Putin is not betting on Armata. Why didn’t Armata go into service? Machine gun "Kord" for destroying enemy shells and missiles

How are things going with the production of the T-14 today?


Back in March 2017, due to severe financial situation, into which the enterprise he led ended up, Oleg Sienko’s powers were terminated ahead of schedule. And the number of T-14 tanks built here is not yet in the thousands, but only in a few dozen vehicles. There were 12 tanks in the first pilot production batch (they marched across Red Square in 2015), after which another hundred tanks were ordered for “military tests.”

In 2017, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin stated that tests of the T-14 Armata tank would end in 2018, and from the following 2019, its experimental military operation would begin (for this, apparently, the above-mentioned batch of hundreds was intended tanks). Later, in February 2018, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov (since March 2018, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense-Industrial Affairs), confirmed that the Ministry of Defense has a contract for the supply of two battalions of T-14 tanks for testing. More detailed information was provided in the speech of Deputy Minister of Defense Alexei Krivoruchko at the Army-2018 forum: “... a contract has been signed today for 132 T-14 and T-15 vehicles. We will receive the first nine cars this year, production cars. The contract will be completed by the end of 2021.”

T-14 "Armata"

This means that by 2022 Russian army will have at its disposal only about a hundred T-14s, and accordingly we are no longer talking about thousands of Armatas. These tanks will most likely be sent to one of the heavy brigades (type B), which, according to the states, is supposed to have tanks on the heavy Armata platform (73 units) and heavy infantry fighting vehicles.

The temporary freeze on the start of large-scale production of the T-14 is confirmed by other statements by those responsible for the defense industry, who noted that the T-14 Armata tank is “too expensive for mass purchases.” Thus, on July 30, 2018, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense-Industrial Affairs Yuri Borisov noted: “The Russian army does not have a great need for Armata tanks, and current needs are met by modernizing the existing military equipment... We don’t have a particular need for this; these models are quite expensive compared to existing ones. ...if existing armored vehicles, in particular the updated T-72, were inferior to a potential enemy, we would promote the purchase of new weapons. But they are not inferior, which means there is no need to buy anything.”

As for the cost of the T-14, there are naturally no exact figures yet. According to information from the general director of Uralvagonzavod Oleg Sienko in 2015, the cost of one T-14 Armata tank was slightly more than 250 million rubles (at the then exchange rate about $3.7 million), although some experts estimated it at 8 million million dollars. According to later information, the cost of the Armata tank should be about 4 million dollars (this is 2 million cheaper than, for example, the German one costs
“Leopard” or the Israeli tank “Merkava”, and the French “Leclerc” generally costs $8.5 million), but the military was counting on the reduction in price of T-14 tanks by 2020.

T-14 "Armata"

IN last month The topic of possible supplies of T-14 for export is being quite animatedly discussed in the media. As reported by Indian information publication“The Economic Times”, India is considering the possibility of purchasing T-14 Armata tanks to replace outdated modifications of the T-72 as part of the “Multipurpose future ready combat vehicles” program. At the same time, the announced amount of the probable agreement of $4.5 billion (with an estimated volume of 1,770 tanks) indicates that the information about the export of Armata is unlikely to correspond to reality. If you believe information from the Indian media, Delhi plans to pay a little more than $2.5 million for one tank, while even on the domestic market the price for the Armata exceeds $3.7-4 million.

