The largest submarine in the world. The largest submarines in the world

Since their appearance in the fleets of the whole world, submarines have played a role in the development of all tactics sea ​​battle almost decisive. What is at least worth the legendary German U-35, which sent to the bottom Atlantic Ocean 226 ships and transports, and this was done in just 19 combat missions.

But those ships were very small, and their crew lived in truly Spartan conditions: the maximum comfort they could count on was a seawater shower, which they were provided with regularly, according to at will. As time went on, the ships became more and more impressive. Their underwater relatives have not deviated from this trend either. Not so long ago, the world's largest submarine appeared, which is capable of eclipsing even some surface vessels in its dimensions.

How it was

At the end of September 1980, the “Shark” entered the White Sea. The artist who painted the bow section of the vessel is unknown beautifully painted, depicting a shark and a trident. Of course, after launching the picture was no longer visible, but among the people the name “Shark” had already firmly entered into everyday use.

All ships of this class were officially called by this name, and a chevron with the image of a grinning shark’s mouth was even introduced for their crews. In the West, these submarines became known as Typhoon. Soon the largest submarine, the Typhoon, became the official rival of the American Ohio.

Yes, in those years our former allies intensively replenished their submarine fleet new ships... But the “Shark” was supposed to become not just another boat, but part of the huge and very important “Typhoon” program. Technical specifications for its design domestic science and industry received it back in 1972, and S.N. Kovalev was appointed curator of the project.

But the world's largest submarine is still known throughout the world precisely for its size. Why are all experts shocked by them? Perhaps the ship is not so big?

Legendary dimensions

The official name of one of the remaining ships in our fleet is “Dmitry Donskoy”. So what are the dimensions of the largest submarine? Its total displacement is 27,000 tons, this giant is 170 meters long and 25 meters wide. Its deck is so large that a loaded KAMAZ can easily turn around there. From the keel to the top of the cabin, the height is also 25 meters. For reference: this is the height of an eight-story building, with an improved layout and high ceilings. The remaining two submarines are in no way inferior to the Donskoy.

If the world's largest submarine lifts all retractable devices, then the height is already similar to a nine-story building. No, the famous Tseretelli did not participate in the design of the vessel: such dimensions were simply due to the dimensions of the new intercontinental missiles increased power.

Missile weapons

The new weapon received the Soviet name "Thunder", but in the West they were called Rif. These missiles were significantly superior to the American Trident-I, which were equipped with the Ohio boats, having many best characteristics in terms of flight range and number of multiple warheads, which could penetrate almost any missile defense system.

But you had to pay for such impressive characteristics with no less impressive dimensions. Each rocket not only weighs 84 tons, but also has a diameter of 2.5 meters! The American equivalent weighs 59 tons. With comparable characteristics. So, in fairness, we note that our largest submarine in the world still could not become the “best” in all respects.

Although no, I could. The fact is that the "Shark" is the only missile carrier that can fire at half Globe, while being under the ice of the Northern Arctic Ocean. This is something incredible even by today's standards. The fact is that each R-39 missile could hit targets located at a distance of 9000 km: simply put, a missile fired at the North Pole itself could easily reach the equator. Of course, such formidable weapons reached the United States even more so. Since the greatest diving depth of a submarine of this type reached five hundred meters, which was 200 meters higher than the Ohio.

Because of this, the boats did not need to go on long sea voyages: having moved a couple of thousand kilometers away, they could literally “dissolve” in the vastness of the northern seas.

Foreign analogues

It would be foolish to think that the idea of ​​​​creating giant submarines visited the minds of only Soviet designers. What are the largest submarines in the world? Firstly, this is the “Ohio” we mentioned: its length is also 170 meters, but its width is “only” 12 meters. Actually, this is where the list ends. No other country in the world has been able to create anything similar.

Work on the design and training of crews of new ships

Thus, the designers had to completely rework the layout of the ships. At the end of 1973, the resolution to begin work on the project was finally approved. The first boat was laid down at the beginning of 1976, and it was launched on September 23, 1980. In addition to the cyclopean dimensions, the program provided for an absolutely incredible routine for the operation of these facilities.

The secrecy was incredible, there were no leaks at all. So, the Americans actually received a photo of the largest submarine by accident, simply by looking satellite images THE USSR. According to rumors, heads rolled in the military department: looking at such a “whale” under the nose is an unforgivable oversight!

