Easy and quick breakfasts for school. The healthiest breakfast options for schoolchildren. Schoolchild's breakfast: menu for the whole week

When a child enters school, every parent has a lot of new worries and worries. In particular, how to combine going to school and returning the child home with work. But that is not all. The most important thing is how to feed a child in the morning who has just woken up and is refusing everything. The school load requires increased concentration, which means that breakfast for a student should be as healthy and complete as possible. Today we’ll talk about what to offer your child to make the morning really enjoyable.

Why is your morning meal so important?

By morning, the baby’s body has already been without food for about ten hours. If a child skips breakfast, he has four to five hours ahead of him at his desk. There is a dining room, you might object. Yes, but often children refuse to eat what is served there. And if you give them money so they can buy something for themselves, they will buy crackers and chips. Therefore, breakfast for a schoolchild is a prerequisite for starting the day. Complete and nutritious, it allows children to be more attentive during classes and express themselves more creatively in the learning process.

Basic Rules

Breakfast for a schoolchild should be varied. Bread and butter is the go-to option if you don't have time to prepare anything else. To avoid wasting too much time in the morning, make sure you always have the ingredients on hand. Be sure to go to the store in the evening and think about what you will cook. Nutritionists formulate the following rule. Every morning, your child’s diet should include three healthy foods.

The best option

It is best if the student's breakfast is hot. It could be milk porridge cottage cheese casserole, omelette. The meal must be supplemented with hot tea or cocoa. Even a small portion of a hot drink or food seems to kickstart the body’s work and give an impetus to the start of a new day. There are children who refuse to eat in the morning. Then be sure to make him drink hot tea. A child should not leave home on an empty stomach, because by the end of the first lesson he will feel very hungry.

Hot sandwich

There is nothing wrong with eating it in the morning. At the same time, the design can be very different. For example, "Tic Tac Toe". This is a great option for hot toast with cheese. To prepare you will need a rectangular piece rye bread, hard cheese, processed cheese, a little boiled ham and olive. Toast the bread in a frying pan or toaster and lightly brush with butter. Place one large layer of hard cheese and strips of processed cheese on top. We form crosses from the ham, and cut olives for zeros. We spread the entire composition and heat it slightly in the microwave. Add fresh cucumber and milk tea to this set and you will have a wonderful breakfast.

Express option

Breakfast recipes for schoolchildren imply that mom will spend some time in the kitchen. What if you went to bed late last night and couldn’t wake up on time in the morning? It's okay, there is an option to quickly and tasty feed your favorite child. Offer him a banana-honey smoothie.

You will need ½ glass of milk, ½ drinking yogurt, a tablespoon of ground flax seeds, a similar amount of peanut butter and a teaspoon of honey. Add a ripe banana to this and you get a delicious treat. All ingredients must be blended in a blender. In general, cocktails are ideal quick breakfasts for schoolchildren. At the same time, these are sources of protein, vitamins and amino acids, and how much joy the guys have. The only negative is that breakfast still needs to be hot.

Dumplings with cottage cheese

Excellent breakfast for a school student. The recipes offer a lot of variety. This lazy dumplings, which can be applied right in the morning. You will need 200 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs and 100 g of flour. Sugar and salt to taste. Knead the dough while simultaneously heating a pan of water on the stove. Now form dough balls and boil them in salted water. All that remains is to pour sour cream on and serve. The second option is classic dumplings. You can stick them on the night before, and they will calmly wait in the freezer. The filling can be anything: potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, berries.


One of the fastest and most nutritious dishes is scrambled eggs. And if you are tired of the classic fried egg, then try one of the omelette options. Healthy breakfasts for schoolchildren require the consumption of eggs at least once a week. Treat your baby to an omelette with toast. To do this, break the lightly toasted bread into pieces and place on a preheated frying pan. Pour in the egg and milk mixture and close with a lid. After five minutes you can turn it off and put it on a plate.

Spanish omelette is an even more nutritious dish. For this you will need several potatoes. Slice them thinly and fry in olive oil. Now beat the eggs and pour them over the browned potatoes. Once the omelette has set, turn it over to the other side. It must be said that this is a heavier option compared to the previous one, so it should be prepared only as an exception. Healthy breakfasts for schoolchildren should not be too greasy, so cook only in non-stick pans without adding oil or with a minimum amount of it.


