Location of waste containers standards. On the requirements for placing container sites

SanPiN 42-128-4690-88, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on August 5, 1988 No. 4690-88

Collection of solid, liquid household and food waste and collection of solid waste.

According to SanPiN 42-128-4690-88
"2. Collection of solid, liquid household and food waste
2.1. General requirements
2.1.1. The objects of cleaning are: the territory of households, street and neighborhood passages, cultural and household facilities, the territories of various enterprises, institutions and organizations, parks, public gardens, squares, public places, places of recreation.
2.1.2. Due to the increased epidemic risk and danger to public health, specific cleaning targets should be considered: medical institutions, especially infectious diseases, skin and venereal diseases, tuberculosis hospitals and departments, veterinary facilities, beaches.
2.1.3. Special areas for placing containers with convenient access for transport should be allocated on the territory of households. The site should be open, with a waterproof coating and preferably fenced with green spaces.
2.1.4. To determine the number of waste bins (containers) to be installed, one should proceed from the size of the population using the waste bins, the rate of waste accumulation, and the storage period of waste. The estimated volume of waste containers must correspond to the actual accumulation of waste during periods of greatest waste generation.
2.1.5. Municipal solid waste are removed by garbage trucks, and liquid waste from non-sewered households - by sewage vacuum transport.

2.2.1. When temporarily storing waste in yard collections, the possibility of rotting and decomposition must be excluded. Therefore, the shelf life in the cold season (at a temperature of -5 degrees and below) should be no more than three days, in warm times (at above-zero temperatures - above +5 degrees) no more than one day (daily removal). In each locality, the frequency of disposal of solid household waste is agreed upon with local sanitary and epidemiological service institutions.
2.2.2. To collect solid household waste, standard metal containers should be used in comfortable housing stock. In households that do not have a sewer system, it is allowed to use wooden or metal collectors.
2.2.3. Installation sites must be located at a distance of at least 20 m, but not more than 100 m, from residential buildings, children's institutions, sports grounds and recreational areas. The size of the sites must be designed to accommodate the installation of the required number of containers, but not more than 5.
The placement of temporary waste storage sites, especially in residential areas, must be agreed upon with the district architect and district sanitary and epidemiological stations.
In exceptional cases, in areas of existing development, where it is not possible to comply established gaps from yard toilets, places of temporary waste storage, these distances are established by commission (with the participation of the district architect, housing maintenance organization, block committee, sanitary doctor). Acts of the commissions must be approved by the executive committees of local Soviets of People's Deputies.
On the territory of private households, the location of garbage bins, yard toilets and garbage pits should be determined by the homeowners themselves; the gap can be reduced to 8 - 10 meters. IN conflict situations this issue should be considered by representatives of the public, administrative commissions of the executive committees of district and village Councils of People's Deputies.
2.2.4. In the summer, metal waste collectors must be washed (with a “non-replaceable” system - at least once every 10 days, with a “replaceable” system - after emptying), wooden waste collectors must be disinfected (after each emptying).
2.2.5. The selection of recyclable materials (textiles, cans, bottles, other items) from waste collection facilities, as well as from garbage trucks, is not allowed.
2.2.6. In newly constructed residential buildings of 5 floors or more, garbage chutes should be installed in accordance with the requirements of VSN 8-72.
2.2.7. The entrance to the waste collection chamber must be isolated from the entrance to the building and other premises. The floor of the chamber must be level with the asphalt driveway. It is strictly prohibited to dump household waste from the garbage chute directly onto the floor of the garbage collection chamber (the garbage collection chamber must have a supply of containers or containers in containers for at least one day).
Waste containers are not allowed to be placed outside the waste collection area in advance (before one hour) before the arrival of special vehicles.
2.2.8. The garbage chute and garbage collection chamber must be in good working order. Covers of loading valves of garbage chutes on stairwells must have a tight drive equipped with rubber gaskets for sealing and noise reduction purposes. In residential buildings with garbage chutes, conditions must be provided for weekly cleaning, disinfection and disinfestation of the garbage chute trunk, for which the trunks are equipped with appropriate devices.
To disinfect the channels of garbage chutes, the following solutions should be used: Lysol (8 - 5%), creolin (8 - 5%), naphthalizol (15 - 10%), phenol (3 - 5%), sodium metasilicate (1 - 3%). Contact time is at least 0.5 hours. It is strictly prohibited to disinfect metal containers, containers and garbage disposal channels with chlorine-active substances and their solutions.
2.2.9. Removal of bulky waste from households should be done as it accumulates, but at least once a week.
2.2.10. Responsibility for the maintenance of the chamber, garbage chute, waste bins and the area adjacent to the place where waste is unloaded from the chamber rests with the organization in charge of the house.
2.2.11. It is prohibited to use the “apartment” system in multi-storey comfortable residential buildings. It is possible to use this system, as an exception, in one- and two-story houses.”

