Podolskaya got hit in the teeth by Presnyakov at a party. Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.: the rebel’s favorite women People of different elements

Vladimir Presnyakov - famous Russian singer, composer and arranger. From childhood, he grew up as a gifted, but very hooligan boy. He was kicked out from many educational institutions. Little Vova lasted the longest in the Sverdlovsk boarding school. There, the management tolerated the child’s antics only because of his talent. But he was expelled from there too, after a humor magazine that was banned at that time was found under his desk.

The future singer did not despair and stubbornly followed the plan. Thanks to his determination, Vladimir became famous singer, whose popularity has not faded to this day.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vladimir Presnyakov

As soon as fans try to find out the height, weight, age, how old is Vladimir Presnyakov, they are immediately given a request with a different wording. This is due to the fact that the hero of our article is named Vladimir, in honor of his father, who is also a famous singer. In order to avoid confusion, they came up with the expression “Vladimir Presnyakov Jr.”

Vladimir Vladimirovich Presnyakov grew up as a sporty boy from childhood. Today, he celebrated his anniversary - fifty years. However, thanks to sports and proper nutrition, with a height of one meter and eighty-four centimeters, he weighs eighty kilograms.

And, according to many, Vladimir very successfully changed his clothing style and image. Fans were pleased with the transformed singer, believing that thanks to a short haircut and a different style of clothing, their idol began to look much younger.

Biography and personal life of Vladimir Presnyakov

The biography and personal life of Vladimir Presnyakov, before moving to the capital of Russia, took place in the city of Sverdlovsk, in a family of musicians. Volodya's parents were young and lived very modestly. There were no extra funds, so at first the child slept in the bathtub in which he was bathed. Then we bought a stroller, which was a bed for our son at night and a means of transportation during the day.

After the parents were offered to join the Gems group, they moved to Moscow, taking their son two years later.

In the capital, Vladimir was assigned to another musical boarding school, from which he was expelled, as from previous educational institutions. At that time, Vladimir had already composed his first song and learned to play several musical instruments.

The young man was not upset by this decision, since during this period he went on his first tour as part of the Cruise group.

The debut of Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. took place in a restaurant variety show, the owner of which was already famous singer Laima Vaikule. At that time, the teenager was barely fifteen years old.

In one movie, Vladimir was entrusted with singing a couple of songs. According to the script, these works supposedly belong to the main character. The songs were liked by both the audience and the critics.

From 1987 to 1994, the singer collaborated with the Alla Pugacheva Song Theater.

For several decades, Vladimir remained the most sought-after singer in Russia. His songs took first place in various charts. The concert program “Castle of Rain”, which took place at the Olimpiyskiy (1995), received the “Best Show of the Year” award.

Few people know that the falsetto with which Vladimir Presnyakov sings is due to illness. She almost deprived him of his voice completely. But, fortunately, everything ended well: the young man recovered, managing to maintain such a high timbre of his voice.

By the beginning of 2000, the singer's popularity began to decline. But Vladimir does not even think about falling into depression. He began to collaborate with Leonid Agutin, and also recorded several new songs, together with Natalya Podolskaya, his wife.

Family and children of Vladimir Presnyakov

The family and children of Vladimir Presnyakov are his beloved wife Natalya and sons: Nikita and Artemy. The singer maintains excellent relationships with his ex-wives - Christina and Elena. This is probably what people in the civilized world should do - when love passes, simply quietly separate and try to improve life with another person.

Vladimir Presnyakov’s parents got married as soon as they celebrated their nineteenth birthday. At the beginning of their family life, things were very difficult for them; there was a catastrophic lack of funds and they took on any offer. Meanwhile, the grandparents were raising their grandson.

Despite the frequent absence of his parents, Vladimir did not try to reproach them for this either then or now. He is grateful to them for everything they have done for him and loves them with all his heart. They remain an example for him of how love can be carried through years and adversity.

Son of Vladimir Presnyakov - Nikita Presnyakov

The singer became a dad twice and both times boys were born. The first son of Vladimir Presnyakov, Nikita Presnyakov, was born in an unofficially registered marriage between the singer and his common-law wife Kristina Orbakaite. The father was only twenty-three years old, and the mother was even younger at the time Nikita was born.

Star grandparents tried to help young and inexperienced parents in raising their son, but they tried to cope with all the difficulties themselves.

Nikita spent most childhood in the UK. The boy grew up in a musical environment, but did not follow in the footsteps of his parents and grandparents. He raved about cinema. Seeing such a passion, one of the grandmothers gave him a video camera, which the guy tried not to part with. Presnyakov’s son graduated from the New York Film Academy and began to try his hand as an actor and director.