A wonderful dish that is a source of protein and calcium. In order not to use oil and not to overload the child’s stomach, they should be cooked in a slow cooker, steamed or in the oven. Healthy breakfasts for schoolchildren must include cottage cheese. The dough for cheesecakes can be prepared with the addition of applesauce or banana puree, oatmeal or cereal, which makes this dish versatile. The basis will be 250 g of cottage cheese. Add 2 to it quail eggs, 50 g of fruit puree and a couple of spoons of oatmeal or semolina. Bake on a baking sheet greased with oil.

Pumpkin pudding

A proper breakfast for a schoolchild must include fruits or vegetables. For the following recipe you will need 150 g of pumpkin, 2 eggs, a tablespoon of sugar. Finely chop the pumpkin and place in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. After that, grind it in a blender, add eggs and sugar, 100 g of cottage cheese, a tablespoon of flour. Now level this mass in a cooking container and microwave for 3 minutes at 800 W.

Porridge is our food

And indeed it is. When thinking about what to cook for a schoolchild for breakfast, you need to remember this healthy and very simple dish. Today you can cook porridge without wasting your time at all. If you have a slow cooker, all you need to do is add the ingredients in the evening and get up in the morning to have breakfast ready. What could be better than millet, rolled oats or rice porridge with milk and butter! If your child does not eat this dish well, garnish it with berries or syrup, or make a casserole based on porridge prepared the night before.

Saturday option

As you can see, a student’s menu can be quite varied and interesting. Breakfast on the weekend can be a little time-consuming, but at the same time more interesting. For example, how do you like sweet fruit rolls?

To prepare, you will need pancake dough, from which you need to bake thin pancakes. This can be done in the evening if you want to lie in bed longer. For the filling, prepare 250 g of cottage cheese, cream and 150 g of strawberries, blackberries or blueberries. Whip the cheese and cream, add powdered sugar. Now put the filling on the pancake, place the berries on top and wrap it with a roll. All that remains is to cut it into portions and serve. Garnish with berries and whipped cream.

Instead of a conclusion

There are a lot of options on how to feed a schoolchild a tasty and healthy breakfast. The given recipes, which are only a small part of the whole variety, can become basic for you, and based on them, come up with new ones, interesting options for your favorite schoolchildren. Even the best breakfast will get boring if you serve it every day, so you can’t do without creativity.

Of all meals, breakfast is the foundation of health. After all, it gives a charge for the whole day. What is important to consider when organizing meals for schoolchildren? We must try to cook in such a way that the dishes are varied and balanced.

Therefore, it is important that they not only contain proteins and fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and various useful material. All this must be combined correctly and cooked deliciously. Then the morning meal will turn into a holiday for the child, and he will go to school not only with a full stomach, but also with good mood. What can you prepare for breakfast for a schoolchild?

Rules for breakfast

Remember that you should spend at least 20 minutes for breakfast, and the calorie content of morning meals should be 15-20% of your daily diet. That is, cookies and tea are not enough here. In the morning, the child needs to eat a hearty meal.

As for the portion, this is an individual matter.

What to feed the brain?

This is not an idle question, because children go to school for knowledge. Therefore, it is advisable to start the day with simple carbohydrates. This, in addition to meat, fish, etc., porridge, pasta, pancakes, etc. But not “breakfast cereals”!

No delicacies

Yes, there is no need for delicacies in the morning. Since children lose a lot of energy going to school and doing physical and mental work there, they need to be given eggs and dairy products in the morning, which their body digests well. Forget about mayonnaise, it's better to use sour cream.

Prepare a fluffy omelette, scrambled eggs, say, with broccoli, pepper, etc. The cottage cheese is just perfect. You just need to prepare it well, for example, in the form of a delicious cream, casserole, dumplings, just cottage cheese with yogurt and delicious sandwich their multigrain bread and cream cheese etc.

What drink?

The juice will go with the porridge, and it is better if it is sweet juice. With the cottage cheese you should give a weak sweet tea or cocoa with milk. Heavier dishes require plain water.

What to cook for your child for breakfast - simple healthy recipes

Cooking every day different dishes from different products, you lay a good foundation for the child’s body. Therefore, to prevent your child from having gastritis or ulcers, do not be lazy in preparing beautiful, tasty and healthy dishes that are not boring. After all, ordinary pancakes can be poured with bright jam, sprinkled with chocolate or powdered sugar. Vary your presentation too!


