Which flower closes before the rain. Indoor flowers Alocasia: beautiful, but dangerous. Mallow and Ipomoea

In those days, when radio and weather centers did not yet exist, people learned about the upcoming bad weather with the help of plants. Many flowers are real weather forecasters: they are able to make a completely reliable weather forecast. Dew drops, closed flower buds most often indicate that it is going to rain, and violent flowering portends sunny weather.

Weather forecast from flowers

Caring for flowering plants, our ancestors noticed that some representatives of the flora are indifferent to weather changes, while others change their behavior depending on the level of humidity. Most often, flowers react to the weather, which can suffer from heavy rain, or residents of wet rainforest whose whole life is connected with water. Both indoor and garden flowers, as well as some trees, can predict the weather - it is only important to know what signs and phenomena to pay attention to.

At different plants- your prediction period. Some begin to "cry" a few hours before the start of the rain, others - almost before the downpour, and some - even a day before. Signs that indicate change natural conditions, some. In some plants, the buds close, in others the aroma intensifies, and still others begin to release drops of moisture.

All these phenomena are the result of adaptation to new conditions. Closed, tightly pressed petals are not easy to cut off by gusts of wind and large drops of rain. Increasing the smell is a way to attract insects. They must have time to pollinate the flowers before the bad weather. Acacia and honeysuckle smell the most before the rain, and the aroma can tell about the imminent onset of evening. The release of droplets on the leaves is the result of an increase in air humidity, at which normal evaporation of moisture does not occur.

Monstera and alocasia

It would seem that indoor plants do not care about the weather on the other side of the window, but they have kept genetic memory and keep predicting rain. The most famous home weather forecasters are monstera and alocasia.

The tropical monstera creeper evokes far from the best associations for many, but its name does not go back to the word “monster”, but to the Latin monstrosus, which means “amazing, bizarre” in translation. The huge carved leaves of the monstera are very beautiful, and the airy adventitious roots give it a mysterious look. Before the rain, rather large drops appear on the leaves, so if you find that the monstera is crying, do not forget to grab an umbrella.

Alocasia is also native to the tropics. Its brightly veined leaves are arranged on long stems. Millions of stomata are located on the surface of the leaf, through which the flower gets rid of excess moisture. In the homeland of alocasia, there is so much water during the rainy season that the plant had to find a way to dump the excess. So when the air humidity rises, which happens before the rain, the flower also begins to cry. However, the same effect can appear with too much watering, so you should not trust the flower forecaster too much.

Mallow and Ipomoea

The beauty of mallow can compete with many tropical plants: lush buds on tall stems can decorate any garden. Usually mallows are planted in groups: this way they look more attractive. If in the middle sunny day if you notice that the flowers began to wilt, and then completely closed, do not plan a trip to the river or long walks. Mallow flowers close on the eve of bad weather.

Ipomoea is an annual climbing plant that is often used for decorative vertical gardening. Bright bluebells of white, pink, red and of blue color buried in juicy green leaves. As a rule, Ipomoea blooms only in the morning and fades in the light of the sun. On a cloudy day, it can hold out longer, and then the hedge or wall of the house will delight you with the magnificent spectacle of hundreds of buds blooming.

As soon as the rain clouds approach, the morning glory folds its petals, so that already ripe buds may not open in the rain. The property of the plant is quite understandable: the petals are too tender to withstand the pressure of rain jets. In addition, bees and other insects hide anyway, so it makes no sense for the plant to expend energy on opening the flower.

Tulips and crocuses

Spring primroses have a short age. And, and crocuses in a week or two manage to raise buds to the sun, bloom and bloom. Gardeners have long noticed a feature of tulips: before the onset of rain, their buds close. The shape of the flower resembles a glass. If it had not learned to close itself, water would have filled the natural vessel and the stem would have broken. But even if the flower had survived the downpour, all the precious pollen would have been washed away and wasted without any use. Fortunately, tulips have learned to determine the humidity of the air and predict the weather.

Crocuses and tulips react not only to humidity, but also to temperature. The buds close at the slightest threat of a cold snap. Having a bed of bulbous plants, it is easy to determine how warm the coming day or night will be. Interestingly, crocuses are divided into autumn and spring varieties. Autumn ones bloom in September, when other bulbs have faded and fallen asleep a long time ago. Both spring and autumn varieties can predict the weather.


