Pickup basics for men. Dirty pickup methods. How it all began

Pickup today is a phenomenon that is more than just meeting and seducing girls. Pickup is a whole culture and many consider pickup skills to be almost the key skills that anyone should have successful man. Young people thirsting for love study specialized literature and subscribe to thematic public pages on social networks. Girls don't lag behind guys and also come up with their own seduction techniques. You can find not only seminars and lectures, but also entire courses dedicated to teaching dating skills for both guys and girls. the site presents a male and female perspective on the science of seduction called “pickup.”

Pickup is bullshit. I can’t find any other definition of this hobby for moral impotents.

What do you want? Learn how to get a girl into bed in 10 minutes? Or find out in 5 minutes what she thinks about you? Then I feel sorry for you. In principle, aren’t you ashamed to LEARN what, in theory, should be inherent in you by nature itself?

Ingenious pickup hint

No, of course you can spend several thousand rubles on pointless courses on how to properly promote girls for sex. But this money will bring much more benefit if you JUST JUST THAT, and not on some date, give your friend a bouquet. Or a ring. Or a toy from a sex shop. It doesn't matter what you do, what matters is attention. Remember, if you don’t smell of masculine charisma, any attempts to cultivate the art of seduction in yourself will lead to only one thing - every time another girl, rising from your bed, will think: “How could I make such a mistake?! Who did I fall for? I probably drank too much yesterday...” There may be dozens of them, but as a significant other you will always have either your right (or left) hand, or, worse, a bottle of beer in the bachelor's apartment. And you will die alone.

The artificiality of acquaintance always leads to the artificiality of relationships. But you don't want that, right?

Oleg Chernykh

Photo: Creu.ru

Pickup is not bad. The ability to attract attention and further captivate a person is even great. But the idea of ​​seducing a girl as quickly as possible so that she goes to bed with a guy after just 10 minutes of meeting him is not close to me.

It happens that a person is far from an empty-headed hunter of female charms, but it is difficult for him to communicate with the opposite sex, but he wants love. And it is his choice to take a pickup course to better understand the behavior of girls, work on his self-confidence and his charisma. The only question here will be the courses. They should be really interesting and useful, and not give stupid advice from the series “just ignore her, girls love it” for fabulous money.

When you're in love, but don't know how to tell her about it beautifully

It’s a completely different matter when individuals who have problems with female attention due to their own emptiness, worthlessness and uninteresting hit the pickup truck. With the desire to learn how to frame everything that moves, such heroes go to courses where only their self-esteem and primitive attitude towards opposite sex, but not charisma and communication skills.

A pickup artist in love with himself is trying to attract a girl's attention

As for women's pickup, there is one simple truth - love yourself first. Exuding confidence, you will attract worthy gentlemen. Yes, it sounds banal, but an adequate attitude towards yourself contributes to the manifestation of an adequate attitude towards you from the outside.

I am not a supporter of any seduction techniques; I am for people to be confident in themselves. Yes, it is not easy and sometimes it takes time to accept and believe in yourself. Know what you want and love yourself and everything will be fine. I don’t encourage girls to be passive and wait for your princesses to be found by handsome princes. I am for not putting on absurd masks, for example, “bitch,” but being active, friendly and charming.

A girl's sense of humor is good

My conclusion: pickup as applied psychology courses that help people gain a little self-confidence and not be shy in front of people is a good thing. Spend more time on self-improvement and self-education, because it is personal qualities that play a decisive role in the formation of sympathy for a person.

Elizaveta Ryabochkina

website- First of all, dear guys, let's figure out what a pickup truck is for guys? Why is it used in world relationship psychology? this term. So, a pickup is, first of all, an easy acquaintance with a girl, casual communication, gentle flirting, quick seduction, long-term relationships. Moreover, they can last as long as you want. One night, one month or... a lifetime. It's your choice!

Pickup is an internal state. Self-confidence, in gait and gaze, calmness and confidence, perseverance and success - everything that girls like so much.

