Valentina Rubtsova's husband. Valentina Rubtsova showed new interesting photos with her husband and daughter Personal life of Valentina Rubtsova

Valentina Rubtsova is an actress whom everyone knows as Tanya from the youth television series “Univer”. It was with him that the girl’s enormous popularity began and her dream came true - to become famous actress. Valya is very close in temperament to her on-screen heroine, so she really regrets that “Univer” is coming to an end. Valentina Rubtsova's husband is Arthur Martirosyan.

Biography of Valentina Rubtsova

Valentina was born on October 3, 1977 in Makeevka (Donetsk region). Valya in a big, strong and friendly family Rubtsov became the middle child - the third child. In total, the Rubtsovs gave birth to five children. Vali's dad worked in a mine all his life, his mother was a teacher at a boarding school for children with disabilities, namely the deaf and dumb.

Arthur Martirosyan's future wife Valentina Rubtsova dreamed of acting in films. early childhood. According to her mother, the girl, together with her friend, organized concerts in the yard at the age of 3. There they sang children's songs and played dance numbers and showed humorous skits. Not only children from all over the yard, but also adults came to Valya’s ringing voice.

Valya is already in kindergarten noted as a very artistic girl, which made her parents very happy. They were proud of their daughter. The teachers jokingly called Arthur Martirosyan's future wife Valentina Rubtsova Valentina Pavlovna.

Actress today nice words talks about the teacher from theater school, which, in her words, gave rise to the fighting character of the girl and many of her friends.

What else was Valentina Rubtsova interested in?

Besides acting, young actress She mastered artistic gymnastics well. She even passed the standard to receive the title of candidate master of sports in this industry. Valentina also loved to travel with her grandmother. So, once they visited Moscow, after which the girl had another dream - to move to live there after graduating from school. Valentina Rubtsova's husband later brought this to life.

The further fate of Valentina

After the long-awaited receipt of her diploma, Valentina had an accident. Which was the reason for postponing the trip to Moscow. How to active public figure, Valya received several job offers. The first of them was from the Donetsk Youth Theater, where the actress went with pleasure. There, literally within a year, she performed the main roles in all kinds of performances and productions. In 1996, Arthur Martirosyan's future wife Valentina Rubtsova became a student at GITIS - she entered the acting department. However, the girl was very upset by the amount she had to pay for her studies.

Looking for a sponsor

Valentina, taking advantage of her “position”, because she was already famous, began to look for a sponsor who would help pay for her studies. She collected a complete collection of her achievements, starting with clippings from local newspapers, ending with a diploma, and went through the wealthy people she knew. But none of them could enter into the position of the desperate girl and help her. To the question: “How old is Valentina Rubtsova?”, which she was often asked, she reacted sharply.

One day, Valya’s mother at work shared her daughter’s story with the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate, who was a very sensitive and responsive person. He felt Vali’s situation so much that he offered to help, allocating money from his own pocket.

Group "Girls"

Valentina is not deprived of artistic talents either. She sings and dances well. As a student, she accidentally saw an advertisement for the recruitment of young girls into a music group. The girl was skeptical about what she read, but her friend insisted that she go to the casting. Without any hope of success, Valya went to auditions, where she behaved naturally, performed songs and talked about her hobbies. After that, she immediately forgot about what happened.

A few weeks later, she found out that she had passed the audition and was approved for the Girls group. The group's producer was a tolerant person who helped and supported everyone. He promised to help Valentina transfer to the budget department at GITIS if she graduated with honors. She, of course, had no choice. As a result, she received a red diploma.

Valentina Rubtsova’s husband remembers the period when the girl sang in a group very often.

She loved the girls very much, their tours took place together with the most popular groups at that time. Valya sometimes thought that this was happening in a dream.

Filmography Rubtsova

The actress's first roles were episodic, like many beginning actors. At one casting, where Valya auditioned for a short role, she met Tigran Keosayan. He later helped the actress break through to more serious heights.

Valentina was offered to play main role in the youth television series "Univer". She came to audition and was approved. The actress also became famous thanks to such works as “SashaTanya”, “Male women's game", "Airport", "Inside Man" and "Bachelors".

The film “Silver Lily of the Valley” was not easy for Valentina, but it became one of her favorite works.

