The smallest country in the world by its area. Smallest country in the world

What is it called: Vatican | Country area: 0.44 km2

Where is it located: inside Rome

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. This state is the smallest in the world in terms of area and number of citizens. The country is located inside Rome, the capital of Italy. The residence of the head of the Catholic Church, the Pope, is located here. Therefore, the miniature city-state is the spiritual center for the entire Catholic world.

All legislative acts of the smallest country come into force only after their publication in Latin and Italian. That is, there are two official languages ​​in the Vatican. Although, due to the presence of many nationalities among church ministers, work in any convenient language of the world is allowed.

It is assumed that the name of the Vatican comes from the name of the god of death, Vattaca. After all, it was on the territory of the city-state that the Roman Emperor Nero killed the Apostle Peter.

History of origin

The current smallest country in the world did not always have such modest dimensions. From 752 until 1870, the Catholic Church owned a territory of 41,407 km². In those days, the state was called the Papal States. So the Vatican, with an area of ​​0.44 km2, is only a tiny fragment of that territory.

In the mid-nineteenth century, the Papal States were conquered by the united army of Italy. Then the Pope took refuge from the attack in the Vatican and began to live on its territory as a voluntary prisoner of the Apostolic Palace.

In 1929, the Lateran Treaty was signed to resolve the conflict. According to him, the Vatican was recognized as an independent state, and Pope Pius XI for this undertook to recognize the Kingdom of Italy.

Today, in addition to the Vatican territory, Catholic Church buildings also belong outside the smallest country. The largest among them is Castel Gandolfo - the summer residence of the Pope. Such objects are endowed with extraterritorial status, identical to foreign embassies.

Are the Vatican and the Holy See the same thing?

Most people believe that the Vatican and the Holy See are synonymous words. However, this is not the case.

The Vatican is a theocratic state ruled by the Holy See (or the Papal See). It is important to separate these concepts, since it is the Holy See that acts as a subject in international law.

For the Holy See, the Vatican is simply its own sovereign territory. That is, if hypothetically, the Holy See remains without the Vatican, then it will not cease to exist as a subject of international relations.

It is also easy to see the difference between these concepts using the example of the distribution of power. The head of the Holy See is the Pope, and the smallest country in the world, the Vatican, is governed by a governor and a Pontifical Commission, which are personally appointed by the pontiff.

In fact, the Pope determines the fate of both the Vatican and the Holy See, holding in his hands all branches of power - legislative, executive and judicial.

Election of the Pontiff

Saint Peter is considered to be the first Pope of Rome. After him, the position of pontiff became elective. At first, both church leaders and the people of Rome took part in this procedure. But due to significant manipulations to seize power in the Papal States, the ceremony was made available only to a narrow circle of cardinals of the Roman Curia.

Since the Pope is elected for a life term, new elections are organized after the death of the pontiff or when he voluntarily resigns. During the period until the new Pope is determined, part of his powers to govern the smallest country is carried out by the Camerlengo.

The election of the Pope has been called a conclave since 1274. Only cardinals aged no more than 80 have the right to apply for the position of pontiff and take part in voting. Elections are held within 15-20 days after the death or resignation of the Pope.

During the conclave, the cardinals must cease communication with outside world to keep the ceremony secret. Disclosure of secret information is punishable by expulsion. All election participants live in St. Martha's House. And the voting process itself takes place within the walls of the Sistine Chapel. After all participants have arrived, its doors are sealed to isolate the cardinals from outsiders.

In order to become Pope, a candidate must receive at least 2/3 of the votes. The results of the secret ballot are counted by three randomly selected cardinals, after which the ballots are burned. If none of the candidates received the required number of votes, then damp straw and tow are placed on the ballots, as a result of which black smoke comes out of the chimney of the Sistine Chapel. This is a signal to parishioners that a pontiff has not yet been chosen. And when the new Pope is elected, when the ballots are burned, dry straw is added to them and chimney white smoke comes out. In parallel with this, bells begin to ring in the Vatican, notifying the entire area about the appearance of a new pontiff.

Population of the smallest country in the world

Between 800 and 870 people permanently live on the territory of the Vatican. All these people are ministers of the Holy See. And there is simply no other way to obtain citizenship of the smallest country in the world. Moreover, after termination of work in the Papal See, citizenship is immediately revoked.

During the day, the Vatican employs approximately 3,000 salaried personnel who mostly perform menial tasks unrelated to service to the Catholic Church and the Holy See. Therefore, they are not considered citizens of the tiny city-state and live outside its territory.

