Congratulations on Sailor's Day. Congratulations on International Seafarer's Day. Happy birthday wishes to a sailor

Sailor's Day is a holiday that has been celebrated recently (since 2010). It was created to appreciate the work of merchant marine sailors who, sometimes risking their lives, do such hard, but at the same time, work that is necessary for everyone. The work of a seafarer involves constant risk and danger to life, because the sea carries many threats. June 25 is a holiday for real sailors who decided to connect their lives with the sea. They do a great job. Through merchant shipping it is carried out greatest number transportation of goods, which allows the economies of almost all countries of the world to function normally. Therefore, the hard work of people who have connected themselves with the sea is truly priceless and invaluable to humanity. The date we celebrate the day of the sailor (Navigator's Day) is June 25.

Today glorious holiday sailors,
We congratulate you all from the bottom of our hearts,
We appreciate your work, which is sometimes dangerous,
And thank you for your service.
May the service be safe
Let the sorrows disappear forever,
Let true male friendship
Guides you through many years.

Sailors, honor and glory to you,
And the happy return to the pier,
May fortune always smile on you,
And the wind is blowing slightly.
May there always be seven feet under the keel,
May your work be a joy,
Let the anxiety and misfortune drown,
May fate be favorable to you.

We sincerely want to congratulate you,
Our brave sailors,
And praise with gratitude,
Brave sea wolves.
May your ship never know
No storms, no tsunamis,
Let the deck be crowded,
May the friendship be strong between you.

You always follow the set course,
You serve conscientiously,
Even a storm can't stop you
And the ninth wave cannot scare you.
On Sailor's Day, please accept congratulations,
May the service bring you inspiration,
May success accompany you in life, at work,
Let only pleasant worries await you.

Across the blue expanses of water,
Cutting through the transparent surface,
Large fleet ships
They return to the shore again.
All sailors - honor and praise,
May fortune always smile,
Let life give you only inspiration,
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on this holiday.

On Sailor's Day, I wish the “sea wolves”
To navigate the open spaces without running aground,
Always go towards all winds,
So that any storm can be curbed.
I wish you sails full of wind,
So that the cannons from the pier would fire in greeting,
And many, many congratulations, warm words,
And to be loved in any country.

There is no one freer than you on the entire planet,
There is no one more courageous and cheerful than you,
You will go by sea even to the ends of the world,
And there is no stronger friendship than “sea” friendship.
So that the waves and rocks do not frighten you,
So that you can obey the helm in any fog,
So that you always go slalom beautifully,
Today is your holiday, we are grateful to you.

You live in the sea without end and edge,
There are flocks of seagulls and the sound of the surf.
Happy Sailor's Day, I congratulate you today,
May you dream of your home.
Let waves and hurricanes fear you,
Any storm can be conquered,
Cities and countries greet you with fireworks,
The world's oceans sing songs to you.

In the morning there is a rush of work at the port, work is in full swing,
And the continent waves goodbye with a hundred hands.
You will deliver any cargo in no time
And not bypassing - straight across three seas.
How would we live without you? We don't know
Every stump and gully would be a problem.
We congratulate you on your Maritime Day,
Honor and praise to you, brave sailor!

There are no panties in hockey. And they are not in the sea!
Who would open America to us then?
Without sailors it would be just grief,
Who would bravely sail ships on the waves?
Happy Sailor's Day we congratulate the fearless guys
And in any storm we wish you a good journey,
And fulfillment of all your desires and plans,
Find your way home in any fog!

Oh, those guys in the striped vests!
It’s a treat for everyone here to dance “Yablochko”!
Happy Sailor's Day, we congratulate you guys!
And we glorify you throughout the whole country.
The surf will tell you about distant countries,
And may you be greeted warmly everywhere,
And the stars shine with crystal light,
Just like walking along an avenue, walk on water.

Congratulations to the sailors and wish you a sea of ​​happiness,
Let the ship go according to the will of the wind,
Let reefs and bad weather pass by,
Let us wish them only joy and light on their journey.
Let a storm and a hurricane not knock you off course,
Conquer all storms with the strength of your spirit,
Let the fair breeze flutter the banner,
And let there be no difference between summer and winter.

Every year, not only on the territory Russian Federation, but also in many other countries of the world, June 25 is celebrated as Day of the Sailor. In 2018, this holiday falls on Monday. Sailors are brave and very strong people who are not afraid of anything.