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The popular theme of the “Russian invasion” of Europe on all fronts forced Western analysts to conduct an interesting study. Experts from a popular American online publication compared the combat capabilities of the M1 Abrams tank and modern anti-tank systems, which will have to repel a “massive attack from the east.” The main competitor American tank specialists, of course, deployed the Russian T-14 tank on the Armata platform. Veteran Before moving on to an analysis of the combat capabilities of the M1 tank, it is fair to mention that this is one of the most combative tanks and one of the most recognizable. M1 managed to fight in Persian Gulf, in Iraq, Afghanistan, and was also used during the conflict in Yemen. This tank, along with the M-16 rifle, 1911 pistol and Apache helicopter, is perceived throughout the world as a real symbol of America - huge, powerful, sweeping away any obstacle in its path. However, the Abrams is not able to fight where it was originally prepared smog. The tank, created for the European theater of operations, took part only in exercises in Europe. Having experienced several unpleasant stories related to the reliability of a gas turbine power plant in the Middle Eastern climate, having been under fire from Soviet/Russian anti-tank rocket grenades and anti-tank systems The Abrams was modernized several times, and finally lived to see the moment when, due to the “threat from the east”, attention was paid to the heavyweight again. Before once again remembering the “old man”, it is worth analyzing how many tanks and to what extent level was modernized by American specialists. After all, if you are seriously going to confront the enemy’s newest tanks, which in terms of technology, reliability and combination of qualities are significantly higher than everything that is already in service, then you will need appropriate equipment. In 2015, it was reported that the United States was able to transport up to 800 M1 tanks in the A1 and A2 modifications to Europe. The transfer of tanks in other, more modern and protected versions was not reported. Experts explain that in this case, the Americans decided to use the tactics that everyone has been reproaching for the last five decades - to take advantage of numbers, not skill. But considering that for the T-14 (after all, it is considered as the main threat) the very principle of operation of the fire control system has been redesigned, and the shots for the gun have changed a little more than completely, putting your own MBTs that are far from the first freshness against the newest Russian tank is either a big deal a mistake, or a conscious desire to supply more raw materials for frying pans. About hits There is a lot of accuracy in the analytical materials of Western experts, detailed information, but how and on what basis such data are calculated is a big question. Even if we take into account that the comparison with the Russian T-14 is mainly a modification of the M1A2 SEP v2 or M1A3, which still does not exist, Western experts’ assessment of the American tank in relation to its competitor from Russia raises a number of questions. For example, Western experts openly hint that the M1 and T-14 are different can withstand shells and missiles hitting the turret Experts from overseas suggest that the American tank, due to its thick rolled armor, will be able to continue the battle after being hit, and the T-14, due to the large amount of electronics, will be disabled after the hit. To put an end to this issue, you need to turn to specialists who have data on the reliability of military equipment and control/fire equipment. In a detailed story about the reliability of the sighting devices, optics and electronics of the tank, military expert, candidate of military sciences Sergei Suvorov noted that in terms of the “reliable and proven over the years” design of the American tank, foreign experts are openly disingenuous. “To say that in case of a hit or ricochet the T-14 shell will fail, but the M1 will not - a little tactless. The weapon control complex in tanks is built on approximately the same principle, only the people sit differently. One important detail should also be taken into account: not a single sample of foreign-made weapons and equipment, be it a rifle, a car, a tank or an armored personnel carrier, has ever passed our state testing program,” the expert explained. For all doubters, the expert gave another example . Everyone knows that state tests of armored vehicles include the so-called “firing” experiment, when the tank is hit with heavy weapons, and then the nature of the damage is studied. The main task of the machine in such a test is to survive. Survive, launch, and, if possible, leave the “execution” site on your own. After completing one of these experiments with a tank support combat vehicle (BMPT), all participants in the project were invited to the “target”. The engineers’ task was to remove components, assemblies and systems developed by their departments from the shot car and test them for functionality. Employees of one of the Russian enterprises, among other things, removed their sights from the broken BMPT. “The commander’s panoramic sight was shot by 30-mm shells and a tank “crowbar” - an armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile. You can’t even imagine how surprised the developers and manufacturers of the sight were when, after turning on the power, it turned on and started showing a picture. Not very clear, of course, but the device worked!” says Sergei Suvorov. If this data seems not enough to you, then the hit is worth remembering the hit of an anti-tank missile in the turret of a T-90 tank in Syria. And although the Syrian crew could have paid with their lives for their own sluggishness (immobility, open hatches, disabled KOEP "Shtora"), the Russian vehicle still saved people, and the activated dynamic protection unit allowed experts to conclude that the information about the destruction of a modern Russian tank through a hit into the tower - a myth. If we take into account the results described above, it turns out that the more technologically advanced and advanced T-14 turret, which will also be protected by active protection in addition to dynamic protection units, is not afraid of armor-piercing shots from enemy tanks and anti-tank missiles. One can argue endlessly regarding the impenetrable frontal armor of the American M1, but the fact remains that there were still losses from a rocket-propelled grenade or ATGM missile hitting the M1 turret. And if the “Iraqi” incidents are difficult to analyze due to the heterogeneity of the data, then the recent conflict involving the M1 in Yemen confirmed that there are “Achilles” points in the thick rolled armor of the American. “This, of course, is a big misconception that after hitting the turret M1, for example, from an ATGM, the tank will be able to continue the fight,” military expert Alexey Leonkov answers a popular question. “Given that the Yemeni Houthi rebels used a frankly not new anti-tank missile system, we can conclude that after being hit by a good projectile or a modern missile, an American tank will definitely no longer be able to fire.” A little-known fact: during the war in Iraq, it happened that Americans lost their tanks in confrontation with Soviet T-55s. True, the Americans themselves called such losses “losses due to secondary signs” - that is, the shell hit the armor, did not penetrate the armor, but a large fire started when a fuel line (oil line) burst inside. The tank burned down, but its loss was not officially counted. Tank tour of Europe Even if we assume that the hypothetical crossing of the borders of Europe by two and a half thousand T-14s did take place, in addition to the exchange of shells, modern tanks are able to use anti-tank missiles. The crew of a Russian tank can fire such missiles directly through the barrel of the main gun, and main question This confrontation is about who will discover whom first. And although foreign experts recognize the danger of guided missile weapons, which can be used in the T-14, the maximum firing range for Abrams guided missiles is American experts determined at 12 kilometers. A serious statement for a massive and protected tank equipped with modern sights. Russian experts, in turn, are asking the question: is there any real world tank battle at a distance of 12 kilometers? “When I was writing my dissertation in 1992, I came across a research paper. So there was a figure given that in the European theater of operations, for which the American tank was once created, the probability tank battle at ranges over 3000 meters less than 1%,” says Suvorov. Therefore, the maximum range indicated by the figure 12 kilometers does not play any role in such a confrontation. If you stop taking into account the maximum range of 12 thousand meters and focus on application tactics, you can find out another interesting detail. When breaking through tank groups, the T-14 will have speed, maneuverability, range, new shots and guided weapon systems, as well as active and dynamic protection on its side. According to independent military expert Alexei Khlopotov, the American M1 in this case will play the role of an entrenched into the deep defense of a tank incapable of active resistance. “The mobility of the American tank is not the highest - the combat radius of the tank is a maximum of 300 kilometers from the refueling point. Therefore, most likely, the heavier M1 will have to sit in ambush and try to fire at the T-14. At the same time, the Russian tank will be able to hit the M1 with the first shot,” he noted. Anti-tank Over the past few years, the evolution of anti-tank missile weapons has stepped up another step. Adherents of the Western school of designing and creating weapons of destruction finally began to move away from the concept of using wires as a means of control, focusing on optical-electronic systems that do not connect the operator with the missile with wires. The result of such R&D was the creation of the TOW-2B Aero anti-tank missile system with a radio command guidance system. In theory, such ammunition on the battlefield promised an increase in range and relative safety for the operator when fired. Experts are confident that despite the successful completion of tests of such a missile, the developers did not take into account a number of factors. These include the impact of optical-electronic suppression systems on ammunition, interference created by electronic warfare systems, as well as complex climatic conditions. It’s as if nothing exists except a rocket flying in a straight line and a stationary enemy tank. Engineers involved in various fields of the military-industrial complex continue to claim that for a real shot to hit a tank with maximum efficiency, they have never come up with anything better than wires. And they have already learned to fight what the American military currently has at its disposal, like the TOW-2B Aero ATGM. It was reported that such a missile can hit tanks from above, but the flight altitude is three meters higher than usual and there are two warheads instead of one the problem will not be solved - on the roofs since 1985 Soviet tanks dynamic protection units were installed, and the use of the new generation Afghanit active protection on T-14 tanks generally eliminates the threat as such. Experts and developers do not give a detailed answer regarding the stability of the protection systems of the T-14 tank in front of the Javelin ATGM, only smiling mysteriously and answering that “this is also taken into account.” American specialists were never able to install anything like this on their tanks. Regarding the active protection systems for the M1 tank, it was decided to opt for the Israeli “Trophy”, but no one is saying exactly how many tanks and in what time frame will be equipped with such a system. The final touch in comparing the combat qualities of the T-14 and M1 can be a dispute about the need to introduce an uninhabited turret and a tank gun of increased power. American specialists, who so furiously press on the problems and futility of the uninhabited turret in the T-14, probably forgot that in their home country There have also been attempts to create a vehicle with a similar combat module. We are talking about an experimental combat vehicle M1 TTB, which was supposed to combine an easy-to-use automatic loader, an armored capsule for the crew, a redesigned control system and, in the future, a new 140-mm smooth-bore tank gun ATAC. Why American engineers abandoned a complex, but qualitatively different design in favor of a strong loader and increased steel armor is still unknown. By the way, for promising battle tanks developed abroad decades ago, domestic specialists have long found an antidote - a unique 152-mm cannon with high-power ammunition. “The 2A83 gun was created for the Object 195 with the expectation of combating promising developments by NATO countries. But after 1991, all these projects in the West were abandoned. Accordingly, 2A83 went into reserve. Although ammunition for it is being developed now,” military expert Viktor Murakhovsky explains in an interview with Zvezda. Despite the fact that the Russian T-14 and American M1 tanks are from different eras and belong to different schools of tank building, American and Western experts do not at all they stop comparing the two machines, as if forgetting when they were created. The difference in approaches, however, is already visible - while UVZ specialists are working and bringing the T-14 to perfection, American specialists do not seem to be thinking at all about fundamentally different tanks.

In 2015, at a military parade in Moscow dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the latest Russian development was presented to the general public - the T-14 Armata tank, which should radically affect the equipment of the Russian ground armies and determine the concept of their applications for the coming decades. This tank, positioned as a 4th generation tank, has aroused great interest both in our country and throughout the world. In this article we will look at the history and background of the creation of the Armata tank, its distinctive features And specifications, as well as prospects for use in real combat operations.

History and background for the creation of the new Armata tank

Another way

At the turn of the 2000s, Russia was developing 2 projects of a promising main battle tank, which would be a replacement for the current Russian MBT - the T-90. One of them is “Object 460” or(see photo above) - was developed by Omsk design bureau. It had an extended modified chassis from the T-80U tank, in which another one was added to the six rollers, as well as a narrowed turret of a new design, armed with the already proven standard 125 mm smoothbore gun. It was assumed that the mass of the tank would be about 48 tons, and it would be equipped with a 1500-horsepower gas turbine engine, which would give it power density more than 30 hp/t and made it one of the most dynamic tanks in the world.

The second project is “Object 195” or(see photo below) - was developed by the Ural Design Bureau and the Uralvagonzavod corporation. It was an “ubertank” for its time, which also featured an uninhabited (unmanned) turret armed with a formidable 152 mm smoothbore gun on a seven-wheel chassis. The tank's crew (only 2 people) was housed in an isolated armored capsule in the front of the hull. The weight of the tank was not small - about 55 tons, and it was supposed to be equipped with a 1650 hp diesel engine, which would also give it good dynamic characteristics.

