Pink salmon fish photos. Biography of sea fish pink salmon photo video. Contraindications to eating pink salmon fish

River pink salmon is an anadromous fish. This means that it spends part of its life in sea water, and spawns in rivers. In the photo, the river pink salmon is noticeably different from other fish...

It's interesting that with the onset mating season pink salmon undergoes a significant transformation. Males are most visibly transformed.

The fish changes color to greenish-brown with dark stripes and spots. The body flattens laterally and a hump appears (hence the name of the species). The jaws bend to form either a hooked nose or a beak. Strong crooked teeth become noticeable (due to this river pink salmon called catfish). The meat of spawning fish turns white.


When pink salmon are still at sea, their color is silver with a darker back and a clearly visible lateral line. Dark spots are visible on the fins: large ones on the caudal fin, small ones on the dorsal fin. The body is “clad” with small, thick scales. Females are smaller in size than males.


During the maritime period life cycle pink salmon lives in the northern part Pacific Ocean. Off the coast of Asia, the habitat of pink salmon stretches from Chukotka to the Korean Peninsula and the islands of Hokkaido and Honshu. Along the coast North America– from the Bering Strait to California. You can find pink salmon in the Arctic Ocean - right up to the mouth of the Lena River off the coast of Asia, and to the Colville River off the coast of the North American continent.

Pink salmon is a valuable commercial fish that provides a high catch. The waters washing the Southern Kuril Islands are especially rich in pink salmon. East Coast Kamchatka, British Columbia.

The habitat of pink salmon is very wide, which indicates the popularity of the fish among many nationalities.

The Sea of ​​Okhotsk also produces a rich catch of pink salmon, Northern part Sea of ​​Japan and the southeastern Gulf of Alaska.

And, although the pink salmon catch fluctuates from year to year, the share of this species in the total salmon fishery is one of the most significant.


Compared to representatives of other species of the family Salmon pink salmon- small fish. The fixed maximum size is 68 cm (with a weight of 3 kg). Pink salmon grows and matures quickly. By the second year of life, the fish is ready to reproduce. Submitting to the instinct of their native river (homing), pink salmon delve deeper into the riverbeds large rivers or in the lower reaches of their tributaries, reaches silt-free places with a bottom covered with pebbles or gravel along the rifts, and lays eggs.

The breeding season lasts from August to mid-October. Larvae emerge from eggs (d=6 mm) at the end of April. They still have a way to go downstream - to the ocean. Without swimming far into sea waters, the juveniles feed in shallow water for about a month, consuming small crustaceans.

Compared to other salmonids, it boasts a very large population of its Pacific population.

The larger the annual population size, the smaller the fish (2.5-5.7 cm). This, however, does not apply to pink salmon living in British Columbia and Northern Primorye.

Pink salmon from 32 to 64 cm in length begin to reproduce. But, on average, the size of spawning individuals falls within the range of 38-59 cm (with a weight of one and a half to two kilograms).

This type of fish is also interesting because all the larvae that are born are females. Sexual differentiation of individuals does not occur immediately.

One of the curious features of this species is that pink salmon does not have clearly defined subspecies. They cannot form due to a number of reasons. Firstly, individuals of different populations are not isolated from each other - they have the opportunity to interbreed with each other due to weak homing in this species. Secondly, this fish at all periods of its life cycle has good resistance to the influence of factors external environment. And thirdly, the isolation of subspecies by acquiring new features and characteristics is prevented by the uniformity of living conditions throughout the entire extent of the species’ distribution.

Generations of pink salmon are genetically quite isolated from each other (they do not overlap during reproduction), since these fish mature quickly (once they reach 1.5-2 years they are ready to reproduce) and die after the first spawning.


When entering the river at the beginning of spawning, males outnumber females. But the closer to the end of the long journey to the spawning ground, the more females become. If we consider the average numbers, then parity is maintained between the sexes.