If, after losing Vatican citizenship, a person does not have citizenship of any other country, then, according to the Lateran Treaty of 1929, Italy undertakes to accept him as its citizen.

Most of the Vatican's population is Italian. Although there is a large community of Swiss who are responsible for the safety of the Pope.

Swiss Guards

The Vatican may now be the smallest state in the world, but it even has its own guard. Of course, it is not as numerous as during the heyday of the Papal States. However, 110 guardsmen are quite enough for a territory of 0.44 km2. They are easy to spot by their bright, unusual shape, the appearance of which has not changed for almost half a millennium.

It is not so easy to get into service with the Holy See. All candidates must meet a number of criteria: height from 174 cm, age between 19-30 years, Catholic religion, completed secondary education, undergo a four-month mandatory for the Swiss army training, have positive letters of recommendation.

The Swiss Guards are subject to a number of restrictions, such as a ban on wearing long hair, mustaches and beards. And the guardsman must be a bachelor. He will have the right to marry only after serving for more than 3 years and upon reaching the rank of corporal.

The main function of the Vatican Guard is to protect the Pope and his residence. It was the Swiss who received this great honor because in 1527 a small detachment of 189 guards heroically defended the pontiff during an attack on Rome. Only 42 guardsmen survived. To be fair, it is worth noting that this was the only time when the Swiss Guards took part in hostilities.

State financial policy

The Vatican receives the bulk of its income from voluntary donations, investments and tourism. Part of the money received goes to quite ordinary government needs in the form of salaries, maintenance of the Holy See and reconstruction of buildings. But the Vatican is also famous for the charity of the Pope. It allocates significant funds to support victims of natural disasters and to build churches in developing countries.


For the smallest country in the world, tourism is one of the main sources of income. In addition to pilgrims, a huge number of people come to the Vatican to see with their own eyes ancient architectural ensembles and works of art the best masters world level.

To get the most out of your visit to the Vatican, you can contact your local tourist office. There, guests of the city-state are offered to sign up for excursions and purchase guidebooks and maps of the Vatican.

St. Peter's Square

At the entrance to the smallest country in the world is the most important square of the Vatican - St. Peter's Square. This is where pilgrims gather to receive the blessing of the Pope. It is especially crowded here during the main religious holidays - Christmas and Easter.

But in addition to the gathering place for parishioners of the Catholic Church, St. Peter's Square also deserves attention as an object of Renaissance architecture. It has the shape of an ellipse and is fenced on both sides by a cannonade of 284 columns. On the roofs of the structure there are 140 statues of Catholic saints. And in the very center of the square there is an Egyptian obelisk 25.30 m high, on both sides of which there are exquisite fountains.

Saint Paul's Cathedral

The main shrine for the Catholic world is St. Peter's Cathedral. It was built on the site of the execution and burial of the Apostle Peter, the founder of Catholicism. This building is both a place for religious services and a tomb for the most prominent persons of the Holy See.

The design of the interior of the cathedral was carried out by the eminent Giovanni Bernini together with his students. There is also a masterpiece sculpture of the Pieta by Michelangelo. If you wish, you can enjoy the panorama of the Vatican from a height of 132 m, climbing 323 steps to the roof of the cathedral.

Nineteen museums in the world's smallest country boast impressive art collections. different periods. This is the amazing painting by Michelangelo on the walls and ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, and the fantastic Stanzas of Raphael, the ancient statues of Apollo Belvedere and Laocoon with his sons, the Gallery of Maps, the Hall of Tapestries, ancient sarcophagi, the chambers of the famous Pope Borgia, the Vatican Library.

And today the Vatican regularly adds to its collection. For example, in the Courtyard of Pinia, in addition to the five-meter bronze cone created in the 1st century AD, in 1990 a modern sculpture of the Universe was installed.

Pope Francis in 2014 facilitated the installation of two iron sculptures by Alejandro Marmo, which were created almost from garbage. Thus, the pontiff draws attention to the global environmental problem.

Famous Gardens

The Vatican Gardens occupy more than half the territory of the smallest country in the world. Initially, they were of a practical nature - fruits and berries and medicinal herbs were grown in them. But over time they became simple decorative decoration states. You can walk through their territory only with a guide and only by prior arrangement.