In Obninsk they had to build a giant The educational center with a military camp and complete social infrastructure. Several crews of submariners were supposed to be trained there at once. For each (!) of the seven boats it was supposed to have three sets: two crews were combat crews, who were supposed to work in shifts, and the third was a technical one, responsible for the condition of the mechanisms. Their mode of operation is very unique.

The first set of sailors sails the oceans for three months. Gradually, faults begin to accumulate on the ship. The ship goes to the base, the crew is loaded into comfortable buses (where their families are already waiting for them), and then sent on vacation. The place of “resort-goers” is taken by techies. “Soldering Iron and File” workers carry out a complete diagnosis of all systems, carry out preventive maintenance and eliminate all faults found.

In this way, the Shark - the largest submarine - is like a Formula 1 car in a pit stop. Here they will change your “wheels”, and they can also replace the pilot if necessary.

Routine for the second crew

At this time, the second combat crew, slightly tired from rest, flies to Obninsk. Here they are mercilessly put through all the simulators, and then the sailors, having proven their professional suitability, go to Murmansk. After this, they are sent to a ship, which by that time is in full combat readiness and can go to sea. The process is repeated over and over again.

In general, the conditions for working on these submarines are truly fabulous. Sailors conscript service remember that there is a sauna on board, Gym and comfortable cabins. You can serve like this for at least a whole year: psychophysical fatigue is minimal. And this is extremely important for a missile carrier, which can “lie” under the ice for months Northern Ocean, camouflaging itself from enemy detection means.

This is what makes Russia's largest submarines unique (today there are three of them left).

Main technical characteristics

The unique missile carriers were powered by two OK-650VV reactors at once, and the power of each of them was 360 MW. The fuel was especially pure uranium dioxide. To understand the power of these power plants, it is enough to know that they would easily ensure the electrification of the entire Murmansk and its suburbs. Their energy turns giant propellers and ensures the functioning of complex onboard systems.

In the navy, the boats also received the nickname “loaf”, since the shape of the hull strongly resembled this bakery product. But this is just the outer shell of a formidable ship. It is needed to reduce resistance as much as possible aquatic environment. Inside the “shell” there is a second, especially robust housing unique design. No one in the world has done this.

Most of all, it resembles two giant cigars placed next to each other, which are connected to each other through three through passages at once, which are located at the bow, in the center and at the stern. After this, it is not surprising that the largest nuclear submarine at one time was designed by the best engineers of the Union.

Simply put, there are actually two submarines located in one outer hull. For convenience, they are called “left side” and “starboard side”, meaning by this term the entire “cigar” as a whole. The design is also unique in that the “sides” completely duplicate each other: turbines, engines, reactors and even cabins. If everything fails on one half, there is a radiation leak or something similar, the crew will move to the second half and will be able to bring the giant submarine to its home port. Yes, the largest Russian submarines have no analogues in the world.

Housing characteristics

Everything on the right sub is marked with odd numbers. On the left - even. This is done so that the crew simply does not get confused. By the way, all the sailors on board are also called “port specialists” or “starboard specialists”, that is, even the crew on the boat is completely duplicated.

Between the two buildings there remains quite a significant space in which all important equipment is located, which is urgently needed to be protected from exposure high pressure others negative factors environment. Yes, yes, this submarine (the largest, by the way) even has missiles there: they are located between the sides of the “cigars” and in the front part of the wheelhouse (more precisely, in front of it). It's also unique distinguishing feature, since a similar layout missile weapons you won't find it on any other submarine in the world.

At the same time, the “Shark” seems to “push” its massive weapons in front of itself. Important! When submerged, water fills (!) the space between the sides, and therefore, when moving, has a huge impact on the maneuverability of the vessel. This allows not only to save engine life, but also... to incredibly reduce noise levels.

About how the whale fell in love with Shark

What else is characteristic of this submarine? The biggest is good, but Americans are afraid of these ships for a completely different reason.

Since the advent of submarines, what their crews have been most afraid of is the noise that occurs during the operation of systems and mechanisms. The noises unmask the ship and give it away to the enemy Navy. The “Shark,” with its double hull, became a champion not only in size, but also in the extremely low level of noise emitted during operation. In one case, the result was completely unexpected... Somewhere near Spitsbergen, a female whale circled around the submarine for a long time, mistaking it for her beau.

The acousticians, laughing and joking, recorded her love serenades on tape. In addition, killer whales sometimes rub against the Sharks’ hulls, emitting interested trills. Even world-famous ichthyologists became interested in this phenomenon. They came to the conclusion that the combination of engine noise and the resonant sounds of masses of water splashing inside the outer hull somehow attracts marine life.

