The richest dynasties in the world. Family values. What is the secret of success of the richest clans Mars Family, USA

Richest families the world become the most powerful people of their time. Huge capital allows them to influence the development of states and peoples. For thousands of years this right was in the hands of royal dynasties. But with the advent of technological progress, they got a chance to get to the top simple people, whose foresight and determination allowed them to reach the heights of success.

The Rothschild dynasty has been a leader in the ratings of the wealthiest families in the world for many years. They earned their $2 trillion wealth by creating a financial empire.

The family is one of the most “closed” in the world. In order not to dilute capital for almost 300 years and maintain the secrecy of family finances, clan members agree to intra-family marriages, are never involved in scandals and generally try to avoid appearing in the media. They even do charity work anonymously.

The amount of their capital is very approximate, since the Rothschilds own such a huge number of financial corporations that it is simply impossible to estimate them accurately.

Morgan family

Today the Morgans control about 20% of US GDP. Their capital is estimated at $1.5 trillion. The clan owns hundreds of successful companies across America. Among them are such industrial giants as General Motors and General Electric.

The family's activities are not limited to electrical and automobile business. Their concerns produce engines for space rockets, nuclear reactors and tanks.

Al Saud family

Members royal family have ruled for more than 300 years Saudi Arabia. In the middle of the last century, they went into the oil business, which brought fantastic income.

Today, the dynasty not only rules the state, but also owns a capital of $1.4 trillion. Last year, the family gave more than $30 billion to charity.

Walton family

The family earned its capital of $152 billion from the development of a huge chain of supermarkets. Today, the Wal-Mart chain has 11 thousand stores in the United States and 27 other countries around the world. The trading network is considered the No. 1 retailer in the world. You can buy almost everything there - from a barrel to a computer.

Sam Walton himself was simple guy from a poor family of farmers. The Great Depression pushed the development of the entrepreneurial talent of the young man, who learned to make money literally out of thin air.

Koch family

Brothers Charles and David Koch often become involved in scandals in the United States. They are always in opposition to power. Businessmen are constantly criticized by the media and rumors are spread about their participation in a secret organization. The Kochs say they are against democracy while supporting LGBT people and are against US militant policies.

What name comes to mind when you hear the words “richest families”? Rockefeller? You guessed wrong! Trump? Again - by! Gates? You are confusing, we are not asking about the richest people, but about families, dynasties, especially since Bill Gates signed the “giving pledge”, his billions will go to philanthropic purposes, and his descendants will get nothing. Participants in our rating prefer to preserve and increase capital in order to pass it on from generation to generation. These numbers may change, but only slightly.

From L'Oreal owners to generous philanthropists: the richest families on the planet

Bettencourt: the French “beauty factory”

To paint a picture of the origins of the Bettencourt family's billions, you only need one word: "L'Oreal." Back in 1907, this legendary business was started by the chemist Eugene Schullet, and the Frenchman registered his own company two years later. The company began producing hair and skin care products. When Eugene died, his daughter Liliane Bettencourt took over the reins. She is now a very old woman and suffers from senile dementia, so her only daughter and grandson take care of the family company. Betancourt's capital is $36 billion.

The Lous Vuitton brand and more: Arnault and his children

The second participant in our top richest families is also from France. The founding father of the dynasty, Bernard Arnault, has his own luxury brand Lous Vuitton (he is the chairman and CEO company), but his interests extend much further. Arnault also owns other companies, including Dom Perignon, Cartier and Bulgari. Should I continue? 67-year-old Francois greatly appreciates art and owns $39 billion. The businessman has five children from two wives.

Cokes: American media moguls

In 1898, James M. Cox bought the Dayton Evening News newspaper, and this began the “ascent” of the American media magnate. Today James' grandchildren took over family business: a fortune of 41 billion dollars is divided among five of them. The empire now includes radio stations, cable television companies and another company (acquired 11 years ago for $4 billion) to create software for car dealers.

The Cargill-McMillan family has the most billionaires

By according to Forbes, one of the richest families, Cargill-McMillan, includes the most billionaires compared to other participants in this rating: there are 14 of them, the total capital of the clan is $49 billion. Members of this family own the largest private company involved in the bio-industry, agriculture, energy, food and pharmaceutical industries. However, most of the income (about $108 billion) came to the Cargills from agribusiness. W. W. Cargill opened his own business back in 1865, the business developed as construction progressed railways. In 1909, the owner’s son-in-law John MacMillan took over the family company, after which the company received the double name “Cargill-McMillan”. The family has not run the corporation since 1995, but they still own 88% of its shares, and six members of the clan hold various positions on the board.