Some are quite cute flowering plants do not have the best reputation among gardeners. Dandelion is considered a weed because it has an amazing vitality and ability to reproduce. In addition to light white parachutes, it can also multiply by root particles, so dandelion thickets have to be weeded several times.

Dandelion is another barometer plant. He is able to accurately predict rain several hours before the first drops fall. In sunny weather, golden ones are open until evening. But if you see the meadow turn from gold to green, soon it will rain.

Interestingly, not only flowers close at the dandelion. The fluffy seed heads also roll up so that the fluffs don't get washed down by water and fly as far away from the parent plant as possible.

Not only weather forecasters and living creatures (animals, birds, amphibians, crustaceans, fish, insects), but even plants can predict the weather for the next few hours, days and even weeks.

Scientists claim that more than four hundred species can be counted in the post-Soviet space. various plants capable of predicting the weather. They can be found in a flower bed, in a field, in a garden, in a kitchen garden, near a river or pond, in a park or in a forest. True, in order to determine the weather by their behavior, you should look closely. Plants make most of their movements in accordance with their natural biological clock, but sometimes they react in the same way to changing weather. Some flowers close before the rain or change their appearance. A good predictor of the coming bad weather is

mallow ordinary, the flowers of which seem to fade before the rain. Ipomoea also signals the imminent rain, folding its purple flowers into a bundle. But the yellow acacia, Tatar and common honeysuckle before the rain release a huge amount of nectar, attracting various insects. The violet is also a reliable barometer - if its flowers look cheerfully at the world purple eye, then this is for stable sunny weather. And when the violet flower is closed, then bad weather should be expected. On the lawns and flower beds of urban megacities are often found

broadleaf cannes,

which, despite their East Indian origin, in our conditions bloom until the first frost. But few people know that these flowers are also called the “rain tree”, because when transparent droplets of moisture are visible on the wide leaves of cannes in the morning, it will definitely rain in the afternoon. Mimosa trees can also predict the next bad weather, which fold their leaves before the rain, as if they are afraid to soak them. From indoor plants a good weather forecaster is

monstera, which, on the eve of rain, begins to “cry”, releasing droplets of moisture at the ends of its leaves. On the garden plots or in vegetable gardens you can often find nondescript grass, the leaves of which always seem to be wet to the touch. This plant is called wood lice, and many summer residents are trying in every possible way to get rid of this weed. But a few bushes of wood lice on the site should still be left, because by its small white flowers you can determine whether it will rain in the near future or not. If the corollas of woodlice flowers are not opened in the morning, and the flowers themselves drooped, then after some time the first drops should be expected. Since the wood lice blooms from April until the first cold weather, you can use such a weather forecaster all summer. Even an ordinary potato bends its pedicels down before the rain, so when you arrive at the site, the first thing you need to do is take a closer look at it. The onset of bad weather portends and

common clover, the leaves of which fall before the rain and fold like an umbrella covering the heads of flowers. Also in cloudy, unpleasant weather and before the rain, the yellow dandelion flowers are tightly closed. Even a faded dandelion can predict the coming weather. In dry sunny weather, its white fluffy parachutes easily scatter in all directions even at the slightest touch or from a light breeze. And before bad weather, the fluffy ball folds up like an umbrella, and no winds and rains are afraid of it. rainy weather strawberry flowers also portend, which always droop before bad weather, protecting themselves from precipitation. In the forest, to determine the nearest weather, an excellent barometer is

stonecrop purple (this plant can be found in clearings and edges). If in the evening the pink flowers of this plant are closed, then the coming day should be dry and sunny. But when the flowers remain open on the eve of the night, the next morning will be rainy. In many moist forests you can find a plant like

calla, which can be recognized by the inflorescence in the form of an ear wrapped in a white leaf. In anticipation of rain, this plant bends this leaf covering the inflorescence to the side, and before good weather, the end of the leaf looks up. Before rainy weather, many plants growing near water bodies also “cry”: chastuha, arrowhead,


burr, telorez. Also, our ancestors once determined the weather for the next minutes and hours with the help of a chistyak and

oak anemones, the flowers of which close before bad weather. And it is also worth taking a closer look at the meadow core, the stem with flowers of which always bends down before the rain. This plant seems to feel the arrival of rain in advance and wilts prematurely.