Of course, the largest Russian submarine was clearly not designed with the goal of seducing female whales and playing with killer whales, but the effect was still extremely interesting.

Once again about the living conditions of sailors

Even compared to surface ships, living conditions on the Sharks were simply unimaginably good. Perhaps, only the fictional “Nautilus” by Jules Verne could compete with the domestic submarine. It was jokingly nicknamed the “floating hotel.”

There was no effort to save weight and dimensions when designing the boat, and therefore the crew lived in luxurious cabins for two, four and six places, which were furnished no worse than a hotel room. The sports complex was also amazing: a huge gym, many exercise machines and treadmills.

Not every surface combatant has four showers and nine latrines either. Up to ten people could wash in the sauna, the walls of which were lined with oak boards. And there was even a four-meter-long swimming pool on board. What is characteristic is that even conscripts could use all this wealth, which is generally something unthinkable for our army.

A stab in the back, or the current state of affairs

Western countries were simply terrified of these missile carriers. Of course, after the collapse of the Union, a bunch of “partners” appeared who immediately convinced the government to cut three unique ships into metal. The seventh side of the TK-210, laid down at the shipyards, was completely barbarically stolen, deciding not to complete construction. The huge sums of money and titanic labor that the people of the USSR spent on creating these incredible machines were actually splashed out on cold water Northern Ocean.

And the disposal took place even though the military and designers were almost begging to create floating supply bases for northern cities based on submarines. Alas, today only the Dmitry Donskoy, which was converted to carry Bulava missiles, continues to serve. They do not pose any danger to the United States. The cruisers TK-17 Arkhangelsk and TK-20 Severstal are awaiting either disposal or an equally meaningless modernization.

What did the Americans do with their Ohio? Of course, no one began to saw them. The boats are undergoing planned modernization and are being equipped with new cruise missiles. The US government does not intend to throw away technologies that have spent so much time and effort creating.

The first cases of submarines being used for combat purposes date back to the mid-19th century. However, due to its technical imperfections, the submarine for a long time played only a supporting role in naval forces. The situation changed completely after the discovery of atomic energy and the invention ballistic missiles.

Goals and dimensions

Submarines have different purposes. The size of the world's submarines varies depending on their purposes. Some are designed for a crew of only two people, while others are capable of carrying dozens of intercontinental missiles. What tasks do the world's largest submarines perform?


French strategic nuclear submarine. Its name means "triumphant". The length of the boat is 138 meters, displacement - 14 thousand tons. The ship is armed with three-stage M45 ballistic missiles with multiple warheads, equipped with individual guidance systems. They are capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 5,300 kilometers. At the design stage, the designers were tasked with making the submarine as invisible as possible to the enemy and equipping it with an effective early detection system for enemy anti-submarine defense systems. Careful study and numerous experiments have shown that the main reason for revealing the location of an underwater vessel is its acoustic signature.

When designing the Triumphan, all known noise reduction methods were used. Despite the impressive size of the submarine, it is a rather difficult object to detect acoustically. The specific shape of the submarine helps reduce hydrodynamic noise. The sound level produced when the main power plant vessel, significantly reduced thanks to a number of non-standard technological solutions. "Triumphan" has on board an ultra-modern sonar system designed for early detection of enemy anti-submarine weapons.


Strategic nuclear-powered missile submarine built for navy China. Because of higher level confidentiality, a significant part of the information about this ship does not come from funds mass media, and from intelligence services USA and other NATO countries. The submarine's dimensions were determined based on a photograph taken in 2006 by a commercial digital imaging satellite. earth's surface. The length of the vessel is 140 meters, displacement - 11 thousand tons.

Experts note that the dimensions of the Jin nuclear submarine are larger than the dimensions of previous, technically and morally obsolete Chinese Xia-class submarines. The new generation vessel is adapted to launch Julan-2 intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with multiple nuclear warheads. Maximum range their flight is 12 thousand kilometers. The Julan-2 missiles are an exclusive development. When designing them, the dimensions of the Jin class submarines, intended to become carriers of these formidable weapons, were taken into account. According to experts, the presence of such ballistic missiles and submarines in China significantly changes the balance of power in the world. Approximately three-quarters of the United States is within range of the Jin boats in the area. Kuril Islands. However, according to information available to the US military, test runs Julan missiles often end in failure.


