Equipment for wood processing. Wood processing: technology and necessary equipment. Processing into fossil fuels

In our country, recycling wood waste, in principle, has always been considered a profitable occupation. However, this market niche is oh so unfilled. Considering everything known methods processing: bark, chips, sawdust and other wood residues, in Russia only 50% of this material is used, and in some regions of Siberia the exploitation of recycled wood reaches only 35 percent. Processing wood waste as a business is a promising endeavor, since waste from sawmilling, wood processing and logging is not yet used even by half. This means there is a huge amount of source material.

Areas of use of wood waste

The use of wood waste has a wide scope; it is used to create:

  • gypsum sheets;
  • bricks;
  • particle boards and particle-cement boards;
  • They are also included in the production chain in hydrolysis plants.

IN Lately The creation of wood fuel briquettes used for heating rooms is actively gaining popularity. In addition, sawdust processing as a business is widely applicable in the production of cardboard and paper in pulp and paper mills.

General requirements for waste treatment

Before the waste treatment process, they are sorted by wood species, subjected to cutting, hydrothermal treatment and removal of rotten fragments. Mechanical crushing is performed using special machines having toothed discs. To facilitate the grinding process and reduce the load on the drive, hard rocks trees are steamed.

Note! Wood waste processing as a business must necessarily include the elimination of harmful components from wood; for this it is necessary to think through the process of treating the shavings with salt solutions.

Depending on the area industrial processing waste, the list of required equipment may change, but this list includes all the main mechanical components and machines, without which sawdust processing as a business cannot exist:

  • Press forms;
  • drying chamber;
  • gas generator;
  • wood splitting units;
  • wood chipping unit;
  • mixing station;
  • screw conveyor of processed raw materials;
  • high-temperature charcoal kilns;
  • Remote Control;
  • storage bunker.

Determining business orientation: briquetting

As mentioned above, recycled wood waste is applicable in many areas of industry, but after analyzing the fuel market, we can conclude that wood briquettes are in good demand and will bring more profit than other methods of selling such recyclable materials. Briquettes have a calorific value close to that of coal:

In addition, the increased demand for wood briquettes is justified by the minimal presence of combustion product (ash) and CO2 emissions, which allows us to reach even the “European level”, where the fight against pollution is encouraged environment. Processing wood waste as a business and creating products for heating premises and buildings will significantly increase profits and shorten the payback period for investments. That is why in this material we want to place special emphasis on this technology.

How much money will it take

We warn you right away that organizing a sawdust processing enterprise as a business will require large investments. These include the following costs:

  • creation of general ventilation – $800;
  • power supply – $1800;
  • lighting – $500;
  • fire alarm and fire extinguishing system – $2100;
  • operational packing and warehousing – $1700;
  • technological ventilation and air duct system – $4,500;
  • creation of working and living conditions for workers – $2,500;
  • machine for packing briquettes of 12 pcs. –$1000;
  • commissioning – $10,000;
  • salary – $6,000 (3 teams of 4 people);
  • Consumables(tension tape, auger attachment) – $2000;
  • production costs – $7100;
  • cost of briquette production equipment – ​​$110,000;

Total – $150,000.


Processing sawdust as a business and creating wood briquettes implies the following plan for return on investment:

  • productivity – 0.5 t/h;
  • work per day – 20 hours;
  • the cost of 1 ton of wood briquettes is $115.

Income per month: 0.5 t * 20 h * 30 d * $115 = $34.5 thousand.

Costs per month: consumables + production costs = 2000 + 7100 = $9100.

Net profit per month: 60,000 – 9,100 = $25,400.

The payback period for investments in wood waste processing as a business will be:

150000/25400 – approximately 6 months, which is very fast for a private business on such a scale. Besides, high quality products and the availability of appropriate certificates will allow the export of wood briquettes abroad.


The production of fuel briquettes by processing sawdust as a business is not the cheapest way to generate income, but if you manage to organize it, the profit will be significant. Moreover, the gradual expansion of the business will allow us to enter the international market. Sawdust processing as a business is suitable for experienced entrepreneurs and is not acceptable for a novice businessman.

- a common, but far from the most effective practice. Yes, wood decomposes faster, for example, than plastic, and burns well, however, this waste has great potential for subsequent use.

Recycled wood has various uses. Depending on the types of its processing, wood produces:

  • turpentine, coal and acetic acid, if it has been processed chemically - by hydrolysis;
  • When wood is mechanically processed, chips are formed, from which the building material - chipboard - is obtained. and , are also the result of such processing.

The mechanical process is simpler and less expensive.

Grinder-shredder with submersible BEAR CAT SC5720B +PSM. Mobile, high performance.

The main equipment for processing wood waste includes different types shredders:

  • Shredders are capable of shredding waste regardless of its original size. Horizontal ones are designed for processing small waste, and vertical ones for larger ones. Acuity cutting knives shredder, significantly affects the quality and speed of the grinding process.
  • Low-speed shredders are slower, but no less reliable, and are often used in production.
  • Briquetting press produces briquettes for fuel. In the future, the product of their combustion is an excellent element for fertilizer. Distinctive characteristic Such a press has the ability to work with different types of raw materials, be it wood or paper.
  • Silos are necessary in large workshops, as they provide storage and transportation of material.

