Can a nursing mother have sesame kozinak? Sesame kozinaki for breastfeeding. The benefits of sesame seeds during lactation

Dietary restrictions when breastfeeding create inconvenience for a nursing mother. A woman’s daily diet is limited, some foods are prohibited. Many questions arise from eating sweets. Let's find out if you can take kozinaki while breastfeeding.

What are kozinaki made of?

The product comes from Georgia and is traditionally made from nuts drenched in honey. Today, kozinaki is made not only from walnuts; it also contains peanuts, sesame seeds, almonds, rice and seeds.

Important! Manufacturers often replace honey with sugar and nuts with dried fruits. Sometimes the composition contains dyes and preservatives, which is very undesirable for guards.

Benefits for nursing mothers

Kozinaki has a number of beneficial properties during breastfeeding. Different ingredients have their own purpose when feeding a baby.

From seeds

Sunflower seeds have the following elements:

  • vitamin E
  • B vitamins
  • selenium, phosphorus
  • magnesium, potassium

Consumption of seeds has a beneficial effect on the condition of mother and baby. The main reason is the content of amino acids and fats.

Kozinaki from seeds can be included in the diet of nursing mothers, since the sunflower product contains vegetable protein. This is a good replacement for animal protein.

With sesame

Georgian sweetness with sesame seeds is useful for the following reasons:

  • Nicotinic acid content. Niacin regulates the amount of fat and normalizes the amount of cholesterol.
  • Vitamin E synthesizes lactation hormones.
  • B vitamins have a good effect on digestion, stimulate mental activity, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Sesame seeds contain a lot of calcium, are useful for lactation, and have a mild laxative effect.

With nuts

All nuts contain vegetable protein, fatty acid and mineral components. Nuts are leaders in fiber content; they help get rid of constipation in the first month after childbirth.

Most healthy nut for a nursing mother - walnut. It has a good effect on the brain, heart, blood vessels, and normalizes blood pressure.

Honey in kozinaki loses some of its beneficial properties due to heating, but remains a unique antioxidant. In addition, honey has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.

Interesting fact! In the twentieth century, nursing mothers were advised to consume sunflower seeds. It was believed that beneficial properties increase breast milk.

Possible harm

Kozinaki - natural product, which can be consumed by mothers while breastfeeding. But there are exceptions in which the child will be harmed. These include:

  • Products with flavors and dyes can cause baby allergies. You need to carefully study the composition before purchasing sweets.
  • If your baby has stomach upsets, diarrhea, or abdominal colic, you should refuse the treat. Kozinaki have laxative properties and may worsen gastrointestinal problems both mother and baby.
  • The product has a high calorie content, you should not lean on it if you are overweight. It sharpens appetite and provokes surges in blood glucose.
  • Negative influence on tooth enamel. The dessert is very hard and can injure your teeth and gums.

In rare cases, a newborn may be allergic to honey and additives. Diathesis usually appears on spices and spices; they are often sprinkled on sweets to enhance the taste.

How to use

It is not recommended to eat honey immediately after childbirth. The first weeks of the baby are considered adaptive; at this time it is better to adhere to a certain diet.

It is recommended to consume Georgian dessert four weeks after giving birth. During this period, it is already possible to introduce a diet of sunflower seeds, sesame seeds and nuts. If there is no reaction to them, then they try kozinaki. If the baby has no rashes, then you can safely enjoy the sweets.

An important rule when eating is compliance with the measure.

What experts say

Nutritionists allow women to take kozinaki during breastfeeding. Experts advise introducing kozinaki gradually, starting with small doses. This method reduces the likelihood of allergies in the baby.

The baby receives all useful elements through breast milk. Kozinaki - useful product, so there is no need to give it up. If a nursing mother ate it during pregnancy, the risk of allergies decreases. If you have an individual intolerance to the ingredients, you should avoid sweetness.

Useful Instagram for pregnant women about food and their effect on the body - go ahead and subscribe!

Indian sesame (also known as sesame) from the Pedal family belongs to valuable oilseed plants. Eating its seeds helps maintain the health of a mother who is breastfeeding her baby. Sesamum indicum seeds and oil have long been valued by people for their beneficial properties, sweetish aroma that intensifies when fried, and noble taste. In cooking, the seeds of the plant are used as a topping for buns, as well as in the form of paste or kozinaki.