Slim Helu: Mexico's Dominant Clan

Carlos Slim Helu is the richest man in Mexico, ranking fourth on Forbes' list of billionaires this year. He owns a huge amount of money - $47.8 billion, and the Slim Helu family capital is $52 billion. Economic downturn in South America(and on the market cellular communication) caused irreparable damage to this dynasty - just a year ago their fortune was 2 times greater. Even despite this, the clan confidently ranks 6th in the top richest families.

Sweet tooth favorites: owners of the Mars company

We're sure you've all bought Mars family candy at least a few times! After all, Milky Way, Snickers and M&M's are popular not only in the homeland of their manufacturers, in America, but throughout the world. Frank Mars began selling candy in 1911, 18 years later his son joined him Forrest: This was the era of the invention of flavored nougat - it became the basis for the best-selling candy Snickers. Today, Mars is a manufacturer of not only confectionery products, but also food for dogs (Royal Canin) and cats (Whiskas), and also - delicious sauces. Mars's capital is $78 billion.

Unsinkable Kochs

Oil and gasoline are a win-win option! People always and everywhere need fuel, which is why the Koch family and their private American company Koch Industries own $82 billion. The family business's origins date back to the 1920s when Fred C. Koch developed a new method for converting heavy crude oil into gasoline. Now the company has launched its “tentacles” into many areas: housing, transport, food and fuel production, and even... the production of towel holders with motion sensors.

Wiltons bet on retail

While most of the richest families are scattered and investing in different kinds business, the Walton clan is focused only on its mega-project. This is the largest retail chain in the United States, Walmart supermarkets. The income from them is approaching 483 billion dollars, and the family capital has exceeded 130 billion dollars. It all started with Sam Walton and his brother James (“Bud”), who founded the retail business in 1962. After the brothers died, the company passed to Sam's two sons and daughter and Bud's two daughters. Today, the third generation of Waltons is in charge of the business.

Royal dynasty of Saudi Arabia: Al Sauds

The Al Sauds (or House of Saud) have long ruled Saudi Arabia. The legendary family member Muhammad ibn Saud was the founder of the First Saudi State (this was in the 18th century). Now the family has thousands of members, whose capital is not even in billions: the Al-Sauds’ money is 1.4 trillion. dollars. Some members of the ruling royal dynasty are included in the Forbes list of billionaires: for example, Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal ranks 41st with a fortune of $19.5 billion. He is the owner of palaces, luxury yachts, works of art, many resorts and the Four Seasons hotel chain.

The Discreet Charm of the Rothschild Trillionaires

If you want 1 trillion. dollars (in hundred bills) were laid out on the ground in piles as tall as you were, you would need an area of ​​almost 2 acres. Imagine how much money that is! Now imagine 10 trillion. dollars is the approximate total capital ancient family Rothschilds. Even Forbes does not risk calculating the fortune of these bankers, so official lists The world's richest families, the Rothschilds, do not appear. The empire of the Rothschilds, Jews who once lived in Germany, dates back to the 1760s, when Mayer Amschel Rothschild founded his first bank. Decades later, he sent his son to England to expand the family business. Now there are three branches of the banking dynasty: French, English and Austrian (only through the female line). They are known for their philanthropy: once possessing the most extensive collection of world art masterpieces, the Rothschilds made donations to museums, always anonymously.

The richest families in the world live in 4 countries. Among them are heirs of huge fortunes, pioneers of the international financial market, dynasties of entrepreneurs and manufacturers confectionery. One of them is headed by a woman. Two gained wealth through politics and privileged access to resources, and one employs more than 2 million people. Each family has a wealth of at least $34 billion, and two have more than $1 trillion.

1. Rothschild family, Germany

British actress Joanna Lumley with Lord Jacob Rothschild, who received the Prince of Wales Medal for Charity

Net worth ≈ $350 billion – $2 trillion

The richest families in the world cannot do without these people. The surname Rothschild is associated with international banking business since the late 1700s. Mayer Rothschild, who began this dynasty of rich men, was the chosen assistant and financial manager of the German royal family. He used his position in the courts to give great development banking for the German aristocracy. When his five sons came of age, they were based in Frankfurt, Naples, London, Vienna and Paris, managing the affairs of local banks. From that moment on, the centuries-old financial empire began to flourish.

