Prairie Dogs. Photo, video. Prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) Character and lifestyle of prairie dogs

The prairie dog is a rodent belonging to the Squirrel family. This typical representatives prairies. These animals are also called ground squirrels.

Description of prairie dogs

The prairie dog has a clumsy body with short legs and a tail, thanks to these features prairie dogs resemble marmots. The body length does not exceed 30-35 centimeters, and body weight ranges from 800 to 1400 grams. Males are about 10% larger than females.

Prairie dogs have gray-brown fur, with the lower part of the body being slightly lighter than the upper part. Mexican and black-tailed dogs have black tail tips, while others have white tips.

Types of prairie dogs

There are 5 types of prairie dogs:
White-tailed prairie dog;
Mexican prairie dog;
Gunnison's Prairie Dog;
Utah prairie dog;
Black-tailed prairie dog.

U different types The root teeth differ in shape and size. AlsoThe sounds made by dogs are different. Apart from these nuances, there are no clearly defined differences.

Prairie Dog Lifestyle

Prairie dogs live in North America. They live on dry land with short or middle length grass. They are active during the day and hide in burrows at night. A prairie dog colony is similar to human society. Dogs live in peculiar underground “mountains”.

The colony is divided into several related clans. It is headed by one adult male. There are 3 females with babies living with the male. They all live on a plot with complex system holes and tunnels.

The area of ​​territory inhabited by one clan is about 0.5 hectares.

In the burrows of these animals, in addition to nesting chambers, there are latrines. The length of the tunnels reaches 300 meters, and the width is 10-15 centimeters. In front of the entrance to the hole there is a mound 30-60 centimeters high, this is the so-called observation post, as well as protection during floods. There can be from one to six inputs.

prairie dogs all together they defend their possessions from strangers, and warn their relatives with abrupt barks about the impending danger, while they stand on their hind legs in a column.

In the life of prairie dogs, a well-functioning communication system is very important. Sniffing plays a special role. When two prairie dogs meet at the border of areas, they crawl towards each other on their bellies, touch their noses, bare their teeth and sniff. If the individuals are not familiar, then one of them either retreats or a fight begins. And if these are familiar prairie dogs, then they begin to clean and comb each other’s fur.

When the dogs feed, one of the males is on guard. If he notices danger, he rises on his hind legs and barks loudly.

Diet of prairie dogs

Prairie dogs eat grasses and various plants, of which there are plenty in the prairies where these animals live. The presence of these animals can be understood from the surrounding vegetation: they regularly eat grass to ensure the best view possible.

The weight of prairie dogs varies between seasons. In the fall they gain a lot of weight so that they can survive hibernation, during which they gradually lose grams.

Prairie dogs don't eat much food in the spring.

But only white-tailed prairie dogs hibernate, while black-tailed prairie dogs remain active throughout the year and even move around in the snow.

Reproduction of prairie dogs

Prairie dogs differ from other rodents in their extremely low fertility. Low birth rates indicate more high level public organization these animals. Females give birth to offspring once a year.

Most babies are born in March-May. There are most often 5 babies in a litter. But old females can have up to 10 cubs. For about 7 weeks, the mother lives with her offspring underground, feeding them with nutritious milk.

They relate to and have the corresponding instincts of a hunter. Although their usual habitat is nature, you can have such an animal at home. However, he will need proper care, including proper nutrition and content.

Description of prairie dogs

The prairie dog is a rodent that comes from the Squirrel family. Their colonies live on the prairies North America, in southern Canada, the USA, and also in Mexico. They have a massive body, short legs and a tail, due to which they visually resemble marmots.

Did you know? The communication language of prairie dogs has more than 11 different forms screams signaling danger. This may include barking and chirping. In addition, the sounds are accompanied by various postures.

This animal of the squirrel family has average sizes:

  • Their body length is 30-35 cm, and weight - 800-1400 g. Females are 10% smaller in size and weight than males.
  • Tail length is 4-11 cm.
  • The color of their fur may have several shades. Thus, the gray-brown fur on the back of the animal is darker than on the belly. The species of this rodent differ somewhat in color, shape and size of molars, as well as in the way they sound.
  • Located on the forelimbs claws, and the soles of the paws are protected by fur.
  • Ears They have a wide shape, they are short and, like the tail, moderately pubescent.

Character and lifestyle of prairie dogs

Prairie dogs live on land that is covered with short grass. They drive active image life in daytime, and at night they sit in their burrow. Rodents dig such a house for themselves. It can reach 15 cm in width and 300 m in length. Often such a tunnel has several entrances and exits, and at a depth of up to 5 m there is a grass nest.

Some species of these rodents, such as the white-tailed prairie dog, hibernate for up to six months during the winter. But the black-tailed representative, on the contrary, is active all year round. The animal of the squirrel family feeds on plants, namely various herbs that grow near its burrow.

Reproduction and lifespan

Regarding their reproduction in natural conditions It can be noted that prairie dogs reach sexual maturity at 3 years. Usually, mating season falls in May-April. The animal's pregnancy lasts for 28-32 weeks.