June 25 is an ideal occasion to meet and congratulate all your sailor friends on their holiday. If you can’t see each other, then there is no need to despair, the Internet will always come to the rescue. On the Internet, anyone, even an inexperienced user, can easily find the most popular ones in a few minutes. best congratulations in verse Happy Sailor's Day, as well as beautiful pictures Happy professional holiday.

Sailor's Day in the Russian Federation, as in other countries of the world, began to be celebrated 8 years ago, namely in 2010. This decision was made at the next congress of participants of the International maritime organization, which took place in one of the big cities in Italy, Milan. This holiday can also be called Sailor's Day.

On June 25, not all sailors celebrate their professional day, but only merchant sailors and all those who help them on their difficult journey. Until 2010, these people did not have a separate holiday.

Civilian sailors spend a lot of time on the high seas and very often risk their lives to deliver cargo safely to its destination. They carry huge contribution V economic development all countries and improve people's lives. It’s not uncommon to encounter pirates on their way, who bring a lot of trouble and trouble to the sailors. This is one of the most important problems and it needs to be solved.

On Sailor's Day, traditionally all colleagues gather together at a large table. They exchange experiences and tell funny stories who happened to them during the journey. Experienced sailors share their secrets and give invaluable advice to young sailors.

In the Russian Federation, all honored sailors are awarded certificates and gifts on their professional day.

Military sailors traditionally celebrate their holiday in July.

Congratulations in pictures and verses on Sailor's Day

Twenty-fifth of June every year

The Russian people celebrate Sailor's Day.

May your life be generous with love,

And let your brow never frown.

May the wave be favorable to you,

And the salary is even very immodest.

Happy Sailor's Day, I congratulate you today,

And with all my heart I sincerely wish,

So that all your plans come true,

And everything that was broken has grown back together.

Let there be only calm in the sea,

And on land a luxury car awaits.

I want to congratulate you,

Happy professional day, Sailor's Day.

May the ship never fail,

And it's flying like an airplane.

May everything be calm on the way,

After all, you do your job with dignity.

Congratulations in pictures and prose on Sailor's Day

Dear friend, today I sincerely want to congratulate you on your professional day. You are a professional in your field. There is no better person to find in the world. May only happiness and good luck be with you. May the sea always help you on your way. May your Guardian Angel protect you in this difficult work. I wish you all the best and, of course, love and health. Happy Sailor's Day.

Colleague, I congratulate you on our day. You and I spend a lot of time together, and more than once there have been situations that showed that I have a reliable person next to me. I am very glad that I am working with you. Let your superiors always value and respect you. Let your professionalism grow and your salary please you. Let on life path Only worthy people meet. Happy Sailor's Day.

Beloved husband, on this bright and beautiful summer day, I sincerely congratulate you on Sailor’s Day. You are a sailor with a capital letter. Although we don’t see each other often because of your work, my love is still growing stronger every year. I always look forward to you coming home. You are strong, courageous and smart. May the Lord always help you in everything, as well as faith, hope and love. Happy holiday.

Congratulations to Navy sailors 2019 in verse and prose

July 28 - Military Day - Navy Russia (last Sunday in July)

IN the distance of the sea always beckons you,
And your life is a navy,
You don't need another service,
Everyone in the Navy is a patriot.
People are celebrating today
Navy Day, and may it always
Helps you choose the right course
Your guiding star!

TO Everyone knows that Navy Day is a Great holiday, celebrated not only by military sailors, but also by all those who are proud of and value the fleet! On this day, heroic achievements, great names, and the whole difficult and long history are always remembered. On this day, let the exploits of every naval sailor not go unnoticed, because each of you puts enormous efforts into protecting your country. It doesn’t matter what rank, each of you is a hero, may luck always be on your side, and may the fair wind not lead you astray. May your friend's shoulder always be by your side, and may your great goals make you stronger and more persistent!


M Oryaks do not mind wishes!
May you be happy and healthy!
May we meet mermaids more often!..
And less often - sea cows.


M oh darling, you are a sailor,
You serve in the navy!
May you always be a beacon
Shines at work

May success come to you
I wish you happiness
And love me forever!
Honey, congratulations!