Biography of Arthur Martirosyan

It is clear from this man’s last name that he is Armenian. But he is not a relative of Garik Martirosyan, as many people think. Accurate information about his biography cannot be found anywhere. All we know is that he was born in Sochi and works as a DJ in one of the Moscow clubs. Also, according to his wife, he runs his own business, which he does not tell anyone about. The name of this man first began to appear in public circles when he met his current wife Valentina Rubtsova.

Personal life of the actress

The girl has been leading for many years healthy image life, eats right and does yoga. This is probably one of the secrets why she looks so young. When asked how old Valentina Rubtsova is, she boldly answers: “40, and I’m absolutely not shy about it.”

Personal life, as well as information about the wedding of Arthur Martirosyan and Valentina Rubtsova, is mostly hidden. Since the couple prefers to keep their happiness away from prying eyes. Only the dates of the beginning of their relationship (2001) and marriage (2009) are known.

Who doesn’t know Tanya from the super popular domestic sitcom “Univer”? But Valentina Rubtsova, who played the persistent and correct student, is known to a much lesser extent. We decided to correct the injustice and dedicate the article to this famous woman.

The future actress Valentina Pavlovna Rubtsova was born in the city of Makeevka, Donetsk region, on October 3, 1977. In total there were five children in the family. Makeevka is a small mining town where they mainly mine coal. Vali's father, like many of its residents, worked in the mine. Mom was a teacher - she taught at a school for the deaf and dumb.

Makeyevka had its own amateur theater, where Valentina’s grandfather worked as a director. Her mother once played in the same theater. The energetic and creative girl also dreamed of becoming an artist since childhood. She showed her first performances to friends in the yard, and a little later she began studying in a theater studio.

Valina’s irrepressible energy also manifested itself in sports - she was involved in rhythmic gymnastics and even became a candidate for master of sports. But acting still attracted Valentina more than sports.

Long road to Moscow

After graduating from school, Valentina Rubtsova was going to immediately go to Moscow. She visited Moscow several years ago with her grandmother and immediately realized that she wanted to live in this city. But the day after graduation, a misfortune happened - Valya had an accident and was injured, which is why her enrollment was delayed for two whole years.

For these two years, the talented Valentina worked in the local theater. She played in the plays “Two Maples” and “Masquerade”. But at the same time, Valya doubted until the last moment whether she should study to become an actress. For some time she even planned to enter police school. But I still decided and entered GITIS for a course acting skills in 1996.

This happy event was slightly overshadowed by the fact that Valya entered the paid department, and the money for her studies at large family not enough. Valentina herself began searching for sponsors in Moscow, but her search was unsuccessful. The head of the local police department of Makeyevka, also a father of many children, volunteered to help the talented girl - he paid for the first year of study.

Later, Valya, with the help of Igor Matvienko, switched to budget education. She graduated from GITIS in 2001, already working for Igor Matvienko and being the lead singer of the group “Girls”.

While studying at GITIS, Valya, of course, immediately began to think about work. One day I decided to try my hand after seeing that a new girl group was being recruited. So Valya ended up in the production center of Igor Matvienko and became the lead singer of the group “Girls”.

In addition to her, the group included Irina Dubtsova, Tatyana Gerasimova and Olympiada Teterich. The group existed for 5 years and broke up due to a decline in popularity and the constant appearance on the stage of more and more new groups with a similar repertoire. But Valentina remembers the existence of “Girls” as “wonderful years.”

In addition to her career as a singer, Valentina, after graduating from GITIS, began acting in plays. She was involved in the musicals “12 Chairs” and “Cats”. Valya first appeared in films in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley-2”. This role was offered to Valentina by Tigran Keosayan, whom she met while working in the musical “12 Chairs”.

Tanya from Univer is a lucky ticket for Valentina Rubtsova

In 2008, the series “Univer” was released, which made its main actors, including Valentina Rubtsova, widely known. In the series, Valentina plays an excellent law student, Tanya Arkhipova, one of the main roles.

Her partner - a young man, and later her husband in the series - is Sasha Sergeev (actor Andrei Gaidulyan), with whom Valentina later starred in the series "SashaTanya". This is a sitcom about the continuation of the relationship between Sasha and Tanya, which began in the series “Univer”, where she also plays the main role.

