Holidays in June without a visa abroad. Where can you go in June without a visa? Black Sea coast: Anapa


Resorts in Greece are very popular in the first month of summer. The intense heat has not yet arrived, but the air and water have already warmed up enough for an unforgettable beach holiday. By mid-June the air reaches +30°C, and the water temperature is about +23°C. Greek resorts are great for holidays with. From a wide variety of hotels, you can choose the one that meets the requirements of each family member. Many of them operate on an all-inclusive basis and offer a children's menu, animation and an interesting excursion program. However, it should be noted that the weather greek islands maybe a couple of degrees cooler than mainland resorts.

A vacation in Italy is perfect for those who like to combine a beach holiday and educational excursion programs. In June, the air in Italian resorts warms up to +27°C, and the water temperature reaches +24°C. Pamper yourself with the gentle sun, enjoy the beautiful sea views, try delicious cuisine and expand your horizons by touching the great culture of this country.

For those who want to improve their health and restore strength after a busy working year, you can visit Croatian resorts, which are famous for their environmentally friendly beaches and fresh mountain air. However, the second half of June is more suitable for comfortable swimming, when the air temperature reaches an average of +25°C and the water warms up to +23°C. The mild climate of Croatia is perfect for holidays with.

Red Sea resorts are also popular in early summer. In Egypt there is not yet that sweltering heat that is so acutely felt in other summer months, and you can more than enjoy the warm sea, the gentle sun and a rich excursion program. Diving enthusiasts will especially enjoy a holiday in Egypt, because the beauty of the depths of the Red Sea is breathtaking. The air temperature in June is approximately +32°C, the sea warms up to +27°C.

Turkish resorts popular in June. In the second half of the month, the air and water are already warm enough for a full-fledged beach holiday. However, there is not yet such an influx of tourists on Turkish beaches as in July and July, and the prices for tours will pleasantly surprise you. Turkey has all the conditions for have a great holiday: a large selection of all-inclusive hotels, a rich excursion program adapted for the youngest guests, specialized meals and interesting animation.

It is very comfortable in June in Cyprus, especially in the second half of the month, when the air warms up to +30°C and the water up to +25°C. While relaxing you can enjoy unforgettable beauty islands, try healthy and tasty local cuisine, visit interesting local attractions. The cost of trips to Cyprus in June is significantly lower than in the other summer months, which will also be a pleasant surprise when forming your vacation budget.

If you have planned not only to relax on sea ​​coast, but also to improve your body, then it’s time to visit Israel. Dead Sea mud has different healing properties. They contain a large number of useful minerals, which, when applied to the skin, promote its rejuvenation, remove toxins, and help in the treatment of various dermatological diseases. The first month of summer is already quite hot in Israel, but it is significantly inferior to July and August. The air in June warms up to +35°C, and the temperature waters of the Dead the sea already reaches +28°C.

In June, you can go on an unforgettable trip to the island of Bali in Indonesia. This is a real “paradise”, which is surrounded by the greenery of exotic plants, amazes with the splendor of well-maintained beaches, the gentle sun, the beauty of ancient temples and stunning views. The water temperature in June is about +28°C, and the air warms up to +31°C during the day. Vacations outside of Bali, as a rule, are not budget-friendly, but the unforgettable impressions that will remain after visiting it are worth it.

June is a great time to travel. Summer time has already begun, but it is not too hot yet, and spring freshness retains its aromas. The hotels are not overcrowded, as most tourists are just planning their vacations. IN southern countries It’s already warm, and a full-fledged vacation, including the sea and the beach, should be a success!

Where should you go in June? Which country do you prefer?

If you decide to relax outside of your homeland, then first you should decide what kind of relaxation you need. The first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is a resort on the sea or ocean shore. Let's look together best options June holiday on the coasts of Europe and Africa.

Sea, sun and sand...

The vast majority of our compatriots prefer to spend their holidays by the sea. And here it is important not to make a mistake when choosing a resort.

In June, hot weather is not yet established everywhere, conducive to a full-fledged beach holiday. And if you don’t want to frolic in the chlorine water of the pool, carefully study the information about the country you want to visit.

For lovers of scorching sand and gentle, warm sea ​​water, it is worth knowing that the resorts of Turkey, Greece, Croatia, Italy and Spain will not yet provide real summer warmth in June.

A great holiday with traditional sandy beaches, scorching sunshine and warm sea You can spend the first summer month in the resorts of Thailand, Egypt or Tunisia. Exactly these foreign countries for many years leading in terms of attendance, meeting all the expectations of tourists: a wonderful climate and service are combined with an adequate cost of tours.

