Termination of a loan agreement unilaterally at the initiative of the bank. How to terminate a loan agreement with a bank, legal issues

If payments are late, the bank has the right to demand early repayment of the loan. But this does not mean that you are obliged to fulfill it unconditionally. Almost always, the amount of debt in reality is much lower.

The amount of debt specified in the request with the actual amount of debt can only coincide in two cases: you pay without delay, in accordance with the payment schedule, and then I see no reason for early repayment of the loan and, the second option, which has become increasingly common, the order of payment complies with the law and penalties, fines and commissions are paid after payment of interest and principal.

But, taking into account the fact that you had late payments, payments in a smaller amount (otherwise what are the grounds for an early demand?) and the fact that, most likely, the agreement provides for the order in which the penalty is paid before interest and principal, the amount of debt , which the bank issues may differ significantly from the actual debt. So the issue of the amount of debt is controversial, and if there is a dispute, it is resolved either by the parties voluntarily or by the court. The bank will never refuse this amount (although you must try to do this, otherwise you will not be able to file a claim), which means that in order to return the money, it must go to court. The bank also guesses (although this word is of little use in this situation) that it has a chance of losing illegally accrued penalties and interest and will put pressure on you so that you voluntarily pay the entire amount indicated in the demand, which I do not recommend doing.

You also need to take into account that sending such a demand does not always mean that the bank will actually go to court. Very often, to resolve this issue, it is enough to pay off the current debt. All debt in the bank is monitored by programs that have certain deadlines. If your debt is more than 90 days, you fall into the category of debtors for whom active action begins. But, if you pay off your overdue debt, then you disappear from this category. And if the main thing for the bank is to demand from you the amount of overdue debt, then it will lag behind you until there are new serious arrears. Well, if his original goal was precisely the early repayment of the loan, then one can expect a lawsuit. But in this situation there is a way out. As stated in paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, “An interested person has the right, in the manner established by the legislation on civil proceedings, to apply to the court for the protection of violated or disputed rights, freedoms or legitimate interests...” And paragraph 4 of Article 134 of the Code of Civil Procedure states that that the statement of claim must indicate: “what is the violation or threat of violation of the rights, freedoms or legitimate interests of the plaintiff and his demands”

That is, in fact, the bank will file a claim when you have repaid the overdue debt, that is, in conditions under which the dispute and violation of rights in this moment are missing. So what could be the claim? But you must definitely state this in your objection in court and indicate that there is no reason to satisfy the claim, since, despite the fact that you had delays, you are currently fulfilling all the terms of the contract and there are no violations. In such situations, very often banks refuse the claim, and you continue to simply pay according to schedule. But to do this, you must be present in court, and not just try to sit on the sidelines. No one will solve your problems for you and, taking into account the fact that our court is based on the principles of adversarial parties (Article 12 of the Code of Civil Procedure), the court, in the event of your failure to appear, will simply resolve the claim in favor of the bank.

The bank does not have the right to terminate the contract with the consumer unilaterally, and it is not beneficial for it, since it will lose the right to charge penalties and interest based on the terms of the contract. Therefore, this is just a horror story to put additional pressure on the debtor. Only a court can terminate an agreement and only when the bank makes such a demand, and banks do this extremely rarely.

Even taking into account the fact that the terms of the contract almost always contain a clause that states that the bank has the right to terminate the contract if the borrower commits a delay or other violations.

The law prohibits unilateral termination of a contract with a consumer.

In accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1 of Article 310 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, unilateral refusal to fulfill an obligation and unilateral change of its conditions are not allowed, except in cases provided for by law.

By virtue of the requirements established by paragraph 1 of Article 450 of the Code, amendment and termination of the contract are possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by this Code, other laws or the contract.

The inclusion in the loan agreement of conditions allowing the bank to unilaterally terminate the agreement does not meet the requirements provided for in paragraph 1 of Article 310 of the Civil Code Russian Federation, since in relations with citizens unilateral changes in obligations are not allowed unless otherwise established by law, therefore, such conditions infringe on the rights of the consumer compared to established by law, which leads to the nullity of the contract clause (Clause 1, Article 16 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”).

Thus, the bank can terminate the contract with the consumer only in court.

A request for early repayment of a loan sent to the debtor does not indicate unilateral termination of the agreement by the bank within the meaning of paragraph 3 of Article 450 Civil Code of the Russian Federation, according to which in the event of a unilateral refusal to fulfill a contract in whole or in part, when such refusal is permitted by law or by agreement of the parties, the contract is considered respectively terminated or amended.