Shopping in the smallest country

The Vatican is one of those countries where it is best to bring not souvenirs, but local euro coins. The tiny state independently mints its own coins. The “heads” of all euro coins is the same throughout the European Union, but back side contains specific symbols of the holy place.

The Vatican also sells unusual postage stamps, guidebooks, and albums with images of local attractions. Lovers of traditional tourist souvenirs will also not be left deprived; a variety of magnets, postcards and keychains are also available here.

Social policy of the Vatican

To maintain contact with current Catholics and further disseminate the teachings of the Catholic Church to the masses, the Vatican created its own television center (CTV). He is in live broadcasts services with the Pope and state celebrations on Wednesdays and Sundays. CTV is even creating documentaries. Also, the smallest country in the world has its own radio; it broadcasts on short waves with AM and FM frequencies. And since 2008, the radio also works via the Internet.

Despite the established contact with Catholics, the social position of the Vatican is regularly criticized. Parishioners argue that the conservative teachings of the church on the prohibition of contraception, abortion, and non-recognition of sexual minorities do not correspond to the realities of the modern world.

  • The Vatican has been the official residence of the pontiff since 1377.
  • The total area of ​​the Vatican is almost 110 times smaller than Peterhof.
  • Approximately 75% of the citizens of this state are members of the clergy.
  • When visiting the Vatican, you can use its post office and send memorable cards to your friends from the smallest country in the world.
  • On the official website of the state you can online mode book tickets for any excursions.
  • It was in the Vatican that the decision to change was born Julian calendar into Gregorian, which is still used today.
  • The Vatican Museums are the third most popular in the world. Every year they are visited by 5 million people. Only the Louvre and the British Museum surpassed them.
  • St. Peter's Basilica is the largest church in the world.
  • A defensive wall was built along the perimeter of almost the entire border with Rome, the length of which is 3.2 km.
  • Today, there are about 1.2 billion people around the world who have converted to the Catholic faith.
  • The Vatican has its own helipad. She has been working since 1976. The Pope uses a helicopter to fly to Rome's international airports and to his summer residence, Castel Gandolfo.
  • The smallest state in the world can also boast of an iron drogue. It consists of a station and a 700 m long railway track connected to an Italian railway.

Incredibly varied. Each of them is unique in its own way. However, we are accustomed to the fact that the word “country” implies a vast territory, hundreds of cities and villages. Nevertheless, there are powers in the world with a record small area. Today we will find out which countries are the smallest in area and what features they have.

The Heart of Catholicism

The smallest country in the world by area, known to everyone, is the Vatican. A small but incredibly powerful state is located in the western part of Rome. Since the residence of the Pope is located in the Vatican, this mini-country is the spiritual center of the entire Catholic world.

It is only 44 hectares. However, it owns properties (universities, museums, libraries) throughout Italy and lands in Spain. Population - 451 (according to some sources - more than 800). There are only two official languages ​​- Italian and Latin. It is noteworthy that the approval of any order comes into force only after its publication in one of these languages.

The Vatican was built on the hill of the same name. There is no permanent population here, people change from time to time amazing speed. In fact, the Vatican is the residence of the Pope and his entourage. This state with its own sovereignty is considered one of the most famous attractions in Italy. Its main sources of income are tourism and donations from believers from all over the world. Surprisingly, the crime rate here is incredibly high at 133%. The bulk of the criminals are hired personnel and tourists.

Monaco - the country of the rich and famous

The list of the smallest continues with Monaco. located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea. Borders with France. You can get here from Nice by bus for just a few euros. Monaco became especially famous thanks to Oscar-winning actress Grace Kelly, who married Prince Rene in the mid-50s. With her appearance, the small principality attracted the interest of many Hollywood celebrities.

Today, apartments and offices in Monaco are being built at an amazing rate, despite the limited area of ​​2 square meters. km. Each of them has about 24,000 inhabitants. This makes its population density the highest in the world. But at the same time, no one lives in many luxury apartments in Monaco all year round.

Most of the inhabitants of the principality are visitors. Only one in four is Monegasque. Monaco has an incredibly low crime rate. Almost its entire small territory is monitored by video cameras.

Interesting fact! In Monaco, local residents are prohibited from visiting casinos. This is a privilege for visitors.

Nauru is an impoverished state

The state of Nauru is located on a coral island, in the western part Pacific Ocean. Its area is only 21.3 square meters. km. It is the world's smallest country by area among the island powers.

In addition, Nauru is also deprived of a capital. In fact, there are not even villages or streets here. The local population settled along the coast. The address is the house number or mailbox number. Population - more than 10,000 people.

