Angelfish is a colorful inhabitant of tropical waters. Angel fish and devil fish Which fish belong to the angel family

A wonderful decoration for a large home aquarium can become a beautiful and elegant angel fish. Featuring attractive and varied colors with neon colors typical tropical fish, all aquarists like it. In addition, these fish are quite unpretentious in care, so even a novice lover of aquatic life can cope with their maintenance.


The angel fish got into home aquariums from warm tropical seas. In their natural environment, they live among bright coral reefs at various depths. Some subspecies are found even at a depth of about 60 meters. Angelfish live in the waters of three oceans - the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian, and in all the seas of the tropical and subtropical climate zones.

Despite the fact that angel fish belongs to the perciformes family, which are overwhelmingly predators, this fish prefers a varied diet. They feed mainly on zooplankton, algae, sponges, and small invertebrates. Essentially, these angelfish are omnivores. They differ quite a lot in size, their average length 10-20 cm, but some species can grow up to 60 cm.

The angel fish acquires its bright and unusual color once it reaches a certain size. The babies have a uniform and rather inconspicuous color, which contributes to greater survival of the fish in natural conditions. The color change occurs very quickly. Almost within a few weeks, an inconspicuous fish turns into a magnificent beauty in a bright, unusual outfit. Despite the fact that they live in coral reefs, angelfish form quite large groups, by nature they are solitary. Groups exist only to designate and protect their habitat, within which the fish form pairs. Stronger males may have a small harem of 1-3 females, which they carefully protect.

It was the diversity and splendor of the natural coloring of the angel fish that attracted the attention of aquarists around the world to it. And watch them in conditions natural environment- an exciting and beautiful adventure.

Varieties of Angelfish

There are enough varieties of angel fish or, as they are also called, pomacanth fish
many - the family consists of 7 genera and approximately 90 species:

  1. Apolemikhty
  2. Chaetodontopla
  3. Centropigi
  4. Lyrebirds
  5. Isabelites
  6. Pomacants
  7. Pygoplates

Most diverse species composition- These are small-sized centropygs that reach a maximum size of 18-20 cm. But some species of Pomacanthaceae grow in adulthood to 45 and even 60 cm in length. And in a room aquarium it will be a little cramped for them.

Conditions for keeping in an aquarium

As already mentioned, angel fish are unpretentious and can easily coexist with almost any type of aquarium fish. When creating conditions conducive to reproduction, she touchingly shows concern for the offspring and has a certain intelligence. If there is a sufficient amount of food, then the adults coexist quite peacefully with the young, which greatly simplifies the keeping and breeding of these fish in the aquarium.

Since fish come from warm tropical seas, constant temperature water in around 25-28C is a vital indicator for them. In addition, the water must have a Ph between 8.1-8.4. Natural inhabitants of coral reefs, they love to hide in rocks and eat algae from them. Therefore, if you want the fish to feel comfortable, be sure to take care of this. These amazing fish live quite a long time. At good conditions With care and a well-designed feeding diet, they can delight with their beauty for up to 10-15 years. And although acclimatization in a new aquarium takes some time, after adaptation the fish feels absolutely comfortable and even makes contact.


Angel fish is a rather voracious creature, but an omnivore. Therefore, on the one hand, it is easy to feed it, since the fish does not refuse any food. On the other hand, in unnatural conditions it needs to be provided with a varied diet, which will include algae, sponges and small invertebrates. Only then will the fish retain its bright color and feel comfortable.

In specialized stores you can often find ready-made food intended for this type of fish. Buy this food - perfect option, because it is balanced and contains all the necessary components. If you decide to create a diet yourself, then be sure to include crushed sponges and spirulina in the menu.

You need to feed the fish 2-3 times a day, giving the amount of food that the inhabitants of the aquarium can eat at one time. IN home menu You can also include chopped frozen mussels, shrimp, squid and even add a little spinach.

