Ice cream the most interesting facts about products. Interesting facts about ice cream. Luxury style dessert: luxurious deception or commercial move

Ice cream was first tasted in ancient times. People have known about it for 5 thousand years. It was first discovered by the residents of China, who loved to serve frozen fruit juices at the ceremonial table, which eventually became fruit ice. And later, Alexander the Great himself gained strength using a cool dessert, and Hippocrates tried this dessert as a way to cool down during the heat.

Famous Facts about Ice Cream

  1. The most common is vanilla ice cream. Its creator was a culinary specialist from France named Gerard Tiersen in 1649. After it comes creamy, and then chocolate and strawberry.
  2. Waffle cones appeared in 1904 during the World's Fair in St. Louis, USA. Until this time, the delicacy was eaten in small plates or rosettes. The largest cone was made by Italians named Mirko Della Vecchia and Andrea Andrighetti. It was 2.81 meters long.
  3. If you take the milk for the entire existence of a cow, you will get about 34 thousand high-quality ice cream.
  4. Europe saw ice cream for the first time in the 13th century, as soon as Marco Polo returned to Italy and told about his trip to China.
  5. Most ice cream is produced in the United States of America.
  6. Scientists say that Alexander the Great loved to eat snow with nectar and honey.
  7. Market analysts claim that ice cream sales increase significantly during economic crises and wars.
  8. The most famous topping is chocolate syrup.
  9. There are more than 700 varieties of ice cream known in the world. For example, in one of the cafes in Merida you can try unusual tastes. They sell ice cream with tuna, trout and shrimp.
  10. The Popsicle stick was invented in 1905 by Frank Epperson at age 11. Somehow in severe frost he left his glass of soda near the house. There is still a stir stick left in it. And in the morning he saw a frozen glass with a stick. Years later he created frozen juices on a stick.
  11. In Tanzania there is a tree called Inga edible. Its fruits have the taste of vanilla ice cream.
  12. If you want to try it, then you need to go to the Serendipity restaurant in New York and pay $1000 for it. It is served with chocolate, rare berries, Parisian fruits and a gold-plated dragée, which is decorated with edible gold leaves. Among other things, they will offer a spoon made of gold and diamonds, which you can then take away for yourself. These spoons are used by tasters to better determine the taste of ice cream, since simple spoons leave an aftertaste.
  13. There are many varieties of ice cream. All of them are divided into composition, consistency, taste qualities and packaging.
  14. In Rus', the first cold delicacy appeared by mixing winter milk with honey, which was poured into molds and frozen. To obtain a soft consistency, it was grated or chopped into pieces.
  15. In Canada, this delicacy is sold in greater quantities in winter than in summer.
  16. After the advent of television, ice cream was replaced with puree in cooking shows, since it instantly melted under the light of the lamps.
  17. Many people think ice cream high-calorie product, but in fact, creamy ice cream contains about 200 kcal, during fruit ice 150, and in low-fat about 100.
  18. Air is considered the main component of ice cream. This is what gives it softness and taste. Otherwise it would be hard as a rock.
  19. Thanks to Christian Nelson, the popsicle was born. He experimented and filled the ice cream with chocolate.
  20. The ice cream cake was created by a company from Canada and weighed more than 10 tons, so it was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The next record belongs to chefs from China. It was a meter high, three meters wide, and 4.8 meters long, weighing 8 tons.
  21. Most doctors recommend that parents give ice cream to their children to prevent sore throat. It helps to avoid exacerbation of chronic pharyngitis, as it hardens the throat.
  22. Residents of America are considered the biggest ice cream lovers. Each year, each inhabitant eats about 22 liters.
  23. Sugar in dessert slows down its melting.
  24. It is believed that a device for making ice cream was brought to the island of St. Helena, where Napoleon served his exile, because he adored this delicacy.
  25. In our country, a huge snowman was made from ice cream, whose height was two meters and weight 300 kg. It was made from Russian flag colors with strawberry, blueberry and buttercream ice cream.
  26. In 2002, an ice cream seller was arrested in Chile for adding cocaine to his ice cream. That is why his delicacy caused euphoria, but also a habit.
  27. To prepare, you need to take a ball of ice cream and freeze it well, and then roll it in flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs. Place in the freezer and then deep fry.
  28. There is also pine ice cream for colds. You need to take 20 needles and crush them in a mortar, mix with raspberry syrup and strain. IN top part pour in 100 grams orange juice and add a scoop of ice cream.
  29. This dessert is most often bought on Sundays.
  30. You can find out about the price of ice cream in the 19th century from a letter from A.P. Chekhov to A.P. Pleshcheev, where he reports that he spent half of his fortune on ice cream at the famous Zambrini confectionery.
  31. In the second half of the last century, poor immigrants from Poland, who made money from selling ice cream in New York, decided to settle in the market. Since this dessert is sold everywhere, they will be the first to sell luxury ice cream. And only rich people who are concerned about their health can afford it. The new ice cream was actually of high quality and in the most short time liked by a lot of people. In this case, the scammers came up with the Haagen-Dazd brand. It was he who was associated among buyers with Danish quality with the same name. The small cafe, which was opened by Polish immigrants in the late 70s, became a worldwide chain in the second half of the 80s.
  32. The process of registering another record holder of 20 tons and the height of a two-story house did not achieve similar success. The ice cream was trucked to New York to celebrate the world record. Many people were waiting for the back to open so they could witness the huge dessert. However, hopes were not justified, because during transportation the ice cream flowed and flooded the area with a sweet liquid with the taste of strawberries and kiwis.
  33. Slovenian producers decided to surprise the residents of Ljubljansk by producing ice cream 35 m long. This figure has been a symbol since the creation of the company, which was engaged in the production of milk. To preserve the ice cream, dry ice and liquid nitrogen were used, and in addition, a special refrigeration chamber required the help of 40 workers to install.
  34. Today, manufacturers have made great progress in producing ice cream with different flavors. You can find a delicacy with tomatoes, onions, licorice, paprika, and corn.
  35. Americans have decided to bury ice cream brands that have lost their popularity. In that unusual place you can see ice cream that replicated the taste of an alcoholic cocktail based on vodka.
  36. The world-famous company McDonald's decided to help hedgehogs and activists who protect animals. They specially made a smaller hole in the McFlurry cap so that hedgehogs, licking the remnants of ice cream from the cup, could not stick their heads into it and remain locked in a sweet trap.