Due to their relative restraint and isolation in matters of business, the Rothschilds formed an impression of themselves as conspirators and secret sculptors of history. It is difficult to track their assets and capital among large quantity descendants, but we can say for sure that they are still very rich. It is not for nothing that the family motto “Concordia Integritas Industria” calls for harmony, integrity and providence.

2. Royal House of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia

King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud

Net worth ≈ $1.4 trillion

Although the modern government of Saudi Arabia was formed in 1932, the Al Saud family maintains absolute monarchy in the country since the 1700s. Since 2016, the family has been headed by King Salman bin Abdulaziz al Saud. The state he rules has huge oil reserves, which accounts for the Saudis' enormous wealth.

3. Walton family, USA

Son of founder Sam Walton, chairman Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Rob Walton, on stage during the AGM

Net worth ≈ $152 billion

Sam Walton built a retail empire in a relatively short period. In the late 1940s and 50s, he gained sales experience in various franchise stores. In July 1962, Walton opened the first store in Rogers, Arkansas, called Walmart, and then Walmart Discount City. Since 2016, the chain has been called Wal-Mart Stores Inc. .

Walton revolutionized the retail industry. The success was brought by an original strategy - to open large stores with a large assortment of goods in small towns where there is no fierce competition. In the process of development, the company began to provide services for the search, selection and delivery of goods.

Sam Walton's six heirs own 54% of Wal-Mart. It is now the largest non-governmental employer in the world, employing approximately 2.1 million people (as of 2015).

4. Koch family, USA

Brothers David and Charles Koch

Net worth ≈ $89 billion

Koch Industries is the second largest private company in the world. It is a multinational conglomerate whose activities include real estate, finance, oil production and refining, consumer goods trading, chemicals and fertilizers.

It all started in 1940, when Frederick Koch launched an oil refinery. Things were going well, but the company's real heyday began in the 1980s, when the business came under the control of his sons Charles and David.

5. Mars Family, USA

Business tycoon. Son of Forrest Mars Sr. and grandson of Frank Mars, founder of the American confectionery company Mars

Net worth ≈ $80 billion

The richest families in the world love sweet life. Most of These people's fortunes were earned thanks to the world's largest candy and confectionery corporation, Mars Inc.

The company was founded in 1911 by Franklin Mars. His son Forest Mars became a worthy heir to the confectionery empire, and built on the company's success, including the launch of products such as Mars bars and M&Ms candies.

6. Slim Family, Mexico

Carlos Slim Helu - Mexican businessman of Lebanese origin, son of Maronite emigrants from Lebanon

Net worth ≈ $77 billion

Carlos Slim Helu in 2016 was in fourth place on the list of the richest people on the planet according to Forbes magazine. In the period from 2010 to 2013, he took first place in this ranking. Slim is the founder of Grupo Carso, a holding conglomerate that controls approximately 40% of the Mexican stock exchange (based on total share value). The main leaders of the financial empire are Carlos Slim himself and his sons.

7. Cargill-McMillan family, USA

Cargill CEO and President - Dave McMillan

Net worth ≈ $45 billion

The only private company in the world that is worth more than Koch Industries is Cargill Inc. (American food company). It was founded in 1865 by William Wallace Cargill. The company is 88% owned by the Cargill-McMillan family, which has 14 dollar billionaires. This is more than any other family in the world.

8. Bettencourt Family, France

Liliane Bettencourt with her daughter

Net worth ≈ $42.7 billion

In 1909, a young Franco-German chemist named Eugene Schuller developed a unique hair dye formula. Since Paris was the fashion capital of the world at the time, Eugene had no problem finding a market among wealthy Parisians and hairdressers. As a result, Schuller's business turned into cosmetics market giant L'Oreal. His daughter, Liliane, took control of the company after the death of her father and husband André Bettencourt in 2016. And in 2017, the largest cosmetics business was inherited by Liliane's daughter Francoise Bettencourt Myers - the most rich woman in the world at the moment.