Valya made an offer to try himself at Univer. Valentina met him at his birthday party. Martirosyan informed Valya that TNT was planning to film a new series, and invited her to go to the casting. The actress successfully passed the audition, and now it is difficult for viewers to imagine that Tanya could be played by any other actress.

Valentina Rubtsova complains that in real life she is now often called Tatyana. Of course, this speaks to the popularity of the heroine and the series, but the real Valentina has little in common with Tanya Arkhipova-Sergeeva. Is that happy wife and mother, like her heroine.

Valentina Rubtsova is also a rather serious and purposeful person, but at the same time, according to reviews from friends and colleagues, she has a light and cheerful character. That's why she's so good at comedy roles in TV series.

Filming of the series “SashaTanya” had to be postponed slightly due to Valentina’s pregnancy and the birth of a child in 2011. But almost immediately after giving birth, the hardworking actress began working on the series again.

Popular TV series and films with the participation of the actress

In addition to the main roles in the sitcoms “Univer” and “SashaTanya”, Valentina Rubtsova managed to star in many more films.

  1. “Happy New Year, moms!” (2012) - New Year's comedy, the role of the assistant to the main character Masha.
  2. “Men’s Women’s Game” (2011) – a film about women’s football, the role of a goalkeeper football team named Lisa.
  3. "Who is the head in this house?" (episodes 4 and 30, 2006) - comedy series, Russian adaptation of the American “Who’s the Boss?” Secretary of the main character Dasha Pirogova.
  4. “One of Our Own” (2005) – a girl on a train (episodic role).
  5. "Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions-2" ("Potion for strabismus", film 3, 2005) - a film based on the work of Daria Dontsova. The role of Lisa Lebedeva, Anya's friend.
  6. “Airport” (2005) – TV series, episode 7, role of Tootsie (aka Maria Ryabokon).
  7. “Bachelors” (2004) – cameo role.
  8. “Silver Lily of the Valley-2” (2004) – episode 8 (“Sound Sleep of the Mind”), the role of Lina.

Working on television

Valentina's comedic talent led her to comedy shows on television. She starred in the program “Thank God, you came!” on STS since 2004, then in “Big Difference” on Channel One, where she parodied with great success famous singers and actresses.

Valentina remembers working in these shows with pleasure. In addition, Valya was involved in dubbing foreign films - “The Enchantress”, “Hannah Montana”, “Mamma Mia!”, “Pride and Prejudice”. She acted as an expert in the program “School of Repair” in 2010.

The actress has been married to businessman Arthur Martirosyan since 2009. Valentina Rubtsova and her husband met back in 2001 at the premiere of the film “From Hell.” Arthur was immediately interested in a girl in a tracksuit (Valentina came to the premiere straight from the gym), who was sharply different from the rest of the smartly dressed audience.

He asked his friend (Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov - the “red” one from “Ivanushki”) to introduce him to Valya. Then Valentina and Arthur separated, but soon fate brought them together again - already on for a long time- in Sochi, where Valentina came on tour.

Arthur and Valentina turned out to have a lot in common, despite the 10-year age difference. Her husband, according to Valentina, balances her out thanks to his calm and calm character. Arthur in good relations with Andrei Gaidulyan, Valentina’s on-screen “husband,” and understands the fact that his wife constantly has to portray “love” on the screen. According to Valentina, she and Arthur never gave each other reasons for jealousy.

Valya’s only drawback is that she admits that she doesn’t like or know how to cook, but her husband does it very well. 2 years after the wedding - in 2011 - their daughter Sophia was born. Valya’s parents also moved to Moscow from the Donetsk region and are helping her raise her daughter. She and her husband love to vacation in Sochi, his hometown, renting housing there near the sea. Valentina dreams of buying her own house in Sochi - of course, not now, at the peak of her career, but a little later.

Valentina Rubtsova now - latest news

People wondering how old Valentina Rubtsova is are extremely surprised to learn that this “girl” was born in 1977. Few people will believe it, but this fragile and eternally young girl turns 41 in 2018!

The actress is known for trying to lead. Before the birth of her daughter, she did not eat meat for many years. Valya does yoga and regularly goes to the gym; outside of filming, she doesn’t overuse makeup.