State revenues were previously very high due to the extraction of phosphates (the entire island consists of volcanic formations, which contain phosphates). Today their deposits have practically dried up. However, for now they allow you to have a small income. Membership in the UN also brings money. Today Nauru looks quite unsightly - mountains of broken equipment, dilapidated houses and two-star hotels (the best on the island!) without hot water and the Internet.

Interesting fact! Favorite hobby For locals, this means sitting in the water with your clothes on and eating small raw fish. The beauty of such an activity can only be understood by those who have lived here for at least 15 years.


Despite the fact that this place can easily lay claim to the title of paradise, Tuvalu has been practically turned into a dump by the local population. Only in the center you can find a couple of garbage cans. However, in an uninhabited corner of Tuvalu, the landscapes are simply fabulous.

Republic of San Marino

This is one of the 5 smallest countries in the world in terms of area (only 60 sq km). San Marino is the oldest state in Europe. The date of its foundation is September 1, 301. The picturesque state is located on Mount Monte Titano. The population does not exceed 30,000 souls. At the same time, the government is doing everything to ensure that this figure does not increase. Therefore, it is almost impossible to obtain San Marino citizenship. However, if you do manage to do this, you will be able to visit 140 countries without a visa.

Neat streets, colorful roofs and incredible prices in stores (including alcohol, Jewelry and furs) make San Marino incredibly popular with tourists. And now, having examined the five smallest countries in the world by area, let’s move on to larger states, which, however, also have very modest sizes.

Liechtenstein - dwarf principality

A dwarf, but influential and prosperous state in the western part of which is only 160 km. sq. Liechtenstein, associated with Switzerland, is named after the dynasty of Liechtenstein princes that reigned here.

The country is predominantly Catholic. The official language is German, but most residents speak the Alemannic dialect. Quantity local population- about 37,000. At the same time, the crime rate here is surprisingly low. The last intentional murder was committed more than 10 years ago. This fact explains the carelessness of the local population - entrance doors even at night they are never locked.

The Principality leads among other European countries in terms of income. The main areas of activity are tourism, mechanical engineering, instrument making and finance.

East and Sunset

The Marshall Islands are an archipelago in the western Pacific Ocean. It consists of two parallel chains (one translated means “East”, the other means “Sunset”). The archipelago is made up of 29 atolls. They, in turn, are divided into 1225 islets. 5 of them are uninhabited.

The population, which today reaches 55,000 souls, appeared here about 4,000 years ago. But the ancestors of the current Marshallese settled on the islands 2,000 years later. They moved here with South-East Asia. The inhabitants of some islands (for example, Majuro) are visually similar to blacks, but in reality they have nothing to do with them.

Area - 181 sq. km.

Cook Islands

The Cook Islands are an archipelago located in the South Pacific Ocean. Consists of 15 islands. Population - about 11,000 souls. Most of the population lives on the island of Rarotonga. The administrative center is located on it - Avarua.

The official languages ​​are English and Kuk. On the islands, the Queen of Great Britain is considered the head of the territory. But there is also a representative of New Zealand, with which the Cook Islands are associated.

It is believed that the settlement of the island began 1,500 years ago. But the oldest discovery by archaeologists (a dog skull) dates back to 300 AD. It was probably at that time that the primary settlement of the island began. Scientists believe that these were the ancient peoples of the sea.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis are a pair of islands in the Caribbean that are united into one republic. They are of volcanic origin. Length coastline- 135 km. The islands are separated by the Narrows Strait and surrounded by coral reefs.

Power here belongs to the British monarch, who is represented on the island by the Governor-General. The official language is English. Total area - 261 sq. km.

Population - more than 50,000 people. Blacks dominate, whose descendants were brought as slaves to the islands. The indigenous inhabitants of the republic were Caribbean Indians, but in the 17th century they were ousted by the British. The latter soon had to cede rights to the islands to the French. In the 80s, Saint Kitts and Nevis gained internal self-government. Status - “state associated with Great Britain”.

Maldives - a piece of paradise

This piece of paradise in Indian Ocean It is also one of the 10 smallest countries in the world by area. 1192 coral islets located near Sri Lanka are distinguished by beautiful scenery and provide all the necessary attributes of a holiday. Today, a tour to the Maldives is not that expensive - about $1,000.

