Full-vocal and non-vocal combinations at the root. What are full and partial


Block 1. Types of unstressed vowels

Unstressed vowels at the root of a word
Verifiable Unverifiable Alternating
They are checked by selecting a test word, where the stress falls on the dubious vowel. Found in vocabulary words, and they need to be remembered A- O LAG-LOZH, SKAK-SKOCH, RAST(RASH)-ROS, RAVN-ROVN, MOK(MOCH)-MAK, GOR-GAR, CLONE-CLAN, TVOR-TVAR, ZAR-ZOR, KOS-KAS, PLAV -PLOV-SWIM E- AND BER-BIR, DER-DIR, MER-MIR, PER-PIR, TER-TIR, BLESG-BLIST, STEL-STEEL, ZHEG-ZHIG, CHET-CHIT IM/IN // P.O. 1. OLO – LA G olo va – g la va G olo s - g la With 2. ORO - RA IN oro ta - in ra that 3. ERE – PE and here beating - well re beat 4. OLO – LE M olo co - m le personal


Tested unstressed vowels

To check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word, you need to choose a word with the same root or change the word so that the vowel being tested becomes stressed.


Remember that the root is the carrier of the basic meaning of the word. When choosing a word with the same root, think about what meaning it has? If there is nothing in common between the meanings of the word being tested and the test word, they are unrelated. For example, words "nasal"(scarf) and "carrier"(language) – unrelated. Although they have the same root, they are lexical meanings are different. If a word with an unstressed vowel (or any other) is unfamiliar to you, do not fantasize, but look in the dictionary.

But in the chain white → whiten → bleached → bleached the same root –white –, and all words are related to the word white: whitewash- do white, whiten- do white(completed action), bleached- that, which whitewashed, that is, they did white.

Unchecked unstressed vowels

The spelling of unstressed vowels that are not checked by stress should be determined using a spelling dictionary.

Here are some of them : aborigine, antagonism, badminton, beefsteak, grease, lobby, vinaigrette, bagpipes, range, delicacy, airship, demagogue, dependency, initiative, bondage, cannonade, burner, criminology, holster, koschey, macaque, waste paper, obsession, charm, opportunity , optimism, panorama, eulogy, privilege, front garden, plasticine, confusion, tunnel, utilitarian, Esperanto.

I guess that not everyone is familiar to you. Google what they mean, it's interesting :)

Alternating vowels

Full-vowel and half-vowel combinations


For example: G olo va - g la wow, x olo d - oh la die, g olo s - g la sleepy


For example: V oro ta - priv ra tnik, zd oro vy-zd ra vstvuy, st oro f - st ra lady


For example: b here g - without re zhny, d here in - d re spring


For example: V olo ku - in le ku, m olo personal - m le personal

Unstressed vowels in words with the combinations OLO and ORO should be checked with words with corresponding full vowel combinations.

For example: beard - beards, goatee; bell - bell.

Unstressed vowels in words with combinations LA and RA should be checked with words with corresponding unstressed combinations.

For example: fence - fence, cool - coolness

These words are formed from “thief” and “burrow”. Both using the suffix method by adding the suffix “ovk”.

Important! Vowels in full vowel can only be in the root.

What is shoots? In this case, this is not an example of complete agreement, since shoots have the root -ros-, and “po” is a prefix. And the spelling of the root “o”, and not “a”, as in the incomplete version, suggests that this word is an exception to “oro-olo”.


A spelling such as non-vocality does not require memorizing the rule, since these combinations greet a syllable under stress, in which the vowel sound is in a position of strength and is always heard quite clearly. For example: time, dust, gold, etc.

In the full-vowel version, one of the vowel sounds will always be in a weak position, so there are two ways to write it correctly:

  • Remember! Many of these word forms are dictionary ones, and their spelling just needs to be clarified in a spelling dictionary. For example, a sparrow. The second vowel can be checked by placing it in a strong position under stress - vorOBushek. But there is no way to check the first combination; you just need to write it down and memorize it.
  • Check by changing the given word: selecting a cognate word with the condition that the vowel is placed in a strong position. Let's take the word shore as an example. First e already under stress, and we put the second one in a strong position by selecting a single-root full vowel pair - right bank.

Words with alternation also have different stylistic affiliations. So, partial constructions more common in poetic speech .