So her appearance, which allows her to play heroines much younger than Valentina herself, is not only a gift from her parents, but also the result of the actress’s own efforts.

Now Valentina continues to star in projects on TNT, and is also involved in charity work.


Valentina Rubtsova is loved by many viewers for her inexhaustible positive energy. According to Valentina, she is an introvert by nature and most of all loves to spend time with her family - her husband, daughter and parents. At the same time, the actress is constantly overwhelmed with energy, and during filming she is ready to work and give her positive attitude viewers 25 hours a day.

Valentina is an example of determination for many, having fulfilled the dream of many girls from the provinces and conquered Moscow with her talent and constant work.

There will be a long-awaited addition to the family of actress Valentina Rubtsova and her husband Arthur Martirosyan. Is Valentina Rubtsova pregnant? Garik Martirosyan was born on February 14, 1974 in Yerevan. The father of the unborn child, the husband of the actress, Moscow DJ Arthur Martirosyan.

Then Arthur Martirosyan noticed her, who really liked Valya’s “calm” approach to life, and he asked his friend and fellow countryman Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov to introduce him to this sweet girl. And to achieve their goal, both work tirelessly: Valya disappears on the set, and Arthur works in an elite Moscow club... Already all relatives, friends and neighbors are drawn into this debate - should I be Martirosyan-Rubtsova or Rubtsova-Martirosyan.

The wedding of Valentina Rubtsova and Arthur Martirosyan will soon bear fruit

So in real life Valentina will soon experience the joys of motherhood. Recently, all the Russian tabloids wrote with surprise that the actress lives with her husband, who is 10 years older than her, although what’s wrong with this is completely unclear... The actress really doesn’t like to talk about her husband, but “EG” managed to find out about where and how Valentina met her betrothed.

The young people met, and then Arthur went to his homeland, Sochi. And, quite possibly, they would not have met again if the group “Girls” had not visited this glorious city with a concert. By the way, Valentina sings very well, but, unfortunately, this talent of hers is not so often seen and heard on the screen... In addition to her vocal talent, Rubtsova is also a candidate for Master of Sports in artistic gymnastics.

But it was “Univer” and the role of Tanya Arkhipova that made Valentina truly famous. Univer" was released back in 2008, and almost from the first episodes all the actors in the series woke up famous. Valentina Rubtsova, Maria Kozhevnikova, and Vitaly Gogunsky have a huge army of fans...

This is what attracted the attention of Arthur, who at that time worked in an elite Moscow club. After the first date, he invited her to relax with him in Sochi (his hometown). They lived for several years in civil marriage. Valentina carefully hid her Family status until, finally, rumors penetrated the press about when Valentina Rubtsova’s wedding would take place.

Let us remind you that in the new episodes of “Univer” the heroine Valentina no longer appears. The heroine, played by Valentina Rubtsova, got married, and she wants to tell the viewer about what is happening in her family. Pregnant Valentina Rubtsova takes her health very seriously. The charming actress of the TV series “Univer” Valentina Rubtsova is expecting a child. Now the couple live in a rented apartment in the center of Moscow and dream of a house in the Moscow region.

It will tell about the parental everyday life of the heroes Valentina Rubtsova and her on-screen husband performed by Andrei Gaidulyan. The pregnancy of the actress, who, in addition to “Univer,” stars in the show “ A big difference” on Channel One, has already baffled the management of these programs.

Martirosyan, Garik Yurievich

There was no section in the city, so I trained the girl school teacher and trained to become a city champion. Valentina Rubtsova dreamed of becoming an actress since childhood. Sasha and Tanya”, where Valentina plays Tanya Arkhipova, already familiar to viewers from the series “Univer”. Evgeny Mironov and Chulpan Khamatova in the film adaptation by Dina Rubina. Registered Federal service for supervision in the field of communications, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor).

For example, in early June, the actress came to Sochi to see Kinotavr with her husband and daughter. Now she is completely immersed in the happiness of motherhood and tries to enjoy every minute of communication with little Sophia. This is probably one of the most best events in my life. Emotions are overwhelming right now!

