Firepower: the strongest armies in the world according to Global Firepower. Firepower: the strongest armies in the world according to Global Firepower 10 most powerful armies in the world

A powerful and combat-ready army is the key to the country’s significant weight in international arena. Moreover, in connection with the well-known events in Syria and Ukraine, more and more often military power different countries the utmost attention is paid. Many people ask the question: “Who will win the world war?”

Today we present an annually updated, official ranking of the world's armies, a list that includes the most powerful armies in the world in 2017.

When compiling the rating, the following are compared:
- the number of armies of the world (regular number of troops, reservists)
- weapons (airplanes, helicopters, tanks, navy, artillery, other equipment)
- military budget, resource availability, geographical position, logistics.

Nuclear potential is not taken into account by experts, but recognized nuclear powers gain an advantage in ranking.

By the way, San Marino has the weakest army in the world in 2017 – only 80 people.

10 South Korea

The Korean army is the third largest in Asia - 630 thousand troops. The country is very high rate number of military personnel per thousand inhabitants – 14.2 people. Korea's defense budget is $33.7 billion.

9 Germany

The country's military budget is $45 billion. The number of German armed forces is 186,500 people. The German army is completely professional, i.e. There has been no compulsory conscription in the country since 2011.

8 Türkiye

Turkish army– the best in the Middle East. The number of the country's armed forces is 510,000 people. Turkey's military budget is $18 billion. There are just over 7 military personnel per thousand residents of the country.

7 Japan

Japanese army seventh on the list of the best. The combat-ready part of the army numbers 247 thousand military personnel. With such a large armed force, the country has a simply huge defense budget - $49 billion.

6 UK

The country's military budget is $53 billion. The size of the British armed forces is 188,000 military personnel - this is the smallest army in the ranking. But the Royal Navy Britain is second in the world in terms of tonnage.

5 France

Opens a list of the 5 most powerful armies in the world. The country's military budget is $43 billion. The number of French armed forces is 222,000 people. The key to the combat effectiveness of this army is the presence in it of a full range of weapons own production from warships to helicopters and small arms.

4 India

The country's military budget is $46 billion. The number of Indian armed forces is 1,346,000 people, the country's army is the third largest in the world.

3 China

The largest army in the world ranking is the Chinese army, numbering 2,333,000 troops. Wikipedia shows that there are 1.71 military personnel per 1,000 inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. China's military budget is $126 billion.

2 Russia

The Russian armed forces are superior to almost all armies of the world in terms of weapons power in all branches of the military - air, ground and sea. Number Russian army for 2017 – 798,000 people. Military budget - $76 billion. Among the superpowers, Russia has a very high rate of the number of military personnel per 1000 inhabitants - 5.3 people.


The most powerful army in the world, according to Globalfirepower, is American. By the way, it is not the largest in number, but the most powerful in terms of available weapons, including nuclear potential not taken into account by experts. The US Army has a strength of 1,492,200 people and a defense budget of $612 billion.

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Military and economic experts regularly determine the world index of military power - Global Firepower Index. This is one of the most objective ratings; it takes into account more than 50 different indicators. This year, experts analyzed the armed forces of 127 states.

When compiling the Global Firepower (GFP) Index, not only a scrupulous count of tanks, aircraft and warships is carried out, but also the number of personnel in the army and its reserve, the level of funding in the military sphere, transport infrastructure countries, oil production, the size of public debt and even the length coastline- in a word, all factors that can affect the combat effectiveness of the national army.

Availability nuclear arsenal is not taken into account, but states with nuclear weapons receive a “bonus”. The top three - the USA, Russia and China - have remained unchanged for three years. This is what the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world looked like in 2015.

America for a long time is many times ahead of everyone else in military spending. In second place in terms of military budget, also already long years, China. Russia is in third. Chinese army the most numerous in the world. Russia is the first in the world in the number of tanks.

1. USA

Photo website

Defense budget - $587,800,000,000 (almost $588 billion)

5,884 tanks

19 aircraft carriers

13762 aircraft

The total number of naval vessels is 415

Army size - 1,400,000

2. Russia

Defense budget - $44.6 billion

20,215 tanks

1 aircraft carrier

3,794 aircraft

Army strength - 766,055

3. China

Defense budget - $161.7 billion

6,457 tanks

1 aircraft carrier

2,955 aircraft

Army size - 2,335,000

4. India

Defense budget - $51 billion

4,426 tanks

3 aircraft carriers

2,102 aircraft

Army size - 1,325,000

5. France

Photo: page French Armed Forces on Facebook.

Defense budget - $35 billion

406 tanks

4 aircraft carriers

1,305 aircraft

Army size: 205,000

6. UK

Prince Harry during his military service. Instagram photo Marine Corps Royal Navy.

