Mass Effect. Video walkthrough of the game. Mass Effect Walkthrough

Let's see how to get a ton of money in Mass Effect 1.

In general, there are three ways to make money (in decreasing order of honesty):

  • Completing missions and mineral exploration
  • (Re-)selling goods to Dr. Michelle
  • Editing a save

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

1) Completing missions and mineral exploration

The most honest method provided by the developer. Everything would be fine, but funds accumulate very slowly. There is a risk of accumulating a million only by last mission, but each of us understands why this million is needed if there is nowhere to spend it!? As one of my best friends says, “I don’t like money, I like what it can buy.” It's hard to disagree with him.

So, if you choose this method, good luck and I can offer some tips:

  • Do not buy items from merchants; a lot of items can be obtained by honest looting.
  • One of the team members must be proficient in Decoding and Electronics (not necessarily the main character).
  • After each completed mission, return to the Citadel
  • Sell ​​all unused items you find

But during the first playthrough, my entire team wore Scorpios and we were sure that this was the ultimate dream!

2) Reselling goods to Dr. Michelle

The method can be classified as semi-legal. On the one hand, it is clear that there is some kind of fraud, on the other hand, we are not deceiving the developers - they themselves left us such a loophole.

It turns out that after completing the quest “Citadel: Doctor Michel” and saving Chloe Michel, you can get any amount of money just by selling various items to the doctor. Note that she offers special prices for salvation in her shop, that is, she will buy anything much more expensive than any merchants. From this follows the conclusion: if you sell something, then it’s to Dr. Michelle. This means that, having collected a limit of 150 items during missions, we urgently fly to the Citadel and sell everything in the hospital. And you can go even further: after all, items do not have to be found, they can be bought from merchants. Yes, it’s expensive, but we’ll sell them even more expensive, because the doctor keeps special prices! Yes, mere speculation.

3) Editing a save

Of the three considered, this method is the most cheating... requires the most creative approach and technical skills.

The technique for editing saves has already been discussed in detail. All steps remain exactly the same: expand the save into 3 files using WinRAR, open player.sav in the HxD editor, collapse the save into one file using Total Commander (ZIP format). The only difference is that you will need to look in the player.sav file for the number of available cash at the time of saving. To store information about the player's current score, three bytes are allocated in the save. Let's assume we have accumulated 6,719 credits, so we are looking for 0x001A3F in hexadecimal. You will need to look for exactly this number: 00 1A 3F.

An amazing feature of the game: the maximum amount of funds is 9,999,999 credits. This number cannot be exceeded. And this despite the fact that three bytes could fit as much as 0xFFFFFF, that is, 16,777,215 credits. Apparently, the game has some kind of internal hard limitation.

In order to become the owner of 9,999,999 credits, you must write down the number 0x98967F.

Perhaps the reader does not feel confident in determining the low and high byte of three, then I can advise you to write the symmetric number 0x7FFF7F. There will definitely be no mistakes, and 8 million is almost 9 million. It will still be problematic to spend it in full.

I wish everyone prosperity in the real and virtual worlds! Good luck!

For dessert - a gallery of screenshots, from which you can see how party members flaunt in expensive suits. It’s immediately clear that nine million can be spent on clothes.

Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen. I am glad to welcome you to the ranks of the Alliance. I had a chance to play English version, so the translation of some names may not match the localization.


You start out aboard the Normandy, an Alliance ship. Your first conversation will take place with the pilots of this ship. In this dialogue, you will easily become familiar with the conversation system in the game, and if you have played the game before, then the system will be completely familiar to you. Building a dialogue will affect not only your interlocutors and their actions, but also your reputation, so watch your language and don’t blurt out too much. Talk to the pilot and his assistant, and then begin to move along the ship towards the stern. Along the way, you can talk to Navigator Presley, Doctor Chekwas and Corporal Jenkins to get some information and gain a little experience. After this, you can go to the menu and distribute your first skill points. Having reached the end, talk to Captain Andersen and his friend, after which your introduction will end and you will find yourself on the planet.

Eden Prime

Your first partners will be Jenkins and Kayden Alenko. Jenkins is an excellent soldier, but Alenko can use biotic attacks. Unfortunately, he has no combat skills, so you will have to take on this difficult task. Give him experience points in first aid and barrier skills. He will be able to activate the barrier automatically as soon as he comes under enemy fire. Well, now we will have an excellent opportunity to practice combat. Go forward and you will come across flying androids, these are weak enemies and dealing with them will not be difficult. Their main task is to let you practice and become familiar with the combat system.

Move through the first location, destroying enemies. A little ahead, in the water, you will find the first chest with goods. He will be right in front of you, so you won't miss. Before going further, turn right into a small dead end. There you will find the first upgrades. Now you can move on. Advance until Jenkins catches an enemy blow. Now you have to be especially careful. These enemies special weapon, to whom your shields are not a hindrance. If you're not careful, they can defeat you.

Don't get close to them and shoot until they are destroyed. Now go over and check Jenkins' body before moving on. Move forward, killing all the enemies you meet along the way, not forgetting to check all the chests and containers you encounter for useful things. If you're lucky, you'll soon get new level, so don't forget to check your menu. As soon as you get a level, distribute the points. Having walked forward, you will come across Ashley. There will be enemies again, they need to be destroyed, with Ashley’s support, this will not be very difficult. Williams fleeing from enemies. Rescue her and she will join you. By the way, she will make an excellent replacement for Jenkins as a soldier. Increase her skill with an assault rifle, and also upgrade her soldier skills so that she can regenerate health.

Not far from Jenkins you will find chests with equipment. Search them and take away what you need. By this time you most likely already have light armor. If you have the skill of wearing armor and don't wear anything yet, put on armor, it will be a great help in the first stages.

Go forward, you will come to a quarry. There will be enemies here again, they need to be destroyed, with the support of Ashley, this will not be very difficult. By the way, in this location you can get acquainted with the shelters. The mechanics are somewhat reminiscent. My advice for the future is to try to use cover whenever possible. Shelters will provide a bonus to defense.

Once you reach the research village, you will find several resurrected enemies. They will naturally be interested in you. Their most annoying trait is their ability to overload your shields with electrical shocks. Run as far as you can, and then periodically use Cadon's throw to knock someone to the ground, while still shooting at others.

After getting rid of the enemies, go deeper into the camp to open the door with combination lock. Save your game before attempting to open it. The hacking process comes down to pressing the required buttons. The main thing is to press the buttons displayed on the screen in time. If, for some reason, you don't do it the first time, you'll lose 25 Omni-Gels, so it's best to load from a save and try again.

