Father of Milyavskaya Eva's daughter. Lolita revealed the truth about her daughter’s illness. Masha studies at a specialized school

This year, Eva, the daughter of the famous Russian performer Lolita Milyavskaya, graduated from school. And although due to Lolita’s visit to the occupied Crimea, she shared a photo from the celebration.


The singer announced the good news on her page on Instagram, publishing a photo of Eva. In the photo, a young girl is posing in her graduation suit with a diploma and medal in her hands.

"Hooray! Today we definitely finished school! In the person of my beloved daughter, I congratulate all children, parents and teachers on their graduations! Let everyone succeed in life!” — signed the publication star mom.

Most subscribers began to praise Eva. But there were also those who attacked the girl with criticism. This is where the star mother could not stand it and began to answer the haters.

One of the subscribers wrote: “What is the girl’s illness? Who knows?". In response, Lolita did not remain silent and revealed the truth: “The girl is 100% healthy. These are some assholes spreading rumors.”

Another follower commented: “Does the girl have some kind of illness?” “Laziness, like many children,” the singer answered.

Another fan wrote: “Lolita, having learned that your daughter is disabled and your ex stopped communicating with your family (that was a long time ago) and now seeing this person, but at the same time a very pretty girl, you understand how much a mother does for her beloved child . Lola, I admire you! All the best to Eva." “Who told you that? Eva, thank God, was not disabled. Don’t read nonsense on the Internet!” — the performer answered.

Thus, Lolita denied rumors about her daughter’s illness.

Lolita's daughter at graduation

Let us remember that in April last year famous artist Lolita Milyavskaya was banned from entering Ukraine for a period of three years. Because of this, the singer was unable to attend her daughter’s graduation.

Earlier, Lolita stated that she intended to take her daughter from Ukraine to Russia. The reason for this was the fact that pop singer I couldn’t attend the graduation of my daughter Eva, who lives in Kyiv, due to a ban on entry into Ukraine.


Lolita has already expressed her indignation at this decision of the Ukrainian authorities and stated that... The artist also told where Eva will go to school.

Watch the video in which Lolita's daughter sings in French:

Eva was born prematurely in 1999, weighing 1.2 kilograms at 5 months of pregnancy. Doctors immediately warned the singer that children of this kind are often prone to all kinds of genetic diseases. After being discharged from the maternity hospital, the girl was diagnosed with Down syndrome, the online publication notes.

But Lolita Milyavskaya still cannot calmly talk about that period in her life. Lolita still remembers with what hatred the doctors looked at her tiny daughter then and urged the artist to abandon such a problematic child. But the actress did not give up and today the singer thanks God that her daughter can live a normal life. Lolita spent the first year alone, thinking about the future and the fate of her tiny baby, trying to find at least some hope for the best.

But then, after an examination by the famous neurologist Andrei Petrukhin, he rendered a verdict that Lolita’s daughter was absolutely healthy. Over time, the disease became more and more apparent in the girl; she was developmentally delayed and withdrawn, and had difficulty making contact with people. After the examination, doctors informed Milyavskaya that her daughter had autism. This news did not stop the singer and she put all her efforts into finding the best specialists who could contribute to the development of her daughter.

Then, while entering school, Lolita sent her to regular school, and not to a special institution, so that the girl could quickly get used to ordinary life. First grade was very difficult for Eva; she could not answer at the blackboard and did not communicate with the children at all. But thanks to the persistence in raising Lolita’s mother, the girl gradually began to change for the better.

Lolita Milyavskaya is ready to do absolutely anything for the sake of her daughter’s happiness and health. The mother believes that Eva should not repeat her mistakes. The mother believes that Eva should not repeat her mistakes. As Lolita herself admitted in the program “Alone with Everyone” that most Her life really lacked parental warmth and she tries not to deprive her daughter of this. As the artist admitted, it took her a long time to forgive her childhood grievances to her parents. And recently the singer made a statement in the press that she will not give birth again, because she is happy that she has a daughter, Eva, in her life, who is her meaning in life. Lolita gave birth to Eva in 1999 from Alexander Tsekalo.