British strategic nuclear submarine, the size of which allows it to compete with the most large submarines in the world. The length of the vessel is 150 meters, displacement - 15 thousand tons. Boats of this type have been in service with the Royal Navy since 1994. Today, Vanguard class submarines are the only carriers nuclear weapons Great Britain. They carry Trident-2 ballistic missiles. This weapon deserves special mention. It is produced by a famous American company for the US Navy. The British government took on 5% of the cost of developing the missiles, which, according to the designers' plans, were supposed to surpass all their predecessors. The affected area of ​​Trident-2 is 11 thousand kilometers, the accuracy of the hit reaches several feet. Missile guidance does not depend on the American global positioning system. Trident 2 delivers atomic warheads to a target at a speed of 21 thousand kilometers per hour. The four Vanguard boats carry a total of 58 such missiles, representing " nuclear shield" Great Britain.


Soviet submarine built during the period cold war. The main goals of creating the boat were to increase the range of missiles and overcome American systems hydroacoustic detection. Expanding the affected area required changing the dimensions of the underwater vessel compared to previous versions. The launch silos are designed for D-9 missiles, the launch mass of which is twice the usual. The length of the ship is 155 meters, displacement is 15 thousand tons. According to experts, Soviet designers managed to complete the initially set task. The range of the missile system has increased approximately 2.5 times. To achieve this goal, the Murena-M submarine had to be made one of the largest submarines in the world. The dimensions of the missile carrier have not changed the worst side his level of secrecy. The design of the boat included vibration damping mechanisms, since at that time the US sonar tracking system became a serious problem for Soviet strategic submarines.



The development of this nuclear submarine began in the Soviet Union. It was finally designed and built in Russian Federation. Its name comes from the name of the ancient Greek god of the north wind. In accordance with the plans of the creators, the Borey boat in the foreseeable future should replace the Akula and Dolphin class submarines. The length of the cruiser is 170 meters, displacement - 24 thousand tons. Borei was the first strategic submarine built in the post-Soviet era. First of all, the new Russian boat serves as a platform for launching Bulava ballistic missiles equipped with multiple missiles. nuclear warheads. Their flight range exceeds 8 thousand kilometers. Due to funding problems and violations economic ties with enterprises located on the territory of the former Soviet republics, the deadline for completing the construction of the ship was repeatedly postponed. The Borey boat was launched in 2008.


According to NATO classification, this vessel is designated "Typhoon". The dimensions of the Akula submarine exceed everything that has been created throughout the history of submarines. Its construction was the answer Soviet Union American project "Ohio". Huge size heavy submarine cruiser "Akula" were due to the need to deploy R-39 missiles on it, the mass and length of which significantly exceeded those of the American Trident. Soviet designers had to come to terms with large dimensions in order to increase the flight range and weight of the warhead. The Akula boat, adapted for launching these missiles, has a record length of 173 meters. Its displacement is 48 thousand tons. Today, the Akula remains the largest submarine in the world.

Creation of an era

The USSR also occupies the first place in the ranking. This is understandable: the superpowers involved in the Cold War believed in the possibility of delivering a pre-emptive strike. They saw their main task as discreetly placing nuclear missiles as close to the enemy as possible. This mission was assigned to submarines large sizes, which became the legacy of that era.

In the titanium body of the underwater ship, stuffed with electronics and subject to the will of a specially trained team, there are twenty-four missiles weighing ninety tons each. This article will focus on the colossus of the Cold War era - the nuclear submarine cruiser. Few people know how huge he really was.

Once the largest nuclear submarine of the Akula class, with a height of 25 meters and a width of more than 23, it was capable of single-handedly inflicting fatal damage on almost any country in the world. Currently, two of the three missile cruisers of Project 941 are not capable of boasting such power. Why? They need major repairs. And the third, “Dmitry Donskoy”, also known as TK-208, recently completed its modernization process and is now equipped missile system"Mace". New launch tubes were inserted into the existing silos intended for 24 R-39 missiles. New rocket In size it is inferior to its predecessors.

What is the future for strategic cruisers?

The budget allocates 300 million rubles annually for the maintenance of one submarine. But is it worth maintaining such a powerful, but unnecessary weapon today? A total of six underwater giants were built, we already know the condition of three of them, but what happened to the rest? They took them out nuclear fuel, contained in the reactor blocks, was cut, sealed and buried in northern Russia. In this way, the state saved the budget; many billions could have been spent on maintaining submarines. The nuclear-powered cruiser was born in response to US actions - the introduction of Ohio-class submarines equipped with twenty-four intercontinental ballistic missiles.