TO additional equipment relate :

  • A planer that removes the surface from both sides of wood, thus preparing it for the next processing process.
  • Milling machines are used for additional woodworking. After processing wood on such a machine, chips are formed, which is another material for processing.
  • Peeling machines do not produce shavings during their operation, but thanks to them, veneer is produced.
  • Debarkers are used to remove bark from wood in two stages: a light and deeper process of cleaning the wood.

At factories that process wood, they produce: charcoal, briquettes, and also process wood waste into gas.

Disposal and processing of sawdust and wood chips

Many enterprises simply burn sawdust, although there is another more rational way. Fuel briquettes can be made from sawdust and wood chips. In terms of energy release, they are comparable to firewood.

There are several ways to process sawdust.

Screw pressing lines are used for sawdust processing. They work for natural gas And diesel fuel and electricity.

The method is popular when used. This method has good performance and low cost. overall dimensions equipment.

Pressing takes place without adding glue. The advantage of this is that the subsequent combustion of the briquette takes place without the release of toxic chemicals into the atmosphere.

Automatic press for sawdust and shavings. Stationary, high-performance and automated. Much more efficient and productive than artisanal hand presses.

Private and municipal farms use special equipment for crushing tree branches, which is attached to a tractor or machine through a special shaft. The productivity of such a device reaches approximately 6 cubic meters per hour. The sawdust is also pressed on site. In this way, an environmentally friendly product is obtained that is ready for subsequent use.

There is also a way to use sawdust as soil fertilizer. Sawdust and shavings are also used as raw materials for manufacturing building materials, and in chemical production for the production of technical fluids, alcohols, solvents and other materials.

Often other wood waste (for example,) is processed into sawdust and chips for subsequent processing.

A very popular way of processing wood is in special ones.

Wood processing line

An eco-friendly approach to what you consume natural resources provides for the possibility of their recycling. A significant part of the recycling segment is occupied by wood processing. This process can be carried out in several ways: chemical, mechanical, mechanical-chemical. The choice of technological method will depend on the planned final product of such processing.

  1. A mechanical change in the original type of wood occurs by chopping, sawing, milling, turning, splitting, peeling, drilling or planing. The result of processing is lumber or fibrous semi-finished products. If wood fibers are pressed under high pressure, the result will be the production of pellets - fuel granules with extreme energy concentration.
  2. The combination of mechanical change and chemical change produces a homogeneous wood product - shavings, chips and veneer, from which modified wood is subsequently made. The intermediate wood product (obtained mechanically) undergoes polymerization through a synthetic binding ingredient under pressure and a certain temperature. This is how plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, and OSB are produced.
  3. A purely chemical method of processing with alkali or acid is used to obtain gum, solvents, tanning agents, rosin, filler components for varnishes, bitumen from wood, and also as a raw material in paper production.

The choice of specialized equipment involved in multi-variant wood processing lines is huge. Therefore, the configuration of capacities should be carried out in accordance with the planned end result.

I would especially like to draw attention to the production wood chips, or the “building stone” of the future (as it is otherwise called). Being the basis of comprehensive waste-free use forest resources, it opens up new opportunities in recycling and recycling of any type of wood.

The line for processing wood into chips is the most popular in this production segment.

Due to its mobility and compactness, such a plant can be used at all stages of wood harvesting and processing (from grinding directly in forest clearings to processing waste from large wood processing complexes).

You can select and order machines for waste recycling on the website of the KAMI Association. We have a large selection of models with different power and functional characteristics, from which you can select the ideal equipment for the tasks of your enterprise:

  • Crushers for chopping slabs, laths and low-grade wood. The processing of such waste in modern sawmilling occupies an important place, since it makes it possible to obtain fuel and technological chips of the required fraction. Crushing is carried out on drum crushers. This type of crushers is successfully manufactured and sold as part of the import substitution program ( mod.RM-400 And Crafter RS ​​500).
  • Shredder machines for crushing waste from woodworking, carpentry and furniture production. Waste generated in such industries (offcuts, rejects, lump MDF and chipboard waste) is crushed using special shredders Untha. They are designed for grinding wood waste, including those with metal inclusions. I use the resulting wood chips as fuel for combustion in boiler plants, and also as raw material for the production of fuel briquettes.
  • Briquette presses and granulators– allow you to receive alternative views environmentally friendly fuel. Briquettes of the “RUF” standard produced on presses mod. BP-600, and pellets have found their use both in the industrial sector and as an alternative to firewood in residential stoves and fireplaces.

Machines and installations for processing wood waste, MDF panels and chipboards from the KAMI furniture production - a profitable solution

Before purchasing waste disposal equipment, consult with a company specialist. He will help you choose the installation for your tasks, focusing on your available budget and specifications. Leave requests on the website or call hotline 8 800 1000 111.