Melilot officinalis a few hours before the rain, on the contrary, lifts its leaves up and folds them. You can also determine the weather forecast for the coming months with the help of trees. So one of the most accurate and "outstanding" long-term weather forecasts "forecasters" is

beautiful birch. According to folk omens, if a birch tree releases a lot of juice before blooming leaves, then the summer will be rainy and rainy. If the leaves on the birch appear earlier than the green foliage on the alder, then the summer will be dry and warm. Otherwise, rain and cold weather are guaranteed. On alder, aspen, bird cherry and various types willows before a bad weather on the leaves formed moisture. Sometimes, even in good weather, this moisture falls from the leaves so abundantly that the ground under the trees becomes wet. Even beautiful spruces have synoptic abilities. Before rain, they lower heavy branches down, and before clear weather, they raise them back up. But the biggest "crybaby" among the trees is

maple. Before the rain on this tree, droplets of moisture appear where the leaf cuttings are attached to the branches. Attentive and observant people's weather forecasters say that maple predicts the next rains three to four days before they arrive! In any case, these signs should not be forgotten even after visiting the most “true” meteorological sites, because meteorologists from all over the world can make mistakes, and barometer plants almost never!

Elena Chaus
Abstract of the lesson-conversation "Flowers-forecasters" (using ICT)

Target: introduce children to weather forecast flowers.

The course of the conversation

Educator. Flowers you can not only admire, but also with their help you can determine the weather! So, flowers by which the weather can be determined is called weather forecast flowers. And it's not hard to do, you just have to be careful.

Slide show « Weather forecast flowers» (Teacher's story with elements of conversation)

Slide number 1. Monstera.

Slide number 2. Cannes.

Slide number 3. Daisies.

Slide number 4. Water lilies.

Slide number 5. Pansies.

Slide number 6. Dandelions.

Slide number 7. Calendula.

Slide number 8. Bells.

Slide number 9. Geranium.

Slide number 10. Clover.

Slide number 11. Oxygen.

Slide number 12. Lilies.

Slide number 13. Hyacinths.

Slide number 14. Phloxes.

Slide number 15. Currant.

Slide number 16. Mallow.

Slide number 17. Calendula.

Slide number 18. Mokritsa.

Slide number 19. Coltsfoot.

Slide number 20. Bindweed.

For example, if droplets appear on the tips of monstera or canna leaves, then it will rain soon. Daisies tilt their heads down and close when rain approaches. Before rain, water lilies hermetically close their anthers and go under water. They close their doors before the rain pansy flowers, dandelions, calendula, and bluebells bend and tilt their "gramophones".

Geranium, on the contrary, stretches and straightens the stems. In clover and sour, before bad weather, the leaves change their shape - they fold.

Many flowers before the rain intensely smell. These are lilies, hyacinths, phloxes, red and black currants.

This happens because plants are very sensitive to the slightest changes in the weather, they are able to respond to minor fluctuations in temperature, pressure, and humidity.

You can determine what the weather will be like in the next few hours or the next day by many signs. Let's pay attention to flowers in our yard: the sky is clear, the weather is good, and the mallow and marigolds have already folded their petals tightly and seem to have withered - which means it will rain. After the rain, the petals will open again.

The wood lice, a garden weed, is just as sensitive to weather changes. Her nondescript flowers open early in the morning: if by nine o'clock in the morning they have not opened, it will almost certainly rain.

Plants that predict the weather are found in the meadow and in the forest. So, the clover shrinks, brings its leaves closer and leans - to bad weather. And long before the weather improves, when the sky is still overcast, the leaves straighten.

close up flowers coltsfoot - be rain. Bindweed closes its corolla before the rain, and on the eve of a sunny day it always opens it even in cloudy weather.

Finger gymnastics "Scarlet flowers»

Our Reds flowers

Open petals. (spread fingers)

The wind breathes a little

The petals sway. (wiggle fingers)

Our Reds flowers

Close the petals. (Fingers clench into a fist)

shake their heads,

They fall asleep quietly. (Shaking fists)

The fragrant violet hides its violet petals before the rain, as moisture is detrimental to it. Common chicory, meadow core, chickweed, field bindweed, white water lily behave in the same way. Them flowers close before rain and storm.