There are many words in the Russian language where vowels cannot be verified by a strong position, i.e. It is impossible to find an example in which the vowel would be stressed: boot, axe, vinaigrette.

In school practice, such words are called dictionary words. Their spelling is based on tradition, and we learn how they should be written from dictionaries. In this case, the traditional principle of Russian spelling “works”. And here there is only one way left - memorization. Most often, borrowed words cannot be verified: architect, concept, periphery, escalator.

Large group in our language are borrowings from the Old Church Slavonic language. Among them there are roots with the so-called disagreement - -ra-, -la-, -re-, -le-. They correspond to the original Russian (Old Russian) full-vowel combinations - -oro-, -olo-, -ere-, -elo-/-olo-:

grad (staroslav.) - city (Russian), health (staroslav.) - health (Russian);

breg (staroslav.) - shore (Russian), pred (staroslav.) - in front (Russian);

helmet (Staroslav.) - shell, stun (Russian), milk (Staroslav.) - milk (Russian).

Such combinations do not need to be checked with stress! You just need to be able to see and recognize them.

In most cases, comparing full-vowel and half-vowel combinations does not cause difficulties. However, not all corresponding pairs can be restored in modern language, for example: in the pairs frost - scum, cow - crava, the second version of the root is lost, it is only in others Slavic languages. There is a word good (staroslav.), but the word with the full accord of white has not been preserved in modern times. literary language, there is only Bologoe (proper noun, name of a locality).

Many of the words of Old Church Slavonic origin are stylistically colored: hail, breg, tree, gate, gold, etc. - high. They were part of bookish, solemn and poetic speech. This is due to the fact that the Old Church Slavonic language, the literary and book language of all Slavs of the 9th-11th centuries, was a sacred language, i.e. Divine services were conducted on it, and it was into it that the Bible was translated from ancient Greek. Other words with Old Church Slavonic roots long life in the Russian language they have lost their sublime connotation, acquired a new meaning and are used as neutral; for example, the words chapter, which have become homonyms." 1 - the head of something; 2 - part of a book, article.

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O or A?
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What are Incomplete combinations?

Partial combinations- this is a phonetic phenomenon, the opposite of the phenomenon of full-vowel combinations, which developed in the South Slavic languages. Proto-Slavic combinations of vowels “o” and “e” with smooth R and L between consonants, i.e. combinations like tort, tolt, tert, telt, by virtue of the law open syllable have changed in the south. Slavs in trat, tlat, tret, tlet. For example, from the Proto-Slavs. *gorcrb, *golva, *dervo, *melko arose st.-slav, “grad”, “head”, “drvo”, “mlko”, Bulgarian. “grad”, “head”, “mlyako”, Serbian-horv. “hail”, “head”, “tree” (dial.), “milk”, words. grad, dreve, mleko. These combinations experienced the same changes in Czech. and Slovak languages, cf. Czech hrad, hlava, dfevo, mleko.

Words with incomplete combinations, included in the most ancient layers of slavs, vocabulary, through the language of monuments of ancient slavs, writing, became known to the East. Slavs. In the Eastern language Slavs (See Old Russian language) words with incomplete vowels coexisted with the same origin Praslavs. words, but developed full harmony. In the history of other Russian language, and then in the history department. eastern-slav. In languages, the fate of words with partial and full vowels turned out to be different. Words of Old Slavic origin with partial vowels became most widespread in Russian. language; in Ukrainian and Belarusian, there are significantly fewer of them in languages, their consolidation in these lexical items. systems is apparently explained by the later influence of Russian. lit. language

In Russian language Of the initially coexisting words with full agreement and discord, only one could be preserved in the future. In this case, words that have incomplete vowels are defined as Old Church Slavonicisms within the modern. rus. lit. language. In the same cases when in modern In the language, both words are preserved; they turn out to be semantically or stylistically divergent. For example, to Old Slavonicisms, which supplanted the Eastern Slavs. words with complete consonance include such as “time”, “burden” (cf. “pregnant”), “good” (cf. “Bologoe”), “moisture” (cf. “Vologda”), “abuse” (cf. . “defense”), “enemy” (cf. “bewitch”), “shame”, “brave”, etc. Only Eastern glory. full-vocal formations are preserved in such words as “harrow”, “peas”, “young” (cf. “baby”), “milk”, “road”, etc. The same modern ones. rus. words like “gunpowder” - “ashes”, “side” - “country”, “citizen” - “citizen”, “volost” - “power”, “bury” - “store”, “milk” (product) - "Milky" (way), ascending to one ancestral order. root, equally remaining in Russian. language, have lost their etymology. communications. Words with partial vowels, as a rule, have a more bookish, abstract character. In poetry of the 18th–19th centuries. both variants of words were used stylistically. purposes: Old Slavonicisms gave poetic. speeches of an elevated nature; in modern In poetry, such use occurs only as an element of stylization.