In itself, the requirement for early repayment of the loan in this case cannot be qualified either as a requirement to terminate the contract (Code) or as a unilateral refusal to fulfill obligations ().
In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a change in the contract is possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by this Code, other laws or the contract.

From the meaning of paragraph 1 of Article 452, Article 820 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation it follows that the agreement to change the conditions loan agreement must be concluded in the same form as the loan agreement, that is, in writing.

A transaction in writing is concluded by drawing up a document expressing its contents, signed by the person or persons entering into the transaction or their duly authorized persons (clause 1 of Article 160 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, a notice of early repayment of a loan sent to the debtor is not a document made in writing and a basis for unilateral termination of the Loan Agreement.

Bank lawyers are well aware of this and very rarely claim termination of the contract in claims. The borrower, on the contrary, very often does not even realize this and assumes that since the court has determined the amount of debt, and the bank has convinced him that the agreement has been terminated, then this amount is final and, after paying the entire debt, he receives an unpleasant surprise from the bank about that he still owes him a considerable amount. How it was formed and what to do in this case, I will tell you in the answer to the question “After payment, the bank requires payment of interest and penalties by a court decision.”

Heaven will wait again

When we're talking about about banks, the borrower should carefully read the documents he signs. Often debtors want to be freed from accrual of all kinds of interest and fines on the loan and terminate the contract. But is this so easy to do in practice?

How to terminate a loan agreement with a bank

Termination of the agreement with the bank may occur:

  • by agreement of the parties;
  • according to the court's verdict.

There is also the option to make payments on all debts, then the agreement will be considered fulfilled.

It is important to know: after issuing a loan, the consumer has the right to return it back within 14 days, paying a small percentage.

On initial stage the borrower sends a request to the creditors to terminate the contract. It should notify the credit institution of your desire and indicate in detail the reasons (dismissal, illness). Practice shows that usually the bank very rarely makes concessions. He may not give an official answer at all, refuse to cancel, or offer impossible conditions.

In any case, it is better to make the decision not on your own, but with the support of an experienced lawyer.

It is important to know: the application may trigger a new statute of limitations on the loan, especially if a lot of time has passed.

Can a bank unilaterally terminate a loan agreement?

If the borrower does not pay the loan regularly, the bank may terminate the agreement unilaterally.

He has the power to demand repayment of the debt and, as a result, terminate the contract. The complexity of the situation is that after the bank sends a written demand to repay the entire debt, the borrower is given only 15 days to implement it. Paying off a debt implies the availability of finances, and if the borrower paid the loan in good faith, the bank would not seek to terminate the agreement ahead of schedule.

That's why further communication between the creditor and the debtor occurs through higher authorities.

It may take 2 months or more for an institution to appeal to higher authorities. All this time, the debt will grow, consisting of penalties and interest, and by the time of the long-awaited appeal to the court, the bank will present a huge amount of debt.

Often they deliberately delay going to court so that the borrower’s debt grows even more. The solution is for the borrower to file a claim with the credit institution, thus speeding up the involvement of the court in the investigation of the problem.

Termination of a loan agreement with a bank at the initiative of the borrower

In the history of judicial practice, termination can also occur at the initiative of the debtor. However, termination cannot relieve the borrower from responsibility and payment of the debt, but it can reduce its size, and in a good situation, cancel it altogether.

The agreement can be declared invalid only after the borrower is declared incompetent.

In other cases, such as loss of a job or due to illness, the court, unfortunately, does not relieve the debtor of debt obligations. In this case, the court sides with the bank.

How to terminate a loan agreement with a bank

Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation states that an agreement can be canceled either with the consent of only one party or by mutual consent. But this is not always possible or easy to do. If the debtor cannot pay the debt due to lack of finances, the bank begins to intimidate bailiffs, collectors.

It is possible to refuse to communicate with collectors, but only if the amount of debt is more than 50,000 rubles and the period of overdue is more than 4 months. If this does not stop, the borrower may contact the FSSP with a request for administrative punishment. The fine will range from 20,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Statement of claim for termination of a loan agreement with a bank - sample

Often the lender and borrower go to court because it is not possible to solve the problem on their own. A statement of claim is mandatory when going to court.

Termination of a loan agreement with a bank - judicial practice

The court is the last resort where you can turn to try to solve your problems. Submitting a statement of claim is necessary to convince the courts to terminate the agreement by mutual consent.