When speaking “container sites”, they most often mean two groups of objects:

  • sites specially built for transshipment and storage of transport containers;
  • sites where containers for collecting household waste are placed.

Our article will focus on the latter. A container area for waste is necessary in any locality. Therefore, they are quite popular products. Officially, such facilities are called “container sites for solid waste collection.”


When deciding to place the required number of objects such as container sites on their territory, housing and communal services enterprises currently have the opportunity to choose their design. This is due to the fact that manufacturers offer different technical solutions the latter. The customer can make a choice based on a number of criteria, such as:

  • type (open and closed);
  • size (to accommodate two or more containers for collecting solid waste);
  • possibility of placing an additional storage bin;
  • design of installed containers;
  • materials from which container platforms are made;
  • appearance of the sites.

Installation technology and main characteristics

The design of container sites of various types, in principle, is not very different. They all have standard sizes and configuration. As a rule, any of them can be installed both on the ground and on a specially prepared (asphalted or concreted) area. Most often, the structure is fixed by welding its frame to anchors driven into the ground (asphalt).

Basically, container platforms are arranged as follows: a frame made of a section of 40x20 or 50x25 mm, onto which sheets of galvanized corrugated sheeting are sewn, supplemented in individual structures with a metal mesh, having cells of 50x50. Another commonly used material is polycarbonate.

Container platforms equipped with doors are equipped by manufacturers with various decorative elements and rubber aprons along the bottom of the doors. The presence of doors distinguishes platforms of this type. They look more aesthetically pleasing and fit well into the courtyard interior. Their contents are not scattered by the wind, animals, birds and rodents. Such structures are fire safe.

At the request of the customer, manufacturers can produce the above-mentioned structure of non-standard sizes and configurations.

Containers for waste collection used at sites are made from various materials and, depending on the type of special equipment used for solid waste removal, they may be equipped with rollers (roll-out containers) or not have them.

IN Lately Recessed containers are becoming more common - they have a higher capacity than conventional ones and require much less space for their installation. The design of the latter ensures the safety of waste in the solid waste container, so that the waste does not spread throughout the yard.

Another innovation that container sites are currently equipped with is the installation of canopies over the site. They protect containers from moisture and also perform aesthetic functions, blocking the view of the containers from the upper floors of residential buildings located nearby.

Removal, processing and disposal of waste from hazard classes 1 to 5

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Container area for garbage appears everywhere more houses as environmentally friendly and rational decision instead of an outdated garbage chute or together with it. Just a couple of decades ago in our country, a garbage chute system was used everywhere in apartment buildings. But now we can see that residents are beginning to abandon this method of garbage collection.

New apartment buildings have a garbage disposal, but it does not function. Thanks to the gradual elimination of the garbage chute, familiar sites equipped with containers or storage bins for waste disposal are becoming increasingly popular. The site for garbage containers allows you not only to throw away waste, but to sort it and remove it as it accumulates.

Organizing gathering places

Solid waste collection sites must meet a number of requirements. When designing sites, all the nuances should be taken into account:

  • convenience of location for users and service company
  • insulation
  • service frequency
  • practicality

Requirements for the maintenance of such places are reflected in SanPiN 42-128-4690-88. This document reflects the requirements not only for the territory of residential buildings, but also for populated areas and isolated territories. The site can be located near residential buildings, industrial organizations, construction sites and trade enterprises.

