Plants and animals of the African tropics. Fauna of the equatorial forest. Leopard or black panther

There's nothing sweeter than good old stories about animals. But today I will not talk about pets, but about those that live in tropical forests. The rainforest ecosystem is home to a greater variety of animals than any other ecosystem. One of the reasons for such great diversity is the constantly warm climate. Rainforests also provide an almost constant presence of water and a wide variety of food for animals. So here are 10 amazing rainforest animals and some facts about their lives.


Toucans can be found in South and Central America under the canopies of tropical forests. While sleeping, toucans turn their heads inside out and tuck their beaks under their wings and tail. Toucans are very important to rainforests because they help disperse seeds from the fruits and berries they eat. There are about 40 various types toucans, but unfortunately some species are endangered. The two main threats to the existence of toucans are the disappearance of their habitat and increasing demand in the commercial pet market. They vary in size from approximately 15 centimeters to just over two meters. Large, colorful, light beaks are the hallmarks of toucans. These are noisy birds with their loud and creaky voices.

Flying dragons

Tree lizards, called flying dragons, actually glide from tree to tree on their flaps of skin that look like wings. On each side of the body, between the fore and hind limbs, there is a large flap of skin supported by expanded movable ribs. Usually these “wings” are folded along the body, but they can open so that the lizard can glide for many meters in an almost horizontal state. The flying dragon feeds on insects, particularly ants. To reproduce, a flying dragon descends to the ground and lays 1 to 4 eggs in the soil.

Bengal tigers

The Bengal tiger lives in the Sundarbans regions of India, Bangladesh, China, Siberia and Indonesia, and is seriously endangered. Today, about 4,000 individuals remain in the wild, down from more than 50,000 at the turn of the century in 1900. Poaching and habitat loss are the two main reasons for the decline bengal tigers. They were never able to adapt to harsh conditions, despite belonging to a dominant species. Tigers, also known as Royal Bengal tiger, which is a subspecies of the tiger, can be found in the Indian subcontinent. The Bengal tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh and is considered the second largest tiger in the world.

South American harpies

One of the largest and most powerful of the fifty eagle species in the world, the South American harpy eagle lives in the tropical lowland forests of Central and South America, from southern Mexico south to eastern Bolivia, and southern Brazil to northern Argentina. This is an endangered species. The main threat to its existence is the loss of habitat due to constant deforestation, destruction of nesting sites and hunting.

Tree frogs

These are frogs found in the Central and South America. They are known for their bright colors, which warn other animals that they are poisonous. The frogs' venom is one of the most powerful poisons known and can cause paralysis or death. It is so powerful that one millionth of 30 grams of poison can kill a dog, and less than a crystal of salt can kill a person. One frog has a supply of poison sufficient to send up to 100 people to the next world. Local hunters used poison for their arrows, which is where the frog got its name in English language Poison-Arrow Frog (poisoned arrow frog).


Sloths are extremely slow-moving mammals that can be found in the tropical forests of Central and South America. There are two types of sloths: two-toed and three-toed. Most sloths are the size of a small dog. They have short, flat heads. Their fur is grey-brown, but sometimes they appear grey-green because they move so slowly that tiny camouflage plants have time to grow all over their fur. Sloths lead night look life and sleep curled up, placing their heads between their arms and legs, turned close to each other.

Spider monkeys

Spider monkeys have big sizes. An adult monkey can grow almost 60 centimeters tall, not including the tail. The tail is very powerful. Monkeys use it as an extra limb. Spider monkeys like to hang upside down, clinging to branches with their tail and legs, making them look like spiders, which is where they get their name. These monkeys can also jump from branch to branch at high speed. Their coat color can be black, brown, gold, red or bronze. Spider monkeys are the object of close attention among hunters, which is why they are on the verge of extinction. This photo is probably your only chance to ever see this monkey. Not to mention our species...

Wine snakes

Just about a centimeter in diameter, vine snakes are a surprisingly “slender”, elongated species. If a snake lies among the branches forest trees, its proportions and green-brown color make it almost indistinguishable from dense vines and vines. The head of a snake is just as thin and oblong. A slow-moving predator, active during the day and at night, the wine snake feeds mainly on young birds, which it steals from nests, and on lizards. If the snake is in danger, it inflates the front part of its body, opening bright color, which, as a rule, is usually hidden, and opens its mouth wide.


The capybara spends a lot of time in the water and is an excellent swimmer and diver. She has webbed toes on her front and back paws. When she swims, only her eyes, ears and nostrils are visible above the water. Capybaras eat plant matter, including aquatic plants, and their molars grow throughout their lives to counteract wear and tear from chewing. Capybaras live in families and are active at dawn and dusk. In areas where they are frequently disturbed, capybaras can be nocturnal. Males and females look the same, but males have a gland on their nose that is larger than females. They mate in the spring, and after 15-18 weeks of pregnancy there may be 2 babies in the litter. Babies are well developed at birth.