The court should be convinced that payment of the debt is not possible for very compelling reasons, and therefore request a revision of the contract. As valid reasons, the debtor attaches to the application documents confirming the fact of dismissal, serious illness, addition to the family, and others. But according to the court, the borrower should have foreseen all these nuances at the very beginning, when he entered into a deal with the lender.

The chances of the court considering the situation in favor of the debtor may increase if natural disasters, military operations, or fire are involved.

But usually the court remains to protect the interests of the creditor, although there are exceptions.

A loan agreement is a transaction under which a bank or other lender is obliged to provide financial resources to the borrower for a specified period. It specifies the responsibilities of both parties, information about the loan amount, the term and conditions of its provision.

But most borrowers are not aware that the bank can change the terms of the agreement or terminate it completely. The recipient of the loan has the same right. In our article we will talk about whether it is possible to terminate a loan agreement with a bank.

Why can a bank terminate a loan agreement?

The best option for terminating the transaction is by mutual agreement of the parties. It can be unilaterally terminated by a court decision.

Often this initiator is a bank. The grounds for early termination of the contract may be:

  • The lender urgently needed funds;
  • The borrower systematically violates the terms of the agreement.

For example, if a bank is approaching bankruptcy, it may require cash from the borrower, notifying him about this 90 days in advance. The agreement can also be terminated if the borrower misses payments on the loan and has a large debt.

Grounds for termination of the contract by the borrower

The loan agreement can be terminated either unilaterally or with the consent of both parties. The borrower also has the right to do this through the court. He has the right to challenge the contract if:

  • The bank violated his rights. The lender is required to provide all necessary information about the loan. Sometimes conditions are found in the contract that violate the rights of the borrower. If he hid the terms of the loan from the client, the borrower has the right to terminate the agreement. The court has every reason to recognize such a transaction as illegal;
  • The bank changed the terms of the agreement. He cannot increase the interest rate at his own discretion without informing the client about it. Unilateral, groundless amendments to the loan agreement are not permitted by law;
  • The bank did not have or was deprived of a license. In this case, the borrower has legal action;
  • Change it financial situation. If the borrower is unable to pay, the court may invalidate the agreement. If the borrower has been recognized as having limited legal capacity or incapacity, the agreement may also be declared invalid;
  • The agreement was signed under the influence of fraud or misconception. That is, the loan could be imposed on the client. In addition, he could have made a rash decision by agreeing to this deal.

How to terminate a loan agreement?

In order to terminate a loan agreement, you may need to go through several steps:

  • Contact the bank with an application about termination of the contract. A sample of it is usually located at the information stand; you can download the application form from our website and fill it out at home;
  • Contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation with a complaint to the bank if termination is refused;
  • If this does not help, then - submit statement of claim to court. This action will take a lot of time, because you will have to defend your position in court.

How to apply for termination to the bank?

We list the basic requirements for drawing up an application to the bank:

  • Full name of the organization and last name, first name, patronymic of the head;
  • Data about the borrower (last name, first name, patronymic and residential address, contact telephone number);
  • number, date, other details of the loan agreement;
  • Description of the situation and reasons for termination;
  • Requirements for the manager to terminate the loan agreement;
  • List of attached materials serving as grounds for termination.

The period for consideration of such an appeal should not exceed 7 days. Often bank employees deliberately delay the procedure for considering an application.

The application is submitted in two copies to the secretary; it must indicate the reasons for termination. The document must be sent to the bank by registered mail. You can take it in person, but in this case it is worth taking a copy with you.

Important: Termination of a contract with the agreement of the parties (general agreement between the lender and the borrower) can only be carried out if the interests of both parties are not infringed. Funds received on credit must be returned in full.

If you are denied termination of the contract, then, as stated above, you can file a claim. But practice shows that such claims are extremely rarely satisfied. Therefore, before contacting higher authorities, you should consult with a lending lawyer.

Termination through court

The requirements for the content of a statement of claim to the court are established in the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Sample statement of claim to court can be downloaded below.

On court hearing Both sides must be present, each of which will prove its case. In order to challenge a contract, you must competently substantiate your legal position. The main thing is to be prepared for a long and difficult legal process.

The borrower can also file a claim in court by paying a state fee of 200 rubles.