D The day of the Navy always causes pleasant excitement. Of course, on this day we congratulate the elite of the country's Armed Forces - military sailors - on their professional holiday. Happy holiday, please accept my sincere congratulations! I know how much you love your work, and this inspires even more respect for your choice, for the work to which you have dedicated your life. Let yours professional career are developing rapidly and brilliantly. It cannot be otherwise - after all, you devote yourself to your favorite business with all your heart, you have knowledge, experience, courage and strong character. God bless you on your sea voyages, and may they always wait for you on the shore! Be healthy and happy, and may love, true friendship and good luck always be with you!


AND I say to my sailor friend
Full of luck and health,
So that it arrives in your regiment,
To live with great love,

So that the wife is devoted,
And so that she gives birth to children,
Let the whole country be proud!
There are very few people like you!

Z and those who logged miles
In cold and warm seas,
For the strength and pride of Russia,
For the glorious St. Andrew's flag!
For your submarine,
For a minesweeper, destroyer, frigate!
For your sea gait
And your legendary pea coat!
For slightly rude jokes,
For your salted humor,
For strong naval friendship,
For your combat crew!
For those whom the sea accepted,
Who preserved valor and honor,
For all the nameless heroes
And those whom the whole world knows!
For your formidable "half-heartedness"!
For the ribbons in clenched teeth!
I drink, completely dry,
With great respect - for YOU!

WITH Since you spend most of your time at sea, Neptune's day has become the brightest holiday of the year. We sincerely congratulate you on Navy Day. Let your family be proud of you, be a glorious son of your people. In that wonderful holiday May all your dreams come true, may the Lord protect you, and may success always await you. May fate be favorable to you, and may fortune lead you along the path of prosperity and prosperity. Loyalty and devotion will always surround you, and your beloved will always look forward to your return. Enjoy every day you live at sea, appreciate every moment, because your work brings enormous benefits to your compatriots and the entire country. Be happy, happy holiday to you!

B a wave is heard overboard,
And the sun is reflected in the water,
And we congratulate you on your day,
What is called Navy Day.
We wish you courage, strength,
We wish you success and faith,
May each of you always be
A worthy example for the boys.
Success for the glory of the Fatherland,
In naval service!
Health and happiness to you in life,
And be protected by fate!


WITH get everyone up! This is what, it seems, naval commanders used to say when they wanted to announce general fee? I also want everyone to gather now, because everyone should hear my words. Sailors have always been considered models of bearing and dexterity, examples of courage and heroism, and the standard of men. You, today's birthday people, are no exception. You protect the maritime borders of our Motherland, you are accustomed to meeting difficulties head-on, you are capable of doing the impossible - if necessary. Well, the only thing available to land citizens is envy, because they can never be like you. And even I can only do one thing: to congratulate you with all my heart on Navy Day!

Z and behind the stern there is a gray wave
We set off on course again.
Day after day, without getting tired,
Ships are on missions.
Brief in word, strict in deed,
Sailors will not let you down -
On a peaceful day and in a time of alarm
Russia's honor will be preserved.
Glory to Russian shipbuilders,
Glory to Russian sailors -
This is the business of the entire Fatherland,
This is the commandment of the fathers.

B The fearlessness of sailors has always aroused admiration. Only you manage to boldly cross the surface of the sea, protecting us from enemy penetration. I want to cordially congratulate you on the great day of the Navy! May there always be a cloudless sky and a fair wind above you. May Neptune's day give you a lot of joy, because we are proud of each of you - worthy sons Russian fleet. So that each of your trips to sea is accompanied by the prayer of mothers and wives, which will become a reliable shield from all kinds of bad weather. Walk and have fun, because Russian Navy Day is your holiday, which will glorify your valor, heroism, and readiness to defend your Motherland. Happy Navy Day and three times Hurray in your honor!

IN military profession - courage!
On land, and even more so at sea!
And the glorious path of St. Andrew's flag
Any historian will proudly confirm this to you!
Special honor to military sailors,
The Navy has a special pride.
The navy is always and certainly
He will not lead the country - we firmly believe!
On the oceans everyone gained fame
Sea wolves - sons of the Motherland!
The navy, fighting for the state, -
He is the shield of a huge maritime country!
We congratulate you - today is your holiday
We wish you success!
Victories and joys, of course, of all kinds,
But so that seven feet are always under the keel!

