Parrot is an ordinary cheh. Bohemian parrot (show budgerigars). Rare colors of budgies

Exhibition parrots are popularly called “Czechs”. This is due to the fact that at one time they were imported from the territory of Czechoslovakia. Beautiful parrots are able to attract attention from people. This is facilitated by their appearance. What are they really like? This will be discussed in the review.


Distinctive features

Exhibition budgerigars reach 29 cm, the standard is 24.5 cm. They have a fluffy cap on their head, a long beard and beautiful beads. But this is only if the pet is of a standard color. The beak is hidden by a beard. The bird's posture is proud, its chest is pushed forward, and its head is held in such a way as if its winged friend is wearing a crown.

Plumage color

Colors can be very different. Moreover, in in this direction Selection is carried out regularly. Exhibition budgerigars can vary in type. These stunning, graceful birds are constantly improving. They appear every day different types parrots


Feathered exhibition species of parrots have a calmer character. They don't chirp much. However, they are able to speak a lot and clearly. In the mornings their activity is quite low. They calmly wait for their owners to wake up. Having a large body mass, show budgerigars fly very little, as they get tired quickly. But at the same time, they are fun to play and communicate with. Sometimes they can show their restless nature during exhibitions. In this case, the judges use special sticks, with the help of which they can distract the bird’s attention and force it to sit quietly for a while.

Training and breeding

Show birds are usually sold as tame birds. Accordingly, it will be easier to teach them to talk. For training, it is worth taking a chick that has recently left the nest. Its age should be 40-50 days. It is necessary to understand that the longer a bird has lived in a flock, the less likely it is to become tame by teaching it to speak.

Exhibition parrots are less fertile. If you decide to breed them, you need to prepare separate enclosures for each pair. Parents may stop feeding their chicks. This responsibility falls on the owner of the birds. Chicks must be banded mandatory, using European standard rings for this. You will need to indicate the serial number, year of brood and country. This is required for breeding and exhibition work.

The video will demonstrate how a parrot is tamed.


Show parrots require larger cages with thicker perches. The feeders should also be large. In ordinary ones, parrots can get stuck and die from suffocation. The distance between the rods should not be more than 1.5 cm. Otherwise, the curious chick will stick its head in, but will not be able to stick it out. The cage tray should be high so that the parrot can stretch its wings.

Feeding an exhibition parrot requires only high-quality dry food, vegetables, fruits, mineral stones, fresh water and vitamins. You can use honey sticks. Be sure to feed sprouted wheat, filling it with water first. Calcined cottage cheese will bring benefits.

Varieties of parrots

Pieds can be dominant or recessive. They differ in that the colors (there can be about 6 of them) are distributed chaotically throughout the plumage.

Harlequins are distinguished by the fact that the coloring on the chest and belly is well demarcated. For example, if the sternum is colored Blue colour, and the belly is yellow, then this parrot is called a blue-yellow harlequin. Males have red skin, while females have a shiny, waxy skin.

In penguins it separates top part from the bottom. The name of the bird will depend on the flowers.

Birds with a crest

Crested talking parrots differ from other breeds of parrots in that they have a crest on their heads. He may have different shapes and degree of cresting. The colors are also different.

Amazing and vibrant colors

Most often, parrots are light green in color. In 1972, a bird was bred whose feathers were colored yellow. A few years later a blue tint was obtained. Work is also underway on modern stage. Now there are birds whose plumage is purple or black. It is necessary to highlight the primary colors that predominate in the plumage of feathered friends.

Combinations with green

The light green color is the original color. Parrots of this particular color were first brought to Europe. Over time, we managed to make the green tint combine with other very different shades and patterns. Therefore, now you can find birds whose plumage includes green, yellow, blue, purple, gray, black colors and various patterns.

Blue color with various shades

The body of the bird can be painted blue. On the head there will be a mask painted white. Blue and purple or they can be combined in plumage. There is also a gray tint. There are parrots with a dark blue, purple belly, chest or back. The flight wings are painted black.