It was assumed that the kinetic energy of a projectile fired from the 152 mm smoothbore gun of the Object 195 was so great that if it hit the turret of an enemy tank, it would simply tear it off.

But in 2009-2010, both projects had to be curtailed for several reasons. Firstly, the development of both tanks was not very active and during the design and testing period (which is about 15-20 years) they simply became obsolete. Secondly, the transition to the use of such supertanks as the T-95 - quite expensive and resource-intensive to produce - would, to some extent, be a transition to the German path of development of tank construction during the Second World War, i.e. the “path of the royal tigers and mice” that absolutely did not justify itself. We needed a universal, mass-produced tank, with the best price-quality ratio, like our famous T-34. And thirdly, both of these tanks did not quite correspond to the concept of network-centric warfare.

Network-centric warfare concept

Network-centric warfare is modern military doctrine, aimed at increasing the combat effectiveness of various military units participating in armed conflicts or modern wars, by combining all combat and auxiliary units into a single information network and, as a result, achieving infocommunication superiority over the enemy.

Those. it turns out that by combining and almost instantaneously communicating command and control means, reconnaissance means, as well as means of destruction and suppression, more accelerated control of forces and means is achieved, increasing the effectiveness of defeating enemy forces and the survivability of one’s own troops, and each participant in combat operations receives full and timely information about the real combat situation.

Tank formations must also be adapted to the modern realities of network-centric warfare; for this, the tanks themselves must be able to connect to a single information network and be able to almost instantly transmit to it information received by the tank from the outside through their own “survey” modules. In fact, this is practically one of the requirements for the new 4th generation tanks.

4th generation tank

"Object 195" as imagined by the artist.

The classification of tanks by generation is actually not official, it is very arbitrary and looks something like this:

To the first generation These include tanks from the 1950s-1960s, such as the Soviet T-44 and T-54, the German Panther, the English Centurion and the American Pershing.

Second generation associated with the advent of the so-called main battle tanks (MBT). It includes tanks from 1960-1980, such as the Soviet T-62, American M-60, English Chieftain, German Leopard and French AMX-30.

To the third generation include the latest modern tanks, such as the Soviet T-80 and Russian T-90, the American Abrams, the French Leclerc, the English Challenger, the Ukrainian Oplot, the South Korean Black Panther, the Israeli Merkava, the Italian " Ariete" and the German "Leopard-2".

It is clear that later generations of tanks were distinguished by more durable armor, more advanced protection and more formidable weapons. This also applies to the 4th generation of tanks, the appearance of which is long overdue. But besides this, as mentioned above, 4th generation tanks should be maximally adapted to network-centric warfare, and also, if possible, meet a number of other requirements:

— have an uninhabited turret and an automatic loader;
— the crew must be isolated in an armored capsule;
— the tank must be partially robotic.

By the way, a fully robotic unmanned tank can be considered a 5th generation tank.

Our designers approached the development of a new tank with approximately the same list of requirements when, in 2010, after the winding up of the Object 195 and Object 640 projects, they received the task of designing a new generation tank as quickly as possible.

Platform "Armata"

The order for the design, testing and production of the new tank was received by the state corporation UralVagonZavod, located in Nizhny Tagil and engaged in the development and production of various military equipment. When developing a new tank, the Ural Design Bureau, affiliated with UralVagonZavod, actively used ready-made advanced developments on the “Object 195” that was already being developed here, as well as on the project of the Omsk Design Bureau - “Object 640”. Both closed projects greatly helped our designers to quickly cope with the task.

But the most important thing is that this time our designers (as well as our military leadership) saw the problem of building a new tank more broadly, and it was decided to develop not just a 4th generation tank, but a universal tracked platform that could be used to design a wide variety of military equipment, which would solve the problem of versatility, mass production and correlation described above prices and quality.

Thus, Uralvagonzavod designed and implemented the so-called unified combat heavy tracked platform "Armata", on the basis of which it is planned to create about 30 different types of military equipment. Moreover, they will have in common not only a platform, but also a common battle control system, a common communication system, a common active protection system and many other components and modules.

The universal heavy combat platform "Armata" has three engine layout options: front, rear and middle. This allows the platform to be used for the design of almost any type of military equipment. For a tank, for example, they use a rear-mounted engine, but for an infantry fighting vehicle, on the contrary, a front-mounted one.

At the moment, our defense industry has already received the first units of equipment based on the new platform - this armored repair and recovery vehicle BREM T-16(for now only as a project), and of course the main combat one, which we could already see at the Victory Parade in Moscow.

The T-14 tank is the latest Russian tank of the 4th generation on the Armata universal heavy combat tracked platform. The tank received the index “14”, as usual, according to the year the project was implemented - 2014. At the project stage, the tank had the designation “Object 148”.

It is believed that the T-14 "Armata" tank is the world's first 4th generation tank, the first tank within the framework of the concept of network-centric warfare and that it has no analogues at all. In general, according to many of our and foreign experts, today the Armata is the best tank in the world.

First, let's take a quick look at what this new Armata tank is, what design solutions our design engineers implemented in it, and what main features it has:

Main features of the T-14 "Armata" tank

— The tank has an uninhabited turret. It is equipped with a proven remote-controlled 125 mm smoothbore gun with an automatic loader.

— The design of the tank allows it to be equipped with a 152 mm gun, already tested on the Object 195.

— The tank’s crew is located in an isolated armored capsule that can withstand direct hits from all existing modern anti-tank shells.

— The armored capsule with the crew is securely separated from the ammunition and fuel tanks.

— Active suspension will allow the tank to drive accurately targeted shooting at speeds up to 40-50 km/h.

- It is assumed that active suspension will allow the tank to move at speeds of up to 90 km/h not only on the highway, but also over rough terrain.

— A new type of combined weapon used in the tank multilayer armor 15% different than that used in domestic 3rd generation tanks. The equivalent thickness of the armor is about 1000 mm.

— All tank modules are controlled by the latest tank information and control system (TIUS), which, if any malfunction is detected, notifies the crew about it with an appropriate voice message.

— The Armata radar complex uses radars with an active phased array, capable of tracking about 40 ground and 25 air targets at a distance of up to 100 km.

— If a projectile is detected flying at a tank, the Afghanit active protection complex automatically turns the tank’s turret towards this projectile in order to meet it with more powerful frontal armor and be ready to deliver a counter-attack to the enemy who fired this projectile.

— The destruction range of a 125 mm gun is up to 7000 m, while for the best Western models this parameter is 5000 m.

— The Armata tank uses a large number of effective stealth technologies that make it practically invisible or difficult to detect for many types of weapons.

Performance characteristics of the T-14 "Armata" tank

Infographics and arrangement of modules in the T-14 tank

A good infographic of the T-14 tank with the location of the modules was made by the RIA Novosti agency:

Video review « Multi-purpose tank T-14 on the Armata tracked platform"

For the 80th anniversary of Uralvagonzavod, an interesting mini-video review about the T-14 Armata tank was released:

Radar complex

The T-14 is the first tank in the world to use an active phased array radar (AFAR radar). Radars of the same type are installed on the new Russian multi-role fighters of the fifth generation T-50, which should replace the SU-27. Unlike radars with a passive array, AFAR radars consist of a large number of independently adjustable active modules, which significantly increases tracking ability and reliability, since if one of the radar modules fails, we will only get a slight distortion of the “picture”. It is true that the cost of such radars is somewhat higher.