The journey to the spawning grounds takes 1-1.5 months. This is a grueling and exhausting road, during which the fish does not feed and undergoes a number of external and internal transformations. The conditions in the spawning areas of all pink salmon populations are approximately the same: pebble-sandy soil, water temperature - 4-16 ° C, current speed at a depth of about one meter - 0.2-1 m/s, degree of water saturation with oxygen - at least 40% from full.

The female lays 800-2400 large eggs in a specially prepared hole, in three separate nests. After the male fertilizes the eggs with milk, the female fills the hole with soil, forming a so-called spawning mound (with an area of ​​one and a half to two square meters). After 130 days, pink salmon larvae appear from the fertilized eggs (40-60% of all eggs spawned). They stay under the pebbles for about a hundred days, then emerge from under the spawning mound and go to the sea. The ramp lasts several months: from late April to early July. Having reached the place where the river flows into the sea, the juveniles remain here for some time - in the waters just before the mouth of the river. Then it moves on.

After feeding in shallow waters in coastal bays and bays, young pink salmon move to the open sea in October-November.

Since pink salmon have relatively weak homing, they may spawn in a river other than the one in which they were born. Moreover, the mouths of some rivers sometimes become impassable due to storm sediments, and pink salmon are not able to enter there for 1-2 years.


Due to the weakness of the instinct to return to their native river, pink salmon can use another river for spawning, not the one in which they were born. That is, the group of these fish is united not by one native river, but by several rivers in which the spawning of these individuals may take place.

A group of fish united by a common complex of such rivers is called a herd. There are a large number of such herds of pink salmon. These are the Primorye, Amur, West Sakhalin (Sea of ​​Japan), East Sakhalin, South Sakhalin, North Okhotsk, West Kamchatka, West Bering Sea, South Kuril, Hokkaido, and American herds.

Maritime period

Stocks of pink salmon of Asian origin are found in the western (Kuril-Kamchatka) and central (Aleutian) regions where these fish are concentrated. The eastern region (off the coast of North America) is home to herds of American origin. A separate herd of pink salmon swims in the Sea of ​​Japan.

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The most valuable breed fish - salmon, pink salmon is one of the representatives of this species. The fish got its name from the hump that protrudes above the spine, just behind the head. Despite its not very attractive appearance, pink salmon has a second name - pink salmon. But one can argue with this opinion, because pink salmon tends to change its color. And it's not strange when the fish comes from fresh water to sea and back, the color tends to change slightly. This type fish are migrants, first they live in the river, then they move to the sea, and then spawning returns to the fresh river. The lifespan of pink salmon is approximately 3 years. The benefits and harms of pink salmon are important.

Properties and composition of pink salmon fish

Like any product that is eaten, pink salmon also has both benefits and harm to the body. Pink salmon is rich in vitamins and minerals; it is famous for its high protein content and virtual absence of fat. An ideal product for those who want to lose weight, isn't it?

In addition to all the beneficial properties inherent in each fish, pink salmon is also distinguished by the presence of rare vitamins PP, phosphorus, sulfur, a huge amount of iodine, chromium, and cobalt. It's hard to imagine what's in this familiar product so many useful microelements. Pink salmon is famous for the presence of unsaturated fats, which are beneficial for the body, especially women. Even canned pink salmon retains its beneficial properties.

Calories in pink salmon

The amount of nutrients in pink salmon is off the charts. It doesn’t matter whether it’s stewed, baked, fried or steamed - the satiety and benefits of fish are undeniable. And for those losing weight, this is a real savior, which will satiate you 100% and at the same time there are only 140 calories per 100 grams of fish. But, despite this, the high amount of protein in fish, which is a little more than 60%, allows you to quickly and for a long time get full. You can prepare pink salmon fillet as a dietary option by simply stewing it. Fish takes a long time to digest, so if you eat pink salmon for dinner, you definitely won’t want to eat it before bed. And most importantly, even a large portion of fish will not leave fat on the sides and waist; the main thing, of course, is not to overeat until you lose consciousness. Canned pink salmon is also low in calories.