Nikita has already played seven roles in films, as well as several of his own short films. Nikita finally decided to musical career and he succeeded. Now the musician has his own band and several recorded albums.

Son Russian stars show business not so long ago married Alena Krasnova. All famous relatives were present at the wedding, there were many gifts and congratulations. Fans are interested in what gift the mother gave to her child, and what Vladimir Presnyakov gave his son for his wedding.

After honeymoon, the newlyweds themselves spoke about the gifts: it was one big, but worthwhile present - new flat in the center of the capital and land plot, for the construction of a country house.

Son of Vladimir Presnyakov - Artemy Presnyakov

The difference between the singer’s sons is twenty-four years. The fact is that Vladimir Presnyakov’s second son, Artemy Presnyakov, was born only three years ago, when Vladimir married Natalya Podolskaya for the third time.

The birth of the baby was a real miracle for his parents. As they themselves admitted on camera, they had long wanted a baby, but, for unknown reasons, it didn’t work out. Then Vladimir and Natalya began to pray to the Almighty for help and traveled to holy places. As a result, after ten years of living together, a joint baby was born.

Artemy is still just a baby, it’s too early to talk about his future. Parents never cease to rejoice at their son. The happy dad, almost immediately after the birth of the baby, was the first to share this news with everyone, posting a photo with the newborn on Instagram.

There are rumors in the media that Vladimir may soon become a grandfather, to which he laughs and replies that he doesn’t mind becoming a dad again, but a grandfather is also good.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Presnyakov - Kristina Orbakaite

Vladimir began to lead an adult lifestyle quite early. This was facilitated by the example of his own parents and the environment in which he grew up. The first girl with whom Vladimir began a relationship that lasted ten years was the daughter of a prima donna Russian stage– Kristina Orbakaite.

During life together, the young people never legalized their relationship. At first, the girl’s age did not allow her to do this - she was not yet sixteen at the time they met. And then they decided that all these bureaucratic hassles were not for them. To this union a son, Nikita, was born.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, Kristina Orbakaite, has said more than once that it was her husband who “raised” her in his time. After all, immediately after meeting they began to live together. First time with the singer’s parents, and then in the house of Alla Pugacheva.

There were many rumors that Presnyakov fell in love with the daughter of a singer famous throughout the country only to enlist her support and receive patronage. Christina was always angry and said that her husband always tried to achieve everything himself, on the contrary, refusing the help of her mother.

The Young People's Union existed for just over ten years. During this time they managed to become popular and loved. The young people parted quietly and peacefully, without high-profile scandals and mutual accusations.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite - their son’s wedding was an excellent occasion for the meeting of two former lovers. They were able to maintain friendly relations, so no unpleasant incidents occurred at Nikita and Alena’s celebration.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Presnyakov - Elena Lenskaya

The singer’s first official wife was the famous fashion designer Elena Lenskaya. Having studied her biography in detail, we can say with confidence that she made her name only herself. She was born in Ukraine, into an ordinary working class family. Soon the parents divorced, and only the mother was involved in raising her. At the age of five, the girl begins to cut and sew clothes for dolls. With age, her passion for sewing only intensifies, and Elena tries to attend all the circles that were at least somehow related to her interests.

Elena graduated Kyiv University, and then the Open Capital University, Faculty of Journalism. Nevertheless, she did not abandon her childhood hobby and was able to achieve recognition not only Russian houses Fashion, and also foreign.

Having met Vladimir Presnyakov at one of the shows, she leaves composer Igor Sarukhanov for him. But the union of the fashion designer and singer lasted only five years. What caused the divorce remains a mystery to fans.

Now the ex-wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, Elena Lenskaya, owns her own fashion house, is establishing mass production clothes from his collections, and also continues to create exclusive items from fur and precious metals for its regular famous clients.

Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife – Natalya Podolskaya

On this moment, singer - happy father and beloved husband. His chosen one was a girl who was fourteen years younger than the man, but this did not stop two loving hearts from ending up together.

Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife, Natalya Podolskaya, is a singer of Belarusian origin.

Natalya and Vladimir met at one of the shows. At first a conversation began between them, then they began dating until they decided to get married. Then the newlyweds also got married in the Church of the Holy Unmercenaries. For a long time the couple dreamed of a child, when the long-awaited pregnancy– Natalya approached the issue of motherhood very responsibly: she followed all the doctors’ recommendations, adhered to proper nutrition. On family council it was decided that the singer would give birth in scientific center obstetrics named after Kulakov. The Presnyakov couple paid about 380 thousand rubles for a four-day stay of a woman in labor in this center.

