Makeup in brown tones for brown eyes. Makeup for brown eyes step by step photo for every day

Makeup brown eyes for girls with brown hair, it should be done with good taste.

With such mysterious eyes, you can easily experiment. Almost any colors and shades are suitable for this color. After all, brown eyes are very beautiful, rich, especially good in combination with light brown hair.

Start of makeup for fair-haired girls with brown eyes

Initial training is the same for almost everyone. It is necessary to moisturize your face with a cream or a special moisturizing base, as this is the key to good and long-lasting makeup. Brown-eyed people have olive or yellowish skin, especially paying attention to the skin around the eyes, as it is very thin and delicate. When applying brown eye makeup for fair-haired people to the area of ​​skin around the eyes, use a concealer and foundation that matches the color of your skin. A mixture of foundation and foundation can be applied to the face itself for a more natural effect; the tone color should be chosen a little darker than the natural shade. When applying foundation or powder, do not forget about the neck and décolleté area, as the difference in the tone of the face and neck will have an unpleasant effect on your impression. Next, use the corrector to correct difficult areas, for example, redness or small spider veins.

Makeup emphasis on brown eyes of fair-haired people

Such a seemingly insignificant detail as eyebrows plays a huge role in makeup for brown eyes for fair-haired people. Eyebrows require care, just like eyelashes; they need to be cleaned and maintained in shape. If the color of your eyebrows is lighter than you need to tint them with a light brown pencil, you can also use a brush and old mascara. There is also a trick: if your eyebrows are in disarray, you need to take a clean mascara brush, apply hairspray on it and comb your eyebrows, the shape will immediately become even. Brown mascara, instead of black, will go well with your skin tone and highlight your eye color. To especially accentuate the eyes in the makeup of brown-eyed and fair-haired people, be sure to line your eyes with a pencil or eyeliner in black or brown.

Selection of makeup shadows for brown eyes

The color of the shadows directly depends on the event and time of day. For daytime makeup, shades of peach, gold and brown are very suitable. Also, olive, yellow-green and soft lilac shades are quite appropriate for this make-up. At a later time, it is wise to apply brighter colors, such as purple and chocolate. The main thing to remember is to be sure to shade the borders of the colors for a smooth transition. Under artificial lighting, rich colors in makeup for brown eyes for fair-haired girls will create mystery and depth in your look.

Blush in makeup for brown eyes for fair-haired ones

The makeup of fair-haired ladies with brown eyes will be well complemented by peach, light pink and coral. If you are applying these colors for the first time, it is better to choose a light brown shade or beige. It is better to use a brush with a wide diameter made of natural bristles. Apply blush onto your cheekbones with light movements - it will add a beautiful, delicate blush to your brown eye makeup.

Lipstick color for makeup for brown-eyed and fair-haired people

If you paid attention to your eyes, then a delicate and light shade of lipstick is enough for your lips. Again, light shades of purple, soft brown and slightly pink will work well. And if you want to pay more attention to your lips, then use rich pink and coral colors accordingly.
Your makeup for brown eyes for fair-haired people is complete. Be sure to bring a smile and good mood, and you can always produce the most good impression on others.

Makeup is an art that every woman can master. By adhering to simple rules, it is easy to add expressiveness to your appearance, place accents where needed, and divert attention from shortcomings. Girls with dark hair and brown eyes have always been favorite models for makeup artists to create. This is not surprising, because when working with this color type you can use the boldest shades. To properly do makeup for brown eyes, you don’t need a special arsenal. It is quite possible to get by with a small set of cosmetics suitable for a specific appearance.


Arsenal of cosmetics bag of a brown-eyed woman

Dark-haired beauties with brown eyes have an undeniable advantage - the ability to use a wide color palette. Despite the fact that this type of appearance belongs to the “winter”, work on makeup is not limited to cold shades. Practice in this matter is the best advisor. Your makeup bag should contain tools and products that will add freshness and charm to a brunette’s appearance.