By the way, in the TV series “Univer” the actress plays student Tanya Arkhipova, who has already given birth and is busy nursing the baby that the heroine gave birth to from her young man, son of an oligarch. As the newspaper “Your Day” writes, Rubtsova is now hiding her interesting situation. By the way, Valya plays the bride of Sasha, Andrei’s hero, in the mega-popular series.

Arthur Martirosyan: “Rugby League is a war in the game”

But Valya started in cinema like many others: the girl came to Moscow from the small Ukrainian town of Makeevka. In the series, the actress played very serious girl, who is somewhat complex about her appearance. Valentina once admitted in an interview that she really enjoyed starring in Univer: “The main difference between Univer and all other TV series is that it’s wildly funny!

And now it's already underway not the second season at all - and its quality is not falling, but, on the contrary, is gaining momentum... Almost all the stars took part in the filming of the series - Pavel Volya, Victoria Bonya, Vladimir Kristovsky and many others.

However, the lovers delayed marriage for so long for another reason. Valentina, a native of Ukraine, has been trying to obtain Russian citizenship all this time. But the actress found herself in something else: she plays parodies in the popular TV show “Big Difference.” There are rumors that she is going to return to TNT in a new project. Andrey Gaidulyan will play the on-screen husband in the new television series.

Valentina Rubtsova and Arthur Martirosyan dream of cozy nest in the Moscow region, and have already begun construction of a small mansion. It turns out that the red-haired “Ivanushka” introduced the actress to Arthur 11 years ago, when Rubtsova was still working in “Girls.” Valentina refused, but soon the “Girls” went on a Black Sea tour, and she crossed paths with Arthur again.

Valentina Rubtsova - famous Russian actress, who was lucky enough to become popular only at the very beginning of her creative path. She is a cheerful and positive woman with a great sense of humor. Many men pay attention to her, and many women want to be like the beautiful Valentina.

It should be noted that her talent lies not only in the fact that she is a sought-after film and theater actress, but also a singer with an excellent voice, who at one time was a vocalist in the musical group “Girls”.

Absolutely all admirers of this magnificent actress know everything about her without exception. Including height, weight, age. How old Valentina Rubtsova is is easy to calculate. This beauty is already 40. Although, at first glance you wouldn’t say it.

If you compare photos of Valentina Rubtsova in her youth and now, you are unlikely to notice any serious differences - the years have hardly left an imprint on her face. The actress is also allowed to look younger than her age by her low weight and short stature. With a height of 158 centimeters, the woman weighs only 55 kilograms.

Biography and personal life 👉 Valentina Rubtsova

Valyusha Rubtsova was born on October 3, 1977, in the small mining town of Makeevka. Her father, Pavel Rubtsov, like most men in the Donetsk region, was a miner. And my mother is a teacher in a special school for deaf and mute children. In addition to Valya, there were four more children in the family.

The biography and personal life of Valentina Rubtsova are reminiscent of some fairy tale, where a girl from a poor family was able to make her way into a wealthy life. Valya wanted to become an artist as a child. Her acting talent manifested itself at the age of three. The girl was known throughout her neighborhood.

It is noteworthy that in kindergarten the little girl responded only when she was addressed as Valentina Pavlovna. It is not surprising that in the future such a gifted girl with arms and legs was accepted into the local theater studio.

In addition to her innate artistic talent, Valya also had a talent for artistic gymnastics. Surprisingly, already in the ninth grade she was able to earn the title of candidate master of sports. As for her future, the girl saw herself as either an artist or a police officer.

Upon completion of her studies, the girl was planning to move to Moscow and enter theater school, but her plans were disrupted by a sudden accident - the girl spent a long time in the hospital after being hit by a car.

Later, Rubtsova nevertheless entered GITIS. The girl set herself a firm goal, but the teachers could only accept her on a paid basis. It was akin to failure, but Valya was confident in herself, and therefore, without fear, she went in search of sponsors. Which, by the way, I found.

During her student period, Matvienko saw her. So Valentina became a singer in the past famous group“Girls”, and later she also made her debut in musicals, including the legendary “Cats”.

The girl became famous thanks to her roles in the TV series “Univer” and “SashaTanya”. Various parodies in the popular show “Big Difference” also added to her fame.

