The deceased is covered with his head. Famous signs about the dead

Russian funeral rites still preserve ancient traditions that unite the family and serve to unite the nation as a whole. Local versions of signs and rituals vary, there are countless of them, and it is not possible to consider each one. Let's consider signs and superstitions about the dead. Among the most characteristic and widely used traditions and signs are the following.

Signs and superstitions before a funeral

If there is a dying person in the house, then it is necessary to cover not only the mirrors, but also any surfaces that reflect light (polished furniture, glass surfaces, computer, TV, etc.). Mirrors are kept closed for 40 days. This sign is associated with the belief that dead soul may accidentally find himself in the world of the looking glass and will not be able to find a way out of the mirror corridors. This will negatively affect the soul itself and those living in the house. Combining the images of a deceased and a living person in one mirror surface can lead to the death of the living, dragging him into the world of the dead.

  • The dying person must hold the candle in his hands.
  • A dying person is not mourned in advance!
  • Immediately after a person has died, place the body on the table - it is believed that feathers in a pillow cause torment to the soul.
  • The vents and windows in the room are immediately closed, and pets are driven out (birds, fish and flowers must be taken out of the dying person’s room so that they are not taken with them). A cat jumping on a dead person is a very bad omen.
  • Care should be taken to ensure that the deceased's eyes do not open. You cannot look into the opened eyes of a dead person or into a slightly open eye - it is believed that he is looking for his traveling companion.
  • It is necessary to wash the body before it becomes ossified. It’s better to do this while the person is still breathing, to prepare him in advance. Washing the dead widowed women, usually old ladies. After washing the body, you must warm your hands over the fire and walk around the deceased three times with a lit candle.
  • You need to burn a lamp all night and put spruce branches on the threshold. According to the sign, whoever steps over the spruce will leave death on the threshold and will not take it with him.
  • While the body of the deceased lies in the house, you cannot wash, wash, or take out trash from the house (otherwise they will take everyone out one by one)
  • To prevent anyone from the household from following the deceased, place a piece of bread and salt under the table where he lies. Or place a container with salt and place scissors on top of the salt.
  • If a person died with his eyes open, there will be a new dead person in the house. You should immediately close your eyes so that you don’t look for a new travel companion.
  • A glass of water is placed on the window and left for six weeks (the water is changed daily). Place a piece of bread on the glass.
  • In villages, the deceased’s bed is placed in a chicken coop for 3 days (so that the roosters can crow)
  • You cannot leave a dead person alone in the house; for this purpose, old women are specially invited to read the Holy Scriptures.
  • To make it easier for sorcerers to die, they hollow out the ceiling.

Signs about things and the coffin

Immediately after removing the body, the floors in the house need to be washed so that death leaves every corner. The nekrovnik does this. Throw away the rag and broom. The doors must be closed so that no one else follows into the world of the dead (in a private house, do not forget to close the gate).

  • The coffin lid is not clogged in the house, so as not to invite a new funeral.
  • If you bought some things for the deceased, they are not left in the house, but are placed in the coffin with the deceased. But if you are cremating a body, then remove the icons and cross from the coffin - they cannot be burned.
  • The coffin with the body is carried to the cemetery by strangers; relatives are not allowed
  • The measuring stick used to measure the deceased is placed in his coffin.
  • For the first seven days, nothing is taken out of the house of the deceased.
  • Forgetting a coffin lid is a very bad omen. If this happens, you should return for the lid and read “Our Father” 3 times.
  • The bedding of the deceased should be burned (pillows, especially feather beds).
  • Before burial, the knots and laces on the shroud of the deceased should be untied to make it easier for the soul to pass on to another world.

Rules for handling mirrors at funerals

The very first thing to do after the death of a person is to cover all the mirrors in the house. The mirror is a guide to the other world, so the portal should be closed. According to some signs and superstitions, they should be turned towards the wall or even taken out of the deceased’s room. For the same reason, it is necessary to pour out all the water that is in the house. It is impossible for the soul of the deceased to be reflected in these surfaces, so as not to invite a new death.

According to other beliefs, the spirits of the lower astral can use the mirror image for their dark deeds. In Serbia, for example, the cat is first brought to the mirror so that it can be reflected in it.

According to the rules, mirrors should be opened after commemoration on the fortieth day, but in the modern interpretation, mirrors are opened after nine days.

If a person died during treatment while in the hospital, then this sign is not observed.

Funeral rules and signs

If you are participating in a funeral procession, then do not look back, do not look at your house and its windows - this means calling the living dead into the world.

You should throw a handful of earth on the lid of the coffin so that there is no fear of the deceased. To do this, you need to look into the oven after returning from the cemetery.

  • According to legends, the funeral procession should stop at the church and at crossroads.
  • Funerals and memorials take place before lunch.
  • They bury with their feet towards the east, the cross is placed at the feet of the deceased.