The peak season in Turkey is July and August, but in June you can go here if who doesn't like sweltering heat? and prefers a comfortable temperature within 23-24ºС. In addition, there is no influx of visitors this month, and prices are not yet as steep as in the second half of summer.

But Morocco and Tunisia will give real hot sun. Here in June it is set perfect weather for lovers of a bronze tan. The 35-degree heat in Morocco is accompanied by a cool breeze. The sun and breeze make the tan stick almost instantly.

In Tunisia it’s even hotter – from 40ºС! Only those who are not afraid of the sizzling heat come here.

In Cyprus in June - the weather is grace! It's warm, but not exhaustingly hot. If such conditions are optimal for you, hurry to book tickets at the beginning of the season, since already in July the temperature here will begin to rise rapidly.

During the last summer seasons hotels in Greek resorts are simply sold out! Families with children especially often come to this blessed country. The islands of Zakynthos, Rhodes, Crete, Corfu continue to amaze their guests with stunning places and first-class hotels.

The beginning of summer is the best time to travel Dead Sea coast. At Israeli resorts, the air and water temperatures are favorable for sunbathing and splashing in the sea. And it’s better not to delay your trip, because already in July the suffocatingly hot weather will begin here.

Comfortable weather for beach season in Bulgarian resorts it is usually established by the very end of June. And in the first half of the month here possible rainy and cloudy days. But the cost of tickets at this time is much lower.

European countries are unlikely to be suitable for a beach holiday. In June the water here is not yet warm enough for swimming. But this does not mean at all that you should refuse trips here in June. If you are interested in local attractions, choose this time to travel.

Excursion tours

The beginning of summer is very important for excursion holiday, during which you can make forays to the coast. In a pleasant way warm weather You can enjoy learning about the history of cozy European towns.

Very popular at this time bus tours to European countries. An important advantage of such travel is the relatively cheap prices, as well as the opportunity to see many largest cities Europe. Package tours typically cover countries such as France, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Germany.

At all cool June awaits tourists in Scandinavia. But when traveling to this country, take with you waterproof clothing, shoes and an umbrella. Light drizzles are not uncommon here in June.

In addition to excursions, Europe attracts tourists interesting events, festivals, as well as huge entertainment centers. The top European countries visited at the very beginning of summer are held by Bulgaria, Croatia, Italy and Spain. A good choice is a trip to France or Holland: at this time the places here amaze with their blooming splendor.

To those who want improve your health and restore strength, we can advise you to go to Hungary or the Czech Republic. A special feature of these places is the presence of a huge number of thermal springs filled with mineral waters.

Moreover, prices here are the lowest in Europe, and the level of medical care is no worse.

Exotic lovers may consider such options as China, Japan and Vietnam for a vacation in June. Finding yourself inside a foreign culture is always interesting, and also educational. There will be so many impressions that you will get tired of sharing them at home!

June a holiday in Malta will not disappoint anyone. The local nature here is very colorful and picturesque. Also, in June there are many traditional festivals (for example, L’Mnarya), and you will have a unique opportunity to participate in them.

In the UK this the month is considered royal: people walk, arrange celebrations, races, the spectators of which are tourists.

If you come to Provence on June 1, you will attend the festival of the Driving of Sheep. All day long, dressed-up shepherds and sheep, musicians and dogs will parade around the city. You will witness the driving of animals to pasture with songs, competitions and other entertainment.

At the end of June in Belgium (Antwerp) takes place beer festival, so beer lovers can flock to this country and taste more than 150 types of drink at a nominal cost.


Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and Slovakia – trips to these countries are worth choosing for fans active rest. Fresh air, the gentle June sun without scorching rays are conducive to dynamic relaxation.

In the Alps, on the shore mountain lakes, there are cozy hotels. Some of them provide accommodation for tourists who come in winter to ski resorts, That's why summer prices are significantly lower here.

A similar situation is observed in the Ukrainian Carpathians: some tourist centers offer very low prices in summer. Here, for a fee, you can ride a horse and even take equestrian lessons. It is also possible to rent bicycles in most hotels in Alpine and Carpathian resorts.

Holidays in Russia

We often dream of vacationing abroad. This desire can be explained: everyone wants something unknown and new. In addition, the level of hotel service abroad is much higher for similar travel expenses.

And yet, sometimes it becomes a shame that many of us, having visited overseas resorts many times, have never traveled beyond hometown. But there is something to see in our endless side.

Excursions and natural extreme

Do you want romance and extreme sports?? Wild places and pristine nature? Then you need to go to Siberia. In recent years, not only Russians, but even foreigners have been flocking here. The Siberian land is filled with stories and legends, and tourists will have a great chance to become familiar with the mysteries and secrets of Russian history.

