The largest frog in the world. Goliath frog. Lifestyle and habitat of the goliath frog. What does the largest frog in the world eat?

The frog is widely known to everyone as a green inhabitant of swamps. But not all species prefer such a habitat. Some live in lakes and rivers. There are also those who prefer to live in grass or trees and only occasionally visit bodies of water. Some love clean water, others live everywhere.

Huge variety Species of such an unattractive animal have overwhelmed all the continents of our planet. Many exotic lovers even contain unusual frogs in home terrariums, considering them good pets.

This amphibian is also known for its relationship to French cuisine. Frog legs are one of her exotic treats. But frogs are also eaten in many other countries. Despite the unusual nature of this delicacy, its taste is quite pleasant. The meat is tender and somewhat reminiscent of ordinary, everyone’s favorite chicken.

This article presents frogs from different parts of our planet. Having considered the features different types, it will help determine which is the most big frog in the world and how it differs from the rest.

The lake representative of amphibians opens the ranking of the largest frogs. It can be found in almost any area from Asia to the Russian expanses, on both continents of America and throughout Europe. It got its name from its habitat in lakes.

This species is able to adapt to any conditions, which is why it has spread so widely throughout the world. Loves warmth and calmly tolerates temperatures up to +40C. In colder times of the year, it usually sits out at the bottom of the reservoir.

Absolutely omnivorous. She eats what is found in the places where she lives. Not a single small living creature will be left without her attention.

An adult grows up to 17 cm and looks quite impressive compared to its fellows.

Lives, for the most part, in India and only in fresh water. It feeds on almost everything that comes its way, even if it is its younger relative. The tiger frog has an excellent appetite. She can eat at one time and small rodent, and several insects, and even a snake.

It was named brindle because of its striped color, which males during the mating period change to bright yellow with blue inflatable pouches on the sides of the mouth. With such a shocking appearance, he attracts the female, accompanying the process with characteristic “singing”.

This amphibian giant grows up to 17 cm in length.

The tiger frog is quite large, and if an adult comes to the attention of local residents, it is caught for food.

Variable slingshot frog

It got its name from the horn-shaped protrusions on its head on its almost round body. She lives in South America. The slingshot feeds mainly on insects and can hibernate a maximum of once a year.

Unusual appearance attracts people and is purchased as a pet. For those who like to breed unusual animals, it is enough to purchase a small terrarium.

If you create complete comfort for your pet, then you can place a swimming pool in it.

The slingshot, like most representatives of amphibian creatures, loves to splash around in a pond.

Feeding is also an important aspect of maintenance. Regular portions of succulent insects and additional calcium vitamins are essential for her survival in captivity. IN natural environment habitat, the frog also feeds on other representatives of amphibians.

The dimensions of this unusual representative of the list reach 25 cm, and the rounded shapes visually increase the size even more.

This frog lives in North America. Large and clumsy in appearance, but in reality fast and agile. Due to its massive external image and large size, it got its name.

The bullfrog's appetite can be compared to the tiger's gluttony. She is not picky about food and eats everything that comes her way. Hunts and leads active image lives at night, and goes to bed at dawn. She waits in ambush for her prey. It can hide behind aquatic vegetation if it decides to feed on land; it hides in grass and behind stones.

This species is also eaten. It is considered a delicacy in China. In Asia, there are even special frog farms where they are fattened and sold as elite meat.

Female bullfrogs can hardly be called good mothers. They spawn and leave their offspring to survive on their own. The hatched tadpoles struggle for their lives without her support, and therefore only a fifth survive. They grow into adults only after 2 years.

The size of this amphibian reaches up to 25 cm. The weight in its natural habitat is on average 600 grams, but when fattened on a farm it sometimes exceeds 1 kilogram.

The frog was brought to Asia artificially. Due to its omnivorous nature, the emigrant is considered a pest in a free habitat.

This resident African countries differs not only in its size, but also in its disgust. The Goliath frog lives only in the purest water; even small pollution forces it to change its habitat. In addition to the cleanliness of the reservoir, the amphibian does not like cold water. Therefore, its main habitat is in mountain rivers and waterfalls, where the minimum temperature is 22°C. Hides in dark places, where air humidity is high and a large number of oxygen.