Once you get inside, you will meet Dr. Warren and her crazy assistant. If you can successfully get her to talk, she will tell you the details of the attack and explain what is happening. After talking with her, we go to the spaceport.

Make your way to the spaceport through the hill. Destroy enemies along the way. Note that they are standing next to exploding containers. Agree, it’s much easier to kill them this way, but you’ll still get honey mushrooms. There will be a door a little ahead, pick the lock and you can talk to the farmers. A little further you can get an excellent pistol, and don’t forget to search the house, there’s also a combination lock there. Travel to the spaceport to find Nihlu's corpse. Before you search it, look at what’s inside the nearby first aid kit, and also pick up upgrades behind the burning fire. When you examine the corpse, the person standing next to you will tell you what he saw. If you can, try to push him and you can get some grenades.

Start making your way to the train station. Please note that there will be many enemies here, but take a closer look. You see containers with plasma, shoot at them, and they will explode, taking to the next world the enemies who happen to be nearby. The biggest trouble can be caused by the heavy destroyer; it moves towards the middle of the train. You should kill him as quickly as possible, keep in mind that if he gets close to you, you will have big problems. In this case, use the throw ability to knock him down and run to the train, where there may still be undead enemies. The battle can be somewhat problematic, so save before it and if something happens, you can replay it.

When you get to the next platform of the star dock, you will find that the enemies have decided to blow up the entire place. And again, the bad thing here is that they are not at all interested in self-preservation, the main thing for them is to protect the charges from you. The battle with them will be much more difficult than all previous ones, because... this time they are well organized, they have shock weapons and even a couple of snipers. You won't be able to break forward. Hide in cover, shoot, and move on. The main thing is not to rush and then you will easily defeat them.

Having dealt with the enemies, go to the other end of the spaceport and kill the remaining enemies there. Now you can search around the surrounding area. Check all chests and containers. After searching everything thoroughly, you can go to the lighthouse, after which the mission will end.

Return to Normandy

After talking with Andersen, go out to the main hall and talk to Ashley and Kayden. It is not necessary to talk to them, but it is better to do it anyway, then you can receive their gratitude. You can then check the communications and navigation rooms for additional information. When you're ready to continue, go to the Joker, after which you can head to the Citadel.


You will land at the station and immediately meet with the human ambassador, Udin. He is not a very pleasant person, but what can you do? When he meets you, he will tell you that he will be waiting for you in the council tower. You need to head towards the tower, but once you have freedom of movement, you can explore the area. Below are the main tasks that are critical for completion.

Objective 1: Expose Saren

This is essentially the main quest that you must complete while in the Citadel. So, after talking with Ambassador Udin, go to the council tower. To get there faster, use a special transport system. Once you get there, talk to Garus, then go up the stairs to find Andersen.

It's a pity, but the council will consider Saren not guilty, so the search for evidence of his guilt will fall on you. Searching for clues will lead you to the need to complete quests and... So, first, let's deal with the first quest.

Task 2: Garus

Garus is an investigator whose task was to understand Saren's affairs. However, Saren very successfully built a web of lies and confused everything so much that Garus was never able to convict him of anything. You can discuss your notes with him and compare who has what. Now head to Chora's lair. There will be killers waiting for you on the street, whose task is to stop you at any cost. You'll have to kill them if you want to get there. Having dealt with the enemies, go into the bar, Harkin will be sitting at a table there. He's not much of a helper, but he knows where to find Garus. It turns out that Garus can be found at Dr. Michelle.

Go to the clinic and clear it. There will be four enemies inside, demanding your attention. But now you can talk to Garus. Garus will join your squad and the mission will be completed. Oh, by the way, Dr. Michelle sells armor upgrades, so if you don’t have regeneration, you can buy them from her.

Task 3: Shadow Broker

A shadow broker is engaged in trading information. And here, in the citadel, he has an employee - Barl Vaughn, who works at a bank in the financial zone. Perhaps he knows something about Saren, so let's talk to him. Head to the bank and talk to him. The result will be that he will give you the next quest in the chain. You need to find Vrex, a krogan assassin who was supposed to find Saren on the instructions of the Shadow Broker. Now he is at the academy. Head there and find him. After talking with you, he will decide to join your team.

Task 1 - continuation

Now that we have both Garus and Wrex on our team, it’s time to take a walk to Chora’s lair.

The question immediately arises: is this a big failure or a masterpiece with a Game of the Year nomination? My thoughts on this a little later, but now let’s remember how it all began.

What happened before this time? How did the series begin its journey and who is this Shepard of yours? In this article and video you will hear all the answers and decide for yourself which part is the best. Beware of spoilers! However, I don’t plan to go through the plot thoroughly.

Mass Effect 1

Back in 2007, the first part of the trilogy was released on Xbox 360, in exclusive form for a year. Then Microsoft needed good games for sales of the new console. That's why they turned their attention to the studio BioWare after successful Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

The task was to come up with some kind of alternative. For about six months the team worked only on the story and concepts appearance. The script was led by Drew Karpyshyn and Casey Hudson.

The action takes place in the 22nd century, where, with the help of technology, repeaters were created and travel across the universe became possible. People discovered new opportunities and races and joined the interplanetary party.

The game's story begins with a simple mission to transport an artifact. ancient civilization (Prothean) from Mars. The task was given to the main character and part-time commander spaceship Normandy. Only according to the law of the genre, everything went wrong. The Geth get involved in the fight for the artifact. (a race created by the Quarians with AI, as a workforce).

Shepard would not have been Shepard if he had not won and taken the artifact, which told him a lot of Prothean knowledge and terrible secret- the apocalypse is approaching, reapers near (another ancient race that restores order to the universe by destroying everything). During the mission, it becomes clear who was involved in this aggressive behavior, and his name is Saren. However, that's all. Then my team and I start chasing the traitor throughout the universe.

But this did not make the plot dull and predictable. At that time, Sci-Fi projects were rarely released, and for fans of the genre this game was like a drink fresh air. Everyone still admires the local atmosphere, and the notes found in the vast locations forced one to read oneself in full, helping one to comprehend all the secrets of the lore.

By the way, the well-known dialogue selection wheel first appeared in. Here, your relationships with the outside world depended on your answers; they could influence the ending or force your partner to undress and please you. Or rather, not forced, but by mutual consent, and the partners were 18 years old (both male and female).