When feeding, pay attention to whether the food goes to younger individuals and the angels’ neighbors in the aquarium. Gluttonous fish often try to eat more food on their own, and other fish may be left without food. In a cramped aquarium, they may not allow smaller fish into the food at all.

Behavioral features

In natural conditions, when fish have at their disposal large territory, aggression of males towards each other manifests itself exclusively during the period of active reproduction, when pairs and mini-harems are formed. The rest of the time, individuals of the same sex treat each other quite neutrally.

Everything happens a little differently in the limited space of an aquarium. First of all, I would like to note that the earlier the fish gets into the aquarium, the more aggressively it will defend its rights to the territory. Some pomacants are even capable of making quite loud clicking sounds, trying to scare away rivals.

Moreover, it is the pomacanths that are the most aggressive among the angelfish and it often happens that there can only be one individual of this species in the aquarium. Each adult angelfish should require at least 200 liters of water. So before you choose these absolutely beautiful fish, think about whether they have enough space for a comfortable life.

Popular species for keeping in aquariums

For those who want to add the mysterious angel fish to their aquarium for the first time, below is small list the most unpretentious species in terms of keeping conditions:

These are just a few of dozens of different different types angel fish. Each of them is unique and good in its own way, and if you take the choice of a new aquarium inhabitant responsibly and take everything into account the necessary conditions, then it will delight you for a long time with its bright colors and unique grace.

Angel fish – majestic and beautiful name fish. And the fish itself is chic and beautiful, although it always prefers to remain in the shadows, its beauty is difficult not to notice and appreciate.

It can be easily recognized by its flat body, bright color with large stripes. On average, the size of this fish ranges from 12 to 60 cm. The shape of the angel fish resembles a parallelepiped.

At the top it has a sharp spike pointing backwards. Her appearance is quite attractive, but this does not mean that she is too sociable. Angel fish prefers loneliness and solitude. If a partner is found for her, then she remains with him until the end of her days.

Features and habitat of angel fish

Tropical latitudes of all the world's seas - favorite places habitat of angel fish. Waters of the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans Most often they hide this beauty within themselves. Coral reefs and blue lagoons are the most favorite places for angelfish.

They can often be found in marine aquariums. The South American Amazon River has several species of these fish. However, it is not entirely necessary to go there to see them; it is enough to visit any pet store; such fish are very popular and, accordingly, in demand.

There are hundreds of varieties of angelfish with the most... different colors and sizes. There are also those whose mouth reaches huge size. Swimming over the corals, they open their mouths wide and suck in food.

Photo of angel fish conveys all its beauty and unsurpassedness. You can look at this miracle endlessly, both in reality and in photos. Admiring an angel fish brings human soul a feeling of peace and a fabulous mood.

Character and lifestyle of angel fish

Sometimes angel fish behave aggressively towards their relatives. They live mainly in pairs, sometimes it happens to notice that one male has two females, this is within normal limits for them.

They have clear boundaries of their ranges, which the males guard. When there is a possible threat, they make a loud clicking sound. The movement of fish is characteristic and jerky. If there is possible danger, fish may gather in schools near small caves.

If the danger persists, their irritation increases and they begin to make this clicking sound that can be heard over a long distance. As a rule, such sounds most often scare away potential enemies.

Dragonfin angelfish – bright inhabitant tropical waters. But this is a fictional species of angelfish that can only be found in computer games. Angelfish fish sometimes confused because of its similar name with angel fish.

But, if you look at angel fish picture and compare it with the angelfish, then more confusion will never arise because they are significantly different from each other. We already know what does an angel fish look like.

This is an incredible sight that lifts your spirits with all its colors. If you look at a sea angel you can forget about reality for a while, to such an extent this mollusk seems fabulous and unearthly.

Belongs to the angelfish family imperial angel fish, which amazes with its grandeur and beauty. It differs from all other fish in its bright blue-green color, with various white and black stripes. This color scheme really gives the fish imperial grandeur and chic.

Scientists around the world consider angel fish shy and unsociable. In fact, this is how it is, they keep themselves apart and are hostile to anything new and unusual in their lives.

