Makarsky left the family due to an unexpected statement from his wife. Anton Makarsky: “My wife and I have grown together! Vika had the wisdom to survive my departure

I remember before the wedding, my mother told me: “I beg you, even if Anton cheats on you, don’t leave him.” But the moment came when I told my husband: “I’m leaving to live with my mother in Minsk. I will not divorce you, we are married. But I can’t live with you anymore either...” - his wife Victoria openly talks about life with Anton Makarsky for the first time.

Not long ago, Anton had a nasal septum operated on in Israel.

The surgeon came out to me: “Listen, I have the impression that I just operated on an old boxer. His whole nose is broken. How can you manage to do this?” - “Oh, it’s a long story!” - I answered.

Usually after the New Year we have a free week. These days he manages to relax, meet with friends, forget about all his worries, but... Anton relaxes in his own way - so much so that sometimes he has to eliminate the consequences. But when at our “Live Concerts” with him I say in a reprise that my husband likes to drink, everyone laughs and is sure that this is a joke. Until Anton admits himself: “I don’t drink when I work. And I work a lot, that is, I hardly drink at all. And in general, I drink little, only 150 grams is enough for me... But when I drink them, I turn into a completely different person.

And the other one drinks a lot!” So, when Anton drinks, he finds the tallest and strong man in the area and offers to box. It is clear that compared to her husband, a major rival most often looks like Valuev. I’m running around, clucking like a chicken: “Antosha, you’re filming, take care of your face, take care of your nose!” Useless. And the remaining days of vacation we heal bruises, insert teeth...

I believe that a husband has every right to drink his wife’s blood, and she should give it to him not just in buckets, but even in baths. But sometimes my patience comes to an end. It happens that we reach the boiling point, one of us is about to explode, and then our love will break into a hundred small fragments. At such moments, Anton suddenly stops, picks up a guitar, plays a gypsy romance and commands: “Dance, Morozova, burn!”

This has been our custom since the days when I performed under maiden name. And now - attention! Main secret our family happiness: no matter how offended I was at that moment, I always dance!

Naked son-in-law on the doorstep

Fifteen years ago, after my call with the news that I was going to marry a handsome man, but no one had yet famous actor Anton Makarsky, my mother took off in the night and went to Moscow on the first train. I think it was the word “beautiful” that scared my mother the most. After all, she herself once - against the will of her parents - married my father, because he was incredibly handsome: blond with blue eyes, an officer of a real White Guard aristocratic bearing.

It is clear that women, as in that movie, “fell in stacks right and left” from his charm. “Galya, come to your senses,” her parents told her. “He’s a womanizer, he’ll walk away from you, women like that flock in droves!” Of course, mom didn’t listen. And I regretted it literally two weeks after the wedding. She told me: “The horror is that even then I realized that I would never be happy with this person.” But pride did not allow me to return to my parents. There have never been divorces in our family! She and dad fought all the time. I remember that I myself begged my mother many times to divorce him. We lived in a military garrison in Lithuania, my father and mother served there, and at that time Makarsky’s future mother-in-law was a sergeant major, a military paramedic. I remember how everyone respected and loved her. And that’s where she decided to file for divorce for the first time.

But I realized that I was pregnant and the term was already serious. My mother was so desperate that she decided not to give birth to a second child from her father. When she came to the doctor, she told him in good spirit that she was going to leave her husband, that it would be hard with two children on her own! She was asked: “Are you Lithuanian?” Mom nodded her head: “Yes, yes! My father is Lithuanian!” She thought it would help. But the doctor sent her home: “We Lithuanians are few, please, go and give birth.” Thank God that everything turned out exactly this way and my only and beloved sister was born, whom we named Monika, in honor of our great-grandmother Monika Adamovna Shervyaliskite.

Another child did not change anything in the parents' relationship. Dad continued to offend mom, and after a year and a half she filed a complaint. For a small military town, this was an event that was discussed on every corner and condemned as a terrible shame.

I will never forget how I performed on the stage of the House of Officers and heard from the audience. “Look how the girl sings well, but her mother kicked out her husband. And the second little child remained. Poor things...” God, so embarrassing! Well, as for my mother... She remained in pain for the rest of her life, she devoted herself to her children, and in the thirty years after her divorce from her father, in my opinion, she had no relationship with anyone. How many times have I convinced her: “Mommy, Monica and I are so beautiful, so young, try to fall in love again! You can’t live alone!” But she doesn’t even want to hear about it, she doesn’t trust men anymore.

All my childhood and most When I was young, I was absolutely sure that I would not get married. At the age of 17, when all my girlfriends dreamed of wedding dress, I wrote in my diary: “Never!

Never! Never!" I know that I would not have gotten married. If I hadn’t met Anton...

I still remember the silent scene when my mother came to us to snatch me from the clutches of a “terrible” man, to prevent me from committing the greatest stupidity - marriage to a handsome actor. She rang the doorbell at six in the morning, and a practically naked Anton answered her. He walked out of the bathroom, his only clothing a towel around his hips. After that, they talked for almost a day in the kitchen, after which my mother called me and said: “Marry him! He is a decent and integrity person." Now in my mother’s prayer book, among the relatives for whom she prays, Anton is listed first, and only then come I, Monica, and grandchildren... It happened that my mother’s attitude towards my husband saved our marriage.