The islands are grouped into a target of 26 atolls. Area - only 300 sq. m, which housed about 400,000 residents. Religion - Islam. It is noteworthy that out of 1192 islets, only 202 of them are inhabited. The rest are incredibly beautiful, uninhabited corners of the tropics. Scientists suggest that they are all of volcanic origin. The Maldives is the smallest country in Asia by area.

The indigenous people are the Dravidians (immigrants from India). In the 5th-7th centuries, Persians and Arabs appeared on the islands.

The official language is Dikhevi. However, in tourist centers there is enough knowledge of English.


So, we found out which country has the smallest area and which powers are among the ten smallest in size. The remaining small states of the world, including island ones, have an area of ​​400 square meters. km or more.

Young schoolchildren study continents, countries and states from childhood. The boys' favorite subject is geography.

It reveals many facts about the beauty of our planet. The powers of the world are diverse in area and population.

Some have vast territories, traditions and customs. And other countries have a small area, with a minimal population. There are more than 250 countries in the world.

If you look at a world map or globe, you can visualize which of them have big sizes, while others are difficult to see due to their small size.

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican. Its area is 0.40 square kilometers.

This is an independent state, but at the same time it does not have its own monetary currencies and identity passports.

The smallest state in the world is located on the territory of Rome, and is the spiritual capital of the world.

820 people live on the territory of the Vatican Catholic Church, the rest of the population are Italian subjects.

Citizens of the clergy are:

  • Clergy – 50 persons.
  • Guardsmen - 50.
  • Gendarmes -150.
  • Residents - 150.

The dwarf country has characteristic seasonal conditions similar to Mediterranean conditions. In winter, the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees. Sometimes precipitation occurs in the form of snow.

In summer, the temperature rises to 30 degrees Celsius. Winds, showers and hail are not observed.

The state has languages: Latin and Italian. In simple communication, during negotiations, the main language is Latin. Italian is used to sign contracts, acts or decrees.

The most important member of the state is the Pope; he has his own government, which includes:

  • Governor.
  • Papal Commission.
  • State Secretariat.
  • Ecumenical Council.
  • Synod.

The main religion of the country is Catholicism.

All cities and countries have their own characteristic places of interest.

Consider the list of outstanding monuments and buildings that are the pride of the Vatican:

  1. St. Peter's Square, which was erected in the mid-18th century.
  2. The Apostolic Palace, which has a rich library of valuable manuscripts and books. The Pope himself lives there. Distinctive feature The palace has chapels and museums.
  3. The Grotta di Lourde cave, which was artificially created by the inhabitants of the country in ancient times.
  4. A historical monument of the country in the form of the Sistine Chapel. Prized for its historical manuscripts, drawings and frescoes inside the façade.
  5. An art gallery called Pinakothek.

The smallest country in the entire universe in terms of population is Pitcairn Island. It consists of 5 islands, of which only one is inhabited by people.

Important! Pitcairn is a unique and isolated island that was formed as a result of a volcanic eruption using lava.

The island has features and living conditions:

  • Area 4.5 square kilometers.
  • No more than 60 people live in the entire territory.
  • The native language is English.
  • The head of state is the British Commissioner.

All people are friendly and kind to each other. They help everyone in many matters and also consider themselves soul mates.

Rating of the smallest countries in the world

There is a list of small states, depending on the size of the territory:

  • Vatican.
  • Monaco.
  • Nauru.
  • Tuvalu.
  • San Marino.
  • Marshall Islands.
  • Liechtenstein.
  • Nevis.
  • Maldives.
  • Grenada.

Let's look at the table of the top smallest republics that are located in Europe:

Republic, by ranking increase Total area, sq. km. Features of states
Vatican 0,40 Spiritual capital of capitalism
Monaco 1,8 A dwarf state with its own values ​​and resort recreation areas. The population includes people from other countries
San Morino 60 It is the most ancient and oldest country in the entire universe. Has beautiful scenery and is located on a mountain slope
Liechtenstein 58 A prosperous state due to ski resort, well-established policies and a small percentage of taxation from the people. Engaged in the supply of goods to other countries at low cost
Malta 300 Prosperous development of industry and tourist areas
Andorra 450 There is no duty on the type of products for all vacationing tourists
Luxembourg 2500 Is international country with a tourist center in Europe
Cyprus 9000 A picturesque corner of the country with highly developed tourist areas. For vacationing citizens there is a huge range of services and entertainment at low prices
Kosovo 10500 Is the most beautiful country Europe, valued for its picturesque places
Montenegro 13200 State income comes from the large number of tourists. Those who like to relax choose a place for affordable prices and mild temperate climate

There is a list of which countries are the smallest in terms of population, in different parts of the world:

  1. Asia's smallest country performs South Ossetia, its number of all living citizens is about 70,000 people.
  2. Oceania - Niue with a population of 1400.
  3. Africa – Seychelles– 85,500 people.
  4. North America - Nevis - 50,000 people.
  5. South America - Suriname - 450,000 people.

