Little midge. How to permanently get rid of small midges in an apartment kitchen. Reasons for the appearance of small midges

Sometimes a person unexpectedly discovers small flying insects in his home. Moreover, these midges can be different in appearance: gray, red, white, black. It's time to think about whether they pose a danger, whether they bite, and how to get rid of them. These questions can be easily answered by understanding which small flying insects most often appear in a house or apartment.

Types of small midges found in human housing


Drosophila are small insects of the fruit fly family. Small size, easy to breed, short life cycle made fruit flies indispensable as an object of study for geneticists. Drosophila has popular names: vinegar fly, wine fly, fruit fly.

These insects live next to humans because here they find food for themselves, which is rotten berries, fruits, and sour juices.

The length of the insect is 1.5–3 mm, the wings are longer than the body.

The eyes are red, and the insect itself is yellow-brown in color.

Drosophila reproduce very quickly. In just 10 days, development from egg to adult occurs. The very next day after emerging from the pupa, the Drosophila lays eggs, and during its life it can lay up to 2 thousand eggs. With such a rate of reproduction, fruit flies quickly conquer space in the apartment, and although they are quite harmless and do not bite, confused residents urgently look for effective ways get rid of them.

It is believed that fruit flies are not carriers of diseases, but the very flickering of these flies before the eyes is unpleasant.

Where do fruit flies come from? They cannot fly from afar, because these midges fly no more than 180 meters per day. The most common reason for the appearance of fruit flies, biologists say, is fruits and vegetables brought home that already contain eggs of these insects. As soon as the fruit begins to deteriorate and rot, larvae appear from the eggs, and flies from the larvae.

Drosophila can be brought into the house with soil for planting indoor plants. Adult flies emerge from eggs and larvae in the ground. They multiply especially actively when the flowers are waterlogged and the soil is acidic.

Theoretically, you can get rid of fruit flies by simply doing a thorough cleaning and depriving them of food, but this can take a long time.


Microscopic white insects on indoor flowers are malicious plant pests - whiteflies.

They may arrive with new indoor flower or fly in from the street. These small insects lay eggs on back side leaves. Hatched whiteflies suck out the juice and leave behind a sugary secretion. The leaves of the plant become deformed and then fall off along with the flower buds.

Pests reproduce extremely quickly and are extremely tenacious. If you do not start fighting whiteflies in time, indoor flowers will die. It especially damages begonia, fuchsia, and balsam.

Flower midges (sciarids)

Adults sciarids(flower midge or fungus gnat, or soil gnat) are black insects about 3–4 mm long.

They lay eggs among the roots of plants. The mosquitoes themselves do not cause much harm, but their larvae, which are worms up to 5 mm long, are very dangerous for flowers. The larvae eat the roots of the plant, causing it to die.

Flower midges enter a house with soil contaminated with larvae. They might even fly out the window. These insects are often found in damp basements of houses, and from there they make their way through the ventilation. Midges may be interested in food waste, rotten fruits and vegetables.

Sciarides do not bite, but they must be fought, otherwise they will destroy all indoor flowers.


Butterflies (sewer flies) are small insects up to 2 mm long.

The larvae of these insects and pupae live in sewer pipes and feed on decaying organic matter. Adults have wings and a body covered with hairs. One butterfly clutch contains up to a hundred eggs. There can be a lot of infection on the legs of these nasty insects. In addition, there are known cases of allergies to butterflies.

The butterflies themselves can also be food for spiders and other large insects that will appear in the house if the sewer fly is not exterminated.

Ways to get rid of little black midges

Fighting fruit flies at home

Folk remedies: juice, cereal, vinegar, etc.

How to get rid of fruit flies. Video

Fruit fly trap. Video

There are also special means, which can be used to combat fruit flies, as well as other insects.

You can use some kind of insecticide in the form of an aerosol or fly strips, but this is not advisable in the kitchen where the food is located. It is better to use sticky traps and tape.