Leave all your worries in the stuffy and bustling city for a while, take a morning swim in a waterfall, stay in solitude in the lap of nature, and reflect on your life. Such a vacation will definitely calm you down. nervous system, will put your thoughts in order and charge you with energy for a long time.

For lovers of hunting, fishing and forest walks I can recommend a holiday on the Lower Volga. Hunting for more than 20 species of animals is allowed here. Just don't forget to capture your trophies on camera!

June has great opportunities for making themed rafting and rafting V Perm region. But such an extreme holiday is suitable only for active, physically fit people.

Classics of the genre - journey along the Golden Circle. Visits to ancient Russian cities and monasteries pacify and make people kinder. In June, when the heat is still knocking on the door, a week-long excursion will be a pleasant and useful trip.

Resort holiday

The sound of the surf always invites you to relax. The Black and Azov Seas already have resorts with a good level of service.

You can relax the old fashioned way - like savages, which is what many Russians do. Rent a room with a sea view from a pretty granny, make friends with her and come here every year with your family - this is what many of us do now.

It’s worth remembering Crimea, where beach holidays can be combined with mountain walks and a cultural program. Here you will breathe in the healing air and see wonderful nature reserves.

As you can see, the choice of places for June relaxation is quite varied. Decide for yourself which of the proposed options will impress you and leave wonderful memories.

Have you already decided where you will go this year?

Tourism experts not only told us where the best places to go on vacation with children in June are, but also shared their life hacks on how to make this vacation a safe and complete experience.

We have selected for you the 10 most suitable destinations for holidays with children in June - both in Russia and abroad - and described each of them in detail:

Russia: sea holidays

For those who do not want to go abroad, but prefer a sea holiday, Olga Anisko, sales director of Level.Travel service(sale of tours online by more than 20 leading tour operators in Russia) tells what those planning such a trip should remember.

Krasnodar region. It’s better to go here to relax with your child at the seaside in Russia - there is excellent infrastructure and many recreation areas. However, remember that in the Greater Sochi area there are pebble beaches and there are always a lot of people.

This is why it is recommended to travel with children to Anapa or Azov. In these places sandy beaches and a gentle entrance to the sea - you can walk 200-300 meters, and the water will always be knee-deep. Adults may find this type of swimming boring, but it is safe for children.

It was at these resorts that children's holiday camps were located. Moreover, the shallow sea warms up well, and it’s quite possible to go there with children over one year old.

The infrastructure there is quite suitable for recreation for the youngest children, but at the same time, older children may not find such resorts as interesting as in Greater Sochi, where there is all sorts of entertainment.

That's why with children over 8 years old I recommend considering a holiday in Gelendzhik and the Imereti Lowland. The entire infrastructure there is completely new - there is Sochi Park with a scary roller coaster, and there is a rental of bicycles, scooters, skateboards, and Segways on the embankment.

In general, there are water parks, dolphinariums and attractions at almost every resort Krasnodar region. For example, there are two water parks in Lazarevskoye.

Advice. Many people make the mistake of overpaying for visiting water parks if they buy tickets on the street. I recommend that you first familiarize yourself with the promotional offers at the hotel reception. Many water parks cooperate with hotels and offer good discounts, almost half the price than on the street.

Crimea. You can go on vacation with your child to the sea in Russia and to Crimea. But not everything is good here with the infrastructure, and people who are going to go there on vacation with small children should be aware of this.

You will find yourself in a dilapidated atmosphere Soviet Union. However, there are good sandy beaches on the peninsula - for example, in Feodosia or Yevpatoria, where it is recommended to go with small children.

In Evpatoria, as in Anapa, the sea is very shallow. In this place in Soviet time There were also children's health centers. Near - salt lake, thanks to which a special microclimate is created at the resort, allowing treat asthmatic children.

And in Yevpatoria there are entertainments for children, but there are very few of them compared to, say, Sochi. Feodosia also has sandy beaches, but there is even less entertainment for children there than in Evpatoria, but in Feodosia it will still be more interesting for the parents themselves.

In general, we need to take into account that in Crimea there is no new infrastructure of the level to which we are accustomed. If, for example, there is an attraction, then it has been standing since Soviet times, and for me, for example, its safety is in question. There are very few good accommodation facilities - there are not even five hotels of a decent level on the entire peninsula.

Advice. The main recommendation is to choose a hotel responsibly. You don’t have to rely on anyone’s opinion, even if a professional agent recommends a place to you. You need to understand that inexpensive accommodation facilities in Russia are not of the highest level, and many of them are downright bad. And with small children in such conditions it will be uncomfortable. You need to view all the information about the hotel, read all the reviews, study the area where it is located. In some cases, it is better to call the hotel and find out what the menu is in the restaurant, whether they can provide a crib, etc. And only after that make a reservation.