Eyeshadow Palette

A palette of cool shades is the ideal solution for brown eye makeup. But for daytime makeup, it would be wise to also have a set of shadows from a brown range, which naturally emphasizes brown eyes. However, there are some nuances associated specifically with the shade of the eyes:

  1. Shadows for dark eyes, sometimes called “black eyes”: classic brown palette (including shades of light chocolate), silver-gray tones, green natural shades, plum and lilac (not a “flashy” shade).
  2. Shadows for brown eyes (medium shade without splashes of color): brown palette from light to darkest, black, peach, nut, plum, soft shades of pink and lilac.
  3. Shadows for green-brown eyes: golden, olive, a rich range of greens (from grassy shades to turquoise) and, of course, a brown set of makeup shadows.
  4. Shadows for yellow-brown eyes: shades of brown (from the lightest to the “bitter chocolate” tone), golden and green colors. Violet colors give stunning expressiveness to “honey” eyes.

The blue-blue palette deserves special attention. Using it in makeup, the dark-eyed brunette runs the risk of looking too flashy. There is nothing wrong with this when it comes to evening makeup. But for daytime makeup this is unnecessary.

Important! Terracotta shades are strictly contraindicated for use in makeup for brown eyes.

Eyeliner and mascara

Women with dark hair and brown eyes will also have no problems choosing mascara. Most of them have dark eyelashes and will be able to experiment with any of the colors of the main palette: black, brown, dark blue. Moreover, blue mascara on dark eyelashes does not look theatrical, since it becomes noticeable only in certain lighting.

Accordingly, both eyeliner and eyeliner from the same color range will be ideal for dark eye makeup.

Evening makeup for brown-eyed women

To create an evening make-up, you can use the eyeshadow palette quite safely. Knowing “her tone,” a dark-eyed woman with dark hair will be able to beautifully highlight her appearance. Don't be afraid to try new shades, because it is through trial and error that unexpected combinations are discovered.

Evening makeup for brown eyes in women with dark hair allows for bright accents and glitter cosmetics. Glossy eyeliner will highlight the depth of your eyes very well. For such a case, it is made more clear, like those of oriental beauties. You can make your eyebrow color darker without fear that it will look bright.

Advice! There is never a need to experiment with new colors and techniques if there are only a few minutes left before the celebration. It’s better to leave for later the desire to repeat the makeup of a glamorous beauty from a fashion magazine. Otherwise the result is unpredictable.

Makeup for every day

Although bright woman The “winter” type can afford to leave the house without makeup (many girls with blond hair and eyes are very complex about this, considering themselves “colorless” without makeup), the complete absence of it on the face will not particularly beautify the modern lady. Neat daytime makeup for brown eyes is a sign of a well-groomed woman. In addition, it greatly improves self-esteem.

Video: Everyday makeup for brown eyes from makeup artist Vika Oleynik

Smokey eyes for dark eyes

An interesting makeup technique called “smoky eye” has gained particular popularity. This technique is not new, as some people think. The “smoky eye” effect was very popular in the 20s and 30s of the last century. It was used to give brunettes the look of " femme fatale", but it was done exclusively in black colors. The modern analogue is more interesting, since it allows various shades and can be used for any color type of appearance.

When choosing the desired color scheme, do not forget that its shades should be in harmony not only with the color of the eyes and hair, but also with the skin tone, outfit and, of course, it should match the event. No matter how dizzying the “smokey” looks in violet and lilac tones, it will look ridiculous in an office work environment.