The benefits and harms of pink salmon

If you take it apart chemical composition pink salmon, we can conclude that it is useful primarily for the health of the skin, mucous membranes of the body, digestive system and CNS. Doctors recommend adding pink salmon dishes to the diet for those who have reduced immunity and general body tone, because this fish contains almost the entire table chemical elements Mendeleev. More precisely, exactly what the human body needs. And if it is obvious for those losing weight, then other important properties should be described in more detail. The antioxidants contained in the composition help control and normalize blood sugar levels. Of course, their content in pink salmon is not so high, but they still exist and perform very important function, in addition to controlling sugar, acids provide rejuvenation, this is a real source of youth. The amazing benefits of pink salmon and the harm that is virtually absent - that’s what makes this fish ideal.

It is necessary to mention phosphorus, which is present in pink salmon as phosphoric acid, and its task is the formation of enzymes that regulate and accelerate chemical reactions in cells. Due to this, metabolism is accelerated, which is very important for the proper functioning of the body. The second phosphorus compound is phosphate salts, which are involved in the construction of skeletal tissue.

Pink salmon is an indispensable product on the menu for those who suffer from thyroid diseases. This is because fish contains a large amount of honey. It is impossible not to mention that pink salmon is an indispensable product for full-fledged work circulatory system namely the brain. This is all thanks to the fact that the cells are saturated with pyridoxine, which is known to improve metabolism in brain cells. Due to this, performance increases, not only memory, but also mood improves. Pyridoxine helps sugar to be distributed evenly throughout the body, thereby improving the functioning of the nervous system. Therefore, pink salmon is the number one product during sessions, exams and difficult situations. The maximum benefits and harm of pink salmon, which is minimal, attract nutritionists.

Harm and contraindications

You can often hear that pink salmon has absolutely no contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other, doctors still recommend consuming pink salmon with caution for those who have peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract or chronic liver pathologies. It is not recommended to eat a lot of fish for those who have individual intolerance to phosphorus and iodine. Do not forget that fish can either have a beneficial effect on the body or cause harm. In order for pink salmon to retain the maximum amount of useful elements, you need to learn how to cook it correctly. Which recipes are the most popular?

Homemade salted pink salmon

  • First you need to clean the pink salmon from scales and gut it. You should get rid of everything except meat.
  • Next you need to treat the fish with salt both inside and outside.
  • Don't forget to wrap the pink salmon in a slightly damp cotton napkin. You need to roll the fish very tightly with a napkin so that it is completely wrapped, without any open spaces. After the napkin, you need to wrap the pink salmon in a towel and place it in a bag, which is again wrapped in paper.
  • Now, finally, you can put the fish in the refrigerator and say goodbye to it for three weeks.

And after the designated time has passed, you can enjoy the taste of freshly salted pink salmon, which has retained its beneficial properties by almost 100%. Housewives loved this recipe because it can be modified as you please, adding various spices, and experimenting with taste.

Pink salmon in the microwave

As the simplest and quick recipe, which saves housewives in critical situations. After the fish is cut and prepared, you should cut it into pieces, pepper them, salt them and you can begin further cooking:

  • Cut the tomato and onion into rings and place on top of each piece of fish.
  • You need to put mayonnaise on top and add grated cheese.
  • Place the fish in the microwave for 20 minutes and you are ready to serve.

Here's a recipe that doesn't take more than 20 minutes to prepare and will become... a real find for those who never have time.

Wet salting of pink salmon caviar

And if the classic recipe for salting pink salmon is simple and clear, then with pink salmon caviar things are somewhat different. The recipe is also easy to make, but has a slightly different technique. For a standard recipe you will need 250 grams of pink salmon caviar, 250 grams of water, a tablespoon of salt and a teaspoon of sugar. So, how to cook pink salmon caviar at home?

  • The caviar needs to be separated from the film, washed and dried, at which time you can put water on the fire.
  • When the water boils, salt and sugar should be dissolved in it.
  • The brine needs to be strained through a sieve; if you don’t have one, you can use ordinary gauze.
  • The brine must cool, and only after that can the caviar be sent into it.
  • The caviar should be infused in the brine for two hours, no less.
  • It is important not to injure the eggs and drain the brine through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Now the caviar can be transferred into containers and served to guests.