The Armata uses 4 AFAR radar panels located around the perimeter of the tower (see photo above). They are protected by bulletproof and anti-fragmentation shields, but, nevertheless, can be easily replaced in the field (plastic hinges for removing radar panels are visible in the photo).

The radar complex of the T-14 tank can simultaneously track up to 40 ground moving and up to 25 aerial aerodynamic targets, which makes it one of the key elements on the battlefield within the concept of network-centric warfare. Target tracking distance is up to 100 km.

If, for camouflage purposes, the main surveillance radar of the tank is turned off, then at close range it is replaced by two ultra-fast response radars, which are also used to trigger destructive elements of active protection against shells fired at the tank.

Target detection systems in the infrared and ultraviolet range

On the T-14 turret, a panoramic sight is installed on the same axis with the machine gun mount, which serves to determine the coordinates of targets received by various surveillance modules, while it rotates 360 degrees regardless of the machine gun.

The panoramic sight includes a camera in the visible range, a camera in infrared range and a laser rangefinder. When capturing each new goal The radar panoramic sight automatically turns in its direction to determine its exact coordinates. The information received is displayed on the monitors of the tank crew in the form of a tactical map with the coordinates of recorded targets, and if necessary, you can press your finger on the image on touch screen clarify the coordinates of a particular target.

In addition to the panoramic sight, the T-14 tank is equipped with six autonomous high-definition cameras that allow the crew to monitor the situation around the tank along its entire perimeter. These cameras allow tank crews to assess the situation when the radar is turned off and in conditions of enemy electronic warfare, and also record laser pointers, aimed at the tank.

In addition, these HD cameras can see through a smoke screen (in the infrared spectrum), giving a significant advantage to Armata using this type of camouflage. The following example is given:

When a T-14 tank is surrounded by enemy infantry, it can put a smoke screen around itself, making itself invisible to enemy grenade launchers, and shoot them from a machine gun mount according to data from infrared HD cameras.

Active protection complex "Afganit"

And a radar complex of 4 AFAR radars and 2 high-speed radars, and infrared HD cameras are part of the tank’s active protection complex, which serves not only for reconnaissance of targets, but also for the timely detection of threats to the tank and their elimination. These are the features of the Afghanit active protection complex installed on the Armata:

— When detecting an enemy projectile flying towards the tank, the Afghanit automatically turns the tank’s turret towards this projectile in order to meet it with more powerful armor on the one hand, and on the other hand to be ready to strike a counter-strike at the object that fired this projectile.

— When detecting shells approaching the tank, “Afganit” automatically controls the machine gun mount to destroy them.

— If increased camouflage is required, Afganit can operate in passive mode with the radar turned off, relying on data from HD cameras.

— “Afganit” is safe for friendly infantry located near the tank, since it uses electronic warfare and smoke-metal curtains to a greater extent to counter enemy missiles.

“In addition, according to the latest data, Afghanit successfully resists modern armor-piercing shells with cores.

The Afghanit active protection complex is capable of hitting projectiles approaching the tank at speeds of up to 1,700 m/s. But our designers are already developing a new active protection - “Zaslon”, which will be able to intercept projectiles approaching at speeds of up to 3000 m/s.

Dynamic protection complex "Malachite"

The T-14 tank is also equipped with the Malachite dynamic protection system. Here are the features it has:

“Malachite successfully resists not only various cumulative projectiles, but is also capable of destroying the latest NATO sub-caliber projectiles, which were specially designed to penetrate such dynamic defenses that preceded Malachite, such as Relikt and Kontakt-5.

— “Malachite” is much better able to withstand the most advanced anti-tank missile systems (ATGM).

— By reducing the amount explosive In the Malachite dynamic protection, the possibility of hitting your own infantry and damaging the tank's observation devices is practically excluded.

Armament of the T-14 tank

The fire control system of the T-14 tank is connected to the Afghanit active protection complex and its radio-optical modules. With their help, the tank's weapons are aimed at detected targets. Besides, When aiming, data coming from the following sensors is used:

— gyroscopic sensors for the angular orientation of the tank in space;
— temperature and humidity sensor;
— wind direction and speed sensor;
- sensor for barrel bending due to heating.

The tank receives its own coordinates using the GLONASS satellite system.

As we already wrote above, the T-14 tank can be equipped with either a standard 125 mm gun or a 152 mm cannon. IN standard The Armata is equipped with the already proven 125 mm smoothbore gun 2A82-1C, which has 17% higher muzzle energy and 20% greater accuracy than the best examples of Western tank-mounted guns.

It should also be noted that the destruction range of this gun is about 7000 m, which exceeds the performance of foreign tank guns, most of which have a destruction range of no more than 5000 m. This again gives the Armata a significant advantage - it is our tank that will have the right “ long arm", i.e. he will be able to shoot enemy tanks without even getting close to them at their effective range.

In addition, the 2A82 gun has the ability to fire ammunition up to 1 meter long (for example, such as sub-caliber armor-piercing shells increased power "Vacuum-1"). The T-14 is equipped with an automatic loader for 32 rounds, which achieves a rate of fire of 10-12 rounds per minute.

Some of the Armata tanks are going to be equipped with a 152 mm 2A83 gun, the armor-piercing ability of sub-caliber shells is more than 1000 mm, and their speed is 2000 m/s, which leaves no chance for everyone known modern tanks. In addition, as the leaders of the Uralvagonzavod corporation state, the kinetic energy of a 152 mm gun projectile is such that it will more often than not simply tear off the turret of a targeted enemy tank.

Both guns allow you to use their barrel to launch guided missiles. It is assumed that the 152 mm gun can use missiles with armor-piercing power up to 1500 mm and a range of up to 10000 m, which can hit both ground and air targets.

Some experts point to the possibility of using guided active-missile projectiles with a range of up to 30 km on T-14 tanks armed with a 152 mm gun, which turns such an “Armata” into a fire support tank for use both against enemy infantry and against heavily protected enemy objects.

The Armata's machine gun armament includes a large-caliber 12.7 mm Kord machine gun, controlled remotely by the crew and included in the Afghanit active defense complex, as well as a 7.62 mm Kalashnikov machine gun, coaxial with a tank gun. Moreover, for reloading the Kord there is a special automated system that does not require the participation of crew members.

T-14 tank armor

As we indicated above, one of the main features of the Armata tank is the presence of a special isolated armored capsule, separated from the rest of the tank by armored partitions and used to accommodate the entire crew with control computers. In addition, the armored capsule protects against weapons of mass destruction and has an air conditioning system and a fire extinguishing system. All this significantly increases both the survivability of the crew and the survivability of the tank itself. It is stated that the maximum duration of continuous stay of the crew in the armored capsule is about 3 days.

In the production of Armata tanks, a new type of armored steel with ceramic inserts is used, which has increased armor resistance. This made it possible to achieve a smaller tank mass with the same armor thickness, and accordingly better dynamics. However, in frontal projection the T-14 is expected to have an armor equivalent of over 1,000mm against sub-caliber rounds and about 1,300mm against HEAT rounds. This makes the tank resistant to head-on hits from any modern ammunition and capable of withstanding such formidable anti-tank weapons as the American heavy and American portable ones.

T-14 turret

The structure of the turret is classified information, however, it is assumed that it consists of an external anti-fragmentation casing, under which the main armor of the turret is hidden. The anti-fragmentation casing performs several functions:

— protection of tank instruments from fragments, high explosive shells and bullet penetrations;
— reduction of radio signature to counter radar-guided ATGMs;
— shielding of external electronic fields, which makes the tower’s devices resistant to various kinds of magnetic pulses.