Fantasy suggests the most options here. The main thing here is the child’s preferences. Those. cook him what he likes. But get used to other ingredients too. Salads can be served as a main course or made on their own. Simple sliced ​​vegetables seasoned with sour cream or yogurt, or prefabricated salads such as Olivier, etc., are suitable here. But there are also such recipes...

Your child will like it. First, let him do the cutting with you. Secondly, it will turn out beautiful and tasty!

We take: 1 potato, 1 egg, 50 g salted or fresh cucumber(1 cucumber for decoration), 50 g bell pepper, greens, 2 tbsp. sour cream

Cooking : It would be nice if the potatoes and eggs were already boiled and cooled, and all you had to do was cut them. Peel the potatoes and eggs. Let's prepare the pepper and cucumber. Chop everything into the smallest cubes. Pour in sour cream, add chopped herbs and serve - with this serving (in fresh cucumber slices) the child will ask for more!


Just not the ones that everyone is trying to buy now, i.e. which do not need to be cooked. Porridges should be made from whole grains. Yes, it takes longer to cook, but it will preserve the child’s health. In the evening you can charge the multicooker and prepare it at the right time.

Porridge is cooked from:

  • Rice.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Millet.
  • Millet.
  • Pearl barley.

Porridges come with meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Each of them requires a certain amount of liquid. But it all depends on what kind of porridge your child likes.

The ratio of the amount of cereal and liquid (per 1 glass of cereal) is as follows:

  • Buckwheat - for liquid we take 4.5 cups, semi-viscous - 3.5, viscous - 3, crumbly - 2;
  • Rice – for liquid we take 6 glasses, for semi-viscous – 4.5, for viscous – 4, and for crumbly – 1.5;
  • Millet – for liquid we take 4 glasses of water, for viscous – 3, for crumbly – 2.5.
  • Pearl barley porridge - for viscous we take 4 cups, for crumbly - 2.5;
  • Wheat - for liquid 4 cups of liquid, for viscous - 3, for crumbly - 3;
  • Barley - for viscous we take 4 cups of liquid, crumbly - 2.5, and for liquid - 5 cups.

Porridge with milk

Children love this type of porridge. Especially if you add something sweet and fruit to it. The porridge is cooked quickly and easily.

Millet porridge

First find out what kind of cereal your son or daughter likes. After all, you can cook both mess and crumbly porridge! This recipe makes the porridge nice and tender.

We take: a glass of millet, 2 glasses of milk and water, 50 g butter, a few crystals of salt, sugar to taste, jam

Cooking: Rinse the cereal well under the tap, otherwise the porridge will taste bitter. At the end, pour boiling water over the millet and, adding hot, slightly salted water, let it cook without turning off the heat. Then pour boiled milk over the cereal, add sugar and, bringing the milk to a boil, cook the porridge over low heat until cooked. Add butter and sugar at the end. We put a piece of butter in a plate with hot porridge, pouring it with jam, which your child loves. Cheesecakes and seagulls go well here.

It is also important to find out what consistency is best to cook porridge. To do this, try both options, but not in the morning, but, say, in the evening.

We take: 1 glass of rice, 2 glasses of water and milk, 1 tbsp. sugar, a few crystals of salt, 50 g butter, 1 apple, a little cinnamon or vanilla

Cooking: After washing the cereal in several waters, add water to the rice and cook, adding a little salt. Almost before the liquid evaporates, pour in the milk and add sugar. Cook covered until done. Before turning off, thinly slice the sweet apple and place it on top without stirring. Put butter in the porridge and sprinkle it with grated chocolate and cinnamon. You can add different fruits each time. Preferably sweet!


Great carb breakfast. These can be a variety of dishes - starting with navy-style pasta, ending with casseroles, or simply a side dish for meat or fish.

Ask what child doesn't love this dish! You can take any meat, but beef or chicken is better.

We take: 100 g durum pasta, 200 g minced beef, 50 g onion, butter for frying, salt to taste

Cooking: Boil the pasta that your child loves according to the instructions. While the water is boiling, prepare the minced meat. Although it is better that it is already prepared, and all you have to do is prepare the dish itself. We need to finely chop the onion, throw it in butter, lightly add salt and simmer with the onion. When the pasta is ready, add it to the frying pan or mince with the pasta. Mix and serve quickly.

Meat dishes

This is a very important ingredient in children's diets. But you have to choose useful varieties. Children like chicken meat. And if cooked correctly, they will eat rabbit meat with pleasure, beef, etc. Stew or steam, make cutlets, meatballs or zrazy with or without cereals, make dumplings - it’s your choice.