After giving birth, Natalya quickly got into shape and continued to delight her fans with new songs and videos. Among them are works sung together with her husband, Vladimir Presnyakov.

Instagram and Wikipedia Vladimir Presnyakov

Nowadays it is rare to find celebrities who do not have at least one account on the Internet. Therefore, Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Presnyakov can be easily found in the vastness of the World Wide Web.

Wikipedia is a multilingual universal Internet encyclopedia; only meager information from life is stored here outstanding personalities. In order to keep abreast of the latest events happening in the life of Presnyakov and his family, you should subscribe to his page on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook. The singer often posts family photos from vacation. She shares new clips with her subscribers and loves to just talk about life.

The currently famous singer Vladimir Presnyakov by example demonstrated how important it is not to give in to fear and do what you really want. Determination has always been his main characteristic. And this concerned not only professional, but also personal life. For a long time, Presnyakov maintained his own image.

He had long hair, he wore youth clothes. Soon his style changed. The singer cut his hair, changed his clothing style, and these changes caused complete delight among the fans. After all, their idol looks much cooler than before.

Fans who only recently became fans do not immediately understand why the artist is called Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. Everything is extremely simple - his dad, who was a composer and played well in his time, was also called Vladimir.

If you look at photos of Vladimir Presnyakov in his youth and now, you can see how much he looks like his father. Among other things, the singer’s whole family is connected with music. This talent seems to be passed down from the older generation to the younger. Particularly ardent fans are often interested in such personal details about the musician as his height, weight, age. How old is Vladimir Presnyakov - a simple question. Now he is 50 years old, but even despite this, he still attracts the interest of women. Performer in in great shape. Having a height of 183 centimeters, the man weighs 80 kilograms.

Biography and personal life of Vladimir Presnyakov

The artist was born at the end of March 1968, in the city of Sverdlovsk, and has already managed to celebrate his anniversary. His father, Vladimir Presnyakov, and mother, Elena Presnyakova, were musicians who later became soloists of the once popular “Gems”.

In his childhood, the future musician was a very restless boy. He was often expelled from places of study for misbehavior, frequent absenteeism and poor academic performance.

The biography of Vladimir Presnyakov hardly deserves the title of cloudless. At least in childhood. As mentioned earlier, the marriage of Vladimir and Elena was quite early. Therefore, it is not surprising that the young family did not have enough money. Even on a bed for them little son. That’s why Volodenka slept in the bathtub. Over time, I managed to buy at least a stroller. The family lived with their parents before moving to a room in a communal apartment. After this event, their lives began to change. Presnyakov’s parents performed with the Sverdlovsk VIA, and at one of these performances they were noticed by the director of the then popular ensemble “Gems,” and the couple agreed to move to the capital, placing their son in the temporary custody of his grandmother. The boy's parents took him away only two years later, when Volodya was expelled from their boarding school.

In Moscow, the young man was brought to the music school named after. Sveshnikov, where another boarding school was located, where the younger Presnyakov had to live. It is noteworthy that the boy was accepted into the school without exams. Since he came in the middle of the year, Volodya’s father asked the director to personally audition his son. At that time, Vladimir Jr. was already a multi-instrumentalist and already knew how to sing.

There was a lot going on at the boarding school, even without Presnyakov’s participation. In any case, it was difficult to call him a diligent and sweet boy. He often skipped a lot, often got into rows, but he was not expelled from school just because he was talented. But ultimately, the teachers’ patience ran out and Presnyakov was kicked out for being uncontrollable.

In 1983, Volodya finally returned to family life. They have already managed to acquire their own housing. And the guy was assigned to another school.

IN student years Vladimir began working for Laima Vaikule and was able to achieve serious success. In addition, the artist can boast of roles in films, of which throughout his entire career creative career it was about ten. For the most part, of course, he only sang, but here and there he still played small roles.

Family and children of Vladimir Presnyakov

It is worth noting that Vladimir Presnyakov’s parents concluded official marriage when they had just turned 20. This relationship is worth emulating, because they carried their love for each other throughout their entire lives. It was they who instilled in little Volodya a passion for music.