Misconceptions about ice cream

  1. Not in the mall useful properties. True manufacturers make this delicacy from milk, and it contains a large number of useful substances and vitamins. A rich amount of vitamins helps to cope with many diseases, and also use ice cream as a preventive measure against many diseases.
  2. You can get better from ice cream. It all depends on the amount of ice cream eaten. It is impossible to get enough from one creamy glass excess weight. But this does not apply to cases when ice cream is eaten at night or with the addition of jam or syrup. The most important thing is to eat natural ice cream, and the best thing is

A favorite delicacy of all generations. The variety of flavors is amazing: in addition to the usual strawberry, chocolate or caramel, the world's leading ice cream masters are discovering new facets of culinary art in this area. Unusual ingredients are added to the frozen delicacy (for example, the Swiss Mõvenpick has released ice cream flavored with Madagascar vanilla and Chilean raspberry). But ice cream surprises us not only with its exotic tastes; its history hides many secrets. What can amaze us with this seemingly familiar dessert? Here is a list of five interesting and unusual facts that you probably didn't know.

Ice cream is several thousand years old

The history of ice cream began in ancient times. More than four thousand years ago, the Chinese served desserts similar to the modern " fruit ice" It wasn't ice cream in it modern form: The cooks simply mixed snow with pieces of fruit and berries. And the ancient Greeks enjoyed highly chilled dairy products. Famous Alexander During his campaigns in India and Persia, the Macedonian supported the strength of the warriors, including desserts made from ice, berries, milk and honey.