Signs and superstitions about the grave

  • Counts bad omen when the grave turned out to be smaller or larger than the coffin. This indicates a new dead person in the house.
  • If the grave collapses, this also warns of a new death in the family.
  • It is customary to throw coins to pay for the grave. According to other options, it is considered that you are redeeming a good place"in the next world" to the deceased
  • When burying a grave, the shovel is not handed over; it must be stuck into the ground. The next person takes it himself.
  • If nettles and thistles grow on the grave, it means the deceased was an evil person. Roses or hawthorn speak of the good character of the deceased.
  • You cannot take any things “as a souvenir” from a cemetery or grave and take them home.
  • There is a sign to take some soil home from the grave so as not to be afraid of the deceased. Moreover, the whole family should wash themselves from this soil by placing it in a washstand.

Return from the cemetery

  • You cannot visit someone after a funeral, so as not to bring death to people.
  • When you return home from the funeral, immediately warm your hands by the stove or over the gas; you can hold your palms over a lit candle, and then put it out with your fingers (do not blow it out!). All these signs exist to ward off death.
  • When setting the funeral table, they always place food for the deceased - the first pancake, a glass of jelly or uzvar. The very first thing goes to the deceased.

If you met a funeral procession

  • Do not cross the road in front of the coffin or try to overtake the hearse! The sign warns that it is possible to overcome the disease that caused the death of a person. According to other superstitions, bone growths may grow on your body. In order to kill them, you need to rub against the heel of the dead man.
  • You can’t watch the funeral from the windows of your house - you have to go outside.
  • If a funeral procession passes by your house, you immediately need to wake up everyone sleeping. It is believed that the deceased can take the sleeping soul with him.
  • If you are feeding your baby, and at that time a funeral procession appears, then place a glass of water under the crib.
  • There is such a thing omen about the dead- to meet a funeral procession is fortunate!

Other signs and superstitions about the dead

  • If you are afraid of the deceased, hold on to his legs or pull a thread from his shroud.
  • It’s a bad omen if the deceased’s feet are warm or his body is not quite numb, it means he’s calling you to come with him.
  • If the coffin is larger in size than it should be, there will be a new deceased in the family.
  • Pregnant women are prohibited from taking part in funerals and generally looking at the dead.

Below you will find signs that people who buried need to know loved one- when you can open the mirror after the funeral, do cleaning and repairs, watch TV. There are many restrictions and prohibitions that were invented by our ancestors, for the most part, back in pre-Christian times.

When to open the mirror

It is a well-known fact that after a person’s death, all reflective surfaces are supposed to be covered. These are not only mirrors, but also televisions, computer monitors and other things in which you can see your reflection. This is done so that the reflection of the deceased does not remain in the house, and his ghost does not appear alive.

There will be a lot of decisions about when you can open a mirror after a funeral. One at a time, this can be done immediately after returning from the cemetery and funeral. According to other beliefs, this is done after three days, or no earlier than the ninth day after death. But these are all modern traditions. In villages, curtains are still removed from mirrors only on the 41st day, when the fate of the soul of the deceased has already been decided.

Signs are based on the path of the deceased. So, after three days after death, his guardian angel takes him to inspect paradise. For 9 days he will appear before the Lord and go to inspect hell. On the 40th day, the soul is given a final verdict on where it will reside. Since only the first three days after death the soul is among the living, the mirrors can be opened after it leaves it. That is, on the fourth day. Previously, it was believed that during all 40 days the soul could visit relatives from time to time. That’s why they didn’t open the mirrors all this time.

Sometimes mirrors are not covered at all. For example, when a person died in a hospital, and his body is taken to the cemetery from the morgue, and not from home. It is not right. A person’s soul will still return home and stay near loved ones during their lifetime. Sometimes only those mirrors that are located where the deceased is located are covered. It is also incorrect, because the soul will wander through all the rooms of the house.

Some Slavic superstitions claim that whoever looks first into a mirror opened after a funeral will soon die. To prevent this, the cat is brought to the mirror first. This sign is not scary for her.

Is it possible to watch TV

For obvious reasons old signs there is no regulation on this matter, but as mentioned above, televisions are supposed to be covered, just like mirrors. You can open them at the same time as the mirrors. That is, either after the funeral, or after the third, ninth or fortieth day.

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The Church does not prohibit watching TV, but recommends abstaining from entertainment at least nine days. You can watch news and educational programs, but it’s better to postpone watching movies and talk shows. You cannot turn on the TV in a house where a dead person is lying. Wait until the funeral is over. If the deceased was not close to you, the restriction does not apply to you.

These rules also apply to listening to music. The exception is church hymns. If you wish, you can listen to classical music. By the way, the funeral orchestra is a Soviet innovation. In the old days, they were accompanied by prayers and religious chants.

Should I keep photos of the dead?

The answer is yes. Photos are memories of dear person, a memory for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. By destroying photographs of the deceased, you allow his descendants to never know about him.

But still the image of the dead man is connected with world of the dead. Psychics can determine from a photo whether a person is alive or not. Therefore, you should not look at photographs of the deceased too often. You also can’t overdo it with their quantity on the walls, shelves and tables. Do not hang near portraits of living people; separate living and dead energies. The best place for storage - photo album.