The leveling in the first part is one of the best, or to be more accurate, it is extensive. By correctly placing stat points, you could unlock a new ability, the ability to say something extra in dialogue, or learn to put on different armor. And customization, due to different stores, was not mediocre. Shepard often purchased not only new weapons, but also clothing.

The combat system was not the most outstanding aspect of the game. Even now, true fans are indignant that with each part there is more and more action. They are used to talking with virtual partners, traveling around the galaxy and riding the Mako. True, the last statement is controversial. The physics of the machine were poor, to put it mildly, and after the 10th planet, exploration became dull due to the lack of variety.

The battle itself partially takes place in a stopped mode, where time freezes, and the player is able to give orders to two partners - where to shoot and what skills to use. In part, this is all reminiscent of, and also, because then it came out quite recently, and the cover system migrated to Mass Effect. Moreover, this was implemented better in the Girzas.

Mass Effect 2

Two years later, in 2010, on store shelves (and now on PC immediately) the second part has appeared. At the same time, the replayability of the first part has increased, because everything decisions made could be transferred to New Product companies. And these changes cannot be called cosmetic - the actions of the player depended on which characters would be in the game and, if they did not die by your will in the first part, what their reaction would be when they met and in the future. Interaction with the heroes from your squad has increased significantly. This is what the main plot will be based on.

But the plot is completely different. While patrolling the outskirts of space in search of remaining Geth, Shepherd's team is attacked. Many die, the ship is destroyed, and the main character dies. The end... It could have been, but the racist organization of people Cerberus found him and miraculously resurrected him, placing new goal in front of the captain - find out who they are Collectors and destroy them, because before the Reapers this threat is a priority.

The search for Collectors took a back seat for all players - the main mission was to find partners. And in order for them to join the detachment, they had to carry out their instructions. It sounds banal, but by doing so we learned more about these people (or other creatures), and it was very entertaining. Plus the ability to change everything to suit yourself using the dialogue wheel. The new system of saving someone, being rude or killing them at the decisive moment has tickled many nerves.

In the second part, the developers made a big emphasis on action: the battles became more dynamic, there is no need to be distracted by customization (it was almost completely demolished, but could have been improved better), pumping has fallen under the “katana”, now there are much fewer characteristics, and this is upsetting, because we didn’t fall in love with the series because of the battles.

Contrary to this combat system I upped my level and many people liked it. The AI ​​of teammates has increased, commands have become easier to give, and weapons have been replenished with new types - both various healthy guns, like rocket launchers, and other cartridges, for example, incendiary ones. But BioWare didn't do everything right, new system scanning the planets was even more dull than riding the Mako. More time was wasted, but there was no pleasure from the gameplay.

Mass Effect 3

In the year when the end of the world was supposed to happen, it happened in . Shepard worked on the ground as a staff officer, he was transferred here because of the help of Cerberus, or he could have been imprisoned altogether. The commander's attempts to prove that the Reapers are nearby have finally borne fruit. The council decided to listen to him, but it was too late. Throughout the galaxy where life was observed, skirmishes with the ancient race began. Shepard again had to take command of the frigate Normandy SR-2 and assemble an army that would confront the main enemy.

The third part used storytelling mechanics with last game, where we needed to assemble a team, only now the scale has grown. It is necessary to join entire nations, resolving their internal conflicts and helping them escape from the Reapers for the final battle.

And there is only room left for important decisions, there are no neutral answers at all. It is necessary to help one race or another, but helping both creates big conflicts. For example, the three hundred year war between the Quarians and the Geats. The choice is not easy, if you rely on the previous parts. And for those who missed Mass Effect 1-2, released a playable comic where you could choose everything important events and transfer the save to the last part of the trilogy.

The combat system hasn't changed much, but Shepard has gained more mobility. Now the developers have found that balance for an interesting battle with the enemy. You move faster over cover, and when it slams while standing, rolls have been added. During story missions, although not often, stationary weapons came across the level, helping to diversify the game process.

There are still 6 classes left in Mass Effect, each with their own specific skills and characteristics. But if previously everyone used their own weapon, now the restrictions have been removed. And at the request of fans, customization was added to the game - now you can once again modify your power armor and weapons, which have expanded their list significantly. Using the same principle (pleading and requesting), the planet scanning system accelerated its gameplay. This is still not the most fun part of the game, but you don't need to waste a lot of time now.

Another one, controversial point causes group game. Having put together a team of friends from real world, you could enter co-op mode, where it was necessary to fight off waves of opponents, periodically performing Additional tasks. But they were needed only for the sake of raising the detachment from one point to another part of the map. The battle area changes as weather conditions and size, and against different opponents. Each troop type, as in the single, is weak to a specific weapon. It can be opened over time by leveling up your multiplayer character.

This mode was in no way connected with the main plot; players acted as a squad special purpose and did all sorts of small (and, in my opinion, rather boring) work while Shepard saved the galaxy.

Mass Effect: Andromeda

And now, finally, on virtual shelves (21st century in the yard) appeared. If we were waiting for the previous parts and predicted in advance that the game might not turn out to be a masterpiece, but it would turn out more worthy than its predecessor, now such guesses are questionable. Everyone has already accepted the fact that Shepard will not be there, and the plot is developing in another galaxy, where colonists were sent to conquer uncharted parts of space. There is no longer any need to save the universe, all you need to do is find new house and lay the foundation for the next trilogy.

The updated team has introduced many innovations to the series, these include realistic graphics with day and night cycles, and thanks to the new engine, destructibility. We added an improved dialogue wheel and a greater focus on characters in the story. There is also a jetpack for better movement, Mako has been returned. Physics was also brought in, which gives a pleasant feeling from exploring on a 6-wheeled companion. It's a pity they removed the weapons.

It should be noted that the battle system has been redesigned. The tactical mode also remained, but the speed increased. It would seem that in the third part everything was almost perfect (specifically for), but now the formula has been improved and that necessary pinch of dynamics has been added.

But what became 100% obvious and immediately was the eccentricity of the animation - both movement and facial expressions. Mainly facial. Emptiness in the eyes, random emotions and lips like a bow - how could you make a mistake with such an important aspect of the game, in which dialogues take up an impressive amount of gameplay time? Fortunately, these disadvantages may not be noticed, because we need to read the subtitles, the main thing is not to raise our heads...

This is where my story comes to its logical conclusion, and you write in the comments which part stole your heart, and in the meantime I’ll prepare something new.