Now on the market you can find the sale of turnkey waste sites, non-standard sizes, and various colors. Thus, a wide variety of offers can satisfy any need and ensure that all requirements for the organization of waste collection sites are met.

Territory of residential buildings

  • Near residential buildings, a place should be allocated for a solid waste site, it should be accessible to specialized transport and located at a distance of 20-100 meters from buildings and recreation areas.
  • To calculate the number of waste bins, it is necessary to take into account the population, accumulation rates and storage periods. Container sites for waste can contain no more than 5 containers and no more than 1 storage bin.
  • Only solids can be thrown away household waste, it is not allowed to use container sites for storing construction or industrial waste.
  • The gathering area must be open to pedestrians and motorists.
  • Must have a waterproof roof.
  • With waterproof concrete or asphalt surface.
  • There should be a fence for garbage containers, preferably with green spaces. The solid waste container is enclosed by a fence with a height of at least 1 meter.
  • At temperatures below 0 °C, the storage period should not exceed 3 days. At temperatures above 0 °C – no more than a day. That is, in the summer, garbage removal should be mandatory be done daily.
  • In summer, metal garbage containers should be disinfected.
  • The company that manages the site carries out timely pest control. Unfortunately, this problem is still relevant in many cities.
  • The management company and residents of the building are required to provide convenient access for special vehicles directly to the site.

After collection, solid waste must be transported to landfills and factories for subsequent disposal. Also applicable to the organization of landfills special requirements. Special rules also apply for the transportation of solid waste within the city.

The requirements for sites and containers on the territory of gardening associations are reflected in SNiP 30-02-97 “Sites for garbage containers”. Since the rules are quite extensive, many participants in gardening and dacha cooperatives prefer to simply enter into an agreement with a company that will install and remove garbage.

Organizing a site in gardening and dacha farms is not mandatory, but it will help the residents of the cooperative to maintain cleanliness.

Containers for collecting solid waste

Collection of waste can be carried out in:

  • containers
  • storage bins

Containers and storage bins are used at solid waste disposal sites. To collect solid waste on the territory of residential buildings, containers are used; their sizes vary from 0.5 to 1.1 m³ depending on needs.

Special requirements apply to them:

  • Structure. Since the container is subject to being picked up by a forklift, its walls and top edge must be reinforced.
  • Must be sealed.
  • May have a lid and wheels.

Storage bins are used for collecting bulky waste. They have large capacity and load capacity. The bunker is fixed on the garbage truck using special fasteners installed on it. Next, the storage bin can be sent to a landfill.

The standard bunker volume is 8 m³. Made from high strength steel. To increase the load capacity, metal sheets of greater thickness are used.

There are several varieties:

  • ordinary
  • with lid
  • with tailgate

These differences are not fundamental, but rather serve for convenience. They are chosen depending on the type of special transport that will be used for export. So, there are machines that are more convenient to work with conventional bunkers, some are designed to work with bunkers with a hinged side. A bunker with a lid is noticeably more hygienic and allows you to keep the area around the site clean.

Various colors are also used in which the containers are painted. There are no special rules regarding the variety of colors, since solid waste is not classified as hazardous waste.

Today the market is saturated with various offers for the sale of containers and storage bins. They are publicly available and so diverse that it is not difficult to find a container that satisfies all the requirements.

A prerequisite for the proper organization of collection and temporary storage of various wastes.

Container area for waste will save you from charges of setting up a landfill near your home or commercial property. After all, according to existing sanitary rules and generally accepted aesthetic ideas, all waste collection containers should be placed only on specially equipped areas.

Why do we need sites for garbage containers?