WITH Today, festive fireworks will illuminate the night sky of Astrakhan and Vladivostok, Kaliningrad, Severomorsk and Sevastopol. Today thousands of privates and officers of the Russian Navy will celebrate their day - Navy Day! And even though many of them will celebrate this holiday at their post, they must know for sure: we glorify their difficult service. We are grateful to them for peace and tranquility in the country. Wherever you are now: on or under water, on the shore or on deck, please accept our sincere congratulations! We wish you strength and valor, health and vigor, good luck and luck! And let the golden stars shine with festive fireworks over all the seas and oceans! Happy holiday, Happy Navy Day of the Russian Federation! Hooray!

G The main task of the navy is defense. On your professional day, I wish you to defend not only your country, but also yourself, because you are important not only for the state, but above all for your family. By protecting and preserving your life, you will give hundreds of moments of joy and happiness to your loved ones, who will appreciate such protection much more. Protect yourself, those you love and your motherland.

IN in our life nothing comes in vain. If fate has connected you with Navy, that means it’s how it should be, that means it’s yours! Therefore, proudly bear the title you have been given, serve your Motherland honestly, do not hide behind the backs of your colleagues and, if necessary, give your last vest to a friend!
I wish you to grow in your career quickly, not to lose heart and to withstand the onslaught of any storms! Be bold, brave, responsive! Take your job responsibly, don’t give up and keep a safe watch, remembering that the whole country, your beloved home and parents are behind you! May the Lord protect you and support Fortune, never letting you out of your sight for a moment! Keep it up!

TO then he said that there would be no fleet?
Why doesn't Russia need a fleet?
That tight sails cannot sail
Above the boundless boiling waters?

Whether a year or ten will still pass -
The time of turmoil will pass as of old.
Let hope live in your soul,
Even if the steel gets tired.

And he flies up to the mast, proud,
St. Andrew's flag. Loud storm
Beats on the window that Great Peter
He cut through with his axe.

There have already been a lot of storms in life,
But the storm is nothing to you.
You always go towards your cherished goal,
You are a proud and crazy sailor.

On my birthday I wish
Steadily bypass all the reefs,
Love, hope and believe,
What luck will you have along the way?

Let the care of your loved ones
Indicates the specified route.
Let there be a home where they wait and love,
Where there is laughter, prosperity and comfort.


I wish on this birthday,
So that all seas may be conquered!
Let the mood strive upward,
So that you don't get upset in vain!

May the oceans be happy
The wave will cover you with joy!
May all plans be fulfilled
May life be full of goodness!


May your sails always be filled with the wind of luck. Let storms and storms pass by. I wish that the compass of life never gets lost or fails, but always correctly points the way to the right landmarks. I wish you never to be left behind, may your team always have loved ones and loyal friends. Happy birthday!


Let the waves bring happiness,
They always carry it to the shores of their relatives,
Let the wind drive away bad weather,
Well, the seagulls sing to you about love.

On this day I wish you
Only the brightest blessings.
Happy birthday
Sincerely, sailor!


Let there be wind in the sails,
Go forward without delay
I, sailor, wish you success
To you on your glorious birthday.

Let the ship ride on the waves
Floats towards your beautiful dream,
Let the sky above the sea of ​​life
It will be cloudless and clear.

Let them wait at home, let them love you tenderly,
Let work bring income,
Let every flight be a huge incentive
Gives you a beautiful life.

Beautiful poems happy birthday to a man sailor


The waves splash behind the stern,
Playing with seagulls
Happy birthday, sailor,
I congratulate you.

You are forged by storms
And happy with the sea,
May good luck be a white seagull
Circles above you.

Inflates the sails
Let the wind be fair
Let them be subject to you
All the seas in the world.

Disappearing overboard
Let nautical miles,
On your birthday I wish
7 feet under keel.


Accept, sailor, congratulations today.
Happy Birthday honey!
May joy and luck overtake you,
And let the sorrows be washed away by the wave.

Your ship of happiness and success
Let him always move forward.
Let the air bring a sea of ​​laughter,
Let life bloom with smiles.


You chose the sea as your calling.
The essence of this life is yours.
Happy birthday,
I want to be at the helm.

Let your favorite job
Gives joy and success.
Family care awaits at home
And cheerful, childish laughter.


Always be healthy, be strong,
Sail, sailor, to your dreams,
And continue your successful path
On the foamy storm waves!

Let the seas all submit,
The world will be full of positivity!
I wish you to smile more often,
May you live happily, sailor!