Usually the court sides with the bank. But there are exceptions, and the court accepts the borrower’s position, noting the arguments presented by him. But it is almost impossible to calculate the exact probability of what decision the court will make. Therefore, before applying, it is better to consult with professional lawyers.

Documents to court

The following will need to be added to the application:

  • Copies of the statement of claim according to the number of defendants;
  • Loan agreement;
  • Receipt for payment of state duty;
  • Bank refusal in writing.

All these documents will need to be submitted to the court office, along with the claim against the bank. In addition, you will need to provide the bank with evidence that the bank violated the terms of the agreement, the agreement was signed forcibly or you were misled and there is evidence of this, or documents confirming that you have become bankrupt.

idea of termination of a loan agreement with a bank, as a rule, comes to the borrower against the background of discovering his inability to repay the loan, even partially, and the accumulation of debt, to which a penalty is added. Termination of the contract terminates the obligations of the parties, and this is the result that is being counted on.

Really, general provisions laws on contractual obligations allow you to terminate any contract. This can be done by agreement of the parties (in credit legal relations - the bank and the borrower), or by a court decision if an agreement has not been reached. In addition, it is permissible for one of the parties to refuse to perform the contract without the consent of the other party, which also entails termination of the contract.

In relation to the loan agreement and the borrower’s obligation, there is only one problem- extremely difficult to choose legal basis for termination, and it is even more difficult to prove its existence. Therefore, if we turn to practice, then for last years There is not a single case where a loan agreement would be terminated solely on the initiative of the borrower. There is a right and an opportunity, but implementing them with a positive result is unlikely.

Grounds for termination of a loan agreement

There are no special reasons. Borrowers can use those that apply to any agreement:

  1. Agreement of the parties (bank and borrower).
  2. By court decision, if:
  • the bank significantly violated the terms of the agreement, and such violation resulted in damage to the borrower, depriving him to a significant extent of what he expected when entering into the agreement;
  • the borrower refers to the grounds expressly provided for in the loan agreement for its termination.
  1. A significant change in the circumstances from which the bank and the borrower proceeded when applying for a loan is one that, if foreseen, would have forced the borrower to refuse the loan or enter into an agreement on completely different conditions. A prerequisite for the application of this basis is the combination of the following factors:
  • when applying for a loan, the parties assumed that the changes referred to by the borrower would not occur;
  • the reasons for the changes could not be overcome by the borrower after they occurred with a due degree of prudence and careful attitude towards fulfilling the terms of the loan;
  • execution of the agreement would violate the balance of the interests of the bank and the borrower arising from it and would entail causing damage to the borrower with a significant deprivation of what he expected under the agreement;
  • the terms of the loan do not stipulate that the risk of changing circumstances lies with the borrower.

Of all the above grounds, only one can be called more or less applicable - a significant change in circumstances. As a rule, it is used when borrowers go to court. Among the reasons for changes in circumstances, illness, loss of work, a serious reduction in income, etc. most often appear. Less often, borrowers refer to various types of natural disasters, emergencies and everything else that usually refers to force majeure. At the same time, all these reasons and grounds are not taken into account by the courts due to the weighty position of the bank - they could have been foreseen by the borrower at the time of concluding the loan agreement. Moreover, there is practically nothing to counter such bank arguments with:

  • when referring to dismissal, illness, decrease in income and other circumstances of a serious deterioration in the financial and material situation, the bank has only one answer - these circumstances are surmountable (you can find new job, open a business, get cured, etc.);
  • When referring to force majeure circumstances, banks justify their disagreement with the termination of the loan agreement with a very simple argument - the borrower was offered insurance, but he refused, or the borrower himself did not take measures to obtain insurance, that is, he could have foreseen various force majeure events and could have Moreover, insure yourself against their consequences.

The position of a borrower who has become terminally ill looks more weighty. You can also try to prepare an evidence base, justifying the fact that the borrower could not foresee force majeure circumstances and could not insure against them. But this is extremely difficult to do even with the involvement of a good lawyer. Arguments should be as uncontroversial as possible.

How to terminate a contract

Termination of a loan agreement requires a preliminary resolution of the issue in a pre-trial manner. The borrower must send the appropriate notice to the bank and justify the reasons for termination. And only if no agreement is reached does the right to go to court appear.

A statement of claim is sent to the court demanding termination of the loan agreement. The case is being considered as usual. The probability of a positive outcome is close to zero. Taking this into account, as well as assessing the cost of effort and money for the trial, it is worth thinking very carefully about your legal position, and most importantly, the evidence of the existence of grounds for terminating the contract.

remember, that the outcome of the case may depend on the correctness of drawing up the statement of claim in court. If you have any difficulties, then you can use help to terminate loan agreements.