For those who dream of going on a river cruise with children, Svetlana Goncharova, Deputy General Director for Tourism cruise company Mosturflot, tells what to expect from such family vacation.

River cruise is a unique family format summer holiday with kids. Firstly, this is a comfortable hotel that travels with you. No visas, flights, tedious travel. Step on board and your vacation begins.

Secondly, it is a club entertainment system and unique edutainment programs (education + entertainment - from English education + enlightenment).

Things to do on board. The ships operate men's, women's, children's and family clubs, where everyone will find entertainment to suit their taste. At the same time, contact with the family is renewed and strengthened in a special way. Such separate world! For children, animation teams work non-stop on each ship, and children's playrooms are open.

What can you see? Of course, this is an opportunity to get to know your native country better: 13 world cultural heritage sites of our country, protected by UNESCO, are located along the coast. Among them are the Kizhi Pogost (Kizhi), the Solovetsky Islands, the Ferapontov Monastery with frescoes of Dionysius. As well as dozens of museum cities under open air, nature reserves, cultural monuments. Children will find Myshkin, Uglich, Kalyazin and its sunken bell tower, Kostroma, Valaam, Yaroslavl, Kazan interesting.

And finally, this is a real vacation away from the bustle of the city, everyday problems. The pleasure of contemplating the landscapes of our country and finding harmony in this tranquility.

Moreover, with the advent of the first low-cost river airline, cruise vacations in Russia have become much more accessible for people with different levels income.

Tells about the German Legoland park for children Alexey Usik, organizer of the company “Your Guide in Bavaria”.

Legoland Park in Germany (the town of Günzburg, 120 km from Munich) reopened its doors to its little guests on April 1, 2017.

The territory of the park is almost 150 hectares with attractions, shows, interactive activities, as well as performances by clowns and circus performers. This is a whole range of entertainment for children aged 4 to 14-15 years.

Every year the park tries to add new thematic areas. This year, for example, the Lego Ninjago World country was created, in which, with the help of real ninja mentors, you can train your skills in endurance and skill.

Ticket prices in 2017 remained unchanged and are:

Adult (from 12 years old) = 44.50 €;

Child (3-11 years old) = 39.50€

The ticket price includes admission to all attractions and shows, with the exception of paid ones (those where you can win prizes).

Advice. If you are definitely planning and know the date of your visit to the park, tickets can be booked on the official Legoland Germany website in advance and printed at home. Then, firstly, you will not have to stand in line at the box office and, secondly, the cost of tickets will be significantly lower. For example, for an adult and a child it will be 35 €, or for a family of 4 people = 129 €.

And one more thing: try to plan a trip to Legoland Germany during periods when German schoolchildren do not have holidays. This will save you from long lines to the park's attractions. And if it doesn’t work out at another time, then no one canceled the Express Pass. With its help, the time spent languishing in queues for rides can be reduced to a minimum!

Guaranteed non-cold seas in June will be in Cyprus, some Greek islands and Turkish resorts.

Tells parents about holidays in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus Natalia Kharitonova, head of content marketing department, online tour hypermarket

Advice for these three countries. When choosing a hotel for a holiday with children, we advise you to pay attention to several criteria:

The sandy beach should have a gentle slope into the sea and be located no further than 500 meters from the hotel;

The hotel should have a children's menu (children's = diet, not with mini-burgers and fries);

Entertainment on site: slides, active animation program, mini disco. And even better - children's clubs from the tour operator with Russian-speaking animators and creative activities;

It would be a great bonus Children's swimming pool, located next to an adult. It wouldn't hurt to have children's bracelets and pagers for parents (but they are only available in large hotels).

Among the resorts in Greece, Turkey and Cyprus, in terms of children's infrastructure, Turkey, of course, wins. But you can also find excellent places to relax with children in the resorts of Cyprus and Greece.


It is better to go to the island part of Greece with children. These are Crete, Rhodes, Corfu.

At this time, the sea in Crete is cooler than, for example, in Cyprus. And in Crete you need to choose beaches, since there are many rocky places, and children need sandy ones.

Rhodes. Of the above islands, Rhodes is the most suitable for families with children. This is the largest island, with wonderful sandy beaches. Hotels have large areas with children's playgrounds.

Advice. It is worth paying attention to the Blue Horizon Palm Beach Hotel & Bungalows, Dessole Olympos Beach Resort, Mitsis Faliraki Beach - they are most suitable for families with children.

Crete. Holidays in Crete will be cheaper than in Rhodes. The beaches are a little more modest, more pebbly, and on the sandy ones the sand is grayer than on Rhodes (affected by volcanic origin). There are a lot of young people vacationing in Crete, so it can be noisy for evening walks with children.