Mass Effect is an action/RPG game, and therefore is more time consuming than any action game due to its emphasis on story. The achievements aren't particularly difficult if you play smart, but the game will still require a lot of your time. If you pay attention only to the story during your first playthrough, you can complete it in 17 hours. The remaining two playthroughs should take less time if you skip dialogues with the X button. Just be careful not to overdo it with the speed of pressing, otherwise you will accidentally select an answer before you can read.


I have received some feedback regarding the estimated running time. It took me 32 hours to get 1050 points in this game, so I thought it was ok. Apparently not. As I said, I completed the game for the first time in just 17 hours, but this is taking into account the fact that I just wanted to finish it as soon as possible, and therefore did not explore different planets or complete missions to collect minerals. If you do any of this, you can safely at least double the completion time. If you just run through the game like I did, it should be over quickly.

Step 1: Character Creation

Step 2: Normal Difficulty

First of all, you need to get the Apprentice achievement at the Citadel. There is only one entry you can miss - about the Protheans. You can learn about them from Captain Anderson, who is standing near your ship. Talk to him about everything until you get the recording. During your first playthrough, I would recommend getting the “Asari Ally” achievement (Liara), and also taking a Soldier (Ashley) into your team to balance out the squad, since Liara is a pure biotic. See the guide to find out how you can get Liara into your team as quickly as possible. Try not to complete any tasks until you find her, then follow the further instructions to obtain the achievement. If you do everything correctly, you will receive the achievement for Ashley at about the same time as the "Passer", and the achievement for Liara - after completing Feros and Noveria, but before Virmire. During this playthrough, save up Paragon Points. When you finish the game on normal difficulty, Hardcore will open.

Step 3: Hardcore Difficulty

You can start new game and use the transfer of the character from the first playthrough to this one. Enemies will be balanced to your level, which will make the game a little more difficult. Levels 51-60 will also become available, so you can continue to grow. This time I took Kaidan and Garrus on the team. Follow the Ally achievements guide, although things will be easier this time. During this playthrough, accumulate Renegade points. When you complete this playthrough, Insane Difficulty will unlock.

Step 4: Insane Difficulty

Continue playing with the same character and choose your last two allies (if you followed the guide, they are now Tali and Rex). The bosses are much harder this time, so be careful.

Step 5: Finishing Touches

You, as a soldier, will not have any special abilities, so you will have to create new characters, Adept and Engineer. Play until you have unlocked all of their abilities, then use each one 75 times on the Citadel Express. Hacking the AI ​​is the only achievement that will have to be knocked out of real enemies, but this can be done almost at the very beginning, on the turrets, when you meet Fist. Save before this point, then load the save once you've cracked both of them. If you still haven't received one or more achievements for weapons, start a new game on lower than normal difficulty with your "big" character (from steps 2-5) and finish them to the end.

Medal of Honor / Medal of Honor - 100

Complete Mass Effect once on any difficulty.

Complete the main story. I would recommend starting with easy difficulty. No, normal is not hardcore, and veteran is not crazy. Just play for fun, figure out what's what. Save up money for your next playthrough. Be sure to always take the same allies with you. Do everything with them side quests. Don't worry, they will open later in the game, sometimes at different stages.

Medal of Heroism / Medal for heroism - 25

Complete Feros.

Feros is a planet with colonists, and there is no snow there. You need to talk to the leader, kill the geth, and then - this is important - talk to him again and contact the people in charge of food, water and electricity. You need to complete their side quests! After this, move further along the air highway, visit the Exo-Geni scientists, find Elizabeth, return to the colony. Now either charge the grenades with Anti-Thorian Gas or kill them all. Please note that if you kill them and have not completed their quests before, you will NEVER be able to do them.

Distinguished Service Medal - 25

Complete Eden Prime.

This is the very first mission. Important: If you want to get achievements for Insane or Hardcore difficulty, then set the appropriate difficulty in the pause menu, but BEFORE you land on Eden Prime! This was confirmed on the Bioware forums. Just kill all the Geth, then deactivate the bombs by walking up to them and holding A. After that, walk up to the lighthouse and the mission will end.

Council Legion of Merit / Consul of the Legion of Glory - 25

Complete Virmire.

Virmire is the planet whose coordinates you will receive from the Council. First, when you land, you will need to destroy enemy air defenses, and then go to the salarian base. You can reconcile with Rex, who will want to save the cure from the “genophage”. Don't worry if you don't have enough Paragon or Renegade points, you will have the opportunity to do so later in the game. Now choose who will go with the salarians, Kayden or Ashley. Then during the battle, you will have to choose who to save. If a character with whom you are building a romantic relationship dies, then it will end there.

Honorarium of Corporate Service / Fee for corporate service - 25

Complete Noveria.

Noveria is a planet covered in snow. And there you will meet Lady Benezia. To get into the garage, you need to help Lorik. Go to the garage, kill the geth and go. In the complex itself, you will need to activate the VI core. Either complete the Tower of Hanoi style puzzle or spend 100 Omni-Gel to do so. Then you need to activate the reactor and ground communication lines. On the tram, kill the rachni, but first take the elevator down to the survivors and get a pass to the hot laboratories. Activate the cleaning system and run from there. Return to the survivors, ( spoiler) kill them. Go to the end and into the tunnels. Find Benezia. To kill her, you MUST kill the Geth and Asari Special Forces first. DO NOT FIGHT HER. After the battle begins, kill the Azari special forces attacking you, then run to the right and kill the geth and special forces. After talking with Benezia, she will attack you again. Kill ALL enemies, then kill her.

Long Service Medal / Medal for Long Service - 25

Complete Mass Effect two times on any difficulty.

After beating the game on Easy difficulty, or any other difficulty, start a new game and transfer your existing character. Make sure you change the difficulty settings in the main menu to Hardcore.

ATTENTION: When you start the game, make sure once again that you are on Hardcore difficulty on the Normandy to kill two birds with one stone! If you land on Eden Prime and the difficulty is not Hardcore, you will not receive the corresponding achievement.

Distinguished Combat Medal - 25

Complete Mass Effect once on Hardcore difficulty without changing the difficulty level.

ALL organic enemies will have resistances. They will shoot very accurately and tear you to pieces. Use cover often, but watch out for missiles. Use Specter Master gear and lots of biotic abilities. All enemies have the same level as you.