Anton and I tried to separate several times. In the first years, Anton left home and disappeared for weeks, drinking with friends. This was only due to his complexes about the fact that he could not provide for me and a woman like me deserves better. Fortunately, this period has long passed. Then it was my turn to pack my bags. We had a serious crisis three years ago, I was ready to leave not only home, but Moscow and Russia in general. She told him: “I’m going to live with my mother in Minsk. I will not divorce you, we are married. But I can’t live with you anymore either...” Halfway to the station she suddenly stopped: “And what will I tell my mother, who adores Anton more than her own children?” She gathered her pride into a fist and turned home to her husband. I love him, and he loves me too. He loves it so much!

“Wait, woman, where they put you, and be silent!”

I remember before the wedding, my mother told me: “I beg you, even if Anton cheats on you, don’t leave him.” Of course I'm in tears. Wow blessing! But, apparently, my mother simply realized earlier than I that Anton was a monogamist. His fans have even stopped calling me and posing as his mistresses. Although in the first three years they called every day. "I'm very happy for you. “I know that my Anton is an amazing man,” I told them. - But why are you calling me? You need Anton, so call him.” My great-grandmother taught me this technique. One day a neighbor came to her and said: “But yours is coming to see me.” I thought there would be a fight. But the great-grandmother looked pitifully at the woman: “What are you talking about?

Are you telling?

This is a shame. It turns out that you are ordinary...” And she inserted a strong Russian folk word. My great-grandmother also taught me: “Vika, don’t be jealous of your husband and don’t follow him. If you want to be happy, let him be jealous of you. It’s the husband who has to think and worry about where you are, who you’re with.” It was as if she foresaw what my Anton would turn out to be like. I never checked his phone or went into his pockets or his personal nightstand. But as soon as he enters the house, he will sniff me, rummage through all my bags, check all my SMS, email. And he justifies himself: “I’m not jealous, but fair!” How jealous! We rarely went to parties, but everything happened the same way - Anton put me in a corner and didn’t let anyone get closer than three meters. I laughed: “Well, did you put it in a corner so that no one would drag it away? Antosh, what are you afraid of, I’m your wife, I love only you, why are you driving me into a corner?”

And he: “Stop, woman, where they put you, and be silent!” He has Caucasian roots. "My woman!" After all, Anton’s own grandmother, his father’s mother, is Georgian, and the most amazing thing is that right now, in Israel, we met all his relatives from Tbilisi, who also live here. And I understood where many of the traits in my husband came from. For example, generosity. After all, Anton often comes home without half of his things, because someone liked his jacket and gave it to him. A wallet empty in the evening is ours ordinary story. Watches, belts, caps - I don’t count these at all. His generosity is Georgian, but so is his jealousy. And also - a special male restraint that does not allow him to praise me or say a kind word. I can’t stand it, I ask: “Antosha, why are you constantly scolding me? Praise me please! I need this so much, I have a million complexes!

Do you know how I will blossom if you say a kind word to me?” And he: “What’s good, there’s no need to talk about it. We must talk about what is bad and correct the shortcomings!” And it can be so offensive! At the same time, I know that he constantly praises me behind my back! You arrive somewhere, and people run to you: “Oh, Vika, your husband was with us, he told us so many good things about you, we want to meet you.” And our mutual friends also say: “Anton is already annoying everyone, no matter what they talk about, he makes you an example: “But my Vika!..” But I have never heard anything like that from him in all our 15 years!

And his boyish stubbornness? This is a separate topic! For example, on a certain day of the week Antosha likes fish for lunch. I don't mind pleasing him. But the main thing here is not to say: “Antosha, let me fry some fish!”

He will refuse on principle. What does your husband think? A thing is only right if he says it. And if his woman speaks about her first, then what kind of woman is she? the right thing? I often specifically say the opposite of what I think - this is the only way to achieve something from Anton. For example, when I'm going to cook fish, I talk out loud about meat. I listen to everything and, hiding a smile, go to prepare what I was going to do. And when Masha was born, I stopped arguing with Anton altogether. I ordered myself: no matter what was bubbling in my soul, no matter how he shook my nerves, accept it, a child should not see his parents swearing! I'd rather do something against own desire and pride, than I will allow Masha to suffer, as I did in childhood, because of the scolding of my parents...

Anton forced him to find his father

I haven't seen my father for almost thirty years, since he and my mother divorced.

He left me when I was 11 years old and never once asked how I was doing without him. He didn’t even send Monica and me birthday gifts. And so, when I gave birth to Masha, Anton suddenly began to insist that I call my father. Straight from the maternity hospital in Jerusalem! “Why would I call a person who disappeared from my life thirty years ago and did nothing to come back?” - I tried to convince Anton. But he stood his ground: “Your father must find out that his granddaughter was born. Not from the newspapers, but from you personally!” And I, not yet recovering from anesthesia, from another country spent several hours on the phone through address desks looking for my father’s contacts. Found it. It turns out that he returned to Vitebsk, where lived before My mum. I dialed the number...