Saw blue seas and oceans,
Visited overseas countries
Traveled both in summer and winter,
I always hurried home with joy.

And today, on your birthday, we wish:
May the elements always help you,
So that the wind is fair and pleasant,
So that the ship never fails.

Let the warmth and comfort of your home
Warms the heart even in a storm,
May luck never fail you
And let love keep the sailor’s heart!

Cool, funny, cheerful and humorous birthday greetings to a sailor


Let your soul be sea
Turns around and sings
Wishes come true
Only success awaits you in life.

Be responsible and strong
Let the joy never leave you,
And like your own son
The deck rocks you.


Let everything in life go on a lively wave,
And the storm will pass by!
Today he sings to us big ocean
O beloved sailor!

We wish you on your special day
Fair, warm wind!
Let the ship of life not run aground,
Swims towards love meter by meter.

Good luck and happiness! Let there be a storm in your heart
From youth, euphoria!
May you be favored everywhere
The mighty element of the sea!


Sailor, I wish you on your birthday
Successful days, good luck, good mood.
Magnificent sea waves, space,
Let there be no dispute with the team about anything.

May your life be filled with happiness,
And may fate be favorable.
Sail through life successfully and with dignity,
Let there always be peace behind the stern.


Eh, you sea soul.
Happy Birthday to You!
I wish you happiness ocean
Take care of yourself on the road.

So that you are always drawn
To native shores.
Let your friend count the days
Waiting for you!


I don’t know how it is there at sea,
But now, on the shore,
Happy Birthday
I can’t help but congratulate you.

Let the wave rock you
And the star will show the way,
Let Neptune not offend you,
It will never drown!

Happy birthday wishes to a sailor


May it be on your birthday, sailor,
The salty wind will sing to you,
A month will give good sign,
That you are the happiest in the world.

Like waves, the years flow into the distance,
At the end of kissing the shore passionately,
May the gods protect you,
Feel free to move forward, because life is wonderful!


The romance of the sea has always attracted you,
And my soul was full of thirst for adventure.
And so you became a brave, wonderful sailor,
You can safely brag about your skills.
We all want to congratulate you on your birthday,
So that you know that we need you on land too.
We wish you a sea of ​​happiness and gentle waves of love,
Desires boiled in the stormy blood,
So that you follow your happy star,
Health, longevity and a fuller wallet.


It's not easy being a sailor
Your father's house is far away,
Squally winds are blowing,
And drive - kilometers!

You're doing great
We personally wish you:
The wind is always fair,
Well, happiness comes from land!


I wish you to always stay afloat
And confidently swim towards your goals!
Believe me, there is a place for magic in life,
You just need to open your heart to the fairy tale!

Then the golden, magnificent fish
He will fulfill all your wishes, sailor!
Let a smile shine on your face,
I wish you good luck, kindness and love!


Congratulations to the sailor,
Life at sea is not easy!
For someone to swim in the sea
Six months is a disaster!
For you the helm and the wind -
Best friends in the world!
We wish you
To be a successful wave,
A sea of ​​happiness and good luck,
An ocean of love to boot,
Don't forget about your relatives
We miss you, you know that!

Happy birthday to a sailor. Beautiful poems happy birthday to a man sailor


May every mile bring you happiness,
I wish you success, enthusiasm and calm,
To always wait with smiles at home,
May joy be intimately familiar to you!

Let the wind help you sail to the right goal,
So that all the troubles don’t even dare
To come close to you, and laugh with skill
They helped you cope with the current!


You plow seas and rivers,
You've seen the oceans.
We, sailor, wish you
Everything you yourself would want.

Happy birthday.
Stay the course towards your dream.
We wish to conquer you
We can do any height!


Happy birthday, sailor,
I congratulate you
And happy sailing
I wish you on all seas.

Storms don't frighten you,
Don't be afraid of storms
I wish that you
The waves subdued.

To stay astern
Troubles and sorrows
So that loved ones always
We were waiting on the pier.


An excellent sailor, a cheerful person, happy birthday to you. Let the sea waves of happiness wash the shores of your soul. I wish you to be strong and healthy, strong and brave, cheerful and courageous. May every voyage be successful, may the warmth of your native heart and love always await you at home.


Happy birthday
You, glorious strong fellow.
Fortunately, let the ship rush,
Be successful, my sailor.