Medal of Valor / Medal for Valor - 50

Complete Mass Effect once on Insane difficulty without changing the difficulty level.

Cm. " Long Service Medal" And " Outstanding Battle Medal».

Note: ALL organic enemies will have resistances. They will shoot very accurately and tear you to pieces. Use cover often, but watch out for missiles. Use Specter Master gear and lots of biotic abilities. Well, so that life doesn’t seem like raspberries, all enemies will have a level higher than yours.

Pistol Expert / Pistol Expert - 10

Get 150 kills with the Pistol.

The pistol is available to all classes, and this achievement is easiest to obtain if you immediately start using the pistol. Regardless of the class, upgrade your Pistol so that the Marksman skill unlocks - it will greatly help you in obtaining the achievement. When you get the skill, use it as often as possible, this will make the gun much more effective. Even if you are not playing as a soldier or a class with specialized weapon training, this achievement can still be obtained. The main thing is to attach as many accuracy improvements as possible to weapons that you do not know how to use, and all stabilizers to the sniper rifle. This, of course, is not as comfortable as playing a specialized class, but it’s better than nothing at all. Also, kills of partners do not count.

Note: Sentinels are not trained to use pistols, but they do receive pistol bonuses from their class skills.

Statistics for each weapon carry over between playthroughs and careers. Even if you don't manage to get 150 kills in one playthrough, what you've already achieved will carry over to another playthrough.

Shotgun Expert / Shotgun Expert - 15

Get 150 kills with the Shotgun.

Cm. " Pistol Expert» for details.

Shotgun training is only available to Soldiers and Guardians, but the achievement can be done by anyone. Try to get as close to your enemies as possible. It is most convenient to fight with Husks and Torian Crawlers, since they themselves run up close.

Assault Rifle Expert / Automatic Weapons Expert - 15

Get 150 kills with the Assault Rifle.

Cm. " Pistol Expert» for details.

Only Soldiers can learn to use Assault Rifles, but the best ones can basically be used by any class. But any other class will have to concentrate on improving accuracy and also be mindful of overheating. Assault rifles overheat very quickly if you don't watch it.

Sniper Expert / Expert in sniper rifles - 15

Get 150 kills with the Sniper Rifle.

Cm. " Pistol Expert» for details.

Soldiers and Infiltrators are the only classes that can learn to use sniper rifles, but with enough improvements other classes can use them in one way or another. Regardless of the grade, focus on improving stability so the scope doesn't wobble too much. There's a chance that even with the upgrades he'll still be wobbly, so he might have to learn to aim like that. It's difficult, but doable.

Lift Mastery / Lifting Mastery - 15

Use the biotic's Raise ability 75 times.

Create an Adept character as they can use all biotic abilities. Travel to the Citadel and target the Citadel Express. Use Lift, Throw, Warp, Singularity, Stasis and Barrier (although you can just turn it on while running). Then wait until the abilities are restored and repeat the procedure until you receive the achievements. An adrenaline rush will make the situation easier, as it immediately restores all abilities.

Note: Ally abilities do not count towards this achievement.

Throw Mastery / Throw Mastery - 15

Use the biotic's Throw ability 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting Mastery» for details.

Warp Mastery - 15

Use the biotic's Warp ability 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting Mastery» for details.

Singularity Mastery / Singularity Mastery - 15

Use the biotic's Singularity ability 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting Mastery» for details.

Barrier Mastery / Barrier Mastery - 15

Use the biotic's ability "Barrier" 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting Mastery» for details.

Stasis Mastery / Stasis Mastery - 15

Use the biotic's Stasis ability 75 times.

Cm. " Lifting Mastery» for details.

Damping Specialist - 15

Use suppression field 75 times.

In order to get this achievement, you need to play as an Engineer. To use, tap and select the desired ability, tap . You can assign a button to an ability by pressing , then to activate the ability you just need to press . But this is only if you are in this moment work with this ability.

Use the adrenaline rush to recover your abilities faster.

Allies' abilities do not count.

AI Hacking Specialist / AI Hacking Specialist - 15

Use AI hack 75 times.

You must play as an engineer.

The only achievement in the game that you MUST do on enemies. First, get to level 10 and spend all your points on the AI ​​Hacking ability. Then you will be able to hack any enemies you encounter. You will understand that the hack was successful when the enemy starts attacking his own people, and the energy bar will indicate that he has been hacked.

Just find yourself a turret. Cast the ability, hide, wait for cooldown, and repeat. People recommend the encounter with Fist as a very convenient moment, since he has two turrets in his office. Save before this battle, hack both turrets and load the save. Hacks will be counted even if you do not save after each operation performed.

Overload Specialist / Overload Specialist - 15

Use shield overload 75 times.

Cm. " Suppression Specialist».

Sabotage Specialist / Sabotage Specialist - 15

Use sabotage 75 times.

Cm. " Suppression Specialist».

First Aid Specialist - 15

Use copper gel 150 times.

For this achievement you just need to press the button. Make sure you have damage, otherwise the game will not let you use the medi-gel. What you achieve is carried over to other passages. Most likely, you will receive the achievement after completing it on Hardcore.

Neural Shock Specialist - 15

Use neural shock 75 times.

Cm. " Suppression Specialist»

(Does not work on the Citadel Express. Land on any planet and use the ability on Mako).

Scholar / Student - 25

Find all the important alien races: Consular Races, Extinct Races, Non-Consular Races in the Codex description.

This achievement is missable, but can be done early in the game so you can always return to it. To obtain this achievement, you must find Codex entries for each race in the game. To find all the entries, you will also need to select “Find Out” during a conversation with the characters; this dialogue option is always on the left. Some records can be obtained in several ways, some in only one way, which is why this achievement can be missed. To retrieve each entry, follow the instructions below:

Aliens: Council Races

Azari: Automatically unlocked after the first meeting with the Citadel Council regarding Saren; Talk to Safiria. It can be found at the embassies at the reception.

Salarians: Automatically unlocked after the first meeting with the Citadel Council regarding Saren.
Turians: Automatically unlocked after the first conversation with Captain Andersen and Nihlus.

Aliens: Extinct Races

Protheans (Recording may be missed): During the first conversation with Captain Andersen and Nihlus, "find out" when given the opportunity, Protheans should be one of the question options; After becoming a Specter, you will be forced to talk with Ambassador Udina and Captain Andersen. After Udina leaves, ask Anderson more about Noveria.