Plant varieties have seeds of different colors - from light (white and yellow) to reddish-brown or almost black. The darker the color, the stronger the aroma and the higher the content of valuable substances. Dark varieties have the largest number useful qualities. In official medicine, black sesame is known as a strong antioxidant, and in folk practices it is still credited with incredible anti-aging properties.

Most often on sale you can find polished white seeds, prepared for decorating baked goods and producing oriental delicacies - kozinaki and sesame paste. Such seeds are less healthy than black ones and have a weak aroma.

Sesame is used to make healing oil, which is used in cosmetology and pharmacology. It is used both in pure form and as part of various creams. Sesame oil has a lot of properties and can solve a number of medical problems:

    • serves as a general tonic for general exhaustion of the body;
    • helps accelerate epithelization in burns and wounds;
    • reduces the acidity of gastric juice to normal;
    • improves gum condition;
    • restores the oral mucosa;
    • improves thyroid function in hyperthyroidism;
    • used to expel helminths;
    • treats joint pain;
    • restores impaired metabolism.


Sesame seeds are rich in B vitamins, especially nicotinic acid, which is involved in metabolic processes, and niacin, which reduces the amount of lipoproteins and triglycerides in the blood and effectively cleanses the arteries of cholesterol plaques. This helps maintain a healthy human cardiovascular system.

Sesame has a valuable mineral composition:

    • calcium;
    • potassium;
    • iron;
    • copper;
    • zinc;
    • manganese;
    • phosphorus.

Sesame contains a large number of easily digestible natural calcium, which is so necessary for women during lactation. 100 grams of seeds contain almost 15 mg of this microelement. By consuming just 80 g of sesame seeds, a nursing mother can easily cover daily requirement in calcium.


The benefits of sesame seeds during lactation

When breastfeeding, a woman actively consumes calcium to produce milk, and this is fraught with deterioration in the condition of hair, skin, teeth, blurred vision and the risk of developing bone tissue pathology (osteoporosis).

Taking synthetic calcium substitutes can lead to premature ossification of the skull in children (with the development of increased intracranial pressure) and kidney disease in women. Therefore, the lack of a microelement should be compensated by proper nutrition:

    • dairy products and cottage cheese;
    • greenery;
    • poultry meat;
    • sesame seeds and nuts.

In terms of calcium, sesame seeds are superior to most foods. In order to provide herself with this microelement, mother needs to eat a teaspoon of sesame per day. This will allow you to maintain normal condition corneas and bone tissues of women and newborns.

Sesame seeds increase the fat content of breast milk and stimulate its production, which is especially important when lactation begins. In addition, sesame reduces the likelihood of developing mastitis in nursing mothers, since it has the ability to relieve tissue inflammation.

Thanks to its immunomodulatory properties, sesame seeds, when consumed systematically, replenish the necessary supply of microelements, vitamins and PUFAs, strengthen the cardiovascular system and maintain the normal condition of blood vessels.

Taking sesame oil internally in salads and externally as cosmetics will allow a nursing mother to reduce age spots, refresh facial skin and stabilize intestinal function. For constipation, sesame seeds or oil can be used as a laxative - it is gentle and effective.

How to fry sesame


But despite all the usefulness of the product, it should be used sparingly. Being a strong remedy, it can change the properties of breast milk, which is not always good.

In addition, if a woman has previously had any allergic reactions to nuts, honey or plant seeds, then she should not consume kozinaki or sesame seeds while breastfeeding.

It is not advisable for a woman who is breastfeeding to consume sesame seeds if:

    • there is a tendency to form blood clots;
    • there is an intestinal disorder or unstable gastrointestinal function;
    • with intestinal colic in a child.

You can consume a teaspoon of sesame seeds of any variety per day. It is recommended to chew them thoroughly until they become mushy in order to improve the absorption of the product. The seeds have rather rough shells that must be destroyed for absorption useful substances contained inside.

When breastfeeding, only fresh sesame can be used. At long-term storage the oil inside the seeds oxidizes and becomes bitter; such a product is not only not healthy, but also quite harmful.