“Hello, dad! This is Vika." He wasn’t surprised at all, he spoke as if we had broken up yesterday. I have noticed this effect more than once when strangers They communicate with you as with a loved one. This is understandable: people read your interviews, see you on the screen, and it seems to them that they know everything about you. Dad had exactly the same reaction. He began to talk about life, about his house, about the garden and delicious jam which he had prepared for the winter. I found out that I have a half-brother, Valentin, who lives in Moscow, and my dad helps him. This shocked me a little. Not that dad has another child. And the fact that his father sends him money and is proud of it. Suddenly I remembered how I went to work when I was 13, because we lived very hard. For pennies I weeded the beds in Botanical Garden, glued boxes, worked as a nanny, helped at the post office... No, this is not an insult to my father.

I would like to believe that in this way, by taking care of his son, he will compensate for what he did not give to Monica and me. But to convince me of this version, one phrase was not enough for me: “Would you like, Vika, for me to give you a jar of my jam?” Nevertheless, Anton insists that we should go to visit our father in Vitebsk and introduce him to Masha. I'm not ready yet. And I don’t know how my mother will react to this. She doesn’t know about my call to my father yet. This interview will be a big surprise for her. However, she herself forbade me to complain about my father’s inattention. She said: “You are his daughter and you have no right to condemn him.” In this regard, mom and Anton also think alike...

I wanted to quit my profession

Even before Masha was born, two years ago, something terrible began to happen to Anton. It began to seem to him that everything he was doing was something unworthy, bringing only money.

Anton was terribly fraying my nerves, refusing all offers, interviews, they called him from Channel One, he refused best projects. I didn’t know how to explain to the heads of leading TV channels that Makarsky did not want to become their face. And all this despite the fact that our concerts were sold out and any appearance of Anton in public or on the screen does not go unnoticed. But then he had the idea to leave everything and go to the village. Knowing that it was useless to argue, I began to mentally prepare to radically change my life. I already imagined how we would live in the village, open a rural music school, let's start a farm, we'll eat potatoes and mushrooms collected in the forest. We would really find happiness in all this!

I love the countryside and farming; since childhood, spent in military garrisons, I can survive in any conditions and with any money. But what about our profession, to which we have devoted so many years, what is our purpose, finally? These reflections coincided with our ordeals about childlessness - I already told how Anton and I long years we couldn’t become parents, we underwent numerous examinations, tried to do IVF... We went near Kazan to the amazing father Vladimir Golovin, who has the gift of revealing God’s will to people. He predicted that Mashenka would soon be born. But there was one more question. Should successful actor Anton Makarsky quit his profession? We knew that Father Vladimir once gave exactly this advice to one of Anton’s acquaintances - a very rich man, an oil tycoon.

He could not sleep at night, he was tormented by nightmares. And the priest said: “Drop everything, return to the village to your parents, there you will get married and be happy.” This is what this man did, now he is a doctor, he has a wonderful family, and he believes that if he had not changed his life - with easy money, with women who changed every day - he would no longer be alive. And so Anton asked Father Vladimir if we should do the same. Father didn’t even listen to him, he said: “You’re in the right place. Go and make people happy." I timidly asked: “Father, what should I do?” The answer was short: “Sing!” The question was removed, and Anton and I calmed down. But they didn’t abandon the idea of ​​moving from Moscow. Instead of a house, we bought a spacious townhouse in Sergiev Posad. God willing, someday we will settle there with children - we dream of having a son, or maybe we will take a child from an orphanage.

I admit, we asked the priest for his blessing for adoption until we received it. We were told that we must first give birth and raise our own children in order to fully understand what it means to be parents.

So we are trying. Training on Masha. We may be making a lot of mistakes. It seems to me that Anton is going too far in his strictness, and he thinks that I am spoiling Mashenka, fulfilling all her whims. But if he had been given free rein, he would have raised his daughter in spartan conditions. From the first months, Masha is already getting fit, playing sports, sleeping on outdoors naked, swims in the sea in any weather... And this is a sore point for me. Let's say we put Masha to bed. It’s already November, the daytime in Israel is still hot, but the nights are cool.

Anton believes that his daughter needs to be toughened up; he puts Masha in a sleeveless jumpsuit with short pants. This means that you will have to act according to the circumstances. It’s better that I stay up all night, slowly cover Masha with a blanket and remove it before Anton wakes up. In a word, as our friend, a child psychologist, says: “The weak link in this family is Vikochka!” And Masha, too, has already realized that her mother is a “weasel”; she can make ropes out of her. It’s with her dad that she’s a well-mannered girl, she obeys in everything, doesn’t get capricious, and walks on her own two feet. And when dad leaves for filming, Masha literally rides on mom: she doesn’t get off her hands. And again she becomes an ordinary girl, and not a champion. Before dad arrives. How he scolds me for her! But thanks to Masha, I hear something kind from my husband. No, Anton still doesn’t talk openly about his feelings.