Rachni: In the Citadel Presidium, go to the Avina terminal next to the huge Krogan statue. Talk to her, “investigate” and ask about Rachni; On Noveria, this entry can be obtained from two characters: Khan Olar, the volus scientist, and Yaroslav Tartakovsky - the last person you will need to talk to on Noveria.

Aliens: Non-Council Races

Batarians: After you officially become a Specter, ask Captain Andersen of the Normandy about his past mission. You can ask him about this at any other time when you return to the Citadel. He will be in Udina's office at the embassies in the Presidium; If, when creating a character, you choose an Astronaut or a Colonist, you will receive the corresponding personal quests. For any of these quests you will also receive a recording.

Elkors: At the embassies in the Citadel Presidium, talk to Kalin and ask him about the Elkors; On Noveria, talk to Petosi. He is one of the few Elcors on Noveria, so he is not difficult to find.

Geth: “Find out” from Ashley Williams when you meet her for the first time on Eden Prime; After completing the mission on Eden Prime, upon returning to Normandy, ask Captain Anderson about it.

Hanars: B mall Citadels in the Presidium, talk to the Hanar merchant named Delan. Ask him about his manner of speaking. On the other side of the Presidium, talk to Hanar, who is preaching about the Firemongers.

Guardians: The elevator in the Presidium that leads to the Council has an Avina terminal and a Guardian nearby. Ask Avina about the Guardians; Talk to the Salarian named Shorban and accept his quest. He scans the Guardian, right on your way to the Council, he is very difficult not to notice.

Krogan: Follow the story. Registration will open when you get Rex on the team.

Quarians: Follow the story. Registration will open when you get Tali on the team.

Volus: In the Embassies in the Presidium of the Citadel, in the same place as the Elcor Ambassador. Talk to the Volus named Din Korlak and ask about his race; Talk to the Avina terminal at the exit from the Embassies, ask her about the Volus.

Completionist / Passer - 25

Pass most games.

The majority of the game refers to some indefinite amount of completed and achieved in the game. I recommend taking two allies and going with them until the very end. Try not to start a quest without the characters you need. There are approximately 70 side quests in the game, including the main ones. So be sure to do about 60 before Ila. If you haven't received the achievement even then, then you need to explore the galaxy and complete more quests. Don't forget to talk to your allies to receive quests from them too.

Note! If you complete the expansions, you will significantly improve your chances of getting this achievement. And you will most likely get all the achievements related to allies before you go to Il if you complete the expansions.

Below is a list of missions in the game:


  • Prologue: Find the Lighthouse
  • Citadel: Saren Unveiled
  • Citadel: Garrus
  • Citadel: Rex
  • Feros: Save the Colony
  • Noveria: Matriarch Benezia
  • Noveria: Lorik Kinne
  • Noveria: Summit 15
  • Noveria: Reactor Repair
  • Noveria: Repairing communication lines
  • Noveria: Infestation
  • Noveria: Hot Labs
  • Noveria: Cleft Station
  • Find Liara T'Soni
  • IL: Find Channel
  • Race against time


  • Citadel: Scan the Guardians
  • Citadel: Prophet of the Presidium
  • Citadel: Reporter's request
  • Citadel: Fan
  • Citadel: Sister Rita
  • Citadel: Strange Signal
  • Citadel: Jalid and Shorban
  • Citadel: The Way Home
  • Citadel: Community Press
  • Citadel: A Family Affair
  • Citadel: Asari Companion
  • Citadel: Old Friends
  • Citadel: Zoltan is condemned
  • Citadel: Plant a bug
  • Citadel: Shells and his information
  • Citadel: Negotiator's Request
  • Galactic Missions: Missing Personnel
  • Galactic Missions: VI Enraged
  • Galactic Missions: Hostage
  • Galactic Missions: Major Kyle
  • Galactic Missions: Distress Signal
  • Galactic Missions: Lost Marines
  • Galactic Missions: Privateers
  • Galactic Missions: Hostile Takeover
  • Galactic Missions: Records of the Matriarchs
  • Galactic Missions: Dead Scientists
  • Galactic Missions: Turian Emblems
  • Galactic Missions: Minerals [ Rare breed earth: 20, I collected 23. Gas: 6, I collected 10. Heavy metals: 20, I collected 25. Light metals: 20, I collected 22]
  • Galactic Missions: Traces of War [ID Tokens: 3, I collected 4]
  • Galactic Missions: Negotiations
  • Galactic Missions: Cerberus [NOTE: There is another side quest related to Cerberus in the Styx Theta Cluster, it does NOT appear in the log, look for the abandoned ship].
  • Galactic Missions: Prothean Discs
  • Galactic Missions: The Lost Freighter
  • Galactic Missions: Spy Probe
  • Galactic Missions: The Dogs of Hades
  • Galactic Missions: Lost Module
  • Galactic Missions: Geth Invasion
  • Galactic Missions: Exo-Geni Complex
  • Galactic Missions: Colonists
  • Galactic Missions: Abandoned Ship
  • Galactic Missions: Post Alpha
  • Galactic Missions: Post Theta
  • Galactic missions: Sigma-23
  • Virmire: Rex
  • Virmire: Team Kirahi

NOTE: Complete all missions in Feros before going to the air highway!!!

  • Feros: Extract data
  • Feros: Batteries
  • Feros: Varren Meat
  • Feros: Geth in the tunnels
  • Feros: Water supply
  • Noveria: Espionage
  • Azari diplomacy


  • Garrus: Doctor Saleon
  • Rex: Family Armor
  • Tali Pilgrimage

Tactician / Tactician - 25

Complete a Mass Effect playthrough with more shield damage than your health.

Just beat the game and get more damage to your shields than to your health. Use cover often. This is easiest to do as a soldier, as he can wear heavy armor. Find it as soon as possible good armor with 4 stripes of shields, and you will get the achievement without any problems. It is also better to get this achievement during your first playthrough, because on “Hardcore” and “Madness” you will receive significantly more damage.

Medal of Exploration / Medal for Research - 50

Land on an unexplored planet.

A very simple achievement, especially if you are going to do any of the achievements needed to complete most of the game. Most of the side quests in the game are on unexplored planets, so you should get this achievement very quickly. As soon as you land on an unexplored planet, the achievement will unlock. You don't even have to do anything, just land in Mako.

Note: Therum, the planet where you find Liara, does not count towards this achievement. The planet you land on should be optional for the passage and has nothing to do with the plot.

Rich / Rich - 25

Accumulate over 1,000,000 Credits.