Photographs taken during the funeral carry much more negativity. It's best not to do them. But, if there are already photos, it is better to destroy them. It doesn’t matter what is depicted there - a coffin, a cemetery, the funeral process, they are a strong source of necrotic energy.

When to clean the apartment

While the deceased is in the house, you cannot clean or take out the trash. Otherwise, another person in this house may die. According to legend, the person who cleans will sweep or wash it out of the home.

You need to clean it up immediately after removing the coffin. The deceased is swept and the floors are washed while the mourners are in last way have already left for the cemetery. They do this to immediately sweep death, illness, and grief out of the house.

Moreover, such light cleaning cannot be done by the blood relatives of the deceased. It is better for them to have less contact with the emanations of death, so that the deceased does not take his loved ones with him. Even pregnant women do not clean up after the deceased. Usually one of the family friends is asked to sweep and mop the floor. Only he must remain in the apartment after the coffin is removed. After this, the person joins the mourners at the wake, but is not present at the cemetery.

Some things are especially strongly imbued with the energy of death. So, the stools or table on which the coffin stood are taken outside for several days and left there with their legs up. This is done in order to get rid of this energy. The apartment has a balcony.

Be sure to take away from the house everything connected with the mournful ceremony. These are the remains of fabric for upholstering the coffin, wood chips from it, as well as other ritual paraphernalia, except for a portrait with a black ribbon, a glass of water and a piece of bread. All flowers brought by mourners are supposed to be left at the grave - they are intended for the deceased.

The instrument used to take measurements for the coffin is also not left in the house; it brings death to another resident within a year. Nothing is taken from the coffin. The ropes that tied the hands of the deceased, the pennies that lay in front of the eyes - all this should remain in the coffin. The candles are taken to the cemetery, as is the grain in which they stood. It is also impossible to keep an icon that stood in front of the coffin. They float it down the river or take it to church.

When can you clean up after a funeral if the question is spring cleaning or tidying up the room of the deceased? At any time, but after the funeral or removal of the coffin. If you open mirrors at the same time, they should also be washed. If you decide to keep them closed for 3, 9 or 40 days, save that for later.

Is it possible to make repairs

Repairs can be done after a funeral, but only once it goes away 40 days after death. The soul of the deceased visits from time to time to see how loved ones live. She would like to see a familiar environment; changes can anger the spirit.

After 40 days, at a minimum, you will have to replace the bed on which the deceased slept, as well as the bed (sofa, floor or staircase covering, chair, etc.) that became the deathbed. The bed of a dead person cannot be used by his bloodline. It can be given away or sold. There is no need to install a new bed; use the freed up space as you see fit.

The place of death will continue to exude necrotic energy for several years. Therefore, it is necessary to replace everything that came into contact with the dying person, be it the floor covering where he fell, or furniture and bed sheets. As a rule, such things are thrown away or burned. In the villages they do things a little differently - they take them to the chicken coop for three so that the rooster “sinks away all the negativity.”

Personal belongings of the deceased, as a rule, are distributed to the poor or sold. This doesn't just apply to clothes. Your favorite cup or plate, ashtray, anti-stress toy - you shouldn’t keep it all. Although many leave it in memory of the deceased.

What else should you not do after the funeral?

You cannot do laundry in a house where a person has died. This ban applies as long as there is a coffin in the house. That is, after the funeral you can start putting your clothes in order.

Is it possible to swim after a funeral? Superstitions recommend doing this at the same time you decide to remove the fabric from reflective surfaces. That is, immediately after the funeral, three, nine or forty days. In the old days, people washed only on the 41st day after death.

Among the things you should not do after a funeral are noisy holidays. It is not advisable to hold celebrations within 40 days. Birthday celebration It’s better to reschedule or cancel altogether. But you can celebrate it modestly, with your family, without loud music or noise.

The nine-day, or better yet, forty-day ban also applies to weddings, but it all depends on emotional state relatives of the deceased. In addition, a wedding is a pre-arranged event associated with high costs. If you are having a wedding before forty days have passed since the death of a relative, during the celebration you need to mention this and pay tribute to the memory of the deceased. Weddings are allowed at any time.

Many people believe that travel and traveling are among the things that should not be done after the funeral of a loved one. This is not true. They will help to distract you, but while traveling you should avoid various entertainment activities. Don't forget to remember the deceased and pray for his soul during the holidays.

In addition, the relatives of the deceased are not allowed to sew or cut their hair for forty days. If there is a need to repair clothes, you will have to do it. But tailoring which is not urgent should be postponed. The same goes for haircuts. Do bangs interfere with your daily activities? Get rid of it. But if it’s about changing your image, do it after forty days.

The same amount of time for the family of the deceased you can't drink alcohol. Perhaps the ban is due to the fact that grief is an accomplice of alcoholism. But funeral signs also prohibit drinking at funerals. The reason is that alcoholism is a sin. Relatives can pray for a sinful person for forty days. If they sin during this time, it will only complicate his afterlife.