A pick-up artist is a person who uses his charisma not only in relationships with girls. A real pickup artist behaves correctly both at work and with his family. Pickup is the art of being pleasant. You can also recognize a traditional pick-up artist in the following way. For example, one of your friends or acquaintances free time spent at home at the computer or on the couch in front of the TV. And now every day he has a date, the phone book doesn’t contain the girls’ numbers, the last friend you saw him with is a fashion model. He was promoted at work, he receives a decent salary, he has many new friends and constantly great mood. Many of the guys are natural pick-up artists. I have many friends who can easily flirt, communicate and make people fall in love with them. And I think many of you lack a little skill in this matter.

There is one very simple way to check whether you need this article or whether you are wasting your time. Check whether you are happy with the girls now, or whether it is worth spending a little more time and effort on them to learn the art of seduction.

Just right now... look at your mobile phone contacts.

How many girls will you find there? How many of them will happily want to meet you tomorrow? How many people will you be happy to meet? Or you can show it to your friends, proudly saying: “This is my girlfriend!” Is there exactly that girl among them for whom it is worth being a real man?

And the most main question: How many of them call you themselves?

Okay, I won’t bother you with these questions. I suggest you think about how to get a girl to like you.

I get asked this question very often. This is what many people want to know, but do not know. Let's get straight to the point: in order for a girl to somehow like you, you must first like yourself. If you don't like yourself, others won't like you.

We girls appreciate naturalness in guys. If you act like a tough guy but look natural, you won't achieve anything. Behave as usual, communicate with girls, and little by little the seduction model will move from the image of “ modest guy"into" the soul of the party. Everything comes with experience, the main thing is not to rush.

Anyone can learn how to seduce girls. If you think girls don't like you, it doesn't mean you look bad or don't earn enough, it means you're using the wrong style of courtship. You have to put all this together and learn to show yourself to any girl, anywhere. This is the real problem that you have to solve. If you decide, you will find out how to please a girl; if you don’t decide, you will look for a solution.

And most importantly, dear guys, remember that we are all different. If we were the same, then you wouldn't like her, right? There are many ways to get a girl to like you, but not all of them work for everyone; each girl needs a different approach.

Lead your personal life. This is especially important if you are in the “friend zone”. Girls don't like guys who don't do anything, who aren't interested in anything, and who force themselves on them day after day. A girl should see purpose and ambition in your eyes. Why does she need a guy who is not interested in anything but her?

Be yourself. There is no need to pretend to be a super gangster or superman. You have your own individuality, for which we value you. Can you play the guitar? Super! Do you play football? Amazing! Earning little and trying to show that you are a millionaire is not good!

Flirt with everyone, everywhere, until you have a girlfriend. You see a girl, catch her eye, smile beautifully, and talk about anything. The most important thing is to relax. Don't think she's a goddess. She is an ordinary person, just like you. She is just as shy, she simply puts on a mask of indifference so that others do not mock her.

Learn to speak smoothly, express your thoughts correctly. Learn to speak in such a way that those around you are waiting for your next word.

Develop yourself. To be able to talk about anything, you need to know a lot. It is necessary to develop not only in one direction. Are you studying finance? Why don’t you take up some kind of martial arts, for example. Read more. You see a book “how to cook sushi”, take it and read it, thereby expanding your horizons and being able to find common topics with any girl. Your future relationship depends on how your first conversation goes.

In my opinion, these are the most important points. The word “PICKUP” may sound loud, but the main thing in the article is not the title, but its essence. It seems to me that I clearly described these rules, but if you have any questions, write them in the comments.

Many modern men They just don't know how to meet people. This is not an unfounded statement, but a fact established on the basis of information from various sites, forums, social networks in the Internet. Young people, hiding under nicknames and avatars, write openly about this. Some of the guys who really care this problem, go into the pickup truck. What is it about? This can be found in this article.

How it all began

Uninitiated people may think that we're talking about about such a car with a small body. In our case, pickup is a set of techniques and methods that allow you to effectively “pick up” girls.

The doctrine originated in the USA at the end of the last century, which is why it received such a name. Around the same time, seduction masters began giving pickup lessons to guys.

In Russia, one of the gurus is Philip Bogachev, who simply used the information of foreigners, slightly adapting it to our reality.

People who wrote books on pickup trucks a large number of. There are foreign and domestic authors. Each of them has their own view on dating and seducing women. But a lot is also stated similar friends thoughts on each other.

Literature can be easily found on the Internet. It is possible to read online, buy and download the book. Different prices. It all depends on the online store and the specific book. You can get literature for free if you search hard enough.