May storms and storms rain on you
They won't knock you off course for an hour.
Remember that there are always people
What they hope and expect.

Be healthy, lord of the sea,
The winds are only in the sails.
May it always shine bright
Path indicator.

Heartfelt and touching birthday greetings to a sailor in verse


Happy birthday, sailor!
Happiness, peace, sun, blessings!
So that there is calm and peace in the sea,
Stormy duck - not a single one.

To have a nice, warm roof,
Where would love wait for you?
And dear simple
You should return home!


Happy birthday, sailor!
Where's your case of rum?
Get out your stash
Happily, we will solve the problem.

Sea, sun and sand -
The first was a lesson.
Home, family, love, comfort -
A real emerald!

Be loved and be healthy
On our native shores!
Only at home walls can be healed
And love will be immortalized.


You've seen a lot of countries
More than once you risked your life,
You plowed the rivers and seas,
And he always sailed home.

Experienced, glorious sailor you are,
You don't even know fear,
You always smile
The wave washes away your sadness!

And I hasten to congratulate you,
WITH wonderful holiday yours,
Wish You happiness and health,
May you soon conquer the world!

So that the wind is always fair,
And trouble never happened
May it always be a good morning,
Happy Birthday to You!


The sailor is not afraid of a storm or a tempest.
And you, we know rightly, are just one of those.
But let the best Sun shine on the azure
Seas, oceans and large rivers.

So that swimming is easy and successful,
Problems rushed with the night landscape.
Good to you, happiness, serene love,
Fair wind! Happy birthday!


Today I congratulate you, friend,
I wish you a bright holiday and honestly
So that the sky above your head suddenly becomes clearer,
And in it, so that the sun shines, sparkling.

So that all failures pass by,
Like gray clouds carrying thunderstorms.
Luck and happiness were with you.
Fair wind in both hot and cold weather!


Waves splash around!
Happy Birthday to you, friend!
You have chosen a difficult path,
I filled my chest with sea air.
You are a distinguished sailor among us,
An expert at swimming through the waves.
Congratulations and best wishes
See a good sign in everything.
So that, like the flag of a ship
You were always at the helm!
I chose the course of my life,
There was a resource in stock.
Plans to implement everything
And defeat all storms!


Today here, and tomorrow there,
Sailors can't sit well!
Try your luck
They need it to spite the storms.

Happy birthday, sailor!
Even if the path is far,
May there always be a port,
And comfort awaits you in it.

Light waves to you, sailor!
In the wallet there is a dollar from all countries.
And such friends for you,
To be closer to everyone.


Sailor, you are the pride of the oceans.
And happy birthday to you,
I hasten to congratulate you many times,
May your goal be light.

You conquer all the waters of the world,
Good health to you.
Prosperity with luck
Accompanies always, everywhere.


Happy birthday to you, sailor!
Sea winds let them caress you
May luck be like a beacon
That in happiness the port lights the way,

Let the waves flow smoothly overboard,
The waterways will be calm,
And may they be protected from all misfortunes
You, sailor, your sea gods!


Happy birthday, sailor!
Let the wind be fair
Let the lighthouse shine brightly,
My wife and children are waiting at home.

Let the surface be calm,
Clean way on the horizon,
There is no sorrow in life,
Only good luck on the personal front!


Today is the sailor's birthday.
You are looking at the earth from afar.
You surf the seas and oceans.
You see caravans of ships.

You are brave and proud of yourself.
Let the sea journey be short.
Waiting on the shore big family
Close and faithful friends.


Let your ship sail
Where you will be happy!
Always follow your dreams
May everyone's dreams come true!

Always be healthy, don't get sick,
Love and always be loved!
Conquer the expanses of the sea,
After all, you are a sailor, invincible!


You dedicated your life to the sea,
And you know everything: rain, sun, storm and calm,
Happy birthday to you today
And I wish only fair winds on the sea!

Don’t know, my sailor, both on land and at sea,
All sorts of bad weather and no grief!
May the wave soon cover you with happiness,
To bright colors your life was full!


Our beloved sailor, we congratulate you,
We wish you a wonderful birthday,
So that he can plow the sea in health for up to a hundred years,
And we, who are waiting on the shore, have not forgotten!

So that good luck and success are nearby,
There was always order in business and service,
To have a great mood every day,
And the salary is also super decent!


