty of beating a journalist, she was sentenced to a year of correctional labor, and withholding 10% of her income to the state treasury.

Horrifying prank

After the incident, Rynska more than once allowed herself unflattering statements about the employees of the NTV channel, but the most scandalous and terribly unpleasant was her publication related to the Tu-154 plane crash over the Black Sea in 2016, where she rejoiced at the death of the channel’s journalists and thanked God for it.

The reaction of the indignant public followed immediately, people signed a petition to deprive Bozhena of Russian citizenship for her statements, pasted photos of dead journalists on the windows of her apartment and posted online posts on this topic. But Rynska never received punishment for her inhuman act.

Personal life

In one of the interviews, the socialite complained that she had wasted her youth “on the wrong people.” She really changed men often in her youth. Until 2012, the media often published rumors about the journalist’s new lovers. However, in February it turned out that he had finally appeared a serious man in the biography of Bozena Rynski. Malashenko Igor Evgenievich, her new boyfriend, was the general director of Channel One, headed NTV, and now runs the international TV channel RTVi. He is almost two decades older than Bozhena; for the sake of his young passion, he left his wife and two children (they live in America). However, the relationship with Bozhena was not at all a random, fleeting romance between a young girl and a wealthy “daddy”. The couple has been together for 5 years and they seem to be quite happy.

The official marriage of Malashenko and Rynska is not registered. Bozena declares that she doesn’t need this, she feels comfortable next to a real man and she doesn’t need to think “about her daily bread.”


Bozhena has no children. She has been trying to get pregnant for several years, but nothing has worked. The IVF procedure in 2013 ended in failure.

Rynska believes that NTV’s “harassment” is to blame for everything and, at every opportunity, wishes the very worst to those responsible for their misfortunes. Rumors leaked to the media that after the miscarriage, Bozhena felt so lost that she even attempted suicide.

Let's hope that Bozena can still become a happy mother. Maybe then she will become a little kinder and more humane.

Zhenya Kuritsyna?

However, they were wrong in their assumptions. Neither our heroine, nor her mother, nor any other relatives bore the name Kuritsyn. Real name Bozena Rynski, whose biography many are trying to change, is Rynskaya, and her name is Evgenia, which she bore in childhood, before emigrating to America.

Sometimes one gets the impression that the socialite is a very secretive lady, because when talking about her biography, Bozena Rynska never advertises her age and real name. And if it weren’t for the scandalous publication “about Evgenia Kuritsyna,” no one would have thought that Bozhena Rynska was a pseudonym.

Political discord in the family

Bozhena could not ignore the news that Ksenia Sobchak was going to run for president. On her Facebook page, Rynska published a post about Ksenia, where she stated that Sobchak is a very vile person and is only chasing money and popularity.

But just recently it became known that Rynski’s husband will head the campaign headquarters of Ksenia Sobchak.

Bozhena reacted to this in a very restrained manner, which was not typical for herself, and said that this was his decision and she did not want to comment on it.


Bozena Rynska announced on the Cactus show on YouTube that she intends to leave Russia. According to the star, the last straw was her robbery. That's what she called the write-off from her bank card 22 thousand rubles towards debt for non-payment of status individual entrepreneur. The journalist named the actions executive bodies a real theft. She claims that she is only going to pay taxes if the government changes.

Rynska did not disclose either the date or the country where she and her husband were going to emigrate.

Biography of Bozena Rynski, one of the most scandalous stars Russia, makes you think about the eternal question that S.Ya. Marshak put it in one line of his children's poem: “What is good and what is bad.” Is it possible to “go ahead” in pursuit of fame? Is it worth writing lies in order to stand out from others? Are all means good on the way to achieving the goal? Everyone, of course, decides for themselves how to live. But it’s still not worth neglecting the norms of morality and morality.

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