Blue and purple feathers

There are species of birds whose back and chest are colored blue. The plumage may include white, black and gray colors. The waviness of the pattern is practically absent in this variety of feathered friends. It is not uncommon to find parrots whose plumage is half blue. The other half is white.

Parrots may have purple colored lower backs. The chest and stomach can be the same shade. Even the cheeks may have a purple tint. Some species have black spots, bluish feathers, a blue-green mask, etc. There are many variations. The black pattern can be located on the wings or head.

White and yellow pets

There are budgies whose plumage is completely yellow. The photos presented in the review serve as proof of this. There are also parrots whose plumage contains pink color. There are also birds that combine yellow, gray, white and blue shades with each other. There is also purple color in various patterns.

There are parrots whose plumage is completely white. The tail may have a light gray tint. The cheeks can turn a pale gray tone. Birds may have wavy patterns on their backs, as well as on their heads, necks and cheeks.

Feathers can be different

There are birds whose plumage is colored light green. The mask can be yellow color. The cheeks are colored purple, and the tail is dark blue with a brownish tint. A wavy pattern can be present on the neck, head, and cheeks. Males have a brown cere, and females have a blue one.

Albinos and lutinos: what are they?

There are breeds such as lutino and albinos. The lutino color allows for any shade of plumage, both light yellow and bright yellow. White color present in flight feathers and tail feathers. In some cases, they may have a yellowish tint. In the area of ​​the cheeks, lutino has a predominant pearly white tint.

The beak and paws are light. There is a red tint to the eyes. The iris is also light. Lutino males and females differ in the shades of their cere. In females it Brown. The cere of males has a pink tint.

Albinos arose when it was decided to cross breeds such as lutino and budgies, in the color of which blue predominated. The result is an albinos with white feathers. A distinctive feature should be considered red eyes with light paws. Pink color of the cere in males. Albino females are distinguished by their white waxes.

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Video "Exhibition Parrots"

After watching the video, you will learn how show feathered pets look and behave.

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Parrots are one of the most unusual and exotic birds. Thanks to their interesting and original habits, as well as the ability to imitate human speech well, parrots have become one of the most popular pets. They differ not only in plumage color, but also in beak shape, life expectancy, level of intelligence and size.

Top 5 largest parrots

Today, more than three hundred species of parrots are well known and studied.. A significant part of these birds inhabit Australia, Central and South America. Despite the fact that at home you can most often find, and, as well as, in Lately Bird lovers are increasingly giving preference to the largest and most exotic species with unusual plumage.

The leading position in size and cost is deservedly occupied by this representative of the parrot family. The length of some adult individuals reaches 88-98 cm, with the tail accounting for about 40-45 cm. Average length the wing is 35.0-36.5 cm. The weight of an adult, fully formed individual is one and a half kilograms or a little more.

This is interesting! Lovers of exotic pets are happy to have this bird, because, despite its impressive size and very powerful beak, it is a very gentle and loyal, intelligent bird.

A distinctive feature of this parrot is the presence of a very beautiful and bright dark blue plumage, which effectively contrasts with the yellow border around the eyes and the same color spot under the beak. Currently, this species belongs to the category of rare and endangered parrots. In part, this has become the determining factor in pricing and has a negative impact on the ability to purchase such an unusually intelligent and beautiful bird.

This is the only species belonging to the genus Palm Cockatoos. This species belongs to the category of the most ancient and inhabits northern part Australia, as well as Cape York Peninsula, New Guinea and many nearby islands. The size of the parrot is quite impressive. The average body length varies between 70-80 cm with a tail length of a quarter of a meter. The weight of an adult can reach 1 kg. The color of the plumage is slate black, with a subtle and very attractive greenish tint. The beak is massive and very large, black in color.

Important! As the owners of the black cockatoo note, the bird is distinguished by a rather unpleasant, creaking, and sometimes very loud and harsh voice, which accompanies a significant part of its wakefulness.

The crest is quite large, represented by narrow, long, curved back, original ribbon-like feathers. The cheeks are devoid of feathers and are characterized by a red coloration. The unfeathered areas located around the eyes are black in color. Medium sized legs gray. Females are always smaller than males and have a smaller beak.

