Um farming. Em technologies - or effective microorganisms. EM technologies in the garden: a little theory and immediately practice


Effective microorganisms or EM are mixed cultures beneficial microorganisms(photosynthetic, lactic acid bacteria, yeast, actinomycetes, fermenting fungi) which are used to increase the microbial diversity of soils. This, in turn, significantly improves soil quality and health, which leads to faster growth, higher yields and higher quality of crops grown.

The concept of inoculating soils and plants with beneficial microorganisms to create a more favorable microbiological environment for plant growth has been discussed for decades by agricultural scientists. However, the concept and then the technology of effective microorganisms was developed by Dr. Teruo Higa, a professor at Ryukyus University on the island. Okinawa, in Japan. Teruo Higa studied about 3,000 species of the main microorganisms that provide soil vital functions, and he managed to discover the previously unknown essence of their regenerative-degenerative quantitative relationship. It turned out that both in the environment of life-giving and in the environment of pathogenic microorganisms, about 5% of species are leading. The rest, being initially either more regenerative than degenerative, or vice versa, can significantly change their initial orientation, but only in the direction where there are more leaders. Here we can draw an analogy with unprincipled people, when the majority waits to see which of the fighters will win, and then joins the winner and finishes off the loser. As a result, it turned out that if there are more microorganisms in the soil, which are regenerative leaders, then the environment itself is such, and therefore the plants thrive on it, representing at the same time successful growth, high yields, exceptional health. If pathogenic leaders predominate, then poor growth, low yield, diseases, and pests are observed.

As a result, Teruo Higa selected 84 leading regenerative strains that perform the full range of functions for plant nutrition, protection from diseases and health improvement soil environment who received the name EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS (EM).

Together with the EM drug created by Teruo Higa, a new technology of effective microorganisms or EM technology was born.

Depending on the intensity of application of EM technology and the degree of soil contamination, the yield increased by 1.5-4 times. However, the main advantage of EM technology is the ability to return the highest natural fertility to soils in 3-5 years, almost completely eliminating the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and grow products with exceptional consumer quality, i.e. receive environmentally friendly products.

The drug "Kyusei EM1" is widely used in crop production, livestock farming, fruit growing, for the production of fermented feed and fertilizers, cleaning Wastewater. In Japan there is a program to cleanse the Internal Sea of ​​Japan using EM1!

Further studies of EM technology showed that the properties of living microorganisms (LM) can be used separately from their protein bodies and transferred to clay, plastic, fabric and other materials. That is, it became possible to produce goods that carry positive EM information.

Initially, the clay is mixed using an EM preparation, which is kept under certain conditions for about a year and a half, followed by firing and adding the resulting EM ceramics to the polymer. The process of obtaining the EM polymer represents know-how.

How does, for example, an EM plate work?

Subtle material influences are involved here, which can be compared to love, which everyone knows about, but no one knows how it works. So, the “love” of an EM plate effectively manifests itself within a radius of 30-35 cm. That is. At this distance from the EM plate there may be plants that will develop as if they were watered with the EM1 preparation. They receive continuous radiation of the properties of the EM1 preparation for 8-10 years. As a result of the radiation of these properties or “love”, pathogenic microorganisms are suppressed, development is accelerated, and plant mass increases, which is recorded in research reports. The impact of EM plastic is not material, but its result is recorded on the physical plane in an increase in the mass of plants, the number of microorganisms, and the size of flower buds. Numerous studies have shown that the emission of the properties of an EM drug by an EM polymer is not only safe, but even beneficial for humans. Based on the research, products made from EM plastic with unique properties have been developed. For example, an EM tray for seedlings, which

ry can be used all year round. During the period of growing seedlings, the tray is used for its intended purpose. After planting the seedlings, EM plates are located next to the plants in the bed, their radiation causes acceleration of plant development, an increase in their mass, and the brightness of the foliage. The harvested crop is stored in a box to which the same EM plates are attached, which dramatically increases the safety of the products.

In 2006, after a series of studies on the effect of EM plastic on plants, the Bask-Plastik company from Khabarovsk began production of EM trays for seedlings. Currently (summer 2009), more than 10 types of EM products are sold throughout the CIS. At exhibitions in Moscow and St. Petersburg alone, 17 awards were received, incl. gold and silver medals. EM products are protected by two patents.

Greetings, dear reader blog website! From this article you will learn what it is EM - technology. This is a new direction in agriculture, which is still unknown to many people. Although new is not an entirely accurate definition, because new is the well-forgotten old.

EM technology promotes smart farming and a gentle attitude towards nature, aimed at restoring and increasing the humus layer of the soil by maintaining the vital activity of its inhabitants, and in particular microorganisms, that is, the smallest living creatures that we cannot see, and whose sizes are measured thousandths and millionths of a millimeter. But they do a tremendous job.

A little about microbes. As soon as a person is born, he is already surrounded by microbes. Every centimeter of our body contains tens of millions of microorganisms. The human intestine is 1/3 populated by microorganisms. of which there are more than 70 species. In water, every cubic kilometer of water contains tons of microorganisms. In the soil of the northern regions there are up to two tons per hectare, and in the southern regions up to eight tons per hectare of microorganism biomass, which is identical in weight to a whole herd of cows. And depending on which microorganisms predominate in your soil, it will be more or less fertile.

The use of EM series preparations (effective microorganisms) will allow you to quickly increase the number of agronomically useful microorganisms on your land plot. The first drugs in the EM series were created 20 years ago by a Japanese microbiologist, Professor Higa Tera. And they have received wide recognition throughout the world. More than a hundred countries use this technology to obtain high yields and improve the quality of grown products. And you can grow tasty and rich harvests only on healthy, fertile soils.

What is "healthy soil"? And what can we do to improve it? Imagine that the soil is a huge mechanism in which life “seems”. First of all, you need to know how the soil was formed. The first inhabitants of our planet are microorganisms. They settle on rocks, stones, and begin to create soil - they create an organic substance called humus, and the second part is the mineral part, where the biological cycle takes place, ensuring life on the planet.

Biological cycling is when plants take food from organic matter, break it down, and then return it back to the soil in the form of organic matter after digestion and decomposition. Thus, the more beneficial microorganisms there are in our area, the healthier and more fertile the soil will be. Moreover, this will happen naturally, the way it has happened from time immemorial in nature. Our task with you is simply not to interfere with these processes, but, on the contrary, to help.

When to start using EM technology? At any time of the year, since various methods are offered - both preparing compost at home in winter, and, and soaking seeds and cultivation seedlings, and spring soil preparation, and accelerated preparation of compost, and watering plants during the growing season, and autumn tillage, and much more. And EM drugs will help us with all this.

Modern microbiology has proven in practice that with the help of effective microorganisms (EMs) it is possible to control soil fertility and productivity, and this direction is an alternative to the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides.

The proposed technology is based on a reasonable form of agriculture aimed at restoring the humus layer of the soil, which has been severely depleted over the past 200 years of farming using traditional agricultural techniques. In Russia, this technology has been implemented for ten years, in Japan - twenty. EM technology has proven to be the most effective and less expensive. So it’s worth trying this technology in your areas.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that microbiological technologies do not always guarantee a quick effect - it all depends on the condition of the soil on your plots. Sometimes it can take years to restore soil fertility.

Therefore, if you take up this matter, do not stop using EM technology on your site for three to four years, even if you do not observe a very noticeable effect. The example of Japan in the use of such technology is very indicative - they do not expect immediate results, but work for the future, and this pays off handsomely - now, thanks to the fact that they are intensively using EM - technology, the Japanese harvest huge, several times a season, harvests of healthy, environmentally friendly products.