After the funeral they go only to the wake, and from there they go home. You can’t go to visit, otherwise death will come to that house. You can go on a visit or on business only the day after the funeral and wake. Funerals are also the ninth and fortieth day, and after them this prohibition also applies. You also cannot go to celebrations that take place in in public places- birthdays, weddings.

They don’t go from wake to wake. If two deceased people are commemorated on the same day, choose the one who is closer to you. But you can say goodbye to several dead people, support relatives, and express grief. During funerals, they do not visit the graves of relatives and friends. This time you came to only one deceased person, and visiting others will be considered disrespectful.

Church opinion

There are many beliefs that are supposed to be observed after a funeral. This will help protect against necrotic energy, diseases and other troubles. In addition, some signs are aimed at improving the afterlife of the deceased and cleansing him from sins.

What We Do Wrong During a Funeral

A funeral is a place where the spirit of the deceased is present, where the living and the afterlife come into contact. At a funeral you should be extremely careful and careful. It’s not for nothing that they say that pregnant women should not go to funerals. It is easy to drag an unborn soul into the afterlife.

According to Christian rules, the deceased should be buried in a coffin. In it he will rest (keep) until the future resurrection. The grave of the deceased must be kept clean, respectful and orderly. After all, even the Mother of God was placed in a coffin, and the coffin was left in the grave until the day when the Lord called His Mother to Himself.

The clothes in which a person died should not be given to either one’s own or strangers. Mostly it is burned. If relatives are against this and want to wash their clothes and put them away, then that is their right. But it should be remembered that under no circumstances should these clothes be worn for 40 days.


The cemetery is one of the dangerous places; damage is often caused in this place.

And often this happens unconsciously.
Magicians recommend keeping several in memory practical advice and warnings, then you will be reliably protected

  • A woman came to one healer and said that after, on the advice of a neighbor, she threw out the bed of a deceased woman (sister), serious problems began in her family. She shouldn't have done that.

  • If you see the deceased in a coffin, do not mechanically touch your body - tumors may appear that will be difficult to cure.

  • If you meet someone you know at a funeral, greet them with a nod rather than a touch or handshake.

  • While there is a dead person in the house, you should not wash the floors or sweep them, as this can bring disaster to the whole family.

  • To preserve the body of the deceased, some recommend placing needles crosswise on his lips. This will not help preserve the body. But these needles can fall into the wrong hands and will be used to cause damage. It is better to put a bunch of sage grass in the coffin.

  • For candles you need to use any new candlesticks. It is especially not recommended to use dishes from which you eat for candles at a funeral, even used empty cans. It’s better to buy new ones, and once you’ve used them, get rid of them.

  • Never put photographs in a coffin. If you listen to the advice “so that he himself does not exist” and bury a photo of the entire family with the deceased, then soon all the photographed relatives risk following the deceased.



There are many beliefs and rituals associated with the death and subsequent burial of the deceased. Some of them have survived to this day. But do we suspect their true meaning?
According to Christian custom, the dead person should lie in the grave with his head to the west and feet to the east. This is how, according to legend, the body of Christ was buried.
Even in relatively recent times, there was a concept of a “Christian” death. It implied mandatory repentance before death. In addition, cemeteries were established at church parishes. That is, only members of this parish could be buried in such a graveyard.

If a person died “without repentance” - say, took his own life, became a victim of murder or an accident, or simply did not belong to a particular parish, then a special burial order was often established for such deceased. For example, in large cities they were buried twice a year, on the feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary and on the seventh Thursday after Easter. Special places were allocated for the storage of such remains, called Poor Houses, pitiful houses, riots, rotting places or poor women . They set up a barn there and built a huge common grave in it. The bodies of those who died a sudden or violent death were brought here - of course, provided that there was no one who could take care of their burial. And at that time, when there was no telephone, telegraph or other means of communication, the death of a person on the road could mean that his loved ones would never hear from him again. As for wanderers, beggars, and executed people, they automatically fell into the category of “clients” of the Poor Houses. Suicides and robbers were also sent here.
During the reign of Peter I, dissected corpses from hospitals began to be brought to the poor houses. By the way, illegitimate children and orphans from shelters kept at Poor Houses were also buried there - this was the practice then... The dead were guarded by a guard called "God's house" .
In Moscow there were several similar “corpse storage facilities”: for example, at the Church of St. John the Warrior, on the street, which was called Bozhedomka , at the Church of the Assumption of the Mother of God on Mogiltsy and at the Pokrovsky Monastery on Poor Houses. On the appointed days they arranged procession with a memorial service. The burial of “those who died without repentance” was carried out using donations from pilgrims.
Such a terrible practice was stopped only in late XVIII century, after Moscow was subjected to a plague epidemic and there was a danger of the infection spreading through unburied corpses... Cemeteries appeared in cities, and the burial procedure at church parishes was abolished. There were also many customs, signs and rituals regarding seeing off the deceased on his last journey. Among the Russian peasants, the deceased was placed on a bench, with his head in "red corner" where the icons hung, they covered it with a white canvas (shroud), folded their hands on their chest, and the dead man had to “hold” a white handkerchief in his right hand. All this was done so that he could appear before God in the proper form. It was believed that if the dead man’s eyes remained open, then this supposedly meant the imminent death of someone else close to him. Therefore, they always tried to close the eyes of the dead - in the old days, for this purpose, copper coins were placed on them.
While the body was in the house, a knife was thrown into a tub of water - this allegedly prevented the spirit of the deceased from entering the room. Until the funeral, no one was lent anything - not even salt. The windows and doors were kept tightly closed. While the deceased was in the house, pregnant women were not allowed to cross his threshold - this could have a bad effect on the child... It was customary to close the mirrors in the house so that the deceased would not be reflected in them...
It was necessary to put underwear, a belt, a hat, bast shoes and small coins in the coffin. It was believed that things could be useful to the deceased in the next world, and the money would serve as payment for transportation to the kingdom of the dead... True, in early XIX V. this custom took on a different meaning. If during a funeral a coffin with previously buried remains was accidentally dug up, then money was supposed to be thrown into the grave - a “contribution” for the new “neighbor”. If a child died, they always put a belt on him so that he could collect fruits in the Garden of Eden in his bosom...
When the coffin was carried out, it was supposed to touch the threshold of the hut and the entryway three times in order to receive a blessing from the deceased. At the same time, some old woman showered the coffin and those accompanying with grains. If the head of the family - the owner or mistress - died, then all the gates and doors in the house were tied with red thread - so that the household would not leave after the owner.