But he sends messages through his daughter! I often hear him say something like: “Masha, your eyes are green, like your mother’s. Cool!" Or: “Masha, you smell so good like mom...” And I listen and am afraid to move, to scare away happiness...

Throughout the 15 years of my marriage, women have approached me: “Vikochka, how lucky you are, how we envy you, you have such Ideal husband. But here's mine! He drinks, walks, lies in front of the TV for days, never says a kind word. What can be done to make him like Makarsky?” And I answer: “Dear girls, don’t look at others, don’t compare, and most importantly, don’t rush to get a divorce. Everything you talk about is also present in those whom you consider ideal.” Marriage is hard work. Anton, for his part, does this work when he picks up a guitar and says: “Burn, dance, Morozova!”

But I have to dance every time, no matter what is going on in my soul. Because I know: in a minute my husband and I will laugh, and everything will return to normal. Passion passes quickly, but for love to live long, at least one of the spouses must be wise. And let the man think that he is the wise one. We women don't feel sorry!

Collaboration doesn't bother me. It’s difficult for us to be apart,” answered singer Anton Makarsky to our magazine. — For 16 years of our life together Vika and I have finally grown together. So we can work together, as well as relax, raise children and do everything else only together. And regarding disputes... Where have you seen a family in which quarrels and disagreements would not arise? And all sorts of different and unpleasant things happen to us. Another thing is that we learned a few lessons. For example, the one who offends, even if he is right a hundred times over, must definitely apologize, and the offended party, no matter how difficult it is, must do everything possible not to hold a grudge. We have an understanding that talking, to put it mildly, in a raised voice is in no way a desire to cause harm. And sometimes it is extremely difficult to contain emotions.

Anna Anisimova “PRO Health”: Anton, you even go on business trips together - not so long ago you and your wife returned from the Makarsky Live Concert tour. What countries have you visited?

Anton Makarsky: On this tour we only traveled through our country, but we also visited different places in our vast homeland! A total of 15 cities in Siberia and Far East. Indescribable beauty, open people, the warmest welcome, snow, frost, trains, planes - in general, a lot of impressions and delight! It was especially joyful when people started communicating during the concert and something happened that, in fact, was the reason to call our concerts “live” - improvisation, unpredictability.

Anton and Victoria Makarsky. Photo:

“Lack of time for sports is an excuse!”

— During the tour, you shared with subscribers of your microblog interesting photos. What was your most memorable experience on the trip?

- This is all my wife! You know, there are people who get dogs, cats or parrots, and Vika started an Instagram account (microblog with photos. - Ed.). I was initially against our appearance on any social networks, but seeing how Vika likes to take photographs and sometimes share her thoughts and experiences, I realized that I had to come to terms with it and accept it. But for now I’m holding on: I’m still nowhere to be found in the virtual space. And about interesting case... There were a lot of different things, but just like that, offhand, I immediately remembered incredible beauty starry sky in the taiga, halfway from Ust-Ilimsk to Bratsk. We made a stop on our four hour road trip, got off the bus and were amazed by the beauty! It seemed that you could reach the stars with your hand - in the literal sense of the word!

— My attention was attracted by a photograph from the Yenisei, into which you plunged in the frost. Is this an isolated incident or have you been hardening for a long time?

— Not exactly hardening, but Vika and I plunge into holy springs regularly, regardless of the time of year. And here the Yenisei is next to the hotel! Well, how could you not plunge into this powerful river, even after running a couple of tens of meters through the snow?

— You often move from place to place, give concerts and at the same time remain in good shape. Where does so much energy come from? And how do you manage to be positive all the time?

- Well, the mood can be different, but as for the tone - everything is simple here. Once every three, maximum four days I should have a workout. And it absolutely doesn’t matter where I am: on the train, in a hotel room, in the dressing room after a concert, or on the playground with our children - I can always and everywhere come up with several of the most effective and, for me personally, vital sports exercises. And saying that you don’t have time or energy are just excuses.

— Are you picky about food? And are there any foods that you have fundamentally excluded from your diet?

- In this regard, I am a community-trained person - I eat everything. Another thing is that I try not to overeat and not sit down at the table until I’m really hungry. I have never followed any diets, although I know quite a lot about them. My wife sometimes falls into another dietary heresy - I have to study everything thoroughly in order to smash it to smithereens and return her to normal food. Diets and proper nutrition- these are completely different things. Although, knowing a lot, I don’t adhere to this myself, the body is still “holding the punch”! But the key word here is “for now”, everything has its time...

— When you and your wife are on tour, who do your children stay with?

“We have a huge family, and our children have the great happiness of growing up with uncles, aunts, grandparents, and even with their great-grandfather, with my grandfather, who at 82 years old is in excellent physical and mental shape!” So when we leave, the children's real vacation begins. Another thing is that we understand perfectly well that no one can replace mom and dad, so as a matter of principle we don’t leave for long, during separation we are almost always in touch with the children, and as soon as they grow up a little, we will go everywhere together big friendly family. I myself acting child, from the age of 3 he traveled with the troupe of the Penza Drama Theater on trains and buses. I remember very well how much I enjoyed these adventures and how impatiently I looked forward to the next tour!