Advice. Since Crete is so loved by noisy young people, it is better to choose hotels where it will be comfortable to relax with children - pay attention to Xidas Garden, Hersonissos Palace, Mediterraneo, Albatros Spa & Resort Hotel, Grecotel Plaza Spa Apartments.

O. Corfu- a small island for a calm, measured holiday. There are sandy and volcanic beaches; pebble beaches are very rare. You can rent a car, drive around the island in a day and choose a beach or small cove to your liking. Tourists speak well of the Elea Beach and Delfinia Hotels.

Advice. If your older children need to run and jump, it is better to look not at Corfu, but at other destinations. But for walks with kids, this is an excellent choice.

Greece has many nature reserves, zoos, and open farms where children can get acquainted with nature and agritourism. Interesting things to do in Crete Botanical Garden Capsis Beach, the huge Limnoupolis Water Park and Agreco Farm in Rethymnon.


Cyprus is gradually gaining momentum as a country for families with children. The reasons are quite clear: warm, sunny and clean.

Quiet rest. For a family holiday with children, the relatively quiet resort of Protaras with sandy beaches is recommended. There is no variety of discos and broken youth. There are many children's boats and "paddling pools" on the beaches. On the promenade street there is a square with fountains and many children's cafes.

Advice. During the day it is good to go to the sandy beaches of Ayia Napa (10 minutes by bus): for example, one of the most beautiful places is Nissi Beach. And in the evening return to the relatively quiet Protaras, since Ayia Napa has a loud evening life.

Relaxation with entertainment. The city of Ayia Napa is also popular with families with children. Here you will find sandy beaches, many children's cafes on the main street of the resort. Unless, of course, the presence of young people bothers you - after all, Ayia Napa is famous for its party scene. There is also a water park called Waterworld, which children adore.

Advice. For a holiday with children in Ayia Napa, pay special attention to choosing a hotel. You can consider Nissi Park (a good hotel for its price, the only negative is that it is on the second line), the Grecian Sands Hotel will be a little more expensive.


What do you need to remember when going on holiday with children to Turkey? In June you can already swim, but not at all resorts. There are also many pebble beaches in Turkey, so you have to choose. But excellent animation and all-inclusive meals make this country attractive for families with children.

The most suitable resorts for families with children are the resorts of the Antalya coast - best resorts with sandy beaches._

Side. The "children's" favorite here is Side. There are the fewest discos, and 80% of the resort’s beaches are aimed at children. There are a lot of hotels from tour operators that are designed specifically for families with children (with children's clubs and infrastructure, water slides, not to mention entire children's towns).

Suitable hotels: Club Calimera Serra Palace (ex. Iberotel Serra Palace), Sentido Perissia (ex. Paloma Perissia) (the price is not cheap, but there is a lot for children: breakwaters that do not allow small debris to pass through, a huge private beach, clubs and nannies) , Club Hotel Turan Prince World.

Kemer. You can also consider remote areas of Kemer. If children need fresh air, then in Kemer such walks among the pines and spruces will bring pleasure and will be beneficial, but the beaches here are large pebbles. We recommend the Kiris and Tekerova area.

Important. Kemer itself is not suitable for families with children - it is more designed for youth recreation.

Kemer, Tekerova - pay attention to the Queen's Park Tekirova hotel, Kirish - hotels Limak Limra Hotel & Resort, AKKA Alinda Hotel (ex. Kiris Alinda Beach), Pirate`s Beach Club.

Antalya. A holiday with children in Antalya (Lara district) will be somewhat more expensive, but also more luxurious. The best hotels for children are Limak Lara De Luxe Hotel & Resort, Concorde De Luxe Resort (ex. Concorde Resort & SPA), Delphin Diva Primiere (ex. Riva Exclusive Hotels Diva).

Aegean coast. It will be ideal if children do not tolerate heat too well, since the water here is cooler than on the Antalya coast.

Fethiye. The Fethiye resort with its sand and pebble beach is also suitable for children (but the pebbles here are very small).

Belek. This is a resort with even more expensive and luxury hotels, only “fives” are concentrated on the first line; a 4-star hotel can only be found on the second line. But the hotels are worth the money: luxurious, with huge territories and all kinds of entertainment.

Ideal hotels:

Riu Kaya Belek (ex. Kaya Belek),

TUI Magic Life Waterworld (ex. Club Magic Life Waterworld) (children's pools and water slides, amphitheater, mini clubs (3-6 years old and 7-12 years old), teenagers club (13-16 years old), playground and games room , mini disco),

Cesars Temple De Luxe Hotel (ex. Cesars Temple Golf) (very large area, there is a whole city for children, children's water slides, animation),

IC Hotels Santai Family Resort (ex.IC Hotels Santai) (a huge children's center with slot machines, cinemas, a city of professions, a rope town).