Vladimir grew up quite stubborn and could calmly do what others could not decide to do. Kristina Orbakaite was the first one he fell in love with. The difference between them was four years. In addition, the girl was underage. These relationships became decisive for Presnyakov, since the girl’s mother, Alla Pugacheva, helped Vladimir in developing his career. Most argued that this was just a mercantile calculation, and there were no feelings in reality. But close people argued that Presnyakov always tried to cope with everything on his own and, due to his character, was simply not capable of any kind of fraud. Moreover, the family and children of Vladimir Presnyakov are something he considers unworthy to speculate on.

He and Christina lived without official registration, but they have a common son. After her he was married twice and now, in last marriage, is raising another baby.

Son of Vladimir Presnyakov - Nikita Presnyakov

The son of Vladimir Presnyakov, Nikita Presnyakov, decided to continue the musical dynasty and chose the same path. It should be mentioned that Nikita is not only a musician, but also a good actor. Now he is 26, he has managed to star in about ten films and is not going to stop there. The guy also took part in many domestic music competitions, won prizes, and a few years ago even formed his own group, called AquaStone. Now it is called Multiverse, and with each performance the group becomes more and more popular.

In addition to his creative work, Nikita is also successful in his personal life. A year ago he married a girl named Alena Krasnova. They met due to the fact that their parents' country houses are located nearby. At that time, the girl was still in school, but this did not become an obstacle to starting a relationship. The couple got married in the mid-summer of 2017 and many people are concerned about the question of when to expect a new addition to the young family. Nikita replied that definitely not in the near future.

Many fans are also interested in what Vladimir Presnyakov gave his son for his wedding. The gift was made jointly with the guy’s star mother and his famous grandmother - it was an apartment and land for building a private house.

Son of Vladimir Presnyakov - Artemy Presnyakov

The son of Vladimir Presnyakov, Artemy Presnyakov, whose mother was the young singer Natalya Podolskaya, is now still very young. The boy was born not so long ago and he is only three years old. It is worth saying that the couple tried for a long time to have a child, but it didn’t work out. And then the couple decided to turn to God. They prayed a lot, visited a variety of monasteries, and believe that God, in the end, heeded their prayers.

Former common-law wife of Vladimir Presnyakov - Kristina Orbakaite

Christina became the artist’s first love. At the time they met, the girl was only 15, and Vladimir was four years older. But, despite this fact, the parents were not against their relationship. For quite a long time Presnyakov lived with his beloved in Pugacheva’s house. He speaks about this time with warmth. Songs were often heard in the house, and the diva herself treated the guy well. Having accumulated their first large capital, the couple moved away from their relatives, and soon had a child.

Having started independent life, they were still very young and because of this they were terrible maximalists. Therefore, the couple refused their parents’ help in terms of money, they tried to solve everything on their own, but they still managed to help them. Present tense ex common-law wife Vladimir Presnyakov - Kristina Orbakaite - a performer who is known, inclusively, outside of Russia. Last year, Vladimir Presnyakov and Kristina Orbakaite saw each other again - their son’s wedding was an excellent occasion.

The ex-wife of Vladimir Presnyakov - Elena Lenskaya

The ex-wife of Vladimir Presnyakov, Elena Lenskaya, also works in show business, although she is not related to music. Lena is a famous fashion designer. When Lenskaya and Presnyakov met, the girl was married, but this did not become an obstacle.

At the very beginning the couple lived civil marriage, they were able to get married only when Elena divorced her husband. It is impossible not to notice that the latter was not particularly against breaking up the relationship, and even left former apartment and a car. But it’s unlikely that all this was a really good idea, because the family relationship between Lenskaya and Presnyakov did not last very long. In addition, after some time Vladimir met his future second wife.

Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife – Natalya Podolskaya

Presnyakov and Podolskaya met in France in 2005. However, upon returning to Russia, the musician forgot about the beautiful young girl for some time - too many problems fell on his head, including a deteriorating relationship with his wife, and a little later, the start of divorce proceedings. When he was left alone again, Presnyakov remembered Natasha, found her and the couple began to build a relationship.

Their family life Now there is joy and quarrels, but they are happy together and are raising a beautiful boy. Vladimir Presnyakov’s wife, Natalya Podolskaya, is also currently developing a musical career.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Presnyakov

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vladimir Presnyakov are the most natural find for fans of the artist. After all, he actively uses social networks and often shares on Instagram. own photos from various events, he does not forget to photograph his beloved wife and son. If you want to be completely up to date with all the events, then also subscribe to Natalya’s profile, who also regularly updates her page, adding new photos and videos to it. The same can be said about Wikipedia. Except general information, there you can find a list of all Vladimir’s songs.