“I ask God for wisdom and wisdom...”

— In your interviews, you said that you always dreamed of a son. When your second child, son Ivan, was born, how did you feel?

- Confidence in him - a man was born. To my surprise, I am absolutely calm for him, unlike my daughter Masha, whose tenderness grows every day.

— How did Mashenka react to the appearance of a brother in the family?

“Vika very wisely prepared Masha, telling her every day that she was giving birth to a brother for her and how they would be friends. Of course, Mashulya did not expect that so much attention would be paid to Vanya, but she copes with it wonderfully and becomes a real mother’s assistant.

— Are the children similar to each other?

- Externally - very! But their characters are completely different. Temperamental, already able to use her charm, headstrong Masha and absolutely calm, uncapricious and humble Vanya. But what makes me happy is that these are two kind children who are completely unable to tolerate negative emotions. And our task is not to spoil them, not to break them and to direct them to the right side. So all that remains is to ask God for intelligence, patience, wisdom and strength for proper upbringing.

— Where do you see your daughter and son in the future?

“They will choose their own profession.” Of course, knowing the “behind the scenes” side of our profession, we would not want them to follow in our footsteps, but we will not force them to do anything. We can only help with advice. But in order for them to obey, you will need to earn their respect. In general, we face many challenges.

— What method of raising children have you chosen for yourself? Are you spoiling or trying to be a strict dad?

— Classic: dad is strict but fair, mom is kind and compassionate. Although sometimes we change roles. Yes, we didn’t choose, it somehow happened by itself. The main thing is to live in love, not to be a hypocrite and try to ensure that our moral and educational speeches do not diverge from our actions, otherwise all our education will be in vain.


Two houses

— Anton, I know that you live in both Russia and Israel. What attracts you to this country?

— We cannot say that we live in Israel, although we have been there for quite a long time. It so happened that our children were born in the Holy Land, in Jerusalem. Actually, we came there for just a week to get examined, when we realized that we were waiting for Masha. But Vika was so amazed by the attitude of the doctors, and not only the doctors, but also everyone around them towards the pregnant woman, that she stayed there until the birth. And then, during the expedition in Minsk during the filming of the film “Village Romance,” when Vanya appeared on the horizon, there were no questions about where to go to give birth. This is one of my main questions: why in our country, where there are so many talented doctors, a pregnant woman is very often greeted with the question: “Are you going to leave her?”

— Did you build a house here in Russia? Have you already moved in?

— Not a house, but an apartment, or rather a town house in Sergiev Posad. We should be given the keys by the end of February. I hope that by the summer we will have time to settle down and move completely and irrevocably.

— Do you sing more now or act in films? Will you be excited about a new role this year?

- And not alone! Several premieres are planned for 2016, both television and feature films. But our “Live Concerts” remain the main outlet, because each time they are different, unique and completely depend on the atmosphere in the auditorium, on the people we come to visit.


8 biographical facts

1. Anton Makarsky was born in 1975 in Penza.

2. Anton's grandfather - National artist Mikhail Yakovlevich Kaplan, parents are an actor at the Penza Puppet Theater and a music teacher.

3. Victoria Makarskaya(maiden name Morozova) is 2 years older than her husband.

4. Anton became famous thanks to his roles in the musicals “Metro” and “Notre Dame de Paris” and the program “The Phantom of the Opera” (Channel One).

5. Anton Makarsky got married to his wife a year after they met, and the couple got married another three years later.

6. Daughter Masha was born to the Makarskys in September 2012 (after 13 years of marriage), son Ivan - in May 2015. Victoria and Anton admit that they would be very happy to give birth to another.

7. The Makarsky children were born in Jerusalem.

8. Spouses begged for children, praying a prayer by agreement - all over the world at the same time, tens of thousands Orthodox people at the same time they pray for the gift of children, reading the akathist “Unexpected Joy”.

Anton was born first in large family hereditary actors in Penza. His grandfather was a famous dramatic actor, and his parents were not far behind. After their eldest son, they also wanted to have a daughter.

To fill the cup, two of them were born - Asya and Shura.

The girls adore their older brother and always say only good things about him, especially when the eldest of them was born, Anton was already 12. The sisters claim: his leadership talent and soft, alluring energy have always allowed him to occupy the main positions at school, in the yard and in the theater studios.

It was clear to the teachers that the son of an actor and music teacher, Makarsky, would most likely enter theater school. And so it happened. After graduating from Penza school, the boy rushed to the capital and was right. Submitted documents to several theater universities and was enrolled in three of them.

I chose Pike, believing that it provided the best acting education.

He graduated enchantingly: frantic energy and the desire to be everywhere at the same time allowed Makarsky to take part in four of the five graduation performances, as well as create seven musical numbers. Most of all he liked to sing and play at the same time. He dreamed of becoming a musical actor.


However, after graduation he was accepted into the troupe of the Theater at Nikitsky Gate. He remembers his first steps as not being the most successful. He notes that he regularly received leading roles, but he was uncomfortable being an ordinary dramatic actor with the talents that nature had endowed Anton with - he simply was not fulfilled.