Step-by-step master class

  1. First, you should prepare your skin for makeup: foundation or cream, you can powder your eyelids a little.
  2. Apply a soft cosmetic pencil along the eyelash edge without “gaps” (do not start working directly from the inner corner). Gently blend the line with the applicator.
  3. Apply shadows of the darkest shade from the palette chosen for makeup onto the pencil base. Blend the edges again.
  4. Apply lighter shadows to the resulting border, shading again (to enhance the effect, a third tone, even lighter than the previous one, would be useful).
  5. The same pencil is used on the lower eyelid. Draw a line to the outer corner, making it wider at the end. And again rub gently with the applicator.
  6. A pencil line drawn along the inside of the eyelid gives expressiveness to the eyes. But this technique is not suitable for small and close-set eyes. But for owners of large round eyes, this method comes in handy.
  7. The “arrow” is drawn along the eyelash edge of the upper eyelid; its “tail” will be thicker in the final part.
  8. All that remains is to paint your eyelashes, add a little blush to your cheekbones and gloss to your lips.

Advice! A beautiful “smoky eye” does not accept bright lips. Lipstick in neutral tones or a little gloss is what you need for the image of a captivating beauty with a deep look of “smoky” eyes.

Video: Smokey eyes for brown eyes

Makeup secrets for brown eyes in oriental style

One of the most sexy women Oriental beauties are considered in the world. With bated breath, men admire sensual girls dancing a magical dance on the TV screen or smiling seductively from the covers of magazines. Their eyes amaze with their beauty and mystery. Any brunette with brown eyes and dark hair can become a fairy-tale Indian or Arabian princess. Let it be for one evening or night...

Are there any special subtleties? It turns out yes:

  1. "Arab Rifles". The eyeliner is always present! Moreover, it is more pronounced, the lines are clear, the corners are defined. It is better to make such “arrows” with a cosmetic marker or eyeliner, rather than with a soft pencil.
  2. Oriental makeup welcomes a bright palette of colors. Shiny and pearlescent shadows are appropriate. With their help, it is possible to enhance the expressiveness of the look.
  3. Eyebrows should have a rich color and beautiful shape.
  4. Close attention is paid to eyelashes. They are well painted over with black mascara with intensity towards the temple (you can use false eyelashes).
  5. The complexion tone should be even, pleasant warm color: peach, golden, dark.
  6. Lipstick can only emphasize the mysterious appearance of an oriental beauty. For this purpose, bright cosmetics with a dense texture are not used on the lips. Only natural shades!

This makeup can be used as an evening makeup if a woman likes it.

Video: Beautiful Arabic makeup

It can be difficult to do subtle daytime makeup. The task becomes more complicated for brown-eyed girls who have expressive eyes without underlining. We have collected the most up-to-date makeup database received from the country's leading stylists: we will teach you how to do daytime makeup for brown eyes step by step photo.

Where to begin

Before you start applying eye makeup, prepare the base: how can you do this. Pay attention to the condition of the mucous membrane of the eyes and the skin under them: redness, swelling or excessive blueness will not enhance your makeup. Take advantage means for quick recovery normal looking eyes. These can be eye drops, ice or herbal infusions. Correctors will remove pigmentation: concealer, foundation, powder.

Eyeshadow palette for daytime makeup

A distinctive feature of daytime makeup is naturalness. You can create it using light colors, often pastels. However, the brown iris of the eyes makes its own adjustments and rejects many proposed colors. Let's consider suitable color shadows, based on the shade of brown eyes:

  • Medium brown
    The iris of the eyes of this color looks soft and captivating. You can emphasize it with shades of bronze, light emerald, purple. Do not buy gray shadows under any circumstances: they look unnatural. Choose light eyeliner, excluding dark tones.
  • Dark brown
    the color palette is the same as in the previous version, however, the darker the color on the eyelids, the more expressive the look will become. The ideal combination will be achieved with the use of black, resinous eyeliner.
  • Light brown
    use light shades of bronze, copper, lilac, green. Combine them with each other on the upper and lower eyelids, additionally using dark and light brown eyeliner. The use of black contouring for the eyes is not recommended.

You don’t have to choose classic eyeliner and mascara colors - you can be creative with your makeup and highlight your eyes with brown, blue and green pencils. Mascara can be chosen in bronze and gold colors. Keep in mind that the options described are unlikely to be suitable for the classic daytime option.