Important! Each part of the world has its own small state with smallest area and the population.

But the Order of Malta and the Vatican are dwarfed. There is no country in the world with the lowest indicators.

A small Arab state is the Bahrain archipelago and its 33 islands.

The Arab country has become famous due to its attractions and values:

  1. The most popular and sought after place for foreign and Russian tourists.
  2. The main hobby is undersea world diving in the Persian Gulf.
  3. The oil refining and gas industries are developing and thriving.
  4. All proceeds go towards developing a recreation area for all vacationers.

In small states there is an interconnected relationship of close relationships between all citizens. Government authorities are able to help and take care of the entire population.

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Vatican City (0.44 km2)

As surprising as it may sound, the smallest state on Earth is the Vatican, located on the territory of modern Rome. Its area is only 0.44 km2, and the length of the border passing through Italian territory is 3.2 km. Population - 836 people, most of whom are subjects of the Holy See.

The Vatican is governed by the Holy See, whose sovereign is the Pope, who is elected by the cardinals for life. The judicial, executive and legislative powers are in his hands. However, the Pope appoints a governor to govern this dwarf state.

Despite its tiny size, the Vatican has its own economy, albeit mostly non-profit. The main source of income is donations from Catholics from all over the world. In addition, a considerable part of the profit comes from tourists, who sometimes leave quite a lot here. large amounts, buying souvenirs, various gifts, Vatican euros (yes, they even have their own currency) and so on.

The country contains real masterpieces of architecture. St. Peter's Basilica, the Sistine Chapel, and the Vatican Library, known throughout the world for its incredibly large collection of medieval and Renaissance manuscripts, immediately come to mind. In addition, it contains more than 1.5 million books, 150 thousand manuscripts, a huge number of coins and medals, about 100,000 geographical maps and engravings.

It also has its own railway line, only 700 meters long, which, however, connects to the Italian network railways. The station was built in 1932. But there is no airport of its own, which is not surprising - it simply would not fit here. But there is a helipad, opened in 1976 - it is used by the Vatican for communication with the Rome airports of Ciampino and Fiumicino.

Interestingly, the Vatican even has its own domain zone - .va. However, there are very few sites in it.

Monaco (2.02 km2)

Second place is occupied by one of the most famous states in the world - we're talking about about the Principality of Monaco. It is located on the shores of the Ligurian Sea and borders France. Despite the small territory that this country occupies, the number of local residents is more than 36 thousand people. And this is not to mention the tourists, of whom there are incredibly many here.

The economy of Monaco is developed primarily on tourism, as well as the gambling business. Among the advantages that attract wealthy guests are low taxes and banking secrecy. Monaco is extremely different low level unemployment, the absence of external debt, as well as a large reserve of foreign exchange reserves.

Monaco is a country for the rich. It is here on one street that you can meet as many exclusive Bentleys and Ferraris as you will never see in your entire life in any other European city.

Gibraltar (6.5 km2)

Number three on our list is Gibraltar. It is an overseas territory belonging to Great Britain. Member of the European Union.

The most developed industries in the country are tourism, banking and finance. In addition, shipbuilding can also be noted. The total length of roads is about 46 km, and the port houses more than 70 sea vessels. Despite its small area, Gibraltar has its own runway and airport.

The total number of residents is about 29 thousand people, according to estimates for 2008.

Gibraltar is the only one European country, where you can still find semi-wild Magot monkeys.

Tokelau (10 km2)

Tokelau is dependent territory, consisting of three islands, which is administered by New Zealand. Located between the Hawaiian Islands and New Zealand.

Tokelau is home to about one and a half thousand people who survive mainly through fishing. At the same time, according to analysts, New Zealand helps the inhabitants of the island, and in addition, they are sent cash relatives living in other countries.

In addition to fishing, papaya, coconuts, bananas and some other fruits are grown here. Interestingly, a significant portion of the income comes from the .tk domain zone.