Outwardly, Goliath is no different from its fellows, except for its gigantic size. Picky in choosing a habitat, it does not at all disdain the usual food for most amphibians. A large, but incredibly fast frog, it feeds on insects, grabbing prey in a jump or with a sharp turn of its head.

The Goliath frog is considered an endangered species. Due to its large size, it gets tired quickly and is easy to catch, despite all caution and caution. The giant is eaten by local residents. It is also sold and supplied to expensive restaurants. Features of the natural habitat reduce the population of the species. Where a person passed can no longer be called a crystal clear area.

They tried to breed the frog in captivity, but nothing came of it. It was not possible to artificially create its inflated requirements for comfortable living.

The size of an adult individual reaches 32 cm, and this is only the body. It also weighs a lot, on average more than 3 kg.

The most famous large frog and with his jumps, the length of which is more than 3 meters. This allows it to move freely over rocky terrain in its natural habitat.

Having examined the largest frogs, we can conclude that what larger size, the harder her life. A large amphibian is less mobile, and it is more difficult for it to hide from waiting dangers, one of which is humans. Most of the representatives of the rating are eaten, and their dimensions make them easier to catch.

If, nevertheless, lovers of exotic dishes plan to feast on frog meat, then do not forget about the extinction of amphibians. The meat of all species tastes identical, so it’s worth paying attention to a delicacy with a large population. This will save endangered species like the goliath and prevent our planet from losing another creature of evolution.

Frogs and toads are not among those animals that are considered everyone's favorites, but some find some kind of charm in them. Among all such amphibians, the goliath frog, which is the largest in the world, especially stands out. The name of this species already contains an indication of its outstanding size, with which it amazed zoologists who were the first to describe this species of amphibian.

Size and weight

The record holder's appearance resembles characters from science fiction films. Residents middle zone and cold regions can see this monster only in terrariums and zoos, but the memory of it remains for a lifetime. This is not surprising, since the size of the goliath is actually amazing: the entire body is just under a meter long.

Information about the largest representative has not been officially confirmed, but according to it, the largest specimen was discovered in Cameroon; the weight of this giant was 6 kg. Since this fact is not officially recorded, it is often questioned.

But it is officially recorded that in 1960 the world saw a female who grew up in wildlife, whose weight was 3.3 kg, and the length in a sitting position was 34 cm. If the female extended her hind legs, then her size was 81.5 cm.

Another 16 years later, this record was broken by another specimen from Cameroon. This giant was caught by US resident Andy Kofman, traveling along the Sanaga River. The weight of the largest frog was 3.66 kg, and the height was 91 cm. To date, this record has not been broken by a single specimen, although it is generally accepted that in terrarium conditions, goliaths grow faster and gain weight, since food is always received in excess and do not face the problems that exist in the wild.

To have an idea of ​​the parameters of the largest frog, it can be compared with an adult domestic cat. Only the hind paws are comparable in size to the palm of an adult man. Her eyes are only slightly smaller in size than human eyes, so everyone who watches her through the glass notes that there is a strange feeling that the goliath is very smart and understands everything. For this reason this type Frogs are increasingly being kept as pets, which are very interesting to watch. The hip circumference of this amphibian is also impressive, comparable to the human wrist.

Description of the species

Scientists discovered and described the goliath only in 1906. What helped it remain unstudied for so long was that it is perfectly camouflaged in the wild, because it has patronizing connotation. In addition, he is very shy and has excellent eyesight. He perfectly sees a creeping person from a distance of 40 m and manages to retreat without a trace. However, zoologists were extremely persistent and were able to study these frogs, which are record holders among 250 species, known to science on this moment.

At first they did this using bones and remains, but later they were able to get acquainted with living representatives. Paleontologists were able to establish that goliath appeared on Earth more than 250 million years ago. It represents those amphibians that roamed the coasts before the age of dinosaurs. In those days, all amphibians were very large, and the insects that the giant frogs ate were also of outstanding size. But most of them died out long ago, and the goliath has survived to this day.

In appearance, this frog resembles all other representatives of the species, it is simply heavier and more massive. Females are considered the largest; males are slightly inferior to them in parameters. The back is greenish-brown, all wrinkled, and the bellies and undersides of the paws are lighter - yellow or light gray.

Not only the size of the goliath is impressive, but also its jumping abilities: a large individual easily covers a distance of 3 m in one jump. Its gigantic parameters allow it to feed not only on insects and spiders, but also on toads, crayfish, crabs, and small birds. Mice, baby rats and other rodents were also found in the stomachs of these giants. The victims are not chewed, but go entirely into the stomach, where they are digested by a very concentrated mixture of enzymes.