Rules of use

In order not to harm her child, the mother must adhere to simple rules:

    • You should not consume the seeds on an empty stomach; it is better to do this after a meal.
    • You can eat kozinaki after your baby reaches three months of age.
    • It is better to try the product for the first time in the morning so that you have time to monitor the child’s reaction.
    • For the first test, a small amount of sesame seeds is enough for mom.
    • It is recommended to eat 50 grams of sweets per day, and 200 grams per week.

Eating sesame seeds and kozinaki made from it for a breastfeeding mother is not only possible, but also very healthy. These products serve as a source of many useful substances, and when consumed correctly and in moderation, do not harm the health of women and babies.

Video: Kozinaki from seeds and sesame

When you want to chew something or calm your nerves during breastfeeding, the question arises: can a nursing mother eat seeds? Proper nutrition, especially in the first month of lactation, is very important for the baby’s health. Today, there are several opinions on whether it is worth consuming seeds while breastfeeding. Some argue that sunflower and pumpkin seeds can cause allergies in newborns, so you should not eat them during breastfeeding. Others say that this product is good for the body and saturates it with useful vitamins and microelements.

What are the seeds rich in?

When answering the question whether breastfeeding women can eat seeds, it is fair to note their beneficial properties. Sunflower seeds contain a large amount of vitamins (A, E, B, D, F). They are also rich in vegetable protein, amino acids, oils, and microelements. They include sodium, copper, iron, selenium, cobalt, fluorine, etc.

Opinions against:

  1. Many pediatricians consider this product to be allergenic. They prohibit nursing mothers from eating seeds, as there is a high risk of problems with the well-being of the newborn.
  2. You should not chew seeds while breastfeeding in large quantities, as this can have a negative impact on the baby.
  3. Vegetable oils that are part of this product can cause colic and bloating in the baby, which is very undesirable, especially in the first month of feeding.
  4. Roasted seeds, like other foods prepared by frying, negatively affect the still fragile body of a newborn.

Opinions in favor:

  1. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds help improve the quality of milk during breastfeeding. Therefore, they should be included in the diet of a nursing mother. However, during lactation there is no need to consume them in large quantities.
  2. Many young mothers love to nibble on this delicacy to calm their nerves. Indeed, there is an opinion that when eating seeds, the body produces the so-called “happiness hormone”. Therefore, seeds in the first month after childbirth help fight postpartum depression, and there is nothing wrong with a woman enjoying this product during lactation. Kozinaki, for example, is an excellent dessert for tea, which is made based on seeds.
  3. The seeds contain many useful microelements that help establish normal intestinal function. The fatty acids contained in the seeds help lower cholesterol levels.
  4. If you eat this product while breastfeeding, you can get a large supply of vitamins. Vitamin A is good for vision, vitamin E is good for the cardiovascular system. The seeds also contain vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. And this is very important both for the nursing mother and for the growing body of the newborn. Therefore, you can chew seeds or gozinaki and fill the body with these necessary substances.
  5. This wonderful product helps in the prevention of atherosclerosis. It has also proven itself well in diseases of the gallbladder and liver. Thanks to zinc, which is part of the seeds, the condition of the skin improves. After all, this chemical element has long been known as a “sculptor” of beauty. It has been established that one hundred grams of magnesium seeds contains 6 times more than the same amount of bread.
  6. The seeds help improve appetite. However, you should not eat kozinaki before lunch, as they consist not only of seeds, but also of sugar syrup, which will kill your appetite. Also, with the help of this delicacy, you can quickly recover from protracted illnesses, thanks to the large amount of fatty acids, vegetable protein and carbohydrates.

Can breastfeeding women eat seeds? Rather yes than no. However, new mothers should be careful about eating too much of their favorite food. Every day you can eat no more than half a glass of seeds. This amount will help you get the entire supply of useful vitamins and elements. Thanks to them, you can improve heart function and strengthen muscles. They promote wound healing, strengthen tooth enamel, and also help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and even help in the treatment of thrombophlebitis.

A nursing mother should not consume this product in large quantities, as this can cause a malfunction of the newborn’s intestines, that is, there may be stool retention, bloating and colic. For this reason, the question arises: can a nursing mother have seeds? Eating your favorite delicacy in small quantities during lactation will only bring benefits, but an excess of seeds, on the contrary, can lead to negative processes in the body of the mother and child.

How and what seeds to eat?