We invite you to come and play on your own. Just upload your photo and change the settings - with each new setting your image will be completely different! Select color, which will create an individual, unique and captivating look.

Light day makeup will perfectly decorate those with light brown eyes. Let's look at the instructions in which the process is described step by step its creation.

  1. Create the foundation under eye makeup. Apply a coppery beige eyeshadow to the main eyelid area.
  2. Shape the area under the eyebrow white shadows to visually lift it.
  3. Apply white eyeshadow into the inner corner of the eyelid, blending them with the base coat so that no borders are visible.
  4. Apply dark eyeshadow to the outer corner and draw a line along the transition line of the eyelid. Blend the corner thoroughly.
  5. Lower eyelid paint with white shadows, apply mascara. Your day makeup is ready!

This type of makeup is suitable for you if the pigment of your iris is very diluted. Follow the photo and description:

  1. Apply snow-white shadows for the main part of the eyelid.
  2. Draw a dark line, retreating a few millimeters from the lower border of the eyebrows. The line should be inclined in relation to the main coating. The color of dark shadows should be as light as possible, but not gray.
  3. Draw an arrow with black eyeliner and complete your makeup with voluminous mascara.

Simple makeup with an arrow

Makeup is suitable for girls whose brown eyes belong to the dark type. Executed technique not intrusive and is perfect for going to work. Main focus aimed at an atypical arrow - the eyelids are freed as much as possible from colored details, so as not to burden the look. Follow the instructions step by step:

  1. As a base shadow apply a shade as close as possible to the natural color of the skin.
  2. Create a dark, shadow line slightly above the base. It should start in the middle of the eyelid and end at the outer corner.
  3. Draw an arrow, as it shown on the picture.
  4. Complete daytime composition with black ink.

The makeup shimmers beautifully in the light, however requires completely healthy eyes and the skin underneath. The slightest redness of the mucous membrane of the eye will turn you from a charming brown-eyed person into a sickly-looking person. Pink makeup easy to do, but for convenience We have provided a short guide:

  1. Apply pale pink eyeshadow on the main part of the eyelid.
  2. Complete lower eyelid with the same shadows.
  3. A little darken the fold line of the upper eyelid and blend.
  4. Make an outline dark shadows with neat, barely visible shading. The line should be clear, but at the same time the boundaries should be slightly blurred.
  5. Finish the composition applying black mascara.

Amazingly beautiful and light makeup for those with cognac-colored eyes.

  1. Apply light base: silver, white, beige.
  2. Highlight the fold line of the upper eyelid in a soft purple color.
  3. Complete upper eyelid contour with a small arrow at the end. Draw with eyeliner.
  4. Lightly along the lower eyelid blend purple shadows. The eyeliner line should be visible.
  5. Make up eyelashes and makeup are ready.

Another great daytime makeup that perfect for get-togethers with friends in a cafe or on a romantic walk. Do it not difficult, just follow the instructions in the photo and do not deviate.

Another type of daytime makeup for lovers of dark options. It is suitable for girls with light eyes, the shade of which is close to honey. To complete it no professional skills required– a basic skill in applying eye shadow is enough . Keep in mind that coral makeup will looks ugly on sore and tired eyes, so don’t do it in places where maximum eye strain is required: by the end of the day, you risk looking not as captivating as you would like.


This kind of makeup can hardly be called daytime, however, all markers have different tastes and colors. Especially for lovers of bright summer, we present Instructions for creating blue eye makeup:

  1. Complete base blue shadows for the main part of the eyelid. Apply eyeliner with a pencil of a similar color to fill in the space between the lashes.
  2. Shade the outer corner of the eyes is purple, and the inner corner is white
  3. Draw arrow using eyeliner.
  4. Decorate the lower eyelid with blue and dark shadows. Blend them overlapping each other.
  5. Make up eyelashes with two layers of mascara.