All over the world, organic farming, based on the use of environmentally friendly crops, is now becoming increasingly popular. organic fertilizers, such as manure, bird droppings, peat, compost, as well as various green manures and microbiological preparations. Microbiological, or microbial, preparations are not only compatible with organic fertilizers, they also increase their capabilities several times!

By saturating the soil with nutrients from organic fertilizers and beneficial soil microflora, you give food not so much to plants as to the earth, improving its structure, increasing biological activity, and, as a result, significantly increasing its fertility. The earth begins to gradually come to life and gain strength.

“A stupid person grows weeds, a smart person grows crops, and a wise person grows land,” says the ancient Chinese proverb. Find yours living earth- Isn’t this important for those who strive to live in harmony with nature and grow only environmentally friendly products on their land?

Many gardeners note that a sustainable effect from the use of EM technology is observed in the second year, while others notice it after 2-3 weeks. It all depends on the initial conditions: soil composition, cultivation methods, fertilizers used, the amount of organic matter introduced, water regime, climatic conditions and others, it is impossible to foresee them all.

Long-term observations have shown that, even starting to use in July-August, many summer residents were shocked by the change appearance plants, as if an additional charge was breathed into them vitality. The number of new ovaries and fruits increased sharply, the plants stopped getting sick, and their fruiting continued until the frost.

What is the secret of such success, and what needs to be done for this? The most important thing is to shift all the main work to microorganisms, and we only need to create conditions for them to function normally. It is necessary to give them organic waste as food and stop digging up the soil with the formation turnover.

It is advisable to loosen only upper layer soil (5-7 cm), inhabited mainly by aerobic microorganisms that require oxygen for life. In this way we stimulate their development. In addition, by loosening the top layer of soil, we do not disturb its structure, ensuring water and air permeability, thereby preserving fertility.

Therefore, if you decide to introduce EM technology on your plots, first of all, you need to give up digging up the soil, and only loosen the top fertile layer, saturating it with oxygen, and feed the soil inhabitants with various organic waste, supporting their vital functions.

Conclusions and benefits from the use of microbiological preparations:

1.They increase the content of agronomically useful microorganisms in the soil.

2. They improve the health of the soil, as they inhibit the growth of phytopathogens, increasing the number of antagonistic microbes.

3.Improve soil structure.

4. Helps improve mineral nutrition of plants.

5.Isolated biologically active substances and stimulate plant growth, increase plant immunity and productivity.

6.Improves the quality of the harvest.

Always remember that microbial preparations contain living organisms, and therefore strictly follow the conditions for their use:

Application of preparations to the soil or spraying on plants should be carried out in the morning or after rain, but under no circumstances in sunny weather, since the sun's rays have a detrimental effect on microorganisms and can reduce the effectiveness of the preparations.

Temperature also affects the development of microorganisms, so it is advisable to apply the drug to the soil in warm weather.

Spraying plants should be finely dispersed, since large drops easily roll off the surface of the leaves.

The effectiveness of any microbial preparations increases with the simultaneous use of organic fertilizers and compliance with crop rotation.

As you can see, EM - technology allows us to restore the structure of the earth, significantly improve fertility and increase productivity on our plots, only for this we need to follow the rules listed above.

My message is addressed primarily to those who have a plot of land and grow something on it, as well as to those who are interested in breeding indoor plants. True, the technology described here is widely used in everyday life and even in folk medicine. And one more thing - I don’t sell anything, I don’t build network structures, this message is not intended to gain any material benefit, except that I will be happy to live in an environmentally friendly society. I'm sharing my experience and information in the field of EM technology, as well as a recipe that won't cost you a penny.

1. A few words about what EM technology is.
EM technology is a method of organic farming without the use of fertilizers, which heals and even revives the soil after barbaric experiments on it in the form of chemicalization, etc., and allows you to increase the productivity and health of the plants you grow and their fruits.

With EM technology there is hope for the complete restoration of lands and water bodies, as well as the solution to the food problem, as a problem of not only the quantity, but also the quality of products produced in agriculture.

EM technology has nothing to do with anything that would go against life itself, that would be contrary to it.
EM technology is covered in detail on the following sites:

The essence of EM technology is to restore the natural balance of microorganisms environment for the benefit of her health.

Until now, humanity, when faced with a health problem, is in a hurry to have a quick and obvious result, without particularly delving into the essence of the health problem itself. If we have a headache, we take painkillers without thinking about why it hurts. Each of us has a lot of our own ways to relieve various symptoms with which our body notifies us of an illness. Thus, we relieve the severity of the problem... for the time being. Isn’t this what happens to plants when we encounter their difficulties? We begin to feed them with fertilizers and spray them with poisons. As a result, we surrender to the doctors so that they can make “candy” out of the body we killed, but with a plant it’s easier - we throw it in the trash.

Man is a complex ecosystem, which in turn is part of the ecosystem of the Earth and Space as a whole. There is no need to peer into distant galaxies, since the infinitely small reflects the infinitely large. We are all interconnected: Sun - Earth - people - animals - plants - microorganisms... So, for example, if in this chain the balance of microorganisms synthesizing substances that plants, animals and people themselves cannot obtain is disturbed, toxins and poisons are formed that depress the body , which leads to disease, pollution and habitat destruction, global catastrophe. All links in the living chain suffer seriously due to the imbalance in the work of microorganisms invisible to the eye. Restoring the balance of microorganisms in our environment in such a way that they contribute to the productive life of all other organisms is not an easy task. It turned out that the microorganisms themselves are in complex relationships, far from the primitive perception of “bad - good”, so the path to the discovery of their optimal relationship was not easy. The result of the research search was, for example, the Russian drug “Baikal-EM”. EM is an abbreviation of the words “effective microorganisms,” so named because of the amazing results obtained as a result of the use of this association of microorganisms in various areas of human activity. The EM preparation recreates a small model of the natural life cycle of microflora, which restores the natural balance of microflora in the places it enters.

Initially, the EM drug was created for use in environmentally friendly, organic farming. The goal was to free the soil from the toxins accumulated in it, to restore its natural ability for self-regulation and reproduction of used resources.

The founder of the concept of organic farming as a form of agriculture is the Japanese philosopher Mokishi Okada (1882-1955), who believed that ecological agricultural technology should:

Produce food products that not only support life, but also improve people's health;
- stabilize the biological balance in nature, be environmentally friendly;
- use simple accessible methods and means of farming.
Organic farming
- does not use synthetic chemicals (fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, etc.);
- carries out minimal tillage;
- does not use genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and covers different areas: crop production, vegetable growing, horticulture, livestock farming, poultry farming, etc.

2. My experience in organic farming
I had to read about organic farming and EM technology from time to time, but it didn’t come to the point of implementing it in full on my plot until a woman of about 60 came to see me. She is a widow, has 2 dachas of 6 and 9 hundred parts I remembered that the lack of support from a man was painful for her, she was in despair at the areas that were falling into disrepair. However, not this time. The woman was full of optimism and enthusiastically told me how much pleasure it gave her to work in the garden. She received pleasure, joy, and satisfaction from how healthy her pets were. The woman also said that her garden was noticeably different from neighboring plots and people came to her to admire her “miracle.” This woman's secret was simple and she shared it with pleasure: it is a miracle - effective microorganisms.

This woman’s inspiration was so contagious that I immediately familiarized myself with all the information on EM technologies available on the Internet and purchased the “Baikal-EM” drug.