Below is a video with a possible design of the T-14 tank turret:

Stealth technologies

Another significant feature of the T-14 is the use of various stealth technologies, which radically reduce the visibility of the tank in the infrared, radar and magnetic surveillance spectra. Here are the stealth tools used in Armata:

— a unique GALS coating that helps reflect a wide range of waves and protects the tank from overheating in the sun;

— flat reflective edges of the hull, reducing the visibility of the tank in the radio range;

— a system for mixing exhaust gases with ambient air, reducing the visibility of the tank in the infrared range;

— thermal insulation on the inside of the body, which also reduces the visibility of the T-14 in the IR range;

— heat traps that distort the “signature” (visual image of the tank) in the infrared range;

— distortion of its own magnetic field, making it difficult to determine the location of the tank for magnetometric weapons.

All this causes significant difficulties for the enemy when detecting the Armata, determining its coordinates, and generally identifying it as a tank.

Many experts believe that the T-14 Armata is the world's first stealth tank.


The T-14 tank is equipped with a multi-fuel 12-cylinder four-stroke X-shaped turbocharged diesel engine (12N360), which was designed in Chelyabinsk and produced there - at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant. The engine has a switching power from 1200 to 1500 hp, but on production vehicles it is expected to install an engine with a maximum power of 1800 hp. This will provide the tank with excellent dynamic characteristics - so maximum speed on the highway it will reach 90 km/h. In addition, this four-stroke engine is much more economical than the old two-stroke engines, which ensures a cruising range of 500 km without refueling.

The gearbox on the T-14 is automatic robotic with the ability to switch to manual control.

It should also be noted that exhaust gases are discharged through pipes passing through the additional fuel tanks. This provides them with additional cooling and ultimately reduces the visibility of the tank in the infrared range. The tanks themselves are covered with armor plates and anti-cumulative screens, and they are protected from fire by open-cell filler.

The engine and transmission are combined into a separate module, which allows you to replace a failed power unit in less than an hour.

Active suspension

If previously Russian tanks used a 6-roller chassis, then the Armata platform has a 7-roller chassis, which makes it possible to build on its basis equipment with a maximum weight of up to 60 tons. Therefore, the T-14 tank still has enormous potential for all kinds of upgrades.

The suspension used in the T-14 tank is active, that is, it is capable of detecting unevenness under the tracks using sensors and automatically adjusting the height of the rollers. This feature not only increases the speed of the tank over rough terrain, but also significantly (by about 1.5 - 2.0 times) increases the accuracy of aiming while moving. High-precision shooting while quickly moving across the battlefield is another undeniable advantage of the “Armata” when possibly “meeting” with such rather probable opponents as or, which still use an uncontrollable hydropneumatic suspension, developed more than 30 years ago.

Tank information and control system

The Armata is equipped with one of the best tank information management systems (TIUS), which monitors all tank modules in real time and automatically checks them for malfunctions. If any problems are detected, the TIUS system informs the crew about this in voice mode and gives recommendations on how to eliminate them.

Defense order

At the parade in Moscow in 2015, T-14s from the first pilot production batch (20 tanks) were presented to the public. Serial production of the Armata began in 2016 and by its end it is planned to produce about 100 more vehicles, which will be actively used in various types of tests and exercises to identify shortcomings and determine the necessary improvements.

In total, by 2020 it is planned to commission 2,300 T-14 Armata tanks. This is exactly how the state order was presented by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to the Uralvagonzavod state corporation. Moreover, it was separately indicated that serial production of Armata tanks will not be stopped even in conditions of a severe economic crisis.

By the way, the management of Uralvagonzavod indicates the cost of the tank at 250 million rubles (this is about 4-5 million dollars). This means that the entire batch of T-14 tanks of 2300 tanks will cost our state 10 billion dollars.

Other combat vehicles on the Armata platform

T-15 Armata infantry fighting vehicle (IFV)

In addition to the T-14 tank, it is planned to produce the T-15 armored infantry fighting vehicle on a unified heavy combat tracked platform, the first copies of which were also demonstrated at the Victory Parade in Moscow. It must be said that this is the first heavily armored infantry fighting vehicle in the Russian army. Its tank level of armor is impenetrable to modern ATGMs with a caliber of up to 150 mm and BOPS with a caliber of up to 120 mm, as well as the presence of the Afghanit active protection allows it to operate in the same tactical group together with T-14 tanks and makes it a “network-centric” combat vehicle.

The weight of the T-15 infantry fighting vehicle is about 50 tons, the crew is 3 people, in addition, it has a landing module for 9 people at the rear.

The versatility and modularity of the Armata platform allows the T-15 BMP to have several combat configurations:

— The main version with the Boomerang-BM combat module, the armament of which includes the Kornet-EM anti-tank missile system, 30 mm automatic anti-aircraft gun 2A42 and 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun, allows it to successfully resist various ground and air targets at a distance of up to 4 km (universal air defense configuration).

— Option with the Baikal combat module, the armament of which includes a modified shipborne 57 mm anti-aircraft gun with higher firepower and a destruction range of up to 8 km (long-range air defense configuration).

— Option with 120 mm heavy mortar (anti-personnel configuration).

Below is an infographic with the performance characteristics of the T-15 Armata infantry fighting vehicle:

Armored repair and recovery vehicle (ARV) T-16 "Armata"

Above is a photo of the BREM-1M armored repair and recovery vehicle, created on the basis of the T-72 tank chassis and intended for the evacuation of damaged or stuck equipment in combat conditions. Based on the universal heavy platform "Armata", it is planned to release a new ARV under the designation T-16, which will be equipped with a more powerful cargo crane and a whole range of various special equipment.

Self-propelled artillery unit (SAU) "Coalition-SV"

In order to include in one group with the T-14 tanks and T-15 infantry fighting vehicles, equipment with powerful and long-range fire support is planned to be transferred to heavy combat platform"Armata" and our newest self-propelled artillery mount 2S35 "Coalition-SV", which replaced the outdated self-propelled guns 2S3 "Akatsiya" and 2S19 "Msta-S". Developed by the Burevestnik Central Research Institute and produced at the Uraltransmash plant, also part of the Uralvagonzavod corporation, 152 mm self-propelled howitzer has a very diverse range of goals: from the destruction of the enemy’s tactical nuclear weapons and the destruction of his fortifications to countering his manpower and equipment.

When designing the Coalition-SV, we also adhered to the principle of modularity and versatility, so this howitzer can be installed on almost any platform, including a ship’s one.

The main feature of the new self-propelled gun is its range - up to 70 km, which significantly exceeds all known foreign analogues in this parameter. The Coalition-SV's ammunition capacity is 70 rounds, and its rate of fire is 10-15 rounds per minute.

Besides, on the base universal platform"Armata" is also expected to build the following types of equipment:
— Flamethrower combat vehicle (BMO-2)
— Heavy flamethrower system (TOS BM-2)
— Multi-purpose engineering vehicle (MIM-A)
— Transport-loading vehicle for the heavy flamethrower system (TZM-2)
— Minelayer (UMZ-A)
— Floating conveyor (PTS-A)
— Bridgelayer (MT-A)

Prospects for the use of the Armata tank

As we wrote above, the T-14 Armata tank was developed within the framework of a network-centric concept, therefore it is intended for combat operations as part of a tactical group, including equipment and systems of a very different nature: other Armata tanks or tanks modernized for network-centric warfare T-90S, several T-15 infantry fighting vehicles, a battery of Koalitsiya-SV self-propelled guns, KA-52 Alligator attack helicopters and other equipment. At the same time, the T-14 “Armata” in this group is assigned one of the key roles, namely the role of reconnaissance, target designator and command tank, controlling the battle through a unified control system.