If you made them with your whole family last night, imagine with what pleasure your child will gobble up the dumplings. Here it is also important to take into account the type of meat, although you can even mix pork with beef, and it will be great.

We take: 250 g minced meat, 250 g dough, 1 egg, 70 g onion, 1 clove garlic, salt to taste

Cooking: Separate the yolk and beat it into the flour. Lightly salt and make a stiff dough. Let the bun rest under a towel while you prepare the minced meat. After grinding it in a convenient way, beat it off by hitting it on the table surface. Grate the onion and garlic here. Salt to taste. You can proceed with the test in different ways. I prefer to roll out the sausages, cut them into pieces and roll them out of a circle. Place the minced meat in the middle of the circle and seal the dumpling. Cook by throwing into salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes. It will be tasty and satisfying if you pour butter on top!

Rabbit in sour cream

The rabbit carcass doesn't look very pretty. Therefore, do not show it to your child, but cut off ready-made pieces of pulp for breakfast. This will be a wonderful meal.

We take: 250 g rabbit meat, 2 mushrooms, onion – 50 g, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 50 g tomato, herbs and salt to taste, butter

Cooking: Drain the finished chopped pieces of pulp and simmer in butter. In the meantime, let's chop the onions and mushrooms. Lightly simmer them with the meat, adding sour cream and thinly sliced ​​tomatoes. Sprinkle with juicy herbs before serving. A rabbit stewed under a lid will be incomparable if served with porridge, pasta or vegetables.

Chicken rolls

It is important to remember the time factor here. After all, in order not to fry the rolls, it is advisable to bake them in the oven.

We take: 200 g chicken fillet, 70 g sweet pepper, 1 tomato, 50 g cheese, salt to taste, flavored breading

Cooking: We cut the meat into slices and, wrapping each one in plastic, beat it with a chopper. Lightly salt and fill the rolls with thinly sliced ​​tomatoes, peppers and cheese. Wrap the meat in a roll, dip it in breading and, having secured the edges with something, send it in a raft to bake in the oven for about 30 minutes. A wonderful breakfast, good as a separate dish.

Flour dishes

This means pancakes and pancakes. Most people know basic rules their preparations. But I want to give interesting advice in terms of convenient preparation.

Pancakes under the lid

This recipe differs not only in the order of operations, but also in the method of preparation. You and your baby will love it!

We take: a glass of kefir, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. sugar, a little salt, half a teaspoon of soda, 250 g flour, vanilla, 1.5 tbsp. vegetable oil

Cooking: Having beaten the egg into a bowl, add all the dry ingredients (except for soda), and then pour it with kefir. Beat with a whisk, adding oil to the mixture. And only then add the sifted flour mixed with soda. Beat everything again and fry in a greased frying pan. The pancakes can be made without soda if you don’t want to use it. After all, they are fried under the lid!


They make a great breakfast if prepared correctly and tasty. The choice of dishes is huge - from lush omelettes to ordinary scrambled eggs.

Don't know how to feed your child vegetables in the morning? Prepare an omelet! Healthy, tasty - he will ask you to cook the same tomorrow. Just add other vegetables next time.

We take: 2 eggs, 50 g cauliflower, 50 g carrots, 50 g bell pepper, 50 g cheese, salt to taste, dried dill, butter

Cooking: Finely chop the cabbage, i.e. let's hide it, as it were. Also chop the carrots into small pieces. If the child does not like this fruit, replace it with something else or do without it. Lightly sauté cabbage and carrots in oil. Let's grate the cheese. We will pour everything into the vessel in which you wanted to cook, having dissolved the butter before that. Pour in the beaten eggs, add a little dried dill and cook. I prepared this version of the omelet in a slow cooker on the “baking” mode.

Lavash rolls with filling

This is also a unique breakfast. After all, you can use anything as a filling – from meat to dairy products, fruits and vegetables.

We take: 1 sheet of lavash, 100 g boiled meat, 1 cream tomato, 50 g cheese, 2 slices of pickled cucumber, 1 tsp. sour cream, greens

Cooking: Chop the boiled meat into long slices. Cut the cheese, cucumber and tomato into thin slices. Let's add it all in layers, covering each layer with sour cream. It would be great to bake this beauty in the oven, pouring melted butter on top.


