The brightest and most unusual birds in the world. The most beautiful birds in the world. West African fire velvet weaver


It is difficult to compete with the regal grandeur of a luxurious peacock tail, reminiscent of a scattering of precious stones. Therefore, it is not surprising that the peacock leads the top ten most beautiful birds in the world, solemnly taking first place.
The peacock has enjoyed celebrity at all times. For 3000 years it has been depicted on art objects, sung in legends, religion and literature, depicted on national and commercial symbols.
So it is considered a sacred bird in Judaism, a national symbol of Myanmar, Iran and India. For many years, the logo of the famous television company in America (NBC) flaunts the image of a peacock. Also, with its regal beauty, the peacock adorned the palaces of crowned persons, being considered a symbol of power and wealth.


Recognized as one of the most delightful representatives of birds. Males are famous for their eye-catching bright plumage and rich tail. The golden plumage of the pheasant's head with black stripes resembles the royal headdress of the pharaoh - nemes, thanks to which the bird looks even more majestic.
Even the legendary leader of the Argonauts, Jason, during his famous campaign for the Golden Fleece, was tempted by the golden plumage of this bird and brought the precious trophy to Greece. The pheasant is present in the plots of many fairy tales and legends. Remember the tale of the Firebird? It was the golden pheasant with its sparkling plumage that lives in China that became the prototype of this fabulous miracle bird.


It is considered one of the most beautiful and romantic birds in the world, standing out for its aristocratic nobility of appearance. This is a rather large bird, which, however, does not prevent it from being very elegant and graceful. It reaches a height of more than a meter, and its wingspan is 198 cm. The head of the crane is royally crowned with a golden crest, reminiscent of a royal diadem.
For many years, the bird has symbolized the most precious human values. Due to its monogamy, it personifies family happiness. It is also considered a symbol of longevity. Being the most romantic bird, the crowned crane performs breathtaking mating dances for its chosen one, indulging in a graceful dance with complex “pas”.


Perhaps the biggest fashionista in the world of birds, famous for extravagant "outfits" haute couture. In its bright plumage, the most saturated colors are combined in an original way. A distinctive feature of her appearance is a luxurious flaming tail fan. Large birds of paradise live mainly in the highland forests of Australia, New Guinea and Indonesia. Unfortunately, these beauties are very rare. The greatest probability of seeing them is during the current period.


An exotic Tropican who lives on uninhabited islands. A distinctive feature of this variety of dove is a train of multi-colored long feathers around the neck, like a royal mantle. The feathers of a maned dove sparkle with iridescent tints no worse than precious stones. The bird looks especially advantageous in bright sunlight.


These birds are considered the most beautiful representatives. Their colorful plumage pleases the eye with its brightness and original combination of colors. The halo of their habitat in the Far East. Mandarin ducks are very revered in China. They are often depicted in art as a symbol of eternal fidelity. In this regard, images of mandarin ducks decorate rooms for marriage ceremonies in order to wish the newlyweds happiness in family life.


The bird was awarded the title - the king of parrots. Representatives of this species boast bright, defiant plumage. This is not only a very beautiful, but also an extremely intelligent bird. A macaw can be taught to talk and has a vocabulary of over 100 words. However, external virtues brought the parrot more grief than happiness. Ara was in great demand among the Indians. Its meat was eaten, and beautiful feathers were used for decorations for ritual attire. All this led to the fact that the macaw was almost on the verge of extinction. Macaws are long-lived, living up to 80 years. It is found in nature from Ecuador to Mexico, in the Amazon tropics and in Bolivia.


Cardinal Mazarin himself could envy the serious diplomatic look and crimson-red “mantle” of this bird. In addition to a very noticeable appearance, the bird also boasts an amazing voice. The trills of the red cardinal are somewhat reminiscent of the singing of a nightingale. Americans have very warm feelings for this bird, identifying it with the symbol of Christmas. In this regard, the red cardinal in America, like a bullfinch in Russia, is depicted on festive New Year and Christmas cards. This bird lives in America and on some islands, therefore it is unfamiliar to us.


Due to its very expressive appearance, the hoopoe is considered one of the most beautiful and recognizable birds on Earth. A tall red crest, framed at the ends with white and black kitichkas, when opened, is very reminiscent of the headdress of the Indians. Striped black and white wings contrast very beautifully with the red body. The halo of its habitat is Africa, central Europe and Asia. The hoopoe is very loved and revered by many peoples of the world, occupying a significant place in their culture.


Among the many feathered flamingos, they are distinguished by one of the most extravagant appearances. There are six types of flamingos in total, but pink ones are considered the most beautiful. The bird is distinguished by a graceful long neck ending in a black hook-shaped beak. They reach a height of up to 130 cm. One of the amazing features of flamingos is the ability to freeze on one leg, leaving only the upper part of the beak movable. Thousand-strong colonies of flamingos look especially impressive on the banks of reservoirs against the backdrop of the setting sun.
Well, what a flamingo without Alena Sviridova:

It is difficult to imagine life without birds - beautiful, with surprisingly bright plumage. They instill in our life a lot of positive emotions and positive. Birds are one of the most interesting and amazing creatures on earth.