Ice cream entered the Guinness Book of Records

In May 2011, a giant ice cream cake was made in Toronto, Canada. It weighed more than ten tons, of which more than nine were ice cream itself, another 136 kilograms of chocolate chips and 90 kilograms of biscuit. This work of culinary art was so grandiose that it was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Ice cream on a stick was invented by an 11-year-old boy

In the winter of 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson from America accidentally left a glass of soda with a straw on the street. The contents were frozen, the boy pulled the straw, pulled the frozen soda out of the glass and ate it. Having matured, Epperson patented his signature “frozen ice on a stick” and sold the rights to produce such a dessert to an American company. Over time, ice cream on a stick has become so familiar that no one remembers that it was once a real discovery.

Ice cream is appreciated by presidents

The author of the US Declaration of Independence, President Thomas Jefferson, was a big fan of ice cream: he personally brought delicious recipes to America from France. And sometimes he composed them himself! President Jefferson's personal recipe for vanilla ice cream is now housed in the Library of Congress.

Every second person in the world could not give up sweets even for three days. Sweet tooths are all around us. They try to please them in almost every cafe, restaurant, and food court. In almost every establishment you will find ice cream, sweet buns or even milkshakes on the menu. People who love sweets will never be deprived in fast food restaurants: in the same McDonald's, KFC or Burger King they will definitely offer you a pie at the end of your order. So this article is about one of the favorite desserts of all people, starting with childhood, - ice cream. Today we will look at how ice cream is made, when and who invented it, what flavors there are - in general, we will learn almost everything about it. Read carefully and remember, you will discover a lot of interesting facts about ice cream.

The power of ice cream

There is probably not a person who, in the summer heat, could refuse a delicious cooling dessert with berries, caramel or chocolate. It perfectly refreshes, gives strength, and most importantly, it lifts your spirits and gives you strength in the heat. By the way, if your child refuses to drink milk, then ice cream is an excellent compromise for your family, because it contains milk, which can strengthen bones, teeth and the skeleton as a whole.

How to make ice cream

It can take about 24 hours to produce a real cold dessert. It will be made correctly if it contains sugar, butter, whole and skim milk powder, as well as aromatic natural additives such as syrups, vanillin and vanilla, cocoa powder, etc.

Store-bought ice cream usually consists of cream, sugar, milk, vegetable fats, colors and flavors. Think better about whether you want to eat such a dessert, read the ingredients carefully. The best option- prepare it yourself at home.

At home, housewives mix cream, eggs, milk, sugar, berries and put them in the freezer for 1-2 hours. There is also a simplified option if you don’t want to suffer and take a long time to prepare dessert. Most often, either fruit yogurt or regular juice is frozen to create popsicle ice. By the way, there is a special Appliances- an ice cream maker with which you can make delicious ice cream at home.

Dessert serving options

Ice cream can be decorated with berries, nuts, chocolate, and topped with various sweet sauces and syrups. There is ice cream with marmalade, with dragees, with waffles, with marshmallows, with dried fruits, there is even “fizzy”: with each bite, the caramel cracks and explodes with a corresponding sound right on your tongue.

Now let's move directly to the list of interesting facts about ice cream. For children this information will definitely be new, but for adults much may not be a discovery.

How old is ice cream

This delicacy is already about four to five thousand years old. It was to Europe that it was brought by the traveler and famous Italian merchant Marco Polo. In the USA, this delicacy began to be advertised in newspapers at the end of the 18th century.

As you understand, this is very important fact about ice cream, which you simply need to know about if you suddenly want to go deeper into history.