Brazilian tapirs

Brazilian tapirs can almost always be found near bodies of water. These animals are good swimmers and divers, but they also move quickly on land, even over rough and mountainous terrain. Tapirs are dark brown in color. Their fur is short, and a mane grows from the back of the neck down. Thanks to its movable snout, the tapir feeds on leaves, buds, shoots and small branches that the tapir plucks from trees, as well as fruits, herbs and aquatic plants. The female gives birth to a single spotted-striped baby after a pregnancy that lasts from 390 to 400 days.

There are a lot of different animals in tropical forests, it’s impossible to pay attention to everyone, so we’ll focus on the most prominent representatives tropical jungles found all over the planet.

Animals of the American tropics

Let's start getting acquainted with tropical fauna from the forests of South America, the most powerful predator here is the jaguar. A large yellow cat with black spots climbs trees beautifully and instills fear in all local inhabitants. The plains of Patagonia are rich in lakes where reeds grow in abundance; it is here that nutria live with the coipu swamp beavers. These tropical animals eat the succulent roots of aquatic plants, and make their nests from reeds and reeds.

Tropical monkeys from around the world

African rainforests are rich in marmosets, these are small, long-tailed monkeys with greenish fur. Among them, the toeless colobus species stands out. These animals do not have a thumb.

The most beautiful representative of these monkeys is the Gweretsa, who lives in Ethiopia. Macaques, which live in tropical Asian forests, are considered direct relatives of African monkeys. Characteristic representatives of the African tropics are baboons, which live mainly in mountainous areas.

Animals living in the tropics of Madagascar have certain characteristics, for example, lemurs, whose bodies are covered with thick fur, some of them are the proud owners of fluffy tails. Their faces resemble animals rather than monkeys, for this reason they are classified as prosimians.

But not only nearby African continent you can find monkeys, for example, the deep forests of Sumatra are a haven for the great ape - the orangutan.

It is covered with red, coarse fur, and adult males have a large beard. The gibbon is also very close to orangutans; it reaches more than a meter in length; it is distinguished by long limbs, which serve it for swinging on the branches and allow it to easily jump from one tree to another.

Animals living in the tropics are distinguished by their originality and originality, each species is unique.

African equatorial forests occupy lowland and mountainous areas. Mountain forests are shrouded in clouds supporting high humidity. That's why they are also called cloud forests. The world's largest apes, gorillas, live in the tropical forests of Africa. There are only two populations of gorillas: the lowland, or ground, gorillas, which live in the western lowland forests, and the mountain gorillas, which inhabit the eastern mountain forests. Gorillas belong to great apes. These are huge animals, the males of which reach 2 m in height and can weigh up to 300 kg. Despite their terrifying appearance, they are peaceful vegetarians. Gorillas live in family groups of 5 to 15 individuals: several females and young people. The group is led by an adult male (you can recognize him by his silvery back). The leader takes care of the entire flock, and if for some reason he dies, then the rest of the group members may die along with him, deprived of his protection and care. Gorillas are too heavy to easily climb trees, so they lead a terrestrial lifestyle. Every evening they settle down for the night, building nests on branches sufficiently strong trees or on the ground. Gorillas are not aggressive, but in case of danger they can attack the offender. Most often, they scare away the attacker without engaging in a fight, roar, beat their chests with their fists and break branches with a loud crash. In the same way, young males sort things out among themselves.

Animal world African tropical forests differ from savannas in the absence large predators. (The exception is the leopard). The inhabitants of tropical forests are much smaller than their relatives living in savannas. For example, duiker antelopes are slightly larger than a hare, the pygmy hippopotamus is half the size of a normal one, and the okapi, a relative of giraffes, is significantly inferior to them in height.

Okapi, which lives only in forests, does not need a long neck like a giraffe, because it can pluck shoots, leaves and anodes low from the ground. The coloring of the okapi also bears little resemblance to its relative; its large ears give it a somewhat comical appearance, but they help to better capture forest sounds. Interestingly, the okapi's tongue is so long that it can reach the ear.

IN dense thickets On the banks of rivers live miniature African deer, the size of domestic cat. They are relatives of deer; they do not have antlers and lead a completely different way of life. These animals live near water and swim well. Sensing danger, the deer runs to the water and dives, holding its breath for a long time. He moves along the bottom of the river and emerges in a safe place, thus escaping his pursuer. This unusual creature feeds not only on plants, but also on small fish, crabs, insects and even small mammals. Deer are active at night, and during the day they climb low on the trees along the vines, like on a ladder. The deer are in the trees and hide during the day.