It’s all good that in terms of military projects we are not lagging behind, and in some cases even ahead of other leading military powers of the world, and the development and implementation of the universal heavy platform “Armata” should significantly improve our country’s defense capability in the event of a major (third world) war. The only question is what kind of big war it will be and will it even be possible to emerge victorious from it?

P.S. Below is a video about modern history our tank troops, presented by the Ministry of Defense on Tanker Day, in which you can see the hero of our review - the T-14 Armata tank.

Murakhovsky: These processes are in no way connected with the special production of UVZ. Uralvagonzavod carries out all work on the Armata design and development work on time and in full, preparation for serial production of the vehicle is also going according to plan.

Kramnik: Reports about Alfa Bank's desire to bankrupt UVZ are in no way connected with Armata. "Alpha" used a convenient news feed to stimulate the state to financial support UVZ so that the plant can repay previously received loans. The information leak before Victory Day was made specifically by people literate in information policy. They correctly calculated that this story would not be put on hold. The PR people and lawyers of Alfa Bank do not threaten the work on Armata in any way.

Khlopotov: Alfa Bank is engaged in basic blackmail. The timing was extremely successful - the triumphant display of Armata. Naturally, UVZ will pay them. Not paying in such a situation is a loss of face. On the other hand, a state corporation is not an enterprise with which you can do this. The bank quickly agreed to lift the seizure of UVZ’s money, although this had not been observed before. He is famous for his extremely tough actions against debtors. Debt obligations of half a billion to a billion are not at all the amounts that could cause such a powerful corporation to go bankrupt. Recently, MMK filed for arbitration to declare UVZ bankrupt. Why were the media silent?

This incident will not affect the production of “Armata” in any way. Firstly, this moment is still several years away. Secondly, where big problems UVZ were damaged by sanctions. It is no secret that a new mechanical assembly shop is being built for the Armata, and all the equipment for it was ordered from Europe. Now these supplies are frozen, but the money has already been spent. If previously UVZ spent its own funds on the purchase of equipment, now it is asking for government support. The owner of UVZ is the state, it is also the main customer, and it is they who need the new tanks.

Money: How high will the price of the Armata be? Will the price be comparable to the price of a modern airplane (helicopter)?

M.: It is not surprising that the price of the new tank will be higher than the current ones. Further increase in the characteristics of equipment on the same physical principles Everything comes with “more blood.” However, when compared in terms of efficiency - cost, the new tank is significantly superior to the previous generation. Ordinary people are allowed to compare anything. Experts do not understand how to compare by price combat systems different purposes, operating in different physical environments? Why not compare a tank with a submarine or a space rocket?

TO.: You cannot compare the cost and modern combat fighter. The latter cost tens of millions of dollars. At the most, it can be compared in cost to a combat training aircraft, and here the T-14 will be cheaper. Approximately 4-5 million dollars at current prices, taking into account recent exchange rate fluctuations. And this is much cheaper than Western analogues, which go over $10 million.

X.: The “starting” price of the T-14, announced by the Defense Ministry magazine “Armament and Economics,” is 400 million rubles. cost about 100 million rubles by the time its purchases ceased. Naturally, there is no comparison with “airplane” prices. Modern combat aircraft are many times more expensive.

It should be borne in mind that a tank is a simpler and more widespread type of weapon than an airplane. If the engine in a tank stalls, it will not fall or break - the requirements both for the tank itself and for the training of its crews are much softer. The tanks shown at the parade were assembled almost by hand, using temporary documentation and temporary technologies. If you buy 100-200 of them per year, the price will drop significantly.

All foreign tanks (with the exception of Chinese) now cost between 5 and 12 million dollars. But compared to the Armata, they are already outdated. The T-14 is assembled only from domestic components - its cost does not depend on currency fluctuations.

Crew: how comfortable is the crew inside the armored capsule? There is an opinion that you can’t get into it in armor, and most importantly, you can’t get out if the vehicle is hit. Because of this, the crew quickly loses the ability to adequately control the equipment. And that’s almost why the tank stood up on Red Square. Are modern Western and Israeli tanks much more spacious and comfortable?

M.:“More spacious and comfortable” - these parameters are good for comparing apartments, but not combat vehicles. The crew of the Armata tank is located most comfortably and safely among all known types tanks. The ergonomics of the crew's workplaces meet the highest requirements.

The 6B15 “Cowboy” protective kit has been developed and accepted for supply for tank crews. Standards for occupying and leaving crew positions on the T-14 (executing the commands “Get to your places!”, “Get to your vehicles!”) are similar in time to those for other types of tanks.

TO.: Based on knowledge of the ergonomics of the new tank, we can conclude that it provides comfort at the level of a standard interior of a C-class passenger car, while the distances between the seats are more likely to correspond even to a truck. There is more space between the driver and the commander, the new tank is obviously more spacious, where the driver and gunner-radio operator sit shoulder to shoulder in the hull. The ratio of the requirements for high tank protection and the opposite requirements (speed of escape) - a common problem tank building philosophy. According to the standards, a person 180-185 cm tall and weighing 75-80 kg should get out of the T-14 without any problems in winter clothes or protective equipment. Compared to the T-90, the T-14 has fewer protruding parts to catch on. If the driver is injured, the commander can move him and replace him. Comparing the T-14 with the Israeli Merkava tank is incorrect, because it has a different layout and a different approach to protection. The Armata tank is heavily protected from the front, so that it is impossible to penetrate it with modern ammunition. In the Merkava, the energy of a hit when the forehead is penetrated is extinguished by the engine, but we expect that our tanks, after being hit in the forehead, will not be penetrated and will continue to move.

X.: Someone came up with the word “armored capsule”, which journalists latched on to. She's not there. There is simply a separate compartment for the crew, isolated from fuel and ammunition. The size of the crew hatches on the T-14 has been significantly increased. On the contrary, boarding/disembarking has now become much easier.

As for the seating inside, the three crew members sit there almost shoulder to shoulder. How suitable the Armata crew section is for “living” should be shown by state tests.

Information about the supposedly high level of comfort in Western and Israeli tanks does not correspond to reality. In general, there is more space in their tanks. But this is due to the fact that they have manual loading of the gun. There needs to be a place where the loader will move around with long and heavy ammunition - usually on the move, when the tank is shaking and tossing. In fact, there is no more comfort there.

The incident at the parade rehearsal was not related to ergonomics. This is the result of insufficient training of the crew and the influence of psychological factors. The Armat drivers, conscript soldiers, did not have time to get normal driving practice. In such conditions, the slightest mistake is enough to cause panic.

Interaction: Is it true that there is practically nothing in the country for “network-centric warfare”? They are creating automated control systems for the operational and tactical levels, but they are never going to launch them. There are no all-weather radar operational reconnaissance systems “on the ground” - no radar spy satellites, no aircraft, no drones. Today’s only capable operational-tactical visual reconnaissance drone, “Forpost,” is assembled from foreign components under an Israeli license and is a copy of the IAI Searcher drone—in production for 30 years.” T-14 has no one to exchange information with online except each other?

M.: On May 13, 2015 in Sochi, at a meeting on the development of the RF Armed Forces, Vladimir Putin noted that the automated control system for the Armed Forces should be gradually put into operation by 2025.

Today, Russia is the only country in the world where an automated strategic-level combat and day-to-day control system has been created and actually operates - the National Center for State Defense Control. Similar centers at the operational-strategic level have been created in military districts (operational-strategic commands). The Akatsiya-M operational level automated control system has also been accepted for supply and is being supplied to the troops. The Polet-K automated control system for the operational level and Andromeda-D for the tactical level are being supplied to the Airborne Forces. The unified tactical control system “Sozvezdie-M2” is in the testing stage.