Living “on the land” is still my dream and I don’t have the opportunity to engage in full-time activities on a personal plot, so my goal was not at all growing tomatoes, etc. I want to have a qualitatively DIFFERENT life. Therefore, it doesn’t matter to me whether tomatoes grow on the lawn or whether I eat some fruit. It is important to me that the earth is healthy. Therefore, I use EM-ki in all cases where possible (on at this stage this is watering fruit (and not only) trees, bushes and vineyards, as well as flower beds), but I still can’t boast of an abundance of harvests, which would be reliable proof of the effectiveness of the drug (I started using it in 2010).

It should be noted that our people are very inquisitive and the spirit of the researcher is still alive in them, so EMs began to be used not only in everyday life and in the kitchen (washing dishes, tiles, toilets, etc.), but also in folk medicine.

3. How to grow effective microorganisms at home
I want to talk about how to get EM-ki without paying a lot of money to the manufacturer: for example, last spring I paid 53 grams for 30 ml of “Baikal-EM” concentrate, while prices on the market were two times or more higher. Although buying a concentrate is much more profitable than a ready-made solution, in this case you will overpay several times more.

Now about my path to the discovery of what constitutes a solution containing the optimal ratio of microorganisms that restore health to the ecological system.

I purchased 30 ml of “Baikal-EM” concentrate, diluted it in a 3-liter jar, as was written in the instructions, and began to use it for watering plants. The EM-ok solution has a pleasant aroma and the smell is an indicator of how healthy, and therefore effective, the microorganisms that make it up are. I thought, since there are living microorganisms in the solution, I can continue to breed them, providing a nutrient medium. Therefore, I did not completely use the solution obtained from the concentrate, but began to feed and multiply the EM-ki. EMs love sweet, grass-infused drinks. The manufacturer recommends loading concentrated EM into a three-liter jar warm water with a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it (honey is used, not sugar, because honey contains a lot of useful substances), you can use jam. I drink tea with a variety of herbs and give the rest of it to EM-cams, as well as water, which I use to rinse jars of honey, jam and other sweets. The smell was still pleasant, indicating that the actions I had taken were correct. After 3 months, or maybe more, kombucha, as it is popularly called, grew in a solution with EM. Since I make my own fruit vinegars, self-raising kombucha is nothing new to me. Kombucha will grow on any living vinegar. Sometimes you have to hide vinegar in the refrigerator to prevent fungus from forming. However, I encountered the phenomenon of self-growing mushrooms even earlier - when I was preparing kvass using the Bolotov system.

Bolotov is the author of the books: “Steps to longevity”, “I will teach you not to get sick and not to grow old”, “Cancer can be defeated”, etc. In particular, Bolotov studied the waste products of cells of plant and animal origin (so-called enzymes). In this case, enzymes of animal origin are waste products of lactic acid whey bacteria. Whey has been used since ancient times as a powerful healing agent. However, due to the meager diet cattle Currently, the healing power of the serum has been exhausted. To restore and enhance the healing properties of lactic whey, Bolotov began to enrich it with plant enzymes, the properties of which were in demand in a particular situation, as follows:

1st method: a glass of dry grass and a glass of sugar are filled with 3 liters of lactic acid whey;

2nd method: a glass of dry grass and a glass of sugar are filled with 3 liters of warm water, to which 1 - 2 teaspoons of homemade (live) sour cream are added.

After 10 days, the kvass is ready, and in a month or a month and a half, kombucha will grow on it. Bolotov claims that enzymes, i.e. single-celled microorganisms formed in this way, have powerful stimulating properties. True, Bolotov does not mention the mushroom as a product of kvass made according to his recipe.

Concerning kombucha, then, I think, it was not brought to us from China, as is claimed. Surely, our ancestors prepared vinegar and were familiar with its derivative - the mushroom. Perhaps they did not strive to grow the mushroom separately, obtaining excellent kvass (a tonic effervescent drink) in another way. And it is not necessary to pour sweet tea over the mushroom. You can pour in the infusion of any herb that suits your taste.

Much has been written about the properties of kombucha. For example this:

Today it is already known for sure that kombucha infusion helps cure diseases such as:

1. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder;
2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
3. Hypotension;
4. Tonsillitis;
5. Sore throat;
6. Eye infections;
7. Acute dysentery;
8. Chronic enterocolitis;
9. Scarlet fever;
10. Diphtheria;
11. Typhoid fever;
12. Flu;
13. acute respiratory infections;
14. Diseases of the ear, nose and throat;
15. Gastritis;
16. Conjunctivitis;
17. Hemorrhoids;
18. Infected wounds

Mushroom infusion slows down and eases the course of tuberculosis. Strengthens and balances the action of the central nervous system. Used as a means to treat and alleviate the general condition of burns. Very effective in combating constipation. Decreases arterial pressure in patients with hypertension. In addition, the mushroom infusion actively restores the natural microflora of the stomach after illness and taking large doses of antibiotics and other medical chemicals. Kombucha infusion has antibacterial properties, and compares favorably with most antibiotics in that it has a wide spectrum of action, which is not lost when stored at room temperature or when boiled.

Returning to the topic of effective microorganisms used in agriculture (and not only) farming.
When I saw that a mushroom had grown in the solution with EM, I decided to taste it. It was a typical, very pleasant carbonated drink, popularly called kombucha. So my mushroom family has been replenished with another species grown from the Baikal-EM concentrate.

Dear friends! If you have become familiar with EM technologies and want to use them in your home and household, you don’t have to look for someone to pay money for them.

Growing EMs at home is easy!

You can use Bolotov’s recipe, which I gave above, you can use kombucha, charging it with a slightly sweet decoction or infusion of various herbs. However, do not forget that the resulting solution is very concentrated and must be diluted. For regular watering of plants in a ratio of 1:100, i.e. 10 ml of solution per 1 liter of water. You can find all other ways to use effective microorganisms on the websites of the manufacturer and distributor of EM-ok, which were indicated at the beginning of the article.

4. Why I claim that kombucha and effective microorganisms have the same composition
I admit that the manufacturer of EM-ok will deny that the composition of their product is identical to the composition of kombucha.

But, firstly, the manufacturer himself claims that the ratio of various microorganisms in his product can fluctuate within a certain range, which, in turn, depends on many factors: temperature, composition of the nutrient medium, etc.

Secondly. It turns out that kombucha can be propagated not only by dividing the body of the fungus, but also by adding a kombucha infusion to sweetened water. After some time, a mushroom will grow in this solution. But the mushroom will grow faster, the higher the content of its infusion in the solution. Therefore, it is not surprising that in my case, it took about 3 months to form a mushroom body from EM-ok: after all, the solution was 30 ml of concentrate per 3 liters. water (1:100)!
Third. I “feed” the kombucha and the mushroom that grew on EM the same way and at the end I get absolutely the same taste.

5. My experiments proving the effectiveness of effective microorganisms / kombucha
My path to discovery consisted of 2 steps.

1. Having decided to bake bread with yeast dough, I thought: shouldn’t I add EM-ki to the dough. After all, yeast bacteria are here and there. Added. The dough did not rise very quickly the first time, but satisfactorily. I crushed him. The second time the dough did not rise at all, although it was soft and elastic to the touch. I got upset and decided to knead yeast dough not very thick (in the same quantity as has already been prepared), let it rise and mix with the first batch. That's what I did. The result is the same. Now I had twice as much dough that was not suitable for baking! I persisted in the experiment, deciding to bake the dough. The result had to be thrown away.
I learned that my experience is important as proof that EMs and kombucha heal and treat the intestinal microflora (and not only) in the following way.