This species can be considered a true long-liver, and average duration life just under a century. Birds settle in high-trunk tropical forest zones and savannas, gathering in small groups, or lead a solitary lifestyle. The basis of the diet is represented by eucalyptus and acacia seeds, larvae of various insects.

This is a very popular bird, which is highly valued by lovers of decorative feathered pets. The species is highly intelligent and, subject to training recommendations, is capable of remembering approximately seventy words. The body length of an adult varies between 80-95 cm. The wing length is 38-40 cm, and the tail is approximately 50-52 cm. The weight of an adult parrot often exceeds 1.0-1.1 kg. The upper part of the body plumage is characterized by a bright blue color, while the side of the neck, chest and belly area are orange-yellow.

Important! The bird has a strong and loud voice, so it can create certain inconveniences for all household members. To prevent your feathered pet from gnawing on interior items or cutting through the wire of the cage, it must be provided with a sufficient number of toys and surrounded with attention.

The coloring of the tail coverts is bright blue. The throat area and key are black. The blue-and-yellow macaw parrot lives in virgin tropical forest areas, but prefers coastal river areas. Often found in mountain valleys and subalpine meadows. The species is strongly attached to its habitat, and is capable of leading both a paired and solitary lifestyle. It takes root quite easily at home, but requires education and attention from the very first days.

The nocturnal flightless parrot, according to some scientists, may belong to the category of the most ancient of all living bird species. The plumage has a very characteristic yellowish-green coloration with speckles of black. The kakapo has a very sensitive facial disc, vibrissae-like feathers, a huge gray beak, short legs and small wings. The presence of a relatively short tail is also characteristic.

This is interesting! A very unusual feature of such a tropical pet is that it has a strong but pleasant smell, reminiscent of the aroma of honey, herbs and flowers.

Owl parrots do not have the ability to actively fly and are night image life. The skeleton of this bird has significant differences from other species of the parrot family. The owl parrot has shortened wings, the ends of which are rounded. The thoracic region is small, with a low and underdeveloped carina. The average body length of an adult is 58-60 cm with a weight of 2-4 kg. The bird's plumage is soft, with characteristic black stripes on the back. The facial feathers form a kind of facial disc, making the bird slightly reminiscent of an owl. The voice is hoarse, slightly croaking, sometimes turning into loud and shrill sounds.

One of the most prominent representatives of its own kind. Such a parrot is, of course, slightly inferior in body size to the common black cockatoo Goliath, and is also its complete opposite in plumage color. The size of an adult bird varies between 40-55 cm, with a weight of 750-800 g or a little more. Parrots of this species gather in large and very noisy flocks that can cause significant damage to Australian farmers.

Important! It should be noted that the Australian subspecies of the yellow-crested cockatoo are much larger than the subspecies inhabiting the territory of New Guinea.

Adults have a bright yellow crest, which looks very impressive against the background of snow-white plumage.. This is not only a very beautiful and intelligent bird, but also a friendly, affectionate bird that can be tamed easily and quickly, and also becomes strongly attached to its owner. Thanks to its good external characteristics and trouble-free character, the yellow-crested cockatoo has become very popular among all lovers of exotic feathered pets.

The largest parrots that are ideal for keeping at home include species such as the Great Vase Parrot, the Red-fronted Shiny Lory, the Yellow-eared Mourning Cockatoo and the Blue-faced Amazon.

There is probably no person who has not seen budgerigars. Many people keep this popular bird at home to brighten up their weekdays with their carefree babble. It’s very nice to come home after work and hear the joyful chirping of a parrot. When choosing such a bird, you should take into account, taken together, your financial capabilities and requirements for the species.

For such buyers, the budgerigar Czech is most suitable. Watching him is a great pleasure, while caring for him does not require much effort, and is relatively inexpensive compared to a regular budgie. Pets are especially suitable for keeping in families with children. Unfortunately, the exhibition budgerigar Cech has not yet acquired great popularity.

What is the difference between wavy Czechs?