Baked pink salmon

For classic recipe baked pink salmon will need one and a half kilograms of fish, 100 grams of butter, one onion, a tablespoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of wine vinegar, mayonnaise, spinach, parsley, salt, pepper - everything to taste. The fish is prepared as follows:

  • Clean, gut and cut up the pink salmon, rinse it and dry it.
  • Make several transverse cuts, which should be a few centimeters apart from each other.
  • Cut the onion into rings butter thin strips and push the butter into the slits. If there is something left, you don’t have to throw it away, but put it in the belly, and the onion goes there too.
  • Finely chop the greens, add vinegar, mayonnaise, lemon juice and blend with a blender. This will be the sauce that you need to coat the pink salmon with.
  • Wrap the fish in foil and place it on a baking sheet, place the pink salmon in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees.

The fish is baked for about half an hour and served whole, decorated with lemon slices.

A distinctive feature of the site about animals Zverey.Ru is the appearance of articles about the most different fish. Today we will talk about commercial fish, which many people love for its taste. This is pink salmon. You will learn more about what pink salmon looks like, its description, characteristics of weight, length and life span, as well as spawning time.

We will also tell you What is the difference between a male pink salmon and a female?, what type of fish it belongs to and who, besides humans, really likes to eat pink salmon and in which rivers of Russia it is found.

General description and characteristics of pink salmon

Pink salmon is an anadromous species of the salmon family. Lives mainly in cold waters (feels especially comfortable at +10 °C; death occurs at temperatures above +25 °C). It is one of the most common varieties of salmon. It lives off the Asian and American coasts of the Pacific Ocean. In our country these are mainly the shores Arctic Ocean, most often limited by the Bering Strait on one side and the Peter the Great Gulf on the other, but it can also go further south. There is a possibility of encountering it off the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula, in the area of ​​Sakhalin Island and further east up to the islands of Japan. Comes to spawn in rivers from the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug before Murmansk region and further into the rivers of Norway and Sweden. It can often be found in Amguem, as well as in rivers such as the Kolyma, Indigirka, Yana and Lena, and sometimes enters the Amur.

Male and female pink salmon: similarities and differences

It doesn’t hurt to know how a male pink salmon differs from a female, because the female gives eggs. Below is a photo of a male and a female and shows how they differ. In short, then female pink salmon:

  1. smaller than a male (not always);
  2. the meat is less fatty (you can find out when you try it);
  3. doesn't stand out that much appearance, like a male;
  4. The head size of the female pink salmon is smaller than that of the male;
  5. the appearance is more “friendly” (explained as best they could).

And now the description male pink salmon and its difference from the female:

  1. the male is larger than the female, but there are exceptions - you should not be guided only by this characteristic;
  2. the male's meat has more fat;
  3. stand out for their bright appearance (in many animals, males are brighter than females);
  4. “predatory face” - look at the photo and you will understand;
  5. elongated jaws, teeth more visible than those of the female;
  6. hump.

Pink salmon is often called pink salmon. The fish is noticeable among its relatives - it has very small scales. A peculiarity of this species is a strong change in the color of the scales when the fish reaches sexual maturity. So, if after birth it has a silver-white color with small spots on the tail, then on the way from the sea to the river the body becomes silver-brown, the body becomes covered with spots, the color of the fins and head reaches almost black.

The appearance also changes greatly - after the onset of puberty, males develop a hump (hence the name - pink salmon). Both males and females have longer jaws, larger teeth and a hook above the lower lip. After spawning, the fish turns grayish-white with a yellowish-white (sometimes greenish) belly. Like all salmon, pink salmon have another fin between the back and tail. More distinctive features This fish is characterized by a large white mouth and lack of teeth on the tongue.

Varieties of pink salmon

There are no biological divisions into subspecies of pink salmon, but there are morphological and biochemical differences between geographically separated stocks, which makes it possible to assume the existence of self-reproducing groups within this species. There are also genomic differences between individuals born in even and odd years. This is most likely due to the two-year cyclical life of an individual.