They buried him on the third day, when the soul should have finally flown away from the body. This custom has survived to this day, as well as the one that instructs everyone present to throw a handful of earth onto the coffin lowered into the grave. The earth is a symbol of purification; in ancient times it was believed that it absorbed all the filth that a person had accumulated during his life. In addition, among the pagans, this rite restored the connection of the newly deceased with the entire family.
In Rus' it has long been believed that if during a funeral it will rain, then the soul of the deceased will fly safely to heaven. Like, if the rain cries for a dead man, it means he was a good man
Modern wakes were once called funeral feasts. This was a special ritual designed to facilitate the transition to another world. For the funeral feast, special funeral dishes were prepared: kutya, which is hard-cooked rice with raisins. Kutya is supposed to be treated to a meal in the cemetery immediately after the burial. Russian funerals are also not complete without pancakes - pagan symbols of the Sun.
And these days, during wakes, they place a glass of vodka on the table, covered with a crust of bread, for the deceased. There is also a belief: if any food falls from the table at a wake, then you cannot pick it up - this is a sin.
On forties, honey and water were placed in front of the icons so that the deceased would have a sweeter life in the next world. Sometimes they baked from wheat flour a staircase the length of an arshin - to help the deceased ascend to heaven... Alas, now this custom is no longer observed.

The world is changing, and so are we. Many are returning to the Christian faith for consolation and hope. It has become customary to celebrate Christian holidays.
Christmas, Epiphany, Holy Trinity, Parents' days... However, either through ignorance or for other reasons, old traditions are often replaced by new ones.

Unfortunately, today there are no issues more shrouded in all kinds of speculation and prejudice than issues related to the burial of the dead and their commemoration.
What the all-knowing old ladies won’t say!

But there is appropriate Orthodox literature, which is not difficult to acquire. For example, in all Orthodox parishes of our city they sell
brochure "Orthodox Commemoration of the Dead", in which you can find answers to many questions.
The main thing that we MUST understand: deceased loved ones first of all need
in prayers for them. Thank God, in our time there is a place to pray. In every district of the city
kind of opened up Orthodox parishes, new churches are being built.

This is what is said about the funeral meal in the brochure “Orthodox Commemoration”

IN Orthodox tradition eating food is a continuation of worship. Since early Christian times, relatives and acquaintances of the deceased in special days commemorations gathered together in order to, in joint prayer, ask the Lord for a better fate for the soul of the deceased in the afterlife.

After visiting the church and cemetery, the relatives of the deceased arranged a memorial meal, to which not only relatives were invited, but mainly those in need: the poor and needy.
That is, a wake is a kind of alms for those gathered.

The first dish is kutya - boiled wheat grains with honey or boiled rice with raisins, which are blessed at a memorial service in the temple.

There should be no alcohol at the funeral table. The custom of drinking alcohol is an echo of pagan funeral feasts.
Firstly, Orthodox funerals are not only (and not the main thing) food, but also prayer, and prayer and a drunken mind are incompatible things.
Secondly, on the days of remembrance, we intercede with the Lord for the improvement of the afterlife fate of the deceased, for the forgiveness of his earthly sins. But will the Supreme Judge listen to the words of drunken intercessors?
Thirdly, “drinking is joy of the soul.” And after drinking a glass, our mind scatters, switches to other topics, grief for the deceased leaves our hearts, and quite often it happens that by the end of the wake, many forget why they gathered - the wake ends with an ordinary feast with discussion everyday problems and political news, and sometimes worldly songs.