Original flavors

You're probably used to seeing vanilla or chocolate ice cream, cups of creme brulee, and cones with caramel and chocolate in store refrigerators. What about these flavors:

  • with spinach;
  • coal;
  • with black licorice flavor;
  • tomato;
  • with bacon;
  • with eel flavor;
  • mushroom;
  • with onion;
  • with potatoes;
  • with pepper flavor;
  • with the taste of horse meat;
  • beer;
  • with pickles and jalapenos;
  • mustard;
  • caviar;
  • with octopus flavor;
  • garlicky.

You were probably surprised by the variety of flavors, because in Russia you can rarely find anything other than berry, pistachio, coffee, and chocolate ice cream. If you suddenly want to try these delicacies, use this opportunity while abroad.

Does "fried ice cream" exist?

Yes, fried ice cream is a classic dessert that came to us from Mexico. It is made as follows: first, ice cream balls are formed, then frozen. Afterwards, these balls need to be rolled in flour, breading and egg and frozen again. Just at the next stage of preparation, the ice cream is deep-fried in vegetable oil. The calorie content of such a dish is very high: about 400 kcal per 100 grams.

This is an incredibly interesting fact about ice cream, especially if you or someone you know is planning a trip to Mexico or the USA. Be sure to invite your friends to try this dish!

About the name of the ice cream

Did you know that ice cream can be divided into types based on its fat content? And “fruit ice”, “sorbet” and “ice cream” - it’s not just that there is some meaning behind them. Let's consider:

  • Milk ice cream contains from 0.5 to 7.5% fat content.
  • In creamy - from 7.5 to 11.5% fat content.
  • Ice cream - from 11.5% to 20% fat content.
  • Non-dairy ice cream (sorbet, fruit ice) - 0.2 - 1%.

Knowing this interesting fact about ice cream, you will now choose a treat, paying attention to its fat content. This is very useful if you are on a diet.

About ice cream on a stick

Did you know what an eleven year old boy came up with? This happened in the winter of 1905. A child accidentally left a glass of sparkling water with a straw in it on the street. Then he discovered that if he lifted the soda out of the glass with a straw and ate the ice-cold mass, it would be an unusual treat.

Agree, this is a very interesting fact about ice cream, because now everyone eats this dessert on a stick and doesn’t even think about the fact that manufacturers were not able to come to this method of consumption right away.

The most expensive ice cream

Would you buy ice cream for a thousand rubles? And for a thousand dollars? But for such a delicacy you really have to queue in one of the expensive restaurants in New York. And its composition is as follows: vanilla from Madagascar, rare and valuable cocoa beans, expensive chocolate from Venezuela, Parisian fruits in sugar, dragees with elements of gold, cherries from exquisite marzipan, a spoonful of the most expensive caviar and, of course, a leaf of gold. Are you ready to try such a dessert for $1,000 (67 thousand rubles)?

Ice cream in a waffle cone

Cone is one of the most popular and frequently chosen ice creams. Each person gives preference to his own brand, since each manufacturer has a different taste of ice cream and the quality of the waffle. Moreover, most have a chocolate tip in the cone, but some still don’t. But we might never have tried this delicacy with a waffle, if not for one incident in 1904 that occurred at a fair. One man was selling ice cream when he suddenly ran out of paper cups. Then, so that ice cream would not disappear and would continue to be in demand, a neighbor in the trade, a Syrian who sold waffles, offered his product. As a result, both sellers joined forces so that each of them did not lose goods. That is why now we eat not only ice cream, but also a waffle cone.

Sunday is ice cream day

Yes, it is on the seventh day of the week, according to statistics, that people buy more ice cream. The fact is that in the USA every 3rd Sunday in July is National Ice Cream Day. This delicacy is incredibly popular in the States: one person consumes about twenty kilograms of ice cream per year. In Russia, the figure is slightly lower - only 4 kilograms per year per person. Although this is strange, because only Russians are able to eat ice cream all year round, despite the high sub-zero temperatures, snow and blizzards in winter.