For your information, the United States annually spends 400 billion dollars on armament and modernization of the army. In Russia, this amount is tens of times less, but it is worth considering that the territory of our country is much larger than the United States. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the resulting chaos buried many long-term plans - the new leaders at that time had different goals and objectives. Three of the six Akulas were lost; the seventh, TK-201, never made it out of the container - it was dismantled during the assembly process in 1990.

The uniqueness of the largest submarine is difficult to overestimate - this large vessel has high speed progress. Surprisingly, for such dimensions the submarine is silent and has excellent buoyancy. It is not afraid of the icy waters of the Arctic - the “Shark” can spend many months swimming under the ice. The ship can float anywhere – the thickness of the ice is not a hindrance. The submarine is equipped with an effective system for detecting anti-submarine submarines launched by the enemy.

The most dangerous submarine

September 1980 - a Soviet submarine touched the water surface for the first time. Its dimensions were impressive - the height was equal to a two-story house, and the length was comparable to two football fields. The unusual size made an indelible impression on those present - delight, joy, pride. Tests took place in the White Sea and the North Pole area.

The Akula submarine is capable of something that the commander of a nuclear submarine belonging to NATO countries would never dare to do - move under thick ice in shallow water. No other submarine is capable of repeating this maneuver - the risk of damaging the submarine is too great.

The military strategy of our time has shown the ineffectiveness of stationary missiles - before they fly out of the launch silos, they will be fired at missile strike. But a freely moving nuclear submarine equipped rocket launcher, can become a trump card for the General Staff of the Russian Federation. Each submarine is equipped with an escape chamber capable of accommodating the entire crew in an emergency.

The submarine has created conditions of increased comfort - the officers have cabins with TVs and air conditioners, while the rest of the crew have small quarters. On the territory of the submarine there is a swimming pool, a gym, a solarium, but that’s not all, there is a sauna and a living corner. If you are lucky and you ever see this colossus in person, then know that when the boat is on the surface, we can see up to the upper white line - everything else is hidden by the water column.

Demand for nuclear submarines

The question of transferring the submarine from military service for peaceful activities. Probably, the maintenance costs would be more than recouped. "Shark" is capable of transporting cargo - up to ten thousand tons. The advantages are obvious - the submarine is not afraid of storms or sea pirates. The vessel is safe, fast - in northern seas irreplaceable qualities. No ice would prevent the cargo from reaching the northern ports. This fruit of many years of hard work by scientific minds could be beneficial for many years to come.

The top 5 largest submarines in history according to the publication are as follows:

1. Project "Shark". Displacement 48 thousand tons.

“The largest submarine cruiser in the world. Designed by the Rubin Central Design Bureau. Construction of the 941 series began in 1976. In total, from 1981 to 1989. Sevmash built six boats of this project. Now in combat strength Russian Navy only heavy nuclear-powered missile submarine strategic purpose TK-208 "Dmitry Donskoy",” the article says.

2. Project "Borey". Displacement 24 thousand tons.

“Strategic nuclear missile carriers of the Borei class were designed at the Central Design Bureau marine technology"Rubin" in the 1980s. The Russian Navy has three submarine cruisers, and four more are under construction. In total, eight such missile carriers are planned to be built by 2021, five of them of the modernized Project 955A.”

3. Ohio Project. USA. Displacement 18,750 tons.

"Project Ohio - a series of 18 American strategic nuclear submarines third generation, which entered service from 1981 to 1997. The boats differed from their predecessors in increased combat potential and improved stealth. Form the basis of strategic offensive nuclear forces USA".

4. Project "Moray"/Delta II. Displacement 18,200 tons.

“The class of submarines of the Murena class (Delta according to NATO classification) was created during the Cold War, their task was considered to be attacks on American industrial and military targets.” There are 4 subclasses in total: Project 667B (Delta I, adopted in 1972), 667BD (Delta II), 667BDR "Squid" (Delta III).

5. Vanguard Project. Great Britain. Displacement 15,900 tons.

"The whole nuclear arsenal The United Kingdom is deployed on four Vanguard-class submarines. They are based at the Clyde base in Scotland. The boats were built in the 1990s and replaced the outdated Resolution-class ships, in fact being their further development.”

The largest Soviet submarine Akula, created as a symmetrical response to the United States after they created the Ohio submarine.

The largest nuclear submarine (NPS) is the Akula.