The actress does not like to talk about the romantic side of her life, so at least some details about this can only be learned from rare rumors on the Internet. But it is known for certain that eight years ago the wedding of Valentina Rubtsova and Artur Martirosyan took place - who, unlike his famous wife, does not strive to become public person. The artist loves her husband very much, and does not even think about leaving him.

Family and children 👉 Valentina Rubtsova

The family and children of Valentina Rubtsova are probably very happy people. Let us remember that Valenka grew up in a large family. Besides herself, her parents had four more children. Of course, she could not do without difficulties and even quarrels, but in her family there was always a place for joy, love and mutual understanding. In addition, Valya’s parents always tried to make sure that their children did not need anything and were able to fully realize themselves in life. They themselves had nothing to do with the world of show business, but Grandfather Vali, for example, worked in an amateur theater.

Photos of Valentina Rubtsova with her husband and daughter can often be seen on the actress’s Instagram. Valentina herself, her beloved husband and daughter look very happy family. Let's hope that this is actually true.

Daughter 👉 Valentina Rubtsova - Sofia Martirosyan

The daughter of Valentina Rubtsova, Sofya Martirosyan, appeared as expected and incredibly beautiful. She is already six years old. Interestingly, they couldn’t choose a name for the baby for almost a whole month. With the birth of her daughter, Valya decided to return to filming and therefore her father and grandparents were left to look after the baby doll.

Little Sofia is growing up to be a very bright personality. The girl loves drawing, singing and dancing. Like her mother once upon a time, she tries to study gymnastics. The girl is preparing to enter school, but has not yet chosen a profession for herself.

Husband 👉 Valentina Rubtsova - Arthur Martirosyan

Valentina Rubtsova's husband, Artur Martirosyan, is brother famous comedian. In addition, it is known that he is a whole decade older than his wife. They met by chance. Were invited to the premiere of the same film. And they were brought together, one might say, by the vocalist of “Ivanushki” - Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, with whom Arthur has been friends for a long time.

Martirosyan began to frequently call Valentina, and then invited her to relax in his hometown - Sochi. The girl did not refuse, but refused the man a romantic relationship, offering only friendly ones.

He did not back down. As a result, the romance that began grew into happy marriage and the appearance of a daughter. The young family rented an apartment for a long time before they were finally able to purchase their own home.

ABOUT best husband than Arthur, Valentina could not even dream of. He cooks well, works as a DJ and only occasionally appears in films. Valechka was able to marry the lover who won her heart only after becoming a citizen of Russia.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Valentina Rubtsova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Valentina Rubtsova are not difficult to find on the Internet. In addition to them, the artist also has profiles on other social networks. With their help, Valentina shares with her fans the most latest news from your life.

You can read in the Internet encyclopedia short biography actress, facts from her creative life, and also see a list of films in which she starred. In contrast, almost nothing is mentioned about his personal life. But Valenka still shares some moments on her Instagram profile, where she has a lot of subscribers.

For the first time the name of Arthur Martirosyan appeared in the media mass media, when its owner appeared next to the popular actress and singer, who became famous for her role as Tanya in the popular sitcoms “Univer” and. But it seems Arthur doesn’t really like the close attention of journalists to his modest person. He does not seek success in show business and is not a public figure.

This is probably why the biography of Arthur Martirosyan is only a slightly open book. For example, it was not possible to find out the exact date of his birth. The estimated year of his birth is 1967. But the place of birth can be accurately named - Sochi.

Judging by his last name, Arthur is of Armenian origin, but he is not related to the showman and comedian.

Information about parents and education could not be found.


Some media reports mention that the husband of the actress from the popular series is a businessman. But in what industry his business was developing was unknown for a long time. Much more often one could find references to the fact that a man works as a DJ in an elite club in the capital.

In 2017, Valentina Rubtsova lifted the veil of secrecy and provided information about her husband’s field of activity. Contrary to popular belief that Arthur is a DJ, it became known that Martirosyan was never associated with show business, but was educated in the IT field. Arthur Martirosyan’s business is related to computer technology, so there is no talk of any work on creating songs and dance hits. Rumors about Martirosyan’s musical profession arose after Arthur was photographed near the DJ console at one party.

But it is known that Arthur is friends with, who is also from Sochi.