Only a strong spirit and a strong hand
Capable of letting you achieve victory...
The tough sailor has all the power
Contained in one simple piece of advice:

Hold the oar tight and don't think
About what will be waiting on the shore...
Just you and the sea, so be smart...
Try to catch happiness in the wind!


Happy birthday, brave, strong sailor!
May success always accompany you.
The light of a happy star is burning above you,
So that you, sailor, are the happiest of all.

And let him certainly wait at home
Precious and sweet family.
Let him surround you with love and comfort,
Understanding you in your endeavors!


Sailor's birthday -
Bright holiday, without a doubt,
Let them fly through the clouds
These congratulations are for you.

Warm days, calm waters
And seas, without storms and storms,
May your new year in life
It will be fabulously fun!


In the huge waves the ship strives
Swim to the solid shore.
And you know, it should work out
Find your happiness!

Being a sailor, finding inspiration
Swimming, you're already used to it.
Well, today is your birthday,
I wish you a glorious fate!


Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart.
Be happy today, don't be sad.
I wish you great weather
And fair winds on the way.

You are a sailor - we have been waiting for you for a long time,
But, you know, it's worth it.
If you come, I’ll hug you, lovingly,
Romantic evening we'll arrange it.


Sea foam makes noise: happy birthday.
The surf desires a quiet sea.
Let sea disturbances be at work
They don't particularly disturb the peace.

So that on land they always wait,
So that salaries break records,
So that those who have sworn are faithful.
And don’t get bored with a minor chord.

International Seafarer's Day is celebrated on June 25: on this day, all those involved in the merchant fleet receive dozens of congratulations from colleagues, relatives, managers and ordinary people, who appreciate their difficult work. Most Throughout their lives, representatives of such a valiant profession do not feel the ground under their feet. In this article we have tried to collect the best words of gratitude and pride for them.

Congratulations on Sailor's Day in verse

You are a sailor, and that means a lot.
You are not afraid of the dangers of the elements.
Today we wish you good luck,
Let's dedicate these verses!

May heaven give you joy and luck,
Things will be up to you,
Less danger, more patience.
May fortune always smile on you!

Meetings, separations, sea wanderings...
The life of a sailor is a chosen path,
They are not afraid of the storm and the calm of parting,
A man's feat - their profession is the essence.

Sea romance is a special theme:
The waves run in unison with the winds,
In dashing storms, among unkind whirlwinds
Nothing matters to the daring sailors.


My romantic navigator, sailor,
I don’t like my soul in you.
And the world can’t exist without you, believe me.
I, my clear light, wish you:

Keep all water boundaries calm,
Formidable pirates can be easily defeated.
And, enjoying the morning lightning,
Thank fate for choosing your path.

You were there where the wind knocked you down.
Where the waves tried to swallow you.
But powerful hands clenched the steering wheel,
They did not give up and won.

You risk your life every hour.
Waves, rocks and pirates threaten you.
Tested by the sea many times
The strength of nerves, hands and ropes.

And women will forever suffer,
Letting you go and argue with the ocean.
And they will wait faithfully and faithfully:
In any century, sailors are welcome.

Congratulations in prose

Your day has come, our dear sea wolf! you have stern look and a serious disposition, but at heart you remain the most wonderful guy who so confidently and skillfully guides a huge ship across the expanses of the sea. Today, with all our hearts, we want to congratulate you on your professional holiday, and wish you to anchor in your native lands, and not in foreign ports, as often as possible. Let it go your happiness It will be cloudless, like the calm sky!


You remain the most romantic captain we have ever known! On this day I want to tell you a huge number of warm words. Let the adventure end every time you return to port. But something else will begin - your happy, bright, filled with good events land life. May your every dream come true, and may the sea always be serenely calm!


You are not afraid of the terrible wind and raging waves. You always confidently achieve your goals and know how to deal with troubles. And on this Sailor’s Day I would like to wholeheartedly congratulate such a valiant, brave man. Weak people who are afraid of problems do not choose such a profession! It is only for those who know what they want from this life. So let the sea always be your friend, not your enemy! Let everyone knot will be tied as securely as possible, and the reasons that draw you to the shore will be even more compelling! Be at sea, but always remember how much you are expected on land.


A sailor is not a profession. That's life. The salty sea salt is already in your heart, and you will probably never part with this element. Sailor, we congratulate you on your day! And sometimes we regret a little that the greatest discoveries did not wait for you, and the world already knows about China and America... But I want to tell you one thing: it doesn’t matter whether you swim or walk, choose the old one or new road, always look at the world with fresh eyes, smile more often and be surprised! Congratulations!