Several species of hyraxes live in Africa. These small (body length up to 60 cm) animals are classified as a separate order of mammals. Outwardly, they resemble marmots or pikas, although Scientific research revealed their distant relationship with elephants. The forests are inhabited by tree hyraxes, which are excellent tree climbers, jumping from branch to branch in search of food. Hyraxes feed on plants and insects. Tree hyraxes are solitary, unlike mountain hyraxes, which live in small colonies.

In tropical forests you can find an animal that looks like fir cone. This mammal from the order of lizards is called a pangolin. Pangolins have a lot in common with armadillos, since, according to scientists, they descended from the same ancestors. The pangolin's body is covered with horny scales that protect it from predators: the pangolin, like the armadillo, can curl up into a ball and feeds on insects. Tree pangolins have a strong, grasping tail, which they use to cling to branches while climbing trees.

Geneta is an active predator, a relative of civets, mongoose and meerkat. Flexible and dexterous, genets easily climb trees, hunting for birds and small mammals. But genets spend most of their time on the ground. IN African forests Apes live. They live in groups of 2 to 20 individuals, led by an important male. The lifestyle of chimpanzees is generally similar to that of gorillas. However, chimpanzees feed not only on plant foods, but also on insects and small mammals. Sometimes a group of chimpanzees will also attack a fairly large animal. These monkeys even have cases of cannibalism: one monkey can steal another’s baby and eat it. Chimpanzees in their development are more advanced high level than other mammals - they are very smart, communicating with each other using more than 30 different sounds. Apes are the closest relatives of humans in the animal kingdom.

All layers of the African rainforest are home to a variety of birds, some of which are found only here. In Africa, unlike South America, there are not many parrots, only a few dozen species. The most famous parrot is the gray parrot. gray with red undertail. Small sunbirds occupy the same ecological niche as hummingbirds in South America. Tree hoopoes, hornbills, banana eaters and Congolese peacocks live here. This rare peacock was discovered by scientists relatively recently: before that, its existence could only be judged by a single feather that was accidentally found.

In terms of brightness of color, banana-eater birds, or turacos, are not inferior to South American parrots. Turakas, which are relatives of cuckoos, live in struts, breaking into pores only during the breeding season. When it rains, banana eaters can “shed” because their feathers are covered with a multi-colored powdery substance that dissolves in water. After some time, the brightness of the color is restored. Turaks are poor fliers, preferring to climb trees or glide from branch to branch in search of food, fruits and small animals.

IN dark time During the day, bats, small mammals belonging to the order Chiroptera, fly out to hunt. Spreading their leathery wings, they fly between trees and catch insects. Well-developed hearing, vision, touch, and in some species echolocation, help these animals to navigate perfectly in the dark without bumping into obstacles. During the day, bats rest in caves, rock crevices, as well as in hollows or on tree branches. They cling to branches or stones with their hind legs, hanging upside down, and, folding their wings, sleep. Lives in tree trunks, foliage and forest floor a large number of a wide variety of insects, spiders, centipedes and mollusks. The most numerous insects are ants, of which there are more than 600 species in the forests of Africa. Insects such as stick insects, mantises and beetles live here. The Goliath beetle, the largest beetle in the world and found in these forests, has become very rare due to collecting. The most colorful representatives of insects are butterflies. In the forest canopy fly butterflies such as fatheads, bluegills, tropical butterflies, and African giant swallowtails. Centipedes are ancient arthropods that have lived on Earth for more than 500 million years. Living in the forest floor, they crawl out during the leader's time or at night, feeding on the remains of animals.

Legless amphibians - worms - live in the damp forest floor of the tropical forest. They look similar to earthworms, although they are related to frogs, salamanders and newts. The body length of these amphibians can reach 1.1 meters. Worms feed on soil invertebrates: earthworms, centipedes and others.

The rainforest is very rich in animals. In the Amazon basin and Orinoco There are many different kinds of monkeys. In their structure they differ from the Old World monkeys living in Africa and India. Old World monkeys are called narrow-nosed monkeys, American monkeys are called broad-nosed monkeys. A long, prehensile tail helps monkeys climb trees deftly. The tail is especially long and prehensile. spider monkey. Another monkey, a howler monkey, wraps its tail around a branch and holds it like a hand. The howler was named for its powerful, unpleasant voice.

Most strong predator tropical forests - jaguar. This is a large yellow cat with black spots on its skin. She Fine climbs trees.

America's other big cat is the puma. It is distributed in North America to Canada, in South America it is found in the steppes to Patagonia. The puma is yellowish-gray in color and somewhat resembles a lion (without the mane); This is probably why it is called the American lion.