You can eat both pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. Both are rich in beneficial vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal development of the body. You need to start with a small amount of seeds, observing the child’s reaction. If allergies, bloating and other problems appear, it is better to remove this food from the mother’s diet.

You should not eat sunflower seeds bought secondhand or roasted yourself. Bacteria found on the peel can negatively affect digestion. But store-bought seeds are perfect, as they undergo special processing and are hermetically sealed. You should not eat salty foods. Salt causes appetite and also adds salt to milk.

Seeds are similar in composition and effect on the body to nuts, so they must be included in the diet of a young mother. To improve the quality of breast milk, as well as saturate the body with essential substances, seeds and nuts are a real find. Just half a glass of these products a day helps replenish the necessary supply of vitamins and microelements.

During the period after childbirth, a woman’s body needs much more more useful minerals and substances than usual.

A special role is played by fatty acids, which seeds are rich in, and therefore if you don’t know whether kozinaki can be used while breastfeeding and how they affect breast milk, read below. Also in old times During pregnancy, they ate plant seeds - they promised health to the unborn child and rich mother's milk.

Kozinaki made from seeds is not just a tasty product, but also healthy. This sweet treat is based on sunflower seeds, and they are rich in healthy amino acids and fats, which, as scientists have found, have a beneficial effect on the body of the mother and her baby.

It is believed that nuts and seeds help children develop faster mentally - the microelements included in these products stimulate brain function.

  • The seeds are also very useful for internal organs, in particular for the heart muscle.
  • This traditional treat is also an excellent opportunity to relieve accumulated stress and relieve nervous background. While most of modern people grabs a cigarette, you can just crunch some kozinaki - the calming effect will be the same. This is especially worth taking note of for women who have difficulty abstaining from cigarettes while breastfeeding their baby.
  • If after childbirth a young mother develops chronic constipation or hemorrhoids have worsened, frequent eating of kozinaki will quickly solve these unpleasant problems and make it easier and more timely to empty the intestines.
  • You can also eat this healthy product if your baby has irregular bowel movements - fatty acids pass into breast milk.
  • Among other things, kozinaki is a delicacy that has high nutritional value, and therefore you can always have a quick snack to supply the body with the necessary calories to produce breast milk.

In the last century, sunflower seeds and products based on them (halva and kozinaki) were advised to be consumed by all pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers - it was believed that this would make the milk in a woman’s breast fattier and thicker, and therefore the child would always be full. Today, scientists are actively refuting the myth about the very phenomenon of fat content in mother’s milk.

However, we all know very well that food for the baby is produced in the mother’s body from what she ate. First, food is broken down in the stomach, then digested, and then vitamins and minerals enter the mother’s bloodstream, and from there into breast milk and the baby’s tummy.

Naturally, all the benefits of the seeds, which form the basis of any kozinaki, will reach the baby’s body. Therefore, in any case, you can eat this folk delicacy during the GW period. And even necessary!

Kozinaki during lactation: what problems can be solved, if any

After a woman appears at home with a newborn in her arms, life in the family changes rapidly. A young mother rarely gets enough sleep and is constantly tired - all this inevitably affects the amount of breast milk.

Nervous tension and constant exhaustion also have an adverse effect on the general well-being of a nursing mother. As a result, in addition to lactation problems, other problems and typical postpartum complications may arise - apathy, depression, increased fatigue.

Of course, kozinaki cannot get rid of serious violations, but they will be able to act as a powerful prevention.

  • The sugars and fats that make up the product affect the brain in the same way as endorphins - the hormones of happiness.
  • In addition, a tired body gets the opportunity to quickly replenish its energy supply and feels a surge of vigor.

Scientists often address the issue of the correct diet for a nursing mother - they believe that she urgently needs to eat fatty fish, seeds and nuts. It is these products that stimulate the production of breast milk, and do it efficiently - hind milk, thick and more nutritious, turns out to be more healthy and high in calories.

When can a nursing mother eat kozinaki?

In the first month after giving birth, you shouldn’t get too carried away with kozinaki - after all, this delicacy is quite difficult to digest, and the baby needs time to adapt to the mother’s diet, and therefore in the first weeks after the birth of the child it is better to adhere to a special diet.

But starting from the second month, you can gradually introduce sunflower seed products into your menu. It's best to eat a small amount of the treat first and observe your newborn's reaction. If he does not develop any unusual symptoms - itching, digestive disorders or skin rashes, then you can safely increase the amount of serving.