Let us formulate the basic principles on which the art of seduction is based.

Pickup base

So, what is the basis of the teaching:

  1. A man should think not only about how to seduce a girl, but first of all about himself, his condition. Success in business can only be achieved by a person who: looks good, is confident, calm, has a good job and interesting hobbies. Therefore, first, as many masters believe, you need to take care of yourself, “pump up” your internal state. Women are looking for masculine men, not insecure losers.
  2. Much attention is paid to “openers” or “templates”. This is a set of phrases with which a young man can start a dialogue with a girl, interest her and, perhaps, charm her. You are encouraged to use your own preparations, and not those set out in books on pickup. Some authors call for the use of “openers”, which in their meaning represent an expression of great interest in the lady’s personality. Other gurus say that the “template” should be “neutral”; the guy initially has no right to mention the girl’s high importance to him.
  3. Neurolinguistic programming - NLP. Almost any pickup guide, one way or another, concerns psychological techniques. The authors of books on seduction do not shun techniques that can charm a girl by touching her subconscious. At first glance, the use of NLP may seem like quackery. However, it is not. If you delve deeper into the essence of the issue, you can understand that you can make someone fall in love with you using cunning manipulations.
  4. Serious attention is paid to non-verbal things. For example, in pick-up schools they learn to recognize how willing a girl is to communicate by her gestures, movements, and facial expressions. It is very important to learn to understand body language. After all, such signals appeal to the human subconscious. In pickup courses intended for men, they often emphasize that you can make a girl fall in love with you if you “adapt” to her: you need to repeat the poses of your interlocutor and, to some extent, copy her behavior. When training beginning pick-up artists, a lot of attention is paid to touch. You need to touch a lady in order to take possession of her. At first - carefully, as if by chance. A little later - “deliberately”. In the end, as the gurus promise, it will come to intimate caresses.

Of course, it is difficult to outline all the methods of dating and seduction in a short article. But the above describes extremely important points.

In general, pickup, as a teaching, can be described as follows: it is a kind of art of seduction, the essence of which is as follows:

  1. “Pumping up” a man himself. As a result of, for example, training, guys get rid of fears, gain confidence in communicating with girls, and learn to make their lives more interesting and richer.
  2. Studying the secrets of female, and sometimes universal, psychology. Firstly, to understand what girls want and what guides them when performing certain actions. Secondly, to predict a lady’s behavior in different situations. Thirdly, so that you can use tricks associated with weak points in the psyche. Example: “routines”. These are the most different funny stories things you can and should tell a girl you met. They are very convenient to fill the pauses that arise. Moreover, the use of routines is such a psychological thing that allows you to interest a lady and develop love in her. The Internet is full of good stories.
  3. Gaining the experience of easy and relaxed communication. Indeed, by practicing pickup, young people acquire the skill of talking with anyone on any topic without any problems.

For some free guys it is valuable and useful. However, not all men approve of the pickup truck. Often his opponents are also girls.

Why is a pickup truck bad?

There is actually only one male argument: pickup is, first of all, a doctrine of seduction. The vast majority of those who have mastered this skill use various techniques and “tricks” in order to get a girl into bed after the third date at most. It seems that the pick-up artist is a seducer who is only interested in intimacy. Some young people want a long-term serious relationship.

Girls have a little more complaints:

  1. Pick-up artists are only interested in sex.
  2. A disdainful attitude towards women is often promoted.
  3. Psychological tricks are used and girls are manipulated.

What can you say in response?

Firstly, a pickup truck provides tools not so much for getting a woman into bed, but for a man to become a real alpha male: strong, interesting and successful. Every girl's dream. Naturally, you want intimacy with someone like that.

But if the young man himself is looking for a companion on for a long time, pickup skills can only help with this, and not hinder it in any way. If it is only a tool, how it will be used depends on the individual.

As for manipulation and disrespect for women, Gregory Madison wrote about this even during the inception and development of the pickup truck. In his book, he gives an example with boxing: if your opponent fights according to the rules, you need to give up punches in the eye and other dishonest techniques. When the enemy himself decides to use dirty moves, he thereby frees your hands.

It should be noted that girls do not always act honestly. For example, they make scandals, refuse to get acquainted even when they themselves want to, etc. Naturally, men are looking for instructions that will give them the opportunity to “see through” a lady.