On the banks of rivers, in other wet places, spring chistyak grows. In clear weather it flower open. But as soon as the sun hides behind the clouds, the bright petals bend towards the middle, covering the stamens.

The oak anemone is considered a real barometer. In clear sunny weather, her white and pink flowers are pleasing to the eye. But if you notice that even in the afternoon, when the sun is shining, its petals begin to fold, then you have to wait for the weather to worsen.

Among the mass of greenery shine brightly "flashlights" celandine. But then they began to fade, became barely noticeable. Plant signals: it will rain soon.

In May-June, the meadows are covered with a yellow carpet of dandelions. This plant also predicts the weather in advance. Imagine that in the morning, passing by a familiar meadow, you do not recognize his: yellow "carpet" almost gone, flowers dandelions shrunk into a tight ball, covered with green wrappers. The sun has already risen, it seems to be warming as before. And the dandelion is in no hurry to open its flower. Secret simple: a storm is approaching.

Dandelion can predict the weather even after will fade when a fluffy ball appears on his slender leg. Tear off such a ball and blow on it. Many fluffs easily break off and rise into the air. It happens in clear good weather. And before the rain, when the humidity of the air rises, the fluffs are not easy to blow off, they seem to be glued.

If the branches of the Christmas tree and juniper, directed upwards in clear and dry weather, begin to fall - expect bad weather.

Some plants warn of an upcoming change in the weather by the release of odorous substances. These include adonis spring, meadow drowse, white and yellow acacia, medicinal sweet clover.

There are also plants that already a few days before the rain begin to "cry"- Discard excess water. So, about three days before the rain starts "cry" maple. Droplets of water appear before the rain on the leaves of reeds, willows. Leaves of blackberry, bird cherry become wet.

Plants that respond to rain (changes in humidity) are called barometer plants.

The main indicators in long-term forecasts are signs of the awakening of wildlife after winter dormancy. So, for example, if a birch is the first to open its leaves in spring, we should expect warm summer, and if the leaves of the alder open before the birch, the summer will be cold and rainy. Friendly and intense (abundant) sap from a birch portends inclement summer weather.

In autumn, along a birch, you can predict the timing of the onset spring: if the leaves begin to turn yellow from the top of the crown - spring will be early, and if from below - late. Abundant harvests of apples, mountain ash, acorns promise a harsh frosty winter.

Garden grown onion can be predicted winter weather straight Houses: if the two or three outer dry layers of the bulb skin are thin and easily torn, the weather will be relatively warm, and if the skin is rough and strong, a harsh winter should be expected.

Outcome of the conversation

1. What are weather forecast plants?

2. What forecast plants do you know?

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The ability to sensitively respond to all kinds of changes in nature is one of the most characteristic features that distinguish plants and animals from inanimate matter.

For example, with rapid temperature changes rock it may crack and weather, the reservoir may dry up, but there is no tendency to self-preservation in these changes. At the same time, living organisms always strive to either get away from a temperature that is harmful to them, or different ways protect yourself from her.

At different types animals have special reflexes to various external influences which always have some biological meaning. For example, ants, bees, midges, spiders over the course of many generations have developed a sluggish sensitivity to all sorts of harbingers of bad weather, since an unexpected change of weather means death for them.

Spiders are excellent meteorologists. They predict weather changes with the accuracy of a barometer. Spiders are known to be intolerant of dampness. Therefore, being afraid of dew, they rarely go hunting in the morning. In the morning they appear only when there is no dew. And the absence of dew is one of the signs of an approaching bad weather. Spiders are also afraid of the heat. Therefore, if spider goes hunting on a hot afternoon, which means that he anticipates strong wind or a thunderstorm, which, breaking the web, can deprive him of food. In the evenings, spiders willingly leave their home if they do not feel the approach of rain. Seeing a spider in the evening, you can safely expect good weather the next day.