Some modern chemical-based products for controlling fruit flies

  1. The Aeroxon Sticky Trap is designed to kill harmful insects on indoor plants. The trap has an attractive color. The glue is odorless and non-toxic.
  2. Sticky tape for Raptor flies. Yellow attracts flies that stick to the adhesive layer.
  3. Aeroxon Window Flycatcher Tape. An effective and safe remedy for midges.

Breeding whiteflies and sciarids on indoor flowers in an apartment

Simple remedies for whiteflies

    The easiest and most harmless way for humans to destroy whiteflies is to manually remove insects from indoor plants. To do this, you need to remove the whitefly-infected leaves and loosen the soil in the pot. The entire plant must be treated with a soap solution.

    You can place sticky tapes near indoor plants: adult whiteflies will stick to them.

    Since the whitefly likes to live in the shade on the underside of leaves, you can scare it away with light: place sheets of foil near the flowers. Sun rays, reflected, will fall on the underside of the leaves, where this pest lives.

    If one of the indoor plants is most affected by the whitefly, then it may be better to donate it and not spread it dangerous insect to other flowers.

    Make an infusion of yarrow. Add a couple of spoons of dishwashing detergent to it. Treat the leaves of affected plants with this composition.

  1. To prevent the appearance of whiteflies, spray the flowers with an infusion of dandelion leaves and roots every 10 days.
  2. At the initial stage of whitefly spread, wipe the plants with garlic infusion (3-4 crushed cloves and 2 glasses of water).
  3. Leave orange peels in water for 24 hours, then add 2 tablespoons of liquid soap. Spray on plants for several days in a row. Keep the product in the refrigerator.

Whitefly is a pest of indoor plants. Video

Means of combating sciarids

  1. Dry upper layer soil by 1–2 cm. Then the clutch of eggs will die.
  2. Make top drainage. Cover the soil with a layer of gravel or expanded clay. The drainage dries quickly after watering, and the pest is unable to lay eggs.
  3. Remove dried leaves and flowers in a timely manner. Avoid watering plants with broths, drunken tea, milk, etc. Food products simply rot in the soil and help pests multiply.
  4. Water the soil several times weak solution potassium permanganate. This remedy is considered quite effective.
  5. Draw “Mashenka” chalk (for cockroaches) stripes on the top of the flower pots.
  6. Use traps and adhesive tape.
  7. Keep the house clean and tidy, promptly remove food waste that can become food for sciarids.

Sciarides. Video

The use of insecticides in residential areas should be treated with extreme caution. The most popular are Aktara and Aktellik. You must strictly follow the instructions for using such products.

How to get rid of midges in the bathroom

In the bathroom, a butterfly (sewer fly) may appear near the drains. This insect is attracted to trash cans and clogged bathtub and sink drains.

Hence the methods of combating this disgusting insect.

Means to combat the butterfly

  1. The main thing in the fight against butterflies is cleaning the sewer pipes. Pipes must be cleaned both mechanically (with a cable) and with modern means for clearing blockages. You can at least use the old one folk way: pour baking soda into the drain and extinguish it with vinegar.
  2. The trash can must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  3. Constantly monitor the cat litter if it is in the bathroom.
  4. Hang adhesive tape in areas where insects appear.
  5. Use midge traps.
  6. Place containers with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil in the bathroom. Midges land on the surface of the mixture, but cannot take off, as their wings stick together.
  7. Sewer flies really don't like the smell of chlorine. Treating bathroom surfaces with chlorine-containing cleaning products will help get rid of the unpleasant environment.

Small pests appear unexpectedly in your apartment, annoying with their presence, and some species bite. The insect flies everywhere and will make the fruit unsuitable for further consumption. There are many folk and modern means of struggle.

Where do small midges come from, how to get rid of them in the house, what caused them to appear, and - we will tell you further.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! In the fight against bedbugs, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. Electromagnetic and ultrasonic technology is 100% effective against bedbugs, cockroaches and other insects. Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

How to get rid of midges in the house at home yourself?

Getting rid of midges yourself at home is not difficult. There is no need to determine which drosophila is infested - they are all poisoned in the same way. The fight must be carried out until complete destruction, since the insect reproduces instantly. Ready-made products and small traps will help remove fruit, flower and other types of midges from the house.

Why did small black midges appear at home?