Have you taken out a loan and have no money to pay?

Do you want to cancel your loan?

Need to stop rising interest rates?

Didn't calculate the interest rate?

We are GUARANTEED to help you!

We will terminate the loan agreement and you will remain in debt to the bank exactly as much as you borrowed from the bank!

You will have to give this amount to the bank without interest!

That is, you get an interest-free loan!

The cost of the service is 20,000 rubles

Payment in installments is possible!

We 100% guarantee you termination of the loan agreement!

You will receive money for our services through a court decision from the bank (except if we helped you pre-trial)

If for any reason we cannot help you, we will return your money!

Thus, by contacting us, you do not risk anything!

We are also ready to reduce the monthly loan payment through the court

We reduce interest rates from 30% to 8-12% per annum!

In addition, we will help you write off penalties, fines and penalties accrued by the bank

In some cases, a loan agreement becomes a burden for the debtor or creditor. However, the termination procedure is initiated extremely rarely, especially when it comes to a bank. The fact is that sometimes it is beneficial for the bank to keep the borrower “with itself”. But if it doesn't come to that, it's done termination of the loan agreement, where both parties have no claims. Although in the agreement, credit institutions often indicate that they have the right to unilaterally terminate the document.

The transaction can also be terminated at the request of one party to the transaction through the court. There are two situations when this is possible:

  1. When the other party commits significant violations of the agreement;
  2. Other cases directly provided for by law or contracts.

If the borrower was not provided with a loan on the terms specified in the agreement, he may terminate the agreement unilaterally.

There are much more situations when a creditor can initiate unilateral termination.

  • The borrower does not comply with the creditor's demands to repay the resulting debt, interest and other payments, which must be made within the terms established by the agreement.
  • If the borrower does not use the funds for their intended purpose.
  • If it is not possible to control the intended use of loan funds, the bank may demand that the loan be returned immediately.
  • When the borrower fails to fulfill obligations to secure the loan.
  • When the security specified in the contract is lost or its condition has deteriorated.
  • Financial position the borrower has deteriorated and this threatens to default on the obligations under the loan agreement.
  • If the borrower's bankruptcy procedure is initiated.

Although in many cases the termination of the agreement is postponed until the debtor has paid the maximum possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of terminating the contract

For a bank, such a procedure has more disadvantages than advantages. However, everything will depend on the specific borrower and his solvency. Mostly loan termination occurs when there is nothing more to take from the debtor or, conversely, he has pledged property that can be foreclosed on. It is not profitable for credit institutions to hold overdue contracts for years, thereby spoiling the statistics. Therefore, if they can take something from the borrower, they will try to do it.

It would seem that termination of the contract initiated by the borrower will bring him complete benefits:

  • they will stop calling from the bank;
  • will not be able to transfer the case to third parties (read: collectors);
  • will stop getting worse credit history;
  • You can finally pay off the bank by handing over the money legally owed.

However, there are also disadvantages to this process:

  • termination may not go according to the scenario you planned;
  • the debt will still have to be paid;
  • If collectors have your information, you will have to contact them to stop calling.

Therefore, in order for the termination procedure to bring the desired results, you should enlist the support of an experienced lawyer. Then you can achieve termination and make it profitable.

The most profitable way to terminate a transaction with a bank is by agreement of the parties. Only in this case, neither you nor the credit institution should object to termination. And this happens very rarely. If this happens, indicate in the agreement the amount of debt, the repayment period and other nuances. When the bank objects to this method, the transaction is terminated by a civil court decision. But here you will need to prove that the terms of the agreement were violated by the bank.

Applying for a loan is now much easier than terminating or paying it off. As a result, many problematic agreements have emerged. If you understand that repaying the debt is difficult or impossible at all, contact a lawyer and go with him to the bank to solve the problem. By doing this on time, you will avoid debt-related troubles.

The lawyer will tell you how best to terminate the deal with the bank. Only such a procedure is allowed in exceptional cases and requires special training and knowledge. Typically, the conditions and procedure for termination are specified in the contract itself, and these clauses need to be read more carefully when signing the document. After all, if the lender reserves the right to terminate unilaterally without notifying the borrower, then the consequences can be very different.