The birth of a baby did not stop both of them from forgetting about creativity, and they are still actively involved in music.

Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. – popular crooner, known for his original high-pitched voice.

The peak of his popularity came in the 90s of the last century, but even now the singer is working on creating musical compositions, delighting fans with new projects. Presnyakov also acts as an arranger and composer.

Childhood and youth

The future musician was born in Yekaterinburg in musical family. was the leader of a pop ensemble and a laureate of several jazz festivals. The boy's mother, whose maiden name was Elena Kobzeva, and later, was a soloist in her husband's ensemble. The musicians toured and enjoyed success, but the growth of their popularity was yet to come.

In the mid-80s, Presnyakov Sr. was accused of imitating the West and inappropriate behavior during performances. Because of this musician for a long time they didn’t even take him into amateur performances, which could not but affect the well-being of his family.

The only child of Vladimir and Elena Presnyakov was not surrounded by special chic as a child: not having their own home, at the dawn of their marriage the young parents lived in Elena’s family, where there were 6 people per 2-room apartment. But this situation did not prevent Volodya’s creative gift from developing. Presnyakov Jr., from the age of 4, tried to compose songs, later he played the piano, was bursting with ideas, the explosive energy of youth, and certainly could not be called an obedient and quiet example of diligence.

Over the years, the musical couple’s living situation began to improve: first, they received a room in a communal apartment “one by one,” then they met the leader of the ensemble and moved to the capital.

By the time of this event, Vladimir was 7 years old, and at the family council it was decided to leave the child in hometown. The boy was sent to study at a Sverdlovsk boarding school, where his father also studied at one time. However, the rebellious spirit of the future musician was not conducive to diligent study, and after 2 years the student was expelled, after which the parents took their son to Moscow.

The creative biography of the future musician began early - at the age of 11 he composed his first full-length song. Vladimir immediately chose the musical path and entered the Choir School. Sveshnikova. Constant absenteeism, smoking and other “unformatted behavior” were the reason for regular calls to the school by parents who could not influence the headstrong teenager.


The last long-awaited straw for many teachers was the magazine Burda, banned in those years, confiscated from junior Presnyakov in a German lesson. He was expelled from the Sveshnikovsky Music School in 1982, which coincided with the year of his first independent tour, made as part of the group “Cruise”, which played hard rock.

Early penetration into adult life, older friends - in childhood, Volodya’s main circle of friends were his parents’ colleagues - and a rebellious character determined the formation of a musician: already at the age of 15, the future star made his solo debut in a restaurant variety show.

Peculiar high voice, formed after pneumonia, during which the singer feared that he would lose his gift altogether, acquaintance with the artistic world and hard work formed the beginnings of future success, and the charisma of a disheveled rebel added magnetism.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Zurbagan”

In 1986, the film “Above the Rainbow” was released, where Presnyakov Jr. performed the songs “Zurbagan” and “The Roadside Grass Sleeps,” which, according to the plot, belong to the main character. This event had positive influence: the performance of bright hits increased the success of the film and brought the first round of fame to the young performer.

Presnyakov Jr. participated in the world of cinema and as an actor. In the musical fairy tale film “She with a Broom, He in a Black Hat,” he appeared in the cameo role of the hero Igor, singing the song “Genie.” Work soon followed in the film “Burglar,” where the singer appeared in the guise of a breakdancer.

The artist looked convincing in the choreographic number: a tall, athletic singer (Vladimir’s height is 184 cm with a current weight of 80 kg) while he was just passionate about breaking. 10 years later, Presnyakov starred in the film “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Subsequently, the singer continued to write songs himself, and also collaborated with famous composers and songwriters. In the 1980s, the musician formed the group “Captain”. In 1987, Presnyakov Jr. appeared on the stage of the Song Theater, where he worked until 1994.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Castle made of rain”

During the late 80s and early 90s, Presnyakov Jr. occupied a stable place in the top ten best performers in Russia, and also held the honorary title “Singer of the Year” for several years in a row. In 1995, the musician performed at the Olimpiysky Sports Complex with concert program“Castle Made of Rain”, which attracted a full house. "Rain Castle" was recognized best show of the year.

A year later, the singer won the Golden Gramophone award. The song “Masha” brought Presnyakov Jr. the award. Music videos were also shot for it and other cult compositions by Presnyakov.