To get rid of midges, you need to know why they appear and where they come from. Only after identifying the cause will it become easier to fight midges. Where do fruit flies come from at any time of the year, even in winter under completely sealed conditions? The question is relevant.

The kitchen is a place where midges accumulate, as can be seen in the photo. And in the bathroom you can most often see white insects. Read about why there are white insects in the bathroom

The reason for its appearance:
1. The first source of midges is dirty fruit or vegetable. Eggs appeared on the fruits during ripening, which are awaiting rotting of the fruit, in a state of remission. When the main food appears, the eggs are activated and turn into a small insect. The larva must find food for itself. The short lifespan is compensated by intensive reproduction.

OUR READERS RECOMMEND! To get rid of BUGS, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets.

3. Pets' corner. Any organic matter decomposes. Hordes of flies appeared in stagnant aquariums, a dirty cage with a hamster or rabbit. The habitats of domestic animals must be clean so that the fly cannot feed and reproduce in the house or apartment.

4. Green plants in the room. Small insects often appear in flower pots. If a flower was watered with tea leaves, then fruit flies appeared in the soil due to the remains of tea - a favorite delicacy of midges. They bloom in flowers when soil moisture is high.

5. Sewerage and water supply. If the kitchen is kept perfectly clean conditions, then the sources of flies will be small food debris (fruit, vegetables) caught in the siphon. The uncontrolled process of decay provokes the appearance of flies.

The answer to the question about the source of flies in an apartment or private house can be associated with the process of rotting in communications or the house. Small flies appear in the room thanks to humans; reproduction and future life are affected by the cleanliness of the apartment and sewerage system. You can get rid of midges in the house only by removing the original source where the uninvited guests came from.

Folk remedies for small insects

How to get rid of small midges using folk remedies:

Bottle trap. Take a half-liter glass or plastic bottle with a narrow neck and put a rotten vegetable or fruit in it. Stretch the oilcloth tightly at the top and make small holes. Leave the trap until it is completely filled or the flies disappear from the house.

Vacuum cleaner. Use it to catch flies and empty the trash bin on the street. This method can only get rid of adult individuals; small larvae remain unharmed.

Place small pieces on a hot frying pan camphor pieces. Steam with a specific smell will get rid of annoying midges. With a frying pan, they go through all the places in the house or apartment where the pests came from. The method is popular among housewives.

Smelling trap. Pour aromatic liquid (wine, compote, vinegar, juice, beer) into small glasses and add a couple of drops of detergent. Glasses are placed in the place of the greatest concentration of flies. A fruity or fruity smell will attract them, and the washing liquid will help get rid of flies in the apartment.

Repellent: an orange with a clove stuck into it (seasoning).

Little tricks, if guests appear in flowers: you can stick several match heads into the ground, water the plant with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or a soap mixture.

A garlic infusion will help get rid of midges: crush 3 heads of garlic in 1 liter of water (leave for 4 hours and then pour into the soil). It is not recommended to keep the flower in wooden box. Wood has higher porosity than plastic or ceramics.

Start a geranium– small pests cannot stand its persistent aroma. Drosophila in the apartment will disappear or its number will significantly decrease. Additional method prevention.

Duct tape. It does not look aesthetically pleasing, as it is hung in an open place. In some conditions it is not recommended (kitchen, pantry).

How to get rid of midges in the house - modern methods of control

Due to the variety of drugs, housewives are faced with the question of making the right choice. Modern means against flies, they do not damage the surfaces of expensive furniture and walls, are harmless, almost safe for humans and pets, easy to use, and instantly eliminate midges.

The following will help you get rid of them in your home quickly and easily:
1. Sprays against flying or crawling insects: Raptor, Raid, Neo-dichlorvos.

2. Special gels are applied to the surface of the trash can or sink.

When treating with any chemical against midges, use a respirator, rubber gloves, and goggles. Remove food, children's toys and small items from the treated surfaces. Small children and pets should not be present in the house or apartment. Windows and doors are tightly closed so that pests do not reappear and cannot enter from other rooms.