Usually, kozinaki does not cause problems for nursing women and their babies. You can eat such a healthy product every day, but only a little - it is important to observe moderation in everything.

Harm of kozinaki from seeds: when it is better not to eat them during breastfeeding

Kozinaki themselves are a completely natural and natural product, and therefore they almost never provoke an allergic reaction and do not cause intestinal colic in a baby.

However, there are always exceptions, and therefore you need to be aware of them.

  • Firstly, kozinaki are the most various types and are produced by different trademarks. If you want to treat yourself to this treat and get benefits from it, then you should pay attention to the composition of the product. Choose only one that does not contain chemical dyes, flavors and other chemicals.
  • Secondly, if the baby or his mother has noticeable digestive problems (indigestion, gas, flatulence, bloating, etc.), it is better to put the delicious biscuit with seeds aside for a while. The fact is that the substances included in kozinaki significantly weaken the intestines - as a result, you can worsen existing problems.
  • Thirdly, despite its environmental friendliness and benefits, such sweetness is not recommended for those nursing mothers who have excess weight. Since kozinaki is a fairly high-calorie and carbohydrate-rich treat, it frequent use can provoke sharp surges in blood sugar, which will exacerbate appetite and lead to rapid weight gain.
  • And, of course, allergic reactions in newborns: although this happens extremely rarely, it still happens. This is especially true for those products that are made with the addition of honey - this is a strong allergen.

Spices with spices (for example, cinnamon), which are often sprinkled, can also cause a rash in a baby. finished product. Therefore, choose kozinaki that uses only sugar and sunflower seeds in its preparation. Other sweets should be tried with caution.

When it comes to breastfeeding, every young mother, before eating something, carefully weighs the benefits and harms of each product she eats, so that God forbid she does not harm the health of her baby. His digestion is still so fragile and unstable that every trivial product for an adult can cause a colossal allergic reaction in a baby, starting with diathesis rashes and ending with serious indigestion, which only doctors can help overcome.

A number of products, at first glance, do not cause significant harm, but in terms of the amount of vitamins and microelements they contain, they are necessary for both mother and baby. However, reasonable benefits can also turn out to be harmful if certain features of the product are not taken into account. One of the options for this category of food includes kozinaki.

What are kozinaki?

Kozinak – pastry, which includes:

  1. Sugar melted to a caramel state; in soft versions, it can be replaced with honey molasses or syrup made from sweeteners.
  2. Nuts, rice, sesame seeds, roasted sunflower seeds.
  3. Possible addition of confectionery spices (cinnamon, vanilla).
  4. Possible addition of raisins and pieces of fruit.

Why you should say no to a product

From the above it follows that this product suggests an inherently high sugar content.

On the one hand, sugars are necessary for both the mother and the growing child. They are involved in metabolism nutrients from the blood to the cells, enhance the action of certain enzymes, and actively improve the energy resources of the brain and spinal cord.

But, nevertheless, there is also a harmful side to an excessive overdose of sugar. First of all, this is:

  1. Oversaturation of cells with glucose products and, as a result, lethargy and apathy in the baby.
  2. Leads to the rapid deposition of fat in the baby’s skin and, as a result, an increase in his weight.
  3. Slow healing of skin ulcers that occur due to diathesis, bedsores, rubbing against tissue, and various skin irritations.
  4. A large load on the baby’s pancreas, which is not fully formed.
  5. Most kozinaki are produced in solid form (grillage). When biting them there is high risk damage to tooth enamel, which is not in the best condition after pregnancy.
  6. Excess sugar is excreted from the body in urine and feces, and its high content increases the acidity of these secretions and leads to even greater skin irritation in the future.

It would not be amiss to remind you that in our time there is a class of manufacturers who are not entirely honest with ordinary customers. They add various chemical additives to their products: stabilizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and a number of other substances that are not useful for an adult, let alone a small child’s body! Therefore, before deciding to treat yourself to kozinak, a young mother should carefully study the composition of the package. In addition, you should understand that many additives may not be listed there, but when using the product they will certainly affect the baby’s health.