But if the contract is terminated by agreement of the parties or by court decision, then this will be followed by payment of the remaining debt, fines and other expenses for servicing the loan. Did the contract contain sanctions for early termination? They will definitely be applied to the initiator of termination! The borrower may be subject to a fine. Therefore, you don’t need to rush into this pool alone, enlist the support of a lawyer, and only then, without fear, go to court or a bank with an application for termination.

How to terminate a transaction by agreement of the parties?

To initiate termination of a transaction with a bank, it is not necessary don't pay the loan, you can solve the matter using less radical methods. By doing this in agreement with the credit institution, you will save both time and nerves. This procedure is possible:

  1. If the document has expired;
  2. In advance.

In the first case the contract is terminated, if the loan debt is paid in full and all necessary payments. This happens automatically and does not require signing additional documents.

However, there may remain other agreements with the bank that do not terminate automatically. These include a debt service agreement or a bank account agreement. They accumulate debt, which the former borrower is not even aware of. Therefore, you need to submit an application to the credit institution, where you indicate the need to terminate the additional agreements. The result will be a certificate confirming that you do not owe the bank anything.

If the debt under the contract is not paid, then termination of the contract is automatically impossible. Here the borrower will have to go to court to terminate the transaction. You will still have to pay the debt, but turning to the courts will reduce the amount of fines and penalties. A professional lawyer specializing in such cases will be of great help in this matter.

He will help you conclude an agreement on debt restructuring and protect your interests in court. Thus, an agreement is concluded with the bank, which specifies new debt repayment conditions, schedule, terms and interest. The main thing is not to hide from bank representatives, then the procedure for terminating the transaction will go much faster, and it will be easier to find in court mutual language with bank employees.

In the second case When it comes to early termination of an agreement with a bank, the actions of the borrower depend on how the funds were received. For a one-time provision of funds (consumer or cash loan), the agreement specifies the conditions for early termination. This is mainly due to the early repayment of the loan taken. If no special conditions is not specified, the agreement will terminate automatically when you repay the loan in full.

How to terminate a deal through court?

In this case it is allowed termination of a loan agreement at the initiative of the debtor (borrower) subject to two conditions, which were already mentioned earlier:

  • significant violation of the terms of the transaction;
  • changed circumstances (loss of job or breadwinner, etc.).

If one of the conditions is met, then a certain procedure must be followed:

  1. Send the credit institution a termination proposal;
  2. Go to court with a statement of claim;
  3. Follow the instructions after the court makes a decision.

It is better, of course, if you go through all these steps with an experienced lawyer who can suggest ways out of difficult situations. Our specialists will not only help you file a claim, but will also represent your interests in court.

Immediately before contacting the judicial authorities, send a letter to the bank indicating the need to terminate the transaction. The proposal must be sent by registered mail with notification of delivery. If a bank branch is nearby, you can take the letter there yourself. Only in this case, do not forget to make a copy of the message and get a mark from the bank on it that they received the original.

When a properly executed refusal comes from the bank, you can go to court with a claim. If bank representatives are in no hurry to respond, you can contact the judicial authorities after 30 days. The claim must be submitted in writing, and the application itself must include the following information:

  • name of the court, defendant (bank) and plaintiff;
  • place of residence or location of the borrower and the credit institution;
  • the essence of the violation that occurred;
  • the grounds for your claims and evidence thereof;
  • list of documentation attached to the claim.

To competently draw up a claim, you need not just knowledge, but also experience. The skills of our experts will be useful in this matter, so if you decide to go to the judicial authorities for termination, call us. Then the decision will be made with maximum benefit for you.

When the statement of claim is received by the court, count down five days. This period is necessary for the court to decide whether to accept the claim for judicial proceedings or not. Correctly written applications are accepted very quickly and further:

  • a preliminary hearing is scheduled;
  • Next comes the trial.

Based on the results of the latter, the court will make a decision and it will come into force when the period required for filing an appeal expires. If there is no appeal, the decision comes into force and the contract is terminated with all the ensuing circumstances. The parties will be able to appeal the decision within the next 30 days.

Why is it easier to terminate contracts with us?

Our company has many highly specialized lawyers who deal specifically with the termination of credit transactions. They thoroughly know all the features of this procedure and will be able to correctly prepare all the documents. We are guaranteed to achieve our goals, giving the result that was agreed upon at the first meeting. Working with us is convenient, easy and reliable! There is no need to rush into the unknown maelstrom of litigation and loan agreements, call us and we will solve these problems for you!

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