Near ponds in the thicket of the forest you can find an animal that resembles a little horse and even more like a rhinoceros. The animal reaches 2 m in length. His muzzle is elongated, as if elongated V trunk. This is an American tapir. He, like a pig, loves to wallow in puddles.

Along lakes in the reed beds on the plains of Patagonia And Nutria lives on the mountain slopes of the Andes - swamp beaver, or koipu, - large rodent the size of our river beaver. Nutria's life is associated with water. Nutria feeds on succulent roots aquatic plants, makes nests from reeds and reeds. The animal produces valuable moss. Nutria was transported to Soviet Union and released into the swampy thickets of Transcaucasia. They have acclimatized and are reproducing well. However, they suffer greatly during the cold winters that occur in Azerbaijan and Armenia, when the lakes freeze.

Unadapted to life in freezing bodies of water, nutria, having dived under the ice, do not find a way back. At the same time, their habitats become accessible to jungle cats and jackals, which walk across the ice to the nutria nests.

Armadillos, sloths and anteaters live in the forests of South America.

Body armadillo is covered with a shell that slightly resembles shield . The shell consists of two layers: inside it is bone, outside it is horny - and is divided into belts, movably connected to each other.: B Guiana and Brazil lives giant armadillo. The largest of the armadillos reach one and a half meters in length. Armadillos live in deep burrows and only come out at night to hunt for prey. They feed on termites, ants and various small animals.

Sloths have a monkey-like face. The long limbs of these animals are armed with large sickle-shaped claws. They got their name for their slowness and clumsiness. The dull greenish-gray protective coloring of the sloth reliably hides it from the eyes of the enemy in the branches of trees. The coloring of the sloth is given by green algae that live in its rough And shaggy wool. This is one of the wonderful examples of cohabitation between animal and plant organisms.

IN In the forests of South America, there are several species of anteaters - The average anteater, the tamandua, with a prehensile tail, is very interesting. It runs excellently along inclined trunks and climbs trees, looking for ants and other insects.

Marsupials in the forests of Brazil are represented by long-eared and water possums. The water possum, or swimmer, lives near rivers and lakes. It differs from the long-eared one in its coloring and swimming membranes on its hind legs.

South America is home to many bats various types. Among them are blood-sucking leaf-nosed insects that attack horses and mules, and vampires.

Despite their ominous name, vampires eat exclusively insects and plant fruits.

Of the birds, the hoatzin is of great interest. This is a variegated, rather large bird with a large crest on its head. The hoatzin's nest is placed above the water, in the branches of trees or thickets of bushes. The chicks are not afraid of falling into the water: they swim and dive well. Hoatzin chicks have long claws on the first and second fingers of the wing; helping them climb branches and twigs. It is curious that the adult hoatzin loses the ability to move quickly through the trees.

Studying the structure and lifestyle of hoatzin chicks, scientists came to the conclusion that the ancestors of birds also climbed trees. After all, in the fossil protobird (Archaeopteryx) were long fingers with claws on the wings.

There are more than 160 species of parrots in the tropical forests of South America. The most famous are the green Amazon parrots. They learn to speak well.

Only in one country - in America - live the smallest birds - hummingbirds. These are unusually brightly and beautifully colored fast flying pawns, some of them the size of bumblebees. There are over 450 species of hummingbirds. They, like insects, hover around flowers, sucking out flower juice with their thin beak and tongue. In addition, hummingbirds also feed on small insects.

There are many in tropical forests various snakes! and lizards. Among them are boa constrictors, or boa, anaconda, reaching I m in length, and bushmaster - 4 l in length. Many snakes, due to the protective coloring of their skin, are little noticeable among the greenery of the forest.

There are especially many lizards in the tropical rainforest. Large, broad-toed geckos sit in the trees. Among other species of lizards, the most interesting is the iguana, which lives and | on the trees and on the ground. This lizard has a very beautiful emerald green coloration. She eats plant foods.

Lives in the forests of Brazil and Guiana big frog- Surinamese pipa. It is interesting in its special way of reproduction. Postponed female The eggs are distributed by the male on the female's back. Each egg is placed in a separate cell. Subsequently, the skin grows and the cells close. The baby frogs develop on the female's back; when they grow up they come out from cells. Nutrients, necessary for frogs during development, are transmitted from the mother’s body by blood vessels, branching in the walls of skin cells.

Found in rivers of tropical America big fishelectric eel having special electrical organs. With electric shocks, the eel stuns prey and scares away its enemies.

An unusually predatory fish, piranha, 30 cm long, lives in many rivers of South America. Her strong jaws contain sharp knives and teeth. If you drop a piece of meat into the river, piranhas immediately appear from the depths and instantly tear it apart. Piranhas feed on fish and attack ducks and domestic animals that carelessly enter the river. Even large animals such as tapirs suffer from piranha. Pisces damage lips drinking water animals. Piranhas are also dangerous to people.