And at this time, the languishing soul of the deceased waits in vain for prayerful support from his loved ones. And for this sin of unmercifulness towards the deceased, the Lord will exact from them at His judgment. What, compared to this, is condemnation from neighbors for the absence of alcohol at the funeral table?

Instead of the common atheistic phrase “May he rest in peace,” pray briefly:
“O Lord, rest the soul of Your newly departed servant (name), and forgive him all his sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant him the Kingdom of Heaven.”
This prayer must be performed before starting the next dish.

There is no need to remove forks from the table—there is no point in doing so.

There is no need to place cutlery in honor of the deceased, or even worse, place vodka in a glass with a piece of bread in front of the portrait. All this is the sin of paganism.

Particularly a lot of gossip is caused by curtaining mirrors, supposedly in order to avoid the reflection of the coffin with the deceased in them and thereby protect against the appearance of another deceased in the house. Absurdity this opinion the fact is that the coffin can be reflected in any shiny object, but you can’t cover everything in the house.

But the main thing is that our life and death do not depend on any signs, but are in the hands of God.

If the funeral takes place in fast days, then the food should be lean.

If the commemoration took place during Lent, then commemorations are not held on weekdays. They are postponed to the next (forward) Saturday or Sunday...
If the memorial days fell on the 1st, 4th and 7th weeks of Lent (the strictest weeks), then the closest relatives are invited to the funeral.

Memorial days falling on Bright Week (the first week after Easter) and on Monday of the second Easter week are transferred to Radonitsa - Tuesday of the second week after Easter (Parents' Day).

Funerals on the 3rd, 9th and 40th days are organized for relatives, relatives, friends and acquaintances of the deceased. You can come to such funerals to honor the deceased without an invitation. On other days of remembrance, only the closest relatives gather.
It is useful these days to give alms to the poor and needy.

Funerals evoke feelings of fear and anxiety for many people. And this is not surprising. Indeed, in this rite of farewell to the deceased there is not only sadness, but also something mysterious and even mystical. Knowledgeable people claim that one awkward movement during the ritual can doom the soul of the deceased to eternal suffering, as well as bring disaster to the living. Whether this is actually true is unknown. But in any case, everyone should know what to do at a funeral. And, most importantly, how to do it correctly, so that in the future you do not attribute your problems and failures to mistakes made at that moment.

Why are funerals held?

The ritual of farewell to the deceased has long been carried out all over the world. It is intended to pay tribute and respect to people who have suffered death. Despite significant differences between funeral rituals different cultures and religions, they are all considered sacred and preserve main principle: relatives, friends and acquaintances of the deceased all gather together to say goodbye to him forever and see him off on his last journey.

Funerals also carry a powerful information message. They remind those present that their existence on earth is short-lived, and sooner or later death will come for everyone. This makes many people think seriously about their lives and reconsider their views.

Thus, this ritual is an important part of our culture and a real guide to the right life.

Orthodox funeral

The Orthodox Church views death as a transition from earthly life to eternal life. And to get to heaven a person must go through special training. This preparation consists of several stages:

  1. Unction. Before death, the priest must perform the sacrament of unction.
  2. Absolution. A dying person must confess his sins to a clergyman and ask for forgiveness from God and loved ones.
  3. Participle. The priest must give communion to the dying person before death.
  4. Reading the canon. The clergyman must read a parting prayer to the dying person before death. Relatives or loved ones can also do this.
  5. Washing and changing clothes. After the dying person has given up the ghost, he must be washed clean water and wipe him dry so that he appears clean before God. The deceased is also dressed in elegant clothes and covered with a shroud.
  6. Funeral lithium. 1-1.5 hours before the coffin is taken out of the house, the clergyman sprinkles the coffin and body with holy water and conducts a funeral service with censing.
  7. Funeral service. Before the burial, the priest reads a series of prayers and chants. Only after completing all these stages is it believed that the deceased will be able to gain eternal life in another world.

Funeral rules

During the preparation of the body, burial and for a certain period after the funeral, a number of rules apply, the violation of which, in the opinion of Orthodox Church, is fraught with serious consequences. Here are some of them:

  1. It is better to conduct a funeral on the third day after the death of a person.
  2. You cannot bury the dead on Sunday or New Year's Day.
  3. Immediately after death, all mirrors in the house must be curtained and the clock must be stopped. They must remain in this state for 40 days.
  4. The deceased should not be left alone in the room for a minute.
  5. It is forbidden to take the deceased out of the house before noon and after sunset.
  6. Pregnant women and children are not advised to participate in the ritual.
  7. From the moment of death until burial, the relatives of the deceased must continuously read the Psalter.
  8. You can wash the body of the deceased only during daylight hours.
  9. Pregnant women and those experiencing menstrual bleeding cannot wash the deceased.
  10. Funeral clothes should be elegant and light, the shroud should be white. If an unmarried girl dies, she is dressed in a wedding dress.
  11. In the house where the person died, a candle or lamp should burn until the funeral is over. It is better to use a glass with wheat as a candlestick.
  12. You cannot wash, sweep or sweep away dust if there is a dead person in the house.
  13. It is not recommended to have animals in the same room as the coffin.
  14. In the presence of the deceased, they greet not with a voice, but with a nod of the head.
  15. The eyes and mouth of the deceased must be closed. To this end lower jaw tied with a scarf, and coins placed over the eyes.
  16. A corolla, a long strip of paper or fabric with prayers and images of saints, is placed on the forehead of the deceased.
  17. It is imperative to put a cross on the deceased.
  18. Together with the body, all his personal belongings are placed in the coffin: dentures, glasses, watches, etc.
  19. The hands of the deceased should be folded on the chest in a cross. Moreover, place the right one on top of the left one.
  20. The feet and hands of the deceased must be tied. Before burial, the ties are removed and placed in the coffin.
  21. Cotton pads should be placed under the head, shoulders and legs of the deceased in the coffin.
  22. The heads of deceased women should be covered with a headscarf. Also, all women present at the funeral must have a hat.
  23. It is forbidden to put fresh flowers in the coffin, only artificial or dried ones.
  24. The coffin with the deceased is carried out of the house feet first and is accompanied by church hymns.
  25. When taking the coffin out of the house, you need to say: “The dead man is out of the house,” and lock the people there in the house or apartment for a few minutes.
  26. After removing the coffin, all floors must be washed.
  27. Blood relatives cannot carry the coffin and lid.
  28. From the beginning of the ritual until the moment of burial, there should be a cross in the left hand of the deceased, and an icon on the chest, placed with the face facing the body. An image is placed on the chest of women Mother of God, for men - the image of Christ the Savior.
  29. You can walk around the coffin with the deceased only at the head, bowing to him at the same time.
  30. During the funeral service, there should be 4 lit candles around the coffin: at the head, at the feet and at the hands.
  31. The funeral procession should proceed in strict sequence: cross, icon of Christ the Savior, priest with a candle and censer, coffin with the deceased, relatives, other participants with flowers and wreaths.
  32. Everyone who meets the funeral procession must cross themselves. Men are additionally required to remove their hats.
  33. When saying goodbye to the deceased, you must kiss the aureole on his forehead and the icon on his chest. If the coffin is closed, they are applied to the cross on the lid.
  34. Everyone participating in the funeral procession must throw a handful of earth into the grave.
  35. On the day of burial, you cannot visit the graves of other relatives or friends.
  36. It is not recommended to look at the coffin with the deceased from the windows of a house or apartment.
  37. After the funeral, the relatives of the deceased should present those present with pies, sweets and handkerchiefs.
  38. The chairs on which the coffin stood must be placed with their legs up during the day.
  39. At funerals, the only alcohol served is vodka. You need to drink it without clinking glasses.
  40. During a wake, a glass of vodka is poured for the deceased and covered with a slice of bread. After the wake, a glass of bread lasts for another 40 days.
  41. Kutya must be present at the funeral table. The funeral dinner begins with her.
  42. Before entering your home after a funeral, you must clean your shoes and hold your hands over the candle fire.
  43. After the funeral, you cannot visit guests for 24 hours.
  44. The morning after the burial, relatives and friends should take breakfast to the grave.
  45. For a week from the date of death, nothing should be taken out of the deceased’s house. The belongings of the deceased can be distributed no earlier than 40 days after burial.
  46. For 6 weeks after the funeral, in the house where the deceased lived, there should be a glass of water and a plate of food on the windowsill.
  47. It is recommended to plant viburnum on the graves of young men and women near their heads.
  48. One can only speak well of a deceased person.
  49. You shouldn’t cry and be sad for the deceased.

Signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions associated with funerals. All of them are called upon to protect relatives, friends and acquaintances who came to say goodbye to the deceased, and to explain to them how to behave correctly during the ceremony so as not to damage themselves. The most common of them are the following beliefs:

  • If during the funeral the eyes of the deceased open, then the one on whom his gaze falls will follow him to the next world.
  • If you hold the feet of the deceased, the fear of him will go away.
  • If you put a willow, blessed in a church in Palm Sunday, she will drive away evil spirits.
  • If wheat that was used with a glass as a candlestick at a funeral is fed to a bird, it will die.
  • If you cross the path of a funeral procession, you can get seriously ill.
  • If you move all your fingers over the tumor right hand deceased, while reading the “Our Father” 3 times and spitting over the left shoulder after each time, you can completely recover from it.
  • If, after seeing a dead person in a coffin, you touch yourself, a tumor may develop at the point of contact.
  • If other people's things get into the coffin and are buried along with the body, then trouble will happen to the owners of these things.
  • If you bury a photograph of a living person with the deceased, this person may get sick and die.
  • If a pregnant woman attends a funeral, she will give birth to a sick child.
  • If you step on the towel that the priests place near the coffin during the ritual, you can get sick.
  • If you drink water from a glass for the deceased or eat his food, a significant deterioration in health will follow.
  • If someone dies down the street and you plant a vegetable garden before his funeral, there will be no harvest.
  • If the funeral is postponed for a week or more, the deceased will take one of his relatives with him.
  • If someone dies in your neighborhood, you need to replace it. drinking water, which stood in dishes or bottles so as not to get sick.
  • If water that was used to wash a dead person is spilled in a house, those living in that house may die.
  • If, while carrying the coffin with the deceased from the house, the threshold or doorframe is touched, his soul may return to the house and bring trouble.
  • If a wake is not arranged on the 40th day after death, the soul of the deceased will suffer.
  • If you sleep while a coffin is being carried down the street, you can go to the next world for the deceased.
  • If the feet of the deceased are warm, he calls someone to follow him.