Angel fish lives V tropical latitudes, in warm shallow water and next to coral reefs. But most of them can be seen in aquariums and pet stores. This is one of the most favorite fish among aquarists.

Aquarium fish angel It also keeps itself apart, trying to swim away from other inhabitants of the aquarium. Therefore, it is very important that the aquarium in which angel fish live is large. If they have little space, it is likely that they will attack their neighbors.

There is another one interesting view angel fish - cave angel fish. She is blind, but her advantage is that she can move around with ease, like a four-legged creature.

In the photo there is a cave angel fish

She can even climb a waterfall. The pelvis and spine of this fish are designed in such a way that, regardless of gravity, it can easily support its body weight. The habitat of the cave angel fish is the dark caves of Thailand.

Eating angel fish

Different types of angelfish have different diets. For some species of these fish there are no restrictions on food; they are omnivores and can eat not only algae, but also small mollusks and even jellyfish. Others eat nothing but corals or sponges. Still others prefer exclusively algae.

Reproduction and lifespan of angel fish

As mentioned above, fish angels create pairs, but there are cases when there is one male for several females. If suddenly the male dies under some circumstances, then one of the females becomes a male.

This is one of the characteristics of angel fish. Their eggs float freely in the water. Most of it can be eaten predatory fish. Therefore, the angel fish tries to spawn in places more remote from everyone else. Their lifespan is about 8 years.

catch an angel fish possible in both fresh and salt water, most often near coral reefs. School of angel fish it is almost impossible to see the way they prefer to live in pairs.

Angel fish price acceptable. So any fish lover can afford to buy this beauty. Just before buying, you should take into account that a fight for territory may begin in the aquarium. This happens even among the most peaceful fish species.

Angel fish care contains some secrets. Most importantly, the aquarium should have more plant decorations that will serve as shelter for these fish.

“Living stones” are also ideal for this. Fish hide in grottoes and caves made of such stones. The temperature of the water must be observed. It should be 22-25 degrees. Also, the water should be salty.

The angel fish immediately senses any change in water quality. It is highly undesirable to release fish into a newly started aquarium. In such an environment, the indicators of sea water have not yet been completely established, but it is full of nitrates, phosphates and other representatives chemical substances, which can adversely affect the condition and well-being of the fish.

It is necessary to change 25% of the water every six months. There should be good air circulation in the aquarium, but not too much water flow. Conditions for keeping angel fish in a home aquarium must be perfect. Only in this case will it grow and reproduce well.

Aesthetic pleasure, peace, relief from depressive syndromes and stress - all this comes from contemplating aquarium fish. It’s not for nothing that Ancient China noticed this feature and began breeding them for the first time. And the angel fish, moreover, with its beauty and elegance, is a wonderful decoration for any aquarium.

Origin and habitat

These heat-loving fish live in the tropical waters of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, close to coral reefs at various depths, but mainly up to 50 meters. In the shallow waters of reefs, large groups of angels choose areas for permanent habitat and protect them. Large angels can "capture" habitats of more than a thousand square meters, dwarf angels - a small coral colony.


Angelfish (Latin Pomacanthidae) refers to bony fish order of perciformes, has flat body build and high back. The small mouth is located at the end of a slightly pointed or rounded muzzle. One of distinctive features is a massive spike located on the gills below, directed backwards and distinguished by its color. The fins on the chest are pointed, on the abdomen - located under pectoral fins and a few ahead. Wide dorsal and anal fins.

Angels can be from 6 to 60 centimeters long, but they usually grow to 20-30 centimeters, the smallest adults are 12-15 centimeters. Very bright and variegated coloring in the form of a mesh or striped pattern. The design itself can be yellow, blue, orange or black. With age, the variegation of color does not change at all, quite the contrary. The difference in color between young and adult fish is very interesting. The young have a completely different color; previously, because of this, they were even mistakenly considered a different species. This is due to the fact that groups of angels zealously defend their territory from fellow tribesmen, identifying them by color, and “little things”, having a different color, can swim unrecognized. As already mentioned, fish live in large groups, which, in turn, are divided into subgroups, and those into pairs or “harem groups” of one male and several females. By nature, these are calm and even slightly shy fish, but in relation to their relatives they are energetically aggressive.