IN tropical The forests contain a diverse world of insects. Very large diurnal butterflies are numerous. They are very beautifully and richly colored, varied in shape and size. In Brazil there are over 700 species of diurnal butterflies, and in Europe there are no more than 150 species.

Ants are very numerous. Penetrating into a person’s home, they eat his reserves and thereby cause significant harm. Umbrella ants live in underground galleries. They feed their larvae with fungal mold, which they grow on finely chopped leaves. Ants bring pieces of leaves to the anthill, moving along strictly constant paths.

There are many spiders in the tropical zone of South America. Among them, the largest is the tarantula spider. Its size is more than 5 cm. Its food is lizards, frogs, and insects; Apparently, it also attacks small birds. The same large earthen spiders are found in New Guinea and Java.

In the tropical forests of Africa live elephants, various monkeys, okapi - an animal related to the giraffe; in the rivers there are hippopotamuses and crocodiles. The great apes are of greatest interest - gorillas and chimpanzees. The gorilla is a very large ape, males reach 2 m in height and weigh 200 kg. They live in the most remote parts of the tropical region, inaccessible to humans. forests and in the mountains. Gorillas make their dens in trees or on ground in dense thickets. Gorillas have been severely exterminated by humans and are now preserved only in two areas of tropical forests in Africa - south of Cameroon before R. Congo and the country of lakes Victoria and Tanganyika.

Chimpanzees are smaller than gorilla. An adult male is no higher than 1.5 m. They live in families, but sometimes gather in small herds. Chimpanzees climbing down from the trees walk on the ground, leaning on hands clenched into fists.

There are many species of monkeys in the tropical forests of Africa. These long-tailed small monkeys have greenish fur. Interesting are the toeless monkeys (Colobus), which lack thumb on hands. The most beautiful of these monkeys is Gveretsa. She lives in Ethiopia and in the forests west of this countries. Macaques, related to African monkeys, live in tropical Asia.

Dog-headed monkeys - baboons - are very characteristic of the African continent. They live in the mountains of Africa.

The fauna of Madagascar has some peculiarities. For example, lemurs live on this island. Their body is covered with thick fur. Some have bushy tails. Lemur faces quicker animal than monkey; That's why they are called prosimians.

There are many different species in the African rainforests parrots. The most famous is the gray parrot, the gray parrot, which imitates the human voice very well.”

In some places, crocodiles survive in large numbers. They especially love rivers, the banks of which are overgrown with dense tropical forest. Nile crocodile reaches 7 m in length.

The forests of Africa are home to large, up to 6 liters in length, boa constrictors - pythons.

Among the fish attracts attention lungfish Protopterus, inhabiting muddy lakes and swamps. These fish, in addition to gills, have lungs with which they breathe during drought. IN The lungfish Lepidosirene lives in South America, and ceratodes live in Australia.

In the humid dense forests of the islands of Sumatra and Borneo (Kalimantan) lives the great ape orangutan. This is a large monkey, covered with coarse red fur. Adult males grow a large beard.

Close to apes, the gibbon is smaller in size than the orangutan, its body length is 1 m. The gibbon is distinguished by long limbs; with their help, swinging on the branches, he very easily jumps from tree to tree. Gibbons live on the island of Sumatra, on Malacca peninsula and in the mountain forests of Burma.

A variety of macaques live in the forests of the Greater Sunda Islands - Sumatra and Borneo - and in Eastern India. On Borneo lives

big-nosed monkey. Her nose is long, almost trunk-shaped. Old animals, especially males, have significantly longer noses than young monkeys.

In the forests of India and nearby big islands The Indian elephant is not uncommon. Since ancient times, it has been tamed by humans and used in various jobs.

The common Indian rhinoceros is well known - the most large one-horned rhinoceros.

A relative of American tapirs lives in Asia - black-backed tapir. It reaches 2 m in height. Back it is light colored, and other parts of the body are covered with short black hair.

Among the predators of southern Asia, the most famous is the Bengal tiger. Most tigers are preserved in India, Indochina, on the islands of Sumatra and Java.

The tiger is a crepuscular animal; he hunts for large ungulates. A tiger, if wounded by an unsuccessful shot from a hunter, ill or old, or for any reason at all, has lost the ability to hunt ungulates that constitute its main food, attacks people and becomes a “man-eater.” raquo;.

We have tigers in Transcaucasia, Central Asia, Primorye and in the south of the Ussuri region.