A litter can have from 3 to 8 puppies. They are born blind and without hair, but after 35 days their eyes will open. After a month and a half, they will become more independent and begin to leave the hole in search of food. Prairie dogs are capable of producing offspring every year. The lifespan of a male is 5 years, and that of a female is 8 years. The maximum period reaches 11 years, provided they live in captivity.

The prairie dog may be the most unusual pet. Since rodents are accustomed to living in the wild, create for them comfortable conditions It won't be easy in your apartment.

Did you know? In 2003, prairie dogs caused a monkey flu epidemic. In this regard, in European countries and the USA it was prohibited to breed and sell these animals, as well as keep them as pets.

As for anyone pet If you live in a cage, you can purchase special toys and place them in the animal’s house. Moreover, to simulate natural habitat You can please your rodent with tree branches that it can chew.

Since this animal is heat-loving, it must be kept at a temperature not lower than +17°C. If the mercury drops to +12°C, the rodent will begin to hibernate.

When kept at home, the prairie dog can be fed grass, oats, timothy, and a variety of hay crops. She should eat up to 1 kg of food per week. You can also diversify your diet with insects. In addition, the rodent can eat fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as grains and nuts. Don’t forget to fill your animal’s drinking bowl with fresh water.

Important! You should not feed your prairie dog food that is familiar to humans, as this can lead to serious problems. digestive system animal.

If you decide to have such a pet, then you probably have a question about choosing a gender. Such an animal will emit an unpleasant odor regardless of its gender, but the male “smells” stronger than the female. In any case, it is advisable to sterilize the rodent so that it does not spread the odor throughout the apartment and does not attack a person when it is ready to mate.

Starting up unusual pet in the house, it is necessary to remember that he is able to tolerate dangerous diseases, such as the plague. Therefore, you should periodically visit a veterinarian and consult with him about further care for the rodent. The prairie dog is prone to respiratory diseases. To protect the animal from this, it is necessary to vaccinate it in a timely manner.

A prairie dog can be tamed by giving it regular attention. However, remember that this is a rodent with sharp teeth and claws, so care must be taken when playing with it. The creature can be unpredictable and harm a person by biting him, for example, on the finger.

Important! It must be remembered that the toilet for the animal should be located away from the place where the animal sleeps or eats.

This animal can be trained to relieve itself in a specially designated place. Since in natural habitats a rodent digs a special hole for this purpose, appropriate conditions should be created for it, namely, providing housing for the pet with a mound of sand or earth. You can also use a tray purchased at a pet store.

In general, the animal is very friendly and is able to find mutual language with cats and dogs. In favorable home conditions, the animal will grow up cheerful and cheerful.

Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) make amazing pets and are rapidly growing in popularity.

Because of social structures in which prairie dogs live, their condition depends on harmonious relationship with others and neighbors. In nature, the prairie dog community is very similar to human society:
- every family has several of its own square meters,
- each prairie dog is busy with his work,
- rodents depend on each other.

Prairie dogs have great loyalty and courage and will fight bravely to protect their home, territory and family.

An adult black-tailed prairie dog reaches a length of 30-38 cm and weighs 1-2 kg. Fur color ranges from brown-gray to pale brown. The dogs' paws are short with sharp, hard claws. The head is wide and rounded, the eyes are black and quite large.

Prairie dogs quickly get used to captivity and their owner. Once tamed, a prairie dog does not try to escape into the wild.

Often, young prairie dogs are caught at an age when they are still drinking their mother's milk. Such dogs can quickly die if they are not properly cared for. Young dogs should be kept in a warm aquarium, with a heating pad placed under half of the aquarium so that the prairie dogs can move from the warm to the cool part of the aquarium. Feed young prairie dogs using a small plastic syringe (no more than 5 cc) Pedialyte with? cow's milk. Instead of milk, you can use Esbilac for puppies. This mixture is soldered slowly, drop by drop. Be careful to ensure that the baby can breathe after swallowing. Feed prairie dogs every few hours (2-4 hours). Make sure the mixture is warm. Make sure your prairie dog stays hydrated.

Black-tailed prairie dogs do not hibernate. At a temperature of 12.7 "C, dogs become lethargic and sleepy. In such cases, they are warmed with a heating pad. If the prairie dog is not warmed, it may become hypothermic. Sick prairie dogs may also be lethargic and sleepy until they will be warmed, treatment will be unsuccessful. Normal temperature prairie dog body - 36.6-37.2" C.

In order to give the injection, you need to wrap a large towel along the animal's body to limit its movement. The injections are usually given in the thigh. To calm a prairie dog, grab it at the base of its tail with one hand. Remove the dog from the table surface, holding the animal upside down. Let the dog stand with its front paws on a support (for example, a cage door, your leg), and with the other hand, grab the animal by the back of its neck.

In nature, prairie dogs dig special holes in which they go to the toilet. When the hole is full, they dig another hole. In captivity, prairie dogs can be trained to go to the toilet in a ditch or box.