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Masha”

By the end of the 90s, Presnyakov Jr. began to lose popularity. The musician himself noticed that he no longer packs stadiums, but he accepted this fact philosophically. Vladimir continued to play music and participate in concerts and television shows. As he told the press, fame was not his goal in itself, so the decline in popularity did not deal him a heavy blow. In 2002, the singer took part in the show “The Last Hero” and became the winner of the season.

Leonid Agutin and Vladimir Presnyakov - “Airports”

In 2006, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. again won the Golden Gramophone award for the song “Airports,” which he performed in a duet with. The last album he recorded, “Being a Part of Yours,” was released in 2012. Leonid Agutin, and participated in its creation.

Personal life

Attention to the popular musician was attracted not only by his work, but also by his wives. Well known serious relationship, like everything else in the life of the younger Presnyakov, began to take shape early. At the age of 18, he met the 15-year-old daughter of Alla Pugacheva. Nothing interfered with these early relationships; Presnyakov’s lifestyle and his social circle only contributed to such experiments: the touring life of his parents, filming, festivals, concerts, and the circle of acquaintances who did not follow the formalities of marriage.

As a result, Presnyakov and Orbakaite became a married couple when Kristina turned 16, not considering it necessary to interfere with the bureaucracy in her own destiny. The parents, initially shocked by the act of their talented offspring, could only come to terms with and support the decision of the young couple.

The musicians did not hide their relationship and often demonstrated it with various youthful touching gestures, for example, wearing badges with each other’s names. The small age difference did play a role: Christina later said that Presnyakov literally raised her. The young family first lived with Vladimir’s parents, but then moved to Alla Pugacheva’s apartment. Presnyakov remembers this with special warmth, says that they lived like Italian family, and there was always music and songs in the house.

Vladimir and Christina tried to earn money themselves and, with youthful maximalism, refused financial assistance, so the star parents had to try hard to help their children.

Quickly formed, colored by the separation of frequent tours and the joy of meetings, the union of 2 stars brought them a son and 10 years of mutual support. From time to time, the press flared up with reports of infidelity and a possible breakup, but each time the couple overcame the crisis until they finally broke up in 1996. This “divorce,” perhaps due to the informality of the relationship, went smoothly. The stars maintained warm friendly relations, and Vladimir participated in the life and upbringing of his son.

The first official wife of Vladimir Presnyakov was fashion designer Elena Lenskaya, who is called main reason the singer's departure from Orbakaite. According to another version, which is supported by many media outlets, it was Christina who left Presnyakov, and he had a hard time with the breakup, to the point of depression and clinical death.

She pulled him out of this terrible period new love. This relationship also lasted just under 10 years and was finally interrupted in 2005, when the singer met Natalya Podolskaya, a graduate of the Star Factory show.

The lovers did not rush, indulged in the pleasure of meetings for several years, and then arranged an unforgettable “make-believe wedding” in Las Vegas, covered with such stories.

The married couple lived as a well-coordinated creative duo: they recorded songs and videos together and toured the country.

In 2010, Presnyakov and Podolskaya decided to repeat the wedding ceremony and this time officially registered their relationship in Russia. 10 years after the start of the love story, a long-awaited child. June 5, 2015 Natalya Podolskaya, who was named Artemy.

Fans noted that with the birth of his youngest son, the musician seemed to become younger.

Perhaps a certain role was played by the fact that shortly before Artemy was born, literally a year, the man changed his image, which he had been faithful to for decades. Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. got his hair cut. On his 46th birthday, he appeared with a short haircut instead of his usual thick head of hair. But fans admitted that such a radical rejection of the image of the “eternal boy” only made their idol visually younger and more attractive.

Presnyakov rejoices at Artemy’s success, shares with subscribers on "Instagram" important milestones in the baby's life. A happy mother and the wife shared with reporters that she is not against another addition to the family. But so far, according to press reports, things have not gone beyond planning.

The birth of a child did not make Vladimir and Natalya forget about the creative component of their union. Artists continue to harmoniously combine professional and personal lives. Now the musicians continue to delight fans with new projects. In 2016, their joint video for the song “Breathe” was released.

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov - “Breathe”

In a slightly arthouse video - filming took place in strange looking apartment - Vladimir sported emerald hair and beard, and his wife dyed her hair bright scarlet - Presnyakov and Podolskaya, with the help of music and song, showed the real passion of people in love.

In 2017, the singer presented the musical compositions “Unearthly” and “If You Are Not Near.” Soon the singer presented the old hit “Zurbagan”, which he performed together with the group. Later, photo artist Vladimir Dashevsky created a video project for the musical composition.