For a long time, all electricity here was generated using diesel power plants, but fuel costs were very high, so it was decided to switch to solar energy. The transition took place in 2012.

Cocos Islands (14 km2)

The next country on our list is Cocos Islands or Keeling. Keeling consists of 27 coral islands, which are located in the Indian Ocean near Australia. The local residents are Malays; there are about 600 of them here.

Most of the total population lives on the West Island, the largest of the 27. This is where the airport is located. Residents are engaged in the cultivation of coconut trees, the production of copra and serve the same airport. Keeling has its own domain, which, by the way, is also quite popular.

Republic of Nauru (21.3 km2)

Another dwarf state, which will be discussed further, is the Republic of Nauru. The country is located on the island of the same name, which can be found in the western part of the Pacific Ocean.

Currently, Nauru is the smallest independent republic on Earth. It does not have an official capital. The island itself has an oval shape, its length is 5.6 km and its width is 4 km. The number of people living is just over 9 thousand people, and several years ago this figure was much higher.

Since the island does not have its own rivers, there is a severe shortage of fresh water, which is available thanks to just one desalination plant. Moreover, it periodically stops working due to problems with electricity. That is why local residents collect rainwater in basins and use it.

The fauna, like the flora, in Nauru is very stingy and poor.

Tuvalu (26 km2)

Tuvalu is a Pacific country in Polynesia. It is located on 4 islands and 5 atolls, with a total land area of ​​26 square kilometers.

The total number of residents is 9,500 people. Most of them live in the province of Funafuti. In fact, Funafuti is the capital of this country. I wonder what official language is English. In addition, the Tuvalu language is used in everyday life.

Fishing plays the main role in the state’s economy - most of the population is engaged in it, especially since the income from fishing is very large and amounts to about 50% of all state income.

Macau (27.2 km2)

Macau is a socio-administrative region that was ruled by Portugal for several centuries. Essentially, it is a peninsula that was once a separate island, but was then connected to the mainland.

Macau is a country known primarily for its gambling houses, casinos and nightclubs. In short, various entertainments for the wealthy public. It is the gambling business that brings most income to the state treasury.

It's no surprise that more than half a million people live here. However, they are engaged not only in gambling, but also in the tobacco industry and fishing.

Norfolk (34.6 km2)

Another small island located in the Pacific Ocean. It is located between New Zealand and Australia, but unofficially refers specifically to the latter. According to historical data, Norfolk was discovered by James Cook in 1774.

Population: 2300 people. The main profit comes from serving tourists, since tourism activities are very developed here.

Interestingly, local residents do not pay some taxes.

Pitcairn (47 km2)

The final tenth place is the Pitcairn Islands, which are located in the Pacific Ocean and border French Polynesia. Despite this, they are the only overseas territory of England located in the Pacific Ocean.

This state is known for the fact that only nine families live here, which consist of 67 residents. They are mainly engaged in farming, but young people prefer to go to New Zealand to earn money.

There are quite a few countries on the planet that can fit, for example, on the territory of one district of Moscow. As a rule, such places are very interesting and exotic. Most of them are little known, but information about these countries is still available to readers of the “Smallest Countries in the World” rating.

In order not to be confused about where the country is located, and where the state or territory is located, you need to know: a territory is a community united by culture, land and history. If this community is isolated, even dependent, then it is already a country. But if it also has sovereignty, that is, political freedom to choose a state-legal organization, then you already have a state. So, which countries are the smallest?

Maldives, 298 sq. km

This is a state consisting of 2 thousand islands in the Indian Ocean. In 1965, the Maldives became independent from Great Britain.

181 thousand inhabitants who speak Maldivian and English languages, make a living from tourism.

Saint Kitts and Nevis, 269 sq. km

The Caribbean country is home to 41 thousand English-speaking people. In 1983, Saint Kitts and Nevis was recognized as independent.

Here money comes from the export of sugar, shellfish, electronics and light industrial goods.

Seychelles, 217 sq. km

Seychelles is the smallest country in Africa. Until 1976 it was subordinate to Great Britain.

After that, 69 thousand local residents became independent. They speak Creole, English and French. Residents have their main income from tourism.

Marshall Islands, 180 sq. km

The Pacific Marshall Islands are an archipelago of coral islets and reefs. The population of this small state is 52 thousand people.

The official language is English. Formally, the islands are subject to the British crown, and this despite the fact that they became independent in 1986. The island produces copra, fish and phosphates. IN Lately Tourism has become an important source of revenue for the treasury.