Defense budget - $45.7 billion

249 tanks

1 helicopter carrier

856 aircraft

Army size - 150,000

7. Japan

Defense budget - $43.8 billion

700 tanks

4 helicopter carriers

1,594 aircraft

Army size: 250,000

8. Türkiye

Defense budget - $8.2 billion

2445 tanks

Aircraft carriers - 0

1,018 aircraft

Army size - 410,500

9. Germany

Defense budget - $39.2 billion

543 tanks

Aircraft carriers - 0

698 aircraft

Army size - 180,000

10. Italy

Photo from

Defense budget - $34 billion

200 tanks

Aircraft carriers - 2

822 aircraft

Army size - 320,000

11. South Korea

Defense budget - $43.8 billion

2,654 tanks

1 aircraft carrier

1,477 aircraft

Army size - 625,000

It is worth noting that the most important criterion for evaluating an army is fighting. And the Global Firepower Index does not take this parameter into account. Russia and the United States also have a clear advantage here, for example, over China. Russia fought with Georgia and, how can I put it, probably with Ukraine. Plus conducts military operation in Syria. And the United States fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is also participating in operations in Syria.

Global Firepower has released its next annual ranking report on the world's armies.
The rating is formed using more than 50 parameters and is published every year, taking into account more than 2/3 of the world's countries.
The top three have not undergone changes for a long time - the USA is in first, Russia is in second, China is in third.

Among the stated rating parameters:

1. Nuclear weapon is not taken into account (only conventional weapons), but countries possessing them receive a certain bonus to their rating.
2. Ranking does not depend entirely on the number of weapons, but is rather focused on the variety of weapons and their quality.
3. Geographical parameters, infrastructure and Natural resources influence the overall place of the country in the ranking.
4. The number of population and available labor plays a role important role in the final assessment. Who more people, he usually ranks high.
5. Landlocked countries do not receive a penalty for the absence of a fleet. Countries with a low variety of naval weapons receive a penalty.
6. NATO countries have a bonus due to the combined use of resources.
7. The current military-political leadership of any country is not taken into account.
8. Figures taken from open sources at the end of 2016.

Russia parameters according to the report:

Demographic and mobilization potential.

Air Force

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS


Oil, infrastructure.

Finance, geography.

For comparison.

Air Force.

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS.


Oil, transport infrastructure.

Finance, geography.


Demographics, mobilization potential.

Air Force

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS.


Oil, transport infrastructure

Finance, geography.

It also seemed noteworthy that Turkey and Egypt were placed above Israel. If the comparison with Turkey is a moot point, then the superiority of Egypt looks very doubtful.
You can also note that they do not consider China a second aircraft carrier, since it was still being completed at the end of 2016, and Britain counted as many as 2, while in fact there is only 1, and even that is in a state of completion, and Illustrious Already scrapped.

Number of armed forces.



Barrel artillery.

Combat aircraft.


Number of military ships. North Korea is a great maritime power.

Merchant navy. Panama, as usual, is beyond competition.

Oil production, including proven reserves.

PS. The strongest army in Europe in this ranking is located in 30th place between Sweden and Myanmar, even though it is a wartime army, while the vast majority of armies that are higher are peacetime armies. The rating was compiled by Kremlin agents in order to slander Nenka and her defense efforts.

A powerful and combat-ready army is the key to a country’s significant weight in the international arena. Moreover, in connection with the well-known events in Syria and Ukraine, the closest attention is increasingly being paid to the military power of different countries. Many people ask the question: “Who will win the world war?”

Today we present an annually updated, official ranking of the world's armies, in full list included the most powerful armies in the world in 2018.

Read updated according to Globalfirepower.

The top 10 was compiled according to data from a specialized resource.

  • number of armies of the world (regular number of troops, reservists)
  • weapons (airplanes, helicopters, tanks, navy, artillery, other equipment)
  • military budget,
  • resource availability, geographical location,
  • logistics.

Nuclear potential is not taken into account by experts, but those recognized receive an advantage in ranking.

In 2018, the rating included136 countries. New to the list are Ireland (116th), Montenegro (121st) and Liberia(135 position).

By the way, San Marino has the weakest army in the world in 2018 - only 84 people.

10. German Army

Germany's military budget increased from 45 to 46 billion dollars. At the same time, the number of military personnel decreased - from186 up to 178 thousand people. The German army is completely professional, i.e. There has been no compulsory conscription in the country since 2011.

9. Turkish Armed Forces

In the past, the country of luxurious beaches and beautiful tomatoes ranked eighth in the top armies of the world. The number of its armed forces is 350 thousand people, and its military budget is 10.2 billion dollars.