In March 2018, the singer celebrated his 50th anniversary, in honor of which a large concert took place on the stage of Crocus City Hall. Together with his father, the song “Airports” was sung by his son Nikita. The artist’s youngest heir, Artemy, also visited the stage, and his wife presented the hero of the day with a musical film dedicated to him, which moved Vladimir to tears.

Soon the artist went on tour to major cities Russia. Natalya Podolskaya also appeared on stage together with Presnyakov. The performance program includes many duets that the couple performs together. For February 2019, the singer’s tour list includes a performance in the Moscow international House music from new program"Listening to silence."

Vladimir Presnyakov - “Listening to Silence” (2018 premiere)

According to Vladimir Presnyakov, with the onset of his 50th birthday, he expected a calm, measured life, but it turned out to be the opposite. The number of concerts and tours is not getting smaller, but free time singer dedicates youngest son Tema and wife Natalya. In the summer, the artist traveled around Europe and Russia. Together with his family he visited Italy, France, Kazakhstan, and the Urals. Vladimir set himself the goal of showing his son the world, teaching him to swim and dive, and becoming independent from computers. According to the singer, he succeeded. Family photos- not uncommon on the singer’s microblog page.

In the summer of 2018 at international festival“Heat” Presnyakov together with Leonid Agutin performed a creative evening.

The artist also held a solo concert on stage “ New wave" In the fall, Vladimir presented new hit“You are the only one I have,” which he dedicated to his wife Natalya. Together with Podolskaya, Presnyakov attended the Glamor Award ceremony.

In November of the same year, Vladimir received the Golden Gramophone figurine and the Radiomania 2018 award with the song Listening to Silence. The musical composition lasted 24 weeks in the hit parade, which allowed the musician to become a laureate of national awards. The video released for this track received more than 3 million views in six months.

The eldest son Nikita never ceases to please his father. The young musician, leader of the Multiverse group, is preparing to release his debut album Beyond, the music of which delighted Vladimir Vladimirovich, which he informed his subscribers about.


  • 1989 - “Dad, you were like that yourself”
  • 1991 - “Love”
  • 1994 - “Castle Made of Rain”
  • 1996 - “Zurbagan”
  • 1996 - “The Wanderer”
  • 1996 - “Zhanka”
  • 1996 - “Drools”
  • 2011 - “Unreal Love”
  • 2012 - “Be part of yours”

Vladimir Presnyakov's career began in quite early age. Fans know him as a talented singer, composer and arranger. He also tried his hand at films. He has about a dozen films to his credit. But for the bulk of people, he became popular not because of his works, but because of his three marriages.

First love - Kristina Orbakaite

Vladimir met his first, albeit unofficial, wife at a concert. At that time, Vladimir was 19 years old, and Alla Pugacheva’s daughter, Christina, was only 15 years old.

Christina still remembers the moment they met. She had already played the main role in the film “Scarecrow”, and Vladimir complimented her on her good performance in this film. The next meeting of young people took place at the New Year's “blue light”. Presnyakov performed there with a song about Charlie Chaplin, and Kristina performed with the dance group of Vladimir Kuzmin.

It was this “blue light” that became the beginning of the relationship between the young people. Very soon Vladimir and Christina began to live together. At first they lived with Volodya's parents. A little later we moved to Pugacheva’s apartment.

One and the other parents were initially shocked by such an early relationship, but did not interfere with the young ones. They could fully enjoy each other and no one bothered them in this. My parents were on tour most of the time.

As soon as Christina turned 16, the young people declared themselves a couple. But at the same time, they did not formalize their relationship. Their parents also supported them in this decision.

Christina still remembers this relationship with warmth. In many interviews, the couple said that they did not try to hide their relationship. On the contrary, they demonstrated their love in every possible way.

Couple already from the very beginning cohabitation tried to become financially independent. Vladimir tried to earn any money to support his family and refused any financial help from his parents.

As a result, the couple lived together for 10 years. Everything has happened over the years. Were joyful moments, small quarrels and scandals. Despite the fact that the age difference between Vladimir and Christina was only 4 years, it affected the marriage. Kristina said that Presnyakov literally raised her.

The couple had a beautiful son, Nikita. Despite the fact that his parents separated, his father takes an active part in his life. Yes and with ex-wife Vladimir maintained good friendly relations.

Elena Lenskaya - homewrecker or love

Presnyakov’s first official wife was fashion designer Elena Lenskaya. Before meeting Presnyakov, she was married to another famous singer, Igor Sarukhanov.