After some time, Makarsky decided to join the army. He was drafted into a convoy company, but literally a month and a half later, the certified actor with unique talents was quickly noted by the command and transferred to the song and dance ensemble at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

During the allotted period, the actor sang and led concerts, and at the end of his service he became convinced that it was worth trying himself in a new role - not only as a dramatic actor.

His thoughts were confirmed at the casting of the musical “Metro,” which began soon after Makarsky’s demobilization. He went there with great hope and inspiration, and fate smiled at the bright young man twice that day.


At the casting, he not only showed all his talents, but also noted a bright blonde who also came to the audition. As a result, Makarsky received the role and Vika Morozova’s phone number.

Rehearsals went on as usual, but the newly made partner, Vika, did not show her sympathy in any way and did not seem to notice Anton’s beautiful courtship.

The actor, however, admits: on the first day of the casting he realized that Vika was the woman of his dreams, and was not going to back down.

Vika, who raved about music and dedicated her entire life before meeting Anton to polishing her skills, came to the musical specifically to work. She liked Makarsky's courtship, but starting such a big job with office romance did not want.

The actress admits that several years before she met Anton, she was at a reception with Pavel Globa, who predicted her fateful meeting with her husband. He clarified that Vika, who dreams of becoming a star, will ultimately be so happy with this man that she will leave dreams of stardom in the background and devote herself to her family.

But the husband will achieve some success.

But the musical “Metro” was the first work for both spouses. It was almost impossible to think that the unknown Makarsky was that same fate.

The man, meanwhile, tried: he sang romances to her, read poetry, and came up with various surprises. But that’s not what she appreciated. Once Vika talked about the romantic relationship between Marc Chagall and Bella Rosenfeld, and Anton was so moved that his eyes became moist. “This is the romantic I was looking for,” the girl thought then.


A year later, Makarsky, who, in parallel with his work in the musical, began acting in films, received some fame, as well as Victoria’s consent to the wedding.

Vika’s mother gave the go-ahead for her marriage to Anton. She rushed to Moscow from Minsk at night, barely hearing that her daughter was going to marry “a handsome man.” She was afraid that the girl would repeat her unhappy fate. She also married a handsome man - contrary to her parents’ word, but after two weeks she realized that a man with such appearance was too loving.

However, Makarsky managed to completely charm his future mother-in-law, and also convince her that he was a real monogamous man, head over heels in love with her daughter.

This is how Anton became Vika’s mother’s favorite and won her trust forever.

And they got married only three years after the wedding. At that time, “Notre Dame” was a success in Moscow, and the video that made Makarsky famous, in which he, together with Petkun and Golubev, performs the famous “Belle,” was not watched except by infants.


A few hours after the painting, the newlyweds were already in the capital of love - Paris. Alexander Golubev, who played the role of Captain Phoebus de Chateaupert, was also there. Having drunk and had fun, the actors began to laugh and climbed the outside of the Eiffel Tower.

At this moment, an excursion from Yakutia was exploring the surrounding area. The guide, accustomed to everything, was not at a loss: “And this is the Eiffel Tower,” he said in a staged voice, “On which the performers of the roles of Frollo and Captain Phoebus from the famous musical are now hanging.”

“Where is Petkun? The three of them are singing about Belle!”

This is not the only joke that happened to the Makarskys. They are generally a cheerful family. Among the secrets happy marriage invariably cited is a sense of humor and creativity.

For example, when a couple begins to quarrel and reaches the boiling point, Anton takes a guitar and plays a romance: “Let's burn, Morozova! Dance! No matter how offended and angry Victoria was, this way to relieve anger and tension has never failed.

The Makarskys quarreled and made up many times. It even happened that they were planning to divorce and move away, but they came to their senses in time. The actors emphasize that they love each other and are well aware of this. What else is needed for a happy marriage?

The Makarskys had their first-born daughter Mashenka only thirteen years after their marriage, and after her son Ivan was born. Now the Makarskys openly talk about their love and are considered one of the most beautiful and happy couples Russian show business.

When two creative personalities, working in the same field (moreover, as precarious as the musical Olympus), create a family, in most cases an unenviable fate awaits them - such a marriage is considered initially doomed. However, this statement is refuted by people like Anton Makarsky and his wife Victoria Morozova, who have been together for a decade and a half.

It cannot be said that for such a long period of time their lives were exclusively upward - both professionally and personally. “Peace and quiet” was predominant, but not permanent. At one time, there were even persistent rumors about what kind of unpleasant surprise the Makarskys were preparing for their fans - a divorce. Fortunately, for now similar information I haven't found any real confirmation.

Even despite the fact that in the last couple of years many seemingly “reinforced concrete” marriages are falling apart, like sand castles under a surging wave, the family fortress of Anton and Victoria still withstands such an onslaught of fate.