Magnificent makeup for brown-eyed ladies spending most life in an office space. To create a neat mother-of-pearl composition it takes no more than 20 minutes:

  • Apply pearlescent pink shadows on the main part of the eyelid. Highlight inner corner pearlescent white.
  • Draw black shadows outline the eye along the upper and lower eyelids. Complete your makeup with an arrow.
  • Paint over eyebrows, paying special attention to the inner and outer lashes.

Gorgeous makeup, which will adorn any woman over 30. The subtle, delightful frame of the eyes will drive any man crazy. This kind of makeup suitable for women, whose work is related to the establishment of partnerships.


We will present you an unusual gallery today. We made a selection of the most beautiful girls with brown eyes who, while taking selfies, unwittingly showed their eye makeup. You will see your eyes widen every day ordinary girls, and you will understand that beautiful makeup is accessible to everyone. Surely you are interested in the hair color of these beauties? Then here you can understand which color suits you best.


In this video selection you will see how to easily and quickly do daytime makeup for girls with brown eyes.

Looking beautiful with daytime brown eye makeup is not difficult. Learn to create great compositions and improve your facial skills with the help of our articles.

Female beauty is an undeniable thing, but not all ladies are happy with their appearance. And yet, each has its own zest, and that’s a fact. It can be hidden in a glance, a smile - and this dignity is adequately assessed by the male half of the population. Any beauty can captivate with her gaze, but brown eyes are especially attractive and mysterious. The secrets of applying makeup for brown eyes will help give your look more expressiveness and charm. Light make-up, a minimum of cosmetics - and you are always attractive and desirable.

Features of beautiful makeup for brown eyes

If nature has gifted you with the bottomless depth of brown eyes, then you are already lucky. Feel free to experiment with decorative cosmetics, try on the image of a black-eyed brown-haired woman or a blonde with enchanting green eyes with a delicate hazel shade. Use your imagination and create makeup with a palette of colors. When choosing tones, as well as their combinations on the eyelids, take into account your skin color type, the cut and features of your eyes, the shape of the upper eyelid and eyebrows.

A heavy layer of “plaster” on the face makes the image of a woman vulgar, provocative; not everyone in society will understand such a lady. There is no need to apply black eyeliner to your upper and lower eyelids just to be visible from afar. It is necessary to feel the norm, since dark eyes by nature are your strong point, with which you attract the eyes of young people. Little tricks and recommendations for applying makeup for brown-eyed people and turning new ideas into reality will help with this.

Techniques for applying different types of makeup

Depending on the shape of the eyes, their “set”, the shape of the upper eyelid, hair shade and skin color type, the makeup application depends. A variety of makeup techniques will help correct shortcomings, focus only on the advantages, and make the look “wide-open” and unique. Take professional advice from a cosmetologist and experiment with decorative cosmetics (pay attention to quality) at home.

evening make-up

Do you want to shine in the lights of night discos? Evening makeup should be different from daytime, make the look more expressive, emphasize your strengths and temperament. If your everyday look shines with naturalness, then at a party you should charm anyone with your bottomless gaze and sparkle. Magical makeup for Halloween - a composition of dark shades and sparkles - and you shine like a butterfly in the mystical extravaganza of the holiday.

For brown-eyed people, purple, bronze, brown, pink and vanilla shades of the nude range are suitable. Get creative with contrasting shadows on the eyelid, and the final accent for evening makeup will be a few luminous sparkles at the outer corners of the eyes. The choice of makeup shades depends not only on the outfit, but also on the tone of your hair, skin color, and eye shade.


Refresh your skin, hide existing imperfections, and slightly highlight the features of your appearance - the task of daytime makeup. If you want to shine even within the confines of a strict office or school (this is important for teenagers), then you can’t do without daytime make-up. How to hide signs of fatigue and beautifully emphasize the naturalness of your appearance? The secrets of doing makeup for brown eyes are as follows:

  • Use a minimum of cosmetics, limit yourself to powder that contains reflective particles.
  • Advice for ladies over 30: first moisturize your skin, then apply foundation.
  • The final stage of face tinting is blush. For brown-eyed people, olive and peach shades are suitable.
  • Shade your eyebrows with a brown pencil.
  • For light eye makeup, choose between light tones (beige, pinkish-brown for light brown eyes) and medium tones for dark eyes (brown, pinkish, greenish tones).