Did you know? The smallest fish is Schindleria prematurus. She is also the lightest. Its weight is only 2 milligrams.

Popular species for keeping in aquariums

In the world, or more precisely, in the World Ocean, there are more than 85 species of angelfish. Of these, nine species are in the Atlantic Ocean, the rest are in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. But we will only talk about some aquarium species of these fish.

Its main differences are elegance and bright colors. The copper body is diagonally crossed by elongated bright blue stripes, the tail is white and blue with a copper edging. The colors of this angel just shine. The dorsal fin is extended towards the posterior end of the body, thereby giving a special gracefulness to the shape. He needs sea ​​water with a temperature of +23...+25 degrees.


One of the biggest aquarium species. Emperor angelfish are usually about 40 centimeters in length. Its light brown head is decorated with a spectacular darkish mask, and its muzzle and orange anal fin are clearly distinguished by thin neon blue stripes. A restrained blue body with many bright yellow stripes with a lemon tint running along the body. The tail and dorsal fins are lemon colored. The water temperature for this fish is from +24 to +26 degrees.

Big and beautiful. The main body tone is yellow or orange-yellow with transverse sparkling stripes edged in black. The dark dorsal fin has a graceful intricate pattern, the soft blue anal fin is decorated with graceful orange stripes. Temperature: +24...+27 degrees.

In his youth he is very impressive - all in black, with intersecting yellow and white stripes, this contrast creates special beauty. But when it grows up, it will acquire muted and more sophisticated colors. The body will become olive-yellowish, with an iridescent copper tint, and the pattern will also change - it will become darkish-spotted with thin blue stripes. He will feel good in water with +25...+27 degrees.

Red Striped Angel

A small, one might say dwarf, angel, 15-16 centimeters, or even less. Its coloring is not as brilliant as the others, but it is also beautiful: rich red-orange stripes crossing the silver-gray body. Its darkish caudal and anal fins are decorated with a blue ribbon with a hint of neon, the lower part of the body with the pectoral fins is golden. The red-striped angel prefers water with parameters +25...+27.

Again, juveniles and adults have different colors. Little ones and “youths” have dazzling shades of blue, black and white. Stripes running in a semicircle along the dark blue body. But the older ones have stunningly unusual and sophisticated colors, but not so provocative. There are many small dark dots on the greenish-brown sides, and a bright blue stripe on the edges of the fins. The elongated stigma, running along the entire body to the very caudal fin, dorsal and anal fins make the fish almost square in shape. The water temperature is similar to the previous two.

Did you know? Anostomus fish are upside down when swimming and at rest.

The angel himself is unpretentious and does not mind living next to all the fish. But the fish is strict about living conditions and care.

Aquarium setup

To create acceptable conditions, an aquarium with a capacity of at least 250 liters and, at most, 50 centimeters in height is required.

Important! The aquarium should be in a quiet place: the angelfish cannot tolerate loud noises.

Small pebbles or dark-colored coarse sand are suitable as soil. It is important to plant a sufficient number of aquarium plants to provide shelter for the fish, but you also need to maintain a place for swimming.
Naturally, we must not forget about aeration and proper filtration. Water should be changed weekly, at least 20% of the total volume. The decor of the aquarium will also be useful - small caves, tunnels, steps, recesses made of corals, even if artificial, but processed.

Water parameters

Angelfish of all species constantly need high-quality, filtered water with controlled concentrations of ammonium, nitrites and nitrates. If there are signs of deteriorating water purity, take measures to reduce the amount of harmful additives. Ideally, the water should be at a temperature similar to the temperature in the reservoir where the fish live in natural conditions. Water pH is recommended within 8.1-8.4.