The father never cared about his daughter’s health and after a while he completely disappeared from Eva’s life. Despite the fact that Eva was born premature, doctors were able to get the baby back on her feet. The girl lives with her grandmother and Milyavskaya periodically visits her daughter. In moments of separation, she really misses her daughter and was very scared when, because long absence actress Eva did not approach her. According to Lolita, Eva is an ordinary and not spoiled child who loves her madly. Currently, Eva is already 19 years old and lives in Kyiv with her grandparents, but often visits her mother in Moscow and recently participated in a fashion show with her entire family. The artist does not like to show her daughter, but sometimes you can see a photo of her daughter on her Instagram. Lolita argued rumors regarding autism by the fact that her daughter is completely healthy; she previously had developmental problems associated with prematurity, which they were able to overcome together.

For many years in a row, fans condemned Tsekalo because he did not maintain contact with Eva.

But that was exactly until it became known that Eva was not his daughter. Lolita's mother also accused him of being cold towards her daughter and of not taking part in raising her daughter at all because of his new family. Until now, this topic has not been touched upon by anyone, but the artists decided to tell everyone the truth.

Lolita admitted that Tsekalo did not Eva's father, although he gave the girl his last name and after a while they broke up. Due to the fact that the artist hid the truth, those around her constantly blamed Alexander for irresponsibility, but he did not say a word about it, keeping their secret until the last.

But now Eva is already an adult and Lolita is proud of her, constantly sharing photographs of her daughter in in social networks. During Eva’s last visit to Lolita before her solo concert, they had a fun time, the mother even shared videos of her daughter’s talents with fans, who appreciated her penchant for foreign languages and dancing.

Fans of Lolita Milyavskaya have condemned Alexander Tsekalo for many years for not maintaining a relationship with his daughter Eva. But it turned out that Eva has a different father.

Even the singer’s mother, Alla Dmitrievna, was offended by her former son-in-law several years ago in an interview with MN. Like, since he married Victoria, the sister of Vera Brezhneva, and in new family daughters appeared, and I forgot to think about Evochka. In all the years, a penny hasn't helped.

Neither Lolita nor Alexander Tsekalo commented on the sensitive topic. Only now has the artist decided to reveal the truth.

« Tsekalo is not Eve's father,- admitted Milyavskaya. - Our relationship with him cracked, I got someone else. Sasha knew about this. And he already had his own personal life. But when I became pregnant and then gave birth, he nobly signed the daughter over to himself. After some time, we finally parted ways both on stage and in life.».

Perhaps the artist should have revealed this truth earlier, so that Alexander Tsekalo would not be pecked by Lolita fans and even his former mother-in-law (it turns out she didn’t know the truth either) for leaving Eva.

Now Eva lives with her grandparents in Kyiv and does not often see her mother. Lolita Milyavskaya tries not to share photos of her only daughter online. Previously, I didn’t talk about my daughter, so as not to fend off attacks later, that I allegedly abandoned Eva to be raised by my grandparents, who live in Kyiv, and now, so that they would discuss less the appearance of my grown-up daughter.

« Apple tree from apple tree! The child has arrived for the holidays! Report on self-study French! I don’t understand anything, maybe it’s not French?!!???✌️?” the singer commented on the video.

In the video, Eva performs an excerpt from Patricia Kaas' song Quand Jimmy Dit. The star's fans were delighted: Lolita's subscribers expressed their admiration for her, and wished Eva success in life and not to bury her talents.

Recently, in a conversation with journalists, the singer said that her daughter has a strong ability for foreign languages: she speaks English, German, Ukrainian and is independently studying French.

She doesn’t often talk about her daughter and show her to her fans. The fans received the video that the star published on her microblog even more joyfully.

The daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya has become quite an adult

Yes, Eva Tsekalo will turn 20 years old in 2018! The star mom posted a funny video on her Instagram.

“Apple tree from apple tree)!! The child has arrived for the holidays)! Report on self-studying French! I don’t understand anything, maybe it’s not French?)!! (The author's spelling and paragraphs have been preserved, editor's note) - Milyavskaya signed the video.

Lolita fans appreciated family shots and were surprised how imperceptibly and quickly the girl grew up.

“The video is just super! So much positivity! And the movements are a copy of the famous Mom!!!, Cool! Aren't you afraid of competition? How time flies, she's already an adult with you, happiness, love and health to her! Positive cheerful beloved girl. How is your mom. Good luck to you!" (The author's spelling and paragraphs have been preserved, editor's note) - fans write.

Lolita Milyavskaya personal life

Lolita's daughter Eva Tsekalo is indeed very similar to her famous mother - in appearance, artistry, and habits. The girl was born in 1998 and bears the surname of showman Alexander Tsekalo, although she is not his biological daughter.