Ice cream shared with pets

It turned out that 5% of people share ice cream with their pets. The Portuguese even came up with a special ice cream called Mimopet. Its manufacturers guarantee an improvement in the condition of dogs' coats. This is why owners love to buy cold treats for their pets.

Winter is also the season for ice cream

All over the world in the summer, according to analysts, ice cream is sold approximately every three seconds. IN winter time every twenty seconds they buy a portion of this dessert. As you can see, ice cream does not lose its popularity in winter. This is a very interesting fact about ice cream.

Most popular flavor

Most often in large quantities They buy vanilla ice cream. In second place is the creamy taste. On the third - chocolate. Next comes fruity. People are accustomed to trusting the classics, which is why vanilla dessert is in such great demand. Think about what flavor you buy most often yourself?

Ice cream heals a sore throat

It may seem counterintuitive to you, but yes, doctors actually prescribe ice cream for children. You should give your child some ice cream at least several times a week to soothe his throat. So, it will be less sensitive to temperature changes, which will eliminate the possibility of pharyngitis or sore throat.

Ice cream began to be popularized in 1936. Then main goal The authorities wanted to make this dessert popular and affordable. The first batch of ice cream appeared the following year. The most popular ice cream was popsicle, whose symbol was a penguin. The wand was issued to the buyer separately until 1947. In the mid-70s, a chocolate tube - a “gourmet” - appeared. It is still on sale in all supermarkets.

Ice cream is a drug

In 2002, a man from Chile was selling ice cream on the street. No one understood why the seller was in such high demand until he tried it himself. As a result, absolutely everyone became hooked on this delicacy. The trader's secret is simple: he added cocaine to the dessert, which was addictive. It turns out that people paid for narcotic ice cream.

There was an error

From the entire list of interesting facts about ice cream, this point stands out because now we will talk about the spelling of the Russian language.

Ice cream is one of the most common words that people misspell when writing. Everyone constantly strives to insert two letters "n" and spell this word incorrectly. Remember the correct spelling with one "n" - "ice cream".


We have learned almost everything about ice cream: interesting facts, history and recipes. We hope the article was useful to you and you will be able to surprise someone with this information more than once.

How did the idea for the ice cream stick come about, how much does the most expensive scoop in the world cost, how long has the waffle cone been around, and why did the ice cream graveyard appear? A selection of the most interesting facts about ice cream will not only sincerely surprise you, but will also tell you where you can try beer or spaghetti flavored ice cream.

  1. Ice cream was famous in Ancient China already more than 4000 years ago. Emperor Tanggu, who ruled at that time, adored an icy delicacy made of milk and ice with pieces of oranges, lemons and pomegranate seeds. The secret recipe was found only in the 11th century BC in the book “Shi Jing”.

  1. The most popular flavor of ice cream is vanilla, first invented by the French culinary specialist Tiersen in 1649. Creamy flavor consistently ranks second, followed by chocolate and strawberry. When it comes to sauces, chocolate syrup for ice cream is still the most popular topping in the world.

  1. If it weren't for an accident, we might never have tried ice cream in a waffle cone! Until 1896, ice cream was served in saucers, rosettes, and sold by weight. The invention of the waffle cone is credited to Syrian Ernest Hamwi, who sold waffles at a stand at the 1904 World's Fair in St. Louis. The owner of a nearby kiosk was selling ice cream, and when he suddenly ran out of paper cups to keep the treat from going to waste, the sellers decided to join forces. They began to roll waffles into cones and fill them with ice cream. The audience was delighted!

  1. There are more than 709 ice cream flavors in the world. Proof of this is the amazing ice cream parlor “Coromoto” in the city of Merida in Venezuela, founded in 1980 by the Portuguese Manuel da Silva Oliveiro. Here you can try the most incredible flavors: ice cream with tuna, trout, beer, spaghetti, shrimp, carrots with tomatoes, pork cracklings, chili pepper, etc.

  1. In summer, ice cream is bought every 3 seconds. In the United States, National Ice Cream Day is celebrated every third Sunday in July. And not in vain, because in the USA there are 20 kilograms of ice cream per year for each resident.