Angelfish are voracious, but not picky eaters. He loves frozen peas, but only those that have already been thawed and peeled. Sometimes I don’t mind eating frozen brine shrimp (also thawed). You can use ready-made food sticks with spirulina purchased in zoological stores as food.

Important! All dry food products should be soaked before feeding, otherwise the fish’s digestive tract will be upset.

Protein must also be present in the diet. In general, the best foods are shrimp, squid, plankton, krill, and shellfish (chopped). Fish should be fed no more than four times a day. However, it is important that the diet contains variety and quality ingredients.

Reproduction and lifespan

By the tenth month of life the fish angelfish will reach sexual maturity and then it should create special conditions for reproduction: select a pair ready for reproduction and transplant it into a spawning tank (it is not difficult to determine the pair - it keeps to itself in its own territory).

The spawning ground must first be equipped with aeration and large-leaf plants (the female will subsequently spawn on them). Raise the water temperature to +28...+29 degrees. Spawning can last more than one hour, during which time from 300 to 700 eggs will be released (but only half will be born). By 7-9 days the fry will hatch.

Important! As soon as the fry appear, the fish need to be fed with fractional and very small food.

Diseases and treatment

Every living thing gets sick and these lovely fish are no exception. And we will look at what they most often suffer from and how to treat them.