A fundamentally new approach has been implemented in armored vehicles - a transition has been made from the creation of separate means of communication, control and navigation to the construction of complex automated systems and a unified information space. The software and hardware complex on board makes the tank or armored personnel carrier part of a network structure into which unmanned systems are integrated, electronic warfare equipment, means of reconnaissance, guidance and fire destruction.

New communication, navigation and control equipment allows vehicle crews to see the entire operational and tactical situation online, interact with control points and other army units in a unified automated battle control system. Software and hardware systems increase the efficiency of command and control of combat units, the speed of delivery of commands and reports on their execution with minimal participation of the crew. The geographic information system integrated into the PTC reflects the situation on the battlefield in real time. Modern methods of data visualization and a high level of automation significantly simplify the decision-making procedure in combat conditions. Transferring target coordinates to weapons takes less than one minute from the moment the enemy is detected.

TO.: The information about the Russian Armed Forces not having their own is not true. In the 2000s, an unmanned aircraft"Tipchak" entering service. For example, the same drones of the Irkutsk company “ZALA AERO”, launched from hand, can be included in the data exchange system and supply information in real time, displaying a picture on the monitor in the T-14.

The new tank can also communicate with a helicopter, say a helicopter, which receives information from the ground and transmits it back. The A-50 airborne early warning aircraft can alert the commander that enemy helicopters or aircraft have been spotted. All means on the battlefield and all detection means, including air and space ones, are built into the unified tactical level control system (ESU TZ). All this information can be transmitted to the tank company and below: satellite image can be combined with a terrain map of a tank platoon commander or even an individual vehicle.

If the crew is incapacitated, you can try to remove it from the battle remotely by reversing. That is, the phrase “T-14 has no one to exchange information with but themselves” is simply implausible.

X.: T-14 has no one to exchange information with except each other? This is true! We have not yet built a control system. ACS equipment is installed on only 60 T-90A. In fact, this is still a trial operation. There really is no reliable and comprehensive space component. We still have to build all this. When the Armata begins to enter service with the troops, nets will immediately “weave” around it. The requirements for network-centric readiness apply not only to the tank, but to all new equipment.

Control: Is it true that the ICS and airborne radar use components purchased in the West and can be disabled by Western electromagnetic weapons? Will the “blinded” T-14 be able to fight the old fashioned way - without sensors and radar, with a frozen BIUS?

M.: The T-14 tank uses exclusively Russian components. As for electromagnetic weapons, it is enough to read a school physics textbook to understand that a tank, due to its design, has the best protection against electromagnetic pulse(AMY). The tank is one of the few combat vehicles capable of operating effectively in both conventional and nuclear war. It should be understood that a nuclear explosion is the most powerful known source of EMP.

By definition, the tank's BIUS cannot freeze, because it is a real-time digital electronic system. Therefore, it is not clear why the T-14 would suddenly be “blinded”? Even attempts to “spit” the vehicle as a whole, its aiming and observation devices, will not help - for this case, a hydropneumatic cleaning system is provided.

TO.: Electromagnetic weapons work both ways. Our electronic warfare systems can disable Western detection systems. And vice versa.

X.: If there is anything imported in the prototypes, then everything in the series should be replaced with domestic analogues. This task was set by the president, and it is being fulfilled. What kind of terrible “electromagnetic” weapons are there in the West? Development is underway (like ours), but there has not been a mass entry into service yet.

EMP occurs during a powerful nuclear explosion. But its efficiency is incredibly low - more damage will be caused by other factors. Its effect in this case spreads over a large area. Where is the guarantee that during the tactical use of nuclear weapons, one’s own troops and equipment will not fall under this attack?

It is possible to generate a fairly narrow directed beam of electromagnetic waves—a microwave pulse. Its energy can burn out the electronic systems of the person it is aimed at. But using such systems against tanks is like shooting sparrows with a cannon. There is no guarantee that the tank will lose combat effectiveness. The T-14 has multiple duplicated systems. A diesel engine does not require electricity to operate—a compressed air cylinder is sufficient. In order for the cannon to fire, the gunner moves into the turret and fires from it at manual mode. Why is the tower so big? The Ministry of Defense required the possibility of manual control and shooting. “Armata” is not afraid of any EMP! If the BIUS is frozen, the tank will lose some service functions, but nothing more.

Gun: They write that the 125-mm has a problem with spatial curvature, due to which the dispersion increases and the speed of the BPS decreases at a long (about 2 km) range, as well as fast (almost twice as much as the Western 120-mm tool) barrel wear. Do you agree?

M.: High school physics level... Spatial curvature is a term in the theory of relativity. As for tank guns, as a result of uneven heating and exposure to external climatic phenomena during firing, the effect of thermal deflection of the barrel occurs. It is leveled out by using a thermal barrel casing (available on the Armata tank) and is fully compensated by measuring the amount of barrel deflection before each shot with a special sensor, taking into account the amount of barrel deflection in the digital ballistic computer of the tank's fire control system. This system is used in the T-14 Armata fire control system.

Regarding the supposed “rapid wear of the barrel.” This parameter is called barrel survivability. I do not know any data on the lower survivability of the barrel of domestic tank guns in comparison with their Western counterparts. This parameter critically depends on the type of ammunition used and the test methodology. Under equal conditions, the 125-mm 2A82 cannon of the T-14 tank is not inferior in barrel survivability to its Western counterparts.

TO.: It is too early to talk about the problem of the spatial curvature of the gun, since we know nothing about its capabilities. We see not production cars, but from an experimental batch.

X.: How can caliber affect “spatial curvature” and “barrel wear”? Amateurish statement! The latest modifications of our 125 mm gun, indexed M4 and M5, are 20% more accurate than their predecessors. The Armata gun is generally the best tank gun in the world!

In terms of accuracy and energy, it surpasses the Rheinmetall Rh120/L55 gun by the same 20%. Better than this german gun, in the West there is nothing at all yet.

Automatic loader: Preservation of the separate principle of loading: first the machine belt feeds the projectile, then the cartridge case with gunpowder is sent into the barrel (for ATGMs - an expelling charge) has imposed strict restrictions on the length of the projectiles. In the West, they increased the power of their shells, including due to a more massive and elongated high-strength armor-piercing “pin”. And in Russia they remained at a dead end with the old, too short and weak “Mango”. Is the T-14 cannon so bad, made for a projectile with the same length, which is not capable of penetrating the armor of Western tanks?

M.:"Mango" is a Soviet-developed ammunition. Several new types of armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles have been developed and put into service in Russia. Let me remind you that the T-14 uses new gun 2A82 and “Vacuum” - a new set of shells that do not have problems with the OBPS length limitation.

TO.: The T-14 can accommodate larger shells, and they have become larger. We don't need to calculate the volume that needs to be left to accommodate people, since the tower is now deserted.

X.: You can give an assessment of the probability of victory in a duel battle between T-72B and T-90 with Abrams from the leading specialized research institute - VNII Transmash. When using standard Mango shells in a daytime battle, the chance of victory for a Russian tank is 0.42, where absolute victory is taken as one, and parity (equal chances) is taken as 0.5.

We have long had newer and more powerful projectiles: Svinets-1 and Svinets-2. Their characteristics were improved, among other things, by lengthening the shot to 740 mm ( active part 570 mm). This is less than the American M829A3 - 982 mm (the active part is 800 mm), but we are not measuring length, but assessing the effectiveness of the destruction. When using Svintsov, the same T-72B or T-90 is already ahead of the Abrams in terms of probability of defeat, having an indicator of 0.56. Our tanks have much more serious protection!