Funny and comic congratulations

The sea is quiet, the sea is dry,
After all, the sailor came ashore.
The sea is peaceful, the sea is calm,
A ship is not a car!

A sailor is every girl's dream,
All you have to do is show your form,
Faces rush towards him,
He wants to sip them all.

There is only one feeling in your life
This feeling is boundless - love,
It becomes sad without him
Without it, carrots are not carrots.

The sea is what is important for life,
So keep it in your heart,
Never forget about the Fatherland,
And serve her night and day!


WITH early childhood you dreamed of the sea,
Became a merchant seaman.
Happy Sailor's Day! Let the open spaces of the sea
Give you life meaning and work!
You are restless, the sea attracts you
Blue distances, winds, waves.
Money to you, luck, enthusiasm
Life filled with happiness and joy!
Be Fortune's favorite,
With a cheerful look and a young heart!


I will ask on Sailor's Day,
Congratulating hubby:
Dear you are my husband,
How so, my sieve friend?
How long have you been walking?
On this barge of yours?
Be at least three times he is a ship
Or do you have a woman there?!
Look, I'm running out of patience!
He or I, you choose!
Otherwise I’ll get a job
Guide to Altai!
I've been waiting for you for years
And I want it to be like this:
How to go home – “Full speed ahead!”
And from home - “Complete stop!”

Do you remember the line from the game,
Where is the sea rough?
The children have grown up, alas,
They fled from the street.
Only one of the children
Didn't part with the waves,
Without such sea tricks
Life is completely incomplete!
In this light, the sailors
We can wish
Sail against all winds,
Without running aground!
On the wave of happy days
Charm the young ladies
And on deck it’s friendlier
Dance "Apple"!
Let neither the storm nor the hurricane
Don't go off course
Vessel - water hang glider
Let the flag fly!

How to beautifully congratulate your husband on Sailor's Day?

You know, when you are not around, I think that not a single road is visible in the sea. There is endless space around, which seems depressing, making your path endless... I imagine you standing on karma and looking into the distance. And it’s like I feel this look, and I know what you’re thinking. Even though our meetings are so rare, I always try to look at you through the stars. And today is not a reason to be sad about frequent breakups. This is a reason for joy: after all, it was I who got such a valiant, such a brave, such a wonderful husband. I wish you not even the sea, but a whole endless ocean of happiness. Remember: no one is waiting for you like me!


In the footsteps of Columbus and Cortez
There you go, my beloved romantic!
Sea, sea, sea - interesting,
Could you be happy without him?
I congratulate you today
Happy International Seafarer's Day.
May my warmest greetings
They will bring big clouds.
And they will tell you how much I miss you,
I can't help but think about you.
And I don’t notice other men
And I cherish our love.

Congratulations to the former sailor

You former sailor. I congratulate you
From the bottom of my heart, Happy Sailor's Day.
I wish you good luck in all your endeavors,
Let every task be easy.

I wish you didn’t know about problems and grief,
Let them be happy days and year.
Let your air be the same as in the sea,
Exciting, pure, always useful!


Former sailor, we congratulate you on Sailor’s Day.
May your life always be positive!
We wish you great happiness on land.
Let past sorrows leave no trace.

This is your holiday, and you deserve congratulations.
However, you deserve a lot in your life.
I wish you to always be in a great mood,
I really want you to be happy and joyful!

Traditional wishes to sailors

On this significant day, we would like to express our gratitude to the sailors! You represent a profession whose importance cannot be overestimated! At any time in the history of the world, your profession has had no equal, and the sea always chooses only the best. Stay as reliable and strong, healthy and strong, happy and cheerful! Happy holiday!


I wish you good luck on land and at sea,
I only wish you to sail forward,
So that grief passes you by,
I always wish you a very happy life!

I would like to wish everyone health, patience,
After all, I know it’s not easy to be a sailor!
May your dreams and aspirations come true,
May joy await you in every moment!


We celebrate Navy Fleet Day,
We congratulate everyone from the bottom of our hearts.
Let there be calm and silence on the sea,
We wish the guys health and goodness.

You are a brave example,
A worthy defense of our country.
May God protect you everywhere and always,
On land you are greeted by your own family.

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