2nd step to discovery.
I was interested in the information about baking yeast-free bread. As it turned out, in fact, yeast fungi are still used to bake yeast-free bread, but their nature is completely different. Moreover, in this case we are not talking about the discovery of something fundamentally new, but, on the contrary, about a return to old traditions. It turns out that before 1947, the population of our country ate a fundamentally DIFFERENT bread! To make the dough fluffy, tasty and nutritious, our ancestors used starter cultures.

Since 1947, thermophilic yeast has been used in the production of yeast bread. You can learn about the harmful effects of thermophilic yeast on our health on the website, however, this topic was widely covered on “Perunitsa”. Let me quote the following:

Saccharomyces yeast (thermophilic yeast), various races that are used in the alcohol industry, brewing and baking, are not found in the wild in nature, that is, they are the creation of human hands, and not the creation of God.

According to their morphological characteristics, they belong to the simplest marsupial fungi and microorganisms.

Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more advanced than tissue cells and are independent of temperature, pH, and air content.
Even if the cell membrane is destroyed by saliva lysozyme, they continue to live.

The production of baker's yeast is based on its propagation in liquid nutrient media prepared from molasses (waste from sugar production).

The technology is monstrous, anti-natural. Molasses is diluted with water, treated with bleach, acidified with sulfuric acid, etc.

Strange methods, it must be admitted, are used to prepare a food product, moreover, if you consider that in nature there are natural yeasts, hop yeasts, for example, malt, etc....

... Thermophilic yeast is so reactive and tenacious that with 3-4 times of use, its activity only increases.
It is known that when baking bread, yeast is not destroyed, but is stored in gluten capsules. Once in the body, they begin their destructive activities.

It is now well known to specialists that when yeast multiplies, ascospores are formed, which, ending up in our digestive tract and then entering the bloodstream, destroy cell membranes, contributing to cancer.

... Yeast multiplies exponentially in the body's conditions and allows pathogenic microflora to actively live and multiply, inhibiting normal microflora, thanks to which both B vitamins and essential amino acids can be produced in the intestines with proper nutrition.

As you can see, the article states that thermophilic yeast, which is currently used in Food Industry, are very resistant to the influence of high temperatures, therefore they do not die when baking products, and also do not die when they enter our body, but on the contrary, they combine in the fight against us with other pathogenic microorganisms, creating for them a nutritious environment in which they successfully reproduce. In addition, thermophilic yeast accumulates in the human body.

My unsuccessful experience of baking yeast bread with the addition of effective microorganisms (kombucha) to the dough suggests that EMs suppress the development of thermophilic yeast.

There is still justice for these bandits! But perhaps you shouldn’t expose your body to such risks. I started baking sourdough bread for my family, for which I thank everyone who shared their experience on the Perunitsa website. Well, I myself became a raw foodist, I eat only raw vegetables, fruits and sunflower seeds.

P.S. One more note. This is my observation, and I think it is correct: the spontaneous generation of kombucha is an indicator that an effective balance of microorganisms has been achieved. If, instead of “kombucha”, terry mold grows, there has been a failure in the pathogenic direction.

The use of effective microorganisms, the so-called EM farming technology, transforms soils of any type into good arable land, capable of yielding many times more than with the traditional method of farming, and without the use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers.

EM technology was developed by Japanese microbiologist, professor at the University of Agriculture in Okinawa Prefecture Teruo Higa. Professor T. Higa long years engaged in the selection of microorganisms that improve the condition of soil and plants. In 1980, he developed the concept of effective microorganisms (EMs). He cultivated and tested a group of 80 microorganisms belonging to 5 families (primarily photosynthetic bacteria and lactic acid bacteria), which helped improve the condition of the soil, suppress pathogenic microbes and increase plant resistance.

The solution to this problem is biological or alternative farming, in which the decisive factor is not the use of mineral fertilizers, but the maintenance of the soil in a biologically active, vital state that ensures its fertility.

MODERN agriculture is characterized by a situation where further intensive use of chemicals and heavy equipment inevitably causes a number of undesirable consequences: deterioration of soil properties, disruption of the habitat of soil life forms (microflora, worms, etc.), accumulation of harmful substances in agricultural products. human and animal substances (nitrates, nitrites, pesticide residues, etc.). Hence the main task is to find an alternative to the intensive use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides while maintaining and increasing the level of agricultural production. The solution to this problem is biological or alternative farming, in which the decisive factor is not the use of mineral fertilizers, but the maintenance of the soil in a biologically active, vital state that ensures its fertility.

We especially emphasize that soil fertility largely depends on the content of organic matter in it. The decomposition of these organic substances occurs with the active participation of microorganisms inhabiting the soil. In this case, soil humus is formed as the main source of structure formation and plant nutrition. Microorganisms take a direct and indirect part in the decomposition of mineral compounds found in fertilizers and soil, which become accessible to plants and are absorbed by them. The indirect influence of microorganisms also lies in the fact that when they decompose organic matter, acids are formed that dissolve some of the minerals.

Russian scientist Yu. A. Slashchinin very successfully outlined the role of soil bacteria and the essence of the main agrotechnical technique: “...In soil that is not poisoned by chemicals, a huge number of bacteria live: more than 20 tons per hectare. About the same number of worms and other things live in it livestock. In terms of mass, this is exactly the same as a herd of cows of one hundred heads. Since the life of bacteria is short, lasting on average 20 minutes, after death their protein mass goes to the plants, forming a crop. The more bacteria and worms in the soil, the higher its fertility.

That is, to obtain high yields, it is not fertilizer that is required, but feeding! Feeding and accelerated reproduction of the maximum possible volume of soil bacteria and other “living matter”. And farmers will no longer need expensive “harmful chemicals” when they begin to take care of feeding and increasing the number of their life-giving inhabitants of the soil with the same diligence with which they now care for animals and birds.”

This role of microorganisms has been known for a long time, but only very recently, with the revolutionary development of microbiology, it was possible to move from theories and experimental developments to practical influence on the properties of the soil through the intelligent management of microorganisms in it.

But not all microorganisms have a positive effect on the properties of the soil; some cause disease-causing conditions. Therefore, soil microorganisms should be divided into beneficial and harmful, according to their effect on soil fertility, condition and development of plants.

Beneficial microorganisms help improve soil fertility and increase the quality and quantity of crops grown. In turn, harmful microorganisms lead to disease and death of plants, and deterioration in the quality of the crop.

EM technology is capable of ensuring the regeneration of the poorest soils in the shortest possible time. The increase in yield achieved with its use is stable, since it occurs in a natural, spontaneous, self-sustaining process of soil synthesis.

When applying seed, care must be taken to ensure that effective microorganisms successfully adapt to the soil. Therefore, even a small addition of organic matter for the productive activity of the EO drug inevitably leads to useful change composition of poor soils. The future lies in management methods based on microbiological technologies!

The practical use of EM technology is already 10 years old today. It has received recognition and is successfully used in many countries around the world to solve problems of producing quality food and the environment.

Video “EM technology - what is it? Japanese know-how"

Awesome japanese movie, dedicated to the life of Microworld. Filming carried out using fiber optics and an electron microscope shows events occurring in the soil every second. The consequences of unconscious land use are shown. Film in 3 parts.

Part 1
Part 2

The main effects of using EM technology:

  • effective restoration of soil fertility;
  • improvement of agricultural crops;
  • increasing frost resistance of plants;
  • significant economic effect when growing grain and vegetable crops;
  • inhibiting the proliferation of harmful microorganisms;
  • saving fertilizers, reducing the required amount of pesticides;
  • obtaining environmentally friendly food products.

Drug Baikal EM-1

In 1998, the achievement of the Japanese Teruo Higa was repeated by the Russian scientist Pyotr Shablin. The drug “Baikal EM-1” created by him turned out to be no less effective in many areas than the Japanese one, and in some it surpassed its predecessor. In addition, the price of Russian EM concentrate is several times lower.