    Answer: Click on the "Store" button at the bottom of the toolbar, select the "Fish" tab, click the "Buy" button under the image of the fish you have chosen, confirm your choice (purchase) and touch the screen as many times as you want fish buy. To stop purchasing, click the "Store" button again.
    Question: What actions can I perform offline (without an Internet connection)?
    Answer: Without an Internet connection, you can feed the fish, move them to another aquarium, remove and remove decorations from the chest, move, rotate, reduce and enlarge the decorations in the aquarium.
    Question: I bought fish, why are they so small?
    Answer: Because you bought fry. Feed them and wait. They will grow up and become big and beautiful.
    Question: How fast do fish grow?
    Answer: Each type of fish has a “growth” parameter, it shows how long it takes the fish to grow by one level. Please note that if the fish is hungry, it stops growing, so for the fish to grow, it needs to be fed periodically.
    Question: Why doesn't my pet perform its functions?
    Answer: Either he has already reached height level 11, or he is hungry (sick/dead).
    Question: Is my fish food running out?
    Answer: No, it is infinite.
    Question: How can I feed my friend's predators?
    Answer: None. Only the owner of the aquarium can feed predators, since predators feed on fry, and no one except the owner of the aquarium can add new fish to the aquarium.
    Question: After feeding my neighbor’s fish, experience points for this were first added, then some of them disappeared. Why?
    Answer: This means that someone managed to feed these fish faster than you.
    Question: What to feed predators?
    Answer: Level 1 predators eat regular food, starting from level 2 - fish fry bought with coins! Predators do not eat fish fry bought with diamonds, and, accordingly, other predators and pets.
    Question: How to earn coins?
    Answer: You get coins for selling fish. The sale amount is indicated in full description fish, which opens after clicking the "Buy" button in the Store. The selling price will increase 4 times when the fish reaches level 5.
    Question: Why can't I sell fish?
    Answer: You are probably trying to sell a fry (level one fish). Fry cannot be sold!
    Question: When is the best time to sell fish?
    Answer: When the fish reaches level 5, the price and selling experience are maximum and do not increase further.
    Question: What happens if you don’t feed your fish and pets?
    Answer: Once a fish or pet gets hungry, it stops growing. After some time, they begin to get sick and stop eating food. If your fish or pet is not treated and fed, it may die. Also, a hungry pet stops performing its functions.
    Question: How to treat and revive fish and pets?
    Answer: Click on a sick or dead fish, a dialogue will appear where the cost of treating or reviving the fish will be written. Click on the "Heal" or "Revive" button. Fish purchased with diamonds are resurrected with coins and vice versa.
    Question: How quickly do fast-growing fish get sick and die?
    Answer: Any fish is able to remain healthy for at least a day without care, then it will get sick. That is, the fastest growing fish will not die earlier than three days after the last feeding.
    Question: How to use the pills?
    Answer: Click on the desired fish - 3 buttons for using pills will appear on the game panel below. By clicking on them you can reduce, increase, or increase the level of the selected fish. The black numbers on the button are the number of pills you have.
    Question: What happens to the automatic feeder after its expiration date?
    Answer: She will remain in the aquarium. Moreover, it can be filled for 50% of the original cost. Select the feeder, then on the “Fill” button that appears, you will see the cost - OK. Only empty or almost empty feeders can be filled.
    Question: How many aquariums can I buy?
    Answer: 10 aquariums. Each can be expanded to 30 fish.
    Question: How do I move fish and decorations to another aquarium?
    Answer: Select a fish or decoration, and at the bottom, click the “Move to another aquarium” button on the toolbar. Pets cannot be moved!
    Question: How to add friends to the game?
    Answer: You can add someone who is already playing Aquamir 3D as a friend, the friend should appear in the game. Or go to the end of the list of friends under the game and click the "Invite a friend" button.
    Question: How to remove abandoned friends' aquariums?
    Answer: You can delete a friend in social network or ask them to delete the game.
    Question: Why are friends/neighbors needed?
  • Every day you can help your friends by feeding their fish and earning experience from it.
  • Friends send gifts: fish, decor.
  • Friends can feed your fish when you are unable to do so for some reason.
  • Some items in the store require a certain number of neighbors.
    Question: How to give gifts?
    Answer: Go to a friend’s aquarium and click on the “Give a gift” button in the lower right corner, select a gift and click on the “Give” button.
    Question: What happens to rejected gifts?
    Answer: Nothing. They disappear. The cost of the gift is not returned to the donor, nor is the counter reset for the task of sending gifts.
    Question: Where can I look for tasks?
    Answer: You can see the list of tasks in the “My Achievements” section, which appears when you click on the gold medal at the top of the game window.
    Question: How many items can be stored in a chest?
    Answer: 10 items, but it is possible to increase the capacity of the chest.
    Question: How many gifts can I store in the gift vault and for how long?
    Answer: 20 gifts can be stored by a regular user, 40 gifts by a VIP user. Items can be stored in the chest indefinitely until the user accepts them. But once the maximum number of gifts is reached, friends will no longer be able to send you gifts until you make room.
    Question: What fish are goldfish, catfish, cichlids, labyrinths and surgeonfish?
  • Blue Angelfish
  • cornflower
  • Zebra Fish
  • Dolphin fish
  • Tropheus Moore
  • Akara Turquoise
  • Marble Angelfish
  • Parrot Fish
  • Apistogram
  • Parrot cichlid
  • Flower Horn
  • Huaru black-spotted
  • Labidochromis Yellow
  • Handsome Chromis
  • Leopard golden
  • Tsirtokara
  • Mezonauta
  • Frontosa
  • Semi-Black Angelfish
  • Apistogramma Cockatoo


  • Speckled Catfish
  • Golden Som
  • Ancistrus
  • Hypancistrus zebra
  • Shark catfish
  • Siamese Killer Whale


  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • Gold fish
  • Telescope
  • Astrologer
  • Ranchu
  • Calico riukin
  • White Riukin
  • Comet


  • Gourami Blue
  • Gourami Pearl
  • Chocolate gourami
  • Fish-Cockerel
  • Macropod

    Butterfly fish:

  • Butterfly Auriga
  • Butterfly pennant
  • Meyer butterfly
  • Reticulated butterfly
  • Marquesan butterfly
  • Eight-banded butterfly
  • Copperband butterfly
  • lemon butterfly
  • French butterflyfish
  • Lord Howe
  • Tweezer fish

    Surgical fish:

  • Surgeon Tang
  • Blue Surgeon
  • Striped Surgeon
  • Black-Eared Surgeon
  • Hawaiian Surgeon
  • Yellow Zebrasoma
  • Black Zebrasoma
  • Swallowtail Zebrasoma
  • Moorish Idol
  • Rhinoceros Orange-spined

    Royal Gram, Bee Goby: these fish are only available in Gifts, that is, you cannot buy them anywhere, only friends can send them.