Length, weight and other characteristics of pink salmon

Pink salmon is a fairly small fish. In length it reaches no more than sixty centimeters, and weighing no more than two and a half kilograms. Males are usually slightly larger than females. Interestingly, in years when the population increases, the fish tend to be smaller than in years when the number of fish decreases. It lives in sea water for about one and a half years, although occasionally two-year-old individuals can be found. The fish grows very quickly and a year and a half after birth it is ready to spawn.

Pink salmon spawning

Pink salmon spawns once and dies at the end of spawning, possibly due to the fact that the path from the habitat waters to the spawning waters turns out to be very difficult, and nature does not provide the strength to way back. This type of fish has a well-developed ability to return to its native river backwaters to spawn, although it can also “wander” into “foreign” spaces. Spawns in August, in fresh rivers sails in July. The eggs are placed in soil with a sufficient amount of pebbles and sand. It lays eggs in specific “nests”: using its tail, it makes a small hole at the bottom and drops the eggs there. Such nests are most often made by the female, while males at this time often organize “wars” for the right to fertilize, and after hatching the eggs, the winning male fertilizes the eggs with milk, and at the end of the process, the fertilized eggs are buried.

The hatching of the “larvae” occurs in November; they live in their “nest” for about six months; in May they emerge from it and swim to the sea. Pink salmon, despite its small size, is quite prolific - it lays up to two and a half thousand eggs. Pink salmon caviar medium size, diameter reaches half a centimeter. After spawning, death occurs: the most weakened individuals die right near the “nesting” site, others are carried away by the stream, and they die closer to the mouth. Dead fish accumulate on the bottom and banks of reservoirs (this phenomenon is called snenka by residents of the Far East), which attracts a huge number of seagulls, crows, and various scavengers.

Everyone knows about the benefits of eating fish (it should be included at least once a week). True, most red varieties are quite expensive, which stops housewives from buying such a valuable product.

Pink salmon is one of the most common types of red fish. Therefore, you should not be upset about the high cost of delicious varieties, because pink salmon is quite affordable and is not inferior in its properties to other more expensive varieties. It is inexpensive due to the large industrial fishery. Therefore, it may well improve your health at a low price and at the same time please your loved ones with a delicious delicacy.

Pink salmon belongs to small salmon breeds, the size of which does not reach 70 centimeters in length and the weight does not exceed 2–3.5 kg.

But it is worth noting that it is pink salmon, which has the additional common name “pink salmon”, that is put in the forefront commercial fish with a high population, which makes it possible to organize its mass catch.

In appearance, this type of red fish is characterized by:

  • The slenderness and beauty of a torpedo-shaped body;
  • V-shaped tail;
  • Complete absence of teeth;
  • Not a large mouth opening;
  • Silvery small scales;
  • The presence of many small dark spots on the caudal fin;
  • The existence of a so-called adipose fin on the back;
  • The ventral fin is orange in color and has a white edge.

When spawning (it occurs from July to September) in rivers, the appearance of pink salmon changes somewhat:

  • In the area of ​​the back, head and sides, oval dark spots with olive-colored specks are clearly visible;
  • The entire body (except for the belly, which remains white or yellowish) becomes brown;
  • The back acquires an additional gray tint;
  • The fins and head do not change color, remaining black;
  • Males have a huge hump on their back, in the head area (but this is not to intimidate their “rivals”, but for better maneuverability in the water among large quantity fish);
  • The jaws lengthen and bend;
  • Strong teeth appear on them.

In general, during this period, pink salmon become frighteningly ugly.

Where are pink salmon found?

The main distribution area of ​​pink salmon is quite extensive - from the mainland of North America to Alaska in the north and the Sacramento Rivers in the south. Sea pink salmon can often be found in the cold waters of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. But during the spawning period it can be seen in the Mackenzie, Colville, Indigirka, Kolyma, Yana, Lena, Amur, Zeya, Sungari, Khanka, Ussuri rivers, and the Caucasian Lake Kezenoyam.