The drug has passed mandatory state registration and received a hygienic certificate.

What are the similarities and differences with the Japanese em-drug?

They consist of the same strains of beneficial microorganisms.

Differences -
In Japanese, the main role is played by photosynthetic strains - which means they are mainly aimed directly at plant growth.
In Russian, the main role is played by lactic acids, which is aimed at quickly cleaning soils from harmful substances and pathogenic microorganisms (which was intended by the author of the invention).

In principle, EO drugs are very similar, the methodology and dosage of their use are identical.

In Russia, EM farming technology has been introduced since 1998, in Ukraine - since 1999. In this case, the drug Baikal EM-1, developed in Russia, distributed by ARGO, is used.

Baikal EM-1 is a composition of several types of microorganisms that actually live in the soil, capable of dominating the soil and regulating the activity of other microorganisms in a productive direction, while simultaneously cleansing the soil of toxic compounds and pathogenic microflora. The microorganisms included in it interact in the soil, and all kinds of enzymes, physiologically active substances, etc. are produced, which have a positive effect on the growth and development of plants.

In its biological essence, “Baikal EM-1” is what is called “living water” in the folk epic. To any living environment, wherever it is introduced (soil, plant surface, natural biological waste etc.) and harmful chemical compounds, the drug certainly has a life-giving effect, promotes a more productive development of the environment, cleansing it of pathogenic microflora.

Efficiency of using the drug Baikal EM-1

There is no doubt that today in the world of biological drugs the most effective drug is Baikal EM-1.

The results obtained indicate high efficiency the drug Baikal EM-1 when applied to the main types of agricultural crops for different soils and significantly different climatic conditions.

In terms of soil revitalization and crop growth, the effectiveness of “Baikal EM-1” is no longer subject to any doubt /

The most effective drug is Baikal EM-1 for vegetable crops, potatoes, rice, flowers, sugar beets. The increase in yield for cucumbers and tomatoes is up to two times. For green vegetables, potatoes, onions, garlic - up to one and a half times. For cabbage - by a third. Cucumbers, tomatoes, green crops suffer significantly less disease and improve external characteristics- greater brightness of greenery and size of foliage, accelerated growth of plants and fruits. The plants produce almost 100% fruit set, which can be collected from the bush until autumn. So, cucumbers bear fruit 12-16 days longer. Particularly noteworthy is the increase in frost resistance of all crops treated with the drug - they tolerate cold and temperature changes much better. The taste of the fruits improves, they become juicier and sweeter. When growing early cucumbers and tomatoes, the first harvest can be obtained half a month earlier than usual. Parsley, lettuce, onions and cabbage treated with Baikal EM-1 are significantly superior in taste to untreated ones - they are more juicy and aromatic, and the onions are sweet.

Soaking seeds during further cultivation of crops using a standard agrochemical method gives an increase in yield by 10-60%.

A single spraying of seedlings with an EM preparation at a concentration of 1:1000 gives 10-30%, and weekly spraying of plants with the same solution gives different cultures an increase of 50-130%.

When EM-Compost is added to the soil, depending on its quantity and composition, the yield can increase by 1.5-5 times.

There is a decrease or complete disappearance of many diseases, in particular late blight, and dangerous pests.

In floriculture for potted crops, accelerated shoot growth and the growth of new leaves and shoots have been noted; for cut roses, the yield increase is up to 20% per month; stunted, diseased roses and carnations catch up in growth and development with the bulk of plants.

Berry bushes (raspberries, currants, sea buckthorn) produce more young shoots and are more resistant to diseases.

The results of biochemical analyzes and determination of nitrates in fruits and leaves after the use of EM technology indicate that their quality has improved.

Zucchini, squash and pumpkins grow much larger without losing their taste, and their shelf life increases significantly.

Interesting results were obtained when using the EM drug in mid-summer or even towards the end of the growing season. Thus, strawberries that had stopped growing and were treated for testing at the end of September came back to life and the formation of new leaves was noted.

Pre-sowing treatment of seeds of wheat, corn, sugar beets, tomatoes, sunflowers and cabbage results in an increase in the length of roots and sprouts, an increase in the intensity of accumulation of biomass and dry matter by seedlings, this is most typical for sugar beets. When processing grain seeds, a significant economic effect has been determined.

The harvest is well preserved in winter. Thus, from potatoes that were treated with an EM solution during the growing season, only a small number of tubers were rejected in comparison with potatoes that were not treated with an EM solution, in which putrefactive diseases develop during storage.

EM preparation and organic fertilizers especially noticeably improve the fertility of chernozem soils. The most effective was the use of ready-made EM compost.

By using EM preparations in greenhouses, you can easily improve the health of almost any soil without replacing the soil or its heat treatment.

Baikal EM-1 must be used during the entire cycle of work on growing crops!

Autumn is a very important period for EM technology. The soil and perennial plants should go into the winter healthy and free of weeds. At depth, microorganisms continue to work to restore humus and soil structure, accumulating useful and nutritious substances. In spring, these microorganisms contribute to the active awakening of the soil, increasing and maintaining the temperature 2-5 degrees higher, which allows plants to better tolerate frosts on the soil surface.

It should be noted that microorganisms have the ability to adapt to the environment in which they live. Therefore, microorganisms introduced in the fall are more active than those introduced into the soil in the spring, which require a period of adaptation to the given environment. In addition, when treating the soil with an EM preparation in autumn, a mechanism to counteract the growth of weeds is activated.

Very encouraging results have been obtained with the use of EO drugs in poultry and livestock farming. The fact is that along with intensive technologies, antibiotics and hormonal drugs. These additives may accumulate in food products, and then in the human body, which has a very negative impact on health. The use of EM drugs has produced significant positive effect. The safety and weight of broiler chickens have increased significantly, and morbidity and mortality have decreased. In the rooms where the birds were kept, there was no specific smell of droppings.

The use of the EO drug in fattening young cattle has a significant effect - a noticeable increase in daily weight gain was obtained. The milk yield of the experimental group also increased significantly.

In pigs and piglets receiving Baikal EM-1, feed absorption improved, average daily weight gain increased, and mortality significantly decreased.

The economic efficiency of using EM technology in livestock farming is visible from the following indicators: an increase in milk yield justifies the cost of an EM drug by 5-6 times, an increase in the weight gain of bulls by 10 times, an increase in the weight gain of pigs by 20 times. In industrial poultry farming, when adding an EO drug to feed, the additional costs are justified 20 times.

The results of growing green fodder (barley) on a hydroponic basis are also noteworthy. The use of the EO drug made it possible to significantly increase the germination of green mass and the content of useful substances in it, as well as suppress the growth of pathogenic microbes contained in the green mass. The last circumstance is very important, because green feeds are not widely used due to the mycotoxins they contain, so it is the EO drug that opens the way to the widespread use of hydroponic green feeds.

Video "Baikal EM-1"

Theory and practice of using the drug BAIKAL EM-1

Miracle technology

The collection is compiled on the basis of publications and lectures by Doctor of Medical Sciences, author of Russian EM technology, P.A. Shablin. Compiled by E.V. Khalturin.

We will talk about the new Japanese technology EM 1, which has received recognition and is being seriously implemented as part of its national policy in many countries around the world.

Their number is steadily growing, to name just a part in eastern Asia - Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Korea, Taiwan. Pakistan, Bangladesh, India China; V South America– Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, Peru, Nicaragua, Mexico Also America, Canada. France, Germany, Spain. Portugal, Switzerland. A number of countries in Africa and Eastern Europe are showing interest in EM 1 technology.