The ladies themselves come up with difficulties for the men with whom they are trying to build relationships, in order to make sure that the young man is worthy of getting the girl. Pick-up artists figured this out a long time ago and came up with their own ways to fight it.

We must not forget that only at pickup truck training courses can you now learn:

  • arrange romantic evenings;
  • give gifts to a girl;
  • defend against attempts to repel the lady;
  • make her fall in love with you more and more every day.

That is, a pickup truck is not magic, where girls are bewitched with the help of conspiracies. This is an art in which, by improving the quality of communication, boys make girls fall in love with them. Pick-up artists are perhaps the most fun and romantic men. They take care better than others.

Types of pickup truck

Of course, every Casanova practitioner uses in his activities the most favorite methods of dating and seducing one or more authors. Some people pay more attention to unusual openers, looking for the most effective one. Someone is trying to achieve high class in the field of NLP. But now we will talk about something a little different.

The pickup truck evolves, taking into account the circumstances of life.

For example, in the 90s of the last century there were no social networks, Skype, YouTube and dating sites. Of course, Madison could not address the issue of Internet seduction in his book. Now a whole direction has emerged related to the virtual world.

Pickup online

There is an opinion that it is not worth meeting girls on the Internet. Gurus advise newcomers to go out more often and look for women there. Correspondence is supposedly a waste of time.

Although many choose to ignore such advice simply because there are a huge number of people online interesting girls who you can get to know.

  • come up with original first phrases;
  • develop tactics for obtaining phone numbers in order to then make a call;
  • They are thinking about how not to get ignored.

In a word, they are developing online pickup methods. It should be taken into account that all this cannot be limited only to virtual communication. You need to be able to take the conversation from the Internet to reality in a timely manner. In addition, on a date you will also need to interest the lady.

Internet pickup acts as an addition to the standard one. In general, it doesn't matter if you're walking the streets with a partner trying to arrange a meeting. Or sit on a dating site to dial phone numbers and call girls later.

Female pickup

Ladies also learned to “catch” boys. You can find many videos on the topic on the Internet. Of course, a woman's pickup is different from a man's: girls, as a rule, are looking for a guy for long term relationship. Ladies don't disappear immediately after sex. This is the main one hallmark. But the list goes on:

  • girls are not recommended to take a partner “to the fields”;
  • lessons are learned mainly after reading books, since there are few trainings for ladies;
  • own description of methods.

There are not many followers of female pickup, because ladies mostly prefer to sit and wait for the prince rather than be active.

Probably, with changes in society, pickup, as a teaching, will have new methods and directions. But he himself will not disappear anywhere, since at all times people want to get to know each other and communicate.

Thus, a pickup truck is undoubtedly needed by people who are not very confident in themselves, who want to find their soulmate or just a partner for sex. The most important thing is practice. If you remain a theorist in a pickup truck, you will, as before, live in a company with a bunch of complexes.

We hope that this article has generated interest in this teaching and will encourage you to study the issue in more detail, using books or attending special trainings.

Valeria Protasova

Reading time: 10 minutes


Every woman wants attention and compliments. Each one dreams of men wringing their necks, looking after her, and falling in piles at her feet. But for some, the art of “charming” is given to them from the cradle, while for others, they have to learn this all their lives. The “science” of seducing the opposite sex that has emerged in our time—pickup—was the prerogative of men exclusively. But this complex of seduction techniques and skills has become interesting and modern women. The only difference is that the task of a female pickup, as a rule, is not a one-time pleasure, but a search true love and the desire to become attractive, confident and desirable. What are the basic rules of female pickup?

Why do girls do pickup? Goals

Male pick-up artists have simple and clear goals - to please a girl and get her into bed as quickly as possible. Girls goals more selective:

  • How to find it.
  • How to meet.
  • How to charm.
  • How to hold it.

And preferably - all at once. But, of course, that doesn't happen. Only chance can send you a prince on a white horse, who, upon seeing you, will tremble with anticipation and immediately offer his hand, his heart and a Swiss bank account. Therefore, first you need to understand how to get acquainted correctly and how to behave so that your gentleman does not run away from you five minutes after. This is what the female pickup truck teaches - how not to scare a man, how to impress etc.