  1. Every 5th person out of 100 shares their ice cream with their pet. Most likely, they do not know that their own special ice cream “Mimopet” has already been invented for their four-legged friends. Dog food specialists from Portugal have been trying to come up with such ice cream for two years, and as a result they managed to create a special sugar-free ice cream that adds shine to the coat and contains many vitamins.

  1. The idea for the Popsicle stick was conceived one frosty evening in 1905, when eleven-year-old Frank Epperton left a glass of lemonade and a stir stick on his front porch. The next morning, Frank discovered frozen lemonade with a stick and used the idea 20 years later. Thanks to this happy occasion, today everyone knows about frozen lemonades and juices on sticks.

  1. The world's most expensive scoop of ice cream costs $1,000 and can be tasted at the Serendipity restaurant in New York. The exquisite delicacy features magnificent chocolate, Madagascar vanilla, Parisian fruits, marzipan cherries, and a gold-plated dragée, which is covered with a thin edible sheet of gold. This ice cream is eaten with a golden spoon decorated with diamonds, which you can take with you after the meal.

  1. In 2006, activists involved in the protection of hedgehogs wrote a letter of complaint to McDonald's asking them to change the shape of McFlurry ice cream cups. It was because of the ill-fated cups that hedgehogs fell into a death trap. The fact is that hedgehogs found discarded cups and they stuck their heads inside to lick off the remains, but could not get back out, slowly dying of hunger. The McDonald's company met the activists halfway and reduced the hole in the lid so that the unfortunate hedgehogs would no longer be in danger when trying to get a half-eaten delicacy.

  1. The famous American company Ben & Jerry, which has been producing ice cream since 1978, built special cemetery, consisting of many plastic tombstones on which are written the name of the ice cream, the flavor, the ingredients and its years of existence. Since the creation of the company, more than 200 types of ice cream have disappeared from production, which for one reason or another did not please consumers. For example, the White Russian ice cream, similar in taste to the cocktail of the same name made from vodka and coffee liqueur, has disappeared. On the company's website you can vote for the resurrection of your favorite flavors - especially for those who have not come to terms with the sad loss of their favorite ice cream.

Ice cream is one of the most popular desserts in the world: both children and adults love it. The Chinese were the first to invent a delicacy based on crushed ice with the addition of milk, orange slices and pomegranate seeds more than 4 thousand years ago. And Europeans should thank the great traveler and discoverer Marco Polo for it, who brought a recipe for fruit ice cream (sorbet) from a trip to the East in the 13th century. For a long time this delicacy remained the privilege of kings and nobility until it became available to the masses in the 17th century. In our usual form, ice cream has existed for 200 years, but only in the 20s of the last century did savvy Americans finally get it right industrial production. Below are some interesting facts about our very familiar stranger.

The first recipe for “ice cream” and the secrets of its storage were described in the Chinese book “Shi-king” in the 11th century.

IN Kievan Rus there was their own version of this delicacy: the ancient Slavs finely crushed ice, added frozen cottage cheese, raisins, sugar and sour cream to it.

In England, from the middle of the 17th century, ice cream was served only to the table of the monarch - its secret was carefully guarded and was revealed only in the new century.

Vanilla ice cream was served at the table of Louis XIII: the recipe for it was invented in 1649 by the Frenchman Gerard Tiersen. It was highly valued due to the high cost of vanilla exported from South America.

The French introduced ice cream to the general public. More precisely, the French Italians: in 1686, Francesco Procopio de Coltelli opened the Prokop cafe in Paris, where everyone could enjoy an amazing dessert - for a very considerable fee. IN end of the XVIII For centuries, about 80 varieties of ice cream have been offered here, the recipes of which were kept in the strictest confidence. The legendary cafe still exists today.