As we can see, the list includes countries with at different levels life and economic development, but they are all united common problems. This is the economical production of quality food, ecology and public health. Experience has shown that new EM technology can make a significant contribution to general improvement ecological state of our planet, solving the problem of pollution through large-scale cleanup operations.

Thanks to the use of this technology in agriculture, a cost-effective supply of high quality food is achieved while careful use of our precious natural resources. And, as a result, a general improvement in the health of the population. It is estimated that complex application– technology reduces billions of dollars in solution costs by half or three environmental problems, food supply, medical care costs.

Japan EM technology in everyday life. Video

Amazing regenerative power of anabiotic microorganisms.

Getting to know new technology Let's start by explaining the two dynamic opposing forces that exist in nature. The first is the power of regeneration, it fills with life and movement; it is productive, useful and life-giving. This is the power of life. In contrast, degeneration represents the dynamics of destruction; it leads to decay, stimulates and accelerates decomposition and decay, pollution and poisoning, bringing disease, and ultimately death. It is antiproductive, pathogenic and necrotic.

What is behind these forces, what initiates them and regulates them? Data scientific research indicate that the control of regeneration and degeneration depends entirely on the smallest forms of life, collectively known as “microorganisms”. Thus, the dominance of regenerative or anabiotic type microorganisms ensures productive, life-giving processes, on the contrary, the predominance of degenerative or pathogenic microorganisms leads to processes of destruction and decay.

The condition of the soil is an accurate indicator of which of the two forces is now in power. For example, soils saturated with anabiotic or regenerative microorganisms are extremely fertile. Plants grown in such soils exhibit prosperous growth and amazing health, being free from weeds and diseases. And what’s remarkable is that such soils, without any agrochemicals, pesticides and artificial fertilizers, show constant and continuous improvement.

When degenerative or pathogenic microorganisms predominate in the soil, plant growth is retarded and they grow sick and weak, choked by weeds and pests, unable to produce almost anything without the help of agrochemicals and artificial fertilizers. Unfortunately, such degraded, depleted soil conditions tend to expand even in countries with high level agricultural technologies. So in Japan, up to 90% of soils are classified as such.

Moreover, a situation has arisen where the continued intensive use of agrochemicals, pesticides and artificial fertilizers, coupled with heavy agricultural equipment, is destroying our entire environment. For, contrary to the natural laws of evolution, there is, figuratively speaking, a violent “squeezing out” of the productive forces of the soil. Here, EM technology developed by Japanese microbiologist Higa Tero has achieved undeniable success.

According to the author, the created technology can direct even the poorest soils towards regeneration in the shortest possible time. This can be done by the smallest microorganisms, designated as EM, i.e. “effective microorganisms”.

EM is a collective designation for a large group of microorganisms responsible for regeneration processes within the framework of those two dynamic forces in nature, which were mentioned above. When their totality is present in the soil, and they are reproduced in significant quantities, the regeneration process is stimulated, the air and water contained in the soil are purified, and plant growth is intensified.

Another positive feature of anabiotic microorganisms collected in the group is that their secretions contain large quantities nutrients, both for plants and animals.

The results obtained using EM technology are quite stable, since they are achieved through a natural and spontaneously occurring, self-sustaining process of synthesis. Such a process is essentially a refined work of nature, free of contradictions and deviations that could create negative side effects.

Thus, the use of EOs in the cultivation of various tropical fruits, which previously flowered and fruited only once a year, led to multiple harvests, and with an increase in their volume. The harvests of cucumbers are amazing, which usually produce only one fruit per rosette; using the rosette, 4-5 cucumbers were obtained.

The same thing happened with tomatoes: the number of fruits from one bush increased from 30 to 300. In addition, the collected products showed that the quality of taste had improved and the nutritional value had increased, and these properties were not lost after long-term storage.

Next, we will continue the story about other remarkable opportunities of EM technology in human activities. But first, let us briefly outline the essence of the ideas and results of Higa Tero’s research, which could explain the nature of EM.

EO is a concentrate in the form of a liquid. Its production is carried out in large containers as a result of the cultivation of more than 80 types of microorganisms. The collected microorganisms belong to 10 orders, in turn representing 5 families and include both aerobic and anaerobic species. This is perhaps the most outstanding feature of EM.

The fact is that oxygen is necessary for the existence of aerobic microorganisms, but it is contraindicated for anaerobic microorganisms, i.e. EM is a product of the coexistence of two groups of microorganisms with opposite living conditions. Until recently, there was an opinion in microbiology that only a few varieties of microorganisms could be studied together; moreover, the possibility of creating a culture in which incompatible microorganisms would be combined was rejected, since in experiments of this kind, as a rule, they simply destroyed each other friend.

However, Higa Tero managed to solve this seemingly impossible task. It was based on the hypothesis about the possibility of synthesizing microorganisms that are incompatible in their mode of existence, but have a similar type of dynamic relationship - regenerative or degenerative.

The first type was taken as the basis for the proposed integration. After many unsuccessful attempts, in a number of experiments the author finally discovered that regenerative microorganisms, despite the difference in living conditions, can coexist in the same environment in an active exchange of food sources.

Let us note that at the same time the technology for creating such a regime in a special biological environment was discovered. Moreover, it turned out that joint life activity in such an environment is not only mutually beneficial, but also the accumulation of positive properties of the combined microorganisms occurs. This process was first observed under a Higa Tero microscope in a preparation where two types of microorganisms living in the soil, photosynthetic and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, coexisted.

Each of them performs vital function retention of nitrogen in the soil, but, at the same time, the conditions for their coexistence are diametrically opposed. Photosynthetic bacteria are anaerobes and cannot tolerate oxygen, while nitrogen-fixing bacteria survive on oxygen, i.e. aerobic

The latter feed on organic matter, which also supports their continuous reproduction. As in any life activity, waste is generated, which serves as a source of food for photosynthetic bacteria, which in turn produce waste in the form of organic matter absorbed by azotobacters.

It is noted that this food exchange or cycle occurs at a stage when excessive reproduction of azotobacter, which requires oxygen, leads to a state of oxygen deficiency, accompanied by the release of hydrocarbon compounds that are actively utilized by anaerobic photosynthetic bacteria for their own needs, which gives them the opportunity to live and reproduce.

Baikal EM 1 is an innovative product for farmers in all regions of Russia. With the help of the drug Baikal em1, soil fertility and crop yields are increased. The drug is environmentally friendly and immediately demonstrates effectiveness. Accelerates plant growth, fruit ripening, restores natural soil fertility .

Having made sure that this synthesis scheme was successful, Higa Tero was able to combine large group anabiotic microorganisms, unique in the number of species (more than 80), and, as already mentioned, all of them belong to both anaerobic and aerobic varieties. In addition to photosynthetic bacteria, the group includes lactic acid bacteria, yeast, fungi and effective enzymes, each of which is useful in its own way for the life of people and plants.

Testing the effectiveness of the resulting bioculture in the fields revealed an important feature of the microorganisms inhabiting the soil. Observations have shown that of the innumerable number of microorganisms living in the soil, the vast majority of them are opportunistic in nature, i.e. they show varying abilities to follow the “leader,” mostly adapting to the actions of the mainstream.

In other words, the dominant group of microorganisms in the soil determines whether it will be regenerative or degenerative. There is a continuous struggle for dominance between the few most common species, and the remaining millions of microorganisms simply wait for the outcome, and then adapt and follow the pattern of the winner.