The type of show budgerigar, representing a bird with a proud posture, was bred in the Czech Republic, where the name Czech comes from. Between an ordinary parrot and this one beautiful bird There is a great similarity, which is expressed in the shape of the wings, in the color of the wings and tail. However there are some important differences, it’s impossible not to notice them:

  • The first thing you can notice is the difference in size. The Czech parrot is more than one and a half times larger than the usual “wavy”.
  • Due to its massive size, this bird does not fly around the cage unnecessarily and is calmer.
  • It is distinguished by a cap on its head and large beautiful beads on its prominent beard, which makes it almost impossible to see its beak.
  • A manifestation of pride is a kind of sticking out of the chest with the wheel forward. At the same time, the Czech behaves like a king, having an aristocratic appearance.
  • Different prices - ordinary budgies are cheaper in the price category.

Exhibition parrots have the ability, without anyone's intervention, to copy sounds that they often hear near them.

Description of the breed

Anyone who has the opportunity to see exhibition Czech budgerigars will never forget these bright birds, the variety of colors of which dazzles the eyes. No one can show indifference and not express delight. Some are surprised by the size, others are surprised by the beauty of the Czech beads and crest.

The size of this cute adult parrot sometimes reaches from 20 to 28 cm. The bird's body shape is round with a convex chest and broad shoulders. Set on a powerful neck is a large head with a powerful forehead and a fairly strong beak. Wings with well-developed flight wings, of which there are seven, fit tightly to the body.

There are 4 toes on the bird's feet. Two of them look forward, two look back, the parrot can freely stay on the perch with their help. A purebred Czech budgie must have a uniform plumage color, without any other shades.


Australia and all the islands adjacent to it are considered the birthplace of budgerigars. It is impossible to name the exact habitats of birds, since parrots live there in huge flocks and are not tied to specific areas. In order to search for water and food, they can fly impressive distances, which is reflected in high speed their flight.

Wavy handsome men are considered the most numerous species among all other parrot species found in Australia. They can be found on plains and meadows, where birds can feed on the seeds of forbs, in any part of the country except the northern regions. Parrots set up nesting grounds in the most remote places where families of millions meet.

Important features of the bird

First of all, it must be said that these are flocking birds; communication with similar birds is important for them. Czechs are cheerful, sociable, and have a cheerful character. It is recommended to purchase a parrot together with his girlfriend, with whom he lived in the same cage. This will allow the holder to constantly admire the couple in love and admire the games. If a couple is separated, one individual may die, and the other will suffer greatly from the loss of a close friend.

If an exhibition parrot is alone in a cage, it will need the presence of people nearby, communicating with them as with friends. At the same time, the bird can easily be taught to talk. It won't take long hours to hear the first repetitions of sounds from the Czech. He often independently copies words and sounds that are spoken in his presence, both by people and animals.

A parrot can be taught to “talk.” Classes should begin with 15 minutes a day, with a gradual increase in lesson duration to half an hour or more. The very first words should be words with hissing sounds. We must not forget about encouraging the ward; after a successful lesson, you need to give the parrot his favorite treat. By nature, males are the most capable students. They have a rather pleasant voice; the house where they are is often filled with their cheerful voices.

What, first of all, you need to know about keeping budgies for exhibition is that there should be no cats in the house where the birds are supposed to be brought. The cat is a predator; it reacts to the parrot as if it were one of the types of food, and it is possible that it will try to get it. When maintaining and taking care of care, you must know some subtleties:

  • Parrots, although small, are still birds, which means daily cleaning is necessary.
  • The food needs to be changed daily, as well as the water.
  • Parrots tend to shed at intervals of six months, during which time fluff should be carefully removed to keep the room clean. You can give your birds food specifically designed for use during molting.
  • The cage for keeping exhibition parrots should be made of metal rods and spacious. Birds cannot stay in it all the time; they need walks, just like humans, they need to move a lot.
  • Czech parrots are big fans of chewing on things. This could be curtains, wallpaper and other home items. To avoid troubles, it is recommended to set up a gaming stand for the Czechs; then, while walking, they will only be placed on it, and they will also gnaw only on its parts.

In the very first days when feathered pets appeared in the house, you need to maintain a calm environment, maintain silence, and do not turn on the TV loudly in order to protect them from stress.