Female pickup - dating rules

Basic rules of female pickup

Pickup task - provoking a man to take action . The result depends on the desire - a short date, a close acquaintance in the horizontal plane, or serious relationship and starting a family. The “science” of pickup can be learned either independently or through special training. What are basic rules of female pickup?

  • Go out more often, expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Have you set your sights on a handsome blue-eyed athlete? Don't look for it in the library. For an oligarch? You definitely won’t find him in the diner around the corner.
  • Always be ready to meet your dreams. Ideal appearance, excellent mood and a charming smile - should be your constant companions.
  • Learn the Basics proper makeup , you should look stunning even when you run out to take out the trash - moderate but effective makeup, heels (stilettos), neckline, tight dress, well-groomed hands. Get used to following this rule even at home (when no one sees you). See.
  • Explore male psychology . With this knowledge, it will be easier for you to predict the behavior of men and choose your one and only one among them.
  • Be nice, friendly and independent. Act as calm and relaxed as possible. Leave embarrassment and excitement for other situations, here - only composure and self-confidence.
  • Your speech should be smooth and calm. No “nerve” in the voice.
  • Don't get confused by words. Listen carefully as if this fishing story is the most amazing thing you have ever heard. Don't forget about subtle, "accidental" touches.
  • Don't talk about your problems(home-work-family) and your desires. A man should have a clear feeling that you are a successful, happy and completely satisfied person with life. And, of course, avoid questions about the number of your former men or marriages. It is unlikely that a man will be happy to learn that you are just looking for a candidate for your fourth marriage.
  • Don't forget to praise your man. Men are like children, they need to feel needed, loved and extraordinary. Just don’t overdo it - you shouldn’t praise your gentleman for a nice tie or clean shoes, you need to praise him for his actions.
  • Be modest. There is no need to put your feet on the table, sweep away dinner at a restaurant in a minute, put on a vulgar dress and demand a trip to the Seychelles. Modesty always decorates.
  • When communicating with a man, try as much as possible repeat his gestures, movements and manner of speech. This technique is one of the main ones in a pickup truck. Just don’t get carried away – it shouldn’t be obvious.
  • If you are invited to dance, You shouldn’t be too frank in your movements- that is, hang on the gentleman and press with your whole body. Even if your head is already spinning from his strong hands and close breathing, control yourself and wait until the “client matures.”
  • Manicure and makeup should be as natural and minimal as possible.. Avoid red varnish right away - it makes you nervous. Too much long nails- also not an option. The only thing that will have a magical effect on a man is shiny lips.
  • Expand your circle of hobbies and discover new talents in yourself. Learn to play billiards, shoot, change tires, dance and cook.
  • Never be the first to admit your crush.
  • After meeting, do not be intrusive. It is he who should look for you, call you and make appointments. And you just condescendingly accept his advances.
  • Don't hang a kilogram of jewelry on yourself. It’s better to have one or two decorations, but spectacular and of high quality, than to look like a Christmas tree.
  • Don't go too far in your facial expressions and “erotic” movements. It’s enough to straighten your hair, lick your lips and cross your legs. You should not wiggle your hips or swallow bananas.
  • Don't tell yourself and don't let a man tell dirty jokes.
  • Having met that same man, there is no need to continue the “pickup artist games”. A man should love you, not your seduction technique. You won't be able to keep him close to you for the rest of your life.

The ideal female pick-up artist is the one who...

  • Loves and respects himself.
  • Not aggressive, but proactive. Independent.
  • Relaxed and free in relationships.
  • He doesn’t carry around a suitcase of complexes.
  • Understands a man and accepts him for who he is.
  • Knows how to give pleasure.

Any woman is already a natural pick-up artist. In fact, she does not need to learn the science of seduction at all, because nature has already given her all the tools for this. All that remains is to use them competently and wisely. And most importantly - understand what exactly you are waiting for? Imagine that all the men are paying attention to you, salivating and dreaming of at least holding your hand. Are you sure you need this? Or do you still dream of meeting your future, one and only man?
Turning to trainings and plunging into the science of seduction, be sure to be aware that the level of male attention to you will increase. And decide for yourself whether you want it or not.