Obviously, as soon as the anabiotic species emerge victorious, all other microorganisms will imitate them and follow their leadership. A similar effect is achieved when anabiotic microorganisms of the EM group are introduced into the soil. Thanks to the collected useful power generated by them, a general mood of all other microorganisms in the regenerative direction is achieved, thereby giving the soils productive power.

It seems that the following fact from the life of Japan will also make an impression. The fact is that in small towns and villages in Japan, drains and waste from residential buildings end up in open channels, which have long been laid along the streets. You will be surprised by the complete absence of unpleasant odors and pure water in the channels.

Of course, there is an undoubted role here careful attitude Japanese towards nature, but the assistance provided by EM in this regard is also important. Due to the fact that in every home there are special devices through which wastewater from the kitchen, toilet, and showers are constantly treated with an EM preparation, such an impressive environmental effect is achieved.

In addition to agricultural purposes, Japanese farmers began experimenting with the EM drug in other related areas. Amazing innovative results have been discovered in the processing of raw and unprocessed organic waste such as food waste, leftovers household and other food establishments.

Treatment of garbage with an EM preparation saved households not only from the unpleasant odors associated with rotting in places where food waste accumulated, where harmful insects and pathogenic microbes also appeared, but it also turned out that fermented waste, after grinding, serves as an excellent fertilizer in the form of compost.

Treatment of livestock pens with an EM solution and small additives in drinking water for animals and birds turned out to be effective against foul-smelling and polluted drains and discharges from livestock farms and farms, purifying the air and water of the environment, which had a beneficial effect on the health of the animals and birds themselves. Thus, things that we consider spoiled, dirty and smelly serve as food for the EM culture.

EM can be applied in four main ways, namely:

as EM-1 in the form of a basic aqueous solution;
EM5, which is used to protect plants from diseases and pests;
EM-compost, which is the basis for high yields;
EM extract of fermented plant materials, used as a top dressing and for weed control.

EM-1 – basic solution

The main solution in EM technology is an aqueous solution of the biofertilizer “Baikal EM-1”, which is a yellow-brown liquid with a pleasant kefir-silage odor. The acidity of EM-1 should be below 3.5. If the drug has a bad odor or acidity more than 4.0, then it is better not to use it.

Typically, a solution of EM-1 is used for soil and plants (any crop) at a concentration of 1:1000, that is, only 10 ml (1 tablespoon) of the drug is used for 10 liters of water. For small volumes (seedlings, flowers in pots) a solution of 1:2000 is used, i.e. The drug is used 2 times less.

It is very important to add molasses or jam to the solution at the same time as Baikal as a nutrient medium, or, in extreme cases, sugar in the same volume as the drug.

It is also important not to use chlorinated water for the solution. If there is no other water, then it must first be left for 2 days.

The frequency of watering with EM-1 solution depends on the condition of the soil. If there is not enough organic matter in the soil, it is better to water after 2-3 days. In other cases - once a week or even less often; If you use EM compost, you can limit yourself to watering with emka 1-2 times a month. To save money, the EM irrigation solution can be replaced with an EM extract.

Usually the concentrate “Baikal EM-1” goes on sale - it is easier to transport. To obtain a drug from it, the concentrate must be fermented as follows: add 3 tablespoons of molasses and 30 ml of concentrate to three liters of non-chlorinated boiled water at a temperature of 20-35 degrees, i.e. the whole bottle. Mix the solution well and keep in glass containers without access to air in a warm, dark place for a week. The readiness of the drug can be judged by the pleasant sour smell. If molasses is unavailable, honey can be used. But since honey has a bactericidal effect, it should be added in small portions - 1 tbsp. spoon every day, only 3 to 6 tbsp. spoons depending on the quality of honey.

Although the shelf life of the drug is 1 year, it should not be stored for long. Microbes should work in the area, and not sleep in a bottle! Many summer residents long-term storage food is added to the preparation. But this does not give anything, it even worsens the quality of the drug. Nutrition should be applied after diluting the drug with water, when preparing a working solution for irrigation. Moreover, if the drug is stored for a long enough time, it is better to first prepare the working solution in a concentration of 1:100, keep it together with the nutrient medium for a day, two, three, and then dilute it to the desired concentration. The working solution should not be stored for more than 3 days, when the activity of the EO drops and the quality is lost.

The main solution is used for root watering, spraying plants, compost fermentation, obtaining EM extract, EM5 and urgasy.

About the nutrient medium

When preparing a working solution of molasses, you need to add the same amount as the drug.


Organic matter fermented with the help of effective microorganisms (tops, straw, weeds, manure, sawdust, litter, peat, cake, food waste, paper, etc.) is the main guarantee of high yields. EM compost can be used 3-14 days after the start of fermentation, even if the organic substrate has not decomposed as in conventional compost. In this case, EM compost is used as food for EM, for their reproduction in the soil, as well as for earthworms and plants.

Aerobic and anaerobic EM composts

These two EM composts differ in their preparation technology. The first one is with air access, the second one is without air access. The advantages and disadvantages of these types are as follows:

Aerobic EM compost

Advantage: Can be produced in large quantities. The fermentation period is shorter than in anaerobic compost.
Disadvantage: The temperature during the fermentation process is usually not controlled. Because of this, the nutritional value of organic matter is significantly lost.

Anaerobic EM-comioste

Advantage: The nutritional value of organic matter is preserved.
Disadvantage: The silage-like mass causes some inconvenience when applied to the soil.

“Emka” can ferment any type of organic matter, the main thing to understand is that the more diverse the compost, the better. It is very important to add porous materials (straw, grass, sawdust), crushed brown coal and turf soil at the rate of 10 kg per 100 kg of compost. Still, it’s better to chop the tops. Mix the compost thoroughly and pour in layers from a watering can with a solution of the EM preparation at a concentration of 1:100, i.e. For 10 liters of water add 100 ml of EM preparation and 100 ml of molasses or jam (without berries), at least 100 grams of sugar. Compost humidity should be about 40%.

For an anaerobic process, it is more convenient to carry out fermentation in a pit 0.5 m deep. The compost must be compacted, covered with film and sprinkled with earth on top. After 7-14 days, anaerobic compost can be spread on the bed in a layer of 5-10 cm, add a layer of soil up to 10 cm on top and sow the seeds. It doesn’t matter that the organic matter did not lose its structure during this period, it is important that it turned into silage and has a sour, silage-like smell. In the soil after a month, this compost will become an excellent food for earthworms.

For aerobic fermentation, it is better to collect organic matter treated with emka into a pile 1 meter high, with a diameter at the base of up to 2.5 meters. It is better to lay the poles radially at the bottom, and lay large branches on top. In this case, it is more convenient to aerate the pile by periodically shaking it by the outer ends of the poles. During the aerobic process, it is advisable to bring the compost moisture content to 60%.

If you are not in a hurry, it is better to ferment aerobic compost for 1.5-2 months, not allowing the temperature in the heap to rise above 45 degrees. If the temperature has risen to 40 degrees, the compost must be mixed, if necessary, additionally moistened, but not higher than 70% (when organic matter is compressed in a fist, liquid does not flow), compacted and not touched. In the second month, it is advisable to stir the pile weekly. For accelerated fermentation, the compost must be brought to “burning” when the temperature rises to 60 degrees. In this case, pathogenic microflora, helminth eggs, pest larvae and weed seeds die. In order to save EM preparation, in this case it is better to process the compost after a week from overheating. And in order to speed up “burning” without EO, the compost must be immediately watered with hot water (60-70 degrees). It should be noted that high temperature deteriorates the quality of compost, therefore, in order to achieve rapid development of the bacterial mass after treatment with an EM solution, it is advisable to add a little nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and microelements to the compost in the form of a solution of mineral fertilizers and ash, and not raise the temperature above 40 degrees. After three days, this compost can already be added to the soil.