The ability of bees to anticipate changes in the weather has long been known. When a thunderstorm approaches, they flock to the apiary from everywhere and within a few minutes imperceptibly spray over the apiary itself. As soon as the clouds cover the sky and cover the sun, the bees that have flown out of the hive return from the road, leave the flowers, and those that have not flown lay mine flight. When the first heavy drops of thunderstorm rain splash, the bees are nowhere to be seen.

Hymenoptera insects, covered with copper-red skin and bright red hairs - osmium, together with swallows, bring us spring.

In clear weather, the char fish lies at the bottom of the aquarium without moving, but wagging long body, she begins to scurry along the walls of the aquarium, and after a while the sky is covered with clouds. But the char is already rushing around the aquarium up and down, left and right, which means that raindrops will soon drum. The char is successfully used as a "living barometer" by peasants in some parts of China. His behavior is surprisingly accurate in predicting weather changes.

The ability of birds to anticipate changes in the weather is widely known. As soon as the piercing screech of swifts, the usual inhabitants of many cities, resounds over the bell towers and towers, you must definitely wait for the onset of heat, even if you still hold on. bad weather and cold.

The first signals of the approach of autumn are the movements of cranes. In general, they seem to be in no hurry to fly away and reluctantly part with the north: they suddenly leave their place in a significant area almost on the same day and then settle somewhere to the south for two or three days. And this anxiety is always not in vain: a day after the shift, or even on the same evening, the temperature drops greatly, and sometimes after warm day frost will strike at night and beat cucumbers or potato tops.

On the high plateaus of New Mexico there are extensive colonies of prairie dogs, which, in anticipation of the onset hibernation that occurs at the end of October, they close all the openings of their dwelling to protect themselves from the cold and fall asleep in order to wake up at the first warm spring days. According to the Indians, prairie dogs often open their homes before the end of the cold, and this is a sure sign of the imminent onset of heat.

An amazing manifestation of the vital activity of plants should be recognized as the ability of many of them to anticipate changes in the weather. The slightest change in the humidity of the air is instantly captured by these sensitive organisms, even if it cannot be noted by a sensitive instrument.

In India, huge thickets of reeds stretch along the banks of the rivers. Here they hide and make their lairs predatory beasts, and only a fearless hunter dares to make his way through the reeds. Such a hunter does not need a barometer, he will unmistakably determine by one kind of reed whether weather the next day to favor his hunting trip. If in the morning, between 8-10 o'clock, transparent drops of liquid, like tears, are visible in the corners of the leaves, then you need to wait for rain. "Reeds are crying - to be rain," says the Indian. Indeed, the next day bursts into torrential streams rain.

In our latitudes, there are a number of other "barometer" plants that can warn us in advance of rain. For example, honeysuckle flowers emit a particularly strong fragrance before rain, while before a drought they are completely odorless. The leaves of the horse chestnut before the rain exude a large number of sticky juice. Yellow flowers acacias, in anticipation of a near bad weather, seem to open their arms: the pistils move apart and a brilliant drop of honey appears in the center of each flower. Bone bushes, hiding in the shade of trees, straighten their usually rounded leaves 15-20 hours before the rain.

The ears of the calla growing in swamps are provided, as the name of the plant shows, with a white leaf covering the entire inflorescence from the side. From the position of this white side leaf one can also with great success predict changes in the weather. Before rain, the bract bends to the side and becomes almost at right angles to the inflorescence, while before clear weather it is held completely upright.

Botanists now count more than 400 weather forecasting plants scattered everywhere. But there is no doubt that their real number is much greater, since observations of plants in this direction have so far been very few.

It should be noted that a number of reliable weather references are given by different authors in fiction. Some of them are interesting to bring.

In the book by V. K. Arsenyev “In the Wilds of the Ussuri Territory”, its hero Dersu Uzala defines: “... ours walk well during the day, it will rain in the evening.

I asked him why he thought it wouldn't rain during the day.

“Look for yourself,” Gold replied. “You see, little birds go back and forth, play, eat.” It will rain soon - then sit quietly, sleep anyway.

Indeed, I remembered that before the rain it is always quiet and gloomy, but now it’s the other way around: the forest lived full life; woodpeckers, jays and nutcrackers called to one another everywhere, and fussy nuthatches whistled merrily.

In the book Dm. Medvedev's “Strong in Spirit” we find such a place: “... an unprecedented sight opened before my eyes: on the right, in the east, a huge fireball rises.