Many chemical preparations will help you get rid of midges quickly and effectively. A store consultant will answer your question about choosing a product. Folk remedies are safer and do not require large expenses. After withdrawal uninvited guests, you should ensure cleanliness and the right conditions store food. A person should often clean the places where the insect came from.

In the summer, housewives often complain about tiny midges that periodically appear in the kitchen. Insects penetrate packages of cookies, settle on grapes, and actively collect on pieces of fruit. Often dozens of fruit flies fly around the trash can.

What to do if annoying midges appear in the kitchen? How to get rid of insects that interfere with enjoying your meal? Adviсe experienced housewives and pest control specialists will be useful to everyone.

Reasons for appearance

Midges are attracted to rotting plant mass. The fermentation process and the accompanying odors are the main reason for the appearance of uninvited guests. Fruits, vegetables that are not fresh, rotten melons, fermented juice, beer, compote are a welcome treat for tiny insects. Leftover food is a convenient place for laying eggs.

Another reason for the accumulation of midges in the kitchen is wet rags, a clogged sink, from which a not very pleasant aroma emanates. Rotting food particles plus high humidity are an ideal environment for the development of tiny insects.

Often midges appear in flower pots if the housewife often fertilizes the soil with spent tea leaves and does not promptly replace the tea leaves with new ones. Abundant watering accelerates the decay process. When overmoistening, part of the water fills the flowerpot and the stand under the pot, plaque accumulates, and bad smell and mold. High humidity plus old, rotting tea leaves are an ideal breeding ground for insects (not only midges, but also other pests that attack indoor flowers).

Types of insects

Two types of small pests appear in the kitchen, bathroom, and near flowerpots:

  • Drosophila (fruit flies);
  • soil midges.

Regardless of the variety, insects actively reproduce where there are rotting pieces of food and an abundance of moisture. Fruit midges, which are often called “wine flies,” often appear in apartments.

Tiny larvae are found in the pulp of fruits; under favorable conditions, pests begin to grow and reproduce. The more often midges fly into the kitchen, the more larvae there are: the circle closes.

How dangerous are midges for humans?

Annoying insects swarm over grapes and pieces of watermelon, climb into the trash can, fly into the bathroom, and sit on the sink. But this is not the end of the “journey”: small pests crawl on indoor flowers, soil, and again fly to the kitchen to feast on the remains of melons and fruits.

With this route, it is easy to understand that microscopic particles of earth, dirty water from the sink they easily fall on food. The result is the introduction of harmful bacteria and fungi, the risk of various infections. The larvae deposited by midges also do not add any benefit to food products.

Conclusion: You can’t calmly watch the wine flies fly around the apartment. Lack of control leads to active reproduction of pests; there is no benefit from such “neighbors”. Nasty insects not only interfere with eating, constantly crawl into your eyes and mouth, swim in compote or juice, but also worsen sanitary conditions.

How to get rid of it: general rules

How to get rid of midges in the kitchen? Insect control is carried out in several ways. Before starting treatment, you need to find out the reason for the proliferation of tiny insects and understand where the source of food and water is. If the midge does not find something to profit from, then the problem will disappear by itself.

If there is an abundance of insects, you should not rely on a natural process: you need to get rid of tiny pests as quickly as possible. Suitable various ways: from primitive but effective traps to modern synthetic aerosols and solutions.

How to remove midges from the kitchen: 10 important rules:

  • clean up the kitchen, explain to household members why they need to keep bread in the bread bin and fruit in the refrigerator or closed containers;
  • keep the work surface and dining table clean, do not leave unfinished beer, juice, compote, wine in open containers;
  • do general cleaning. Special attention– kitchen and bathroom. It is important to sort through cereals, vegetables, thoroughly wash the refrigerator, cabinet doors, areas under kitchen furniture, and the stove;
  • be sure to take out the trash, wash the bucket thoroughly with soap and soda, and wipe dry;
  • rags in the bathroom and kitchen should always be clean and dry: this rule should be remembered by all household members. If there are leaks in the pipes, you will have to call a plumber or entrust sewer repairs to a home handyman;
  • If the pipes are clogged, the composition “Mole” will help. After removing food debris and destroying the layer of fat, it is important to keep these areas clean;
  • Cleaning cracks, floors, areas near the refrigerator, stove from plaque, accumulation of grease and dirt is a prerequisite for removing midges. A tiny piece of rotten apple or spilled juice is fertile ground for annoying insects;
  • If there are a lot of flowers at home, you need to reconsider plant care. Moderate watering, monitoring the condition of the soil, and regularly replacing the top layer in the flowerpot will reduce the risk of breeding midges, which prefer moist soil with rotting leaves and remnants of tea leaves;
  • it is important to wash all flowerpots with indoor flowers and their trays with soap, wipe them dry, and then maintain the cleanliness of these elements;
  • It is important to monitor all areas where midges can appear. The more the housewife and household members keep order, the lower the risk of annoying pests.