Where does he live?

This amphibian lives only in Western Cameroon in the Mbia River delta near the waterfall. Many amphibians thrive in swamps and muddy ponds, but the goliath is very picky; it prefers clean waters with a high oxygen content. The flow is saturated with oxygen during vigorous mixing, so the proximity to the waterfall fully ensures this parameter.

A high concentration of oxygen is necessary because powerful jumps require a lot of energy generated with the participation of oxygen. The largest frog pays for its outstanding weight with clumsiness. After just a few jumps, she needs a long rest and recuperation.

Another prerequisite for life is high humidity. This amphibian does not tolerate direct sun, which can quickly dry out the skin involved in the breathing process. If for some reason she has to move away from the coast, she sharply loses weight and may die. Moist skin is needed not only for breathing, the amphibian drinks water through it, so the lack of moisture is detrimental to the goliath.

Invisible frog

The reason why the world's largest frogs for a long time were known only to the indigenous population of the regions where it lives, is that goliaths prefer to sit behind the jets of a waterfall. Streams hide them from prying eyes, and water washes away their outlines, so it’s impossible to see the body even with close range. The amphibian presses against the gray stones, merging with them in color, and takes a shower there from the drops flying from the stream. At the slightest danger, it is possible to slide at lightning speed into the water, in which it is impossible to see the amphibian.

To stay on smooth stones, nature has equipped the largest amphibians special device. On the front paws at the ends of the toes there are special pads with suction cups that reliably fix the body on any slippery surface. The hind legs are equipped with membranes, with the help of which they also manage to stay on the stones.

Local residents have long believed that goliaths have no voice and are not capable of making sounds. But when these frogs began to be kept in artificial conditions, it turned out that they were quite talkative. The fact is that in the wild their voices are not audible to people due to the noise of the waterfall and tropical thickets, but the amphibians themselves distinguish them perfectly and communicate with each other.

Great Hunter

The diet of the goliath is quite extensive: it contains not only insects, but also the smallest water snakes, scorpions, cubs bats. The hunter rests or sleeps all day. Juveniles most spend time in the water, while adults spend time on rocks and snags. In the evening they become active, and the hunting period begins.

Due to its large size, it is not possible to pursue the victim for at least some time, since it is too tiring, so the goliath chooses a different tactic. It tracks prey and very slowly creeps up to it. Sometimes it’s the other way around: he sits in ambush and waits for the potential dinner to arrive on its own. After this, a swift jump is performed to cover the victim with a powerful body. The prey is captured in the mouth and quickly swallowed using the jaws and tongue, and it is pushed deeper using the eyes, which are pressed into the oral cavity. Then the satisfied animal becomes inactive while digestion takes place in the stomach.

Features of physiology

The largest frog in the world boasts excellent hearing, which helps it in hunting and ensures safety. At the slightest danger, the cautious animal dives into the water, where it can spend 15-20 minutes. After some time, you definitely need to rise to the surface to breathe. Out of caution, the rise is not made immediately, but gradually: first, the very tip of the nose protrudes, followed by the eyes, and only then, making sure that the danger has passed, the animal completely leaves the water on land. It is almost impossible to sneak up on it unnoticed, so these amphibians are caught using bait and spinning rods.

But there is a feature that distinguishes it from other frogs. This species does not have a vocal sac, so its representatives cannot produce very loud sounds, but excellent hearing allows them to communicate with each other and find a partner for mating.

How do they reproduce?

By the time of puberty, females reach the most impressive sizes. They go to spawn where the water is not very bubbling. Here you can safely lay eggs. The size of each egg is impressive: each of them is comparable to a pea. It is surprising that the eggs are colored heterogeneously: on one side they are gray-blue, and on the other they are yellowish. Where the color is yellow, there is a substance with a sticky consistency. Thanks to this stickiness, the caviar is securely attached to stones or algae.

The breeding season occurs during the dry season. Egg laying lasts about 5-6 days. During this time, the fertile female manages to lay about 10 thousand eggs. Once the process is completed, it takes a little over two months for new adults to grow.