Magic rituals with the dead

Despite the fact that the time of witches and warlocks is far behind, some still practice black rituals. And funerals are still a favorite event for them. They will certainly take the opportunity to fulfill magical ritual or get the necessary details for it.

During the farewell and burial rites, these people can do the following:

  • lie down on the place where the person died;
  • ask for the sheet on which the deceased lay;
  • steal ties from the hands and feet of the deceased;
  • prick the lips of the deceased with needles and then quietly take them away;
  • replace personal belongings of the deceased;
  • pour grain from the candlestick;
  • take away the water or soap used to wash the deceased;
  • go behind the coffin backwards;
  • standing near the coffin with the deceased, tie knots on rags;
  • take earth from the grave and put it in your bosom;
  • sprinkle salt on someone present;
  • putting other people's things in the coffin;
  • bury things or objects in the grave;
  • pick up a glass of vodka from the deceased or water from the windowsill, etc.

All these actions are aimed at connecting living people with the dead and dooming them to illness and death. Therefore, you need to be attentive to strangers at funerals, not allow strangers near the coffin, and completely stop suspicious manipulations and theft.

You also need to know that if buried objects were discovered during the care of the grave, they must be burned. At the same time, touching them with bare hands is prohibited!

How to behave at a funeral

Today funerals are managed by funeral directors. They know exactly all the rules of the ceremony and always promptly tell those present how to behave and what needs to be done.

As for the rest: signs and magical rituals, it all depends on you. You make a decision: to follow the advice or not, to avoid suspicious people at the funeral or not to pay attention to anyone. But in any case, during the funeral it is necessary to behave with restraint and caution, and to experience only positive feelings towards the deceased.

Let such events pass you by and do not give rise to fears and doubts. Be healthy!

Corpse - in dreams with an everyday plot gives good value throughout the dream, everything should be interpreted in a good way

lifting a corpse is a joy.

Kissing a corpse is all good.

The corpse speaks or stands up - happiness, fun.

Sleeping near him, sleeping between corpses means sadness or illness.

Dressing a corpse means the death of a friend.

Carrying a corpse is an indication of some fatal thing that will bring you misfortune.

Moving a corpse means committing crazy actions.

A corpse can also be an image of your body, which you observe in a dream as if from the outside.

A moving corpse is a sign of bad or unforeseen consequences of your or someone else’s actions.

Corpses floating along the river - something oppressive will be removed from your life.

To see a flying corpse is easy, to achieve everything without difficulty / something outdated in your environment weighs on you.

A corpse rises from a coffin at night - the changes you expect will not happen / it’s too early to bury your feelings and thoughts.

The corpse haunts you - the end of grave worries / you cannot escape from the torment of conscience.

The corpse clings to you, rides on you - the constancy of luck and worldly happiness, interfering with your spiritual development.

The corpse from the coffin smiles - to live forever in a state of deception.

The corpse shows its tongue - dishonest happiness.

The corpse threatens you with its fist - bury your delusions.

To ride or fly in a coffin means to acquire new wisdom; everything is good.

Seeing a blue corpse means stagnation of spiritual life, your spiritual coldness.

Seeing a crimson corpse means excitement and anxiety are ahead.

Green, overgrown with moss - a thoughtless wasteful life / vigor and confidence ahead

blackened corpse - deep melancholy.

A dead man lies on the dining table - business success.

A corpse looks into the room or enters - you will gain spiritual vigor and confidence.

The wounds on the corpse bleed - a surge of energy and vitality.

A headless corpse is burdened by rational life.

A swollen corpse means harm from gluttony.

To tear out the heart of a corpse means a struggle with feelings; to feel pity for the enemy.

To find a heart of stone in a corpse means to encounter callous people.

Cutting a corpse, dissecting it - burdening your life with unnecessary delving into yourself.

To cut or shave a corpse is to benefit from someone’s death or misfortune.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Corpse

If you dreamed that you found a corpse, then in the near future you will experience some significant event. To make this event enjoyable, find the animal's corpse and bury it.

If you dreamed that you threw a corpse into the water, any of your undertakings will not be successful. To prevent this from happening, eat a piece raw meat.

Interpretation of dreams from

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