The future spouses met during a casting for the musical “Metro,” to which they both came. Makarsky at that moment did not yet have such big name, but Morozova, on the contrary, was already a fully established singer, a participant in Presnyakov Sr.’s show and a star, whose videos were rotated on TV. Anton, according to his own statement, was captivated by her immediately when he saw her entering the hall where the competitive selection was held. Victoria young guy, on the contrary, I didn’t notice it at all then. He had the honor of being awarded her close attention at the casting party - only there the girl saw how charming and inimitable he was.

By the way, she didn’t have to wait long for Makarsky’s marriage proposal - it took place the very next day. A guy just starting out musical career, had nothing then, but promised for her sake to achieve the highest successes and material wealth. Interestingly, just a few days before they met, Morozova lamented that she would hardly ever get married - the men were “wrong.” And after such a bold and desperate statement, Anton Makarsky literally burst into her life.

He finally struck the girl with his sensitivity and romance: while telling him and her friends the touching story of the relationship between Marc Chagall and his wife Bella, Morozova was surprised to notice that her own chosen one had tears in her eyes. She understood: this is exactly the kind of romantic she dreamed of meeting.

From the very first days of their relationship they realized how much they connected - general views for the same things, similar life aspirations. Victoria is convinced that God brought them together, since their reunion was accompanied by many almost mystical events, which it is difficult for her to tell strangers about. true words, accurately reflecting their significance, but which were also very clear to these two lovers. They literally heard and saw everything in the same light.

Ultimately, both allowed faith in the Lord into their lives, and now satisfaction of spiritual needs (for example, visiting a temple) is an integral part of it. Apparently, this explains the fact that a secular marriage in their family was preceded by a church wedding, which took place in 2000, about a year after their significant acquaintance. The painting in the registry office took place three years later.

By the way, I didn’t have to wait long for career success. Already in 2002, Makarsky received the iconic role of Phoebus in Notre Dame de Paris, with which his rapid rise through Olympus of musical fame began. At the same time, there were also very successful roles in films.

For Victoria, everything was ambiguous. She even had to stop her career for several years: due to constant overexertion, at one not wonderful moment she completely lost her voice. However, at the end of the 2000s, she nevertheless returned to creative activity- first as a producer of her own husband, and then prepared several joint projects with him.

One circumstance greatly unsettled them: the family of Anton Makarsky could not, in their understanding, be established and complete without heirs. In the end, they had over ten years behind them. unsuccessful attempts conceive your own baby. This forced them to take a desperate step - to turn to the procedure of in vitro fertilization. IVF almost cost Victoria her life: hormonal stimulation almost “decimated” the resources of the young woman’s body.

They were not pleased with the results of their own genetic tests. It turned out that their genes are almost half the same - like very close relatives. In such circumstances, according to experts, the possibility of conception was extremely low. In addition, having researched their genealogy, the young couple found out: they are really related - both are descendants of Ashkenazi Jews who lived in the same locality.

However, in the Israeli clinic, where they consulted about their own reproductive health, they only laughed at such fears, saying that among those who consult local doctors local residents at least half of similar stories - and all end quite happily.

The Makarskys were also strengthened by their own faith in God. When they came to the Orthodox monastery for a blessing, the priest strongly advised them not to resort to IVF anymore - they say, because of this, the baby will be unnecessarily painful, and Victoria will also have health problems. According to the elder, everything should happen soon in a natural way.

This prediction came true just six months later. Moreover, Anton was the first to sense that his wife was pregnant - at one of the events, he categorically forbade her to touch alcohol precisely for this reason. Seeing a doctor only confirmed this fact.

Their daughter Maria (by the way, the Makarskys’ name was chosen in advance) was born in that same medical center in Israel in September 2012.

The question of separation in their family does not even arise. Victoria has repeatedly stated: no matter how you behave Makarsky Anton, divorce is impossible and would not be justified in any way. Of course, they, like any husband and wife, often have quarrels, but joint prayer helps them overcome disagreements - as well as forget about their cause.

A few months ago, rumors leaked to the press about repeat pregnancy Victoria Makarskaya. However, the “heroes of the occasion” themselves have not yet confirmed this, although they assure that they would be very happy about such a turn of events. In any case, their fans wish this loving and believing family happiness.

Last weekend, our fellow countryman, singer and actor Anton Makarsky, together with his wife Victoria, visited Penza for a two-day visit. Two weeks before the concert, the box office of the drama theater did not have a single ticket for their new program"He and she". The couple gave 100 percent to the performance. Their concert lasted for two hours. At some point, the artists were even forced to let their musicians leave the stage because they were late for the train. Anton and Victoria decided to stay in Penza for another day, so they were in no hurry. Anton sang romances with a guitar, and Vika danced. The next day, the Makarsky couple met with Penza media representatives. “On the outside, my nose remained crooked!” - Anton, for Last year you have undergone two operations at once. How is your health now? Anton:- God bless. Everyone who was at our concert in Penza saw that I was jumping like new. There are no health complaints, nothing hurts. They performed an amazing operation on me, they implanted a titanium joint in my leg. Victoria:- When we had the nose surgery, we were very afraid that Anton’s voice would change. Therefore, not just a doctor was invited, but a phoniatrist who operates on singers. Anton: Outwardly, my nose has not changed at all, it remains crooked (laughs). Only the inside was fixed.