Those who want to plunge into the real June heat with their children will have to fly to the following countries:

United Arab Emirates. It's warm Persian Gulf with lots of entertainment for children. In general, everything is very wonderful and, in addition, a visa is issued upon arrival. But the country is expensive.

Israel. It is also warm to swim in Israel, especially in Eilat on the Red Sea. Israel is great for children, but the country is also expensive for vacation.

Jordan. We can also recommend Jordan - Aqaba. There are excellent sandy beaches, but comfortable stay only possible in hotels high class. The country is in many ways similar to Egypt, but much more expensive, although the staff and people around are much more polite. And even more polite than in Turkey.

Now let's look at each country in more detail. Tells Evgeniy Ginzburg, Marketing Director of Level.Travel service, a site for selling tours online from more than 20 leading tour operators in Russia.

United Arab Emirates

The weather in the UAE in June is hot - perhaps even too hot for small children. And a very warm sea. This country also offers a lot of entertainment. The country is very comfortable, but expensive. In the UAE, I think it is very safe.

You can safely send your child by taxi alone and be sure that he will be brought to his destination.

If you forgot something in a taxi, it will certainly be returned to you.

The Emirates has a very high level of service. Everything is thought out, right down to the strollers at the airport. Hotels have special meals. 5* hotels can provide custom-made meals for both children and adults. That is, if you want something special for breakfast, they will prepare it for you. But all this, of course, will cost money.

Arab families have many children. And women with children often accompany men even on business trips, so many hotels are designed for travelers with large families.

Because of this peculiarity of the Arab state, the UAE has created all the conditions for a holiday with children - of any age, from infants to teenagers.

For the little ones there are children's rooms, for older children - a variety of entertainment, from aquariums to the world's best attractions and water parks.

Advice. It is important to decide on a vacation spot. The fact is that many hotels are located on bulk islands. The water around them is calm and not very clean. Moreover, in some places there is construction going on, so you need to carefully choose a hotel. Many families with small children choose the emirates of Fujairah or Ras Al Khaimah. The fact is that they are distant from Abu Dhabi and Dubai, but they are on the coast open sea, and swimming there, of course, is more pleasant than on the bulk islands.

Hotels in these regions are similar to Turkish or Egyptian: they each have their own green area and there is no need to leave them again. Each emirate has its own large-scale water park, but if you go on vacation with older children, then they will definitely want to try the best entertainment, and all of them are located in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, which they will have to get to. Therefore, it is better to choose remote emirates for your vacation if you are flying with small children and are not going to tourist centers.


In June in Israel it is warm to swim in the Red Sea - in Eilat. This country treats children well, however, a vacation will be just as expensive as in the United Arab Emirates. In Israel, vacationers are provided with rational, thoughtful comfort - without frills, as in expensive Turkish or Arab hotels. Everything will definitely be clean, neat, understandable, but not cheap.

Prices are comparable everywhere and stay at the same level - both for hotel accommodation and for food in restaurants. The service is always unobtrusive, since in Israel personal space is respected.

With the arrival of the first warm days of summer, everyone gets into a vacation mood. And a reasonable question immediately arises: where to relax at sea in June? The resort peak has not yet arrived. At the beginning of the first summer month, most beaches are free, and hotels have not yet increased their prices. This is a great time to vacation in neighboring countries. But you should choose it with caution: you need to take into account that not all resorts have ideal weather. The good news is that most popular tourist destinations are still ready to welcome visitors. In June you can have a wonderful holiday in Russia.

How to choose a vacation spot?

Warm and pleasant weather without sweltering heat prevails in many countries. The only problem may be that the water is still cool. If you are thinking about where to vacation at sea in May-June, it is best to start your search from countries just south of Turkey, for example, Cyprus and Egypt. In Turkey, the weather is not very hot, about +25 during the day and +18 at night, and the sea warms up only in June. This is not a big problem for most tourists, because if the sea water temperature is not satisfactory, it can easily be replaced with a hotel pool.

For heat lovers, Vietnam, Bali, and Morocco are suitable. The advantage of these directions is the cool and fresh wind at this time of year, which significantly softens the heat. Thailand is also popular, especially eastern directions, but there are a lot of tourists here.

Sea cruises

If you have already been to Egypt, Turkey, Spain, or vacationed at Russian resorts and you want something new, try cruise travel. This is not only an unusual, exotic type of vacation, but also sometimes more economical. Most often we associate it with pleasant relaxation, delicious food, comfort, excursions and leisurely walks around the cities. However, a cruise is also a unique opportunity to devote time to your health and take care of yourself. On board many modern ships there are fitness rooms, swimming pools, centers healthy eating and beauty salons. It is also a very romantic type of holiday for couples in love. For example, a cruise Caribbean Sea considered the most popular. A trip to the Bahamas, Jamaica, and Aruba will await you. It has a wonderfully relaxing atmosphere and fabulous nature. When choosing where to relax at sea in June, keep in mind that in these regions it is always exclusively comfortable temperature water, air.