The remaining aerobic or anaerobic compost is very good for raising earthworms. At a pH of 7.0 and when the compost has fermented well enough, hundreds of earthworms over the summer will turn the compost heap into a solid worm nest. Coprolites, which are formed after worms eat bacterial mass and decomposed organic matter, together with “emka” provide high soil fertility. A ton of such biomass gives up to 3 tons of additional harvest at a summer cottage. At the same time, tomatoes, for example, do not become gigantic; high yields are achieved due to large quantity fruits To do this, you need to form more brushes on the bush. Even on open ground in the Moscow region, 10-15 clusters have time to mature. And in a greenhouse, each bush can produce up to 300 tomatoes or more. Read more about growing a tomato tree>>

To obtain such yields, 1 gram of cultivated soil must contain up to 3 billion beneficial microbes, which can provide food for up to 100 worms per square meter. And no diseases, no chemicals, no plowing, no fertilizers. Feed, feed and once again feed the beneficial inhabitants of the soil!

Using EM compost

Fully fermented EM compost is applied monthly to the top layer of soil at a rate of 0.5-1 kg per 1 square meter. If applied over plants, the bed must be watered immediately to allow microbes and nutrients to penetrate the soil.

Fresh EM compost (fermentation less than a month) cannot be applied directly to the root zone of plants. If necessary, you can make mash from such compost. 1 kg of EM compost is mixed into a bucket of water. The liquid is filtered and diluted 10 times. This solution can be used to water beds with dense plants where it is impossible to add fresh EM compost. Under the bushes, fermented organic matter, which is 5-10 times more effective than manure, is introduced into the root zone in 4-6 places around the perimeter to a depth of 10 cm, 1 shovel at a time and sprinkled with earth. Under cucumbers and tomatoes, EM compost is laid out in small piles away from the trunks and also sprinkled with earth.

Once again about the most important things:

You can’t dig the ground, limit yourself to only surface tillage to a depth of 10 cm, when working in the beds, forget what a shovel is, it’s better to use an Em-cultivator with a flat cutter. The soil itself will become loose;
Non-fermented organic matter is not very effective;
If something is missing, for example some microelement, and everything else is in excess, there will be no rapid growth of microbes, therefore it must be multi-component, diverse;
Use compost as a bacterial starter and a breeding ground for earthworms, not scattering it all over the area, but applying it “targetedly” directly into the hole so as not to feed the weeds; at the same time, be sure to sprinkle the compost with soil so as not to damage the roots of the seedlings when planting on the compost;
EM compost made at temperatures above 45 degrees is almost 2 times weaker than compost fermented at temperatures of 20-40 degrees;
The smell of ammonia appears in compost where the carbon-nitrogen ratio is disturbed; in this case, it is necessary to add carbon-rich components to the compost: sawdust, paper, straw, but best of all crushed brown coal.
For the winter, place part of the EM compost with earthworms in double or triple garbage bags and leave it in the basement or closet of your apartment. If you feed the worms with fermented food waste once a week, you will get super biohumus and a huge number of earthworms by spring; even if the worms do not reproduce (the acidity is not suitable), this super-biohumus will become an excellent bacterial starter for seedling mixtures and beds.

EM extract

EM-fermented plant extract is prepared from fresh weeds and EM-1 solution. EM extract contains organic acids, bioactive and other useful material. The cost of such an extract is very low, so it is better to use it for irrigation instead of EM-1.

Preparation of EM extract
1. Chopped weeds 7 l.
2. Non-chlorinated water 7 l.
3. Molasses or sugar 0.25 l.
4. EM-1 0.25 l.

It is better to use weeds that have a long life such as nettle, quinoa, clover, black grass, artemisia, weeds and medicinal herbs. Weeds must be cut in the morning.

1) Place the chopped weeds in a plastic bucket;
2) Mix EM-1 and molasses with water, pour into a bucket;
3) Cover the bucket with a vinyl bag;
4) Put a lid on the bag, smaller in diameter than the diameter of the bucket, put a weight on the lid so as not to leave air in the bucket.

At a temperature of 20-35 degrees, fermentation takes 25-10 days. The mass must be shaken periodically to release gas. The EM extract is ready when the pH drops below 3.5. After filtering, store the extract in plastic bottles. It is advisable to use within a month.

Application of EM extract

EM extract is used for watering plants at a dilution of 1:1000 – 1:500. The combination of EM extract and EM-5 for regular pollination of plants is more effective.

The EM extract can be successfully used instead of EM-1 to control weeds. After watering the soil with a 1:100 solution, treat it with a flat cutter. The main thing is to trim the roots of the weeds. This operation is effective in autumn and spring. Trimmed roots quickly undergo EM fermentation.

Urgasa from food waste

Urgasa from food waste is the most valuable fertilizer in EM technology. Any food waste that does not contain a lot of water is suitable for its preparation. These are potato peelings, leftover bread, watermelon rinds, eggshells, fish bones, etc. The value of Urgasa lies precisely in the diversity of its components.

First you need to prepare a dry starter. To do this, make minced meat, pass 1 kg of food waste through a meat grinder, squeeze out excess liquid from the minced meat, dry it slightly, spreading it on paper. Spray 50 ml of EM-1 over the minced meat, mix, place the minced meat in a plastic bag. Squeeze out the air, tie the bag and place it under the weight. In dense minced meat without air access, an anaerobic process will occur. After a week, dry the minced meat, grind it and store it in a dark place.

Subsequently, the food waste is fermented using a dry starter culture.

Cooking urgasa

Place a grate on the bottom of a plastic bucket, place a bag for humus, make 5-6 holes at the bottom of the bag so that excess liquid can drain through them. Waste must be laid out in a layer of 2-3 cm, sprinkling 2 tbsp on each layer. spoons of dry sourdough. Each time you should squeeze the air out of the bag and place a weight on top. When properly fermented, the smell should be that of a marinade. White mold on the surface of the waste is acceptable. The liquid that accumulates at the bottom of the bucket is drained every three days and can be used in a dilution of 1:2000 for watering indoor plants. Undiluted EM liquid is used to treat toilets, cat litter, sinks, to remove clogs, unpleasant odor from a sewer pipe. To do this, pour 1-2 glasses of solution into the pipe at a concentration of 1:100 overnight. Heavily soiled clothes can be soaked in the same solution for a day to facilitate subsequent washing. EM liquid cannot be stored.

The food waste accumulated in the bucket is fermented for another 1 week and taken out in storage bags in a cold place. In winter you can go to the balcony. In the spring, urgas is added to the beds in the same way as silage EM compost. During the winter, gardeners can fully provide themselves with the required amount of urgasy.

Urgasa, which has a pleasant marinade-sour smell, can be successfully used as a dietary supplement for livestock and poultry. By normalizing the intestinal microflora, Urgasa increases the digestibility and absorption of feed. The usual rate of urgas in the diet of livestock is 5% of the total feed. For the same purpose, it is good to add Baikal to drinking water at a dilution of 1:1000, and at a dilution of 1:100 to spray a room for animals and birds in order to improve the environment.

As you can see, EM technology is very diverse, effective, economical, and most importantly, environmentally friendly.

Recipe for making EM kvass! Very simple and effective!!!

The article describes the features of using the biofertilizer Baikal EM 1. You will get acquainted with the instructions for using the drug “Baikal EM-1”. Find out why it is necessary to dilute and add EM 1 to the soil. What are the storage conditions for the EM preparation and Baikal EM concentrate 1. Learn to check whether the preparation has spoiled or not, how to prepare EM compost... etc.

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