What to feed the budgerigar Czech

The body temperature of parrots, like all birds, reaches 42 degrees, this leads to the fact that their metabolism is quite fast. To maintain their livelihoods, the Czechs have to replenish supplies on time nutrients. Starvation is not acceptable; it can lead to the death of the bird. No, even the slightest omissions in the feeding regime should be allowed.

Exhibition parrots are considered granivorous birds, but when in captivity, when kept in cages, they can easily eat other foods. In retail chains you can purchase special feeds that contain millet, flax seeds, oats, wheat and canary seed.

The diet should include sprouted grains of wheat or a grain mixture; they are rich in vitamins B and E. In addition to special food, Czechs should be fed vegetables and fruits, herbs (everything except onions, eggplant, garlic, avocado, mango and persimmon). An additional food can be crumbly porridge made from crushed rice and millet. Boiled Czechs eat well chicken eggs and low-fat cottage cheese.

You can place tree branches in a cage with parrots, but take them only from those species from which humans remove fruits for their food. Walnuts very fatty, it is recommended to give them once a month. The bird must be fully provided with special minerals and vitamins; this is the only way it can please its owner with its healthy appearance and “conversations” for up to 12-14 years.


If you buy a couple of show parrots, you can hope to get offspring from them. Of course, not everything is so simple; it happens that out of five eggs laid, only 2-3 babies are born. The remaining eggs are unfertilized. In addition, females do not have good maternal instinct and often give up feeding and caring for their chicks.

There is only one way out of this situation - to feed the abandoned parrots yourself. You can also place Czech eggs under the hen of other parrots, whose reproductive instinct is more developed.

The right choice when purchasing

When buying an exhibition Czech parrot, you need to pay attention to the following factors so as not to purchase a sick bird:

  • Behavior: He must be sociable, with a cheerful disposition.
  • Be sure to inspect the paws, they should have claws.
  • Czechs have a beak of the correct shape; any other beak indicates a flaw.
  • The wings fit tightly to the body.
  • The area around the cesspool should always be clean.

Only after a thorough inspection will a cheerful show parrot with good health appear in the house. He will become an ideal pet for the household.

When moving to cities, people still try to be closer to nature, growing flowers on the windowsill or having pets: cats, dogs. The desire to keep some kind of bird at home is no exception, because it is so pleasant to listen to singing, melodious chirping in the morning or when you come home from work. Parrots have become the most popular feathered friends that can be kept in apartment conditions. But there are so many types of them that it’s dizzying, who should you choose? In this article we will look at the most common breeds of parrots that are suitable for keeping at home and their characteristics. Then you will understand which bird is right for you.

Parrots (breeds, names of species) for home keeping

Scientists have estimated that more than three hundred species of parrots live on our planet. Of these, people made a significant part of them as pets. All parrots differ in some way from each other: in size, variegated plumage, peculiar singing, life expectancy. One species of these exotic birds will be more capable of conversation, another - of beautiful melodies, a third - of performing tricks, and the fourth will be talented in various areas. In addition, each parrot, like people, has its own character, from friendly and unpretentious to aggressive and demanding. Therefore, you should take a responsible approach to choosing a bird and decide which criterion will be most important for you.

In this article we will look at such breeds of parrots as budgies, lovebirds, cockatiels, necklaces and Amazon parrots, cockatoos, grays and macaws. The list starts small and ends with more large species.


Perhaps everyone has heard about budgies. And this is not at all surprising. The popularity of budgerigars is determined by their low price, friendliness, small size, which allows them to be kept even in small apartments, and bright plumage: green, blue, yellow, white, motley. Of course, these are not all the colors that these parrots can be painted in. The natural color is green, but now you can find any combination, for example, a yellow head and a purple body or a lemon head, and the body is half green and blue. You can even hear these unusual names colors like anthracite, pearl, turquoise, lilac, rainbow.

Conventionally, we can say that there are two breeds of budgies - ordinary and exhibition. The latter are distinguished by larger sizes and more pronounced beads on the cheeks. From the name it is clear that exhibition budgies (or Czechs, as they are also called) are suitable for participation in exhibitions.