What's up with the sun today? I ask the old peasant.

- To the blizzard, - he answers shortly ...

— What a blizzard, papa? There is not a cloud in the sky, and there is no wind either, - Alexander Alexandrovich laughs.

But the farmer was right.

The sun, rising above the horizon, became less and less, faded and turned from red to dull-pale, covered with a cloudy veil of a cloud that had come from nowhere. The wind got stronger.

... A blizzard has begun.

The following conversation takes place between the characters in G. Baldin's story "The General":

“I liked it, you say? Who will not like such air, only now to a thunderstorm.

“It doesn’t look like it, Trofim Petrovich. Not a cloud in the sky.

- But you'll see ... Hey, the whistle of the locomotive is muffled. Always before a thunderstorm…”

Sailors, fishermen, shepherds, farmers, hunters very skillfully predict the weather. Shepherds, in particular mountaineers in the Alps and in our Caucasus, often predict the onset of wet weather by the wool of sheep. It easily absorbs moisture from the air and at high relative humidity dampens. Feeling the wool of his sheep and noticing that it is damp, the shepherd expects the onset of rainy or foggy weather.

Sailors predict bad weather by tightening knots. The hemp fibers from which the ropes are twisted have the property of swelling with increasing humidity. Therefore, knots loosely tied in dry weather, in damp air, from twisting the ropes are tightened more tightly, it becomes more difficult to untie them.

The number of signs of weather change noticed by man is enormous. You can read about them in the specialized literature.

Here we only note the following rules.

If you stand with your back to the wind, then the worsening of the weather should be expected only on the left, but never on the right. Therefore, any cloud on the right, there is no change in the weather.

Most sure signs bad weather is usually clouds and wind.

If it's coming warm front (warm air approaching the cold, and the cold air recedes), the main harbingers of bad weather are high cirrus clouds. They are visible at a distance of 100-200 km (Fig. 78). They are 400-500 km ahead of the first precipitation and pass 12-16 hours before the clouds lower tier from which rain or snow falls.

If it's coming cold front(warm air recedes, and cold air spreads after it), then it is often preceded by clouds in the form of small balls, called in Everyday life"sheep". Precipitation can be predicted from the nature of the cloud in no more than 3-5 hours, and more often a cloud appears so unexpectedly and moves so quickly that it can be done in just 30-40 minutes.

Clouds - harbingers of bad weather - always appear at the very edge of the horizon, thickening on one side of it. Spreading across the sky, they always remain densest on the side of the horizon where they first appeared.

Clouds randomly scattered across the sky are usually not harbingers of bad weather.

As a guideline for characterizing the wind, there may be signs of its influence on terrestrial objects and the sea surface.

Dear participant!

When completing tasks, you have to perform certain work, which is best organized as follows:

  • read the task carefully;
  • if you are answering a theoretical question or solving a situational problem, consider and formulate a specific answer (the answer should be short, and its content should be entered in the space provided; write clearly and legibly);
  • when answering test tasks Choose the correct answer and circle the letter(s) corresponding to your chosen answer.

For each correct answer, you can get a number of points determined by the jury members, not higher than the specified maximum score.

The sum of points scored for all resolved questions in two formats is the result of your work. The maximum number of points is 100.

Tasks are considered completed if you handed them over to the jury members on time.

We wish you success!

Test tasks

Test tasks with one answer

Determine one correct answer.