On her wedding day, the bride should be a queen with an impeccable appearance. Skilfully highlight the brightness of your eyes in a halo of white outfit. With a coral, opal or creamy base base, silver, gold, green, and beige colors are suitable for the face. Blue, brown eye shadow with dark eyeliner and mascara are the key to success. Also choose blush to match your lipstick (peach, beige, coral tone).


A woman should always look beautiful and well-groomed. For everyday makeup, do not choose too contrasting shadows. It is only important to emphasize your natural characteristics and correct some shortcomings (size or set of eyes). Lightly tint your eyelashes, shape your eyebrows with a brush and a brown pencil. Apply pastel, beige shades of eyeshadow to the upper eyelid: a light shade to the inner corner, a shade darker to the outer corner.

Light natural makeup for every day

Light makeup for every day will give you a special charm of naturalness if you choose the right shade of eye shadow to match your hair and eye color:

  • for dark brown eyes, a choice of lilac and pink touches will be successful, and light brown eyes will shine in a halo of peach, beige, and cream shadows.
  • a good option for blondes is light brown or light lilac shades; brown-haired women should exclude blue and light green tones;
  • Russo-haired women and brunettes will captivate with their gaze in the radiance of golden, blue-gray, and chocolate shades.

To complete the makeup for every day, eyeliner with a pencil or shadow, applying black (blue) mascara to the eyelashes and lipstick will help.

Smokey Ice

Do you want to turn into oriental beauty? You will achieve the unforgettable smoky “Smokey Eyes” effect if you skillfully apply shadows to your eyelids. Bright appearance, eccentricity, play of colors will be shown by the unique look of brown eyes framed by a rich, rainbow palette. Your eyelid will turn into a real masterpiece if you choose a tone that matches your outfit from cool blue-violet and brown shades.

  • Cover the entire upper eyelid with a layer of the main color, carefully distribute the shadows, directing them towards the temple area and modeling the correct eye shape.
  • Draw on eyeliner and blend the line, achieving an ultra-fashionable “smoky” effect.
  • Give your look a feminine touch by applying light shadows to the inner corners.

The second option for “Asian” coloring is the specificity of the game of contrasts. Purple shadows are applied to the eyelid, the eyelash line is emphasized with a black outline. The outer corners are painted in emerald tones, shading the paint towards the middle of the eyelid. A few sparkles will add spectacular shimmer to your look.

For brown eyes with drooping eyelids

A drooping eyelid gives the look sadness and despondency. Corrective makeup will help eliminate the deficiency for both young and older ladies. Mother of pearl may be present in the area above the eyebrow. Eyeliner and pencil contour should be shaded: makeup on drooping eyelids does not tolerate clear contours and lines. Loose shadows - perfect option. Thin arrows will add extravagance to the face, and you need to work hard to achieve the ideal arch of the eyebrows.

For small brown eyes

What to do if you are unlucky with your eye shape? Those with small eyes should know some makeup secrets to make small or deep-set eyes appear larger.

  • The eyebrow line (not too thin) should fit nicely above the eyes: remove unnecessary hairs.
  • Conceal dark circles under your lower eyelids to prevent your eyes from looking tired.
  • Try to avoid dark shadows or use them skillfully: apply them on the lower eyelid to the middle of the pupil, do the same with the upper eyelid.
  • Apply shadows from the outer corners, do not draw the eye crease, but blend the shadows above it and your look will be gorgeous.

Step-by-step makeup tutorial for brown eyes

  1. Apply foundation to eyelids. Using a soft pencil (brown), draw arrows that slightly thicken towards the temples. We draw the lower eyelid and crease.
  2. Using a soft brush, blend the outline of the pencil.
  3. We apply brown shadows in the crease and beige shadows under the eyebrow.
  4. Apply sparkling pink shadows from the inner corner to the middle of the eyelids.
  5. Darken with dark brown strokes on the outside.