9. Arnault family, France

Bernard Arnault - French businessman, president of the Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy group of companies

Net worth ≈ $37.7 billion

Another French billionaire family, the Arnaults, are best known as the owner luxury brands Moet Hennessy, Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior. Family patriarch Bernard Jean Etienne Arnault remains chairman and CEO of Louis Vuitton. His two children, Antoine and Delphine, also participate in the administration of the empire.

10. Cox family, USA

James Cox - American politician, 46th and 48th Governor of Ohio, US presidential candidate in the 1920 election

Net worth ≈ $34.5 billion

The last place in the ranking of the richest families in the world is occupied by the surname Cox. They have learned to turn access to government into wealth that can be passed on from generation to generation. James Middleton Cox served two non-consecutive terms as governor of Ohio. In 1920, he took part in the unsuccessful presidential campaign from Democratic Party.

After his political experiences, he opened several newspapers and built a media brand while remaining close to the Democratic Party and Franklin D. Roosevelt, who chose him as his assistant in 1920. Cox Enterprises is now run by two of James Cox's grandchildren.

Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of the richest people in the Middle East, lost $1.2 billion in 48 hours from the moment of his arrest, Bloomberg calculated. The prince was among Saudi ministers and members of the royal family suspected of corruption on November 4.

Quotes of the prince's investment company Kingdom Holding fell by 9.9% on the first day after his detention, and at the close of trading on Monday they dropped to their lowest level since December 2011. As of Monday evening, Bloomberg estimated Al-Waleed's fortune at $17.8 billion. According to The Wall Street Journal, the prince has not yet been charged; he is suspected of money laundering.

The prince's investments through Kingdom Holding are not disclosed.

In an interview with CNBC in October, Al-Waleed admitted that he had invested in the banking group Citigroup, the microblogging service Twitter, the film company Twenty-First Century Fox and the Chinese online retailer The businessman, in equal shares with Bill Gates, controls 95% of the Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts hotel chain (through the companies Kingdom Hotels and Cascade Investment, 5% is held by the founder of the chain, Isador Sharp). The Prince also owns some historic hotels, such as the George V in Paris and the Savoy in London, and modern hotels such as the Four Seasons Toronto.

The Anti-Corruption Committee in Saudi Arabia was created by order of King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud. It was headed crown prince Mohammed bin Salman. The committee began work on November 4. Already on November 5, it became known that several dozen people had been detained. They include 11 princes, four ministers, former ministers, their deputies and entrepreneurs. It was reported that all the detainees were placed in the 5-star Ritz Carlton hotel. This news caused the Saudi stock market to fall, but oil prices: Brent is trading above $64 per barrel for the first time in more than two years.

Many commentators describe what's happening in Saudi Arabia as a brutal consolidation of power, said Jon Treacy, co-publisher of the investment newsletter Fuller Treacy Money. However, in his opinion, a more nuanced approach is needed in assessments. Saudi Arabia has been at war or supporting military operations in Yemen, Iraq and Syria for at least three years, but oil prices during this period were significantly below the levels that would finance such significant expenses, Tricy recalls. He believes that Saudi Arabia should be viewed more as a feudal kingdom: “The aristocrats are in a privileged position because when it comes time to defend the kingdom from threats, both foreign and domestic, they are expected to rally around the crown and ensure everything necessary to maintain the status quo. Arrest of the princes former ministers and officials, which happened less than a week after the “Davos in the Desert” conference aimed at attracting investment into the country, is both a claim to establish control and a demand to swear allegiance in the most financial sense. In the past, when aristocrats refused to obey, their lands and titles were taken away. Those currently being held at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh should remember this.”

Today we hear the names of billionaires such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Carlos Slim. But one person's success is nothing compared to what an entire family can achieve.

Rothschild family

How they got rich: Banking (mostly).

Family status: cannot be assessed. According to rumors, from 350 billion to 34 trillion dollars (the latter figure is closer to the truth).

Heine once said: “Money is the god of our time, and Rothschild is its prophet.” Today, the names of the Rothschilds are rarely seen on the Forbes list of the richest people on the planet. The clan's wealth is evenly distributed among its many members, so that the wealth of one family member is not something extraordinary (compared to, say, the wealth of Gates). However, the strength of the Rothschild family lies in its unity, and here it has no equal, including in terms of capital.