Gourmet ice cream

It is a mistake to believe that ice cream is an exclusively sweet dessert. Italian chefs believe that salty taste works best on the taste buds, so they experiment with Parmesan cheese, shrimp, mushrooms and celery.

Even more original was the Portuguese Manuel de Silva Oliveira, who opened the Heladería Coromoto cafe in Merida, Venezuela, in 1980. They serve 860 varieties of ice cream - with the flavors of garlic, tomatoes, seafood, pork rinds, onions, beer, etc. This achievement is noted in the Guinness Book of Records.

Another unusual recipe- fried ice cream. To do this, the ice cream ball is frozen well, rolled in flour, then in beaten egg and breadcrumbs. It freezes well and is quickly deep-fried before serving.

In 2007, an ice cream recipe in honor of pop star Lady Gaga was patented in the United States. Manufacturers claim that the basis of “Baby Gaga” is female breast milk. Continuing the “star” theme, we note that in different years In the USA and Britain, ice cream was produced in honor of Elton John, The Rolling Stones and Blur.

Lovers " sweet life“know one place where you can enjoy exclusive ice cream for $1,000. This elite delicacy is on the menu of the famous New York restaurant Serendipity. This is the so-called “golden” ice cream - it is covered with a thin layer of edible gold foil and served with exotic fruits, truffles and marzipan. The price of the dessert includes a nice small trinket - a golden spoon (you can take it with you).

What does this have to do with Eskimos?

Portioned ice cream mass production Available in paper cups, waffle cones or on a stick - with or without glaze. The latter was called "popsicle". The history of its appearance is disputed by two legends. According to the first, ice cream on a stick was invented by the American Frank Epperton. As an 11-year-old teenager, he left unfinished lemonade with a straw on the porch of his house, and in the morning he discovered a frozen soda on a stick. 20 years later - in 1925 - he patented this idea under the name "popsicle". According to another legend, the idea of ​​the popsicle belongs to the American Christian Nelson. In 1919, he came up with the idea of ​​filling an ice cream bar with chocolate glaze. This “Eskimo pie” - “Eskimo pie” - was patented in 1922.

Ice cream and health

Children's doctors recommend that mothers give their children ice cream to prevent the development of sore throats and exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis and pharyngitis. It hardens the throat and makes the mucous membrane less sensitive to temperature changes. However, a child with a sore throat or flu should not be given ice cream to avoid further irritation of the throat.

The least high-calorie foods are popsicles (frozen juice) and popsicles (sorbet). However, milk ice cream will not harm your figure if consumed in moderation. At least, if you really want something sweet, it’s better to eat a serving of ice cream than a piece of cake.

Recent studies have proven that ice cream relieves fatigue, improves mood and relieves stress. It's simple: the milk or cream from which ice cream is made contains L-tryptophan - the most effective of a number of existing natural tranquilizers that calm the nervous system.

In Germany, a special variety of ice cream is produced for people who are lactose and milk intolerant. It is made from blue lupine seeds and proteins.

Other interesting facts about ice cream

Most dogs and cats also love ice cream. Portuguese ice cream makers have come up with a special treat for animals that contains no sugar, which can cause tooth decay, but a lot of vitamins that add shine to the coat.

As children, we learned that gnawing on frozen milk is very difficult. Ice cream also would not have become widespread if it had not been saturated with... air.
It is the air that gives the ice cream its softness - without it it would be a hard ice block.

National Ice Cream Day was established in the United States. It is celebrated every third Sunday in July. Americans are the main consumers of this dessert in the world: each US resident consumes an average of 20 kilograms of ice cream per year.

Ice cream in its usual form - two scoops in a cone - is depicted on the façade of the ancient cathedral, located in ancient city Salamanca in western Spain. Among the Gothic monsters that decorate the Catedral Nueva temple, two images stand out that modern scientists are scratching their heads over: the “dragon with ice cream” and the “astronaut in a spacesuit.” Let us note that the temple was erected and finished in the 16th and 18th centuries.

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