How to fight midges in the kitchen using chemicals? Pest control specialists do not recommend spraying aggressive chemicals in the kitchen. If midges have settled in the bathroom, Dichlorvos will do. It is important not only to spray the composition in the area where midges accumulate, but also to eliminate the factors that attract annoying insects.

The use of chemicals is a last resort when there is an abundance of harmful flying insects. The main emphasis when dealing with tiny pests is on means homemade, which do not cause negative reactions in humans and animals.

Traditional methods

Safe, natural ingredients are as effective as traps and synthetic drugs. Why use a toxic aerosol against midges if you can get by with formulations based on natural ingredients?

Proven remedies for midges in the kitchen:

  • heat camphor oil in a frying pan, wait until smoke with a pungent odor appears, walk around all the rooms with an aroma lamp;
  • midges, like other types of insects, do not like strong odors. Bouquets of tansy, lavender, and wormwood placed throughout the rooms will help get rid of annoying “neighbors.” Tansy should not be placed in the bedroom: the plant should not fall into the hands of children or animals;
  • candle with pine or spicy scent – good remedy to repel midges. You need to light a candle, slowly walk around the apartment, linger longer in the kitchen, in the bathroom;
  • essential oils also help in the fight against midges. The esters of lemon, lavender, ylang-ylang, patchouli, and the aroma of incense are good at repelling tiny insects. Add a few drops of a composition with a bright aroma to the container of a special lamp, turn on the device, wait until the midge smells it;
  • Peel a few cloves of garlic, cut into medium pieces, place in small lids, and place in areas where midges accumulate. Tiny insects cannot tolerate the garlic aroma.

Homemade traps

Homemade catch containers are easy to make in 15 minutes from available materials. Minimum cost + maximum efficiency - this expression accurately characterizes home mosquito traps.

Examples of fixtures:

  • Pour beer, sweet water or fermented juice into a wine bottle. The midges will quickly flock to the pleasant aroma. When enough insects have collected in the bottle, all that remains is to close the container with a stopper and throw it away;
  • Place some rotten fruit in a regular plastic bag and lightly cover the trap. Midges fly most quickly to fermented peaches, apricots, grapes, pieces of melon and watermelon. Soon tiny insects will appear inside the bag. The owners must quickly tie up the plastic, throw it in the trash, and take it out of the apartment;
  • super trap of plastic bottle. You will need a container with a volume of 1.5 or 2 liters. Cut off a piece from the top (approximately 2/3 of the height of the bottle), turn the cone over, and insert it into the lower part. You will get a funnel inside plastic container. To be sure, seal the junction of the two parts (on the sides) with tape. To attract midges, pour jam, beer, sweet syrup or put rotten fruit on the bottom. The midges will climb inside through the hole, but will not crawl out;
  • trap from a jar. You will need a glass container with a volume of 0.5 or 1 liter. Cover the jar cling film or tie in a plastic bag, pull the top layer. Make small holes in the film or polyethylene through which the midges can get inside. The same edible ingredients as for other trapping containers will help attract insects;
  • sticky tape placed in areas where midges accumulate is another simple device for collecting uninvited guests.

How to deal with it on indoor plants and in a greenhouse? We have the answer!

Read the page about how to fight bedbugs in an apartment using chemicals and folk remedies.

Pest prevention

How to reduce the risk of midges in your apartment? Recommendations from experienced housewives will help.