Video: everyday makeup for brown eyes

Those with brown eyes should watch the video, which details a master class on applying everyday makeup. In practice, everything is not so difficult, and after watching the video you will be able to repeat the makeup on your own face:

Video on how to do oriental makeup for brown eyes

Transform yourself into an oriental beauty by mastering all the basics of Arabic makeup from the video. See how to apply makeup in the right way with light movements and make your image bright and unforgettable.

There are a lot of brown-eyed beauties in the world. Interesting fact that people with brown eyes appeared on earth much earlier than those with light eyes. Later, evolution did its job and today there are a lot of people with different eye colors. Of all this variety, brown remains the dominant color. Girls with beautiful dark eyes always hid a mystery within themselves and beckoned to them in an unimaginably mysterious way. Such eyes come in a variety of colors from light amber to dark chocolate, and sometimes almost black.

Representatives of the fair sex with brown eyes are considered very passionate people. This passion is mixed in a special cocktail of romance, mystery and sensitivity. Of course, to make brown eyes shine even more, it is advisable to highlight them and apply correct makeup. Applying makeup for brown eyes is a special ritual. It is important that it looks natural and emphasizes the beauty of your appearance. If makeup is applied incorrectly, the eyes look vulgar, and in some cases older.

How to properly apply makeup for brown eyes?

Most girls wonder more than once in their lives what makeup will suit brown eyes (see photo below). Before choosing a design for your eyes, you need to know the basics of applying eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. You should also prepare your face before starting the process.

  • First of all, it is important to apply the foundation. It will even out your complexion and give you a good shade.
  • The next step is to choose a foundation. It will give your skin a radiant glow. It is recommended to apply the cream in a very thin layer using special sponges.
  • The final stage will be powder. It will make your facial skin smooth and uniform in tone. It’s just important not to overdo it with powder on your face. Otherwise, the face will look like a mask.

If the foundation and all its accompanying products lay in an even layer on the surface of the skin, then the shadows will also look good. In high-quality makeup, everything depends on the sequence of application and the choice cosmetics. A smooth surface of the face, without roughness, swelling or blemishes, looks very attractive.

It is also recommended to distinguish between daytime and evening makeup. Since dark eyes are very expressive, they only need to be emphasized. During the day, it is advisable to apply shadows of pastel colors, emphasizing them with arrows and mascara. In the evening, eyes can be more expressive and paints of different colors will fit well. Evening makeup hides more imagination and experimentation than daytime makeup. When applying bright makeup, you need to apply blush correctly, in accordance with the shape of your face.

What eye shadow to choose for brown eyes

The selection of the palette is determined not only by the color of the eyes, but also by the tone of the skin and hair color. All this gives large territory for action. When choosing an individual eyeshadow color, it is also recommended to pay attention to appearance and the reason for which makeup is done. There are special shade tables made by professional makeup artists. These tables will help the fair sex decide which of the best types of palettes are right for them.

There are also universal colors that look good on dark eyes with different hair colors. If you need makeup for a brunette with brown eyes, the photo of which is published in this article, then it will be more successful to choose shadows that contain all the shades precious metals, lilac and chocolate. On brown eyes with light curls, shades of beige, dark
pink and green colors. There are also special tables for color gradations, where girls can determine the colors of the shadows as best as possible.

  • Dark skin and light brown eyes will look good with olive shades and the whole range of brown.
  • For gray-brown eyes and very fair skin, fuchsia, aquamarine, and shades of green are perfect.
  • If a girl has chocolate eyes and a tanned body, you can opt for pink, beige and plum colors.