Do you want success with girls and don’t know where to start? In this article, we asked one of our regular authors, Andrei Vysotsky, to talk about his rich experience in seducing girls. You will learn where to start your journey in a pickup truck: what to read, where you can learn, what you should pay attention to, what mistakes lie in wait for you ahead.

What is this article or introduction from the author about?

I won’t be able to cram all my knowledge and experience into one article. But I can tell you about the fastest ways to achieve your goal, and about possible mistakes that lie in wait for you ahead.

Is it possible to learn pickup truck on your own?

So, you want to be great with girls. It doesn't matter if you want to wake up every morning with new beauty or do you need one and only one. In any case, you have only three options:

Sit at home on your favorite couch and wait for success to come to you

Are you waiting for fortune to shower you with money, and beautiful girls will line up to jump into your bed? This will never happen.

The only thing that comes by itself is old age. Everything else needs to be achieved. It's hard (sometimes very hard). To do this, you will have to pull yourself out of your comfort zone: learn new things, try new things, change your habits, change your social circle. If you want results, you have to work hard. This is the law of life.

Go to a special training where they will teach you everything

I think this is the most the best option of all. It has two decisive advantages:

  1. Availability feedback. Live communication with a trainer is an important part of training. The coach will always point out your mistakes. If you have any questions, he will answer, tell, show, explain the incomprehensible.
  2. Motivation. Often, all you need to succeed is a magical kick in the ass. A good coach always has a carrot and a stick (which is callous and can also be used to beat you) with which he will force you to move in the right direction.

But, unfortunately, there are several serious disadvantages:

  1. It is expensive. Good trainings are expensive. If you don't have a good financial background, you won't get anywhere.
  2. Lots of charlatans. Finding a good coach is a difficult task. There are a lot of different pseudo-coaches and dubious specialists who will take your money but won’t teach you anything, because they themselves don’t know how to do anything. I advise you to contact trainers who have been in this topic for a long time and who already have a good reputation. Another option is serious organizations with wide representation and their own crowd, for example, RMES.
  3. Not available everywhere. The same RMES members conduct their training only in major cities. If you are a resident of a small town, you have additional problems with travel to the training site and accommodation.

Learn everything on your own

If things don’t work out with a good coach, that’s not a reason to give up. You can learn everything on your own.

You won't have feedback and no one will give you a magic kick-off (except yourself), but if you are determined enough, you will definitely achieve your goal. And in this article I will help you do this.

Where to look for information

There is a huge amount of free and paid information about seducing girls: books, blogs, forums, mailings, articles, etc.

Dig up this pile of slag and find in it useful information- a very difficult task. But I have good news: I have already done this for you. This is what I recommend reading.

Free books

On the Internet you can find many useful and interesting and, most importantly, free books from different trainers. Here are a few options that I find most useful for a beginner.

Egor Sheremetyev

My first impression of Yegor is that he’s a nondescript guy who talks about seduction—nothing special. When I got to know him better, I realized that first impressions are deceiving. No matter what anyone says, he knows how to communicate with girls phenomenally. Here is a video where he immediately meets a girl right in a traffic jam:

He conducts many different events: trainings, master classes, bootcamps, etc. including the Bachelor Party in Asia in Pattaya. Here he talks about it himself:

In short, there is definitely a lot to learn from him. I advise you to definitely read his free book “Secrets of Successful Dating on VKontakte.” The book is very interesting: little water, a lot of practical information and examples of successful phrases and dialogues from real correspondence. In order to download the book, you need to go and leave your e-mail address. After this, you will receive an email with a link to download the pdf file.

Another must-read book by the same author is “A Little Kick to Big Sex.” It contains a lot of interesting information about how to properly meet girls: how to approach, what to say, how to overcome shyness, etc. To download.

Roman Vinilov

I have been following Roman’s activities for quite some time. He has been in the subject of seduction and pickup for 10 years already. Author of courses, seminars and trainings. Trainer, coach, writer, etc. I don’t see any point in listing his entire track record - read it yourself if you’re interested. Here are a few of his books that will be useful to read:

  1. Effective dating. There is a lot of useful information about dates here: how to invite, where to go, how to behave, what to talk about, etc.
  2. 7 steps to building a relationship with a girl. All about how to build harmonious relationships and remain the best man for her.
  3. How to surprise any girl. More than 70 pages of various examples for all occasions that will help surprise her and make a good impression.

What else to read