  1. Is the person driving the motorcycle a pedestrian?
    • a) yes, always
    • b) only when driving on the side of the road
    • c) no
    • d) only when driving through a pedestrian crossing
  1. What is the Banner of Victory?
    • a) the official state symbol of Russia
    • b) the state relic of Russia
    • c) military relic of Russia
    • d) a special honorary badge of Russia
  1. Where is it safer to expect help if you fell on the subway track, did not receive serious injuries during the fall and can move independently?
    • a) under the edge of the platform from which they fell
    • b) not reaching the black and white rail at the beginning of the platform along the train
    • c) passing behind the black and white rail at the beginning of the platform along the train
    • d) behind the black and white rail at the end of the platform along the train
  1. What level of terrorist threat, established in the Russian Federation, is superfluous?
    • a) low
    • b) elevated
    • c) critical
    • d) high
  1. What is the meaning of the combination of red and yellow traffic lights?
    • a) warns of danger and informs about the presence of an unregulated pedestrian crossing
    • b) allows traffic and informs about the presence of an unregulated intersection
    • c) allows movement and informs that its time expires
    • d) prohibits movement and informs about the upcoming green signal
  1. What criteria determine the levels environmental hazard in the city of Moscow?
    • a) average daily temperature, concentration of suspended particles and carbon dioxide
    • b) average daily temperature, sulfate and oxygen contraction
    • c) average daily temperature, concentration of rarefied particles and ultraviolet
    • d) average daily temperature, concentration of suspended particles and ozone
  1. What distance is recommended to choose to the end point of the route when organizing a one-day hike?
    • a) no more than 10 km one way
    • b) no more than 15 km one way
    • c) no more than 12 km one way
    • d) no more than 13 km one way
  1. What is the main negative effect of tobacco tar on the human body?
    • a) causes oxygen starvation of the body
    • b) causes vasoconstriction
    • c) inhibits the activity of the central nervous system
    • d) is a carcinogen
  1. For what type of injury is an airtight bandage used?
    • a) forearm injury
    • b) stomach injury
    • c) chest injury
    • d) open fracture of the limb
  1. What first aid should be performed first of all in a patient with an open fracture of the femur with damage to the femoral artery?
    • a) applying a sterile dressing
    • b) limb immobilization
    • c) pain relief (taking painkillers in the absence of drug allergies)
    • d) application of a hemostatic tourniquet

Multiple Choice Test Items

Identify all correct answers.

  1. In which of the plants, the changes that occur can give early warning of rain?
    • a) in an acacia tree
    • b) in horse chestnut
    • c) in lime
    • d) in oak
    • e) in a pine
  1. What can be sanitization depending on the conditions and time?
    • a) partial
    • b) temporary
    • c) complete
    • d) limited
    • e) superficial
  1. Determine the wind regime and sign of a wind force of 6 on the Beaufort scale.
    • a) wind mode "Fresh"
    • b) the sign "The wind raises dust and pieces of paper"
    • c) wind mode "Moderate"
    • d) sign "Thick boughs of trees sway"
    • e) wind mode "Strong"
  1. What does military duty Russian citizen?
    • a) stay in stock
    • b) stay in reserve
    • c) military service by conscription
    • d) alternative civilian service
    • e) voluntary training for military service
  1. What does compulsory training to military service?
    • a) engaging in military-applied sports
    • b) training in additional general education programs
    • c) medical examination
    • d) training at the military department
    • e) obtaining basic knowledge in the field of defense
  1. Which of the chemical warfare agents has a nerve agent effect?
    • a) soman
    • b) mustard gas
    • c) chloropicrin
    • d) lewisite
    • e) V-ex
  1. Which of the listed manual fragmentation guarantors are in service with the RF Armed Forces?
    • a) M 16
    • b) MK 26
    • c) F1
    • d) L2A2
    • e) Russian Geographical Society
  1. Which of the following vitamins are fat soluble?
    • a) vitamin A
    • b) vitamin D
    • c) vitamin C
    • d) vitamin B6
    • e) vitamin B1
  1. Which of the following persons is required to provide first aid to the victim?
    • a) the person next to you
    • b) a car driver
    • c) policeman
    • d) fireman
    • d) a cashier in a store
  1. What actions are prohibited to perform if the victim has a thermal burn with damage to the integrity of the skin?
    • a) cover the damaged area with a clean cloth
    • b) apply cold over the napkin
    • c) immerse the injured area in cold water
    • d) tear off clothes stuck to the wound
    • d) give warm drinks

Methods for assessing the performance of test Olympiad tasks of the theoretical round

Table of answers to test tasks of the theoretical round

Test task number Correct answer Test task number Correct answer
1 a 11 a, b
2 b 12 a, in
3 in 13 d, d
4 a 14 a, in
5 G 15 c, d
6 G 16 a, d
7 a 17 c, d
8 G 18 a, b
9 in 19 c, g
10 G 20 c, g

Methods for assessing the performance of theoretical Olympiad tasks

Exercise 1

The issue of water supply is one of the most important in the conditions of autonomous existence. Analyze the image.