Inexpensive holiday in June

The most economical destinations for early summer holidays: Egypt, Cyprus and Tunisia. For example, already in June it reaches +30 degrees, and the water is +25. This wonderful holiday both for two lovers and families with children. Prices this month are still very reasonable; hotels in Cyprus for the most part operate not in the all-inclusive format, but rather in European style"breakfast and dinner". The coast is filled with cafes and restaurants, so food is not a problem.

Where to relax in June at sea? Choose Egypt. At this time, it is not yet met with heat, because the hottest months are July and August. By the way, the dry climate and the constant breeze from the sea make it possible to tolerate even 40-degree heat quite easily. In June it will be very comfortable to go diving - the water temperature is +28 degrees.

But in Tunisia at this time the weather is already really hot. It is believed that if you go here in the summer, then be sure to do so in June, because in the rest of the summer months the heat is simply unbearable. The season has not yet begun at this time, so you can enjoy reasonable prices and the absence of crowds of tourists.

Despite the fact that June is only the beginning of summer, many people go on trips at this time, because a vacation at sea is always pleasant.

June is the height of summer, an ideal month for a vacation. Tourists from all over the world are starting to pack their luggage and buy trips to hot countries. It’s better to do this in advance, because the high season is about to arrive.

Of course, in the first month of summer, most tourists prefer the beaches. The most budget option becomes a classic vacation in . Despite the fact that the sun is not fully warm, the temperature is comfortable enough for swimming in the sea. will show a real sultry summer, the thermometer will not drop below 30 degrees. It is worth considering that the weather on the islands is slightly worse. There is also real sultry summer weather with daytime temperatures up to 37 degrees. You can visit spas and try for yourself the healing salts and mud extracted from the Dead Sea. In the evenings, when it gets a little cooler, you can go for walks around the city. You can sunbathe under the scorching rays of the sun at snow-white beaches However, in June, cool winds still sometimes give free rein.

You won’t find sweltering heat at the beginning of summer, so your vacation will be pleasant and comfortable. Tours must be booked in advance; in the second half of summer the thermometer will begin to creep up. The real hell will happen in. And these are still flowers compared to July and August. During this period, a moderately warm climate will reign with temperatures of about 25 degrees. It's time to combine a beach holiday and excursions. Wine lovers will be able to enjoy fresh drinks at. June is the time of ripening of grape plantations. The weather is pleasant and the amount of precipitation is kept to a minimum.

If you want to lie on a sun lounger, but don’t like a bunch of annoying tourists, you should pay attention to the modest one. The first half of the month is characterized by the absence of crowds on local beaches. But keep in mind a small minus - rare rainy days. - a place where the green expanse of the ocean and city skyscrapers meet, is it not exotic? The island will delight tourists with a three-kilometer beach of white sand.

Exotic in June

Not all exotic countries will be able to please tourists with the heat. For example, the western part is characterized by the presence of stormy winds, so it is better to bet on East Coast. In , Tau and Nan Yuan there is a very clean sea and good summer weather. If you go to, don’t forget about an umbrella; this period is characterized by short-term but heavy rains. Another one hot country- where the thermometer does not drop below 30. But the water in the ocean is not yet so warmed by the first rays of the summer sun. Therefore, a holiday in these lands is ideal for those who do not like sweltering heat.

Residents of Russia, its central zone, in warm month will be able to visit the cultural page. St. Petersburg is a city of amazing beauty, often compared to “Venice”. Get the chance to look at the bridges, the palace square, and stroll through the halls of great rulers. France and Holland can surprise you with their floral splendor.

Active recreation is becoming increasingly popular in wide circles. Still, not everyone wants to spend their first summer days lying on the beaches. Those who want to hide from the scorching sun rays, it is better to visit the fresh air in. There are several small but cozy guest houses on the shores of local lakes. Great news - accommodation here in summer is much cheaper than in winter. This is due, first of all, to the decline in trips to ski resorts, which at this time are losing their relevance. By paying an additional amount of money, you can go for a horseback ride or take equestrian lessons from professionals. You can also rent a bicycle.

The demand for trips to our country is also growing. For example, it offers excellent opportunities for rafting, as well as thematic rafting on local rivers. You can also go rafting in Nepal and India. Many people go to Crimea to explore various tourist routes. You will be offered hiking in the mountains, horseback riding and on the open sea on a boat, yacht, boats or ship.