  • Firstly, the arrangement of sites for placing garbage containers is regulated by SNiP 30-02-97 Russian Federation. This normative document indicates the obligatory construction of such a facility on the territory of any gardening association. Moreover, the dimensions of the site for garbage containers must correspond to the number of plots in the gardening community, based on the proportion of 0.1 square meters for one dacha.
  • Secondly, according to the compilers of SNIP, collection of non-recyclable waste is possible only in containers located at a special site. Therefore, such sites will have to be developed even within the city limits.
  • Thirdly, with the help of a well-equipped site we can camouflage the aesthetically unsightly appearance of the containers used.
  • Fourthly, using the platform you can protect waste storage facilities from atmospheric moisture (rain and snow).
  • Fifthly, a well-equipped site makes the work of municipal services involved in garbage collection easier.

Options for arranging a site for garbage containers

The commercial and industrial enterprise Gratan Group offers two options for arranging sites: open and closed.

Open container area for garbage- this is a regular fence that outlines the perimeter of the location of the storage tank for waste collection. Moreover, the containers are closed only on three sides, and the fourth section is missing. On this side there is an entrance for utility equipment (garbage collection vehicles). The height of the fencing sections must exceed the corresponding dimensions of the container. At the same time, for open areas it is recommended to purchase only containers with a lid. Otherwise, their contents will be filled not only with garbage, but also with rain or melt water.

A closed container area for waste is the same three-sided fence, on top of which a pitched roof is installed. However, the shape of the roof can be almost any, which makes it possible to copy the exterior design of surrounding buildings. As a result, closed areas do not look like foreign objects even in elite residential areas. The height of the roof is determined by the dimensions of the garbage truck with a side or rear container loading pattern - horizontal roof beams should not interfere with the operation of this machine. Moreover, in a closed area you can place both open containers and containers with a lid. And in order to make the process of reloading garbage into a garbage truck as fast and convenient as possible, it is recommended to use garbage containers on wheels.

Advantages of this product

Our commercial and industrial enterprise Gratan Group offers platforms for garbage containers made of high-quality structural steel, which guarantees its reliability and durability. All parts of the metal structure are coated with paint, which will briefly protect them from corrosion and give the site an acceptable aesthetic appearance.

To ensure the stability of stationary sites, the main load-bearing pillars are concreted, which ensures the stability and strength of the structure both during installation and in further operation.
The ease of assembly allows you to save money and do all the work yourself, but you can also count on the help of our employees.

For the management company, the issue of maintaining a waste container site is very important, since any violations cause indignation among residents and a quick response from regulatory authorities. In a changing situation, it is important to know who is responsible for the arrangement and maintenance of such sites, and what requirements must be met. In this article we will consider all the most important issues, as well as provide key governing documents.

It is most convenient to remove solid waste from residential areas from specially equipped sites - there are several containers there at once and it is easier for a garbage truck to approach them than to the entrance. In light of the transition to separate collection waste, such sites are beginning to replace garbage chutes, which do not allow sorting household waste.

SanPiN requirements for waste container sites

Rules for how garbage containers should be placed and maintained next to apartment buildings, are given in two main regulatory documents:

  • SanPiN 42-128-4690-88;
  • SanPiN

When placing and maintaining container sites for waste collection, it is necessary to comply with a number of rules and regulations laid down in SanPiN.

1. When allocating a site, actions are coordinated with the authorized architect, with specialists of the sanitary and epidemiological service and with the management organization operating on the territory.

2. The number of containers and their volume are determined by the number of people living in the houses, local conditions and solid waste accumulation standards. According to SanPiN requirements, the number of containers on a container site for waste is limited to five. It is impossible to install more tanks, as it becomes difficult to maintain the necessary hygiene in the occupied territory.

3. Containers are installed on a prepared site (concrete or asphalted). It is provided with free access for vehicles. To make containers easier to move, the site is sloped.

To separate the waste collection area, fences, curbs and green spaces are used on three sides. The height of the fence must be at least 1 meter. This allows for better retention of waste within the container area. If there are available funds, management companies can organize the construction of a site with an increased height of the fence and a canopy. To implement such a project, it is first necessary to prepare and approve a sketch.

4. The containers are equipped with tight lids that prevent precipitation from getting into them and the wind from blowing debris into them, as well as preventing animals from getting to it.