Liechtenstein, 160 sq. km

This tiny state is located in the Alps, between Austria and Switzerland. About 29 thousand people live in the country. Liechtenstein lives by exporting food products, selling postage stamps, microchips and dental instruments. At the same time, the state is a fairly developed industrial country with a high standard of living and an excellent system of financial services.

Liechtenstein's population consists mainly of Germans, Austrians and Swiss. A third of the total population are foreigners. Everyone speaks German, but there are several dialects in the territory.

San Marino, 61 sq. km

This small state is located on the slope of Mount Titan, in the center of Italy. About 28 thousand inhabitants live on 61 square kilometers of San Marino. And they all speak Italian.

Citizens are proud that their state is one of the most ancient in Europe. From ancient sources it is known that San Marino was formed in 301. The mason Marinus came to this land.

He was fleeing from the Roman emperor Diocletian, who is known for his hatred of Christians. Marinus hid at an altitude of 701 meters on Mount Titan and created his own small Christian community. The then owner of this land, Felicissima, bequeathed her land to the community. At first the territory was called “Land of St. Marinus”, then it was renamed San Marino.

San Marino retained its physical independence thanks to its inconvenient natural location and poverty. Since the 17th century, the Constitution in the country, ruled by the Council of Sixty, has not changed.

San Marino is a small country in Europe

After the end of World War II, San Marino found itself on the list of the poorest countries in Europe. Now the country is visited annually by about three million tourists, so their money constitutes one of the main sources of income. Ceramics, wine, paints, chemicals, and building stone are exported from San Marino. Now, thanks to this, the inhabitants of this small country have become some of the richest in Europe.

Tuvalu, 26 sq. km

This state is located in the western Pacific Ocean on a chain of nine coral atolls. It has a population of only 10.5 thousand people.

Every year the island's territory becomes smaller and, perhaps, in a few decades, there will be nothing left of it - if the sea level rises. However, if this does not happen, then Tuvalu will still slowly but surely “go to the bottom.” The main problems in the state are coastal erosion and population growth.

Nauru, 21 sq. km

This dwarf state is located on the coral reef of the same name in the western Pacific Ocean. Not on the island equity, this is the only such republic on the planet. About 13 thousand residents live here.

In the 1970s, the indigenous people of Nauru were the richest people in the world. Everyone profited from phosphates. Local authorities employed 95 percent of citizens, and also provided the people with free education and medicine. However, not everyone appreciated this - high school only a third of all children attended.

Nauru Island is the smallest country in the Pacific Ocean

However, phosphates did not last forever, and 90 percent of the island became unproductive. All that remained were depleted mines. And this is not the only problem of a small state. Most local residents suffer from obesity. Too slow and sedentary lifestyle, a large number of fatty foods and alcohol have done their job - 9 out of 10 have too many extra pounds. Moreover, almost half of Nauru's population has diabetes. As a result, the state has the most high level incidence of this disease in the world.

Monaco, 1.96 sq. km.

Monaco takes second place in the list of “Smallest Countries in the World”. The area of ​​this dwarf state is almost two square kilometers, and each has about 24 thousand inhabitants. For the last seven centuries, the Grimaldi family from Genoa has ruled here. Now the Prince rules together with the National Council.

One to five - this is the ratio of native Monaco residents to visitors. Why did this happen? Because it's enough for a long time There was no income tax in the country. Therefore, wealthy foreigners, businessmen and owners came here in droves. large companies. After lengthy debates with the French authorities, who were dissatisfied with the outflow of their wealthy entrepreneurs along with their capital to a neighboring state, an income tax was introduced in Monaco. However, this change did not affect the indigenous people.

The smallest country in the world is Vatican City, 0.44 square meters. km

This country may be small, but it is very powerful. The Vatican is an independent territory of the Holy See of the Catholic Church, before which a billion people on the planet bow. In essence, the Vatican is the residence of the head of the Catholic Church. Vatican City is the smallest country in the world

Italian is spoken in the Vatican Latin. The country's economy is exceptional: it is the only non-profitable one in the world. The Vatican treasury comes from the pockets of Catholics around the world, that is, it is formed from donations, income from the sale of books, postage stamps and tourism. One more thing important note: The Vatican does not collect taxes as a spiritual center.

In the ranking of the smallest countries in the world, there are many island states located close to the equator and having a very hot climate. We also invite you to read about the hottest countries in the world.
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