The difficult school year has ended, and many parents are rushing to please their children with a vacation outside the country. If in the cold winter months you had to fly to distant hot countries, then at the beginning of summer the choice is practically unfettered. At the beginning of summer, bus tours become popular. A huge advantage of such a vacation is the inexpensive price and the opportunity to travel around several cities at once. Moreover, along the way you can explore the beauty of foreign nature. Such tours involve visiting other countries - the choice is great. and still occupy a leading position. These countries know a lot about children's recreation and entertainment.

Today, demand for countries continues to grow South-East Asia, in particular on and. There is still a large flow of tourists heading to the shores. attracts people from all over the world with its historical places and hot beaches. Holidays are especially in demand on the islands, where new restaurants and hotels appear every year, aimed at family vacations.

Children will enjoy swimming in the ecologically clean, green, sandy shores of the island in Spain. More and more married couples come here to relax from the bustle of the city. Among the Italian resorts we can recommend. This is a calm and safe resort in all respects close to. The air warms up to 22 degrees, and hotels are located near the coastal strip of the Adriatic Sea. The bottom of the beaches is soft and flat, which is what children need. But this resort has one drawback - the rather high cost.

Fans of unconventional and romantic travel will be delighted with a cruise package. But it will be tedious to be prepared for a not entirely cheap price for such pleasure. Cruise across the waters Mediterranean Sea involves visiting Egypt and. If your vacation is limited in time, it is better to purchase a cruise tour to Scandinavia and the Baltics. Of course, it will be somewhat shorter, but the program is no less rich and exciting.

River cruises occupy a special place; they are more soulful. Shores immersed in greenery, towns, settlements, meadows will float by - this has its own charm. You can go on such a trip along rivers such as the Volga, Danube or Rhine. You just have to decide on the route. Recently, entry into the city has become accessible. Today it is possible to purchase a ticket for a cruise and go on the waves to explore the southern coast of the peninsula from Feodosia.

Tours in June in Russia

Our country can be crossed length and breadth, but even then it is impossible to see all its beauty. Therefore, many remain in Russia and travel to different parts of it. Undoubtedly, the leaders of the first month were Black Sea coast. The main advantages of local holidays are low prices, the absence of intense heat and crowds of annoying tourists. By the way, the sea is already warming up.

At the same time, it is worth taking medical procedures in the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories; it is not for nothing that these places are considered a Russian health resort. Wonderful resorts: Anapa, Kabardinka, Gelendzhik and Lazarevskoye. The city of Sochi would be a suitable option. You won’t have to spend much on travel; in the first month of summer, fares are budget-friendly.

Holidays and festivals in June

With the arrival of June, the season opens in the Scandinavian countries and throughout Europe music festivals. Finland, Sweden, Germany are ready to offer a holiday for every taste. Whom you will meet here: rock musicians, classical music performers and world pop culture stars. Traditionally, UK residents honor the entire month of June. royal family. Horse races are held, where the lady should come to best outfit with a playful hat. Among other things, the Queen was born this month, so English cities, in particular London and Windsor, will surprise you with their celebrations. Ibiza is a youth resort where the night is not meant for sleeping. In June, the parties are just beginning, but what happens in the middle of summer, when golden youth from all over the world flock to one point and begin to rock until the morning.

In Malta, it is especially beautiful and colorful at the end of the month, at which time the holidays in honor of St. Peter and St. Paul begin. More than a thousand bonfires and torches illuminate the cities, and the streets are filled with live music and theatrical performances. Germany is famous for its rock festivals, which take place on the first weekend of the month and last for three days. Sweden is proud of its children's holidays at the beginning of summer. France is rich in cultural events during this period. The province of Champagne hosts a celebration of aristocratic art and street theater. Paris invites you to visit the music festival.

Trips to parks and reserves in June

If you are a lover of flora and fauna and are in a hurry to explore the protected areas of other countries, then the following regions are the best fit for this. Estonia is famous national parks, to which 1/3 of the state land is allocated. "Endla" is a nature reserve of European significance. Here you can take a boat ride or walk along intricate paths through the dense forest. Voorem will surprise you with its landscape, lakes with fish and glaciers. In exotic Mexico there are more than fifty different parks, whose total area reaches almost 900,000 hectares. The secrets of mountain pine forests, volcanoes and rare species birds.

If you are not afraid of crocodiles, go to Crocatoon Park. The Eshkaret Recreation Center will invite you to an area of ​​tropical fauna with a beach, a zoo and water attractions. Malaysia has the deepest limestone caves, where there is a chance to scuba dive. Gunung Ecopark boasts the longest suspended cable cars. In this country, you will be able to see live deer, exotic birds, more than 100 species of snakes and lizards reaching a length of more than 3 meters, as well as the hornbill.

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