Yes, yes, children adore them. And I won't talk about traditional sandwiches. I will say that there are a lot of options. Children like it warm, including with meat and vegetables, sprinkled with cheese, etc. I offer an interesting recipe.

We take: 1 egg, 2 slices of meat bacon, 50 g bell pepper, 1 slice of bread, 50 g cheese, 1 tbsp. sour cream, butter meat

Cooking: Lightly simmer the meat cut into strips in butter. Next we cook the egg and pepper slices. Sprinkle the meat with grated cheese. Place a hot egg on it. And we’ll put all this on a piece of bread, smeared with sour cream. Heat up this miracle, and a delicious hearty breakfast is ready. It will be complemented by something sweet.

Cottage cheese: for dessert

Does your child not eat cottage cheese? If you make a casserole, delicious cream or the most delicate mass with berries, he will change his preferences! I offer two interesting recipes that are ideal for a snack after the main course.

The consistency of this yummy will captivate anyone, especially children. Yes, and mom will like it, because... cooking is easy, quick and simple.


We take: 100 g cottage cheese, any berries 75 g, 2 tbsp. sour cream or yogurt, honey - to taste

Cooking: Shred the berries in a convenient way. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, only then will the delicacy be tender. Mix everything, add sour cream and honey. Beat in a blender until the mass is as smooth as in the photo.

It is indispensable when a child needs to finish a meal with something sweet. It has such a delicate structure, such a wonderful taste. This cream is also universal - spread it on bread, on a wafer sheet, or stuff it into molds.

We take: 100 g cottage cheese, 30 g sour cream, 1 tbsp powdered sugar, vanillin or cinnamon to taste, 1 tbsp. sesame seeds, 1 tbsp chopped peanuts, 50 g banana, wafer sheet or mold

Cooking: I always rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Then I add powdered sugar to the cottage cheese. I'm grinding everything. I add all the ingredients except banana to the cottage cheese and mix well, beating in a blender. I chop the banana finely, mix and coat the waffle cakes. This is just a miracle!

Unique food. Especially if you cook it in such a way that the child likes it - juicy, aromatic and satisfying. The child will be “charged” with calcium!

We take: 250 g cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. sour cream, 1.5 eggs, 1 tbsp. semolina, 1 tsp. flour, 2 tbsp. powdered sugar, a little salt, 1 tbsp raisins, vanillin to taste, breading, butter

Cooking: Immediately turn on the oven, heating it to 190 degrees. Soak the raisins in water. Mix semolina with flour and sour cream and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Add the pureed cottage cheese to the semolina-sour cream mixture. Let's add salt and sugar. Let's make the mass tender and homogeneous by beating with the egg. Let's put vanilla and raisins here. Place the mixture into greased molds, brush the mixture with sour cream and bake until done.

Don’t forget to give your children after meals or add fruit to their meals and prepare delicious drinks!

"For schoolchildren primary school by calorie content and ratio nutrients Breakfast is actually no different from what preschoolers eat. But if in kindergarten the teachers were responsible for nutrition (remember how they categorically protested that the child should bring his own “snack” to the group?), then at school the child gains more independence. Without adult supervision, he has the opportunity to buy something, which means that the student must definitely know about the dangers of excessive amounts of chips or soda! It’s good if he gets used to taking a fruit (apple, banana, pear) or healthy sandwiches (grain bread or bran bread, cheese, lean turkey ham, chicken roll, lightly salted red fish, cucumber slices and leaves) to school as a snack. salad),” says PhD, nutritionist Yulia Moskvicheva.

Of course, porridge is our food. No one denies the benefits of oatmeal, but not all children eat it with pleasure. And even buckwheat porridge, and even rice, not to mention semolina. We decided to offer you several alternative morning menu options for young students. Some dishes are prepared quickly, some take longer. But each of them will become unusual and original version breakfast and will definitely please your child.


On weekends, we usually try to make up for what we couldn’t do during work and school days: take a longer walk, do more things, go to bed later. The result of this is a “bad” Monday morning, when there is sorely not enough time to get ready (for school, work, to the clinic), not to mention preparing a full breakfast. We offer a quick, but healthy and nutritious option.

Honey Banana Smoothie

You will need:
½ tbsp. milk, ½ drinking yogurt (plain or vanilla), 1 tbsp. l. ground flax seeds, 1 tbsp. l. peanut butter, 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 ripe banana.