The leopard is common in southern Asia, in the forests of the Greater Sunda Islands And in Japan. It is found in the Caucasus, in the mountains of Central Asia and in Primorye. We call him a leopard. Leopard attacks domestic animals; he is cunning, brave, and dangerous to humans. Black leopards are often found on the Greater Sunda Islands; they are called black panthers.

The sloth bear and the Malayan bear, the biruang, live in South Asia. Gubach- large, heavy beast, armed with long claws that allow him to climb trees well. Its fur color is black, and there is a large White spot. Its large lips are mobile, they can extend into a tube, and with a long tongue from the crevices of insect trees. The sloth fish lives in tropical forests on the Indian subcontinent and on the island of Ceylon. It feeds on plants, fruits, berries, insects, bird eggs and small animals.

The Malayan bear has short, black fur. Most it spends its life in trees, feeding on fruits and insects.

There are many birds in tropical Asia. One of the most beautiful is considered to be the peacock, living in the wild in Java, Ceylon and Indochina.

In the forests of the Sunda Islands, Ceylon and India live Bapkivian or bush chickens & mdash; wild ancestors of domestic chickens, many species of pheasants and other chickens.

The waters of South Asia are inhabited by long-snouted crocodiles, gharials. They live in the river. Ganges.

On the Malay Peninsula there is a reticulated python snake, reaching 10 m length.

There are many in the forests of India poisonous snakes, from whose bites a large number of people suffer every year. The most dangerous cobra, or spectacled snake. It gets its name from the spots behind its head that look like glasses.

The tropics are inhabited by many amphibians, or amphibians. Among them is the Javan flying frog. Strongly developed membranes between the toes of the front and hind paws allow it, while gliding, to jump from one tree to another.

Having become familiar with the distribution of animals on the globe, it is easy to notice that similar animals live on different continents under similar living conditions. Some species have adapted to life in the tundra, others in steppes and deserts, and others in mountains and forests. Each continent has its own fauna - species of animals that live only on this continent. The animal world of Australia is especially unique in this regard, which we will consider below.

By studying the Earth's past through the fossil remains of animals that once inhabited continents and islands, scientists came to the conclusion that the composition of the fauna, that is, the animal world, was continuously changing in all geological eras. Connections arose between continents; so, for example, between Asia And North America there was a connection. Animals that inhabited Asia could penetrate into America; Therefore, in the fauna of America and Asia we still see a lot of similarities. Geological history helps to clarify some features in the distribution of animals By continents. So, leftovers marsupials are found in the ancient layers of the earth in Europe and America. Nowadays, these marsupials live only in Australia and only a few species in America. Consequently, marsupials were previously much more widespread on the globe. This confirms the opinion of geologists about the connection that existed between these continents.

Having studied the composition of the animal world of individual continents and islands, scientists divided Earth into areas characterized by animal species found only in that area.

The main areas are: Australian, Neotropical (Southern and Central America), Ethiopian (Africa), Eastern, or Indo-Malayan, Holarctic (Northern Asia, Europe and North America).

The tropics occupy less than 2% earth's surface. Geographically climate zone goes along the equator. The limit of deviation from it in both directions is considered to be a latitude of 23.5 degrees. More than half of the planet's animals live in this belt.

This also applies to plants. But today in the spotlight rainforest animals. Let's start with the Amazon. The area covers 2,500,000 square kilometers.

These are the largest tropics of the planet and, in combination, its lungs, whose forests produce 20% of the oxygen in the atmosphere. There are 1,800 species of butterflies alone in the Amazon forests. There are 300 species of reptiles. Let's focus on unique ones that do not live in other areas of the planet.

river dolphin

In addition, they differ in color. The backs of the animals are gray-white, and the undersides are pinkish. The older the dolphin, the lighter its top. Only in captivity the endemic does not become snow-white.

Amazon dolphins live with humans for no more than 3 years. Puberty occurs at 5. So, zoologists did not expect any offspring in captivity and stopped torturing the animals. As you understand, there are no Amazonian endemics in any third-party dolphinarium in the world. In their homeland, by the way, they are called inia, or buto.

river dolphin or inia

Piranha trombetas

Trombetas is one of the tributaries of the Amazon. What animals are in the rainforest inspire terror? In the series of names, there will probably be . There are known cases when they gnawed people.

A lot of books have been written and films have been made on this topic. However, the new kind Piranha prefers grass and algae to flesh. On diet food, fish can eat up to 4 kilograms. The Trambetas piranha reaches half a meter in length.

Trambetas piranha

Red-bearded (copper) jumper

It is included in interesting animals of the rainforest only 3 years ago. A new species of monkey was discovered in the Amazon jungle in 2014 during an expedition organized by the World Wide Fund. wildlife.

In the “lungs of the planet” they found a 441-in new species. There is only one mammal among them - the red-bearded jumper. classified as broad-nosed. Presumably, there are no more than 250 jumpers in the world.