In addition, pink salmon are found in the Bering and Okhotsk Seas, on the coastal territory of Sakhalin, the Kuril and Commander Islands, near Howido and in the northern part of Hondo Island.

For spawning, pink salmon choose freshwater reservoirs with fast current and coarse pebble bottom.

The short lifespan (maximum 3 years; but even this information is contradictory, because the full maturity of pink salmon occurs 20 months after escaping into the sea) of this type of fish is explained by the fact that, having laid eggs, the parents of the future fry die.

The fry themselves are “formed” only two months after the eggs are laid and remain in the rivers until they reach 3.5 cm in length. Only after this do they slide into sea ​​water(this often happens in the spring).

For the purpose of rapid growth and maturation for laying eggs, nature has determined a “carnivorous” diet for pink salmon, which includes representatives small fish, crustaceans, as well as fry.

Despite claims that pink salmon is a cold-loving fish, it is still one of the most thermophilic species from the genus Oncorhynchus. That is why the area of ​​the ocean where general temperature does not fall below five degrees Celsius.

Pink salmon composition and calorie content

Usually no one thinks about those chemical components of products that are so necessary to the human body. But even their slightest deficiency can cause special negative impact, the reason for which is difficult to even guess.

Pink salmon meat contains many necessary for a person vitamins, minerals and nutrients:

  • Protein fractions;
  • Ash products;
  • Fats;
  • Polyunsaturated omega-3 acids;
  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, pantothenic and folic acids, niacin, choline);
  • Calciferol (known as vitamin D) is important for children;
  • Blood clotting vitamin K (or phylloquinone);
  • Macroelements represented by calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and iodine;
  • Microelements such as manganese, iron, selenium, copper and zinc.

For people, especially those who are watching their weight, it is important to know how many calories are in pink salmon. This fish has a fairly low calorie content, which is why it is popular with models and actresses.

So, 100 grams of pink salmon contains only 140 calories. Despite such a low calorie content, a dish made from this fish is filling due to its high protein content (about 60%). Due to the fact that saturation occurs quickly and digestion is slow, this means that it will not bring excess fat deposits. Nutritional value of pink salmon: fats - 6.5 g, proteins - 20.5.

True, such a low calorie content does not apply to fried or canned pink salmon, the calorie content of which in the same 100 grams can reach up to 200 kcal.

Useful properties of pink salmon

Of great importance for the human body, and, consequently, the beneficial properties of fish, are determined by its method of preparation and the condition of the fish before cooking. Thus, frozen fish will contain less nutrients compared to fresh.

The saturated acids contained in the meat of this red fish help rejuvenate the body, slow down the aging process and protect cells from harmful microorganisms and their consequences. Pink salmon has a tonic effect on the body, improves mood and promotes a surge of energy.

Vitamin PP has positive influence on nervous system And gastrointestinal tract, normalizes processes and improves the performance of these systems.

Phosphorus, calcium and zinc help strengthen bones, hair and nails. These minerals strengthen the body and make bones resistant to injury.

Sodium and potassium strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve the function of the heart and cardiovascular system as a whole. In addition, these microelements help maintain water balance in the body and prevent dehydration.

Proteins are easily digested, providing the body with essential amino acids.

Eating pink salmon helps normalize metabolic processes, accelerating chemical reactions that occur in cells and organs, including the brain.

Iodine helps with thyroid diseases. Thus, pink salmon meat is very beneficial for people with such problems.

Polyunsaturated fatty acid regulate blood sugar levels and are good antioxidants. Phosphoric acid affects chemical changes in cells, speeds up metabolism, therefore, this fish is useful for the prevention of osteoporosis.

The presence of the amino acid histidine in fish is beneficial for older people, serves as a prevention of Alzheimer's disease, and protects against destruction nerve cells and promotes the restoration of damaged tissue cells.