The article will describe some of the most beautiful birds in the world.

general information

An amazing variety of natural colors can be seen not only in plants and flowers, but also in the vast animal world, especially in the world of birds. About 10 thousand species of birds live on earth in total. Some of them are the strongest and largest, some are the smallest, some are the fastest, and there are also the brightest and most beautiful. There are truly birds of paradise among them in their beauty.

In natural conditions, many birds live, trying to merge with the environment with their inconspicuous plumage in order to avoid any danger. The selection of birds in this article, on the contrary, represents birds that demonstrate their originality with the bright colors of their plumage. Moreover, many of them have unusual behavior.

Below are the most beautiful birds in the world.


The peacock belongs to the pheasant family and is famous for its amazingly bright tail feathers, used during periods of courtship with the opposite sex. When unfolded, they represent the shape of a large fan with "eyes".

This species is not subdivided into subspecies (monotypic), but has a number of color options.

These amazingly beautiful birds are distributed in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. They live at an altitude of about 2 km. above sea level in woodlands and jungles, in cultivated lands near villages. They prefer thickets of shrubs, river banks and forest clearings.

These beautiful birds are polygamous. The male lives in a group with several females. Up to 1.5 years in plumage, he looks like a female, and only from the age of 3 years does he begin to develop beautiful bright feathers. The life expectancy of peacocks is approximately 20 years. This bird is domesticated by man.

The length of her body reaches 125 centimeters, and the tail - 50 centimeters. Uppertail feathers are up to 160 centimeters long. The weight of the male is about 4 kilograms. The neck, head and part of the chest are blue, the underside of the body is black, and its back is green. The smaller female is more modestly colored and lacks elongated rump feathers.

mandarin duck

The most beautiful duck belongs to the duck family. Distributed in East Asia. She also lives in Russia - in the Sakhalin and Amur regions, in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories. They winter in Japan and China.

The male of this small bird (weighing approximately 600 g) has a crest on its head, more brightly colored than that of the female.

These ducks inhabit mountain streams with trees along the banks, the branches of which hang over the water. Mandarin swims well, but she rarely dives, only when she is in danger. Its flight is very maneuverable and fast with easy takeoff, sometimes even vertical.

These small beautiful birds feed on seeds (mainly acorns). Their diet also includes aquatic plants, mollusks, worms and fish eggs. The breeding efficiency of mandarin ducks (usually up to 14 eggs in a clutch) is affected by weather conditions, since chicks are very sensitive to hypothermia.

hyacinth macaw

This bird is one of the largest parrot species. Often it reaches 95 cm in length, and most of which falls on the tail. The wing has a length of 36 centimeters, and the macaw weighs an average of 1.5 kg.

The feathers of this species are colored cobalt blue. On the sides, the head is covered with golden-yellow plumage, only a thin strip at the mandible and the ring around the eyes do not have feathers. The tail is narrow and long gray-blue. The large dark gray (almost black) beak of the male is much larger than that of the female. The voice of the macaw is sharp and very loud, alternating with a hoarse screech.

These very beautiful birds live in the eastern, central and southeastern parts of Brazil. Inquisitive and trusting birds are easily tamed and even strongly attached to humans. Macaws have an excellent memory.

These birds build their nests among stones in crevices, in burrows on steep banks of rivers and in hollows of trees. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 years. In laying most often there are only 2 eggs. Due to the fact that these birds live in rather inaccessible places, their lifestyle has not been studied much.

The bird, mostly living in Africa and Eurasia, has an unusual beautiful crest.

A feature of hoopoes is that they like to take sunbaths, spreading their tail and wing feathers on the ground, while turning their heads 180 degrees. They love both sand and dust baths.

bird of paradise

In total, there are 45 species of such birds in nature, of which 38 live only in New Guinea and on small islands adjacent to it.

Birds of paradise are members of the passerine family. To a greater extent they are forest, but there are several species that can only be found in high mountain forests. Their size can reach the size of a jay and a lark. Most of them have bright plumage, and some are dark, with some metallic tint. They are mostly red, yellow and blue. As a rule, males are brighter than females, and most of them have feathers decorating them on their heads, tails or sides, which they demonstrate during mating games.

These amazingly beautiful birds mainly feed on insects, seeds, berries, fruits, small lizards and tree frogs. They are usually solitary, pairs are rare. Some monogamous species mate for life. Nests are built on branches, only the royal bird of paradise settles in hollows of trees, in which the female lays and incubates only 2 eggs.

golden pheasant

This bird, magnificent in its beauty, comes from China (western part). Her orange drape around her neck has a practical purpose. During the mating season, the male spreads it like a fan to demonstrate its beauty with bright colors and shades of plumage.

These birds avoid marshy, forest and open areas. They live high in the mountains. They mostly stay alone. In the spring they come together in pairs.

Pheasants feed on shoots and leaves of various shrubs and bamboo. They also eat rhododendron flowers. At night, they sleep high in the trees to avoid predators.