Prairie dogs should not be allowed out of their cage when there are no adults in the house, because... Animals may be injured, even fatally. If you do let the dogs out to frolic freely, do not forget to remove various chemicals (household chemicals) and cover or disguise electrical wires. Prairie dogs are terrible thieves. They especially love to steal socks. They do not chew them, but collect them in their cage.

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- it looks like a big one. Got its name from characteristic behavior. When coming to the surface, prairie dogs make sharp sounds, reminiscent of a jerky bark, and accompany them with light blows of the tail. Prairie dogs once lived in large numbers on the prairies of North America.

But with the development of untouched plains by European settlers, prosperity prairie dog the end has come. At first, their colonies died under the plow, since prairie dogs cannot live on arable land. Then came the turn of those prairie dogs that lived in the pastures. Shepherds and cowboys hated these animals for what was in their holes cattle and horses often broke their legs. In addition, prairie dogs were destroyed as competitors of domestic animals. After all, prairie dogs feed on young shoots, buds, flowers and seeds of steppe grasses.

Now prairie dogs preserved only in protected areas of the prairie in the driest and most remote areas North America. In some places there are specially protected colonies of prairie dogs on individual ranches.

Photos will tell more than words.

In the United States, prairie dogs have long been widely used as pets, and in Russia interest in them is only growing. Purchasing and maintaining these animals is quite troublesome, but if you are lucky enough to get it in early age, then you will have best friend for life.

What are prairie dogs?

Rodents of the squirrel family, native to North America. They are diurnal and live in very large colonies. Even in wildlife Prairie young dogs spend most time playing with each other, strengthening their social connections. What can we say about home care! They will be happy to frolic with you. Prairie dogs can become affectionate and loving pets if they are cared for properly and acquired at an early age (before 10 weeks). Hand feeding and playing for a couple of hours a day for the first few weeks is critical to establishing a strong bond. Average duration life in captivity is 10-12 years, adults are approximately the size of a guinea pig.

The prairie dog is a very intelligent animal; in the wild, they communicate with each other in their own special language. More details about their communication can be found in a separate article with facts about prairie dogs. They understand phrases and some commands and learn quickly. If you call him, he will come to you. But they can also be very stubborn :)

Usually dogs become so attached to their owner that they are ready to protect him at the cost of their lives. Once lost, the animal will not return to “wild” life, like many other exotic animals. Instead, he will look for his owner and ask everyone he meets for help. If the separation was long, then when he meets the owner, his happiness will have no limits.

If you do not sterilize (castrate) a prairie dog before 10 months, then when they are ready to mate, they can attack their owner and other people without warning. Therefore, it is worth worrying in advance about finding a veterinarian who can perform the operation!

Prairie dogs have large teeth and can bite quite deeply (to the point of drawing blood). Finding a specialist is quite difficult, so we recommend purchasing the book “ Bringing a Prairie Dog Pup Into Your Home” and show it to your veterinarian. This book has detailed description operation process. If you understand that you are not ready to pay enough attention to your pet, then it is better to get two individuals so that they can be friends and play and not feel lonely. They are not the type to be left alone in a cage all day.

Conditions for keeping prairie dogs

When you take a puppy into your home, you should take care of a special terrarium with a volume of 50-60 liters, place hay and old cotton T-shirts in it as bedding, and you can additionally add a heating pad. Within 3 days, the baby must be examined by a veterinarian to check his health and be on call in case of emergency. Preventive examinations should be carried out once a year.

Next, you will need to prepare a spacious cage measuring 60x60x120 cm (long), the distance between the bars is no more than 1.5 cm. It will be great if you place tunnels, a large running wheel and a secluded place to sleep there. The wheel should not be made of wire and metal, but solid, made of wood or type-setting planks. Since in nature prairie dogs live in burrows, they would be happy to dig in the ground; for this, you can organize a tray with special soil.

Before purchasing a puppy, you need to create conditions for him that are close to his natural place a habitat. Inspect the house, remove wires and dangerous objects, because they will chew them. Limit access to the bathroom and toilet, they are very curious and can chew toilet paper or drowning in the toilet.

If you are going to give the animal freedom of movement around the house, then carefully examine the premises for possible dangers! Protect them from glass and mirrors, water and wires.

Many owners worry that if they have two animals in the house, they will only love each other. But this is not true at all; they are very interested in spending time with their “family”. Since prairie dogs naturally live in large colonies, we highly recommend getting two so they can play for days on end and sleep together.

Such a pet will be for you an affectionate puppy who will never grow up. Their funny antics and variety of sounds to communicate with you will bring you a lot of fun

What to feed prairie dogs?

The dog's diet consists of 98% regular hay (Timothy grass). In the wild prairies they eat all the grass around their burrows, which gives them good review for protection from predators. In addition to simple hay, you should give granulated food (hay pellets, alfalfa, some grain) in small portions, and mealworms, zucchini and carrot slices, sweet potatoes (sweet potatoes) and lettuce as treats.

In summer and autumn, the animal can eat up to 1 kg of fresh grass per week. You can give some fruits and berries, insects. They are not very picky eaters, but they are also gluttons!

You may find useful answers to questions about prairie dogs at home in a separate article.

Prairie dog: maintenance and care

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