Personal life

Arthur met the Univer star in 2002, when Valya was still shining on stage as part of music group"Girls", produced by. Together with Valentina Rubtsova, the musical group included Tatyana Gerasimova, Olympiada Teterich and. The singers became famous for their musical compositions “I Want to Be a Bird” and “Mother Spoke,” which were included in the rotation of Russian popular music radio stations.

It was the same Grigoriev-Apollonov who introduced Arthur and Valentina. This happened at the premiere of the film with the gloomy title “From Hell”, where the group “Girls” arrived in full force. But while Valya’s colleagues dressed up and took care of their makeup, the girl managed to stand out from the crowd with a tracksuit, sneakers and a roomy bag. After all, she came to the premiere straight from gym. As Valentina later said, there was a difficult period in her life at that moment, and sports did not allow depression to develop. The girl attended two training sessions a day.

With this simplicity and reluctance to please the girl, she “hooked” a man ten years older. Arthur asked Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov to introduce him to Valya. It so happened that they also had seats in the audience next to each other. The couple had so many common topics to talk about that they talked not only the entire session, but also half the night - on the phone.

Perhaps this meeting, during which sympathy arose between Valentina Rubtsova and Arthur Martirosyan, would have been forgotten, but soon the “Girls” came on tour to Sochi. Here the couple met again. And they never part again until today.

The personal life of Arthur Martirosyan and the star of the sitcom was happy. At one time the couple lived in a civil marriage. At first, the couple didn’t think about the stamp in their passport - they felt good together, and that was the main thing. In addition, Valya, who moved to the capital from Ukraine, was waiting to receive Russian citizenship. Young people also delayed the birth of children for a long time. According to Valentina, they simply could not bring the newborn to rented apartment, so they worked and collected funds for their own housing.

They got married in 2009. And in 2011, his wife gave Arthur Martirosyan a daughter, Sophia. When Valentina found out about her pregnancy, she had already signed a contract to participate in the SashaTanya project. But the producer of the sitcom supported the actress, and filming began only after Sonya’s birth. For the first months, while my mother was working on the set, the girl was completely taken care of by Arthur and Tanya’s parents.

Photos with Sonya regularly appear on Valentina Rubtsova’s account in “ Instagram" And Arthur Martirosyan only publishes photographs with his wife. The parents do not show the girl’s face in publications, but the photographs clearly show that Sonya has long, curly, dark hair.

The couple likes to spend their free time in Sochi. On Black Sea resort The spouses have favorite places - the Olympic Park, the Riviera, the arboretum, restaurants, the embankment, the beaches. The spouses also love to visit Krasnaya Polyana. Martirosyan and Rubtsova leave for Sochi during breaks between filming for the actress. In the city, the couple rents a property a 7-minute walk from the sea, considering it very convenient. Arthur and Valentina jokingly call themselves “co-addicts.”

According to the actress, an idyll reigns in the family. Arthur Martirosyan has a calm, imperturbable character and balances the emotional Valentina. In addition, Arthur is an excellent cook. Martirosyan's signature dishes are baked meat or fish in foil.

In 2016, Valentina Rubtsova appeared on the Dom-2 project. The girl told the participants about problems in her relationship with her husband, about his passion for other girls. In search of a way out of the current situation, Valentina decided to change the situation. Fans of the actress came to the conclusion that a conflict was brewing in her family, but Valentina reassured the audience. According to the actress, this was a well-thought-out script move that Valya would not want to fully reveal.

In fact, there have never been conflicts based on jealousy in the family. Arthur, according to Valentina, did not even give a reason to be jealous, although the actress sometimes asked her husband about it. Martirosyan called such requests from his wife stupid. The family of Martirosyan and Rubtsova maintains friendly relations with the actors from the series “Univer”, where Valentina starred, and especially with.

The couple rarely appears in public, but the couple gladly agreed to come to the presentation of the music album. The actors of the sitcom “Univer” gathered at the party with their significant other. In addition to Rubtsova and Martirosyan, there were Andrei Gaidulyan s and s.

Arthur Martirosyan now

Now the life of a businessman is developing in a stable direction. Together with Valentina, Arthur is raising a daughter who is already attending a gymnastics studio and delighting her parents with her first successes.

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