This achievement actually only sounds so difficult, and there is plenty of money in the game. Search every corner, pick up whatever you can and as much as you can, and sell everything you don't use. You also get money for completing side quests, so do as many of them as possible.

When you get this achievement, you will be given access to weapons for Specters in the C-SEC store. This best weapon in the game, so buy everything there.

Dog of War / Dog of War - 25

Get 150 kills on organic enemies.

Install the Explosive Ammo upgrade on your weapon and the weapons of your allies. Kill everything except Geth and metal enemies. Eventually you will get the achievement. Yes, what you achieve carries over to the next playthrough. Follow side quests. The Cerberus mission especially has a lot of mercenaries.

Geth Hunter / Geth Hunter - 25

Get 250 kills on synthetic enemies.

Install the Tungsten Ammo upgrade on your weapon. Synthetic enemies refer to Geth, or turrets, or any other mechanical enemies. If you haven't gotten the Virmire achievement, don't worry. There will be a lot of such enemies in the last task. Complete side quests, there will always be Geth ambushes at the lighthouses.

Soldier Ally - 20

Complete most of the game with an Alliance Soldier as your party partner.

Cm. " Prospector" to find out more. This achievement is given to Ashley.

Do a lot of side quests. Don't worry if you first get the achievement for one ally and later for another ally. You can only get two in one playthrough. These achievements can be obtained even before Il if you complete all possible side quests and main missions. The "Death from Heaven" add-on will help you get these achievements.

Preparing for Achievements:

  • Complete Eden Prime
  • Go to the Citadel, talk to the Council
  • Find Harkin (Kora's Lair), Garrus (Medic Bay) and Rex (C-Sec)
  • Deal with Fist (But don't pick up his tablet!)
  • Save Tali
  • Talk to the Council, get the title of Specter
  • Travel to Therum and rescue Liara

Now you have all your allies. From now on, pick two and use them in EVERY mission. If you don't have an ally who knows how to hack, and you need him to get a task, switch to him, get the task, and immediately switch back.

How to act with two allies:

  • Complete any mission on the Citadel
  • Complete any side quest
  • Complete the "Heaven's Bane" expansion (cost - 400MSP)
  • Complete Noveria (complete all missions before leaving)
  • Complete Feros (complete all missions before leaving)
  • Return back to the Citadel and complete any quest started on Noveria/Feros
  • Complete Virmire (Don't kill Rex!)
  • Return to the Citadel again

By this point you should already have achievements, but if not, go to Il and finish the game. A lot of people got achievements (mostly for Liara) in the most recent mission.

YOU DO NOT NEED TO DO ANY COLLECTION TASKS FOR THIS ACHIEVEMENT! – These tasks are incredibly long, and although they will also count, they are 100% not needed for these achievements, even for Liara.

Sentinel Ally / Sentinel Ally - 20

Complete most of the game with the Alliance Guardian as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is given for Kaidan.

Krogan Ally / Krogan Ally - 20

Play through most of the game with Krogan as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is given for Rex.

Turian Ally - 20

Play through most of the game with the Turian as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is given for Garrus.

Quarian Ally - 20

Play through most of the game with a Quorian as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is given for Tali.

Asari Ally - 20

Play through most of the game with Asari as your party partner.

Cm. " Soldier's Ally». This achievement is given for Liara.

Power Gamer / Strong player - 20

Reach level 50 with one character.

Complete many side quests. If you do them all, you will most likely be around level 40 by the end of your first playthrough. There is also a glitch for which you will be given 300 experience points: Find Liara while she is still imprisoned in the blue field! Kill enemies, save, load your save. Congratulations, you have received 300 experience! It is recommended to do this only at early levels. Also, when you are in combat on a Mako, it is better to get out of it and fight as usual. This gives more experience.

Extreme Power Gamer / Very strong player - 50

Reach level 60 with one character.

You must beat the game at least once to access levels 51-60. In total you will need 862,100 experience points to reach level 60. Complete all side quests and most likely by the second or third playthrough you will have gained the level and achievement. Also, when you are in combat on a Mako, it is better to get out of it and fight as usual. This gives more experience.

Renegade / Renegade - 15

Reach 75% Renegade points.

Cm. " Paragon».

Paragon / Paragon - 15

Reach 75% Paragon points.

On Noveria, agree to complete the task of Lorik Quinn, in which you will need to catch the Salarian (Anoleis, an administrator with his own personal office). He will open a closed elevator, go there and find evidence. At the exit you will be met by Gianna (the lady from the reception), talk to her and agree to meet at the bar/hotel. She will ask you to convince Lorik to hand over Anoleis, agree and go talk to Lorik. In a conversation, do the following:

Step 1:

  • Replica top right
  • Replica top left (Paragon)
  • Reply bottom left (Renegade)

Step 2:

  • Talk to him again
  • (Left) Matriarch Benezia
  • (Bottom right) Another question
  • *Repeat Step 1*

Repeat these two steps for any focus until you get the achievement, then switch to another focus. Just remember that first you need to level up the orientation that you don’t want for your hero, so that when you level up the second orientation, you’ll end up with exactly the one you want.

Note: In order for you to have Paragon or Renegade replicas available, you must have a sufficient number of Charm or Intimidate points in the corresponding skills on the character screen.

Paramour / Lover - 10

Complete any romantic line.

Throughout the game you can talk to all team members and get to know them better. With certain characters, if you talk to them often, you can start a romantic relationship. Characters you can start with love line, depend on your gender, but in general the options are:

Male Shepard: Ashley Williams, Liara T'Soni

Female Shepard: Kayden Alenko, Liara T'Soni

When you choose a character with whom you want to romance, be sure to talk to him after each task, and always choose heroic or neutral answers so as not to break the love line. But even when he shows interest, nothing happens until almost the very end of the game. When you finally go to Ailos, the chosen character will approach you, continue to maintain the romance and you will have the opportunity to invite him to spend the night. When the video ends, you will receive the achievement.

Specter Inductee - 15

Become a Specter.

This is a story achievement and cannot be missed. After Eden Prime, you will go to the Citadel, where you will have to open a case against Saren. Follow the story and eventually you will be told about a certain person who has information that exposes the traitor. Once you find the informant and meet with the Council, you will officially become a Specter and the achievement will unlock.

Charismatic / Charismatic - 10

Use Charm or Intimidation to resolve an unsolvable situation.