Budgerigars are flocking birds, this must be taken into account when having such a feathered pet at home. Solo living is not recommended unless you can devote a lot of time to your friend. While you are at work or minding your own business, your parrot may simply get bored.

“Wagies” are excellent at learning to talk, imitate melodies, and learn tricks. There is a common misconception that only males are capable of all this, and only when kept alone. This is not so, females, for example, pronounce words even more clearly than males, and conversation can be taught even in a flock.

Perhaps the only disadvantages of this breed of parrots are the noise and debris that spreads around the cage. But there will be dirt from any living creature, and that’s why the bird is there to sing songs.


These parrots get their name because they mate for life. It is very cute to observe the special devotion of these birds. You will always see them together, if, of course, you buy a couple: a female and a male.

Lovebirds make specific sounds, are very vocal, but are still considered quiet. The quietest of these parrots is the rosy-cheeked lovebird. These birds can be tamed, they make contact with humans, but it is not worth keeping them in the same cage with other parrots, since they are aggressive towards other species.

Corellas (nymphs)

If we talk about medium-sized species, the most popular breed of parrots is the cockatiel. They are also called nymphs. These are funny, smart birds with a funny crest and orange cheeks, they resemble cockatoos, only smaller in size.

Cockatiels also make contact and easily learn tricks, but they are not as capable of imitating a conversation as budgerigars, but you can still learn words with them. They emit a melodic whistle, but express their dissatisfaction with something with a shrill cry.

Necklace parrots

They got their name because of the strip around the neck that resembles a necklace. Only males have it, females do not. Necklace parrots are found in green, blue, grayish blue and yellow colors.

These parrots are easy to care for, very intelligent, capable of conversation, behave carefully in communication, they are easily frightened by careless movements, and at the same time they are freedom-loving. Necklace parrots are interesting to watch. For example, when these birds climb over a perch or branch, they use their beak as another point of support.

Amazons (Amazon parrots)

If we consider breeds of talking parrots, it should be noted that Amazons are considered the calmest. They quickly get used to their new home and are friendly towards humans. These are capable parrots, but the white-headed, yellow-headed and blue-fronted Amazons are considered the easiest to learn words and train. By the way, the natural color of these parrots is bright green with spots of yellow, red, blue and white.

Among the disadvantages of Amazons, one can note the musty smell from the plumage, which arises from poor care, as well as their loudness, which they begin to show only in old age. But all large parrots usually have this disadvantage.


Most often you can find the black-billed cockatoo on sale. This funny, lively bird will bring a lot of joy to all family members. The cockatoo loves to dance to music, while doing squats, bows and movements with its crest. This parrot may not learn many words, but it is very smart, easily opens the door in its cage and loves to repeat the movements of its owner.

The cockatoo's character is not sweet, especially if it is spoiled. If you don't give him enough attention, this parrot will scream loudly until he gets it.


What other breeds of pet parrots are there? Jaco can become a full-fledged member of the family. It is believed that this large parrot has little intelligence, easily learns words, phrases, songs, and can even answer questions and imitate the voices of people or animals. There is an opinion that the red-tailed gray is more gifted in terms of learning human speech, compared to the brown-tailed gray.

This parrot requires a lot of attention, especially in its fledgling years, in order to raise it properly. If the owner has little time for Grays, it is better to get a couple; they do not tolerate loneliness well. Also, these parrots react sharply to any changes, for example, rearranging furniture can cause stress, leading to plucking. Grays express their dissatisfaction with a shrill cry, reminiscent of the croaking of a crow. Therefore, before purchasing this bird, you should consider whether you can tolerate such noise.

In fact, these are not all breeds of parrots that can be kept at home. Before purchasing one or another type, it is worth studying the literature in more detail, revealing the features and nuances of the content, so that there are no surprises later. And remember that we are responsible for those we have tamed.

When choosing a budgie, we are faced with such a wide range of different colors that we can get confused. The color of these unusual bright birds is striking in its variety of shades and richness.

In the wild, the “natural” color of a budgerigar is light green.