Container sites must be placed at a certain distance from residential buildings, public buildings and recreation areas. The minimum distance in this case is 20 meters. At the same time, citizens should be able to throw away garbage in the immediate vicinity of their place of residence or location. In this regard, the maximum distance to solid waste tanks is also limited - it should be no more than 100 meters. Often, in a real situation, the stated requirements regarding removal cannot be fulfilled. In this case, a special commission is engaged in resolving the issue and finding a compromise. If necessary, the distance is reduced to 9 meters.

If we're talking about about the park area, then the installation of containers there is carried out after assessing the volume of solid waste accumulated over 3 days. In private residential buildings, the distance to garbage cans is determined by the home owners themselves. Medical institutions, markets, beaches and other facilities have their own requirements for the construction of container sites and the installation of containers for storing waste - all of them are laid down in SanPiN.

There are several objects near which it is not allowed to install solid waste containers. This includes the roadway, pedestrian paths, arches, lawns and narrow passages. If construction or renovation is underway in a residential area, then according to current rules, a special container for collection can be placed there. construction waste. The time he spends at the work sites is limited to one day. The installation of containers for construction waste is coordinated with the chief architect of the district and the SES.

The housing management company is responsible for ensuring that garbage is removed in a timely manner. She does not do this herself, but undertakes to enter into an agreement with specialized organization, which has the necessary means of transport at its disposal.

Containers must be periodically washed and treated with a disinfectant. This work is also performed by the management company.

On August 31 of this year, the government approved updated rules for arranging container sites and maintaining their register. This document will come into effect on January 1, 2019. In accordance with it, all prepared sites with garbage cans are included in a single register. Local authorities become responsible for maintaining their condition.

It is the organs local government According to the new rules, they are obliged to create container sites. This will be done subject to written approval from the municipality. The register with all the information about container sites is planned to be posted on the website of the municipal authority or department that deals with housing and communal services issues at the regional level.

As a result, citizens will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the container sites available in the city and choose the closest one for themselves. If one is not found, then you can submit an appeal to local authorities with a request to organize an additional storage site for solid waste. Each waste container site will have a person responsible for its condition - information about him will also be noted in the register.

A waste collection area on the property of a building can become an additional source of income for a management company or HOA. If there is a store in the building, then one of the tanks can be rented to it. In some cases, for an additional fee, a janitor monitors the cleanliness next to the rented container. Standard contract Container site rentals are listed in the appendix.

Responsibility for violations and how to eliminate them

In case of improper maintenance of areas with garbage cans, a fact is recorded administrative violation. According to the current rules, management organizations are responsible in this case, therefore their managers or officials who fail to fulfill their duties are subject to punishment.

However, management companies are not always recognized as responsible for the maintenance and repair of container sites. Here you need to start from whose territory they are located. garbage bins. They can stand on local area and be part of the common property - in this case liability management organization obvious. However, containers are often located on municipal land. In this case, the local administration maintains and repairs them at its own expense.

With the emergence of regional operators for the management of solid waste and the updating of the rules for arranging sites for garbage containers, changes in the described situation are possible in the future. For example, there is talk that the regenerator will bear the burden of maintaining containers for solid waste and their locations.

If the rules for maintaining a container site are violated, Art. 6.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In accordance with it, the punishment for officials is up to 2,000 rubles, for organizations - up to 20,000 rubles. In special cases, the court may suspend work legal entity for up to 90 days.

Violations are corrected immediately. Depending on the situation, renovation work, serviceable equipment is purchased, sanitary procedures are carried out, and so on.

Selection of trash cans

The tanks that are installed on the waste container site are selected not only in accordance with the sizes and standards from SanPiNov, but also depending on the specific operating conditions. Here it is important to take into account the number of residents in the surrounding apartment buildings, filling time and other factors. Storage bins with a capacity of 0.8-1 m 3 are standard. IN in public places For example, 8 m3 containers are usually placed near shopping or office centers.

In large cities, the practice of installing special garbage cans buried 1.7 meters into the ground is developing. Such containers are equipped with lids with special latches, which prevent the spread of unpleasant odor. Additional advantages of the described tanks include ease of use, spaciousness and environmental friendliness.

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