A wood chipper is a machine used to process wood, typically branches or trunks, into smaller wood chips. These units are often mounted on trailers suitable for towing behind a truck or van. Typically power is provided by an internal combustion engine from 3 Horse power(2.2 kW) up to 1 thousand horsepower (750 kW). There are also high-power truck-mounted crusher models equipped with a separate engine. These models usually also have a hydraulic valve.

The wood chipper was invented by Peter Jensen (Germany) in 1884, after which the machine became the main business of his company, which already produced and repaired municipal woodworking machines.

Description and application of wood chipper

A wood chipper typically consists of a hopper with a collar, the chipper mechanism itself, and additional container for collecting wood parts c. The tree branch is inserted into the hopper (the collar serves as a partial safety mechanism) and the chipping process begins. The chips exit through a chute and can be directed into a container on a truck or onto the ground. The typical yield is chips ranging in size from 2.5 cm to 5.1 cm.

Wood chips are medium-sized hard materials made by cutting or trimming large pieces of wood. Wood chips can be used as solid biomass fuel and are a raw material for the production of wood pulp. They can also be used as organic mulch:

  • in gardening;
  • in landscaping;
  • restorative ecology;
  • in bioreactors for denitrification;
  • growing mushrooms.

According to the different chemical and mechanical properties of the masses, wood logs are mainly cleaned, and bark and wood chips are processed in different processes.

Machine structure

Most shredders rely on the power coming from a heavy flywheel to do their job (although some use drums). The grinding blades are mounted on the face of a flywheel, which is accelerated by an electric motor or internal combustion engine.

Large chipboards shredders are often equipped with grooves in the throat of their feed funnels. As soon as the branch is caught by the rollers, the branch is transported to the blades at a constant speed. These rollers have a safety feature and are usually reversible for different situations.

Device types

Shredders using high-speed, low-torque grinding rollers are becoming increasingly popular for indoor use. These machines are driven by an electric motor and have a low noise level. Some of these machines are equipped with an anti-jam feature.

Disc shredders

The original design uses a steel disk with knives mounted on it as a grinding mechanism. This technology dates back to the invention of Heinrich Wigge ra, for which he received a patent in 1922. In this design, (usually) hydraulically driven reversible wheels pull material out of the hopper toward a disc that is mounted perpendicular to the incoming material.

As the disc rotates, the knives cut the material into chips. They eject the tray with flanges on the drum. This operating principle is not as energy efficient as the drum principle, but produces chips that are more uniform in shape and size. Most chippers currently in use commercial companies for tree care, are disk.

Consumer disk machines are usually have a disk with a diameter from 15 to 46 cm. Industrial crushers are available with discs up to 4.1 m in diameter, requiring 4 thousand to 5 thousand horsepower (3 thousand to 3700 kW). One of the applications of industrial disk cuttings is to obtain wood chips used in the production of chipboards.

Drum machines

Newer chippers use mechanisms consisting of a large steel drum driven by a motor, usually by a belt. The drum is mounted parallel to the hopper and rotates towards the output tray. The drum also serves as a feed mechanism, pulling out the material.

Shredders of this type have many shortcomings and security issues. If the operator somehow becomes entangled with the material being fed into the machine, the potential for injury or death is very high.

New models have overcome many of these shortcomings with Auto-Feed Plus, invented by Kurt Snyder. Auto's digitally controlled tachometer reverses the hydraulic feed wheels. The reversible feed system allows the newer, stylish drums to handle larger diameter materials.

Units for processing large diameter wood

There are much more large cars for wood processing, which can process material diameters greater than 180 cm and use:

  • drums;
  • disks;
  • their combination.

The largest woodworking machines, often called "grinders", can process material with a diameter of 240 cm or more, and use carbide hammers to chop wood instead of cutting. These machines have power from 200 to 1 thousand horsepower. Some are so heavy that they need to be transported on semi-trailers. Smaller models can be towed by a medium-duty truck.

Although shredders vary greatly in size, type, and power, the blades that process wood are similar in design. They have a rectangular shape and a thickness of 3.8 cm to 5.1 cm. The blades are made of high quality steel and contain at least 8% chromium for hardness.

Safety precautions

Be aware of safety when working with a wood chipper. Below are some recommended safety tips:

  1. Be sure to read the operating instructions before operating any equipment.
  2. Use the parking brake. This ensures that unexpected situations do not arise where the machine begins to move unintentionally.
  3. Wear safety glasses to prevent small debris from getting into your eyes.
  4. Wear clothes that fit your body to prevent being pulled into the car.
  5. Wear gloves to protect your hands.
  6. Children and animals should be kept away from the machine.
  7. Do not try to knock out tree branches while the machine is running.
  8. You cannot grind non-wood materials (stones, metal, plastic, textiles, etc.) in the machine.

Removing dead tree branches and trimming shrubs can create tons of debris. Using a shredder will easily solve this problem. Wood chipping machines are widely used today used in textile, paper, suspension and wood processing industry, as well as for the production of wood pellets. These machines have no special raw material requirements and can process logs, peeled tree shoots, bamboo and fallen branches.

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