Helpful Tips:

  • keep the kitchen clean, wring out rags well;
  • do not leave grapes, cut watermelons, melons, peaches, or apples on the table;
  • After a meal, put fruits in the refrigerator, especially in hot weather;
  • throw away rotten vegetables and fruits without regret, take out the bucket of food waste on time;
  • control the condition of the sink and bathtub, prevent the accumulation of fat and food debris. Arsenal modern compositions, dissolving fat deposits, is so rich that every housewife will select a product at an affordable price;
  • Water indoor flowers as needed, do not over-moisten the soil. When using tea leaves as a fertilizer, replace the tea leaves with fresh ones more often; if there is an abundant accumulation of natural fertilizer, replace the top layer of soil 2–3 cm thick;
  • When swarms of midges appear in the kitchen, bathroom or room, do not put off the fight against insects “on the back burner”. The longer you wait, the more larvae the tiny pests will lay.

After reading the material, every housewife can easily get rid of the annoying midges that often penetrate apartments in the summer. Insect traps are easy to make with your own hands, folk recipes contain available ingredients. Order, cleanliness in the kitchen and bathroom, the absence of rotting food debris, and the prevention of excess moisture in flowerpots are simple, effective measures that reduce the likelihood of encountering tiny fruit flies.

Midges are not uncommon in apartments and in private homes in the kitchen. Learn more about how to get rid of pests in the following video:

At first glance, harmless midges in an apartment are uninvited guests in winter and summer, since they are carriers of many diseases; in this article you will learn what housewives need to take note.

There are over 1,000 varieties of these cute pests, up to 6 mm long with short antennae. They live no more than 1 month and the best delicacy is trash cans that are not taken out on time and garbage containers with decomposed food waste. All this is a source of infection of people with severe infectious diseases. Moreover, midges bite strongly and are no less powerful than a mosquito bite. If it gets into saliva, it can lead to the development of simulidotoxicosis as an irreversible reaction, difficult to eliminate even with strong medications.

The main source of the appearance of small inhabitants in the apartment are houseplants, namely the soil due to excessive and frequent watering, which favors the proliferation of small black pests.

Lead to the appearance of:

  • leftovers and crumbs of food left on the table, floor, behind cabinets;
  • dirty aquariums with stagnant water that were not cleaned on time;
  • accumulation of food waste in the sewage system;
  • small cracks, cracks, ventilation hatches through which midges move from neighbors;
  • lack of proper care for animals;
  • untimely cleaning of cells;
  • planting cucumbers on windowsills as a favorite treat (leaves) for insects.

Midges happily eat spoiled fruits, vegetables and fruits left unattended in the kitchen. The decomposition of food leads to increased secretion of juice, and the lack of sanitation and cleanliness in the room, untimely removal of trash cans with food waste are excellent conditions for the proliferation of colonies of small flies.

What are the little midges called?

There are many types of small midges, and the most common types include:

  1. Drosophila, a rather tiny midge, similar to flies, that loves to eat stale fruits and vegetables.
  2. Scelerids, black microscopic midges attacking flower pots with frequent watering of plants. It is quite difficult to withdraw until you produce complete replacement to a new one.
  3. Whiteflies - lovers of eating plant leaves that rise on their wings last stage their development and creating entire colonies due to rapid reproduction.

Midges in an apartment in winter - reasons for their appearance

According to many biologists, the reasons for the appearance of midges in an apartment in winter are:

What to do, you need to start fighting with small pests, fortunately, many methods are known among the people today.

How to get rid of it?

To get rid of hordes of midges in a room or kitchen, you first need to identify the source from which the females began to fly out or breed. Perhaps it's a basket of rotten fruit, or a trash can that wasn't taken out on time.

The main thing is to prevent the breeding ground, check all possible areas in the apartment where the midge can settle. Maybe it began to fly out of the sewer hatch or from the kitchen sink, which indicates stagnant moldy water in the riser. What can you do?

Typically, the action time of insecticides is 6-8 hours, some give effect after 3-4 hours.