    Question: How to quickly progress in the game?
    You can earn experience, coins and diamonds. You are getting:
  • experience for buying and selling fish (buying and selling experience is indicated in the full description of the fish, which opens after clicking the "Buy" button in the Store; the selling price will increase 4 times when the fish reaches level 5)
  • experience for healing and resurrecting your fish (5 and 100 units, respectively) and friends’ fish (20 and 150 experience units)
  • experience for purchasing decorations
  • experience for feeding FRIEND'S fish
  • experience for gifts to friends
  • experience for filling friends' feeders
  • from 1 to 5 diamonds for reaching a new level in the game (the number of diamonds depends on the level achieved in the game)
  • experience, coins or diamonds for completing tasks in the "My Achievements" section
    Question: How to get a super prize?
    Answer: Complete 20 daily quests within 1 calendar month. The super prize changes every month.

Angelfish (Pomacanthidae) belongs to the family of the same name, the order of perciform fish. The family includes nine genera and seventy-four species.

Angelfish are easily recognizable by their flat body, bright, variegated coloring and large stripes. Having a flat body, it easily hides in corals from predators. Stripes also act as a means of protection. Thanks to their presence, the head of the angelfish is the last thing predators see.

Besides these characteristic features, representatives of this family are distinguished by the presence of a powerful, backward-pointing spine. It is located on the lower part of the gills. In this case, the spike has a slightly different color than the whole body.

Angelfish can be from six to sixty centimeters in length. The smallest representatives of the family include Centropyg. The length of these dwarf angelfish is no more than ten centimeters. Some species have a very large mouth. When an angelfish with such a mouth swims over the coral, it sucks up food like a vacuum cleaner.

Juveniles are colored completely differently from adult representatives. It should be said that the differences are so obvious that previously for a long time young animals were classified as certain species. These differences are used for camouflage. In addition, a different coloration helps young fish avoid aggression from adult fish. Thanks to this feature, young people live peacefully on the territory of adults. Until the fish grow up, they are not driven away.

As a rule, at the age of a year or two, the color of the fish begins to change. This indicates that the juveniles are becoming adults. From that moment on, they take their place in the community. Some angelfish have very striking patterns when they are young and as adults, however, they are not as beautiful. All young individuals have a striped pattern.

The angelfish is considered a real beauty - no other inhabitant has such incredible color combinations underwater world. There are hundreds of varieties of color. The striped pattern is the most popular, but sometimes angelfish also disguise themselves as butterfly fish. In this case, several rather large color spots appear on their body.

The habitat of angelfish is the tropical waters of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. As a rule, they live in coastal waters and prefer to inhabit areas at different depths (from three to sixty meters).

Among the representatives of the family there are omnivorous specimens. They feed on completely different foods, from small animals to algae. There are also vegetarian individuals. These feed only on algae and sponges (such as carp fish).

These representatives of perciformes are very aggressive creatures towards their relatives. For them great importance has personal territory. A characteristic feature is the division of the habitat. Large fish inhabit and defend from rivals an area of ​​about a thousand square meters. In this case, dwarf representatives can count on only one coral colony.

It should be noted that angelfish rarely form large aggregations. As a rule, they form long-term pairs or small harem groups, which consist of several females and one male. These “harems” and couples can last a lifetime. Family ones very aggressively defend their territories, driving out strangers.

Angelfish, like butterflyfish, make up the main composition of coral aquariums. Moreover, the first of them get along quite poorly with their relatives.

It should be noted that keeping fish at home requires certain knowledge about one or another species. As a rule, struggles and fights happen over territory. And even, at first glance, peaceful species freshwater fish(angelfish or discus) can be aggressive towards each other.

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