The clan dates back to late XVIII century. It all started with Mayer Amschel, who founded a bank in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. His business quickly took off; Mayer’s business was continued by his five sons, who managed to significantly increase their capital. The dynasty quickly gained strength and power. It soon spread throughout the world. It is known about branches of the Rothschild family in Austria, Italy, Britain, France, etc. For two centuries, the clan influenced the destinies of entire states, using its wealth and connections for manipulation.

The family was able to rise due to strict adherence to the rules established by its founding father. Firstly, in the financial world of the Rothschilds, all key positions are occupied only by family members. Secondly, disputes and conflicts within the clan remain there. The Rothschilds do not wash dirty linen in public. Thirdly, the property accumulated by the family is preserved within the family, so marriages between Mayer’s cousins ​​are not uncommon.

Today there are many conspiracy theories related to the Rothschilds. Some say that the clan secretly rules the world. The rumors are fueled to a large extent by the relatively secretive lifestyle of Mayer’s heirs, who do their business quietly, adhering to the principle “money loves silence.”

Rockefeller family

How they got rich: trade, oil business.

Condition: cannot be estimated, according to official data - about 10 billion dollars.

Still the same conspiracy theories They put the Rockefellers on the same scale as the Rothschilds. The “modest” figure of $10 billion, at which the family’s fortune is estimated, hardly reflects the true size of the capital.

The family's history began with John Davison Rockefeller. He was born in 1839 into the family of a small merchant. John was distinguished by modesty and frugality. The guy has been accustomed to work since childhood. He raised domestic animals, which he later sold, and tried his hand at accounting, but achieved real success in commerce. Rockefeller made his fortune in oil. At one time, he invested in a promising resource, which soon brought him unprecedented income. IN late XIX century oil company Rockefeller's Standard Oil controlled 90 percent oil industry USA. John became the first dollar billionaire in the history of mankind. At the time of his death in 1937, his fortune was approximately $200 billion (in modern money, adjusted for inflation).

Rockefeller's heirs continued the work of their ancestor. Among them were not only famous businessmen, but also politicians. Nelson Rockefeller was Vice President of the United States in the 70-80s of the 20th century.

The success of the Rockefeller family lies in the ability not only to make money, but also to save it. The clan practices regular family meetings. John great value attached to the opinion of his wife.

Saud family

How they got rich: selling oil.

Family wealth: about $1.4 trillion.

Saudis - ruling royal dynasty in Saudi Arabia. The history of the family dates back to the 18th century. It played a huge role in the fate of the Arabian Peninsula. The great fortune of the current Saudis cannot be considered the greatest achievement of the clan, which was realized primarily in the political arena.

Since 1720, the Saudis have been a dynasty of emirs (princes). Emir Muhammad ibn Saud in the 18th century supported the theologian Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab and accepted his religious teaching, which today is known as Wahhabism. Through centuries of bloody wars, the Saudi family managed to expand its possessions and strengthen its influence in the region. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932. At the end of the 30s of the 20th century, gigantic oil reserves were found in the country, which today is the basis of the state’s well-being.

The Saudi clan is one of the largest in the world. The exact number of its members can hardly be counted. The men of the clan had no shortage of love affairs; as a rule, they had many children. For example, the founder and first king of Saudi Arabia, Abdul Aziz ibn Abdurrahman Al Saud, had more than ten wives, and he left behind 45 legitimate sons. The 25th son, Salman, rules the country today.

Walton family

How they got rich: retail, namely: the WalMart hypermarket chain.

Family wealth: about $130 billion.

The Waltons traditionally top the ranking of the richest family clans in the United States according to Forbes. The most striking pages of the family's history were written by the American Sam Walton (1918-1992). He was born into a family of farmers. The future billionaire was not a good boy; the street became his “university”.

As a child, Walton helped his parents a lot with the housework, while at the same time looking for opportunities to earn money. Sam raised pigeons for sale and distributed the latest newspapers. In 1942, he was drafted into the army, after which Walton went into the retail business. He started from scratch and soon reached unprecedented heights. Walton's secret to success is a personal approach to the client. He worked with every customer who came to him and made sure that people wanted to return to his store. He was one of the first businessmen to use a low-price strategy - he cut out intermediaries and purchased goods directly from the manufacturer. Walton's four children continue their father's work today.

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