Peel the banana and cut into small pieces. Place milk, yogurt, flax seeds, peanut butter and honey in a blender and blend until high speed until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. If desired, you can add to milkshake ground cinnamon to taste.

Intrigue your child: invite him to guess what is on his plate? Tortelloni is neither dumplings nor dumplings, but simply a piece of Italy on your table. You don't need to be a master chef to learn how to make tortelloni. Their main feature: two corners connected together, and the shape can be any. And, of course, you don’t have to get up early or early to make tortelloni: like dumplings, they are prepared for future use, freeze well and patiently wait in the freezer for their time.

Tortelloni with ricotta cheese and spinach

You will need:
For the dough: 300 g flour, 3 eggs, salt
For the filling: 300 g spinach, 180 g ricotta, 3 tbsp. l. grated parmesan

Knead the dough, cover it cling film and put it in the refrigerator. Prepare the filling: boil the spinach, cool and chop finely. Mix spinach with ricotta cheese, add grated Parmesan, add salt to taste.
Roll out the chilled dough into a thin layer and cut into squares. Place a little filling on each square, close it with a triangle and seal the edges. Boil the tortelloni in salted water and serve with a small knob of butter.

Can't even think about fast food? Alas, children’s cravings for burgers and sandwiches often cannot be exterminated by any parental instructions about the dangers of “food.” instant cooking" You will have to work hard to offer the student a worthy alternative. Shall we try?

Sandwich with turkey, apples and cheddar cheese

You will need:
Two slices of whole grain bread, a slice of cheddar cheese, 2 thin slices of boiled (or smoked) turkey, several thin slices of green apple, unsalted butter, honey mustard.

Spread the butter evenly in a very thin layer over the pieces of bread. On the other side, coat each piece with honey mustard. Place turkey and apple slices on one piece of bread with mustard. Cover with the second piece of bread so that the buttery side is on the outside. Brown the sandwich in the pan (3-5 minutes on each side) and serve warm. And if you use an electric grill to fry a sandwich, it will turn out exactly the same as in famous eateries.

Another breakfast option for all times is, of course, an omelet. Tired of the traditional option? Send your child to Spain – at least for the table. You can rest assured: the Spanish omelette is not only amazingly tasty, but also very filling. By the way, in addition to the main ingredients - eggs, potatoes and onions - you can add vegetables (for example, small pieces of zucchini), ham or lean meat (turkey, chicken) to the dish at your discretion.

Spanish omelette

You will need:
5 eggs, 300 g potatoes, 1 onion, 3 tbsp. l. olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Cut the peeled potatoes thinly and chop the onion into half rings. Fry in a frying pan for 2 tbsp. l. olive oil potatoes and onions. Add some salt. Reduce heat to low and simmer for another 15 minutes. Beat eggs and add salt. Add the prepared potatoes and onions to them and mix well. Using the remaining olive oil, cook the egg-potato mixture over low heat. When the egg on the surface of the omelette has set, turn it over and fry for another 2 minutes. Let it sit for a while before removing it from the pan.

Start last day weeks - a time when strength is already running out. Don't want to waste energy cooking breakfast on Friday? We have an option for this case too. Minimum effort (you don't even need to turn on the stove!) - maximum efficiency.

Pumpkin pudding

You will need:
150 g pumpkin, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. flour, 100 g cottage cheese, ½ tsp. baking soda, a pinch of cinnamon, salt to taste

Finely chop the pumpkin, place in a container suitable for microwave cooking and hold under the lid for 2-3 minutes at a power of 800 W. Beat eggs with sugar and flour, then mix with cottage cheese. Add soda and salt. Beat everything again until smooth and season with cinnamon. Place the pumpkin in a larger container, pre-greased with oil. Place the curd-egg mixture on the pumpkin, smooth it out and cook, uncovered, for 3 minutes at 800 W.

But on weekends you can tinker in the kitchen longer, because the whole family gathers at the table in the morning. Delight them with unusual and delicious breakfast in the best restaurant traditions - prepare sweet rolls! Believe (and check) that it is not as difficult as it seems.

Sweet fruit rolls

You will need:
For pancakes: 500 ml milk, 2 eggs, 50 g sugar, 250 g flour, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, ½ tsp. salt, 2 tbsp. l. starch.
For filling: 250 g curd cheese, 5 tbsp. l. ready-made whipped cream, 100-150 g of strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, 2-3 tbsp. l. powdered sugar.