Another relatively harmful factor is the presence of a wide variety of nut and fruit components in this product. Some of them have unusual exotic origins. So, the composition sometimes includes pieces of pineapple, melon, ground peanuts, sesame - these products are considered highly allergenic and, if the mother is not intolerant to them, then it is important to consider that:

These products grow in areas with different climatic influences and human gastrointestinal juices middle zone practically do not have the necessary enzymatic activity for their absorption. This does not mean that a person cannot adapt to this product - it just requires certain energy costs. It is better to introduce such products to an infant at least when he has independently assimilated most of the components of regular complementary foods. And this usually happens by 9 – 12 months.

A young mother may not be aware of the presence of food intolerance to these components. In addition, during breastfeeding, the digestibility of some substances unfamiliar to the mother’s body decreases. chemical substances– thus, the body blocks the flow of unwanted chemical load to the baby. In these cases, the development of food allergies is inevitable; antibodies to the allergen will begin to actively enter the milk, and this can lead to an allergic reaction to foods already familiar to the child and permanently disrupt his digestion.

Is there any benefit from kozinak?

Undoubtedly, a large amount of sugar and the presence of potentially allergenic nuts at first glance do not have any benefit for the child’s body, but what to do if you really want kozinak? Let's try to look at the product from the positive side:

  1. The nuts that make up kozinak are a complete nutritious product. It is not for nothing that there is an opinion that if you need to survive in the forest for a long time, then you should look for hazel. In 100 grams of any kind of this food product contained daily norm carbohydrates and half the same amount of protein. In addition, a number of nut species, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, and pine nuts, contain a whole range of useful microelements and minerals. These are zinc, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, iron, copper. Such components contribute to the full development nervous system, strengthen the immune system, normalize intracranial pressure and promote the qualitative development of the hormonal system.
  2. Adding sesame seeds to kozinak will have a positive effect on the development of the child’s musculoskeletal system. Sesame is an excellent means of preventing rickets in children. Thanks to the large combination of calcium, potassium and adapted chlorine compounds, it has a beneficial effect on the synthesis of vitamins A, C and D, the deficiency of which provokes the development of rickets.
  3. Kazinaki, which contains honey molasses instead of sugar, are additionally endowed with beneficial properties honey. It's about about preventing early cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels (which is important for children whose heredity is burdened with cardiovascular diseases). Honey also blocks the negative effects of free radicals, removes waste and toxins from the body, and has a positive effect on the formation of enzymes in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.

How to choose the right kozinak

If, nevertheless, a young mother decides to include this tasty but controversial product in her usual diet, then she should approach its choice correctly:

  1. Carefully read the composition: it should exclude class E additives and unclear chemical names (if the mother does not know this compound, then it is better not to risk it).
  2. It is advisable to choose a product in transparent packaging so that you can examine it for mold; for kozinaki made from sunflower seeds, there should be no visible remains of the peel. You should be wary of the obvious white segments in the product, through which the components are practically invisible - this phenomenon may confirm localized accumulations of sugar, fatty nut secretions, or chemicals added to the product for preservation purposes. Such phenomena indicate: a violation of the product’s preparation technology, its improper storage, or the expiration of its shelf life. Such a kozinak will not add any benefits.

How to introduce kozinak into your diet

The product has been purchased, a pot of tea has been brewed, now you need to understand how to properly introduce it into the diet so that it does not harm the baby:

  1. On the first day, it is recommended to take a small fragment, the size of ½ teaspoon. It is advisable to use it in the morning. After including kozinak in your diet, carefully look at the condition of the baby. If after a day there is redness of the cheeks, rash, lethargy, further consumption of the product is contraindicated until breastfeeding is completed.
  2. You can increase the next dose of Kozinac slightly and watch the reaction again.
  3. If the baby reacts normally, then this product can be actively used in the composition in which it was originally. The norm of kozinak per day should not exceed 40 grams of the product.
  4. When purchasing kozinak of a different composition, its consumption should begin as the introduction of a new product into the child’s diet and carefully monitor its condition.
  5. It is advisable to start with classic types of kozinak, which include sunflower seeds and sugar. It is not recommended to use the product with peanuts - this type nut is a strong allergen.

Kozinaki is a tasty and nutritious delicacy that can please a mother, sweeten the baby’s milk and charge her with positivity for the whole coming day. However, their consumption should be approached wisely, with due responsibility, so that they do not become an obstacle to the health of mother and baby.

Video: how to make kozinaki at home

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