This unusually beautiful bird is native to Central America. In the forests of this corner of the earth, these magnificent birds have found their refuge. They have not only an original hairstyle with an amazing tuft and rich coloring of feathers, but also a great appetite.

Quezals eat almost everything: lizards, small insects, insects, fruits, etc.


These magnificent birds are generously endowed by nature not only with luxurious and light wings that allow them to soar freely in the sky, but also with an amazing coloring of their plumage, which gives them a wonderful, fabulous look.

You can admire them tirelessly and endlessly.

Your attention is presented to the ten most beautiful birds that are only found on our planet.

10. American kestrel. This species can be found throughout the Western Hemisphere. The American Kestrel is considered one of the most graceful and miniature birds of prey in the world.

9. Atlantic puffin. These birds can be found on the rocky shores of the North Atlantic. They feed on fish and marine invertebrates. The name of the bird comes from their boundless gullibility.

8. Crowned crane. This species is found in West and East Africa. During the courtship period, the male performs a very interesting dance: he flaps his wings, shakes his head, jumps and makes small dashes.

7. Red cardinal. This bird can be found in the eastern states of the United States, southeastern Canada and Mexico. The male is distinguished by a bright crimson color and a black “mask” on the face, and the female has a reddish gray-cinnamon color with red feathers on the wings, chest and crest.

6. Kingfisher. The paws of this bird are so short that they do not make it possible to move around the earth, so kingfishers move by flights over short distances. Bright color is achieved by refraction of light by feathers. These birds are very fond of solitude, so it is very difficult to see them.

5. Red macaw. The fate of the king of parrots is very sad. Since ancient times, these birds have been hunted in order to get tasty meat and feathers to decorate arrows.

4. Tangerine. this bird species is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Tangerines belong to the duck family and love to sit on tree branches and coastal rocks. The flight of these birds is very fast and maneuverable, they are able to immediately rise up from a place.

3. Paradise tanager. This species lives in the eastern part of Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana and Guyana. Paradise tanager is remembered for its color: light green muzzle, blue breast and purple chin.

2. 1. Peacock. The male of this species is distinguished by highly developed upper coverts, which are often confused with the tail. Peacocks are revered in the West and East. They are one of the main characters of Indian mythology.

1. Lori parrots. Almost all the colors of the rainbow are present in the color of this bird. Lori parrots live in Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is known that with the advent of spring, birds begin to fall, forcing compassionate Australians to carry them to veterinary clinics.

The first weekend of October is International Birdwatching Day. Thousands of people around the world go to observe birds in natural conditions. And we invite you to look at the ten most beautiful birds on Earth from our selection

(Total 10 photos)

10. Lori parrots.

The color of parrots of this species is diverse, literally all the colors of the rainbow are present in it. The habitat of Lori parrots is Australia, New Guinea, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is said that every spring the birds begin to fall, forcing Australians to carry them to veterinary clinics. (Cacophony/WikiMedia)

9. American kestrel.

This bird species is distributed throughout the Western Hemisphere: from Canada to the Falkland Islands. This is one of the most graceful and smallest birds of prey in the world. (Chris/

8. Atlantic puffin.

On the steep shores of the North Atlantic, colonies of the Atlantic puffin can be found. These birds feed on small fish and marine invertebrates. The name was given to these birds because of their excessive gullibility. A large number of Atlantic puffins have been destroyed by man. (Gdefon)

7. Crowned crane.

This romantic bird lives in West and East Africa. During courtship, the birds perform a kind of dance, including bouncing, running, flapping their wings, shaking their heads. (

6. Red cardinal.

This bird can be found in the eastern states of the United States, southeastern Canada and Mexico. The male has a bright crimson coloration with a black "mask" on the face. The female is grayish-brown with reddish feathers on the wings, chest and crest. (Desktopia)

5. Kingfisher.

A fairly common bird species. The paws of the kingfisher are so short that they do not allow them to move on the ground, so representatives of this species move with the help of wings over short distances. The brightness of the plumage of birds is achieved due to the refraction of light by feathers. Despite the prevalence of the species, these birds love solitude, it is very difficult to see them. (Thomas Will)

4. Red macaw.

The king of parrots cannot boast of a happy fate. From time immemorial they were hunted by the Indians. Macaw meat was used for food, and feathers were used to decorate and plumage arrows. (Marboed/

3. Tangerine.

The bird of the duck family loves to sit on the branches of trees and coastal rocks. It has a fast and maneuverable flight, taking off easily, sometimes immediately up. Mandarin is included in the Red Book of Russia. Hunting for it is prohibited. Birds of this species are bred in parks as ornamental birds. (Tim Munsey)

2. Paradise tanager.

Habitat - Eastern Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil, French Guiana and Guyana. The color of the bird is quite specific: light green muzzle, blue breast, purple chin. (Nathan Rupert)

1. Peacock.

The only bird on this list that has been domesticated by humans. A distinctive feature of the male is the strong development of upper coverts, which are often mistaken for a tail. Peacocks are reverent in the West, they are revered in the East. In Indian mythology, when the two incarnations of the god Vishnu - Krishna and Radha - dance and play in the eternal joy of love, peacocks look at them. (Ingo Arndt)

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