The goal of the developers was to create a ship even more powerful and larger in size than its American counterpart.

The real name of the submarine is “Project 941”, in the West it is called “Typhoon”, and the name “Shark” is explained by the fact that a drawing of a shark is placed on the side of the submarine (however, it could only be seen until the ship was launched).

This is exactly what L.I. named the new combat unit. Brezhnev, and later the image of a shark appeared on the uniform of sailors who served on the submarine.

“Shark” is a nuclear submarine of truly impressive size. Its length corresponds approximately to the length of two real football fields, and its height corresponds to a nine-story building. The submarine's displacement is 48 thousand tons when launched.

How and when did the largest submarine in the world appear?

Creating this powerful warship associated with the Cold War and the arms race. The Akula submarine was supposed to show the superiority of the Soviet navy over the Western one. In 1972, scientists received the task of creating a submarine more powerful, larger, and more dangerous than the Ohio (USA).

Work on the Ohio submarine began in the United States in the early 1970s; It was planned to arm the submarine with 24 Trident solid-fuel missiles with a range of more than 7 thousand km, i.e. intercontinental. It was significantly superior to everything that was in service with the USSR, because the huge (with a displacement of 18.7 thousand tons) submarine could launch missiles at a depth of up to 30 m and was quite fast - up to 20 knots.

The Soviet government set the designers the task of creating a Soviet missile carrier, even more powerful than the American one. This work was assigned design bureau"Rubin", which at that time was headed by I.D. Spassky, and designer S.N. Kovalev – a leading specialist in this field; 92 submarines were created according to Kovalev's designs.

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Construction began at the Sevmash enterprise in 1976; the first cruiser was launched in 1980, and it passed tests even earlier than the Ohio, work on which began earlier.

Over the entire history of the project, 6 Akula submarines were created, and the seventh, having already begun, was not completed due to the beginning of disarmament. Three of the existing submarines were dismantled at financial assistance USA and Canada, two did not have time to be disposed of and now the question of what to do with them next is being decided, and one - “Dmitry Donskoy” - has been modified and is now in service.

Re-equipping the Sharks is too expensive; it costs the same as it would cost to build two new modern submarines.

Design features of the Akula submarine

Due to the need to arm the largest submarine in the world with solid-fuel missiles, the designers were faced with difficult problems to solve. The missiles were too large and heavy and difficult to place on a cruiser. normal looking, because even loading massive weapons required an innovative crane, and they were transported from there along specially laid rails.

And the capabilities of the shipbuilding plant were limited to the creation of ships that did not exceed the norm for the draft of the vessel.

The designers made a non-standard design solution: the cruiser was given the appearance, so to speak, of a catamaran for swimming underwater. It does not consist of two buildings (external and internal), as usual, but five: two main and three additional.

The result is excellent buoyancy (40%).

Almost half of the ballast when the cruiser is under water is water. No matter how much they scolded the nuclear submarine designers for this! And “the victory of technology over common sense", and "water carrier" (the nickname of the submarine "Shark"), however, it is precisely this feature that allows the cruiser to float, breaking through a 2.5-meter layer of ice, so that it can serve almost at the North Pole.

Inside the common body there are five more, two parallel; The missile silos are unusually located: they are located in front of the wheelhouse; The mechanical, torpedo and control module compartments are isolated and located in the gap formed by the main hulls, which makes the design safer.

This is also achieved by a couple of dozen waterproof compartments and two rescue chambers that can accommodate the entire crew.

The outer steel hull is coated with special rubber for sound insulation and anti-location purposes, making the submarine difficult to detect.

The huge submarine created quite comfortable conditions crew accommodation: cockpits for small groups of sailors, comfortable cabins for officers, televisions, a gym, even a swimming pool, solarium and sauna, two wardrooms and a “living corner”.

Submarine armament

“Akula” is armed with two dozen R-39 “Variant” (these are ballistic missiles, each weighing 90 tons). There are also torpedo tubes(6 pieces) and Igla-1 MANPADS. Interestingly, even from a depth of 55 meters, a submarine can fire these missiles almost in one gulp.

Quite comfortable living conditions for the crew have been created on the huge submarine: the sailors live in small cabins for several people, while the officers occupy double cabins.

In addition to the gym and two cabins, there is a sauna and a small swimming pool on board, there is even a solarium and a “living corner”.

The commander's chair in the control room can only be used by the captain; even Defense Minister P. Grachev, who visited the submarine in 1993 and broke tradition, was unanimously condemned by all those present.

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