BUT. Write what method of obtaining water is shown in the picture.

B. Describe the principle of operation of this method of obtaining water.

AT. Describe the procedure for manufacturing a device for obtaining water by this method.

Possible answer

BUT. The picture shows a method of obtaining water by condensation.

B. The sun's rays heat the air and the ground under the film until the air is saturated with water vapor. Water vapor condenses in the form of droplets on the film and flows into the container.

AT. Description of the method of extracting water by condensation.

  1. Dig a hole.
  2. Place a container at the bottom of the hole.
  3. Lower the tube into the container, bring it out of the hole.
  4. Cover the top of the hole with plastic wrap.
  5. Secure the film tightly around the edges with stones or dig in.
  6. Place a medium-sized stone in the center of the film to form a funnel.

Job evaluation. 10 points, wherein:

  • for a correctly named method is charged 2 points;
  • for a correctly described principle of action is charged 3 points;
  • for each specified item of part B, presented in the answer option, is charged 1 point;
  • it is possible to use synonymous words or phrases that are close in meaning and do not distort the meaning of the explanations;

Task 2

In order to facilitate the search for people in a dangerous situation, it is advisable to use the International Ground-to-Air Air Signals Code Table. Its signs can be laid out with the help of improvised means (equipment, clothing, stones, trees), directly by people who must lie down on the ground, snow, ice, or trampled on the snow.

Establish a correspondence between signals and their values. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.

Signals Meaning
BUT 1 I'm moving in this direction
B 2 Everything is good
AT 3 Map and compass required
G 4 Divided into two groups, each follows the indicated direction.
D 5 Doctor needed - serious bodily injury


5 4 2 1 3

Job evaluation. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is - 10 points, wherein:

  • 2 points;
  • If there are no correct answers, points are not awarded.

Task 3

Topographic signs are symbolic graphic designations used on topographic maps for depicting terrain objects and their qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Connect with arrows the image of a topographical sign and its designation.


Job evaluation. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is - 10 points, wherein:

  • for each correctly indicated match is charged 2 points;
  • If there are no correct answers, points are not awarded.

Task 4

Infectious diseases are diseases caused by pathogens that are transmitted from an infected person or animal to a healthy one. Way of moving the exciter infectious disease from the source of infection to a susceptible human or animal organism is called the transmission mechanism. The transmission mechanism can be implemented in various ways.

Fill the table. Fill in the missing columns of the table with the appropriate information.

Possible answer:

Job evaluation. The maximum score for a correctly completed task is - 10 points, wherein:

  • for each correct answer in paragraph 1, 1 point;
  • for the correct answer in paragraph 2 is charged 3 points;
  • for the correct answer in paragraphs 3 and 4 is awarded 2 points each;
  • If there are no correct answers, points are not awarded.

Maximum 100 points for work.

Route map of the practical stage

The participant is at the start line.

1. Incomplete disassembly (assembly after incomplete disassembly) of the Kalashnikov assault rifle

In front of the participant there are two cards, on the reverse side of which the assembly after incomplete disassembly or incomplete disassembly is written, an assembled Kalashnikov assault rifle and a partially disassembled Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The participant chooses one card and, in accordance with the task on the back of the card, assembles or disassembles the machine.

1.1. Assembly of the Kalashnikov assault rifle

1.2. Partial disassembly Kalashnikov assault rifle

1.3. Ready for shooting from a Kalashnikov assault rifle

At the command of a member of the jury, the participant assumes a position of readiness for the fight.

2. Providing first aid to the injured

In front of the participant is a victim with signs of a dislocation of the knee joint.

It is required to provide first aid to the victim and call the rescue services.

2.1. Providing first aid to a patient with a dislocated kneejoint

2.2. Call rescue services

3. Actions when a fire is detected

Extinguish the fire within 30 seconds and call the rescue services.

3.1. Fire extinguishing

3.2. Call for rescue services

Conditions for calculating the result

Penalty points are awarded for each mistake according to the regulations.

The result for each stage is calculated by subtracting the number of penalty points from the maximum possible number of points for the stage.

If the penalty points are greater than the maximum number of points for the stage, 0 points are set.

The final result is calculated by summing the points obtained for all stages.

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