Victoria: At first he was very uncomfortable after the operation; he said that he had so much air that it was even difficult to breathe. He still breathes through his mouth out of habit. - You’re talking about your own nose, but thousands of women are “dying” because of you... Anton:- In life, I am very different from my screen and stage image. Often people recognize Vika on the street, not me. They come up and ask, where is your Makarsky? At the same time, I am standing nearby. Vika points at me, and every time I hear almost the same thing: “We thought you were tall and handsome.” This is a very good compliment for an actor! - Vika, last year the posters in Penza said “Anton Makarsky and Victoria Morozova”, this year “Anton Makarsky and Victoria Makarskaya”, have you decided to give up your stage name? Victoria: - This year I decided to record a solo album for the first time. One day my lawyer called me and asked under what name I wanted to release him. I said that under my stage name - Victoria Morozova, although I have been Makarska in my passport for a long time. The lawyer advised me to put my name on the Internet, which I did. It turns out that in our country there is a singer with the same name as me. She is the lead singer of a group with a very indecent name. This girl has released a solo album and is going on tour. - That’s why you started performing under your husband’s name? Victoria:- It was very difficult for me to make this decision. Because Anton likes my last name, he often calls me by my last name. I was happy and proud that I was carrying the name of my family on stage. But nothing can be done, we quickly had to reprint all the posters, and my album will be released under the name of Victoria Makarskaya. I hope that there won’t be at least a second singer with that name. Victoria returns to the big stage - Vika, you once stopped singing due to doctors’ orders. Does the release of a solo album mean that you are returning to the big stage? Anton: - Luckily for me, yes! Everyone who was at our concerts saw what vocal shape my wife was in. Will great sin hide it. She has a very interesting repertoire. For me, the biggest compliment is that people buy tickets to our concert in the name of Anton Makarsky, and leave as fans of Vika Makarskaya. They get what they expected from me, but Vika makes a real splash. I will be happy if in the near future she will not be my producer, but I will be hers. - Is it true that Pavel Globa predicted your return to the stage? Victoria:- Here is how it was. When I was 23 years old, Globa came up to me and said that I would have an extraordinary destiny. He said that soon I would get into a large-scale project (the musical “Metro”) and get married. I will have such a husband that the whole world will envy. To which I said that I would never get married, I don’t need it, I have a career! Globa said that I would stop singing, but many years later I would return to the stage. If I do this, I will become a world-class star, but I may not want it. Six months ago, we called Globa and remembered this conversation.

- So you still have everything ahead? Victoria:- Now I don’t make any bright plans for my career. While the audience cries at my concerts, that's the only reason I go on stage. Not for your own pride and to satisfy some ambitions. At the age of 15, I was a laureate of all All-Union and republican competitions with Belarusian state orchestra conducted by Mikhail Finberg. Then my ambitions were satisfied. Since then, life has changed me very dramatically, and a lot has happened in my life. I don’t regret for a minute that I once lost my voice. I started doing my husband’s business, which is so interesting to me that I still can’t stop. This separate world, a separate universe. 24 hours a day I live the creative destiny of Anton. I am responsible for ensuring that in 30 years you see him in the same form, with sparkling eyes, with many beautiful paintings behind him. - Victoria, while you remain your husband’s producer, who then is in charge in your family? Victoria:- So that you can appreciate the depth of thought, according to all documents, I am a housewife. According to the documents, the producer is Anton Makarsky. Although he doesn’t even know what our lawyer and accountant looks like. I do all the business. Although at home, of course, main husband. Anton played a criminal thief - Anton, what films will be released in the near future with your participation? Anton:- At the end of October there will be a premiere of the big film “Justice of Wolves”, where main role played by British actor Michael York (Romeo and Juliet, Cabaret, Murder in Orient Express"). This Russian cinema, in which, in addition to our artists, foreign actors are also involved. For example, the hero of young Michael York is played by Danya Strakhov (“We are from the future”, “Isaev”). I have a minor role that I had a lot of fun working on. My hero is a criminal thief. The action takes place in 1942. Unfortunately, not all the material was included in the film. It’s especially a shame that the criminal songs that Igor Kornelyuk and Regina Lisits wrote specifically for this role were not included. I hope they will be released on disc at least. Victoria: And I sang the soundtrack to this film, which you will hear. Even before I returned to the stage, when I was not singing, we arrived at Vacation home to Kornelyuk, to sign up Anton. Igor said that he has a waltz for which he cannot find a singer. And I sang. It was this song that the Americans selected during editing as the personification of the 40s. - Anton, how did you get used to the role of a criminal thief? Anton: While I was preparing for the film, we were robbed. Moreover, my attitude towards this was extremely positive. The thieves acted according to their standards. They took only what they needed: money, fur coats. They stole a Hamer, but disdained a Peugeot. They took out our licenses and car documents from the shared document folder so as not to cause us unnecessary problems. They didn’t touch the jewelry, but they stole the jewelry. They did their job, but didn’t take extra. - We are looking forward to the premiere!

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