Prepare the pancake dough: beat all ingredients until smooth (the dough should be liquid and without lumps). Fry pancakes on thin non-stick frying pan over medium heat. Wash and dry the berries, cut each into 2-4 parts.
Prepare the cream for the filling: beat cottage cheese, powdered sugar and cream.
Grease the pancake with cream, spread the berries over the surface of the pancake and roll it into a roll. Cut the roll into equal parts, place on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar and garnish with fresh berries.


Another salvation for modern mothers: a casserole is a dish that is prepared from whatever is at hand. We decided to remember the traditional “children’s” version of the casserole - cottage cheese. It will take some effort on your part, but the result is worth it! And if by some miracle this impromptu “cheesecake” is not eaten right away, a slice can be a good breakfast the next morning. Bon appetit!

Curd casserole “A la cheesecake”

You will need:
For shortcrust pastry: 125 g butter, 65 g sugar, 1 egg, 200 g flour
For the curd mass: 6 eggs, 250 g sugar, 700 g curd cheese, 200 g mascarpone cheese, 150 g sour cream, 100 g whipping cream, 70 g flour, vanillin

Mix softened butter with egg and sugar, combine with flour. Knead the dough. Bake the crust in the oven until done. Let cool and crumble finely. Spread the crumbs in a thin layer in a baking dish and place in the oven for another 5-7 minutes.
Prepare the curd mass. Beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream and cream, mix well. Combine curd cheese with mascarpone and add to the egg mixture. Add the flour last. Mix well again. Lay it all out on shortbread and place in the oven preheated to 120 degrees. Place a bowl of water on the lower rack of the oven and bake until done – the casserole should be golden brown.

Video: Children's menu. Dishes for little geniuses

Schoolchildren study 9 months a year. For them, studying is the same hard work as for adults it is work. Students spend half a day in schools, and sometimes even more: they perform complex mental tasks, carry heavy briefcases, and engage in active activities. physical exercise, communicate, run.

But not every school can boast of delicious nutritious lunches. That is why breakfast for a schoolchild is one of the most important components of the student’s health and academic performance, since the child’s growing body constantly needs a perfectly balanced menu. The child's first meal should be nutritious, tasty, and maximally fortified. Children who receive a hearty, full breakfast, compared to those who neglect an early meal, study much better, rarely face problems such as obesity, they have practically no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, they feel more energetic and cheerful throughout the school day .

When there is no time

The reality of life is that few parents can devote much time to their child in the morning, because no one has yet canceled work. And often, mothers and fathers, without knowing it, quickly and without much hassle give preference to ready-made corn flakes, yoghurts, instant cocoa and other products that do not require more than 5 minutes to prepare. Such a breakfast may well be present in a child’s diet, but only if several conditions are met:

  • Cereals should be made from whole grains of wheat or oatmeal, but not from flour.
  • The sugar content of a “quick breakfast” should be minimal.
  • Porridges poured with boiling water do not provide any benefit; it is better to cook those that cook quickly.
  • Sometimes it is better to replace “chemistry” with fruit, chocolate or natural cocoa.

If you have 15 minutes

If mom has an extra 15 minutes, during this time she can prepare a fairly hearty, complete and appetizing breakfast for the schoolchild. Experts note that a child’s first meal must include dairy products, vegetables or fruits, as well as grain products.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and fiber. Cereals contain iron, vitamins A and D, and the carbohydrates they contain improve brain function and provide energy. Dairy products contain calcium, which is necessary for a child's growing body. You can also include dried fruits in your schoolchild’s breakfast. a large number of nuts They are tasty and very healthy.

Citrus fruits, lettuce, and berries are rich in vitamin C; consuming them will help strengthen your child’s vision. In addition, it will help the body more easily cope with mental stress and various stressful situations. Beans, eggs and grains contain vitamin E, and along with other foods, they should also be included in the child’s diet.

Breakfasts for a schoolchild for a week

Not every adult wants to eat the same food day after day, and even less so a child, so you shouldn’t focus your attention on one or two dishes. Try to diversify the menu, awakening your child’s appetite, preparing something new and interesting every time. And it will help you with this sample menu for a week.

  • Day one: vegetable omelet, cocoa with milk.
  • Second day: oatmeal with berries, apple juice.
  • Day three: curd with dried fruits, cheese sandwich, tea.
  • Day four: cheesecakes, cocoa.
  • Day five: buckwheat, tea with chocolate.
  • Day six: fruit milkshake.
  • Day seven: scrambled eggs, natural juice.