The main standard projectile of the Armata is not the outdated Mango, but the newest BPS Vacuum-1 (900 mm long - almost like the M829A3), the production of which has already begun. To fire these shells, the T-14 is equipped with a completely new AZ, made like the experimental Object 195 tank, which had a 152-mm cannon. When developing the new AZ, the possibility of using even longer ammunition was taken into account. Considering the powerful protection of the Armata's forehead, they will most likely have to switch to new caliber with all the attendant financial, organizational and technical costs.

Armor: Today, Russian (Soviet) tank ATGMs 9M119M “Invar” and 9M128 “Zenit” with tandem cumulative warheads, as well as BPS 3BM42 “Mango”, 3BM32 “Vant”, 3BM48 “Svinets” are practically unable to penetrate the frontal armor of modern Western tanks. Modern Western 120 mm caliber BPS penetrate Russian frontal armor at a distance of 2 km. In this case, is it possible to talk about the impenetrability of the T-14’s frontal armor or is this empty bravado? Is it possible to compare our BPS in terms of power with American or German ones?

M.: As the practice of modern military operations shows, advertising characteristics and sofa-Internet battles have little in common with reality. The T-14 "Armata" has a level of protection in full compliance with the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The power of the ammunition also meets the requirements of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

TO.: The conventional thickness of the armor “sandwich” can be, for example, 400 mm: this is a multi-layer “package” including steel, special alloys, ceramics, and polymers. Its equivalent in millimeters of steel sheet, actively disseminated in the media, is 1000, that is, one meter - a figure that allows you to withstand a head-on hit armor-piercing shells NATO. This figure is also arbitrary - the thickness of the equivalent may be greater based on promising ammunition.

X.: The frontal armor of the "Almata" can withstand any foreign projectile with a good margin. Moreover, any foreign projectile, even “butt-butt”, can withstand the protection of the modernized T-90. If you attach a TBS-86 type bulldozer blade to a tank, then the protection of the tank’s forehead will exceed the “Armatov” one.

Bottom line: If the oil price remains below $100 per barrel for many years, will the T-14, like today, be just a big toy for big bosses at parades?

M.: The T-14 tank and a family of equipment on the Armata platform are included in the state armament program for the period until 2020; the necessary funds are provided for their development and production. On May 13, 2015, at a meeting on the development of the RF Armed Forces, Vladimir Putin said: “Another topic is the creation of new and modernization of existing weapons and equipment Ground Forces. Some of this equipment was first shown at the Parade in honor of the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War. The tactical and technical characteristics of this new technology are noticeably superior to their foreign counterparts, and in general it deserves fairly high ratings from military experts. It is necessary to complete all tests as soon as possible and move on to serial production" Nothing to add here.

TO.: The T-14 on the Armata platform is a truly new step in tank building. His new philosophy.

Before this, modifications of the MBT-70 were created in the West (“Abrams” and “Leopard” are its direct descendants, “Challenger” is a distant relative), in the USSR - the T-64. Half a century has passed since both concepts. And “Armata” is the first car of a new look. It can be compared with experimental samples of the T-34, which combined a relatively high level of armor protection and firepower, previously inherent only heavy tanks, and the relatively high speed of light tanks. For the T-14, a successful combination of factors is the sharply increased protection of the crew and the potential for increased firepower.

X.: We will fight, first of all, on land. The tank fleet renewal program has been and will be one of the highest priorities. In this case, the West played into the hands of the “hawks” from the Russian military-industrial complex.

23:03 — REGNUM According to the latest statement by the Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov, Armed forces Russia will not receive large quantities of new generation armored vehicles - T-14 tanks based on the heavy Armata tracked platform and armored personnel carriers (APCs) on the Boomerang wheeled platform. Instead, in order to save money, it is planned to continue modernizing existing Soviet armored vehicles. How correct is this approach?

Ivan Shilov © IA REGNUM

Grandiose rearmament plans collided with economic crisis

For the first time, new generation land vehicles were officially demonstrated at the Victory Parade in 2015, while the development of these machines began much earlier than 2014 (before the economic crisis caused by falling oil prices and anti-Russian sanctions). Then T-14 tanks and T-15 infantry fighting vehicles (BMP) based on the heavy tracked platform "Armata", infantry fighting vehicles based on the medium tracked platform "Kurganets-25", armored personnel carriers based on the wheeled platform "Boomerang" passed along the paving stones of Red Square "and 152-mm self-propelled artillery mounts (SAU) "Coalition-SV".

Vitaly V. Kuzmin

Subsequently, this truly promising and modern armored vehicle was regularly demonstrated at Victory parades in Moscow. In addition, it is undergoing military tests, and there is already a contract for the same T-14 tank - the delivery of the first series of 100 vehicles is planned. Now the question becomes whether this contract will also be fulfilled. As for the plans that existed before, they also talked about the need to supply 2000 T-14 tanks.

The main argument in favor of reducing the purchase of new equipment is budget savings, because the same T-14 is noticeably more expensive than the T-90 even in the latest modification, and even more expensive than the package for modernizing Soviet T-72 tanks to the level of T-72B3 or T- 72B3M. Another argument that Borisov gives is that potential opponents do not have tanks that are superior in capabilities to the modernized T-72.

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

To some extent we can agree with this, but only partly. For example, the modernization of the T-72 does not include the installation of an active protection system (APS), and this is one of the main directions for the development of armored vehicles. These systems are capable of detecting and shooting down ammunition flying towards the tank. For example, Israeli Merkava Mk.4 tanks have been equipped with the Trophy KAZ for quite some time, which has proven itself quite well when fighting grenade launcher rounds and anti-tank guided missiles. The T-14 is also equipped with a KAZ system called “Afganit”. The actual results of the Afghanit tests are unknown to the general public, but, according to official information, it is capable of shooting down even armor-piercing finned sabot projectiles (BOPS), the main weapon of enemy tanks. No other known system is capable of dealing with such ammunition.

It must be said that it is precisely such advanced electronics and sensors that greatly increase the cost of the T-14, and their installation on the same modernized T-72 will greatly increase the cost of modernization packages. However, the installation of KAZ is a necessary thing, especially considering the fact that in reality Russia only participates in local conflicts, where crew survivability plays a key role, and a huge amount of armored vehicles is not needed.

What is the best way?

A complete rejection of the T-14 tank and other promising ground weapons is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, their development took a lot of time and money. Secondly, with regard to such categories as infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, Russia has a serious lag. The Russian army mainly uses Soviet BMP-1 and BMP-2, which are very outdated in terms of weapons, and especially protection. The existing BMP-3 also has problems with security, and in general is much less convenient for use by motorized rifles than its Western counterparts. It is new models of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers that can solve this problem - although they have large dimensions (according to some experts, they become more noticeable to the enemy, which is becoming less relevant in the age of drones and other modern systems reconnaissance), but this ensures a noticeably better level of security and ergonomics. Modernizing the existing BMP-1 to the level of “Basurmanin” and BMP-2 with the installation of the “Berezhok” module only partially solves the problem - the security of the vehicles still remains low. The same can be said about the modernization of the BTR-80.

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

At the same time, modernization of a huge fleet of armored vehicles should not be abandoned in any case, but it is also necessary to have a fairly significant amount of new modern armored vehicles that can be used in real local conflicts, maximizing the safety of the crews. In this sense, it would be worth finding a “golden mean” - 2000 Armata today is really a lot for the Russian budget, but it costs 200-300 vehicles of this type, the same goes for Kurganets-25 and Boomerang. We should not forget about the export potential of these vehicles - it is unlikely that anyone will purchase them unless the Russian Ministry of Defense does so first. At the same time, the cost of the vehicles is high in Russian realities - in fact, promising vehicles are close in cost to Western models of armored vehicles.

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