There is such an alternation in the Russian language, which is known as full-vowel and half-vowel combinations.

Origin of the phenomenon

This linguistic phenomenon is historical. It is connected with the baptism of Rus'. Due to this historical process The Church Slavonic language appeared. And words with disagreement are his only units. In the Russian language proper, they correspond to their full-vowel variants. There are such ratios:

Oro – ra

Let us give examples of words in which we can observe full-vowel and half-vowel combinations oro-ra:


In modern language there are also many words in which there are full-vowel and half-vowel combinations olo-la:

Ere - re

There are fewer examples in which we can observe full-vocal and half-vocal combinations of ere-re:


And very few words have been preserved in which there is an alternation of full-vowel and half-vowel combinations olo-le:

Words with alternation, differing in style

Some of the words that have full-vowel and half-vowel combinations, examples of which we will give below, mean the same thing and differ only in that they are used in different styles of speech.

Alternating words that have different meanings

Some words that contain full-vowel and half-vowel combinations (vocal and vowel, for example) have different lexical meanings.

Or take the words head and head. The first names a part of a living organism, and the second most often designates the position of a person in charge of a locality.

Let us give more examples of words in which there are full-vowel and half-vowel combinations: cloud and shell. One floats across the sky, and the other serves as a covering for something.

The words well done and baby have the opposite meaning: “ full of energy man" and "helpless child".

The queen and the king are, of course, a controversial case, but the difference in meaning is still obvious. The first of them names a female person crowned with autocratic power, and the other is an arrogant person who knows her worth.

The words mansion and temple have a difference in that one of them means the dwelling of a rich, but still ordinary person, and the other means the house of God.

Gloom and gloom also have different meanings: the first is darkness, and the second is a partial loss of the ability to reason sensibly.

In the words gunpowder and ashes, it seems, there is not even a hint of a common root left. One is a substance capable of exploding, and the other is decay, dust. Although one can still guess that the similarity of the meanings of these words is that both evoke in our imagination the image of a small granular substance.

The middle is a place equidistant from the beginning and the end, and Wednesday is the day of the week or environment.

The word garden has the following meaning: a place for planting cultivated plants, and a fence is a fence around a site.

Short/concise – these alternating units also differ in semantics: the full-vowel version means length in space, and the half-vowel version means length in time.

The words are outdated

Some of the words, which have full-vowel and half-vowel combinations of letters, differ in the degree of active use in the Russian language. Let's give examples.

The words from the right column can only be found in historical works.

Work with text

We already know what words are that contain full-vowel and half-vowel combinations of letters. It will be interesting to apply this knowledge in practice. Read the text.

Oleg was the first of the Rurikovich family to become prince of Kyiv. He subjugated everything to his power Slavic tribes and moved the capital from Novgorod to Kyiv. In the year nine hundred and seven he undertook a successful campaign against Constantinople (Constantinople). The defeated Byzantines agreed to a large ransom and concluded an agreement with Oleg, according to which Russian merchants were allowed duty-free trade throughout Byzantium.

In honor of his victory, Prince Oleg left a sign on the gates of Constantinople - his shield. When he returned to Kyiv, his subjects greeted him with jubilation, “... marveling at his courage, intelligence and wealth,” they proclaimed him Prophetic.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, having familiarized himself with the chronicle source, created on its basis his original work “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”, in which he artistically rethought the plot. At the heart of Pushkin's idea, Oleg, being a great commander, remains by nature an ordinary person, inclined to believe in predictions, afraid of death. He is truly opposed great person- a sorcerer endowed with the ability to speak the truth, penetrating with his inner gaze into the most hidden depths human destinies. This gift, as Pushkin believed, is given only to selected, truly free and independent individuals.

Let's find words with partial and complete agreement in the text, write them down and find a pair for them.

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