There are two "unsolvable" situations in the game, each of which requires very high level Charm or Intimidation. Concentrate on leveling up only one skill, there is no point in spending points on both at once. If your level is not high enough, you will not be able to resolve the situation. Both of these situations occur in the second half of the game, and the following contains spoilers for those who haven't gotten that far yet.

The first situation will happen on Virmire, this concerns Rex. When you find out that Saren is using the complex on this planet to find a cure for the genophage, and decide to destroy the laboratory, Rex will show extreme dissatisfaction with your decision. You must talk to him and try to explain why the laboratory needs to be destroyed. If you have more than 8 points in any skill, you will be able to reach him, and he will agree to fight further, and you will receive the achievement.

The second situation occurs at the end of the game, on the Citadel. When you reach the top of the tower and enter the Council Chambers, you will meet Saren. After talking with him, you must convince him that his will is under the control of the Reaper and there is only one way to solve this. You must have a very high skill level for this replica to become available. If you can convince him to commit suicide, you will receive the achievement.

Search and Rescue / Search and Rescue - 10

Find Doctor Liara T'Soni in the Artemis Tau Cluster.

One of three possible places where you can go after meeting with the Council, already as a Specter. Here you should find Liara T'Soni, one of the team members being recruited. Unlike other tasks, you are not told which planet to look for it on. We only know that it is in the Artemis Tau cluster. It is located on the planet Therum in the Knossos system. At the beginning of the mission you will be on Mako, but after several checkpoints you will go on foot, where you will meet the Geth Walking Tank. After the battle, all that remains is to free Liara and save her. To do this, you will have to fight a mini-boss - Krogan.

Supplement "Death from Heaven"

Price: 400 MSP Achievements: 1 Glasses: 50

Colonial Savior - 50

Complete the mission "Doom from Heaven".

You must have Normandy and the Galactic Map at your disposal. Travel to the Asgrad system in the Exodus Cluster and land on Asteroid X57. There are three quests that will bring you closer to receiving the achievements of the allies and the miner.

  • Death from Heaven
  • Don't die in a minefield
  • Missing engineers.

Addition “Vershina Station”

Price: 400 MSP Achievements: 3 Glasses: 150

Undisputed / Undisputed - 50

Complete Ahern's survival mission.

After you break records in 12 combat scenarios, Admiral Ahern will invite you to participate in the final scenario. Accept his offer to get started. At the very beginning, head to the center of the location and extract data from a large object. Then return to the stairs where you started and activate the turret. Now you will need to hold out for 5 minutes. Use your partners and biotic abilities - they will help you a lot. When 5 minutes have passed, you will receive the achievement.

New Sheriff in Town / New sheriff in the city - 50

Take first place in any combat scenario at Summit Station.

Cm. " The best of the best».

Best of the Best / Best of the best - 50

Take first place in twelve battle scenarios at Summit Station.

There are a total of 12 combat scenarios that you can take part in, each with different objectives. Once you take first place in the initial 8 missions, an additional 4 will open.

There are only 4 types of missions: Timed, Capture, Survival, Hunting. Each type has its own requirements for first place. The requirements for first places are:

  • For a while (Warehouse) - 01:24:67
  • For a while (In the tropics) - 01:20:94
  • For a while (Near the volcano) - 01:54:61
  • Capture (Near the volcano) - 02:00:53
  • Capture (In the tropics) - 01:58:67
  • Capture (Underground) - 01:29:47
  • Survival (Near the Volcano) - 01:31:83
  • Survival (In the tropics) - 01:46:43
  • Survival (Underground) - 02:20:57
  • Hunting (Underground) - 35
  • Hunting (Near the volcano) - 43
  • Hunting (Tropical) - 50

In Timed Mode you must kill all enemies within a certain time. Capture is similar to this mode, but instead of killing in the allotted time, you need to stand at each point and capture them within a certain time. In survival you have to hold out for a certain time, the test ends when you die. In a hunt, you must kill a certain number of enemies in a certain time.

All tasks (not individual challenges) count towards the Passer and Allies achievements.

Mass Effect– probably one of the most high-profile games of the last 5 years. She has a huge army of fans, a detailed Universe, beautiful art and interesting story. Mass Effect should have appeared on the pages of Gamevio sooner or later - because... This is truly a masterpiece that is difficult to tear yourself away from. On this page we invite you to watch a video walkthrough of the game Mass Effect 1 (the first part of the trilogy).

Full video walkthrough of the first part of the cult game Mass Effect in Russian (voice acting) with comments from the author of the walkthrough.

Is Mass Effect worth playing?

I read the book on the Mass Effect universe and was not at all impressed, but the high scores on Metacritic forced me to check out the game, and, you know, I don’t regret it at all. It turned out to be much more interesting, vibrant and impressive than the book. Really the whole world the player has to explore and this makes it similar to the game, even though the games are completely different.

Even if you're not a fan of space-themed games, Mass Effect will undoubtedly impress you too. Ancient galactic races, ancient artifacts and technologies that became the key to the development of all other races in the Universe, mechanical intelligent machines, secret organizations. Listen, the game has everything that can interest even a person who doesn’t like games. So yes, it's worth playing or watching a walkthrough of Mass Effect.

See also the video walkthrough of the continuation games of the series -,

Mass Effect, in my opinion, is a game that is more interesting to watch as a walkthrough than to play. The controls are quite complex and the interface complexity, which takes a long time to get used to, is not encouraging. But just watching – yes, that’s what you need. The Mass Effect makes a great movie.

Mass Effect is a game about the adventures of Captain Shepard, who will need to investigate one case, delay in solving which threatens the destruction of all races in the Galaxy. A similar incident has already occurred and we must do everything we can to prevent it from happening again. To do this, we will be assisted by representatives of various races and professions. The game has a very strong plot component; watching dialogues and cut scenes is very interesting.

The game was released for all consoles of the previous generation (Playstation 3, Xbox 360) and PC, but the development of different versions of the game was carried out by different companies and even different publishers. Mass Effect has a direct sequel in the form of the games Mass Effect 2 and 3, but more on them later.

The video walkthrough itself was taken from the RusGameTactiks channel, which always pleases with interesting and high-quality walkthroughs popular games. The car is not stupid and gives relevant comments. Overall, it's just a pleasure to watch his videos.

The length of the walkthrough video is 117 videos. About 10-15 minutes on average. Yes, the video is really long, but there are a lot of impressions. Enjoy watching.

Leave your opinion in the comments and tell us which walkthrough videos you would like to see on.

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