Fluoride protects teeth from caries, reducing the risk of developing this disease. Vitamin E strengthens the walls of blood vessels, protects against aging, and prevents the formation of premature wrinkles.

ABOUT beneficial properties pink salmon video

The benefits of pink salmon for the body

Pink salmon is classified as a dietary product and is included in a lot of diets for weight loss. The benefits of eating pink salmon are:

  • Quick saturation of the body even with a small piece;
  • Slow digestion of the product;
  • Good protein absorption;
  • Improving the condition of mucous membranes and membranes;
  • General strengthening of the nervous system;
  • Helps digestive processes;
  • Replenishment of all body systems with vitamins and minerals in case of their deficiency;
  • Stabilization of glucose levels in the blood and its distribution throughout the body;
  • Antioxidant properties (useful not only for beauty, but also for the immune system, as well as preventing the development of cancer);
  • Prevention of aging of body cells;
  • Activation of enzyme formation;
  • Improving chemical cellular reactions;
  • Accelerating the metabolic process;
  • Improved mood;
  • Strengthening bone tissue (pink salmon is especially important during the intrauterine formation of the skeleton);
  • Normalization and improvement of blood composition;
  • Prevention of the development of atherosclerosis (or its relative treatment);
  • Help in the treatment of thyroid dysfunction;
  • Improving metabolism in brain cells;
  • Increased performance;
  • Improving memory.

Pink salmon is harmful to the body

Many point out that there are virtually no contraindications to consuming pink salmon and no harm to the body. But it is not so. Therefore, people should treat dishes using pink salmon meat with caution:

  • Suffering from peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Allergic to any fish products;
  • Having chronic diseases liver;
  • With intolerance to iodine and phosphorus preparations.

Pregnant women should be careful when consuming this fish as it may cause swelling in the legs. You should not eat a lot of fish at night for the same reason, so as not to wake up the next morning with a swollen face.

How to choose pink salmon

In order for the planned pink salmon dish to truly become a masterpiece and be liked by everyone, you need to know the basic rules for choosing it:

  • Fresh fish can only be purchased at Far East or in places of catch, so you will have to limit yourself to the frozen version. Modern suppliers offer the buyer whole carcasses of frozen pink salmon, cut, fillets, carcasses and balyk;
  • for fish soup, it is better to take pink salmon with the head (it makes a tasty broth);
  • You shouldn’t be greedy, because ungutted fish, although cheaper, will have to be cut up yourself, and waste usually takes up a third of the total weight;
  • Old fish (or that were stored incorrectly) in a dish will be characterized by bitterness;
  • The inside of the abdomen of a “correct” pink salmon should be exclusively pink in color (without yellowness);
  • The gills (if the fish is not gutted) are always bright or light red in color (slimy, darkened or green - a clear sign of spoilage);
  • Windiness, dryness of the tail and fins indicate repeated freezing and thawing of the fish;
  • The skin should not have any damage and fit tightly to the meat (otherwise, the fish is old and will have a rusty taste);
  • The fillet should also be pink (without whitish spots);
  • You don’t have to look at the eyes of frozen pink salmon; they still won’t tell you anything;
  • The defect of a “broken” fish also does not affect taste qualities(you just have to cut out the bruises that have formed while it is being uploaded to the network);
  • But the time of catch is important, because in freshwater pink salmon loses both its appearance and taste (it is better not to take pink salmon caught during the spawning period, and only the information in the quality certificate can tell you about the moment of catching).

Find out how to choose canned pink salmon from the Test Purchase program

What is prepared from pink salmon?

Cooks never refuse to use this fish in preparing a variety of dishes. This is all due to the density of the pulp, which is convenient for the cook. After all, it can become the basis for many appetizers, main courses and soups (most often for making fish soup).

Thus, pink salmon is boiled, baked (possibly in dough), steamed, stewed, fried, salted and, of course, smoked.

Pink salmon meat is tasty and can bring certain benefits to our body. Of course, it is a little “dry” compared to its water relatives, but nevertheless, you should not exclude it from your diet.

Table nutritional value pink salmon per 100 grams

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