8. Japan Self-Defense Forces

The Land of the Rising Sun worsened its military performance and dropped one place in the list best armies peace. The military budget decreased from 49 to 44 billion dollars, but the number of military personnel did not change - over 247 thousand people.

7. South Korean Army

Compared to the previous ranking, South Korea “jumped” from 10th to 7th place. There are 625 thousand military personnel serving in the Korean army. At the eternal rival - North Korea, the number of soldiers reaches 945 thousand people. And the defense budget South Korea is 40 billion dollars.

6. British Army

Although the country's position on the list has not changed, it has improved its performance in terms of army size (197 thousand people versus 188 thousand people). However, it still remains the smallest army in the ranking.

England's military budget decreased compared to 2017 from 55 to 50 billion dollars.

5. French Army

The French army, which opened the top 5 most powerful armies in the world, is small in number. Currently, 205 thousand people serve in it. At the same time, the country's defense budget is $40 billion.

4. Indian Armed Forces

The country's military budget is $47 billion. The number of Indian armed forces is 1,362,000 people, the country's army is the third largest in the world.

3. Chinese Army

The Celestial Empire has the largest human population military force in the ranking of the world's armies. It employs 2,183,000 people. According to Wikipedia, there are 1.71 military personnel per 1,000 inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom. And China’s military budget is huge, comparable to the army - $151 billion (increased from $126 billion compared to 2017).

2. Russian Army

The Russian armed forces are superior to almost all armies of the world in terms of weapons power in all branches of the military - air, ground and sea. The size of the Russian army for 2018 is 1,013,000 people. The military budget is $47 billion. Among the superpowers, Russia has a very high rate of the number of military personnel per 1000 inhabitants - 5.3 people.

1. US Army

The most powerful army in the world
, according to Globalfirepower, American. By the way, it is not the largest in terms of numbers, but the most powerful in terms of available weapons, including nuclear potential, which is not taken into account by experts. The size of the US Army is 1,281,900 people, and the defense budget is 647 billion.dollars.

Comparison table of armies of the world (Infographics)

No matter how armed the army is, the morale of the soldiers will play an important role in winning a world war. In this regard, it is a big mistake to consider the current distribution of seats to be absolutely correct.

Most strong armies peace. Russia took second place in it, behind the United States. ​Top ten countries with the most powerful personnel, suitable for military service, - in the RBC review.

Population size: 323.9 million people

145.2 million people, of which 1.3 million are active military personnel

Air Force: 13.7 thousand units of equipment

Ground troops: 5.8 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 415 units of equipment

Military budget:$587.8 billion

Population size: 142.3 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 70 million people, of which 798.5 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 3.8 thousand units of equipment

Ground troops: 20.2 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 352 units of equipment

Military budget:$44.6 billion

Population size: 1.3 billion people

Personnel fit for military service: 750 million people, of which 2.2 million are active military personnel

Air Force: 2.9 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 6.4 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 714 units of military equipment

Military budget:$161.7 billion

Photo: Zahid Hussain Bhat / ZUMA / Global Look Press

Population size: 1.2 billion people

Personnel fit for military service: 616 million people, of which 1.3 million are active military personnel

Air Force: 2.1 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 4.4 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 295 units of equipment

Military budget:$51 billion

Photo: Florian David / ZUMA / Global Look Press

Population size: 66.8 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 30 million people, including active military personnel 204 thousand people

Air Force: 1.3 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 406 battle tanks

Navy: 118 units of equipment

Military budget:$35 billion

Great Britain

Population size: 64.4 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 30 million people, of which 151.1 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 856 units of equipment

Ground troops: 249 battle tanks

Navy: 76 units of equipment

Military budget:$45.7 billion

Photo: Nicolas Datiche / AFLO / Global Look Press

Population size: 126.7 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 54 million people, including active military personnel 248.5 thousand people

Air Force: 1.5 thousand units of equipment

Ground troops: 700 battle tanks

Navy: 131 units of military equipment

Military budget:$43.8 billion

Photo: Osman Bekleyen / ZUMA / Global Look Press

Population size: 80.2 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 41.6 million people, of which 382.8 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 1 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 2.4 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 194 units of equipment

Military budget:$8.2 billion


Population size: 80.7 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 37 million people, of which 180 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 698 units of military equipment

Ground troops: 543 battle tanks

Navy: 81 units of equipment

Military budget:$39.2 billion

Population size: 94.6 million people

Personnel fit for military service: 42 million people, of which 454.2 thousand are active military personnel

Air Force: 1.1 thousand units of military equipment

Ground troops: 4.1 thousand battle tanks

Navy: 319 units of equipment

Military budget:$4.4 billion

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