The eggs hatch into small tadpoles 8-9 mm in length, which actively feed and grow rapidly. Their diet consists of algae and small plants. After 45 days, their tail disappears, and at this time the length is already 5 cm. In the process of growth and development, the gills disappear, and nutrition gradually becomes the same as that of adult goliaths.

Fragile and defenseless

The status of the largest amphibians did not bring happiness to these animals. At the moment they are an endangered species. From 1980 to the present time, the number of goliaths has more than halved. They have enough enemies in the natural environment: most of these amphibians are eaten by crocodiles, large birds And big fish. Out of 10 thousand eggs laid, no more than 20 eggs can survive to adulthood.

But the main danger is not natural enemies, but humans. Firstly, the Goliath frog is constantly hunted to replenish collections, since the presence of the largest amphibian in them sharply increases the value of any collection.

Secondly, many people liked the meat of this reptile; they found it sweet and tender. Fortunately, local tribes do not eat it, but tourists and guests of the country are actively reducing the population. Thirdly, jumping competitions between the largest frogs, which are periodically held in the USA and Europe, are gaining popularity.

The local population treats the Goliath frog quite respectfully: in some tribes it is a deity, and in others it is called “nia-moa,” which translates as “son.” This name is due to the fact that the amphibian’s growth is comparable to the size of a one-year-old child.

In captivity, this species practically does not reproduce, since it exclusively needs pure water with a certain oxygen concentration. Only good zoos and terrariums can provide such conditions, but private collectors cannot achieve reproduction.


This amphibian was taken under the protection of the law. Now from natural places It is allowed to export no more than 300 specimens per year, but smuggling becomes an obstacle to this. The fact is that restaurateurs are willing to pay 5 dollars for one copy, and for local population This is an impressive amount, so the decline in numbers continues. Moreover, they catch the most major representatives, which affects the size of specimens of the entire population.

The Goliath frog (lat. Conraura goliath) is the holder of the honorary title of the largest frog on Earth. It belongs to the family of True frogs (lat. Ranidae) from the order of tailless amphibians (lat. Anura). Despite its impressive size, this creature is very shy and leads a secretive lifestyle.

Residents of Africa and French gourmets consider large goliath legs to be an exquisite delicacy. Africans hunt the giant frog with poisoned arrows, set up nets, or shoot it with a gun. Currently, due to mass destruction, they are preserved only in Equatorial Guinea and the southwestern regions of Cameroon.

The Goliath frog was discovered by European zoologists in 1906. 60 years later, the largest specimen of the amphibian was caught, which weighed more than 3 kg and its length was 76 cm.

In the USA, the Goliath frog is bred in terrariums. The price of one individual reaches $3000, since maintaining it in proper conditions requires a lot of material and financial costs. Its American cousin (the bullfrog) is farmed solely for gastronomic purposes.


The largest population of goliaths lives in a small area, covering an exciting part of Equatorial Guinea and on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea. The length of the range is 250 km and the width is 180 km.
The frog spends its life on rocks, which are moistened by the spray of raging rivers and waterfalls, around which dense vegetation grows. Natural environment Goliath must combine high temperature and increased air humidity up to 90%. Temperature of the water washing rocky shores, should be within 17°-23°C. The Goliath frog feels great only in the mist of water near a waterfall.


The natural timidity and caution of the goliath frog does not allow zoologists to study its way of life well, so little reliable information has been collected about it. She can allow a person to approach her at a distance of no closer than forty meters. As soon as this invisible line is crossed, the frog takes off running. Her strong muscular legs allow her to long jump one meter. Sometimes she takes refuge in the river. Her enormous physical strength helps her overcome strong currents.

Goliaths are territorial creatures. Each frog has its own home area of ​​about 20 square meters. m. To satisfy her heroic appetite, she is forced to constantly hunt both in water and on land. The diet is dominated by invertebrate animals, as well as other amphibians, rodents and even birds. Locusts, cockroaches and grasshoppers are special delicacies for her.

Possessing camouflage coloring, the frog remains invisible behind a veil of fog from water spray. The goliath has no resonators, and if it gets hurt, it makes a quiet groan.


It is still unknown how males call females to them during mating season. Fertilization occurs in water. The female is capable of producing up to 10,000 eggs in one season.

Lumps of laid eggs sink to the bottom of the stream. Incubation times are not yet known. The newly born tadpoles are up to 8 mm long. They have suction cups on the sides of their mouths, which attach babies to underwater rocks, and a strong, muscular tail helps them resist strong currents. The diet of tadpoles consists of aquatic vegetation.