  • Fumigators- an excellent tool not only in the fight against midges, but also mosquitoes and flies.
  • Light traps as an innovative invention for electrocuting uninvited guests.
  • Repellents for quick destruction of fruit midges. A strip impregnated with chemical composition, as soon as the repelling and mass removal of midges from the living space begins. Repellents are safe for human health and easy to use. It is enough to hang it in the room in places where midges accumulate, and the product will begin to work. Can be used in attics, garages, basements near the source of midge breeding. If used in an apartment, one must not forget about timely ventilation so that the toxic fumes released do not have a negative effect on children and pets.

The most popular and simple folk methods

Of course, you can buy a chemical solution, an aerosol, or use popular traditional methods, For example:

These methods allow you to fight midges. Of course, they will not be enough if entire hordes settle in an apartment. But in pest control, all means are good and working together will ultimately help achieve good results.

If you still cannot get rid of the midges on your own, then you should call the sanitary service, who will certainly carry out a complete disinfestation in the apartment, leaving no chance for survival.

How to protect yourself from pests in your apartment?

The easiest way is to prevent dirt in the apartment and promptly carry out a thorough general cleaning in closets, kitchen tables, i.e., places where midges settle most often.

Not less important:

Simple preventive measures will help protect your home from uninvited guests. It is advisable to plant geranium, the smell of which midges absolutely cannot stand. If there are insects, at least there will be significantly fewer of them.

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has contributed to the development of biology and medicine. Studying the color of the eyes, the parameters of the abdomen and wings of fruit flies, scientist Thomas Hunt More created the chromosomal theory of heredity. This theory is still used by geneticists and clinicians today.

But despite outstanding achievements in science, Drosophila is a real headache for housewives. It starts in the remains of fruits and vegetables, in the waterlogged soil of domestic plants and various types food waste. Fruit flies reproduce at an incredibly fast rate. A piece of fruit that has fallen under the table and spoiled there is a whole nursery for fruit flies. Anyone who has encountered fruit flies at least once can imagine the consequences. This is a nasty swarm, clinging to dishes and walls, penetrating into the slightest cracks and annoying beyond measure.

Causes of fruit flies

Fruit flies are an unpleasant but understandable phenomenon. Their eggs are found on fruits and vegetables, and spoiled grapes or tomatoes, combined with an acceptable temperature, create ideal conditions for reproduction. But this is just one of the loopholes that help flies to infest your home. The main reasons for the appearance of fruit flies are as follows:

  1. Spoiled fruits, berries, vegetables. Any plant products stored at room temperature run the risk of finding fruit flies in the kitchen.
  2. Food that has expired. Most often these are moldy bread, sour dairy products, a can that has been opened slightly due to a broken lid, and fermented juice.
  3. Garbage. It could be a kitchen sponge with food leftovers that carelessly fell behind a cabinet, a strawberry that rolled under the table, or stagnant water in your favorite hamster’s drinking bowl. Often, a breeding ground for fruit flies lies in an overflowing trash can or clogged sink. One way or another, garbage is an ally of midges.
  4. Indoor flowers. Midges live in moist soil. And if the roots of the plant suffer and are destroyed, then the appearance of fruit flies cannot be avoided.
  5. Sewerage. The pipes of the sewer system require regular cleaning. If it is not carried out, plaque accumulates on the walls, in which midges appear. Stale warm air also helps to increase their numbers.
  6. Apartment next door. Drosophila can migrate from their favorite home to a neighboring apartment.

Why are Drosophila flies dangerous?

Unlike other insects, Drosophila cannot bite. Her oral apparatus sucking-licking and not suitable for biting. The fruit fly is also not a carrier of infections, despite its typical habitat in garbage accumulations. But instead, it causes other troubles that you should be aware of.

Spoils food. On the scale of one kitchen, the losses may not be so great, but imagine if fruit flies infested while transporting fruits or vegetables. A batch of products becomes unsuitable for sale, as the appearance, and quality.

Destroys winter supplies. Drosophila tends to settle in pantries and cellars where potatoes are stored, on terraces and verandas if there are any fruits there.