Animals are monogamous; once they form a pair, they do not cheat and live separately with their children. When the jumpers are happy with each other, they purr, which makes them stand out from other monkeys.

In the photo there is a copper jumper monkey

Possibly lost

In Latin, the name of the species is Alabates amissibilis. This is the smallest one. The species is on the verge of extinction. The difficulty of detecting it is also related to its size. Alabates are frogs the size of your pinky fingernail.

They are beige-brown with stripes on the sides. Despite their tiny size, frogs of this species are poisonous, so they are not suitable for French cuisine, even if not protective status.

The smallest frog Alabates amissibilis

Herbivorous dracula bat

Looks scary, but he's a vegetarian. Dracula is a flyer. On its muzzle there is a skin outgrowth called the nasal leaf. Combined with wide-set, slanted eyes, the growth creates an intimidating appearance.

We add large and pointed ears, compressed lips, bluish coloring, and bonyness. It turns out to be an image from nightmares. Actually, herbivorous devils are active at night. During the day, animals hide in the crowns of trees or caves.

Herbivore bat dracula

Fire salamander

The name of the species, so far, generalized, refers to. It was their relative who was discovered in the tropics near the Amazon. The scientific name of the species is Cercosaura hophoides. The lizard has a red tail.

The body is dark with thin yellowish veins. Scientists have long suspected the existence of the species. A clutch of eggs of an unknown reptile was found on the lands of Colombia.

However, neither father nor mother could be found. Perhaps the one found in 2014 is the parent of the clutch. Zoologists suggest that Cercosaura hophoides is no more than a hundred years old.

Pictured is a fire salamander


The population is also on the verge of extinction. This is a rare species of giraffe. It was shown to Western zoologists by pygmies. This happened in 1900. However, this conversation is already about the endemics of the African jungle, in particular the forests of the Congo. Let's go under their canopy.

Externally, this giraffe resembles a horse with an elongated neck. Compared to the neck of an ordinary giraffe, it is, on the contrary, short. But okapi has a record-breaking language. The length of the organ allows you not only to reach the succulent foliage, but also to wash your eyes animals. Rainforest World Okapi also had a blue tongue.

As for the coat color, it is chocolate. Transverse white stripes are visible on the legs. In combination with dark brown, they are reminiscent of the colors of zebras.

Okapi are gentle parents. These animals living in the tropical forest, They love children dearly, do not take their eyes off them, and protect them to the last drop of blood. Considering the number of okapi, it is impossible to do otherwise. The species is listed in the Red Book and each cub is worth its weight in gold. Several giraffes are not born. One pregnancy - one child.

Tetra Congo

This is a fish of the characin family. There are almost 1700 species. Congo is found only in the basin of the river of the same name. The fish has a bright blue-orange coloring. It is expressed in males. Females are “dressed” more modestly.

The fins of the species resemble the finest lace. The Congo reaches 8.5 centimeters in length and is peaceful. The description is ideal for aquarium fish. The endemic is indeed kept at home. Congos love dark soil. One fish needs about 5 liters of soft water.

Tetra Congo fish

Bales shrew

Belongs to the shrews, lives in the east. The range is 500 square kilometers. The animal's burrows are not found throughout their entire length, but only in 5 localities. All of them are destroyed by man.

The animal has a cone-shaped nose, an elongated body, a bare tail, and gray short fur. In general, for most, yes a mouse. The problem of its survival is that without food the animal does not last longer than 11 hours. In conditions of danger and hunger, the latter wins. While the shrew catches the insect, others catch it.

Bales shrew mouse

African marabou

Refers to storks. The bird was nicknamed adjutant for its peculiar gait. It is ranked among the largest birds. This refers to flying species. African grows up to 1.5 meters.

The weight of the animal is about 10 kilograms. Lightens the figure a little bare head. The absence of feathers reveals wrinkled skin with a massive outgrowth on the neck, where the bird, when sitting, puts its equally massive beak.

Appearance, as they say, is not for everyone. It is not for nothing that the animal is made the hero of many phantasmagoric books, where the bird inspires, at a minimum, awe. As an example, let’s take “Nightmares of the Marabou Stork” by Irvine Welsh.

Now, let's move on to the Asian tropics. They are also filled with rare animals. The names of some of them are familiar at first glance. On the island of Sumatra, for example, they are proud. The fact that it is unusual is indicated by the prefix to the name of the beast.

Pictured is an African marabou

bearded pig

The animal looks like a cross between a wild boar and an anteater. The elongated nose, reminiscent of a trunk, helps to reach leaves, pick fruits and fish fallen fruits from the forest canopy.