With a body length of 5 cm, they lose their tail and become frogs about 3.5 cm long. Under favorable conditions, goliaths grow to impressive sizes. Sexual maturity in a frog occurs when the length of its body from the mouth to the end of the body reaches 18 cm.


The average body length of a goliath frog is 40 cm, and its weight is up to 2-3 kg. The head is slightly elongated.

The irises of the eyes are yellow-golden in color. The pupils are located horizontally. The forelimbs end in long fingers.

Large oval body. The back is colored greenish-black. The skin is covered with many small tubercles. The toes of the large hind paws are connected to each other by swimming membranes.

When Goliath is mentioned, most people recall a biblical story from the Old Testament, when the great Philistine warrior was defeated by the future king of Judah, David.

This fight ended in one of the most shameful defeats in human history. However, Goliath is not only a character from the Bible, it is the name of the largest in the world.

Features and habitat of the goliath frog

If in Russian folk tale about Vasilisa the Wise appeared goliath frog, Ivan Tsarevich would hardly have liked it. Such a frog princess, instead of a slender beauty, would probably turn into a weightlifting athlete.

IN length frog goliath sometimes it can grow up to 32 cm and weigh more than 3 kg. If you do not pay attention to its gigantic size, the appearance of the Goliath frog resembles the familiar lake frog. Her body is covered with pimply, marsh-colored skin. The back of the legs and belly are light yellow, the chin area is milky.

Many are probably interested in the question of how such a hero croaks, maybe in a bass voice? But no, the Goliath frog is naturally silent because it does not have a resonant sac. This species was discovered by scientists relatively recently - at the beginning of the last century.

Its usual habitats are Equatorial Guinea and southwestern Cameroon. In the local dialect, the name of this frog sounds like “nia moa”, which translates as “sons”, because adults sometimes grow to the size of a newborn baby. Unlike many of its kind, the goliath frog cannot live in dirty and muddy swamp water, but prefers clean, oxygenated waters fast rivers and streams.

Goliath frog lives in shady and damp places, avoiding bright sunlight, in close proximity to water. She is very sensitive to temperature changes and feels comfortable at 22°C, which is the average in her natural habitat.

They tried to keep this capricious giant in zoos, but all attempts were in vain. So for ordinary person video and photo of goliath frog- the only way to see these amazing creatures of the animal kingdom.

Character and lifestyle of the goliath frog

Naturalists were able to observe how the goliath frog hunts. She makes a rapid leap and crushes the victim with her by no means small body. Next, like its small brothers, the frog grabs the prey, squeezes it with its jaws and swallows it whole.

Reproduction and lifespan of the goliath frog

Interesting fact– goliath frog The male is much larger than the female, which is rare for amphibians. During the dry season (July-August), the future father builds something like a semicircular nest from small stones. The place is chosen away from the rapids, where the water is calmer.

After ritual fights for the attention of a partner, the frogs mate, and the female lays several thousand pea-sized eggs. The eggs stick to stones overgrown with small algae, and this is where the care for the offspring ends.

The process of turning eggs into tadpoles takes just over 3 months. A newborn goliath tadpole is completely independent. Its diet differs from that of adults and consists of plant food(algae).

After a month and a half, the tadpole reaches its maximum size of 4.5-5 cm, then its tail falls off. Over time, when the tadpole’s legs grow and become stronger, it climbs out of the water and switches to adult food.

Living on Earth before the age of dinosaurs, more than 250 million years, biggest frog goliath these days it is on the verge of extinction. And as usual, the reason for this was people.

The meat of such a frog is from the indigenous population Equatorial Africa considered a delicacy, especially the forelimbs. Although there is a ban on hunting, some Africans defy all odds to catch these giant amphibians and sell them to the best restaurants.

Scientists have noticed a trend that the size of goliath frogs is getting smaller from year to year. This is explained by the fact that large specimens are easier and more profitable to catch than small ones. Nature adapts her creation to new harsh conditions life, the goliath shrinks to become more invisible.

Goliath frog is endangered thanks to a person, and many African tribes, such as pygmies and fangas, do not hunt them. The worst thing is that irreparable harm is caused from civilized countries, from tourists, gourmets and collectors. Felling tropical forests annually reduces their habitat by thousands of hectares.

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