Rumor has it that even the marriage of Milyavskaya and Tsekalo was concluded only for the purpose of registering a girl with whom Lolilita became pregnant by an unknown man. And even if this is how it really is, it cannot be said that the ex-members of the cabaret duo “Academy” did not have love for each other and good attitude - family life Celebrity lasted for 12 years and broke up in 2000.

Now Lolita Milyavskaya is married for the fifth time. Her husband is tennis player Dmitry Ivanov, who is the seventh racket in Russia in squash. The difference between the spouses is 12 years, but the couple is happy together!

Lolita's daughter Eva does not live with her mother and stepfather - the girl was raised by her grandmother, who now lives in Kyiv. The famous mother and daughter see each other occasionally during school holidays and breaks between Lolita tours.

Many people condemn Milyavskaya for the fact that Eva spent her childhood without a mother, but the singer has nothing to be ashamed of - she worked all these years so that her mother and daughter could live in abundance. Lolita is not at all shy about talking about her past. For example, she recently spoke in an interview about her past and stay in a psychiatric clinic.

Singer Lolita Milyavskaya is very worried about her daughter Eva, who has been diagnosed with autism since childhood. Lolita Milyavskaya's daughter Eva was born prematurely - in the fifth month of pregnancy, weighing 1 kg 200 grams.

The fact is that premature babies are prone to various abnormalities. Without even looking at my daughter, the freak doctor said: “Your child is abnormal, he is a downer!” “- added Lolita. If this were so, believe me, I would say so... But she does not have Down syndrome - this was discovered during a diaper test. We were given a different diagnosis - autism,” Milyavskaya noted.

Lolita enthusiastically notes each of her successes: she learned to read, recites poetry with expression, sings jazz improvisations. Milyavskaya had a daughter in mature age– after 35. The singer said that labor began in the sixth month of pregnancy. Lolita had to raise the child alone. Alexander Tsekalo, then husband singer, immediately after Eva’s birth filed for divorce. But later she suddenly declared: Tsekalo has nothing to do with her daughter.

At first, Lolita often reproached Alexander for cowardice. They suggested leaving Eva until she got used to her. Lolita found other doctors who gave a completely different diagnosis - autism (withdrawal, psychological illness). Although Eva is developmentally delayed, this has become almost unnoticeable.

"In that difficult period I was helped by world-renowned professor Andrei Petrukhin, a pediatric neurologist and member of the Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain. He picked up Evka, who was about a year old at that time, threw her up several times, then put her back in the crib and said:

“Mom, sleep well, your baby is fine.”

But, alas, Eva lagged behind her peers in development, shunned them, and grew up withdrawn and shy. Lolita's mother, Alla Dmitrievna, constantly studied with the girl, read aloud, and took her to music and drawing classes.

Paternity Tsekalo

Lolita broke up with Alexander Tsekalo shortly after Eva was born. Afterward, she spoke not very flatteringly about her relationship with her husband, emphasizing that their union was far from not only perfection, but also from the generally accepted idea of ​​a family. Everyone lived their own lives.

Lolita repeatedly mentioned not only Alexander’s numerous love interests, but also several of her novels. In one of the interviews, the singer admitted that ex-husband has nothing to do with the fact of Eve’s birth. Journalists were never able to find out the truth about who the father of Lolita’s daughter is.

Milyavskaya has repeatedly said that Tsekalo made absolutely no effort to help the sick girl with treatment, education and training. On the other hand, the artist is confident that Hard time she can rely on Alexander.

“If anything happens to me, Sasha will definitely help my to my current husband with Eva,” says the singer.

Daughter Eva Lolita Milyavskaya now

Now Eva lives with her grandparents in Kyiv and does not often see her mother. Lolita Milyavskaya tries not to share photos of her only daughter online. Previously, I didn’t talk about my daughter, so as not to fend off attacks later, that I allegedly abandoned Eva to be raised by my grandparents, who live in Kyiv, and now, so that they would discuss less the appearance of my grown-up daughter.

“An apple tree from an apple tree! The child has arrived for the holidays! Report on self-studying French! I don’t understand anything, maybe it’s not French?!!???✌?” the singer commented on the video.

In the video, Eva performs an excerpt from Patricia Kaas' song Quand Jimmy Dit. The star's fans were delighted: Lolita's subscribers expressed their admiration for her, and wished Eva success in life and not to bury her talents.

Recently, in a conversation with journalists, the singer said that her daughter has a strong ability for foreign languages: she speaks English, German, Ukrainian and is independently studying French.

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