A universal color that adapts well to all girls with dark eyes, it includes several dozen shades. A wide selection of shadows allows you to make your makeup irresistible every day. It is recommended not to forget to take into account all the nuances of applying makeup and eye shadow. Ideal colors for brown eyes would be the following shades:

  • Brown
  • Sand
  • Gold
  • Beige
  • Pink
  • Greens
  • Fuchsia
  • Sirenevo - blue color scheme
  • Silver

By choosing lighter ones for daytime makeup and darker ones for evening makeup, the girl and her eyes will be attractive and carry a special mystery.

Makeup for brown eyes and dark hair

To do a complete make-up, not only shadows play main role in him. It all also depends on the choice of mascara, eyeliner and eyeliner. If the girls have already more or less decided on the shadows and know that makeup is for brown eyes and dark hair must be in a certain color scheme. It’s more difficult with mascara and eyeliner. Many professional makeup artists recommend that fair-haired, brown-eyed women use brown mascara. The girls' eyes are already bright, and if they are also emphasized with black mascara, they will look too provocative against the background of blond hair.

But brunettes, on the contrary, are recommended to use black mascara in their arsenal. After all, by nature their eyelashes are thicker and darker, and with the help of black mascara they add a certain mystery and mystery to their eyes. The use of eyeliner also depends on your hair color and eye shade. If the hair and eyes themselves are light, then with the help of eyeliner you can make the “mirror of the soul” expressive and emphasize its beauty. You should apply mascara responsibly; it should not blind your eyelashes. Little secret To prevent mascara from sticking to your eyelashes, you need to powder them before applying it. Beautiful, even, thick eyelashes frame the eyes very attractively.

Makeup for a bride with brown eyes

A wedding is a special event that will remain in the memory for a very long time. Returning to the memories of the wedding, the bride will remember the most pleasant and tender moments. Therefore, on this important event you should look irresistible. The image of the bride is not only Wedding Dress and hairstyle, but also wedding makeup. It needs to be treated with special care.

If the girl is light-skinned and blonde, it is best for her to wear bright makeup and highlight her eyes. A fair-haired bride will benefit from eyeliner, which will highlight her eyes and make them more expressive. The color scheme of the eyeliner will be differentiated from light tones gray shade to deep black. If there are no options, it is best to choose brown colors; they will look irresistible in any position.

Wedding makeup for brown eyes of brunettes (see photo below) is more varied than for blondes. Of course, it’s good to choose shades of cool tones. As for eye shadow and eyeliner, you should opt for blue and purple colors, as well as aquamarine. Brides with dark hair will look great with dark brown or black mascara. The bride's gaze will pierce and bewitch. But before applying makeup, the bride should prepare her facial skin.

A few days before the ceremony, you can do a facial peel; this procedure will remove dead cells, renew the epidermis and make the skin smooth and radiant. After the procedure, it is recommended to moisturize your face well, which promotes recovery. On the day of applying makeup to the bride, it is necessary to tone her skin well. If face toning is done well, there will be no problems with applying decorative cosmetics. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas, which can be easily and simply masked with a corrector. When all the preparatory procedures have been completed, you can begin decorating the eyes and applying shadows. On a high-quality base, the shadows are applied easily and quickly. If the bride is a hot brunette, her eyes can be emphasized with eyeliner or a dark chocolate or black pencil.

The real trend today is smoky-eye makeup. It is also perfect for the bride and will give a sexy look. To apply this makeup, there are detailed instructions:

  • A pencil of the desired shade is applied to the prepared eyelid; it is drawn from the base of the upper and middle of the lower eyelid. Afterwards the pencil is gently shaded.
  • The next step is to apply matte shadows to the eyelid and blend.
  • Next, apply light shadows to the upper surface of the eye, under the bone. They also blend out softly.
  • Apply a light color in the eyebrow area and under them.
  • When the procedures are completed, we paint them with mascara in several layers.
  • We line the eye with a pencil and shade the lower eyelid.

In custody

There is nothing complicated in applying makeup for brown eyes, the main thing is to choose the right colors in accordance with the shade of your hair. At first, shading will not look very natural, but after a few days you will learn how to make the right accents, emphasizing your strengths and highlighting your flaws.

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