Photos of green budgies:

Since both the male and female budgerigar have the same color genes, the chick turns out to be similar to its parents. Of course, in nature there are also deviations from the standard colors - this is explained by the receipt of different hereditary characteristics from the couple. As a rule, such a bird does not survive: the color of its plumage is a signal for predators and does not save in an emergency situation, and a flock of parrots can kill “not like everyone else.” Nature thus selects the most adaptable hereditary traits, thanks to which the bird has a chance to survive in the wild.

Domestic budgies owe their color diversity to humans. They feel great under appropriate conditions. Different plumage colors do not in any way affect their quality of life and relationships between relatives.

Through long-term selection, at present, in the colors of budgerigars, there are about 32 primary mutations, which in turn give more than a hundred secondary ones. It took scientists many years so that today we can enjoy the incredible variety of colors of budgerigars. Thanks to the laws of inheritance, breeding a particular color now becomes possible even for ordinary bird lovers.

In 1872, as a result of long work, breeders managed to breed a yellow budgerigar. And only in 1878. Belgian scientists introduced the budgerigar to the world blue color, but offspring of this color were obtained only in 1910.

Photo of a blue budgerigar:

Thanks to the blue wavy, dark blue and dark green parrots were born.

White budgerigars were bred in France in 1917, and 7 years later albinos appeared in Germany, and parrots of variegated colors appeared in Denmark. We owe the purple and brown colors to England.

April 1, 1994 was created World Organization Budgerigar Breeders (WBO), which has prescribed standards used both at exhibitions and in everyday life to guide the genetic colors of budgerigars.

WHOVP Standards

We will look only superficially at the classification of wavy colors, since this is a whole science and for a more in-depth study it may take much more time. A person who has never delved into the genetic characteristics of colors until now may simply get confused in the variety of groups and subgroups of budgerigar colors.

Groups of budgies Photo group representative
Normal green budgerigars
Opaline budgies green and blue row

Cinnamon budgies of the green and blue row

(Opaline Cinnamon) green and blue budgerigars

Lutino and albino (Lutino, Albino)
Clearwings Yellowwings and Whitewings

Crested variety
Spangle (Spangle) budgies of the green and blue row
Pied budgerigars of the green and blue series

Greywing budgerigars of the green and blue series

Fallow budgies of the green and blue row

Clearbody budgerigars of the green and blue series

Saddleback budgerigars of the green and blue row

There are “Normal” colors and patterns. Scientists decided to call Normal color, the light green coloration of the first parrots introduced to Europe. Normal drawing parrots are the standard black waves that accompany the original appearance of budgerigars.

The group of Normal green budgerigars includes: Light Green, Dark Green, Olive Green, Greygreen, Skyblue, Cobalt, Lilac (Mauve), Violet (Violet), Gray (Grey).

Future color of the offspring of budgerigars

In order to at least slightly predict the color options of the chicks from your pair, you need to determine what the main color of your wavy is.

Green parrots have a natural base color of yellow. Blue parrots have white.

There is also a Parblue species between the Green and Blue row of parrots - these are the Yellow-faced and Golden-faced parrots.

The color of green budgies is dominant during breeding.

Parblues are dominant to Blue parrots, but recessive to Green parrots.

Blue budgies are recessive to other colors.

Interestingly, the part of the spectrum in which parrots see each other is ultraviolet and their colors are much brighter than a person can see. Moreover, if you look through the eyes of a parrot at another budgerigar, you can see that the radiance of the bird is provided not only by the color of the plumage, but also by the wax and paws, which are cast in an azure color. The budgerigar's cap also attracts the eye with its unusual shine.

During mating games and courtship, birds try to show themselves in all their glory. The brightness of the male's plumage plays a decisive role for the female.

Rare colors of budgies

The best chance to get acquainted with the rare colors of budgerigars is to visit a large bird exhibition. But don’t be upset: some breeders also encounter unexpected color mutations in the plumage of budgerigars.

Photos of birds

The following table shows budgerigars with color and wave pattern mutations that are not included in the WHOV list:

Name of the color of budgerigars Photos of birds

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