Interesting notes:

It is not known exactly where the couple met. But then there were many rumors about their acquaintance. Who said that Elena ruined Presnyakov’s marriage with Orbakaite. Others said that when Christina left Vladimir, it was Lenskaya who supported the guy, and then became his wife.

The previous husband, Igor Sarukhanov, did not hold back Elena. They calmly, without scandals, filed for divorce. According to some reports, Elena left an apartment, a car and a small plot of land from this marriage.

Be that as it may, the young people met in difficult period. But it was precisely his feelings for the girl that prevented Vladimir from taking over his addictions, including alcohol abuse. Elena remembers that she helped him fight alcohol addiction, and he fought against her work.

The marriage became obsolete after almost 10 years. Presnyakov also broke up with his second wife quietly and without scandals. Leaving his and Lena’s apartment, he took only his favorite painting.

Unfortunately, the couple did not have children in their marriage, although they really wanted it. The singer, who had a son, simply dreamed of a daughter. They even came up with a name for her. They wanted to call her Ivanna. But the dreams were not destined to come true.

Natalia Podolskaya - young love

When Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov met, he was a famous singer and composer, she was an aspiring singer, a graduate of the “Star Factory”. The age difference between the young people was 14 years. It seemed that there could be nothing in common between them. But no, it was love.

Natalya and Vladimir met in France. They took part together in the television competition “Big Race”. It was 2005. The young people immediately fell in love with each other and had a good time together in France.

But having arrived in Moscow, the singer disappeared from Natalia’s sight for several months. He didn't call her and they didn't meet. The fact was that just at that moment Presnyakov was experiencing another break with his wife and was drawing up documents for divorce.

But still the couple managed to reunite. For several years they lived in a civil marriage and worked as a well-coordinated creative duo. The couple performed at concerts and recorded songs together.

At one point, Vladimir and Natalya decided to formalize their relationship. But this was not a worthless wedding. They exchanged rings in Las Vegas. It was fun and noisy, but such marriage registration was not valid in Russia.

A few years later, the couple decided to legitimize their relationship for real. This was registration in one of the Moscow registry offices. The ceremony took place in 2010. Five years later, the love story continued. A long-awaited child was born into the family. The couple named their son Artemy.

With the birth of his child, Presnyakov changed a lot. He seemed to look 15-20 years younger. Now the young father rejoices at every success of his son, shares his photographs on in social networks. Now Presnyakov’s dream is the birth of a daughter. Natalya supports him in this endeavor, because she also dreams of a big family.

Crocus City Hall. The musician’s entire family, celebrity guests and fans of his work gathered at the celebration. That evening, the singer performed all his big hits, and the audience showered the idol with huge bouquets of flowers. But the most touching gift to the artist was given by his wife. The 36-year-old presented Vladimir Presnyakov with a musical film, which touched the singer so much that he could not hold back his tears.

“I had several gifts. The most original gift was probably the one that made him cry. It was a film, a musical film. A music track was written with special text about him... It was incredibly touching and very cool. And Volodya cried" , - Podolskaya told Channel Five.

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov

By the way, during a concert at Crocus City Hall in Vladimir Many surprises awaited Presnyakov. Thus, Presnyakov’s eldest son, who followed in the footsteps of his parents and devoted his life to music, took part in the festive concert. Nikita went on stage and sang with his father one of his most popular songs, “Airports.” Also together with Presnyakov Artemy. “Tema’s first appearance on stage was at his dad’s concert. Mom, if anything happens, is always on hand,” Podolskaya wrote then on her microblog on Instagram.

Natalya Podolskaya and Vladimir Presnyakov with their son Artemy

By the way, this summer it became known that Nikita Presnyakov for the series “. According to the musician, the compositions that will be performed in the multi-part action-packed film with leading role, will be released on a separate disc. Thus, this fall Presnyakov will release two records at once, including his

Vladimir Presnyakov with his son Nikita

Let us remind you that for Vladimir Presnyakov his marriage to Natalya Podolskaya became the third. His first wife was his daughter Kristina Orbakaite. They began living in a civil marriage a few months after they met. At that time, Vladimir was 19, and Christina was only 15 years old. In May 1991, the couple had a son, Nikita. The couple lived together for about ten years, but never formalized their relationship.

After breaking up with Orbakaite, Presnyakov began living with his ex-wife Igor Sarukhanov Lena Lenskaya. They got married in 2001, but the marriage quickly broke up. Since 2005, Vladimir Presnyakov has been living with Natalya Podolskaya. In 2010, the couple got married.

Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalya Podolskaya with their son

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