Swims well and also uses its nose when spearfishing. Its main function is also appropriate. The sense of smell helps to find mating partners and recognize danger.

Tapirs are known for their long periods of bearing their young. They give birth approximately 13 months after conception. More than one offspring is not born. At the same time, the lifespan of tapirs is a maximum of 30 years.

It becomes clear why the species is dying out. Despite their protected status, tapirs are desirable prey... for,. Deforestation is also decimating the population.


Not a single list can do without it." names of rainforest animals" Endemic to China, it lives in bamboo groves and is a symbol of the country. In the West they learned about it only in the 19th century.

Zoologists in Europe argued for a long time whether to classify them as raccoons or bears. Genetic tests helped. The animal is recognized as a bear. He leads a secretive lifestyle in three provinces of the PRC. These are Tibet, Sichuan, Gansu.

Pandas have 6 toes on their paws. One of them is just appearance. It is actually a modified carpal bone. Number of teeth grinding plant foods, is also off the charts.

A person has 7 times less. That is, pandas have more than 200 teeth. They are active about 12 hours a day. Only 1/5 of the leaves eaten are absorbed. Considering that pandas do not hibernate, the tropical forests are saved only by the rapid growth of bamboo, a couple of meters per day, and the small number of bears themselves.

Let's complete the journey. Its tropical zone is also affected. The continent is deserted. Tropical forests grow only along the coasts. Their East End included in World Heritage UNESCO. Let's find out what these wonders are for.

Helmeted cassowary

This is a bird of the ostrich order and does not fly. The name of the species is Indonesian, translated as “horned head”. The skin growth on it resembles a comb, but is flesh-colored. There is also a semblance of earrings under the beak. They are scarlet, but thinner and more elongated than those of a rooster. The feathers on the neck are indigo, and the main color is blue-black.

Colorful appearance combined with power. There have been recorded cases where a person was killed with a kick. It is because of cassowaries that a number of Australian parks are closed to the public.

Birds are not aggressive under normal conditions. Protective reflexes make themselves known. The impact force is predictable with a weight of 60 kilos and a height of one and a half meters. The legs are the strongest part of cassowaries, like other ostriches.

Helmeted cassowary


The second name of the species is woody. At first glance it looks more like a bear. Thick, dense fur covers the entire body. The bag is not immediately noticeable. The cub, by the way, can linger indefinitely.

During periods of danger they are able to postpone childbirth. Physiologically, they should pass a maximum of one year after conception. It happens that a child dies before his time. Then, a new embryo comes to replace it, the first to become stillborn, without obliging it to take care of itself.

Scientists pin their hopes on tree kangaroos to save humanity. The stomach of the endemic is capable of processing methane. In the event of global warming, this will come in handy not only for wallabies, but also for people.

They also puzzle over the thermoregulation of tree kangaroos. The species manages to maintain a comfortable body temperature in hot weather. Not a single individual has yet died from overheating, even without shade and plenty of drink.

Tree wallabies are called tree wallabies due to their lifestyle. Observations of animals have shown that most of them die on the same plant where they were born. Hunters found wallabies here.

The hunt for the endemic was announced because of a legend that the beast once attacked a child. This has not been documented, however, the population is in danger.

The animal's protective status helped stop the extermination. To save humanity, a few tens of thousands of individuals are not enough. Therefore, first they will save and multiply them.

Tree kangaroo wallaby


Without her, just like in Asia without the panda, the list would be incomplete. - symbol of Australia. The animal belongs to wombats. These are marsupials with two incisors. Colonizers of the continent mistook koalas for bears. As a result, the scientific name of the species, phascolarctos, is translated from Greek as “bear with a bag.”

Like bamboo-dependent pandas, koalas only eat eucalyptus. Animals reach 68 centimeters in height and 13 kilograms of mass. The remains of a koala ancestor have been found that was almost 30 times larger.

Like modern wombats, the ancients had two thumbs on each paw. Fingers positioned to the side help to grasp and strip branches.

Studying the ancestors of koalas, scientists came to the conclusion that the species is degrading. The head of modern individuals contains 40% cerebrospinal fluid. At the same time, the weight of the brain does not exceed 0.2% of the total mass of marsupials.

The organ doesn't even fill the cranium. This is exactly what happened to the ancestors of koalas. Zoologists believe that the reason is the choice of a low-calorie diet. Although, many animals that are distinguished by their intelligence feed on leaves.

I remember the beginning of the article, where it is said that the tropics are less than 2% of the earth's surface. It seems like little, but so much life. Likewise, koalas, although they are not distinguished by intelligence, inspire entire nations.

And, who knows, in the presence of animals about their mental abilities It’s better not to speak, in case you offend. Koalas are blind, and therefore have excellent hearing.

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