To make your task easier, we offer you unique This selection will help you get rid of your daily thoughts about how to combine benefits and taste when preparing a schoolchild’s breakfast. The menu is balanced, the caloric content of food, as expected, is 15-20% of the child’s daily diet. Don't forget that meals should not last less than 15 minutes.

Millet milk porridge


  • One glass of millet.
  • One and a half glasses of milk.
  • 130 grams of raisins.
  • 130 grams of cottage cheese.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • Sugar and salt - to taste.


Sort the grains and rinse thoroughly. Fill in big amount clean water, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, drain the liquid, pour in hot milk, add butter, salt and sugar, cook, stirring constantly, over low heat for 10 minutes. Mix the finished porridge with pre-soaked and dried raisins in boiling water.


And this one for a schoolchild has not left a single child indifferent.


  • Two Armenian lavash.
  • One bell pepper.
  • One chicken fillet.
  • A couple of lettuce leaves.
  • Two medium tomatoes.
  • A piece (100 grams) of hard cheese.
  • 50 grams of butter.
  • Salt - to taste.


Cut the boiled chicken (you can cook the meat the night before) into small pieces, fry until golden brown in butter. Cut the tomatoes and peppers into strips, grate the cheese. Mix all prepared ingredients and add salt to taste. Place the delicious mixture on a sheet of lavash, roll it into a pancake, and then quickly fry it.

Vegetable omelet


  • Two potatoes.
  • Half a zucchini.
  • Two tomatoes.
  • Four eggs.
  • Half a glass of milk.
  • 50 grams of cheese.
  • Greens, salt, vegetable oil, pepper.


Boil the potatoes in their jackets, peel them. Cut all the vegetables into small cubes and fry in vegetable oil for five minutes. In a separate container, whisk milk with egg and spices. Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables and fry, covering the pan with a lid. Chop the cheese and herbs and sprinkle them over the finished, still hot omelette.

Banana pancakes


  • One and a half glasses of kefir.
  • Two eggs.
  • One banana.
  • A quarter stick of butter.
  • Spoon of sugar.
  • Half a glass of flour.
  • Nuts, salt, honey - to taste.
  • One pinch of soda.


Cut the peeled banana into small pieces. Place the fruit in a blender, add all the other ingredients, and beat everything thoroughly. Cook in butter like pancakes. Serve the pancakes with honey mixed with chopped nuts.



  • 200 grams of cottage cheese.
  • One egg.
  • Three spoons of flour.
  • Vegetable oil, salt.
  • Spoon of sugar.
  • 40 ml cream.


Mix all ingredients until smooth. Roll out the mass into a sausage and cut into rounds. Fry on both sides in vegetable oil. Serve with jam, sour cream or grated chocolate.

If you get used to preparing breakfasts for schoolchildren every day, using these recipes or any others, then you will understand that in fact it does not take that much time. But your child will be cheerful, cheerful and full until lunchtime.

The easiest and fastest breakfast option for a child is to place a packet of cereal and a glass of milk in front of him. However, keep in mind that store-bought ready-to-eat breakfasts always contain large amounts of sugar and will likely contain preservatives, flavor enhancers and colorings. In general, it’s fast, of course, but not very beneficial for the child’s health. Alternative option– make homemade muesli in advance. A jar of them can also be placed on the table with a glass of milk, but, unlike ready-made cereals, they are healthy, tasty and do not contain harmful additives. In addition, you can add to the muesli those nuts, seeds and dried fruits that your student loves.

  • 2-4 servings
  • 30 minutes
  • 4 steps


  • Oatmeal "Hercules" 200 g
  • coconut flakes 50 g
  • Sunflower seeds 50 g
  • Pumpkin seeds 50 g
  • Almond petals 30 g
  • Candied papaya (cubes) 50 g
  • Banana chips 30 g
  • Orange 1 pc.
  • Maple or agave syrup 50 ml


Extract the juice from the orange using a citrus juicer, such asMoulinex PC120870.


Mix Hercules oat flakes with seeds and coconut flakes. Add syrup and freshly squeezed juice, mix well.


Place the cereal on a foil-lined baking sheet. Bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 150 degrees.


Cool the baked muesli slightly, mix with almonds, chopped banana chips and candied fruits. Transfer to a glass jar and close tightly. For breakfast, dilute muesli with cow's or plant-based milk or freshly squeezed juice.

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