It negates the gardener's efforts. The fruit fly lays larvae in peaches, apricots and juicy ripening apples. Sometimes the damage is invisible to the human eye at first glance, but the pulp of the fruit is literally swarming with fruit flies, which is unlikely to awaken the appetite. In addition, when swallowed, midge larvae cause intestinal disorders.

Annoyance. Flying into the ears, eyes and mouth, the midge will sooner or later drive any person out of patience. It’s not the most pleasant task to pick out dead fruit flies from the corners of your eyes. Midges can cause damage to snow-white tablecloths and curtains, noticeably staining them.

Favorite habitats of midges

Drosophila appear where there is an organic environment that is comfortable for them. Favorite place midge breeding - a trash can or clogged kitchen sink, as well as clogged sewer pipes. Any pockets of pollution in the home can become a home for fruit flies - all it takes is a tiny piece of a rotten tomato.

How to get rid of midges using folk remedies

Currently, there is a fairly wide range of chemicals designed to combat insects. These are pastes, aerosols, powders, etc. But you must admit, the use of aggressive and toxic substances near food products- in itself is undesirable, and if there is a child in the house, then it is completely unacceptable. Experienced by many generations of housewives come to the rescue folk remedies, which will allow you to enjoy the contemplation of a kitchen freed from midges, avoiding harmful effects chemical compounds.

Trap. Plastic or glass containers(preferably a jar with a capacity of approximately 0.5 liters) is covered with cling film or polyethylene, which should fit snugly in the neck area. You can secure it with a thin elastic band. Holes are made in this kind of lid. Inside the jar is bait in the form of spoiled fruit. The principle is based on the fact that midges, which are sensitive to an attractive odor, will climb inside through the holes. They won't be able to get back. To increase the effectiveness of the method, place several baits.

Vacuum cleaner. By using a vacuum cleaner, you can pull the annoying swarm into its bag. Remember that you need to empty the dust container outside your home.

Combination of dish cleaner and drink. Compote, wine or Apple vinegar, after which a little detergent is dripped on top. The midges that arrive at the smell will drown in the resulting liquid.

Cone. Place a sheet of paper rolled into a cone into a jar or glass. The wide part should be on top and overlap the edges of the glass so that insects cannot fly out. You need to put bait on the bottom of the dish.

Camphor. There is an opinion that fruit flies cannot stand the smell of camphor. To fight them, you need to pour camphor into a hot frying pan. When steam appears, carefully take the frying pan and carry it through all the rooms infested with fruit flies. This method is good because camphor does not harm humans, and it will make insects disappear from sight.

Matches. This method will not eliminate all midges in the house, but it will help scare away those that breed in the flower soil. Ordinary kitchen matches are stuck into the soil with the sulfur heads down. An additional measure would be to control watering so as not to exceed the permissible humidity.

All these methods will help you quickly and effectively send away uninvited guests - fruit flies.

Preventing the appearance of midges in the house

In order to avoid encountering fruit flies firsthand, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Thorough cleaning after food preparation. Make sure that no pieces of food remain under the table. Throw away fallen food immediately and do not allow it to sit.
  2. Proper food storage. If necessary, store food packaged or tightly sealed. Do not store products that have expired.
  3. Water and pet food should not stagnate. This will not only prevent the appearance of midges, but will also preserve the health of your pet.
  4. Timely evacuation of garbage. Don't wait until the trash bag is full. Take it out as needed.
  5. Regular cleaning of the sink and treatment with chlorine-containing products.
  6. A small mosquito net on the windows will not interfere with ventilation, but will not let insects through.

If you want to get rid of fruit flies forever, the fight must be comprehensive. First of all, this is cleaning the room. All spoiled food, partially opened, leaking canned food - throw it away without pity. Wash the trash can thoroughly with soap and vinegar so that no residue remains in it. nutrients, suitable for midges. Clear clogs in the sink. Pour out the stagnant water and wash the containers underneath it.

You should also make it a rule to promptly remove leftover pet food. Replant houseplants in “healthy” soil. At the same time as these activities, you can use traps and chemicals to kill insects. Cleanliness and freshness in the house is a guarantee that fruit flies will not bother you.

Video: how to get rid of fruit flies

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